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Abuyog, Leyte
S.Y. 2023-2024


Semester: 1st Quarter: 1st

Topic: Elements of Fiction Date: September 14, 2023
Activity Title: Read Me! Activity No.: 1.10
Learning Competency:
1. Do a close reading of creative nonfictional texts HUMSS_CNF11/12-Ie-f-8
2. Identify the fictional elements in the texts HUMSS_CNF11/12-I-e-f-9

Learning Target:
Read sample creative nonfiction works and point-out the elements of fiction
utilized by the writer.


I. Preliminaries:
1. Greetings
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance

II. Lesson Proper

1. Elicit
The teacher will ask the student about the learning they gained from the
previous lesson.

2. Engage
The students will read an excerpt entitled “ The long and winding road to
Bicol” taken form the travel and adventure blog of Kara Santos and they will answer the
following questions.

1. From what point of view is the text written? Why?

2. What do the text talk about? From whom do you think was the content
of the text based?
3. What can you say about the style and language used?
4. Can you name some writing elements/ conventions in the texts that are
familiar with? What are they?

3. Explore
The teacher will group the class depending on its number and then they
will read a creative nonfiction work entitled “ The Long Walk to Freedom” by
Nelson Mandela. then they will answer the questions follow.

1. Who is narrating? What point of view is used?

2. What type of creative nonfiction work do you think is the above
excerpt? What makes you say so?
3. What can today's generation learn from Mandela's ability to transcend
personal suffering and maintain a long-term perspective in the pursuit
of justice?
4. Can you provide some key themes or messages that Nelson Mandela
conveys in "The Long Walk to Freedom"?
5. How does Mandela's journey from imprisonment to presidency inspire
young leaders today to persevere in their own pursuits for positive

4. Explain
The teacher together with the students will now discuss the elements of fiction
such as:

1. Characters
2. Plot
3. Settings
4. Theme
5. Point of view
6. Conflict
7. Tone
5. Elaborate
The student’s will answer the following questions.

How does your choice of language and tone shape your

emotional response as a reader?
Describe a situation where you faced a problem or conflict.
How did you try to resolve it?
Can you identify the rising action, climax, and resolution in
that situation?
Can you think of a time when you had to make a difficult
decision? What were the opposing forces (internal or external)
influencing your choice?

Concept Notes:
There are seven elements of fiction that can be found in any story,
regardless of the form the narrative takes. These elements
are character, plot, setting, theme, point of view, conflict, and tone.
6. Evaluate
Directions: Identify elements of fiction that are present in creative
nonfiction work entitled “The Long Walk to Freedom” by
Nelson Mandela. List them down and cite the sample lines
from the text to support your answer.

III. Closure
 Collecting the papers
 Prayer
Prepared by

Subject Teacher

Checked by___________________________________ Date: __________________

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