June 2023 Bolt

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June 2023

Monthly Current Affairs

Now with


Bolt is a series of GK Summary ebooks by Oliveboard for quick revision

Table of Contents
Banking & Finance ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Economy ................................................................................................................................................................ 15
National ................................................................................................................................................................. 18
International .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
Sports .................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Agreements & MoUs .............................................................................................................................................. 41
Schemes ................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Appointments & Resignations ................................................................................................................................ 50
Awards .................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Ranks & Reports .................................................................................................................................................... 61
Important Days ...................................................................................................................................................... 68
Summit & Conferences .......................................................................................................................................... 73
Science & Technology ............................................................................................................................................ 78
Defence ................................................................................................................................................................. 80
Books & Authors .................................................................................................................................................... 83
Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................................ 84
Obituary ................................................................................................................................................................ 85
Person in news ....................................................................................................................................................... 86
Insurance ............................................................................................................................................................... 88
India & World ........................................................................................................................................................ 90
Environment .......................................................................................................................................................... 95
Apps & Portals ....................................................................................................................................................... 96
Acquisitions & Mergers .......................................................................................................................................... 97
Agri-Business ......................................................................................................................................................... 99
FinTech ................................................................................................................................................................ 100
PSUs .................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Important CA ........................................................................................................................................................ 108

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Banking & Finance

1. Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank opens • The survey collects information on the
Retail Loan Processing Cell operations of the Indian companies
• Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank having foreign technical collaborations
(KVGB) opened a Retail Loan in terms of performance indicators
Processing Cell (RLPC) at Dharwad. (e.g., production, exports, imports, cost
• The RLPC will cater to the needs of the of material) along with the crucial
city branches of Dharwad region in features of technology transfer
processing and sanctioning retail loan agreements (viz., nature, duration,
products such as housing loans, mode of payment, export restriction,
mortgage loans, vehicle loans and provision of exclusive rights, use of
education loans. technology after expiry of the
2. RBI launches Survey on Computer agreements).
Software and Information Technology 4. RBI launches the Survey on Foreign
Enabled Services (ITES) Exports: 2022-23 Liabilities and Assets of Mutual Funds and
• The Reserve Bank has launched the Asset Management Companies: 2022-23
2022-23 round of its annual survey on round
Computer Software and Information • The survey collects the information
Technology Enabled Services (ITES) from mutual fund companies and
Exports. asset management companies on their
• The survey collects data on various external financial liabilities and assets
aspects of computer services exports as as at end-March of the latest financial
well as exports of information year. The survey results are
technology enabled services (ITES) and disseminated in the public domain
business process outsourcing (BPO). besides being used in compilation of
• The survey results are disseminated in India's external sector statistics.
public domain besides being used in • The Reserve Bank of India has been
compilation of India’s external sector conducting the survey on Foreign
statistics. Collaborations in Indian Industry since
3. RBI launches the 14th round of Survey on 1965.
Foreign Collaborations in Indian Industry • The 14thround of survey with 2021-22
• The Reserve Bank of India has been and 2022-23 as the reference period
conducting the survey on Foreign has now been launched.
Collaborations in Indian Industry since 5. RBI imposes Rs 2.20 cr penalty on Indian
1965. The 14th round of survey with Overseas Bank for rule violations
2021-22 and 2022-23 as the reference • The penalty by Reserve Bank of India
period has now been launched. on IOB has been imposed as bank failed
• The schedule of this survey is required to make minimum mandatory transfer
to be filled by the Indian companies of a sum equivalent to 25 percent of
having technical collaborations with its disclosed profit for the year 2020-
foreign companies. 21 to its reserve fund and there was
significant divergence between the

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non-performing assets (NPAs) as policy initiatives. To measure the

reported by it and as assessed by the extent of financial inclusion, RBI had
inspection. constructed the Financial Inclusion (FI)
• Ajay Kumar Srivastava is the MD and Index in 2021, based on three
CEO of Indian Overseas Bank. dimensions of financial inclusion, viz.,
6. SBI launches Project Kuber in Bengaluru ‘Access’, ‘Usage’ and ‘Quality’.
• To source, facilitate and cater to 9. RBI imposes monetary penalty on
various banking needs of customers, Sawantwadi Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd.,
State Bank of India, Bengaluru Circle Sawantwadi, Maharashtra
launched 'Project Kuber', which will • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has, by
have four Transaction Banking Hubs an order, imposed a monetary penalty
and One Corporate Salary Package of '3.00 lakh (Rupees Three lakh only)
Hub. on Sawantwadi Urban Co-operative
• These hubs will help to increase the Bank Ltd., Sawantwadi (the bank) for
market share in liability products of SBI. contravention of directions contained
• Transaction Banking Hubs will offer in the Supervisory Action Framework
services to corporate/non-corporate (SAF) issued by RBI under section 36 (1)
clients, from account opening to read with section 56 of the Banking
onboarding them on SBI’s digital Regulation Act, 1949.
platforms. • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also
7. ESAF Small Finance Bank adopts paperless imposed a monetary penalty of '1.00
initiative lakh (Rupees One lakh only) on Kokan
• ESAF Small Finance Bank, a leading Mercantile Co-operative Bank
small finance bank in India, has crossed Limited., Mumbai (the bank) for
another milestone in its digital journey contravention of directions issued by
with the adoption of e-signature for RBI on Maintenance of Deposit
micro-loan disbursals. Accounts.
• As on March 31, ESAF Bank has • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also
disbursed over 5.27 lakh loans through imposed a monetary penalty of '2.00
e-signatures, showcasing its lakh (Rupees Two lakh only) on Bajirao
commitment to digital transformation. Appa Sahakari Bank Ltd.,
8. RBI launches (ANTARDRIHSTI) Financial Ankalkhop (Maharashtra) (the
Inclusion Dashboard bank) for non-compliance with the
• Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, directions issued by RBI on
launched a Financial Inclusion ‘Investments by Primary (Urban) Co-
Dashboard, named, (ANTARDRIHSTI). operative Banks’ and ‘Know Your
• As the name suggests, the dashboard Customers’ (KYC).
will provide the required insight to • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also
assess and monitor the progress of imposed a monetary penalty of '1.00
financial inclusion by capturing lakh (Rupees One lakh only) on Shri
relevant parameters. Laxmi Sahakari Bank Ltd.,
• The Reserve Bank has been promoting Mhaisal (Maharashtra) (the bank) for
financial inclusion through various non-compliance with the directions

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issued by RBI on ‘Know Your be able to link the UPI and Rupay Card
Customers’ (KYC). in the app to help them avail the Credit
10. RBI releases data on ECB / FCCB / RDB on UPI offers and cashback.
for April 2023 13. HDFC Bank introduces Millennia Credit
• The Reserve Bank of India released the Card
data on External Commercial • HDFC Bank has introduced a new credit
Borrowings (ECB), Foreign Currency card Millennia offering cashback. The
Convertible Bonds (FCCB) and Rupee card comes with contactless
Denominated Bonds (RDB) both, technology allowing customers to 'tap
through Automatic Route and Approval and pay' via POS machine.
Route, for the month of April 2023. • The HDFC Millennia Credit card offers
11. Bank of Baroda launches cash cashback and reward points on
withdrawal facility via UPI on its ATMs Amazon, Flipkart, and other e-
• Bank of Baroda announced launch of commerce platforms. In addition, the
Interoperable Cardless Cash card also offers 1 per cent cashback on
Withdrawal (ICCW) facility wherein a offline purchases, smart EMI.
customer can withdraw cash using UPI 14. RBI permits banks to issue RuPay Prepaid
from the bank's ATMs. Forex cards
• The first public sector bank to launch • In order to expand payment options for
this service, Bank of Baroda customers Indians travelling abroad, the Reserve
as well as customers of other Bank of India decided to allow issuance
participating issuer banks that use of RuPay Prepaid Forex cards by banks
BHIM UPI, bob World UPI or any other in India for use at ATMs, PoS machines
UPI application enabled for ICCW on and online merchants overseas.
their mobile phone can withdraw cash • Further, RuPay Debit, Credit, and
from a Bank of Baroda ATM without Prepaid Cards will be enabled for
using their debit card issuance in foreign jurisdictions, which
12. Axis Bank Joins Hands With Kiwi App To can be used internationally, including in
Facilitate UPI Payments Using Credit Cards India
• Axis Bank has partnered with Kiwi, a 15. PNB plans to raise funds via Employee
credit card platform, to launch the Stock Purchase Scheme
Credit on UPI app. The app aims to • State-owned Punjab National Bank
offer a one-stop solution for RuPay (PNB) has proposed to raise funds
credit card users. from the sale of up to 15 crore shares
• With the Kiwi app, the company aims under its Employee Stock Purchase
to craft a direct-to-customer model in Scheme (ESPS).
the credit card market wherein • At the current market price, PNB would
customers can pay either using a bank raise up to Rs 780 crore from the
account directly or a credit card via scheme.
phones in a secure manner. • Employee stock purchase scheme
• Furthermore, users of the Kiwi Credit (ESPS) means a scheme under which
Card will be given a digital RuPay credit the company offers shares to
card instantly through which users will
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employees as part of a public issue or regulated entity and the default loss
otherwise. guarantee provider like a digital lender.
16. YES BANK reveals new brand identity 18. Kotak Bank launches Rserve, a premium
with renewed logo account for the super rich
• YES BANK unveiled a lively new logo • Kotak Private Banking, a division of
that continues and expands on the Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd, has unveiled
bank's visual identity. Kotak Rserve, a Savings Programme
• The tick has been converted into a curated exclusively for UHNIs(Ultra
soaring bird, representing the bank's High Net Worth Individuals) &
current soaring position, according to HNIs(High Net Worth Individuals).
the firm. Furthermore, the smoothed- • This by-invite programme extends
out corners and fluid curves have beyond banking services, offering a
replaced the former logo's jagged range of exclusive amenities to provide
edges. clients with an unparalleled luxury
• Furthermore, YES BANK is preparing to banking experience.
launch an integrated campaign with 19. South Indian Bank launches digital
the motto ‘Life Ko Banao Rich,’ which platform for hassle-free account opening
reflects the bank’s main goal of being a • South Indian Bank has introduced SIB
total solution provider for all financial SWIFTe, an innovative and customer-
matters. centric digital account opening
17. RBI permits FLDG between fintechs & platform that eliminates the hassle of
banks, NBFCs paper-based documentation.
• The RBI issued first loss default • The platform prioritises customer
guarantee (FLDG) guidelines for digital convenience and transforms the
lenders. The central bank has allowed account opening process, enabling the
a 5% default loss cover for bank- bank to swiftly on-board customers in
fintech deals. less than five minutes. It provides a
• The RBI had earlier specified that banks seamless start-to-finish digital
and NBFCs must abide by securitisation experience for opening a Savings
norms before entering into any Account.
guarantee arrangement. • This facility brings the branch-like
• Subject to certain guidelines, the RBI experience to the comfort of
has decided to permit arrangements customers’ homes, allowing them to
between regulated entities and lending connect with bankers at their
service providers or between two convenience.
regulated entities involving default loss • SIB SWIFTe, a user-friendly and
guarantee. intuitive interface, provides clear
• The limits are aimed at reining in the instructions and visual cues to guide
risk of large slippages in tie-ups both customers and bank
between lenders and fintechs. representatives through each step.
• The default loss arrangements must be
backed by an explicit, legally-
enforceable contract between the
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20. KVG Bank launches new deposit scheme • The Unified Payments Interface (UPI) is
• Karnataka Vikas Grameena Bank a 24-hour payment channel that allows
(KVGB) has launched a new deposit customers to make secure, real-time
scheme 'Vikas Ashadeep 400 days'. payments.
• Shreekant M Bhandiwad, Chairman of • Until, the solution was only available
KVGB, who launched this scheme, said via smartphones or the Unstructured
the scheme is of a tenor of 400 days Supplementary Service Data (USSD)
with an interest rate of 7.50 per cent service, and it was reliant on adequate
for senior citizens and 7 per cent for internet connectivity.
general public. • The UPI 123PAY solution would
21. RBI permits banks to undertake broaden the functionality and make it
compromise settlement of willful defaults, easier for phone users and those in
fraud accounts areas with limited internet connectivity
• In order to ensure maximum recovery to conduct UPI transactions.
from distressed assets, the Reserve 23. Bihar State Cooperative Bank fined Rs
Bank of India has allowed banks to go 60.20 lakh by RBI for multiple deficiencies
for compromise settlement of fraud • The Reserve Bank imposed a penalty of
accounts and willful defaults. Rs 60.20 lakh on The Bihar State
• The objective would be to maximise Cooperative Bank Limited, Patna, for a
the possible recovery from a distressed slew of shortcomings and violations.
borrower at minimum expense, in the • The RBI said that a statutory inspection
best interest of the Regulated Entity of the Patna-based bank by NABARD
(RE). after FY20 had revealed that it failed to
• All regulated entities (REs) will be put in robust software for identifying
required to put in place board- and reporting suspicious transactions.
approved policies for undertaking • It also failed to submit off-site
compromise settlements, with the surveillance system returns within
borrowers as well as for technical prescribed timelines, submit data to all
write-offs laying down the process to the four credit information companies,
be followed for all compromise and also constitute a customer service
settlements and technical write-offs, committee of the board, among other
with specific guidance on the necessary things.
conditions precedent. • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also
Conditions would include minimum imposed a monetary penalty of '60.20
ageing, deterioration in collateral value lakh (Rupees Sixty Lakh and Twenty
etc. Thousand only) on The Bihar State Co-
22. PNB launches IVR based UPI 123PAY operative Bank Limited, Patna (the
• Punjab National Bank (PNB) has bank).
launched an IVR-based UPI solution, • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
UPI 123PAY, in line with the Digital imposed a monetary penalty of '10.00
Payment Vision 2025 of a cashless and lakh (Rupees ten lakh only) on The Co-
cardless society. operative Bank of Rajkot Ltd., Rajkot
(Gujarat) (the bank).
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• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) tap opportunities available in the

imposed, a monetary penalty of segment, as per the Bank's latest
'6,00,000/- (Rupees Six lakh only) on annual report. Mid-corporate branches
Jowai Cooperative Urban Bank usually meet loan requirements of
Limited, Jowai, Meghalaya (the bank). companies up to '100 crore.
24. SEBI comes out with framework for • The bank now has four mid-corporate
execution-only platforms for investing in clusters at strategic locations — New
direct MF schemes Delhi (North), Chennai (South),
• The Securities and Exchange Board of Mumbai (West), and Kolkata (East).
India (Sebi) on introduced a regulatory 26. RBI Imposes Rs 20 Lakh Penalty On
framework for online investment Manappuram Finance
platforms that facilitate investments • The Reserve Bank has imposed a
in commission-free mutual fund (MF) penalty of Rs 20 lakh on Manappuram
schemes. Finance for non-compliance with
• The regulation brings clarity on certain provisions of the NBFC norms.
obligations of such platforms while • This penalty on the Thrissur-based gold
opening an avenue to monetise their loan company, which by AUM is the
business. second largest such pure-play lender.
• It also addresses investor concerns on • The Reserve Bank of India conducted a
associated risks and introduces statutory inspection of the company
grievance redressal mechanism. concerning its financial position as of
• As per the framework, platforms March 2021.
providing MF investment services in 27. Urban co-op banks seek increase in gold
direct (commission-free) plans will loan limit from '2 lakh to '5 lakh
have to apply for 'execution only • Urban co-operative banks (UCBs) have
platform' (EOP) licence either with Sebi sought enhancement in the ceiling on
or the Association of Mutual Funds in loans against gold and gold jewellery
India (Amfi) within three months of the from '2 lakh to '5 lakh under the bullet
regulation coming into force, which payment scheme in order to meet the
happens in September 2023. funding requirements of
• As of now, these MF investment small/marginal borrowers.
platforms operate under a stock broker • RBI permitted bullet repayment of gold
or investment advisor (IA) licence. loans up to '1 lakh to start with (in
25. Bank of Baroda to open six mid- 2007), which was increased later (in
corporate branches in FY24 2014) to '2 lakhs, with the repayment
• Bank of Baroda (BoB) is planning to being restricted to 12 months.
open six mid-corporate branches • Under bullet repayment, the principal
across the country in FY24 as part of its and interest on a loan are paid in lump
strategy to focus more on mid- sum by a borrower to a lender at the
corporate advances. end of the loan tenure.
• The public sector bank opened 15 mid-
corporate branches in FY23 for quick
processing of corporate proposals and
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28. Credit Card NPAs Rose 25% To Over Rs issued by RBI on Know Your Customer
3,800 Crore in Nine Months of FY23: RBI (KYC) and Maintenance of Deposit
Data Accounts ' Primary (Urban) Co-
• In the first nine months of FY23, bad or operative Banks.
non-performing assets (NPAs) in banks' • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also
credit card segment jumped by Rs 765 imposed a monetary penalty of '65.00
crore, or 24.5%, to Rs 3,887 crore. lakh (Rupees sixty-five lakh
• The risk weight for consumer credit, only) on Andhra Pradesh Mahesh Co-
including personal loans, is 100%. For operative Urban Bank Ltd., Hyderabad
credit card receivables, it is 125%. (the bank) for non-compliance with
• During the COVID-19 pandemic, 46% directions issued by RBI on ‘Basic Cyber
people borrowed money to run their Security Framework for Primary
households. (Urban) Cooperative Banks (UCBs),
• A credit card account is treated as an ‘Comprehensive Cyber Security
NPA if the minimum amount due, as Framework for Primary (Urban)
mentioned in the bank statement, is Cooperative Banks (UCBs) - A Graded
not paid fully within 90 days from the Approach’ and ‘Internet Banking
payment due date mentioned in the Facility for Customers of Cooperative
statement. Credit card loans are not Banks’.
backed by any specific assets for the • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also
banks to seize at the time of non- imposed a monetary penalty of '50.00
payment. lakh (Rupees fifty lakh
29. IndusInd Bank collaborates with Wise to only) on Dombivli Nagari Sahakari
offer low-cost & fast inward remittance to Bank Limited, Dombivli (the bank) for
India non-compliance with directions issued
• IndusInd Bank's multi-partner by RBI on ‘Basic Cyber Security
remittance service platform ' Indus Fast Framework for Primary (Urban)
Remit (IFR) and Wise Platform ' merged Cooperative Banks (UCBs) and
to provide NRIs with multi-currency ‘Comprehensive Cyber Security
inbound remittance service. Framework for Primary (Urban)
• Wise Platform, Wise's infrastructure Cooperative Banks (UCBs) - A Graded
offering for banks and non-banks, is Approach’.
also being launched in India as a result 31. RBI allows remittances under LRS for
of the merger of IFR and Wise Platform. paying fees to foreign institutions in IFSCs
30. RBI imposes monetary penalty on The • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said it
Urban Co-operative Bank Ltd., Rourkela has allowed remittances under
(Odisha) liberalised remittance scheme (LRS)
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for payments of educational fees in
imposed a monetary penalty of '6.00 foreign universities or foreign
lakh (Rupees Six lakh only) on The institutions in International Financial
Urban Co-operative Bank Limited, Services Centres (IFSCs). Presently,
Rourkela (the bank) for contravention remittances to IFSCs under liberalised
of/ non-adherence with the directions remittance scheme (LRS) can be made

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only for making investments in had paid the dues by the due date,
securities. through third-party platforms.
• Under the LRS scheme, all resident 33. RBI imposes monetary penalty on
individuals, including minors, are Standard Chartered Bank-India
allowed to freely remit up to $2,50,000 • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
per financial year (April – March) for imposed a monetary penalty of '30.00
any permissible current or capital lakh (Rupees Thirty Lakh only) on
account transaction or a combination Standard Chartered Bank-India (the
of both. bank) for non-compliance with certain
• After the exhaustion of the limit, all provisions of the 'Reserve Bank of India
resident individuals can approach RBI (Know Your Customer (KYC))
through their authorised dealer bank Directions, 2016'.
for consideration. • The Statutory Inspection for
• However, remittances are prohibited Supervisory Evaluation (ISE 2021) of
for the purchase of lottery the bank was conducted by RBI.
tickets/sweep stakes, proscribed • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also
magazines, etc, purchase of FCCBs imposed a monetary penalty of '24.75
issued by Indian companies in the lakh (Rupees Twenty four lakh seventy
overseas secondary market, among five thousand only) on Experian Credit
others. Information Company of India Private
32. RBI imposes fine on Jammu and Kashmir Limited, Mumbai (the company), of '26
Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, Axis Bank lakh (Rupees Twenty six lakh
• The Reserve Bank said it has imposed a only) on TransUnion CIBIL Limited,
penalty of Rs 2.5 crore on Jammu and Mumbai (the company),of '24.25 lakh
Kashmir Bank for non-compliance with (Rupees Twenty four lakh twenty five
certain directions, including one thousand only) on Equifax Credit
related to 'time-bound implementation Information Services Private Limited,
and strengthening of SWIFT-related Mumbai (the company) & of '25.75
operational controls'. lakh (Rupees Twenty five lakh seventy
• A penalty of Rs 1.45 crore has also five thousand only) on CRIF High Mark
been imposed on Bank of Credit Information Services Private
Maharashtra for non-compliance with Limited, Mumbai (the company) for
certain directions issued by RBI on non-compliance with certain provisions
Loans and Advances Statutory and of the Credit Information Companies
Other Restrictions' and Advisory on (Regulation) Act, 2005 [CIC (R) Act]
Man in the Middle (MiTM) Attacks in read with the Credit Information
ATMs'. Companies Rules, 2006 [CIC Rules].
• The RBI said a penalty of Rs 30 lakh has 34. Developments in India's Balance of
been imposed on Axis Bank. The Payments during the Fourth Quarter
lender, it said had levied penal charges (January-March) of 2022-23: RBI
in certain accounts for late payment of • India's current account deficit (CAD) in
credit card dues though the customers the January-March quarter of FY23
narrowed to $1.3 billion, accounting

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for 0.2 percent of the country's GDP, • Net foreign portfolio investment (FPI)
according to the latest data released by recorded an outflow of US$ 1.7 billion –
the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) This driven by the equity segment, as
positive development was primarily compared with an outflow of US$ 15.2
attributed to a reduction in the trade billion during the corresponding period
deficit and a significant increase in a year ago.
services exports. • Net external commercial borrowings
• Key Features of India’s BoP in (ECBs) to India recorded an inflow of
Q4:2022-23 US$ 1.7 billion, as against an outflow of
• India’s current account deficit (CAD) US$ 2.5 billion during Q3:2022-23 and
decreased to US$ 1.3 billion (0.2 per an inflow of US$ 3.3 billion in Q4:2021-
cent of GDP) in Q4:2022-23 from US$ 22.
16.8 billion (2.0 per cent of GDP) in • There was an accretion to the foreign
Q3:2022-231, and US$ 13.4 billion (1.6 exchange reserves (on a BoP basis) to
per cent of GDP) a year ago [i.e., the tune of US$ 5.6 billion as against a
Q4:2021-22]. depletion of US$ 16.0 billion in
• The sequential decline in CAD in Q4:2021-22
Q4:2022-23 was mainly on account of a 35. Canara Bank Offers UPI Payments
moderation in the trade deficit to US$ Through RuPay Credit Cards
52.6 billion in Q4:2022-23 from US$ • Canara Bank has become the first
71.3 billion in Q3:2022-23, coupled public sector bank in India to
with robust services exports. introduce UPI (Unified Payments
• Net services receipts increased, both Interface) payments for merchants
sequentially and on a year-on-year (y- through its RuPay Credit Card.
o-y) basis, on the back of a rise in net • This exciting feature is now accessible
earnings from computer services. within the bank's 'Canara ai1' Banking
• Private transfer receipts, mainly Super App, thanks to a partnership
representing remittances by Indians with the National Payments
employed overseas, increased to US$ Corporation of India (NPCI).
28.6 billion, up by 20.8 per cent from 36. IDFC FIRST Bank raises Rs 1,500 cr in
their level a year ago. domestic bond markets
• Net outgo on the primary income • IDFC FIRST Bank has raised Rs 1,500
account, largely reflecting net income crore of tier-2 bonds in domestic
payments on foreign investment, Indian bond markets.
increased on a year-on-year basis, • These privately placed bonds are issued
while showing a marginal decline as unsecured, subordinated, rated,
sequentially. listed, nonconvertible, fully paid-up,
• In the financial account, net foreign taxable, redeemable Basel III compliant
direct investment (FDI) at US$ 6.4 tier-2 bonds (in nature of debentures).
billion was higher than US$ 2.0 billion • Money through these bonds is raised
in Q3:2022-23, although lower than a through private placement on the NSE
year ago (US$ 13.8 billion). e-bidding platform.

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• The bonds were issued for a tenor of commercial banks (SCBs) rose to
10 years with a call option at the end of historical highs of 17.1 per cent and
five years and carry a coupon of 8.40%. 13.9 per cent, respectively, in March
• This would increase the bank's capital 2023.
adequacy and provide greater • SCBs’ gross non-performing assets
headroom for the bank's growth. (GNPA) ratio continued its downtrend
37. RBI releases the Financial Stability and fell to a 10-year low of 3.9 per cent
Report, June 2023 in March 2023 and the net non-
• The Reserve Bank of India released the performing assets (NNPA) ratio
27th issue of the Financial Stability declined to 1.0 per cent.
Report (FSR), which reflects the • Macro stress tests for credit risk reveal
collective assessment of the Sub- that SCBs would be able to comply with
Committee of the Financial Stability the minimum capital requirements
and Development Council (FSDC) on even under severe stress scenarios. The
risks to financial stability and the system-level capital to risk-weighted
resilience of the Indian financial assets ratio (CRAR) in March 2024,
system. under baseline, medium and severe
• Highlights: stress scenarios, is projected at 16.1
• The global economy is facing per cent, 14.7 per cent and 13.3 per
heightened uncertainty amidst banking cent, respectively.
system fragility in certain countries, 38. SEBI slashes IPO listing time to 3 days
persisting geopolitical tensions and • The SEBI board has approved the
moderating but elevated inflation. proposal for reducing the time period
• Despite global headwinds, the Indian for listing of shares in a public Issue
economy and the domestic financial (Initial Public Offering) from the
system remain resilient, supported by existing six days to three days, from
strong macroeconomic fundamentals. the date of issue closure (T Day).
• Continuing growth momentum, • The new listing timeframe will be
moderating inflation, narrowing voluntary for all public issues opening
current account deficit and rising on or after September 01, 2023 and
foreign exchange reserves, ongoing mandatory for the ones on or after
fiscal consolidation and a robust December 01, 2023, according to the
financial system are setting the capitals markets regulator.
economy on a path of sustained 39. HDFC makes HDFC Life a subsidiary by
growth. raising its stake to 50.33%
• Healthy balance sheets of banks and • HDFC has increased its stake to over
corporates are engendering a new 50 percent in HDFC Life Insurance
credit and investment cycle and Company after getting the green light
brightening the prospects of the Indian from the Competition Commission of
economy. India (CCI) and the Insurance
• The capital to risk-weighted assets Regulatory and Development
ratio (CRAR) and the common equity Authority of India (RDAI).
tier 1 (CET1) ratio of scheduled
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• HDFC now holds 50.33 percent of the initiate transaction on POS (Point of
total paid-up share capital of HDFC Life Sale) through out the country.
40. RBI grants non-banking institution 43. India's indigenous HDFC to seal place in
licence to Mahalaxmi Cooperative Bank, top echelons of world's most valued banking
cancels bank permit space
• The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has • The merger between HDFC Bank and
granted non-banking institutions HDFC will give birth to a financial
licence to Mahalaxmi Cooperative powerhouse that will claim the fourth
Bank Ltd, Dharwad, Karnataka, after spot in equity market capitalisation,
cancelling its banking permit. trailing only JPMorgan Chase, Industrial
• This will not stop the bank from and Commercial Bank of China and
conducting the business of 'banking' Bank of America.
and acceptance of deposits from non- • With the merger set to take effect on
members with immediate effect. July 1, the new HDFC Bank entity will
41. ICICI Securities to become wholly-owned serve a staggering customer base of
subsidiary of ICICI Bank, board approves around 120 mn. individuals.
• India's fifth largest stock broker ICICI
Securities announced that it will
become a wholly-owned subsidiary of
its parent company ICICI Bank upon
• As part of the acquisition, which is akin
to merger but not merger, public
shareholders of ICICI Securities would
be allotted 67 equity shares of ICICI
Bank for every 100 equity shares of the
42. Kotak Bank integrates Rupay Credit
Cards with UPI
• Kotak Mahindra Bank, in collaboration
with National Payments Corporation of
India (NPCI), has introduced the facility
of linking its RuPay Credit Card to UPI
(Unified Payments Interface) apps.
• Customers are no longer needed to
carry their physical credit card.
• Customers of Kotak Mahindra Bank can
transact through UPI apps like Google
Pay, PhonePay, and Paytm, following
the linkage.
• They can choose from seven RuPay
credit cards and scan QR codes or
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1. India's Manufacturing PMI Surges To 31- conditions, and robust international

Month High, Maintains Expansion For 22 sales contributing to the expansion.
Consecutive Months The acceleration in inflation, coupled
• India's manufacturing sector continued with rising selling prices, suggests a
to show robust expansion in May, favorable environment for businesses
according to data released on June 1. operating in the sector.
• The S&P Global Purchasing Managers'
Index (PMI) for manufacturing 2. Miss World 2023 pageant to be held in
reached a 31-month high of 58.7, up India after 27 years
from April's reading of 57.2. • Nearly after three decades, the coveted
• The PMI has now remained above the international beauty pageant Miss
key level of 50 for 22 consecutive World will be hosted in India this year.
months, indicating sustained growth in • The 71st edition of Miss World is
activity. expected to take place in November
• In a statement, S&P Global highlighted this year, the final dates are yet to be
the positive developments seen in ascertained.
May. The demand conditions exhibited • India had last hosted the Miss World
remarkable strength, with factory pageant in 1996.
orders experiencing the fastest growth • The month-long event would witness
since January 2021. contestants from over 130 countries
• This surge in sales led to increased and will feature a series of rigorous
production, employment, and competitions, including talent
quantities of purchases. Furthermore, showcases, sports challenges, and
supply-chain conditions improved, charitable initiatives all aimed at
resulting in a record accumulation of highlighting the qualities that make
input inventories. them ambassadors of change
• The report also noted a significant 3. Food regulator FSSAI proposes new
boost in international sales, driven by category for 'low alcohol' beverages
exports, leading to the quickest • In a significant development, the food
expansion in this area in six months. regulator, the Food Safety and
• While average cost burdens increased Standards Authority of India (FSSAI),
moderately, they remained below the has created a category of 'Ready to
long-run average. However, selling Drink' or low-alcohol beverages,
prices rose at a faster pace in May. The having an alcohol content of 0.5-8 per
rate of inflation reached a one-year cent.
high, driven by sustained increases in • In the same notification, it has laid
input costs and a supportive demand down what should constitute 'country
environment. liquor' or 'Indian liquor' and the
• The data indicates a positive outlook constituents that should go into its
for India's manufacturing sector, with making.
strong demand, improved supply-chain

www.oliveboard.in 15

• The notification defined country liquor 4.8% inflation in India in FY24 and
or Indian liquor as alcoholic beverages 4.4% for FY25.
obtained from distilling fermentable 6. Unemployment rate dips 7.7% in May on
carbohydrates of agricultural origin. decline in labour participation: Centre for
• It further said the criterion for being Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
designated “plain country liquor” or • The unemployment rate in India fell to
“plain Indian liquor” was that it should 7.7 per cent in May due to a decline in
be made from alcoholic distillate the labour participation at 441.9
obtained from fermented molasses, million.
jiggery (gur), a mash of cereals, • Compared to April, labour participation
potatoes, cassava, fruits, juice or sap of rate (LPR) fell by 1.1 percentage point
coconut and palm trees, mahua flowers to 39.6 per cent in May.
or any other carbohydrates of • Unemployment rate in India among
agricultural origin. people aged 15 years and above fell to
• Blended country liquor or blended 7.7 per cent in May 2023, from 8.5 per
Indian liquor is a mixture of an cent in the previous month. Mumbai
alcoholic distillate, rectified spirit, or based-CMIE is an economic think tank
neutral spirit. founded by Narottam Shah on 13 April
4. SBI Ecowrap report: GDP growth revised 1976.
to 6.5% for current FY 7. India, UAE Discussions On Rupee-Dirham
• In its 'Ecowrap' research report, SBI Trade Progressing Very Fast
said that domestic GDP growth is now • Discussions between the central banks
on firm footing with urban demand of India and UAE on promoting
showing good traction, while the bilateral trade in the rupee and dirham
lagging rural demand is a cause of to reduce transaction cost is
concern. The apex bank has also progressing at a "very" fast pace and an
revised GDP growth marginally outcome is expected soon on this.
upwards from 6.4% to 6.5 % for the • India and the UAE have already
current financial year. implemented a free trade agreement
• Inflation for the current financial year (FTA) in May last year to give a boost to
has been pegged by 5.1%. bilateral trade and economic ties.
5. OECD raises India's FY24 growth forecast a • The central banks of both countries are
jot to 6% discussing the standard operating
• The Organisation for Economic Co- procedures and modalities.
operation and Development (OECD) 8. India's WPI Stays In Deflation Zone, Falls
moved its forecast on India's economic 3.48% In May
expansion for this fiscal year higher to • India's wholesale prices contracted for
6%, from 5.9%, while citing weak the second straight month in May, led
global demand and the effect of by a fall in prices across all major
monetary policy tightening as factors categories.
constraining the growth. • The Wholesale Price Index declined
• In FY25, it expects India's economic 3.48% year-on-year in May compared
growth to pick up to 7%. OECD expects to a fall of 0.92% in April, according to

www.oliveboard.in 16

data released by the Ministry of received the Reserve Bank of India's

Commerce and Industry. (RBI) permission to retain $2 billion
• Retail inflation, too, moderated in over and above the $3 billion it had
May to hit a 25-month low of 4.25%. raised last fiscal in what was the largest
9. India's overall exports in May 2023 stands syndicated loan facility in years.
at US$ 60.29 Billion • The facility may have a maturity period
• The Ministry said, the country's overall ranging between three to five years.
exports including merchandise and 11. Indian banks' gross bad loans fall to a 10-
services are estimated to be over 60 year low of 3.9%: RBI's Financial Stability
billion US dollars in May this year. Report
Merchandise exports were 34.98 billion • Scheduled commercial banks' net non-
US dollars in the last month while the performing assets (NPA) ratio fell to a
estimated value of services export for 10-year low of 3.9 percent in March
May 2023 is 25.30 billion US dollars. 2023, the Reserve Bank of India noted
• The Ministry said the country’s trade in the latest edition of its Financial
deficit has shown a considerable Stability Report.
decline in April-May 2023. • Gross and net NPA ratios have fallen
• The overall trade deficit for this period from a high of 11.5 per cent and 6.1
is estimated at 13.28 billion US dollars per cent in March 2018 to 3.9 per cent
as compared to the deficit of 20.56 and 1.0 per cent in March 2023
billion US dollars during April-May respectively.
2022, registering a decline of 35.41 • As per the report, macro stress tests
percent. for credit risk reveal that SCBs are well-
• Electronic goods, Iron Ore, Ceramic capitalised and all banks would be able
products, and several agricultural to comply with the minimum capital
commodities have registered growth in requirements even under adverse
export in the last month in comparison stress scenarios.
to the corresponding period of last
• According to the Commerce and
Industry Ministry, electronic goods
registered 73.96 percent growth while
other cereals witnessed a significant
increase by 67.96 percent, spices 49.84
percent, Iron Ore 48.26 percent, and
Ceramic products 17.36 percent.
10. RIL gets RBI nod to retain extra $2 billion
from lenders
• Reliance Industries, the country's
biggest company by market value, has

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1. Cabinet approves establishment of a • In order to ensure time bound and

Regional Office of the Universal Postal Union uniform implementation of the Plan in
(UPU) in New Delhi a professional manner, Ministry of
• The Union Cabinet has approved to Cooperation will implement a pilot
establish a Regional Office of the project in at least 10 selected Districts
Universal Postal Union (UPU) in New of different States/ UTs in the country.
Delhi, India to undertake UPU's • The Pilot would provide valuable
development cooperation and insights into the various regional
technical assistance activities in the requirements of the project, the
region by entering into an agreement learnings from which will be suitably
with UPU. incorporated for the country-wide
• The approval enables India to play implementation of the Plan.
active role at multilateral organizations 3. Non-Fossil Fuel-Based Power Generation
in postal sector with emphasis on Capacity To Be 68.4% By 2031-32:
South-South and Triangular Government
cooperation. • India's non-fossil fuel-based power
• India will provide a Field Project generation capacity is likely to
Expert, staff and office set up for UPU’s increase to 68.4% of the total installed
regional office. capacity in 2031-32 from 42.5% at
• Projects on capacity building and present as per the National Electricity
trainings, improving efficiency and Plan (NEP) unveiled by the power
quality of postal services, enhancement ministry.
of Postal technology, e-commerce and • This assumes significance in view of
trade promotion etc will be prepared India's target of net zero by 2070 and
and implemented for the region by this having 500GW of renewable energy by
office in coordination with UPU. 2030.
2. Cabinet approves Constitution and 4. Startup20 Engagement Group gears up for
Empowerment of an Inter-Ministerial its 3rd meeting in Goa
Committee (IMC) for Facilitation of 'World's • Startup20 Engagement Group,
Largest Grain operating under the esteemed India's
• The Union Cabinet has approved the G20 presidency, is all set to host its
constitution and empowerment of an much anticipated third meeting here in
Inter Ministerial Committee (IMC) for Goa.
facilitation of the 'World's Largest • International delegates from G20
Grain Storage Plan in Cooperative nations and Indian delegates will be
Sector' by convergence of various arriving on 2nd June onward to Goa.
schemes of the Ministry of Agriculture 5. FCI becomes leading recruiter in recent
and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of years by recruiting a large number of youth
Consumer Affairs, Food and Public every year
Distribution and Ministry of Food • Food Corporation of India (FCI), one of
Processing Industries. the largest Public Sector Undertakings

www.oliveboard.in 18

under the Ministry of Consumer and aims to convert waste to wealth

Affairs, Food and Public Distribution towards promoting circular economy.
for ensuring the food security of the • Government of India intends to build a
nation has been one of the leading robust ecosystem for setting up
recruiters in recent years, recruiting a Biogas/Compressed Biogas (CBG)/ Bio-
large number of youth every year. Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) plants
• The recruitment process of FCI is to drive sustainable economic growth
conducted only through online mode of and promote a circular economy
examination and is widely advertised in 7. Third G20 Health Working Group meeting
the Employment News as well as begins in Hyderabad
leading National/Local Newspapers. • The 3rd G20 Health Working Group
• The selection is done through open meeting was formally opened in
competition and is on a purely merit Hyderabad.
basis. FCI ensures utmost transparency • Minister of State for Health Family
and genuineness by strictly adhering to Welfare Bharati Pravin Pawar behalf of
the Rules and Regulations of the Union Minister Dr Mansukh
Corporation / Government of India. Mandaviya, is taking forward the
6. Union Minister For Jal Shakti, Shri agenda of the G20 Health Track under
Gajendra Singh Shekhawat Launches Unified India's Presidency. the Government is
Registration Portal For GOBARdhan committed to providing all health and
• The Union Minister for Jal Shakti, Shri medical service by the year 2030.
Gajendra Singh Shekhawat launched • The 3-day meeting is focusing on
the Unified Registration Portal for priorities including Health Emergencies
GOBARdhan which will act as a one Prevention, Preparedness, and
stop repository to assess investment Response, Access, and Availability to
and participation in Biogas/CBG sector Affordable Medical countermeasures,
at pan India level and more importantly and Digital Health. The meeting will
streamline the process of setting up voice the challenges of the Global
CBG/Biogas plants in India South and discuss the solutions.
• Any government, cooperative or 8. India G20 - South Centre Event on
private entity operating or intending to International Taxation concludes
setup a Biogas/CBG/Bio CNG plant in successfully at Nagpur
India can obtain a registration number • India G20 - South Centre Event on
by enrolling in this unified registration International Taxation concluded
portal launched. successfully at Nagpur.
• The registration number will enable • A two-day event on International
availing of multitude of benefits and Taxation was organised on the 1st and
support from the Ministries & 2nd June at the National Academy of
Departments of Government of India. Direct Taxes, Nagpur in collaboration
• Galvanizing Organic Bio-Agro Resources with South Centre, a Geneva-based
Dhan (GOBARdhan) is a vital umbrella intergovernmental policy research
initiative of Government of India, based think-tank of 55 developing countries,
on the whole of Government approach including India.

www.oliveboard.in 19

9. Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal flags entrepreneurs, Divyang (people with

off maiden International Cruise Vessel, MV disabilities), Scheduled Castes,
Empress in Chennai Scheduled Tribes, and Ex-Servicemen
• Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & are exempt from paying this fee.
Waterways Sarbananda Sonowal • Furthermore, aspirational districts, the
flagged off the maiden International Himalayan Mountain Region, North-
Cruise Vessel - MV Empress, India's Eastern States, and Islands are
first international cruise vessel - from designated as special areas.
Chennai to Sri Lanka in Chennai. 12. Government approves over Rs 89
• This marks the beginning of the thousand crore revival package for BSNL
international cruise tourism terminal at • Union Cabinet has approved the third
Chennai, built at a cost of 17.21 crore revival package for BSNL with a total
rupees, heralding a new age of cruise outlay of 89 thousand 47 crore rupees.
tourism and maritime trade in the • It includes an allotment of 4G and 5G
country. Coinciding on the occasion of spectrum for BSNL through equity
Environment Day, Mr Sonowal along infusion.
with the port officials also planted • The authorised capital of BSNL will be
2,500 tree saplings at the port. increased from one lakh 50 thousand
10. Rediffusion, Lucknow University crore rupees to two lakh ten thousand
collaborate to launch Bharat Lab crore rupees. With this revival package,
• Ad agency Rediffusion and University BSNL will emerge as a stable telecom
of Lucknow have collaborated to service provider focused on providing
launch The Bharat Lab, a thinktank to connectivity to the remotest parts of
deliver cultural and consumer insights, India.
and could collaborate with platforms • The Government approved the first
like Google and Meta for the same. revival package for BSNL and MTNL in
• ‘The Bharat Lab’ – India’s first 2019.
consumer insights think tank aimed at • It amounted to 69 thousand crore
delivering cultural and consumer rupees and brought stability to BSNL
insights about the people of Bharat. and MTNL.
11. Centre allows Primary Agricultural Credit • In 2022, Government approved a
Societies to open Jan Aushadhi Kendras second revival package for BSNL and
• The Central government granted MTNL amounting to 1.64 Lakh Crore
permission for 2,000 Primary rupees.
Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS) to
open Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Jan 13. Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh
Aushadhi Kendras, in a move aimed at Mandaviya releases fifth State Food Safety
increasing access to affordable Index in New Delhi
medicines across the country. • Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh
• The application fee for opening a Jan Mandaviya released the fifth State
Aushadhi Kendra is set at Rs. 5,000. Food Safety Index in New Delhi.
• However, applicants falling under • The Index is an annual assessment
special categories such as women released by the Food Safety and

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Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). financial implications of Central Bank

This index assesses states' performance Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
in six food safety parameters. 15. NTPC Kanti Launched Girl Empowerment
• On this occasion, Dr. Mandaviya Mission for 40 Girls
awarded the winning states in different • NTPC Kanti has launched the Girl
categories. Kerala, Punjab, and Tamil Empowerment Mission (GEM)-2023, a
Nadu were awarded in the Large State four-week residential workshop
category, and Goa, Manipur, and program for 40 underprivileged rural
Sikkim in the Small States category. girls from Kanti block as part of its CSR
• Jammu and Kashmir, Chandigarh, and initiative.
Delhi got the awards in the Union • This is the first time NTPC Kanti is
Territories category. organising the GEM program. Eight
students have been selected from five
14. Third G20 International Financial schools in Kanti Block.
Architecture Working Group Meeting • The workshop aims to prepare the girl
Concludes students to become well-rounded
• The Third G20 International Financial individuals, instil curiosity, and develop
Architecture Working Group Meeting better communication and social skills.
(IFA WG) under the Indian Presidency 16. IGI Airport introduces DigiYatra facility at
concluded in Goa. T-3 without downloading app
• The two-day meeting saw the • Indira Gandhi International Airport
participation of approximately 100 (IGI) announced that a new facility
delegates from G20 member countries, DigiYatra has been introduced to make
invitee countries, and various travel easier.
international organizations, including • DigiYatra allows passengers to enjoy
multilateral development banks the benefits without having to
(MDBs). download the mobile application. The
• The meeting was jointly steered by the initiative has been launched at
Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Terminal 3 and it simplifies the
Bank of India along with France and registration process for the passengers
Korea, the Co-chairs of the IFA WG. into three steps.
• The meeting saw detailed deliberations 17. Extremely Severe Cyclone Biparjoy to
on the key priority areas of the IFA WG, cross Saurashtra, Kutch, Pak coast on June
which include strengthening MDBs to 15
address shared global challenges of the • Biparjoy is likely to cross Saurashtra,
21st century; managing global debt Kutch and adjoining Pakistan coasts
vulnerabilities; strengthening the between Mandvi (Gujarat) and Karachi
Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN); (Pakistan) around noon of June 15 as
following up on the IMF's general SDR very severe cyclone with wind speed
allocation; strengthening financial reaching 125-135 kmph gusting to 150
resilience through sustainable capital kmph.
flows; and assessing the macro-

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• 'Biparjoy' was suggested by recognition as a full administrative

Bangladesh and the word means social security institution.
'disaster' or 'calamity' in Bengali. • The move comes after the central
• Biparjoy is also the strongest cyclone board of trustees of EPFO gave its go
in Arabian Sea after cyclone Tauktae. ahead to the retirement fund body to
18. PM Modi to address US Congress for the change its membership status with ISSA
second time, making history as the first from associate member since 1962 to
Indian affiliate member.
• Indian Americans are eagerly preparing • This, however, comes at a cost as the
to extend a warm welcome to Prime annual membership fees for an affiliate
Minister Narendra Modi who will visit member, based on the number of
the United States from June 21 to June pension subscribers of EPFO, will be
24. '2.14 crore compared with '10.34 lakh
• With this visit, PM Modi will become for an associate member.
the first Indian PM to address the joint 21. Education loans register 17% growth in
meeting of the US Congress for the FY23, turning positive for first time in five
second time. years
19. Govt e-Marketplace to organize Buyer- • For the first time in five years, growth
Seller Workshops in all 75 districts of Uttar in education loans not only turned
Pradesh positive but also registered a 17 per
• Government e-Marketplace (GeM) will cent surge in the last financial year
organize Buyer-Seller Workshops in all ended March, 2023.
75 districts of Uttar Pradesh . • According to Reserve Bank of India's
• GeM is an online platform for the (RBI) data, the outstanding portfolio
procurement of goods and services by under education loans grew 17 per
government departments, public sector cent at '96,847 crore in the year 2022-
units, and other agencies. The 23 as against '82,723 crore in the
workshop will continue till 31st August previous year.
this year 22. SJVN Green Energy secures 200 MW
• These workshops aim to enhance the wind power project from SECI
understanding of GeM's functionalities • State-owned SJVN Limited said that
among buyers and sellers in the state, SJVN Green Energy Limited, a wholly-
as well as provide a platform to address owned subsidiary of SJVN Limited has
any queries or concerns. been awarded the full quoted capacity
20. EPFO set to be ISSA affiliate member, get of 200 MW in the Phase-XIV of the
global recognition bidding process conducted by the
• The Employees' Provident Fund Solar Energy Corporation of India
Organisation will soon gain access to (SECI).
professional guidelines, expert • Once commissioned, the 200 MW wind
knowledge, services and support from power project is expected to generate
the International Social Security approximately 578.16 million units
Association (ISSA) for its pension (MUs) of electricity annually. Over a
subscribers while gaining international span of 25 years, the cumulative

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energy generation is projected to reach 25. DGCA issues aerodrome licence to

around 14,454 MUs. Pithoragarh's Naini Saini airport
• This initiative aligns with the • The Naini Saini airport has received
government's mission to reduce carbon the DGCA's aerodrome licence to
emissions, as the project is expected to operate civil flights.
offset approximately 708,246 tonnes of • The licence which permits the take-off
carbon emissions during its operational and landing of civil flights at the airport
lifetime is valid for six months.
23. Vigyan -Vidushi ' 2023, a three-week 26. DGTR recommends for continuation of
summer programme to address gender anti-dumping duty on Chinese steel wheels
balance in the discipline of Physics for 5 yrs
• Vigyan -Vidushi ' 2023, an initiative to • The commerce ministry's investigation
address the gender balance in the arm DGTR has recommended for
discipline of Physics at the doctorate continuation of anti-dumping duty on
level, has commenced at the Homi Chinese steel wheels for five more
Bhabha Centre for Science Education years with a view to guarding domestic
(HBCSE), in Mumbai from. players against cheap imports.
• 40 women students from forty • Continuation of the existing duties on
different institutes all over India, who the imports of Flat Base Steel Wheels
have just completed their first year from China would address and mitigate
MSc in Physics, are attending this the likelihood of injury to the domestic
programme . players.
• Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 27. Department of Consumer Affairs and
(TIFR), through its Homi Bhabha Centre Advertising Standards Council of India host
for Science Education (HBCSE), has consultation with stakeholders on "Dark
started the three-week summer Pattern
programme “Vigyan Vidushi” for girl • Department of Consumer Affairs
students pursuing Physics at M.Sc. (DoCA) along with the Advertising
level, since 2020. Standards Council of India (ASCI)
24. Geological Survey of India Training hosted an interactive consultation
Institute (GSITI) attains accreditation for with stakeholders on "Dark Patterns"
outstanding Earth Science Training in Mumbai.
• The Ministry of Mines said that the • The session was chaired by Shri Rohit
Geological Survey of India Training Kumar Singh, Secretary, Department of
Institute (GSITI) has achieved a Consumer Affairs.
remarkable milestone by receiving • Dark patterns encompass a wide range
accreditation from National of manipulative practices such as drip
Accreditation Board of Education and pricing, disguised advertising, bait and
Training (NABET). click, choice manipulation, false
• This recognition acknowledges the urgency and privacy concerns. The
institute's invaluable contributions and increasing prevalence of these
the exceptional standards it upholds in deceptive practices that infringe on
the field of earth science training.

www.oliveboard.in 23

consumer rights prompted this added that this higher coal stock
collaborative effort by DoCA and ASCI. position indicates the commitment to
28. G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting to maintaining an ample supply of coal by
begin in Hyderabad the Ministry.
• The G20 Agriculture Ministerial • Overall, cumulative coal production for
Meeting will begin in Hyderabad. 2023-24 has witnessed remarkable
• About 200 delegates from G20 growth, with a production of 182.06
member countries, invitee countries MT, representing an impressive growth
and International Organizations will be rate of 8.26 per cent compared to the
attending the meeting. previous year's production of 168.17
• The Agriculture Ministers from various MT for the same period
countries and the Director Generals 31. Smt. Annapurna Devi inaugurates the
from International Organizations will multimedia exhibition
take part in the meeting • Union Minister of State for Education
29. Shri Dharmendra Pradhan flags off Smt. Annapurna Devi inaugurates the
Gabon's first Agri-SEZ Project multimedia exhibition showcasing best
• Union Minister of Education and Skill practices in education, FLN, digital
Development and Entrepreneurship initiatives, research and skill
Shri Dharmendra Pradhan flagged off development.
Gabon's first Agri- SEZ project from • The multimedia exhibition with focus
New Delhi. on foundational literacy will be held
• The project will be implemented by here in Pune.
AOM group with Centurion University • Speaking on the occasion, Smt.
as the technical and knowledge Annapurna Devi highlighted the
partner. National Initiative for Proficiency in
• In the first phase of the program, 30 Reading with Understanding and
farmers and 20 B.Sc./M.Sc. Agri and Numeracy i.e. NIPUN Bharat Mission,
B.Tech/M.Tech Engineering students which emphasizes the need to attain
from Gajapati district, which is an Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
Aspirational district of Odisha, will be goals nationally in a time-bound
travelling together as agri-technical and (2026-27) manner.
technical consultants for the • The exhibition showcased the States of
agriculture SEZ which is being Maharashtra, Gujarat, Assam and
developed under this project. Jharkhand presenting the best
30. Indian coal stock position crosses 110 practices in Foundational Literacy and
million tonnes logging increase of more than Numeracy of respective states.
44 % 32. Passengers carried by Domestic airlines
• Overall coal stock position has registered an annual growth of 36.10% and
touched 110.58 million tonnes as of monthly growth of 15.24%
the 13th of June. The Coal Ministry • The Civil Aviation sector in the country
said, this indicates a substantial has witnessed an impressive growth,
increase of 44.22 per cent as compared with the number of passengers carried
to the stock of 76.67 MT last year. It

www.oliveboard.in 24

by Domestic airlines growing • National Yoga Olympiad is being

substantially. organized for the first time outside the
• Based on the traffic data provided by national capital Delhi.
different Domestic airlines, the 34. G20 Tourism Working Group and
passenger count reached an impressive Tourism Ministerial Meetings start in Goa
milestone of 636.07 lakhs during • The concluding and last G20 Tourism
January-May 2023, reflecting a Working Group meeting along with
significant annual growth rate of the Tourism Ministerial Meeting,
36.10%. began in Goa.
• In the month of May 2022, passenger • Union Minister For Culture, Tourism
count was 114.67 lakh, which in May And Development Of North Eastern
2023 rose to 132.41 lakh, registering a Region Shri G Kishan Reddy addressed
Month-on-Month growth of 15.24%. first session of "Making Cruise Tourism
• This consistent growth is a testament a Model for Sustainable and
to the collective efforts of airlines, Responsible Travel'.
airports, and the Ministry of Civil 35. Third G20 Sustainable Finance Working
Aviation in fostering a safe, efficient, Group meeting begins at Mahabalipuram
and customer-centric aviation near Chennai
ecosystem. • The third and final G20 sustainable
• The notable increase in the volume of finance working group meeting under
passengers demonstrates the strength India's presidency began at
and durability of India's aviation sector, Mahabalipuram near Chennai.
showcasing the continuous endeavours • The inaugural session began with the
to improve connectivity and offer Indian chair Geethu Joshi, international
convenient travel choices to our economic relations and Chandni Raina
country's citizens. from Department of Economic Affairs
• The higher load factor of 636.07 lakhs addressing the participants. The
passengers during January – May 2023 session is co-chaired by the
suggests a rising demand for air representatives from the US and China.
transportation, underscoring the 36. Road Transport Ministry Approves
favourable direction of the aviation Proposal For Truck Makers To Provide AC
industry. Cabins For Drivers
33. National Yoga Olympiad organized in • Union Road Transport Minister Nitin
Madhya Pradesh Gadkari said approved a proposal to
• The National Yoga Olympiad is being make it mandatory for truck
organized in Madhya Pradesh ahead of manufacturers to provide AC cabins
the main event on the 9th International for drivers.
Yoga Day on June 21 at Jabalpur. • According to an estimate, the
• The three-day National Yoga Olympiad additional expenditure for providing AC
was inaugurated by Governor Mangu cabins in trucks would cost in the range
Bhai Patel in Bhopal. of Rs 10,000 to Rs 20,000 per truck.
• The new feature will be mandatory
from 2025.

www.oliveboard.in 25

37. 4th Education Working Group Meeting around 22 sanctum sanctorum for
commences in Pune different deities along with marriage
• The 4th Education Working Group halls and guest houses in the complex.
meeting (EdWG) commenced in Pune 40. Two-day G20 Labour Engagement Group
to finalize outcome documents to be meeting begins in Patna, Bihar
presented at the Education Ministers • The two-day meeting of the G-20
meeting on 22nd June, 2023. Labour Engagement Group started in
• Deliberations with the G20 delegates Patna, Bihar with the theme of 'one
on the draft ministerial declaration earth, one family and one future'.
took place on day 1 of the 4th EdWG • Around 150 delegates from G-20
meeting. members countries and eight guest
• The International Organisations (IOs) countries are participating in the event.
UNICEF, OECD and UNESCO presented 41. PM Modi's Yoga Day event at UN HQ
the education working group report. creates Guinness World Record
38. NHAI launches knowledge sharing • The Yoga Day event led by Prime
platform for inclusive development of Minister Narendra Modi at the United
national highways Nations headquarters in New York
• To promote inclusive development of created a Guinness World Record for
national highways, the National seeing the participation of most
Highways Authority of India (NHAI) nationalities in a Yoga session.
launched a knowledge sharing platform • Earlier in the day, the Yoga Day event
• This platform aims to facilitate the organised in Gujarat's Surat set a new
sharing of knowledge and innovative Guinness World Record for the largest
best practices among experts and gathering for a yoga session in one
citizens in the field of road design,, place with 1.53 lakh people joining the
construction, road safety. program.
39. Ramayan Temple in Bihar set to become • The previous world record was set in
world's largest, projected completion by 2018 in Kota city of Rajasthan when
2025 1,00,984 people participated in a Yoga
• The construction work of the 'world's Day session in one place.
largest Ramayan temple' starte in the 42. Hon'ble Minister of Steel to inaugurate
East Champaran district of Bihar Silica Reduction Plant Project at SAIL-Bhilai
following some religious rituals at the Steel Plant's Dalli Mines
site. • Hon'ble Union Minister for Steel and
• The reports stated that the 'Ramayan Civil Aviation, Shri Jyotiraditya Scindia,
temple' in Bihar will be taller than the virtually inaugurated from New Delhi,
12th-century Angkor Wat temple the Silica Reduction Plant at Steel
complex in Cambodia. Authority of India Limited's (SAIL)
• The estimated cost of the temple's Bhilai Steel Plant's Dalli Mines.
construction is '500 crore. • The iron ore reserves in the 60-year-old
• The Ramayan temple will consist of 12 mines of SAIL-Bhilai Steel Plant's Dalli
domes, of which, the highest will be of and Rajhara group are depleting rapidly
270 fr tall. In addition, it will also have and study revealed the need to refine

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iron ore of size less than 1 mm to • A skin bank ' a first for North India was
achieve the desired grade for effective inaugurated in Delhi's Safdarjung
usage in the Blast Furnace. Hospital.
• The Silica Reduction Plant, with an • The country has 16 skin banks ' a
investment of over '149 Crore, is facility where the skin of deceased
aligned with the existing Crushing, persons can be donated ' with seven in
Screening and Washing (CSW) wet Maharashtra, four in Chennai, three in
plant at Dalli. Karnataka, and one each in Madhya
• This plant is equipped with the state- Pradesh and Odisha.
of-the-art beneficiation equipment and 45. Micron semiconductor test, assembly
aims to enhance the iron ore supplied plant to be set up in Gujarat with investment
to Bhilai Steel Plant, thereby increasing of $ 2.75 billion
the annual production from the blast • Computer storage chip maker Micron
furnaces and reducing coke will set up its semiconductor assembly
consumption & carbon emission. and test plant in Gujarat entailing a
43. Shri Narendra Singh Tomar launches PM total investment of USD 2.75 billion
Kisan Mobile App with Face Authentication (around '22,540 crore).
Feature • Phase 1, which will include five lakh
• The PM-Kisan Mobile App with Face square feet of planned cleanroom
Authentication Feature was launched space, will start to become operational
by Union Agriculture and Farmers' in late 2024, and Micron will ramp
Welfare Minister Shri Narendra Singh capacity gradually over time in line
Tomar under the central government's with global demands.
ambitious and popular scheme for 46. BIS makes license mandatory for 24
income support to farmers "Pradhan footwear products from 1st July
Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi" • The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
• Best example of modern technology license will be mandatory for 24
using Face Authentication Feature from footwear products from the 1st of
this app farmer can complete e-KYC July, 2023. The Director General of the
remotely, sitting at home easily by BIS, Pramod Kumar Tiwari highlighted
scanning face without OTP or the importance of the Quality Control
fingerprint and helped 100 other Orders issued recently by the
farmers to do e-KYC at their home. government for footwear and other
• Recognizing the need to make e-KYC products.
mandatory, the Government of India 47. Centre clears '56,415 crore to 16 States
has extended the ability of farmers to for capital investment under special
perform e-KYC to officers of state assistance scheme
governments, so that each officer can • The Ministry of Finance has approved
complete the e-KYC process for 500 capital investment proposals of
farmers. '56,415 crores for 16 States in the
44. North India's first skin bank opens in current financial year under a special
Safdarjung Hospital assistance scheme announced in the

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• In order to boost capital spending by containing 5.15 grams of gold per

States, the 'Special Assistance to tonne.
States for Capital Investment 2023-24' 49. DIAL introduces self-baggage drop facility
scheme was announced in the Union at Delhi airport
Budget 2023-24. • Delhi airport operator DIAL said that it
• Under the scheme, special assistance is has introduced Self Baggage Drop (SBD)
being provided to the States in the facility at Terminal 3 which will help
form of a 50-year interest-free loan up reduce the waiting time for passengers
to an overall sum of '1.3 lakh crore at the airport.
during the financial year 2023-24. • SBD aims to streamline the baggage
• Capital investment projects in diverse drop-off process, reduce the wait time
sectors have been approved, including for passengers by around 15-20
health, education, irrigation, water minutes and further enhance the
supply, power, roads, bridges, and overall airport experience.
railways. 50. GAIL Achieves Authorized Economic
• The scheme for financial assistance to Operator (AEO) T3 Status
States for capital • GAIL India Limited received the title of
investment/expenditure, first instituted Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
by the Ministry of Finance in 2020-21 in T3 Status. It is the highest level of
the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic. facilitation for Exporters and Importers
48. Indian miner NMDC plans $61 million by the Central Board of Indirect Taxes
investment in first gold block and Customs, Ministry of Finance.
• State-owned Indian iron ore miner • AEO is a program run by the World
NMDC is likely to invest around 5 Customs Organisation (WCO) that aims
billion rupees ($61 million) in its to improve international supply chain
planned first foray into gold mining. security, facilitate the movement of
• According to local rules, it must secure legitimate goods, and promote the
the mining lease for the gold block ease of doing business in India.
within three years of signing the letter 51. Diary sector to grow at over 6% in
of intent. FY2023-24
• India meets more than 90% of its gold • The dairy sector is expected to grow at
demand through imports, spending more than 6% in 2023-24, said Union
$36.6 billion on overseas purchases of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
the precious metal in 2022, and a Minister Parshottam Rupala.
record $55.8 billion in 2021. Currently • Milk production has been growing at
state-run Hutti Gold Mines Co Ltd, an annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.1%
based in the neighbouring Karnataka over the last eight years, and in the
state, is the country's only major gold coming season, it is expected to grow
producer. at over 6%.
• The gold block, located in the Chittoor • Dairy is the single largest agricultural
district of the southern state of Andhra commodity that contributes 5% to
Pradesh, has estimated gold reserves India’s national economy and employ
of around 1.83-million tonnes, more than 8 crore farmers

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directly. With a contribution of 23% to • All panchayats across the country will
global milk production, India holds the mandatorily use digital payments for all
first production. development work and revenue
52. Release of tur from Centre's buffer stock collection this Independence Day
unlikely to cool off prices onwards, and will be declared UPI-
• The Government of India announced enabled.
to release Tur from the national buffer • "Payments worth almost Rs 1.5 lakh
in a calibrated and targeted manner crore have been made through the
till imported stocks arrive in the Indian Public Financial Management System
market. The move is part of several (PMFS). Payments to panchayats will
measures being taken to curb food now be made digitally. Payments in
inflation, which continues to be cheques and cash have almost been
elevated. stopped.
• The Department of Consumer Affairs,
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & 54. Cabinet approves ratification of
Public Distribution has directed Headquarters Agreement between India,
National Agricultural Cooperative CDRI
Marketing Federation (NAFED) and • The Union Cabinet approved
National Cooperative Consumers ratification of the Headquarters
Federation (NCCF) to dispose of Tur Agreement between the Indian
through online auction among eligible government and Coalition for Disaster
millers to augment the available stocks Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) signed
for milling into Tur Dal for the on 22 August 2022.
consumers. • It is a global initiative launched by the
53. Indian govt proposes billion-dollar India and is seen as country's attempt
subsidy for grid battery makers to obtain a global leadership role in
• The Indian government is developing a climate change and disaster resilience
substantial subsidy program worth matters.
billions of dollars to support companies • On the 28 August 2019, the Cabinet
engaged in the production of electricity had approved the setting up of CDRI
grid batteries. This initiative is part of along with its supporting Secretariat in
the country's shift towards clean New Delhi and also approved financial
energy. support of'480 crore over a period of
• A draft proposal outlines a production- five years from 2019-20 to 2023-24.
linked incentive subsidy scheme in • on the 29 June 2022, the Cabinet had
India. Under this scheme, companies approved recognition of CDRI as an
would receive 216 billion rupees international organization and for
($2.63 billion) from 2023 to 2030 to signing of Headquarters Agreement for
establish battery cell manufacturing granting CDRI exemptions, immunities
capacity within the country. and privileges as contemplated under
54. All panchayats to be UPI-enabled on Section-3 of the UN (P&I) Act, 1947.
August 15 for revenue collection

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1. First IIT in Tanzania to open in October Israel over the past week by 11
2023 companies, in the context of Israel's
• Indian Institute of Technology will National Drone Initiative.
open its first-ever overseas campus in • Israel hopes autonomous Electric
Tanzania's Zanzibar in October 2023 Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL)
with a batch of 50 undergraduate aircraft will help to ease its worsening
students and 20 master's students. traffic problems.
• The new IIT campus will be set up in • Israel's National Drone Initiative, a
Zanzibar under the name IIT Madras at partnership between government
Zanzibar. Zanzibar will be one of three entities and the country's Civil Aviation
campuses outside of India, with the Authority, was launched in 2019.
others located in Abu Dhabi and Kuala 5. Iran to reopen its diplomatic missions in
Lumpur. Saudi Arabia, to restore diplomatic ties
2. Canada to become first country to print • Iran said, it would reopen its diplomatic
health warnings on cigarettes missions in Saudi Arabia , restoring
• Canada is to become the first country diplomatic ties after a seven-year rift.
to print health warnings on individual • In March, Iran and Saudi Arabia agreed
cigarettes. to establish diplomatic ties, in a
• The stark messages include "poison in Chinese-brokered deal, representing a
every puff" and "cigarettes cause major breakthrough in the region.
impotence." • Saudi Arabia broke ties with Iran in
• The country's new Tobacco Products 2016 after protesters invaded Saudi
Appearance, Packaging and Labelling diplomatic posts in Tehran and the
Regulations will be form part of the northeastern city of Mashhad during
government's efforts to help adults demonstrations triggered by the
who smoke to quit. execution of a prominent Shiite cleric
3. Joe Biden signs debt limit bill, avoiding US and 46 others in the oil-rich Kingdom.
default 6. S Korea, 4 other countries to join UNSC as
• U.S. President Joe Biden has signed a non-permanent members
bill that suspends the U.S. • The United Nations General Assembly
government's $31.4 trillion debt has elected Algeria, Guyana, Sierra
ceiling, averting what would have been Leone, Slovenia and South Korea to
a first-ever default with just two days the United Nations Security Council
to spare. (UNSC) for two-year terms starting on
4. Israel Conducts the First Test of an January 1, 2024, as non-permanent
Autonomous Flying Taxi members.
• Israel has begun conducting initial tests • These countries will replace Albania,
of autonomous drones that could one Brazil, Gabon, Ghana and the United
day serve as public transportation. Arab Emirates.
• A series of tests and experimental • The Security Council has primary
flights were conducted throughout responsibility for the maintenance of

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international peace and security. It has years, amid frosty bilateral ties and dim
15 Members, and each Member has prospects for any breakthrough on the
one vote. long list of disputes between the
• UNSC has five permanent veto-wielding world's two largest economies.
members: Britain, China, France, Russia
and the United States. 10. Canada decides to conduct an
• Under the Charter of the United 'expeditious' review of its involvement in
Nations, all Member States are the AIIB
obligated to comply with Council • Canada commented that it would
decisions. The UNSC is the only UN conduct an 'expeditious' review of its
body with the authority to issue involvement in the Asian
binding resolutions on member states. Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).
7. China completes the construction of the • Canada's comment has underlined the
most powerful wind tunnel in the world continuing shadow of politics over the
• The wind tunnel in the mountainous functioning of the multilateral lender in
Huairou district of northern Beijing is which China holds the most voting
known as JF-22. power with 26.58%
• It has a diameter of 4 meters(13 feet) 11. World Bank launches its first road safety
and is capable of generating extremely project in South Asia
high airflow speeds of up to 10 • The World Bank (WB) launched its first
kilometers (6.2 miles) per second. dedicated road safety project in South
• This impressive capability allows it to Asia with a USD 358 million financing
simulate hypersonic flight conditions agreement signed in Dhaka with the
up to Mach 30, which is 30 times the government of Bangladesh.
speed of sound. • The project seeks to improve road
8. UBS completes completes Credit Suisse safety and reduce fatalities and injuries
takeover, gains clout as global wealth player from road crashes in selected cities,
• Swiss bank UBS said it completed its high-risk highways, and district roads.
emergency takeover of embattled local • Two national highways of Bangladesh,
rival Credit Suisse, the biggest banking Gazipur-Elenga (N4) and Natore-
deal since the 2008 global financial Nawabganj (N6), will be taken up for
crisis, creating a giant bank with a the implementation of this project.The
balance sheet of $1.6 trillion. project will pilot comprehensive road
• The mega group will oversee $5 trillion safety measures, including improved
of assets giving UBS, the world's largest engineering designs, signage and
wealth manager, a leading position in marking, pedestrian facilities, speed
key markets it would otherwise have enforcement, and emergency
needed years to grow in size and reach. care.These measures will help reduce
9. Antony Blinken lands in China on rare trip road traffic deaths by more than 30
with hopes low for any breakthrough percent on these two highways.
• U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken
arrived in Beijing, the first top
American diplomat to visit China in five

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12. United Nations adopt first-ever treaty to that have plagued the region in recent
protect marine life in high seas years.
• The United Nations has adopted the 14. Submersible Titan has imploded near the
first-ever treaty to protect marine life site where the British passenger liner sank in
in the high seas. UN Secretary-General 1912
Antnio Guterres hailed the historic • The submersible, Titan, which set out
agreement as giving the ocean a on an expedition to the Titanic
fighting chance. shipwreck site, almost 13,000 feet
• Delegates from the 193 member below sea level, has imploded near the
nations approved the treaty with site where the British passenger liner
jubilation. sank in 1912.
• The treaty to protect biodiversity in • All five members onboard the ill-fated
waters outside national boundaries, vessel have been declared dead in the
known as the high seas, covering nearly 'catastrophic implosion', ending the
half of earth's surface, had been under multinational five-day search. The
discussion for more than 20 years as submersible was owned by US-based
efforts to reach an agreement had firm OceanGate.
repeatedly stalled. 15. EAM mulls $650-mn U.S. 'green' anode
• The new treaty will be opened for unit
signatures on September 20, during the • Epsilon Advanced Materials (EAM), an
annual meeting of world leaders at the India-based battery materials firm,
General Assembly, and it will take plans to invest $650 million in the U.S.
effect once it is ratified by 60 countries. to set up a 50,000 TPA unit to supply
13. UAE and Qatar Reopen Embassies to high-capacity anode materials
Restore Diplomatic Ties produced through green technologies.
• The United Arab Emirates and Qatar • The proposed facility in the U.S. will
have reopened their respective provide critical battery materials to
embassies in Abu Dhabi and Doha power more than one million electric
2023. vehicles. Currently, this synthetic
• This marks the restoration of graphite anode processing facility is the
diplomatic ties between the two largest Indian investment in the U.S.
countries, which had been severed in electric vehicle battery industry.”
2017. 16. Meta introduces more parental control
• The reopening of the embassies is on Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram
based on the Al-Ula agreement, which • Meta has announced new parental
was signed by the leaders of the GCC control on Messenger, where they can
countries in January 2021. have access to Messenger's supervision
• The reopening of the embassies is a tools and resources.
significant step in the normalization of • These controls are currently available
relations between the UAE and Qatar. in the U.S., U.K., and Canada, but the
It is also a boost for the GCC, which has company will soon launch these
been seeking to overcome the divisions features in more countries around the

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17. ADB approves USD 50 mln loan to • The programme will help implement
improve Nepal's overall trade infra the current customs reform and
• The Asian Development Bank modernization plan by improving
(ADB)said it has approved a USD 50 customs processes through the
million loan to the Nepal government introduction of digital technologies,
to support the implementation of such as electronic payments of customs
policy reforms and help improve the duties and fees, and electronic
Himalayan nation's domestic and submission of export documents,
international trade with its key according to the ADB.
economic partners like India and

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1. Finale Bahnen-Tournee 2023 cycling: location in India, situated in The Grand

India's Esow Alben wins bronze medal in Venice Mall, Greater Noida.
keirin • On a mission to make golf accessible to
• Indian cyclist Esow Alben won the all ages, Five Iron Golf India offers a
bronze medal in the elite men's keirin unique, immersive, and state-of-the-art
event at a UCI Class 1 Event-Finale indoor golf experience for enthusiasts
Bahnen-Tournee 2023 cycling of all skill levels.
competition in Dudenhofen, Germany. 5. Indian wrestlers Manisha wins Gold,
• The 22-year-old also listed himself in Reetika clinches Silver and Sarita Mor bags
being the first cyclist from India to Bronze at UWW Ranking Series event in
participate in the UCI Champions Bishkek
League. Alben was also the first Indian • Indian grapplers have signed off with
who won a medal in a cycling world three medals in the UWW Ranking
championship. Series event in Bishkek, with Manisha
2. Junior Men's Asia Cup Hockey 2023: India grabbing Gold, Reetika finishing
beat Pakistan 2-1 to win title second-best and Sarita Mor getting her
• India's junior men's hockey team hand so on the Bronze Improvising with
maintained their continental the small sized-draws, Manisha bagged
dominance, defeating arch-rival Gold in the 65 kg weight category.
Pakistan 2-1 to win the Asia Cup for 6. 3rd Khelo India University games conclude
the fourth time. in Varanasi
• Angad Bir Singh (13th minute) and • Third khelo India University games
Araijeet Singh Hundal (20th minute) concluded. The closing ceremony was
scored for India, while Abdul Basharat held at IIT BHU campus in Varanasi.
(37th minute) scored for Pakistan. • Union Youth Affairs and Sports Minister
3. India's Manjeet wins bronze in UWW Anurag Singh Thakur along with Union
ranking series wrestling event in Kyrgyzstan Minister of state for Sports, Nishith
• India's Manjeet clinched bronze in the Pramanik and Chief Minister of Uttar
men's Greco Roman 55kg category to Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath were present
open India's medal account in the at the closing ceremony.
UWW Ranking Series wrestling event. 7. MOC approves Olympians Elavenil
• He lost to Ikhtiyor Botirov of Valarivan and Pravin Jadhav's proposals for
Uzbekistan in the quarterfinals with the equipment servicing and upgradation
latter notching up victory by superiority • Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
(VSU1, 13-4). (MYAS) Mission Olympic Cell on June
4. Five Iron Golf opens their first venue in 1st approved Olympic Shooter Elavenil
India, Bringing cutting-edge virtual golf to Valarivan and Archer Pravin Jadhav's
Greater Noida Read proposals for equipment servicing and
• Five Iron Golf, a renowned name in the upgrade.
indoor golf industry, is excited to • While Elavenil will head to Walther
announce the grand opening of its Factory in Germany for her weapon

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servicing and pellet testing, Pravin will pairing of Oceanne Mueller and
purchase his second set of archery Romain Aufrere in the gold medal
equipment that is now required for match.
international events as there is no time • The Indian pair had qualified second to
allocated for servicing in case of an the French pair but turned the tables
equipment failure during the event. on them in the final. India now has two
• The MOC approved Commonwealth gold medals, one silver and one bronze
Games medallist Sreeja Akula’s from the World Cup after two days of
proposal for financial assistance competition
towards participation in WTT 10. Flanders Cup 2023 Athletics: Top Indian
CONTENDER - LAGOS, Nigeria which is sprinter Amlan Borgohain bags two gold
to take place later this month. medals
• Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) • Top Indian sprinter Amlan Borgohain
would be funding Sreeja’s Flight bagged two gold medals, one each in
Tickets, Food, Accommodation, Local the men's 100 and 200-meter races at
transport, Visa costs, and Insurance the Flanders Cup 2023 athletics meet,
fees among other expenditures. known as the International Antwerp
8. India win three medals in Asian U-20 Athletics Gala, in Merksem, Belgium.
Athletics Championship • Borgohain clocked 10.70 seconds to
• India started their 2023 Asian Under 20 emerge as the fastest man of the meet.
Athletics Championships campaign by He holds the 100-meter national record
winning three medals, including two of 10.25 seconds.
gold, on the opening day in Yecheon, • Meanwhile, Sapna Kumari finished
South Korea. behind Belgium's Amber Vanden Bosch
• Rezoana Mallick Heena and in the women's 100m hurdles after
Bharatpreet Singh kicked off their clocking 14.10, in what was a two-
campaigns by clinching gold medals in woman field.
women's 400-meter race and men's 11. Panjab University topped the KIUG 2023
discus throw respectively. medals tally with 26 gold, 17 silver and 26
• Antima Pal won India’s third medal of bronze medals.
the day, a bronze, in the women’s • The Khelo India University Games
5,000-meter race with a time of 17 2023 concluded with Panjab University
minutes and 17.11 seconds. reclaiming the title after three years.
9. ISSF Junior World Cup: Gautami Bhanot, • Panjab University, who won the
Abhinav Shaw win India's second gold medal inaugural Khelo India University Games
• Indian shooters Abhinav Shaw and title back in 2020, topped the KIUG
Gautami Bhanot have given India their 2023 medals tally with 26 gold, 17
second gold at the ISSF World Cup silver and 26 bronze medals (total - 69
Junior after winning the final of 10 medals).
meter Air Rifle Mixed Team event in • Amritsar's Guru Nanak Dev University
Suhl, Germany. came in second in the overall
• Indian team of Shaw and Bhanot championship race with 24 gold, 27
registered a 17-7 win over the French silver and 17 bronze (total 68

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medals).The team with the most gold 6-4 in 2023 French Open Women's
medals wins the team title Singles final.
12. U-20 Asian Athletics Championships: • Swiatek has become youngest women's
India's Siddharth Choudhary clinches gold in player to clinch consecutive titles at the
men's shot put French Open since Monica Seles (1990,
• India showcased its dominance on the 1991, 2002).
second day of the Under 20 Asian • She further became the first woman to
Athletics Championships in Yecheon, win back-to-back French Open titles
South Korea. since Belgium's Justine Henin (2005,
• India's Siddharth Choudhary clinched 2006, 2007).
gold in men's shot put with a personal • Swiatek also joined Seles and Naomi
best throw of 19.52 metres Osaka as the only women in the Open
• Further three other players Sharuk Era to clinch each of their first four
Khan (3000 metre steeplechase), Grand Slam finals.
Shivam Lohakare (Javelin), and Susmita • The Polish star earned more records by
(Long Jump) claimed silver medals in becoming the youngest to win a fourth
their respective events. Grand Slam title since Serena Williams
• Shakeel (800 metre) and the mixed (1999 US Open, 2002 French, 2002
relay team concluded the day by Wimbledon, 2002 US Open).
winning the bronze medal.With this • Swiatek's four major titles include the
India won six medals on day 2 with the French Open (2020, 2022, 2023) and
overall tally accounting to nine. the US Open (2023).
13. ISSF: Dhanush Srikanth wins India's third 15. Rodri named UEFA Champions League
gold at Suhl Junior World Cup player of the season 2022-23
• Dhanush Srikanth won the men's 10m • The technical observer panel of UEFA
Air Rifle on day three of the ongoing has named Manchester City's
International Shooting Sport midfielder Rodrigo Hernndez Cascante,
Federation (ISSF) World Cup Junior in famous as Rodri, as the 2022/23 UEFA
Suhl, Germany, giving India their third Champions League Player of the
gold of the competition so far. season.
• Dhanush posted 249.4 in the 24-shot • The 26-year-old Spanish professional
final to leave silver winning Swede footballer scored the winning goal as
Pontus Kallin, a clear 1.3 points behind City lifted the trophy for the first time
in a clinical display. when they beat Inter Milan 1-0 in
• India also picked up a bronze in the Saturday's UEFA Champions League
Skeet Mixed Team competition, when Final 2023.
Harmehar Lally and Sanjana Sood 16. Squash World Cup Championship to
defeated Swedish opponents, the pair begin in Chennai from 13th to 17th June
of David Jonsson and Felicia Ros. • The Squash world cup championship
14. Iga Swiatek retains French Open 2023 will begin in Chennai from the 13th to
crown after defeating Karolina Muchova the 17th of this month.
• Polish Iga Swiatek defeated Czech • India will participate along with
Republic's Karolina Muchova 6-2, 5-7, Hongkong, Japan, Malaysia, Egypt,

www.oliveboard.in 36

South Africa, Australia, and Colombia in Devi's proposal to train in St. Louis,
the tournament. USA.
• The last edition of the World Cup was • The Olympic and Commonwealth
played in Chennai in 2011. Saurav Games medalists would be training at
Ghosal, Abhay Singh, Joshna Chinappa St. Louis's SQUAT University under Dr
and Tanvi Khanna will represent India. Aron Horschig and working on their
• There will be a round-robin pool stage rehabilitation and strength training
followed by a knockout stage. Saurav process ahead of the upcoming Asian
Ghosal, Abhay Singh, Joshna Chinappa Games.
and Tanvi Khanna will represent India 19. India win one Gold, 3 Silver & 3 Bronze
in the tournament. medals in U-17 Asian Wrestling
17. Indonesia Open Badminton tournament Championships
begins in Jakarta • In wrestling, India wrapped up their
• Indonesia Open badminton campaign in the U-17 Asian Wrestling
tournament begins in Jakarta today. Championships with one gold, three
Top Indian players, including PV Sindhu silver and three bronze medals on the
and HS Prannoy, will be seen in action final day in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
in the opening round of the • Ankush won India's only gold medal of
tournament. the day in the freestyle 55kg weight
• In Women's Singles, two-time Olympic category, defeating Iran's Amirreza Ali
medallist PV Sindhu will open her Teymorizad.
campaign against local favourite 20. Anjali Devi Wins Stunning 400m Gold In
Gregoria Mariska Tunjung National Inter-State Championship
• In the Men’s Singles, World number 8 • The 24-year-old Anjali, who last ran a
and seventh seed HS Prannoy, who 400m race in October 2019 at the
won the Malaysia Masters last month, Indian Open Championships in Ranchi,
will face Japan’s World No. 11 Kenta clocked 51.58 seconds to beat the up-
Nishimoto in his first-round match. and-coming Haimashi Malik (51.76s)
• The Indonesia Open is the third for the gold medal at the Kalinga
Badminton World Federation Super Stadium in Bhubaneswar.
1000 event of the season after the • Bronze was won by R Vithya Ramraj
Malaysia Open and the All-England (52.49) of Tamil Nadu
Open. The tournament will conclude on • The 21-year-old Malik, as well as the
18th of this month. bronze winner R Vithya Ramraj (52.49)
18. MOC approves Olympic medalist Mirabai of Tamil Nadu and fourth place finisher
Chanu and CWG medalist Bindyarani Devi's Aishwarya Kailash Mishra (52.79) of
proposal to train in St. Louis, USA Maharashtra, all ran below the Asian
• Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports Games qualifying time. But, only two of
(MYAS) Mission Olympic Cell (MOC) in the four will be selected as a country
the recent meeting approved the can send just two participants per
foreign training camp for Target event.
Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS)
athletes Mirabai Chanu and Bindyarani

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21. Indonesia Open 2023: Satwiksairaj, opting to stage the tournament in

Chirag become 1st Indian pair to win Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
doubles title in Super 1000 event • The other sides involved in the six-
• Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag team tournament are India,
Shetty won the men's doubles title at Bangladesh, Afghanistan, and Nepal.
Indonesia Open Super 1000 event, 23. Indian Men's Senior Football Team beat
ending India's long wait for a top Lebanon 2-0 to clinch Intercontinental Cup in
podium finish in a Super 1000 event. Bhubaneshwar
The duo won the final by defeating • Indian men's senior football team
world champions Aaron Chia and Soh clinched the Intercontinental Cup with
Wooi Yik of Malaysia. The Indonesia a 2-0 victory over Lebanon in the final
Open 2023 is also Satwik-Chirag's first- at Kalinga Stadium in Bhubaneshwar.
ever Super 1000 title. • The first half was goalless while in the
• Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chirag second half, the hosts made it 1-0 in
Shetty scripted history on Sunday, June the 46th-minute with Indian captain
18 by becoming the first Indian doubles Sunil Chhetri's goal.
pair to win a title at a Badminton Super • Lallianzuala Chhangte netted the
1000 event in Jakarta. second goal in the 65th -minute,
• The World No. 6 pair, who won a gold making it 2-0.
medal at the Commonwealth Games • This is India's second title in the
and bronze at the World tournament, following their win in the
Championships last year, defeated inaugural edition in 2018. Korea won in
Aaron Chia and Soh Wooi Yika of 2019.
Malaysia in a stunning 2-game battle in 24. UpGrad Mumbai Masters Triumph with
Jakarta. Narrow Victory in Global Chess League's
• Indonesia Open (Badminton) was held Opening Match at Dubai
in Jakarta, Indonesia from 13 - 18 June • The opening match of the Global Chess
2023. League took place at Dubai, showcasing
• The winners of Indonesia Open 2023 in a clash between the Triveni Continental
different categories are –Men’s Kings and the upGrad Mumbai Masters.
Doubles – S. Rankireddy and C. Shetty • The upGrad Mumbai Masters emerged
(India)Women's Doubles - S.H. Lee and victorious with a narrow 8-7 win over
H.N. Baek ( S.Korea)Mixed doubles the Triveni Continental Kings.
- Y.Q. Huang and S.W. Zheng • Dubai witnessed the launch of the
(China)Women's singles - Y.F. Chen inaugural Global Chess League night,
(China)Men's singles - V. Axelsen marking a significant milestone for the
(Denmark) sport. This groundbreaking event aims
22. Asia Cup 2023: Pakistan and Sri Lanka to to revolutionize chess and expand its
co-host tournament global reach by introducing the world's
• This year's Asia Cup will be split first chess team franchise
between two venues, the Asia Cricket
Council (ACC) announced, with officials

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25. Cristiano Ronaldo becomes first male 28. Shot-putter Toor smashes own Asian
player to make 200 international record at National Inter-State C'ships,
appearances qualifies for Worlds
• Twenty years have passed since • Shot-putter Tajinderpal Singh Toor
Cristiano Ronaldo, the 38-year-old five- overcame a personal loss to smash his
time Ballon d'Or recipient, made his own five-year-old Asian record with a
national team debut against big throw of 21.77m and qualify for the
Kazakhstan in a warm-weather match. World championships on the
• Now he is making his 200th concluding day of the 62nd National
appearance for Portugal. inter-state athletics championships at
• Since then, he has established the Kalinga Stadium.
milestones for both the greatest 29. Special Olympics World Summer Games:
number of goals scored and the most Indian Contingent Script History In Berlin
matches in men's international With Record 202 Medals
football. • India finished the final day of the
26. Egypt retains World Squash Games by taking their medal tally to
Championship 202 medals (76 gold, 75 silver, and 51
• Egypt has retained the World Squash bronze), with the last of the medals
Championship. Egypt beat Malaysia 2-1 coming from the athletics track.
in the final in Chennai today. Malaysia • Special Olympics World Summer
won the silver. Games to be held in Berlin Germany
• The third place was shared jointly by from 17-25 June 2023.
hosts India and Japan. India was beaten • From India, 198 Athletes and Unified
by Malaysia 3-0 in the semi-final. Tamil partners and 57 Coaches participated
Nadu Chief Minister M.K.Stalin in 16 Sports.
presented the golden cup to the • Chairperson Special Olympics Bharat,
winning team. Dr. Mallika Nada.
27. Spain win UEFA Nations League title • The World Games Berlin 2023 motto is
after edging past Croatia on penalties “unbeatable together,” and that spirit
• Spain won the UEFA Nations League infused is infused in the mascot.
title for the third time after edging past • The official mascot of the World Games
Croatia on penalties in the final in Berlin 2023 is called 'Unity'.
Rotterdam, Netherlands. 30. Table Tennis, Indian women's doubles
• Unai Simn was Spain's hero making two pair of Sutirtha and Ayhika clinches WTT
saves in the shoot-out following a Contender tournament title in Tunis
match that finished goalless after • The Indian women's doubles pair of
extra-time. Sutirtha Mukherjee and Ayhika
• The next edition of UEFA Nations Mukherjee won the World Table
League is due to begin in September Tennis, ( WTT) Contender tournament
2024, with the finals scheduled for June in Tunis, after beating the Japanese
2025. pair of Miyuu Kihara and Miwa

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• The Indian duo won 3-1 (11-5, 11-6, 5- • The pair also became the first Indians
11, 13-11) in a challenging final. to win a Contender title this year.

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Agreements & MoUs

1. NTPC Green Energy, UPRVUNL tie up to OPEC+ deal as the group faces flagging
develop renewable energy parks in Uttar oil prices and a looming supply glut.
Pradesh • The rest of the OPEC producers agreed
• NTPC Green Energy Ltd (NGEL), a to extend earlier cuts in supply through
subsidiary of NTPC Ltd, has entered the end of 2024.
into a partnership with Uttar Pradesh 4. ISRO awards Gaganyaan Mission mandate
Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited to Tata Elxsi to deliver Crew Module
(UPRVUNL) to develop renewable Recovery Models (CMRM)
energy parks in Uttar Pradesh. • ISRO's Gaganyaan project envisions a
• The collaboration aims to support the demonstration of human spaceflight
government’s energy transition goals capability by launching the crew into a
and facilitate the development of clean 400-kilometer orbit for a three-day
energy infrastructure in the state Mission and safely bringing them to
2. Tata Group signs Rs 13,000-crore EV Earth by landing in Indian sea waters.
battery plant deal with Gujarat • One of the key requirements of this
• The Tata group signed an outline deal project is the safe recovery of the crew,
with the Gujarat government on which must be carried out with
building a lithium-ion cell factory with minimum lapse of time.
an investment of about Rs 13,000 crore • Currently, two Recovery-Models
($1.6 billion). The move comes as India (CMRM and GSF) have been delivered
is looking to create its own electric to Naval training teams at Kochi and
vehicle (EV) supply chain. Visakhapatnam to train the recovery
• The decision to set up the EV battery teams.
plant at Sanand, Gujarat, was taken 5. Air India Subsidiary Inks Pact To Build
earlier this week at a Tata Sons board Country's Largest Multi-modal Cargo Hub At
meeting. Noida International Airport
3. OPEC+ to lower production targets from • Air India SATS will develop a multi-
2024 by 1.4 mln bpd modal cargo hub (MMCH) at the
• The Organization of the Petroleum upcoming Noida International Airport
Exporting Countries and its allies led at Jewar In Uttar Pradesh.
by Russia (OPEC+) reached a deal on • The concession agreement to build a
output policy after seven hours of talks state-of-the-art multi-modal cargo hub
and decided to reduce overall was signed between Sanjay Gupta,
production targets from 2024 by a Chief Executive Officer of AISATS, and
further total of 1.4 million barrels per Christoph Schnellmann, Chief executive
day (bpd). Officer of Yamuna International Airport
• Saudi Arabia, OPEC cartel's dominant Private Ltd.
member, will make deep production
cuts of 1 million bpd starting from July,
as part of a broader output-limiting

www.oliveboard.in 41

6. NHPC inks MoU with Department of • About seven kilometere undersea

Energy, Govt. of Maharashtra for Pumped tunnel at Thane Creek (Intertidal Zone)
Storage Schemes and Other Renewable will be the first under sea rail tunnel to
Energy Source come up in the country.
• A Memorandum of Understanding has • This tunnel will be about 25 to 65
been signed between NHPC Limited meters deep from the ground level.
and Department of Energy, 8. Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Government of Maharashtra for the (ICAR) Signs MoU With Amazon Kisan To
development of Pumped Storage Empower Farmers
schemes and other Renewable Energy • The MoU is for guiding the farmers on
Source projects in the state of scientific cultivation of different crops
Maharashtra. for optimum yield and income.
• The MoU envisages development of • ICAR will provide technological
four Pumped Storage Projects backstopping to the farmers through
aggregating to a total capacity of 7,350 Amazon's network. It will improve
MW, namely Kalu – 1,150 MW, Savitri – farmers' livelihood and boost crop
2,250 MW, Jalond – 2,400 MW and yield.
Kengadi -1,550 MW. Other Renewable • It will help ensuring access to high
Energy Source Projects too will be quality fresh produce for consumers
developed in the state under the across India, including through Amazon
agreement. Fresh.
• The MoU entails harnessing the Pump 9. Sidbi ties up with the Niti Aayog to finance
Storage Projects as Energy Storage 50,000 EVs for MSMEs
Solutions to help achieve the national • SIDBI launched mission EVOLVE
objective of Energy Transition, i.e., (Electric Vehicle Operations and
installed capacity of 500 GW of Lending for Vibrant Ecosystem) in
renewable energy by 2030 and Net association with NITI Aayog, World
Zero by 2070. Bank, Korean-World Bank and Korean
7. NHSRCL signs contract for construction of Economic Development Cooperation
India's 1st undersea rail tunnel Fund (EDCF) to finance MSMEs in the
• National High Speed Rail Corporation EV space.
Limited (NHSRCL) has signed contract • The new scheme seeks to finance
with Afcons Infrastructure Limited for 50,000 EVs.
the construction of 21 km long tunnel • Evolve is designed to support around
including India's first 7 km long 1.5 million EVs. SIDBI is the principal
undersea rail tunnel in the state of financial institution for MSMEs in India.
Maharashtra for Mumbai-Ahmedabad 10. GAME and SIDBI launch 'NBFC Growth
High Speed Rail Corridor under Accelerator Program' to ease funding woes
MAHSR C-2 package. of MSMEs
• According to NHSRCL, the 21 km long • Global Alliance for Mass
tunnel will be between underground Entrepreneurship (GAME), a mass
station at Bandra-Kurla Complex and entrepreneurship enablement platform
Shilphata in the State of Maharashtra. and Small Industries Development

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Bank of India (SIDBI),announced their sector in India through an integrated

joint partnership to launch the NBFC and multi-disciplinary approach.
Growth Acceleration Program (NGAP). 13. Tata Steel inks deal to cut carbon
• This programme aims to handhold emissions with Germany's SMS group
smaller NBFCs that have at least 60% of • In a bid to cut carbon emission and
their exposure to MSMEs. achieve net zero carbon emission by
11. BCI signs MoU with Bar Council of 2045, Tata Steel signed an agreement
England and Wales for exchange of students, with SMS Group.
lawyers for training • Indian steel major has signed this deal
• Bar Council of India(BCI) has entered with the German company to
into a Memorandum of Understanding collaborate on a technology that may
with Bar Council of England and Wales cut carbon emission by more than 50
and Law Society of England and Wales per cent during steel making process.
for an exchange programme of • Tata Steel went on to add that major
lawyers and students for training and goal of this deal is to reduce carbon
learning about each other's dioxide emissions by more than 50%
jurisdiction. from the blast furnace's baseline
• However, the Lawyers recommended operation.
by the Bar Council of India would have 15. Indian Oil Corp to set up aviation fuel
no right to practice in UK in terms of plant with LanzaJet in Haryana
the MoU. • Indian Oil Corp to set up aviation fuel
12. IICA and RRU sign MoU for academic and plant with LanzaJet in Haryana. The
research collaboration company is looking at an investment of
• A Memorandum of Understanding about 23 billion rupees ($280.1
(MoU) was signed between Indian million). The refiner is also running a
Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) pilot project for green fuel in
and Rashtriya Raksha University association with Praj Industries in the
(RRU). western state of Maharashtra.
• The MoU intends to synergise the 16. HPCL to open vehicle service centres in
professional capabilities of IICA and India with Saudi Arabia's Petromin
RRU towards capacity building, • Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd
education, research and consulting in (HPCL) has partnered with Automin Car
the domain of Internal Security, Services, a subsidiary of Saudi Arabia's
Financial Crimes, Law Enforcement, Petromin Corporation, to open co-
Corporate Frauds etc. RRU is an under branded HP-Petromin Express vehicle
the Home Affairs Ministry. service centres in India.
• IICA is an institution established by • The service centres will be located at
the Ministry of Corporate Affairs HPCL's select retail outlets in metros
(MCA), Government of India as an and other major cities across India.
autonomous body to act as a think-
tank and a centre of excellence to
support the growth of the corporate

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17. Asian Energy Services receives LoA worth • Tata Group's Air India has placed an
Rs 78.24 cr from ONGC for 3D seismic data order for 250 Airbus aircraft and 220
acquisition services new Boeing jets worth $70 billion at list
• Asian Energy Services Limited (AESL), a prices. The deal is one of the largest
leading provider of energy services, aircraft orders in civil aviation history.
announced that it has received a 20. TCS expands partnership with British
contract from Oil and Natural Gas pension scheme Nest, signs $1.1 billion
Corporation (ONGC). contract for initial tenue of 10 years
• The contract, in the form of a Letter of • Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and the
Award (LOA), is valued at Rs 78.24 UK's largest workplace pension
crores and entails the provision of 3D scheme, Nest expanded their long-
Seismic Data Acquisition services in standing partnership to focus on
Gujarat. it added that the contract digitally transforming Nest's scheme
duration is for 11 months. administration services, delivering
18. GRSE signs MoU with Kongsberg enhanced member experiences and
Maritime for licensed production of Water furthering the scheme's mission of
Jets in India delivering better retirement outcomes
• Garden Reach Shipbuilders and for people across the United Kingdom.
Engineers (GRSE) and Kongsberg • Nest and TCS have been working
Maritime (KM), Finland, signed a closely since 2011 when the digital,
memorandum of understanding (MoU) auto-enrolment pension scheme was
for co-production of indigenous Water first launched.
Jets (WJs) of up to 3.5 MW. 21. BEL, HFCL sign MoU to leverage business
• Waterjet Propulsion Systems are opportunities across defence, telecom &
extensively used onboard Indian Navy railway sectors
& Indian Coast Guard ships and • Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited
therefore, this collaborative effort of (BEL) announced it has signed an MoU
GRSE & Kongsberg Maritime (KM) has with tech company HFCL Limited to
huge market potential in the coming indigenously develop and deploy
years. emerging technologies and technical
19. Air India Signs Purchase Agreement With solutions to address the requirements
Airbus, Boeing For 470 New Planes of defence, telecom and railway
• Tata Group-owned Air India signed the sectors.
purchase agreements to buy 470 • This strategic MoU is envisaged to give
aircraft from European manufacturer a boost to the ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’
Airbus and USA-based Boeing. The initiative and go a long way in realising
purchase agreements were signed at the Government's vision of a digital
the Paris Air show. India.
• The first A350s are likely to be 22. UNDP partners with DAY-NULM towards
delivered later this year. Air India has empowering women entrepreneurs
started taking delivery of 25 Airbus • The United Nations Development
A320s and Boeing 777s to increase its Programme (UNDP) and the
fleet and network expansion. Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana-National

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Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY- • Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) has signed
NULM) entered into a collaborative a Memorandum of Understanding
partnership aimed at empowering (MoU) with the Tamil Nadu State
women to make well-informed career Rural Livelihood Mission (TNSRLM), to
choices in the field of foster the growth of Self Help Groups
entrepreneurship. (SHGs) in the State and provide them
• The partnership will provide support with vital financial support.
for women looking to start and • Under the terms of the MoU, TNSRLM
expanding their own enterprises, will facilitate eligible SHGs for credit
particularly in sectors such as care linkage with IOB.
economy, digital economy, electric • This strategic collaboration aims to
mobility, waste management, food streamline access to financial resources
packaging and more. for SHGs, enabling them to undertake
• Focused on fostering entrepreneurship entrepreneurial activities, expand their
development and accelerating ventures, and contribute to the
enterprise growth, the three-year economic development of the State.
project, extendable beyond 2025, will 25. DRDO and L&T join hands for realisation
cover eight cities in the initial phase. of Indigenous AIP System for submarines of
23. Directorate General of Resettlement inks Indian Navy
MoU with private sector to generate • Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and DRDO have
employment for Ex-servicemen signed a contract for realisation of two
• Directorate General Resettlement Air Independent Propulsion (AIP)
(DGR) under Department of Ex- System Modules for Kalvari Class of
Servicemen Welfare, Ministry of Submarines of the Indian Navy.
Defence signed a Memorandum of • These modules constitute the core of
Understanding (MoU) with M/s Adecco the fuel cell-based AIP System,
India Private Limited in New Delhi. indigenously developed by NMRL of
• Adecco is a staffing & recruitment DRDO with L&T as prime industry
solutions provider with specialization in partner, an association spanning more
outsourcing, consulting services etc. than a decade.
• The objective is to bring the corporate 26. GE Aerospace inks pact with HAL for joint
companies and the Ex-Servicemen on a production of fighter jet engines in India
common platform to generate • GE Aerospace said that it has inked a
employment opportunities for Ex- pact with Hindustan Aeronautics
Servicemen in various sectors such as Limited (HAL) to jointly produce fighter
IT, E-Commerce, Logistics, Telecom, jet engines for Indian Air Force's Light
Aerospace & Defence, Facility Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Mk-II Tejas.
Management, Security, Digital • The announcement came during Prime
Assessment Services, Power & Energy, Minister Narendra Modi's first state
Manufacturing, Chemical & Agro Etc. visit to the US at the invitation of
24. IOB inks MoU with the Tamil Nadu State President Joe Biden.
Rural Livelihood Mission

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27. IFFCO inks pact for export of nano liquid Emirates, Luxembourg, France,
urea to US Romania, New Zealand, Nigeria, Saudi
• Leading fertiliser cooperative Indian Arabia, Brazil, Singapore, Ukraine and
Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd South Korea.
(IFFCO) said that it has signed an 29. India, US sign MoU to establish
agreement with California-based collaboration in greener railways
Kapoor Enterprises Inc for the export • Indian Railways signed a
of nano liquid urea to the US. Memorandum of Understanding
• In June 2021, IFFCO launched the (MoU) with the United States Agency
world's first nano urea fertiliser, while for International Development/India
nano DAP in April this year. A 500- on June 14 to establish collaboration in
mililitre bottle of IFFCO nano urea bringing greener railway technologies
liquid will replace at least one bag of in India. The two countries will also
conventional urea. collaboratively host events,
• The bottle can significantly bring down conferences, and capacity-building
the cost of logistics and warehousing, programs in the identified areas
the cooperative said. including field visits and study tour
• IFFCO has already sold more than 5.7 • Broad tenets of the agreement include
crore bottles of nano liquid urea in long-term energy planning including
India since its inception in the clean energy for Indian Railways,
commercial market developing an energy efficiency policy
28. India to sign Artemis Accords, work on and action plan for railway buildings,
joint mission with NASA planning for procurement of clean
• India has decided to join the Artemis energy, technical support for
Accords, which brings like-minded addressing regulatory barriers, and bid
countries together on civil space design and management support for
exploration, and NASA and ISRO have large scale renewable procurement.
agreed to a joint mission to the • The ministry aims to make railways
International Space Station in 2024. the first mode of national transport to
• The Artemis Accords are a set of achieve net-zero carbon emissions as
principles, guidelines, and best it looks to achieve this by 2030.
practices applicable for the safe 30. India, UNWTO ink pact to enhance
exploration of the Moon and ultimately cooperation
expand space exploration to Mars and • Government of India and United
beyond. Nations World Tourism Organization
• It is a part of the US government's (UNWTO) signed a MoU to enhance
Artemis program, an American-led cooperation and identify areas of
effort to return humans to the Moon mutual interest, in the backdrop of G20
by 2025. Tourism Ministers meeting at Goa. The
• When India signs the Artemis Accord, it MoU will see both parties collaborate
will join the signatory list, which on key programmatic areas related to
includes the United Kingdom, United tourism market intelligence, tourism,
States, Italy, Japan, United Arab and rural development.

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31. IUCAA hands over SUIT instrument to • According to a report by IDC, the global
ISRO for integration with Aditya-L1 private 5G market is expected
spacecraft to exceed $8 billion by 2026.
• The Pune based Inter-University Centre • India is seeing an increased need for
for Astronomy and Astrophysics enterprises seeing the need for
(IUCAA) has announced that it has deploying a Non-Public Network (NPN)
handed over the Solar Ultraviolet due to faster conncection speed and
Imaging Telescope (SUIT) instrument lower latency.
for integration with the Aditya-L1 34. Tata AIA partners with WhatsApp, PayU
spacecraft. to introduce industry's first premium
• Aditya-L1 is India's first dedicated payment feature
heliophysics observatory, build for • Tata Group-backed life insurance arm,
unlocking the secrets of the Sun Tata AIA introduced digital payments
32. CRPF signs pact with Rashtriya Raksha via WhatsApp and Unified Payment
University, Gujarat Interfaces. This newly added payment
• The Central Reserve Police Force option is first-of-its-kind in the
(CRPF) signed agreement with Gujarat insurance industry and offers an instant
based Rashtriya Raksha University premium payment facility through
(RRU) for a specialized education, WhatsApp and UPI-enabled payment
research, training and innovation options. India has close to 500 million
ecosystem for the Central Armed Police WhatsApp users and more than 300
Forces (CAPFs). million UPI users.
• Under the MoU, CRPF personnel will be • Tata AIA has adopted an Analytics-
able to benefit from diploma and driven, Decile based approach to
degree programs, get accreditation and improve its renewal premium
recognition of training leading towards collections.
diploma and degree, exchange of • The company has enabled renewal
resource persons, conduct research at premium collections via multiple Digital
RRU or CRPF facilities, among others. modes and enhanced its language
33. BSNL partners L&T to offer private 5G capability to 5 Languages –English,
network to businesses Hindi, Tamil, Gujarati, and Bengali.
• Global Engineering services company 35. State-owned firm KABIL to sign pact with
L&T Technology has announced its Argentina to secure lithium blocks
partnership with the state-owned • India's KABIL, a state-owned joint
telecom operator BSNL. This new venture formed to scout for minerals
partnership will drive and enable global overseas, will "shortly" sign an
enterprises in their private 5G network agreement with Argentina to secure a
deployment. According to the few lithium blocks.
agreement, the spectrum will be • KABIL, short for Khanij Bidesh India Ltd,
provided by BSNL using both was formed in August 2019 to identify,
• PLMN and isolated allotment. acquire, develop and process strategic
minerals overseas for use in India.

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1. Cabinet approves City Investments to demonstration of the latest and

Innovate, Integrate and Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS emerging technologies in the power
2.0) from 2023 to 2027 sector.
• The Union Cabinet has approved the • By identifying emerging technologies
City Investments to Innovate, and taking them to implementation
Integrate and Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS 2.0). stage, the Mission seeks to leverage
• CITIIS 2.0 is a program conceived by the them as the main fuel for future
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs economic growth and thus make India
(MoHUA) in partnership with the a manufacturing hub of the world.
French Development Agency (AFD), • Planned for an initial period of five
Kreditanstalt fr Wiederaufbau (KfW), years from 2023-24 to 2027-28, the
the European Union (EU), and Mission will follow the technology life
National Institute of Urban Affairs cycle approach of Idea to Product.
(NIUA). 3. Union Cabinet approves continuation of
• The program will run for a period of Central Sector Scheme of 'Exploration of
four years, i.e., from 2023 till 2027.The Coal and Lignite Scheme'
program envisages to support • The Cabinet Committee on Economic
competitively selected projects Affairs (CCEA) approved the
promoting circular economy with focus continuation of the Central Sector
on integrated waste management at Scheme of 'Exploration of Coal and
the city level, climate-oriented reform Lignite scheme' with an estimated
actions at the State level, and expenditure of Rs. 2980 crore from
institutional strengthening and 2021-22 to 2025-26 co-terminus with
knowledge dissemination at the the 15th Finance Commission cycle.
National level. • Under this scheme, exploration for Coal
2. Mission on Advanced and High-Impact and Lignite is conducted in two broad
Research (MAHIR) to be launched to stages: (i) Promotional (Regional)
leverage Emerging Technologies in Power Exploration and
Sector (ii) Detailed Exploration in Non-Coal
• The Ministry of Power and the India Limited blocks.
Ministry of New and Renewable • Exploration for Coal and Lignite is
Energy are jointly launching a National required to prove and estimate coal
Mission to quickly identify emerging resources available in the country
technologies in the power sector and which helps in preparing detailed
develop them indigenously, at scale, project report to start coal mining.
for deployment within and outside • The Geological reports prepared
India. through these exploration is used for
• The National Mission, titled “Mission auctioning new coal blocks and the cost
on Advanced and High-Impact is thereafter recovered from successful
Research (MAHIR)” aims to facilitate allocatee.
indigenous research, development and

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4. 'DAKSHTA For Young Professionals' now and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal
Live at iGOT Karmayogi said.
• A new curated collection, DAKSHTA • The Government e-Market (GeM)
(Development of Attitude, Knowledge, portal was launched on August 9, 2016,
Skill for Holistic Transformation in by the commerce ministry for online
Administration) For Young purchases of goods and services by all
Professionals, is now Live on the iGOT the central government ministries and
Karmayogi Platform. departments.
• Tailored for Young Professionals & 7. Cabinet approves '3.68 trillion for fertilizer
Consultants engaged in Government, subsidy schemes for 3 years
this collection (consisting of 18 • The Cabinet Committee on Economic
courses) seeks to build functional, Affairs has approved a bouquet of
domain and behavioural competencies fertilizer schemes, including PRANAM
by acquainting learners with subjects scheme and Urea Gold scheme, to
crucial for discharging their duties, and boost wellbeing of farmers, rejuvenate
responsibilities effectively. soil productivity, and ensure food
• Currently, 40 Young Professionals, and security & environmental sustainability
Consultants in NITI Aayog are with a total allocation of '3.70 trillion.
undergoing phase-wise induction • Promotion of Alternate Nutrients for
training through this curated collection Agriculture Management Yojana
of courses on the iGOT Karmayogi (PRANAM) aims to promote balanced
Platform. use of fertilizers along with bio-
5. TCS bags contract for running, maintaining fertilizers.
GeM procurement portal: Goyal • The allocation is over and above the
• India's largest software exporter TCS recently approved Nutrient Based
has won the contract for running and Subsidy of '38,000 crore for 2023-24
maintaining the government Kharif season.
procurement portal GeM, Commerce

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Appointments & Resignations

1. Govt appoints Ashwani Kumar as UCO • Shri P Upadhyay, INAS has taken over
Bank MD & CEO as Director General of Naval Armament
• The Appointments Committee of the (DGONA) at IHQ MoD (Navy) from Shri
Cabinet (ACC) has approved the KSC lyer, who superannuated.
appointment of Ashwani Kumar, • Shri P Upadhyay, belongs to 1987 batch
Executive Director, Indian Bank as of Indian Naval Armament Service.
Managing Director and CEO of UCO • He joined Naval Armament
Bank. Organization of Indian Navy on 12 Jul
• Ashwani Kumar will lead the public 1989.
sector bank for period of three years 5. IMD DG Dr. Mrutunjay Mohapatra Wins
from June 1. The Election To The Post Of Third Vice
2. Ajay Yadav takes charge as MD of SECI President of World Meteorological
• Ajay Yadav, a seasoned IAS officer Organisation
from the 2005 batch of the Bihar cadre, • The Director General of the India
has assumed the charge of Managing Meteorological Department (IMD),
Director at Solar Energy Corporation Mrutyunjay Mohapatra was elected as
of India Limited (SECI), effective one of the three vice-presidents of the
immediately. World Meteorological Organisation.
• SECI, a Miniratna Category-I Central • Along with Mohapatra, the UN agency
Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) for climate change, weather and water
established in 2011, serves as the elected two other vice-presidents as
primary implementing agency for well.
renewable energy schemes and 6. UAE wins Presidency of World
projects under the Ministry of New and Meteorological Organization
Renewable Energy, Government of • A meteorologist of United Arab
India. Emirates (UAE) Dr Abdulla Al Mandous
3. Argentina's Celeste Saulo becomes first has been elected as the new President
woman leader of World Meteorological of the World Meteorological
Organization Organization (WMO) for a four-year
• Celeste Saulo of Argentina has been term from 2023 to 2027.
appointed as the first female • The WMO is an authoritative body
Secretary-General of the World within the UN system that focuses on
Meteorological Organization (WMO). weather, climate, hydrological, and
• Saulo won a landslide vote at the UN related environmental fields.
Climate and weather agency's Congress 7. Air Marshal Rajesh Kumar Anand takes
in Geneva. over as Air Officer-in-Charge Administration
• Saulo has served as the director of • Air Marshal Rajesh Kumar Anand,
Argentina's National Meteorological Vishisht Seva Medal took over as Air
Service since 2014. Officer-in-Charge Administration
4. Missile specialist P. Upadhyay takes over (AOA) .
as Director General of Naval Armament

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• An alumnus of National Defence has been appointed as Chairman of

Academy, the Air Marshal was Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank
commissioned in Administrative Branch (APGVB).
of the Indian Air Force as an Air Traffic • Reddy previously headed the Real
Controller on 13 Jun 1987. For his Estate Housing Business Unit at SBI
distinguished service, he was awarded Bhopal Circle.
Vishisht Seva Medal in January 2022. • APGVB, supported by SBI, is a
8. Janardan Prasad appointed new Director- beneficial Local Rustic Bank serving
General of the Geological Survey of India clients across 28 regions in Telangana
• Janardan Prasad has been appointed and Andhra Pradesh.The bank reported
as the new Director General of the a '1,046 crore net profit for the fiscal
Geological Survey of India (GSI). year that ended in March 2023, which
• Mr. Prasad, who took charge of the is an increase of 28.6 per cent from the
174-year-old institution on June 1, year before. The APGVB's goals are to
succeeds Dr. S. Raju, who has held the encourage economic growth and
post since April 2022. financial inclusion in the region
• Geological Survey of India (GSI) 11. PESB recommends Sanjay Swarup for
Established in 1851. GSI is CONCOR's CMD post
headquartered in Kolkata. • Sanjay Swarup is set to be next
9. Dennis Francis assumes presidency of 78th Chairman & Managing Director (CMD)
UNGA Session, first from Trinidad and of Container Corporation of India
Tobago (CONCOR), a PSU under the Ministry of
• Trinidad and Tobago's nominee Dennis Railways.
Francis was successfully elected as the • Swarup has been recommended for the
78th President of the United Nations post by the Public Enterprises Selection
General Assembly. He is the first T&T Board (PESB) panel.
nominee to be elected as UNGA • Presently, he is serving as Director
President. (International Marketing & Operations)
• Ambassador Francis, who is the in the same organisation.
Permanent Representative of Trinidad 12. IndiGo CEO Pieter Elbers appointed as
and Tobago, was elected by Chair-elect of IATA's Board of Governors
acclamation and will preside over the • IATA also announced that Pieter Elbers,
78th Session of the United Nations CEO of IndiGo, will serve as Chair of the
General Assembly, which begins in IATA BoG from June 2024, succeeding
September 2023. Yvonne Manzi Makolo, CEO of
• The 78th session of the assembly will Rwandair.
run from September 2023 to • Tata Sons-owned Air India was elected
September 2024. to the International Air Transport
10. K. Prathapa Reddy is new chairperson of Association (IATA) Board of Governors
Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank at the IATA.
(APGVB) • Air India also got elected to the
• Prathapa Reddy, Deputy General Executive Committee of Star Alliance
Manager of State Bank of India (SBI), for the first time. At present, IATA's

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board of Governors' comprises 31 effect from June 1, 2023 to August 31,

airlines. IATA HQ- Montreal, Canada. 2023.
• Air India last year joined the Federation 16. Axis Bank appoints ex RBI Deputy
of Indian Airlines (FIA) and Association Governor N S Vishwanathan as non-
of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA). executive, part time chairman
13. Nitin Agarwal appointed as the new • The Board of Directors of Axis Bank at
director general of BSF its approved the appointment of N. S.
• Nitin Agarwal has been appointed as Vishwanathan, Independent Director
the new director general of the Border as the Non-Executive (Part-time)
Security Force (BSF), more than five Chairman of the Bank for a period of
months after the post fell vacant. three years.
• The post of BSF chief has been vacant • Other than Axis Bank, Vishwanathan, in
for more than five months after Pankaj April 2023 was appointed as head of
Kumar Singh retired on December 31, the advisory board at Razorpay.
2022. Amitabh Chaudhry, MD & CEO, Axis
• CRPF DG Sujoy Lal Thaosen has been Bank.
handling the charge of BSF in an 17. RBI approves P N Vasudevan's re-
additional capacity since then. appointment as MD & CEO of Equitas Small
14. Amit Agrawal appointed UIDAI CEO, Finance Bank
Subodh Kumar Singh named DG NTA • The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
• Senior IAS officers Amit Agrawal and approved the reappointment of P
Subodh Kumar Singh have been Vasudevan as Managing Director and
appointed as CEO Unique CEO of Equitas Small Finance Bank.
Identification Authority of India and Vasudevan has been reappointed for a
director general of the National period of three years, from July 23,
Testing Agency, respectively, as part of 2023, to July 23, 2026.
a bureaucratic reshuffle effected by the • In December 2022, the bank
Centre. announced that PN Vasudevan had
• Both Agrawal (1993 batch) and Singh decided to remain as MD and CEO of
(1997 batch) are Indian Administrative the bank in response to the Board's
Service (IAS) officers of the suggestions.
Chhattisgarh cadre. 18. IPS officer Ravi Sinha appointed new
15. Amitava Mukherjee gets 3 months Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief
extension as CMD of NMDC • Senior IPS officer Ravi Sinha was
• NMDC Limited's Director (Finance) of appointed as the chief of the country's
Amitava Mukherjee, who is also external spy agency RAW, succeeding
holding the additional charge of NMDC Samant Kumar Goel who will complete
Limited's Chairman & Managing his four-year tenure on June 30, an
Director (CMD) post, has been given official order said.
tenure extension on CMD role. • Sinha's predecessor Goel was
• Thus, he will be holding the additional appointed RAW chief for two years in
charge as CMD of NMDC Limited for a June 2019. He was later given two
further period of three months with

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extensions of one year each in 2021 • Finland's newly elected parliament

and June 2022. voted in favour of National Coalition
19. Sumit Seth appointed India's next Party leader Petteri Orpo to become
ambassador to Panama prime minister, as widely expected,
• Sumit Seth has been appointed as ushering in a right-wing government
India's next ambassador to Panama. and ending Social Democrat Sanna
• Earlier, he served as Deputy Chief of Marin's rule.
Mission in Yangon, Myanmar. He was • Orpo will lead a coalition of the
also posted at India's Missions in conservative NCP, the nationalist Finns,
Madrid, Bogota and Geneva. the minority-language Swedish
20. Hasmukh Adhia appointed Chairman, People's Party and the Christian
GIFT City Democrats.
• Former Union Finance Secretary & 22. Chinese tech giant Alibaba names Eddie
Revenue Secretary, Hasmukh Adhia, Wu as next CEO
has been appointed Chairman of GIFT • Chinese tech giant Alibaba announced
City Ltd, the entity responsible for that it will replace chairman and CEO
developing India's first smart city Daniel Zhang with current executive
Gujarat International Finance-Tec City vice chairman Joseph Tsai as chairman
in Gandhinagar. As GIFT City Chairman, and Eddie Wu as CEO in September.
Adhia replaces Sudhir Mankad, former • Hangzhou-based Alibaba is one of
chief secretary of Gujarat. China's most prominent technology
• Besides GIFT City, Adhia has also been firms, with business operations
appointed Director and Chairman of spanning cloud computing, e-
the boards of State public sector commerce, logistics, media and
undertakings Gujarat Alkalies & artificial intelligence.
Chemicals Ltd (GACL) and Gujarat 23. Mastercard CEO Michael Miebach Joins
Mineral Development Corporation Ltd USISPF Board Of Directors
(GMDC) with immediate effect. The • Mastercard CEO Michael Miebach
appointments are as non-executive joined the board of directors of the
chairman. U.S.-India Strategic and Partnership
• At present Adhia is a non-executive Forum (USISPF).
Chairman of Bank of Baroda, and also • Dr. Mukesh Aghi is the President and
the Chancellor of Central University of Chief Executive Officer of USISPF.
Gujarat. He serves as a member of the • USISPF is a critical forum for business
Board of Governors of the Indian and government leaders to come
Institute of Management Bangalore. He together and drive the next phase of
also serves as Vice-President in Gujarat growth in the US-India partnership.
Energy Research and Management USISPF: chairman, John Chambers.
Institute (GERMI) and Pandit Deendayal 24. Indian Economic Trade Organization
Energy University, Gandhinagar. appoints Nutan Roongta as Director of USA
21. Petteri Orpo to be Finland's new prime East Coast
minister • The Indian Economic Trade
Organization (IETO) has recently

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announced the appointment of Nutan moved to a new role as Country Head

Roongta as the Director of the USA of DBS Bank Australia.
East Coast Chapter. 27. Greece's centre-right leader Kyriakos
• This significant development highlights Mitsotakis sworn in as Prime Minister for a
IETO's commitment to expanding its second term
presence and promoting bilateral trade • Kmitsotak is Greece's centre-right
and economic cooperation between leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis was sworn
India and the United States. in as the Prime Minister for a second
• As the Director of the USA East Coast term.
Chapter, Nutan Roongta will play a • With 99.67 percent of the vote
pivotal role in leading and coordinating counted, Mr. Mitsotakis' New
the organization's activities across this Democracy party had 40.55 percent of
vital region.With her extensive the vote, more than twice the main
experience and expertise in opposition Syriza's 17.84 percent. It
international trade and business was the largest margin of victory in half
development, she is well-equipped to a century.
spearhead IETO's efforts to enhance 28. Indian-origin satellite expert Aarti Holla-
commercial ties between the two Maini appointed as UN Outer Space Affairs
nations. director
25. Nusrat Jahan Choudhury confirmed as • Indian-origin satellite industry expert
first Muslim woman to be federal judge Aarti Holla-Maini was appointed as the
• The US Senate has confirmed the Director of the United Nations Office
former American Civil Liberties Union for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) in
(ACLU) attorney Nusrat Jahan Vienna by the United Nations
Choudhury as the first Muslim woman Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
to serve as a federal judge. Aarti Holla-Maini will succeed
• Choudhury, 46, is also the first Simonetta Di Pippo of Italy.
Bangladeshi American to serve in this • Aarti Holla-Maini has worked as
lifetime position. She will serve as a Secretary-General of the Global
judge on the US court for the eastern Satellite Operators Association.
district of New York. • The primary objective of UNOOSA is to
26. DBS Bank names exHSBC executive foster global collaboration in the
Verma as unit MD peaceful utilization and exploration of
• DBS Bank India has appointed Rajat outer space, as well as the effective
Verma as the MD and Head of application of space science and
Institutional Banking for India. technology to achieve sustainable
• Till recently, Mr. Verma was with the economic and social progress.
HSBC Bank where he was MD and 29. Federal Bank gets RBI approval on
Country Head of Commercial Banking, appointment of AP Hota as part time
India. Chairman
• The current Head of Institutional • The Federal Bank announced that the
Banking for India, Niraj Mittal, has Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has given
approval for the appointment of

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Abhaya Prasad Hota as part time Chief Executive Officer between 2009-
chairman of the Bank with effect from 2017.
June 29, 2023, till January 14, 2026. • Federal Bank Headquarters: Aluva
• Mr. Hota was the architect of NPCI and (Kerala). Federal Bank Managing
served as its Managing Director and Director and CEO: Shyam Srinivasan.

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1. EIL's Divya Dutta conferred with 'FIPI Oil 4. 5 buildings and structures from Telangana
and Gas Award 2022' selected for International Green Apple
• Engineers India Limited (EIL) Manager Awards for Beautiful Buildings
Divya Dutta has been conferred with • Five of the landmark building
the Federation of Indian Petroleum structures in Telangana have been
Industry (FIPI) Award 2022- 'Special adjudged winners of the 'International
Commendation' in Young Achiever of Green Apple Awards for Beautiful
the Year in Oil & Gas Industry Buildings' by a London-based non-
category. profit. The awards are given by The
• Dutta received the award from Union Green Organisation under the Urban
Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas and Real Estate Sector 2023 category
and Housing & Urban Affairs Hardeep for promoting 'best environmental
Singh Puri at a function held in New practices'.
Delhi. • The Nizam-era Moazzam Jahi
2. Raj gir's documentary 'When Climate market won the award in the heritage
Change Turns Violent' wins WHO award category for excellent restoration and
• A documentary titled 'When Climate reuse
Change Turns Violent’ has won a • The cable-stayed hanging bridge over
special prize in the 'Health for All' Durgam Cheruvu won the award for its
category at the 4th Annual Health for unique design.
All Film Festival held at the World • The recently-inaugurated Dr BR
Healtth Organization headquarters in Ambedkar Telangana State
Geneva. Secretariat building won the award in
• The documentary has been directed by the category of aesthetically designed
Vandita Saharia of Rajasthan. She was office or workspace building.
the only Indian among the winners. • The new Integrated Command and
3. RBI chief Shaktikanta Das honoured with Control Centre of the state police won
'Governor of the Year' award at Central the award in the unique office
Banking Awards 2023, London category.
• Reserve Bank of India Governor • The revamped Yadagirigutta
Shaktikanta Das, who was conferred Narasimha Swamy temple won the
the Governor of the Year Award 2023 award in the category of excellent
by Central Banking, has highlighted religious structures category.
how monetary authorities went well • The past winners of the award include
beyond their traditional briefs in buildings like the British Academy of
response to unprecedented challenges Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) in
over the last few years. London, the National Museum of
• Das received the award in London as Qatar, and Jalan Mahkota in Kuantan,
part of the Central Banking Awards Malaysia.

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5. Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar presents French translation of her compilation

National Water Awards in New Delhi of essays titled Azadi: Libert, Fascisme,
• Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar Fiction (Azadi: Freedom, Fascism,
conferred the fourth National Water Fiction in English).
Awards in New Delhi today, June 17. • Roy will receive a cash prize of CHF
The Jal Shakti Ministry had announced 20,000 (about Rs 18 lakh), at a
a total of 41 winners, covering 11 ceremony on September 12, 2023 in
categories, including joint winners, for Lausanne, Switzerland.
the National Water Awards, 2022. 8. Historian Ramachandra Guha's book wins
• Madhya Pradesh was awarded the Elizabeth Longford Prize for Historical
first prize in the best State category. Biography 2023
• In the best district category, the award • Ramchandra Guha collected 5,000
was given to the Ganjam District of cheque for winning the highly regarded
Odisha. Elizabeth Longford Prize for Historical
• The best Village Panchayat award was Biography 2023 in its 20th anniversary
presented to Jagannadhapuram year for Rebels against the Raj:
Village Panchayat, Bhadradri Western Fighters for India's Freedom
Kothagudem district of Telangana. (published by William Collins).
• Each award winner was conferred with • Guha also received a bound copy of
a citation and a trophy as well as cash Longford's autobiography, The Pebbled
prizes. Shore (1986).
6. Gandhi Peace Prize for 2021 to be • The annual prize “was established in
conferred on Gita Press, Gorakhpur 2003 in affectionate memory of
• The Gandhi Peace Prize for the year Elizabeth Longford (1906-2002), an
2021 has been conferred on Gita Press, acclaimed historical biographer and
Gorakhpur. family matriarch best known for
• Gandhi Peace Prize is an annual award Victoria RI (1964), her scholarly and
instituted by Government of India in readable life of Queen Victoria, for her
1995, on the occasion of 125th Birth magisterial Wellington: Years of the
Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi as a Sword (1969), and Wellington: Pillar of
tribute to the ideals espoused by State (1972)”.
Mahatma Gandhi. The award is open to 9. President Sh. Murmu confers Florence
all persons regardless of nationality, Nightingale Awards on 30 nurses and
race, language, caste, creed. auxiliary midwives
• The award carries an amount of Rs. 1 • President Droupadi conferred the
crore, a citation, a plaque and an National Florence Nightingale Award
exquisite traditional on Major General Smita Devrani and
handicraft/handloom item. Brigadier Amita Devrani of the Military
7. Arundhati Roy wins the 2023 European Nursing Service for 2022 and 2023
Essay Prize for lifetime achievement respectively.
• Writer Arundhati Roy has been • The Devrani sisters, hailing from
awarded the 45th European Essay Kotdwar district of Uttarakhand, were
Prize for lifetime achievement for the awarded in recognition of their

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remarkable contribution and service Prahladrao Dave (Gujarati),

for almost four decades. Vijayashree Haladi (Kannada),
• The National Florence Nightingale Tukaram Rama Shet (Konkani),
Award was instituted by the Ministry Akshay Anand ‘Sunny’
of Health and Family Welfare, (Maithili), Priya AS
Government of India in the year 1973 (Malayalam), Eknath Avhad
as a mark of recognition for the (Marathi).
meritorious services rendered by the • Madhusudan Bisht (Nepali),
nurses and nursing professionals to Jugal Kishore Sarangi (Odia),
the society Gurmeet Karyalvi (Punjabi),
10. Sahitya Akademi announces winners of Kiran Badal (Rajasthani),
Bal Sahitya Puraskar, Yuva Puraskar Radhavallabh Tripathi
• The Sahitya Akademi has announced a (Sanskrit), Mansing Majhi
list of 22 recipients of its Bal Sahitya (Santali), Dholan Rahi (Sindhi),
Puraskar and 20 winners of its Yuva Udhayasankar (Tamil), DK
Puraskar for this year. Chaduvula Babu (Telugu), and
• Among the selected awardees Mateen Achalpuri are the
of the Bal Sahitya Puraskar is remaining ten winners of the
renowned children's author Bal Sahitya Puraskar.
Sudha Murty, who will be • The 18 other recipients of the
awarded for her collection of Yuva Puraskar are Jintu
stories titled 'Grandparents' Gitartha (Assamese),
Bag of Stories'. Hamiruddin Middya (Bengali),
• In the Hindi language category Mainaosri Daimary (Bodo),
of the same award, Suryanath Sagar Shah (Gujarati),
Singh has been selected for his Manjunayak Challur (Kannada),
collection of short stories, Nighat Nasreen (Kashmiri),
‘Kotuk App’. Tanvi Kamat Bambolkar
• Anirudh Kanisetti will be given (Konkani), Ganesh Puthu
the Yuva Puraskar for ‘Lords Of (Malayalam), Vishakha
The Deccan: Southern India Vishwanath (Marathi), Naina
From Chalukyas To Cholas’, Adhikari (Nepali), Sandeep
while Atul Kumar Rai will (Punjabi), Devilal Mahiya
receive the same award in the (Rajasthani), Bapi Tudu
Hindi language category for his (Santali), Monika J Panjwani
novel ‘Chandpur ki Chanda’. (Sindhi), Ram Thangam (Tamil),
• The other winners of the Bal Johny Takkedasila (Telugu),
Sahitya Puraskar are Dheeraj Bismil (Dogri) and
Rothindranath Goswami Tauseef Bareilvi who will
(Assamese), Shyamalkanti Das receive it for Urdu..
(Bengali), Pratima Nandi
Narzaree (Bodo), Balwan Singh
Jamoria (Dogri), Rakshabahen

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11. NTPC gets recognized as Team Partnership'. The two countries also
Marksmen's "Most Preferred Workplace of signed pacts in the fields of agriculture,
2023-24" archaeology and antiquities and
• NTPC Ltd., the country's largest power competition law during the first PM-
generator, has been honoured with the level visit from India to Cairo since
prestigious title of "Most Preferred 1997.
Workplace of 2023-24" by Team • Companion of the Order of Logohu:
Marksmen. Papua New Guinea conferred the
• The award recognizes NTPC's highest civilian award for championing
performance in various key areas, the cause of unity of Pacific Island
including Organizational Purpose, countries and spearheading the cause
Employee Centricity, Growth etc. The of Global South.
award was conducted by Team • Companion of the Order of Fiji:
Marksmen in association with India Highest honour of Fiji in recognition of
Today& Business Standard. PM Modi's global leadership in May
12. Salman Rushdie awarded the prestigious 2023Ebakl Award by the Republic of
German Peace Prize 2023 Palau: During his visit to Papua New
• Noted author Salman Rushdie has Guinea, PM Modi was conferred with
been awarded the prestigious Peace Ebakl Award by the President Surangel
Prize of the German Book Trade for S. Whipps, Jr. of the Republic of Palau
2023 for his contribution to the literary in May 2023.
world. • Order of the Druk Gyalpo: Bhutan
• The author has also been honoured for honoured PM Modi with the highest
his resolve in the face of "constant civilian decoration, Order of the Druk
threat to his life." Last year, the award Gyalpo in December 2021.
went to Ukrainian author Serhiy • Legion of Merit by the US
Zhadan. Government: Award of the United
13. PM Modi Conferred Egypt's Highest States Armed Forces that is given for
Honour 'Order Of The Nile' exceptionally meritorious conduct in
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi has the performance of outstanding
been conferred with 'Order of the Nile' services and achievements in 2020.
award in Cairo by Egyptian President • King Hamad Order of the Renaissance:
Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Bahrain Order ' First Class is a top
• 'Order of the Nile' is Egypt's highest honour by the Gulf country in 2019.
state honour. PM Modi arrived in Cairo • Order of the Distinguished Rule of
of Egypt for a two-day State visit ' a Nishan Izzuddin: Highest honour of
first bilateral visit by any Indian prime the Maldives awarded to foreign
minister in the past 26 years. Egypt's dignitaries.
Prime Minister: Mostafa Madbouly. • Order of St. Andrew Award: Highest
• Prime Minister Narendra Modi and civilian honor of Russia in 2019Order
President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi during a of Zayed Award: Highest civilian honor
meeting in Cairo elevated Indo-Egypt of the United Arab Emirates)
bilateral relationship to a 'Strategic

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• '2019Grand Collar of the State of • Order of Ghazi Amir Amanullah Khan:

Palestine Award: Highest honor of Highest civilian honor of Afghanistan
Palestine awarded to foreign in 2016
dignitaries in 2018State • Order of Abdulaziz Al Saud: Highest
honor of Saudi Arabia awarded to
non-muslim dignitaries in 2016.

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Ranks & Reports

1. RBI's All-India House Price Index (HPI) for followed by home building and
Q4:2022-23 infrastructure at 17 per cent, and
• The Reserve Bank of India released its technology at 14 per cent are the
quarterly house price index (HPI)1 fastest-growing sectors over the last
(base: 2010-11=100) for Q4:2022-23, ten years.
based on transaction-level data 3. NIRF Ranking 2023: IIT Madras top
received from the registration educational institution, Miranda House best
authorities in ten major cities (viz., college
Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, • The Ministry of Education announced
Delhi, Jaipur, Kanpur, Kochi, Kolkata, the National Institutional Ranking
Lucknow, and Mumbai). Framework (NIRF) ranking for the year
• All India HPI growth (y-o-y) inched up 2023.
to 4.6 per cent in Q4:2022-23 from 2.8 • The Indian Institute of
per cent in the previous quarter and Technology (IIT) Madras has
1.8 per cent a year ago; the y-o-y been declared the best
movements in HPI varied widely across educational institute under
the cities - ranging from a growth of the overall category.
16.3 per cent (Bengaluru) to a • Indian Institute of Science
contraction of 8.5 per cent (Jaipur). (IISc), Bangalore got second
• On a sequential (q-o-q) basis, all India position and Indian Institute of
HPI increased by 0.6 per cent in Technology, IIT-Delhi, awarded
Q4:2022-23, showing sequential third position in the same
increase in seven of the cities. category.
2. TCS, Reliance Industries and Infosys have All India Institute of Medical
topped Interbrand's Best Indian Brands 2023 Science, AIIMS New Delhi was
Rankings awarded the 5th position and
• Interbrand has released the list of Jawaharlal Nehru University
India's top 50 most valuable brands. (JNU), New Delhi got the 10th
• According to the report, TCS topped position in the overall
the list with a brand value of INR category.
1,095,766. • In the category of top ten
• With a brand value of INR 653,208, Universities in the country,
Reliance Industries from the diversified IISc, Bangalore is in First
sector came 2nd on the rankings for position and JNU in second
2023. position. Jamia Millia Islamia
• The top 3 brands alone account for a got 3rd position, Banaras
staggering 46 per cent of the total Hindu University 5th position
value of the top ten brands. and Aligarh Muslim University
• According to the report, the FMCG bagged 9th position in this
sector demonstrated the highest category.
growth with a CAGR of 25 per cent,

www.oliveboard.in 61

• The University of Hyderabad is financial institution attributes

also in 10th position in the constrained private consumption due
same category. The Ministry to high inflation as the main reason for
announced ranking for several slowdown.
categories including Overall, • In its Global Global Economic Prospects
Top ten Universities, report, World Bank explained that the
Engineering, Pharmacy and slowdown is attributed to private
Management. consumption being constrained by high
inflation and rising borrowing costs,
while government consumption is
4. India set to be third-largest construction impacted by fiscal consolidation.
market in 2024: CNH Industrial president 7. UPI Scales New Peak In May 2023 With
• India is set to become the world's 941 Crore Monthly Transactions Worth Over
third-largest market for construction Rs 14.3 Lakh Crores
equipment next year, surpassing Japan, • Unified Payment Interface (UPI)
as the country's significant transactions in May 2023 scaled a new
infrastructure investments pave the milestone with 9.41 billion (941
way for increased demand, said a top crores) transactions and Rs 14.3 lakh
executive at CNH Industrial, an crores in terms of value, according to
European maker of loaders and data made available by National
excavators. Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
5. President Droupadi Murmu conferred • No. of transactions in May 2023 is a
with highest civilian honour of Suriname 58% year-on-year In May 2022 when
• President Droupadi Murmu has been 5.95 billion (595 crore) transactions
decorated with the highest civilian were recorded.
honour of Suriname - The Grand Order • Given the number of UPI transactions
of the Chain of Yellow Star, in in April 2023 was 8.9 billion (890 crore)
Paramaribo, the capital city of and Rs 14.07 lakh crore in value terms,
Suriname. She received the honor from the May 2023 figures represents a 6
the President of the Republic of per cent rise in volume and 2 per cent
Suriname, Chandrikapersad Santokhi. in value on a month-on-month basis.
• President Murmu is the first Indian to • FASTag transactions in May saw a 10
receive this award per cent rise in volume terms from 305
6. World Bank cuts India's GDP growth million(30.5 crores) in April to 335
forecast for FY24 to 6.3% in latest Global million (35.5 crores) in May. In value
Economic Prospects report terms, this increased by 6 per cent to
• World Bank expects growth in India to Rs 5,437 crore in May compared to Rs
slowdown further to 6.3% in the 5,149 in April.
financial year FY 2023/24 (April to 8. Manchester City becomes most valuable
March). football club in Europe after replacing Real
• This is a 0.3 percentage point Madrid
downward revision from the previous • Manchester City have been named as
estimates of 6.6%. The international Europe's most valuable football club,

www.oliveboard.in 62

ousting Real Madrid, in a report • In 2018, women in India spent an

published before this weekend's average of 45.5 minutes daily
Champions League. collecting water to meet household
• City, who play Inter Milan in needs.
Champions League final in Istanbul, • Overall, households without on-
came out on top with a valuation of premises water spent a staggering 66.6
4.073 billion euros ($4.39 billion). million hours each day collecting water,
• That figure saw them overtake Madrid, with the majority (55.8 million hours)
last year’s European champions whose occurring in rural areas. Universal
own value was just behind, at 4.006 coverage through tap water provision
billion euros will result in substantial savings by
9. WHO report highlights significant impact eliminating the need for daily water
of 'Har Ghar Jal' Program on Public Health collection efforts.
and Economic Savings • The Har Ghar Jal Programme,
• The report, 'Health impact of Jal implemented by the Jal Jeevan Mission
Jeevan Mission', estimates that under the Ministry of Jal Shakti, was
ensuring safely managed drinking announced by Prime Minister Shri
water for all households in the country Narendra Modi on August 15, 2019.
could avert nearly 4 lakh deaths caused The program aims to provide every
by diarrheal diseases & prevent rural household with affordable and
approximately 14 million Disability regular access to an adequate supply of
Adjusted Life Years(DALYs) related to safe drinking water through taps. The
these diseases. program's components align with the
• This alone would result in estimated WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring
cost savings of up to $101 billion. Programme for Water Supply,
• The ‘Har Ghar Jal’ report focuses on Sanitation, and Hygiene (JMP) to
diarrheal diseases as they contribute monitor progress on SDG 6.1 for safely
significantly to the overall disease managed drinking water services
burden related to water, sanitation, 10. India tops in digital payments, records
and hygiene (WASH) issues. 89.5 mn transactions, says MyGovInd
• Prior to 2019, the situation of water • According to data from MyGovIndia,
supply in rural areas was challenging, India has recorded with 89.5 million
with a large percentage of the digital transactions in the year 2022.
population lacking access to improved • India in the year 2022 accounting for
drinking-water sources on their 46% global real-time payments, adding
premises. Unsafe drinking water, along that the digital payment transactions in
with inadequate sanitation and India is more than the other four
hygiene, resulted in 1.4 million deaths leading countries combined.
and 74 million DALYs globally in 2019. • Brazil which amounted to 29.2 million
• The report emphasizes the tremendous transactions was second on the list.
time and effort saved for women and • China was 3rd with 17.6 million
girls through the provision of tap transactions.

www.oliveboard.in 63

• On number 4 is Thailand with 16.5 produced by the International Labour

million digital transactions followed by Organisation (ILO), Walk Free, and the
South Korea with 8 million worth of International Organisation for
transactions, the data from Migration (IOM).
MyGovIndia has stated. • This is the fifth edition of the GSI and it
11. Mumbai continues to be most costly is based on the 2022 estimates.
Indian city for expats, followed by New • The previous four editions were
Delhi, Bengaluru: Survey published in 2013, 2014, 2016, and
• The Mercer's Cost of Living survey was 2018.
conducted across 227 cities from • In its report, Walk Free reported that
across five continents. In Mercer's 49.6 million people are living in modern
2023 Cost of Living survey, Mumbai slavery, out of which, India is home to
has been positioned at 147 in the 11 million.
global ranking, New Delhi at 169, • According to the index, “modern
Chennai (184), Bengaluru (189), slavery” refers to situations of
Hyderabad (202), Kolkata (211), and exploitation that a person cannot
Pune (213). refuse because of threats, violence,
• Globally, Hong Kong, Singapore and coercion, deception, or abuses of
Zurich are the most expensive cities. power. Modern slavery includes
12. NTPC climbs 52 positions to secure 433rd abuses such as forced labour, forced
rank in Forbes 'The Global 2000'- List for marriage, debt bondage, sexual
2023 exploitation, human trafficking,
• India's largest power generation slavery-like practices, forced or servile
company, National Thermal Power marriage, and the sale and
Corporation Limited - NTPC, has exploitation of children.
climbed 52 positions to secure the • Three sets of findings
433rd rank in Forbes' -The Global • There are three sets of key findings.
2000- List for 2023. The first set consists of countries that
• 'The Global 2000' List recognizes the top in terms of the prevalence of
world's largest companies based on modern slavery. The prevalence refers
four key metrics- sales, profits, assets to the incidence of modern slavery per
and market value. 1,000 population. On this count, the
• It was on 485th rank in the list last following 10 countries are the worst
year. offenders: North Korea, Eritrea,
13. Global Slavery Index 2023: G20 nations Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Turkey,
fuelling modern slavery Tajikistan, the UAE, Russia,
• The Global Slavery Index (GSI) provides Afghanistan, and Kuwait.
national estimates of modern slavery • The index states that “These countries
for 160 countries. share some political, social, and
• It is presented by Walk Free, a human economic characteristics, including
rights organisation, and is based on limited protections for civil liberties
data provided by the Global Estimates and human rights."
of Modern Slavery, which, in turn, is

www.oliveboard.in 64

• The second set consists of countries Reliance Industries Ltd is the most
with the lowest prevalence. The list valuable private company in India
includes countries such as Switzerland, followed by Tata Consultancy Services
Norway, Germany, Netherlands, (TCS) with Rs 11.8 lakh crore and HDFC
Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Ireland, Bank with Rs 9.4 lakh crore, as per
Japan, and Finland. Hurun India's 2022 Burgundy Private
• The third set consists of countries Hurun India 500 list.
hosting the maximum number of • Reliance is also the highest taxpayer
people living in modern slavery. The list with a payout of Rs 16,297 crore and
is as follows: India, China, North Korea, the most profitable company with a
Pakistan, Russia, Indonesia, Nigeria, bottomline of Rs 67,845 crore in 2022-
Turkey, Bangladesh, and the US. 23.Adar Poonawalla's Serum Institute
• The index states that “Collectively, of India was ranked as the most
these countries account for nearly two valuable unlisted company in the
in every three people living in modern country with Rs 1.92 lakh crore in
slavery and over half the world’s value.
population. Notably, six are G20 16. Austria's Vienna ranked world's most
nations: India, China, Russia, Indonesia, liveable city for 2nd year running
Turkey, and the US." • According to the Economist
14. Tata Power, Amazon, Tata Steel are Intelligence Unit's (EIU) Global
India's most attractive employer brands: Liveability Index 2023, for the second
Randstad report year running, the Austrian capital
• Tata Power Company has emerged as Vienna took the title of world's most
India's most 'attractive employer liveable city, based on a wide range of
brand', followed by Amazon and Tata indicators, followed by Copenhagen.
Steel, reveals the findings of Randstad From India, New Delhi and Mumbai
Employer Brand Research (REBR) 2023. are at 141st position and Chennai at
• Tata Power was at the ninth spot in 144th.
2022. Big Basket, the online megastore • Asia-Pacific cities were some of the
emerged as the most attractive start- most improved destinations, with eight
up employer brand in the country. of the 10 biggest upward movers
Viswanath P.S, MD & CEO, Randstad coming from the region. New Zealand’s
India. Wellington rose 35 spots to take 23rd
• India's auto and auto components place, while Auckland rose 25 places to
sector is the most sought-after industry land at number 10. Hanoi, Vietnam
for employees, followed by IT, ITeS & moved up 20 places to 129.
Telecom, and FMCG, retail and e- • These are the top 10 most
commerce. liveable cities in 2023 (ranking
15. Hurun India list: Reliance most valuable numbers are the same where
private company in India; Adani firms' cities’ scores were
combined value falls by 52% identical):1. Vienna,
• With a whopping value of Rs 16.4 lakh Austria2. Copenhagen,
crore, billionaire Mukesh Ambani's Denmark3. Melbourne,

www.oliveboard.in 65

Australia4. Sydney, Among the emerging ecosystems, Pune

Australia5. Vancouver, has moved into the 31-40 range in
Canada6. Zurich, 2023, from 51-60 in 2022.
Switzerland7. Calgary, 19. E-Commerce may cross modern retail by
Canada7. Geneva, 2030: Deloitte
Switzerland9. Toronto, • Online retailing in the country may
Canada10. Osaka, cross the levels of organized retail by
Japan10. Auckland, New 2030 as more Indians make their
Zealand shopping decisions online.
• And these are the bottom • According to Deloitte’s Future of Retail
10:164 Douala, report, modern retail, comprising
Cameroon165 Kyiv, malls and supermarkets, may more
Ukraine166 Harare, than double to $230 billion by 2030,
Zimbabwe166 Dhaka, while online retail grows 2.5 times to
Bangladesh168 Port Moresby, reach $325 billion. In 2022, online
Papua New retail was $70 billion.
Guinea169 Karachi, • Currently, India is among the world’s
Pakistan170 Lagos, top five retail markets and is expected
Nigeria171 Algiers, to be the third-biggest by 2030, trailing
Algeria172 Tripoli, behind only China and the US.
Libya173 Damascus, Syria 20. S&P retains India's growth projection at
6% for FY24
• S&P Global Ratings retained India's
17. India becomes Asia's top source of GDP growth forecast at 6 percent
international travellers, especially to US saying it will be the fastest-growing
• In 2022, India became for the first time economy among Asia Pacific nations.
Asia's highest source of international • The Asian emerging market economies
travelers, according to tourism remain among the fastest-growing
consultancy IPK International. ones in our global growth outlook
• International travelers from India in through 2026. In India, under the
2022 exceeded those of China, South assumption of normal monsoons, we
Korea, and Japan, the company said. expect headline consumer inflation to
18. Bengaluru startup ecosystem ranked soften to 5 per cent in fiscal 2024 from
20th on global list 6.7 per cent.
• Bengaluru has clinched the 20th spot, • S&P has lowered the growth forecast
moving up two places, in Startup for China to 5.2 per cent from 5.5 per
Genome's The Global Startup cent for 2023.
Ecosystems Report 2023. 21. IIT Bombay among top 150 varsities in
• While Silicon Valley remained on top, QS Rankings 2024
New York City and London were tied • IIT Bombay has broken into the top
at No 2. 150 league of the QS World University
• With this, the top three ecosystems Rankings 2024, climbing 23 places to
have held their positions from 2020. 149, up from 172 last year.

www.oliveboard.in 66

• With 45 universities in the latest Manipur and Punjab cost $1.9 billion to
rankings - up from 41 last year - India is the Indian economy in the first half of
the seventh most represented country 2023.
globally and the third in Asia. • The shutdowns also led to a loss of
22. India ranked 67th on Energy Transition nearly $118 million in foreign
Index, Sweden on top: WEF investment and triggered over 21,000
• The World Economic Forum on June 28 job losses, the global non-profit
ranked India at the 67th place globally Internet Society said in its report
on its Energy Transition Index. Sweden 'Netloss'.
topped the list and was followed by 24. India climbs to 100th spot in latest FIFA
Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Men's Football rankings
Switzerland in the top five on the list • Indian senior men's football team has
of 120 countries. climbed to the 100th spot in the latest
• The report said, India is the only major FIFA Men's Football Rankings.
economy with energy transition • Notably, FIFA World Cup 2022 winners
momentum accelerating across the Argentina are the top-ranked team
Energy Transition Index's equitable, with 1843.73 points followed by
secure and sustainable dimensions. France and Brazil. England rose by one
France (7) was the only G20 country in place to reach the fourth place while
the top 10, followed closely by Belgium slipped down by one place to
Germany (11), the U.S. (12), and the reach the fifth spot.
U.K. (13). • The 2023 UEFA Nations League
• Out of 120 countries, 113 have made runners-up Croatia rose by one place to
progress over the last decade but only reach the sixth spot while the
55, including India, have improved their Netherlands slipped to seventh.
scores by more than 10 percentage • Italy (eighth spot), Portugal (ninth
points. spot) and 2023 UEFA Nations League
23. Internet shutdowns cost $1.9 billion to winners Spain (10th spot) have
India in Jan-Jun 2023: Report retained their respective positions.
• Internet shutdowns by law
enforcement agencies like the one in

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Important Days

1. World Clubfoot Day | 3 June • Every year, June 8 is marked as an

• Every year on June 3rd, World opportunity to remember the crucial
Clubfoot Day seeks to unite those role played by the oceans in
affected by clubfoot so that they can maintaining life on Earth.
inspire and encourage one another. It's • The need for addressing the challenges
also a day to spread awareness for this that our oceans are facing and acting
common congenital disability. collectively to protect them is
• Each year, up to 200,000 babies across underlined by the World Ocean Day
the globe are born with clubfoot.This 2023 theme, 'The Planet Ocean's
statistic makes clubfoot one of the Changing Tide.'
most common congenital disabilities in • According to the United Nations, the
the world. This defect occurs when a oceans cover about 70 per cent of the
baby’s foot twists inward and Earth's surface and are the lifeblood of
downward. our planet.They regulate the climate,
• Clubfoot develops during the formation provide food and oxygen, and are
of the baby’s bones, ligaments, and home to an incredible variety of marine
muscles in the womb. life.However, our seas face strong
• The Ponseti International Association threats from human activities, habitat
(PIA) established World Clubfoot Day in destruction. The theme of this year's
2013. They chose June 3rd in honor of World Ocean Day emphasises the
Dr. Ignacio Ponseti’s birthday. He is the necessity of a global effort to reverse
orthopedist who developed the Ponseti these trends and protect the invaluable
method. resource that is our planet's oceans.
2. World Food Safety Day | 7 JUNE 4. World Day Against Child Labour | 12 JUNE
• The day is observed on 7 june every • The World Day against Child Labour
year to draw attention and inspire has been observed annually on 12
action to help prevent, detect, and June since 2002.
manage foodborne risks, human • This significant day was established by
health, economic prosperity, the International Labour Organization
agriculture, and sustainable (ILO), and all United Nations member
development. countries have since been
• This year the theme of World Food commemorating it.
Safety Day is - Food standards save • World Day against Child Labour serves
lives. as a call to action, urging individuals,
• The day also provides an opportunity organizations, and governments to take
to strengthen efforts to ensure that the decisive steps in combating child labour
food we eat is safe, mainstream food and promoting awareness about its
safety in the public agenda, and reduce detrimental effects.It is a reminder for
the burden of foodborne diseases collective efforts to be made towards
globally. eradicating child labour and creating a
3. World Ocean Day | 8 JUNE better future for children worldwide.

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5. International Albinism Awareness Day | Organizations (IFBDO) and the

13 June International Society of Blood
• The world is observing International Transfusion (ISBT).
Albinism Awareness Day on June 13 7. Global Wind Day 2023 | 15 JUNE
(Tuesday) in an United Nations effort to • World Wind Day or Global Wind Day is
stop the brutalities against people with a worldwide event which falls on June
albinism. 15 every year.
• Albinism is a rare and genetically • It is a day for discovering wind energy,
inherited condition resulting in little or its power and the possibilities it holds
no pigmentation (melanin) in the skin, to reshape our energy systems,
hair, and eyes, causing vulnerability to decarbonise our economies and boost
the sun and bright light. jobs and growth.
• The theme of this year’s celebration of • The first Wind Day was organized in
International Albinism Awareness Day 2007 by European Wind Energy
is “Inclusion is strength." Association (EWEA). In 2009, the
• It focuses on the importance of European Wind Energy Association
inclusion of not only people of all races (WindEurope) and Global Wind Energy
and ethnicities affected by albinism, Council collaborated to make Wind Day
but also young people, women, a global event.
children and elderly persons. • The day acknowledges the power of
• It also stresses on the need to seek the wind and raises awareness about
cooperation of various groups, its potential as a sustainable resource.
including human rights groups that are 8. International Day of Family Remittances |
not directly involved with the albinism 16 June
movement. • The International Day of Family
6. World Blood Donor Day | 14 JUNE Remittances (IDFR) is a universally-
• World Blood Donor Day is observed recognized observance adopted by the
every year on June 14. United Nations General Assembly and
• This day aim to raise awareness around celebrated every year on 16 June.
the need for safe blood and blood • The Day recognizes the contribution of
products and to thank the blood over 200 million migrants to improve
donors for taking efforts to donate the lives of their 800 million family
blood and save lives. members back home, and to create a
• The theme for this year's World Blood future of hope for their children.
Donor Day is 'Give blood, give plasma, • Theme for 2023- "Digital remittances
share life' towards financial inclusion and cost
• The important day was first recognised reduction."
in 2004 by four international • In 2022, international remittances to
organizations including World Health low- and middle-income countries
Organization (WHO), the International (LMICs) amounted to US$626 billion.
Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies, the International
Federation of Blood Donor

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9. MEA celebrates SCO Day under India's food consumption combined with the
SCO chairmanship art of collecting, preparing, and
• The Ministry of External Affairs consuming the food we eat.
celebrated Shanghai Cooperation • World Sustainable Gastronomy Day
Organisation (SCO) Day under India's first celebrated in 2017.
SCO chairmanship in Delhi on June • As part of the observance, the day
15th. acknowledges the social, cultural, and
• An event was organized to mark the artistic expression related to
Day in which Ambassadors of SCO gastronomy and defines three
Member States, observers and dimensions of sustainable
dialogue partners took part. A postage development – people, planet, and
stamp was also released to profit.
commemorate the occasion. 11. National Reading Day | 19 JUNE
• The Shanghai Cooperation • To remind people about the value of
Organization (SCO) is an reading books even in an era
intergovernmental organization dominated by the internet, National
founded in Shanghai on 15 June 2001. Reading Day is observed on 19 June.
• The SCO currently comprises eight • The day marks the death anniversary
Member States (China, India, of PN Panicker, who is famously known
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, as the 'Father of the Library
Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan), Movement' in Kerala.
four Observer States interested in 12. World Refugee Day | 20 JUNE
acceding to full membership • World Refugee Day is an international
(Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran, and day designated by the United Nations
Mongolia) and six “Dialogue Partners” to honour refugees around the globe.
(Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cambodia, • It falls each year on 20 June and
Nepal, Sri Lanka and Turkey). In 2021, celebrates the strength and courage of
the decision was made to start the people who have been forced to flee
accession process of Iran to the SCO as their home country to escape conflict
a full member, and Egypt, Qatar as well or persecution.
as Saudi Arabia became dialogue • World Refugee Day was held globally
partners. for the first time on 20 June 2001,
• The Secretariat of the SCO, commemorating the 50th anniversary
headquartered in Beijing, China, is the of the 1951 Convention relating to the
primary executive body of the Status of Refugees.
organisation. • It was originally known as Africa
• The SCO has been an observer in the Refugee Day, before the United
UN General Assembly since 2005. Nations General Assembly officially
10. WORLD SUSTAINABLE GASTRONOMY designated it as an international day in
DAY | 18 JUNE December 2000.
• Word Sustainable Gastronomy Day on 13. World Music Day | 21 May
June 18 recognizes the practices and • World Music Day celebrates the power
principals associated with sustainable of music in our daily lives and its ability

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to unite people across cultures. It • Day of the Seafarer is celebrated

originated in France in 1982 and is annually on 25 June to express thanks
celebrated annually on June 21. to the world's 1,5 million seafarers
• World Music Day is an opportunity for serving on internationally trading
people around the world to come merchant ships thereby contributing to
together and celebrate the power of the world economy and economic and
music social well-being.
14. International Olympic Day 2023 | June • The first Day of the Seafarer was
23 observed on June 25, 2011.
• Olympic Day is celebrated on 23 June 17. World Drug Day | June 26
every year and this day commemorates • World Drug Day or 'International Day
the founding of the International against Drug Abuse and Illicit
Olympic Committee in the year 1894 Trafficking is observed on June 26
by Baron Pierre de Coubertin. every year to strengthen action and
• In the 1978 edition of the Olympic cooperation in achieving a world free
Charter, the IOC recommended for the of drug abuse.
first time that all NOCs organize an • This year, the theme is 'People first:
Olympic Day to promote the Olympic Stop stigma and discrimination'.
Movement. Sigfrid Edstrm, IOC • At the International Conference on
President. Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking held in
• International Olympic Committee was Vienna on June 26, 1987, it was
founded at the Sorbonne in Paris, recommended that a day be observed
where Pierre de Coubertin rallied the annually to commemorate the struggle
revival of the Ancient Olympic Games against drug abuse and illicit trafficking.
on 23 June 1894. The United Nations General Assembly
15. International Day of Women in on December 7, 1987, decided to
Diplomacy | 24 June observe June 26 as International Day
• IDWID was created just last year, at against Drug Abuse and Illicit
the 76th Session of the United Nations Trafficking.
General Assembly (UNGA), which 18. United Nations International Day in
began on September 14, 2021 and Support of Victims of Torture 2023
concluded on September 13, 2022. The • International Day in Support of
resolution was adopted by the UNGA Victims and Torture is celebrated
on June 20, 2022. It recognised that as annually on June 26 to raise awareness
part of the 2030 SDG target, about torture and garner support. It
highlighting women's contributions in demonstrates that torture constitutes a
diplomacy. crime against humanity.
• The theme for 2023 is , “Breaking • In 1997, the United Nations General
Barriers, Shaping the Future: Women Assembly designated June 26 as
in Diplomacy for Sustainable International Day in Support of Torture
Development” Victims. This day aims to halt the
16. Day of the Seafarer [IMO] | 25 June barbaric acceptance and use of

www.oliveboard.in 71

19. World MSME Day | 27 JUNE development. The results of "MSME

• "Micro-, Small, and Medium-Sized Idea Hackathon 2.0" and "MSME Idea
Enterprises Day" was established on Hackathon 3.0" for Women
June 27 by the United Nations General Entrepreneurs will be announced
Assembly on April 6, 2017, to highlight during the programme.
the significant contributions made by 20. National Insurance Awareness Day | 28
MSMEs to the achievement of the June
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • National Insurance Awareness Day is
of the United Nations. observed on June 28. The day aims to
• In India, "Future-ready MSMEs for highlight the importance of insurance
India@100" will serve as the theme and raise awareness about the vital
for World MSME Day 2023. role it plays in our lives.
• On June 27, 2023, the Ministry of • IRDA celebrated its formation day as
MSME will hold "Udyami Bharat-MSME Insurance Awareness Day on 19th April
Day" as part of World MSME Day at 2014 involving all stakeholders of the
Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. insurance sector. This special day
• The CHAMPIONS 2.0 Portal and Mobile serves as a reminder to review our
App for Geo-tagging of Cluster Projects insurance policies, understand their
and Technology Centers will be benefits, and ensure that we have the
launched by the Ministry of MSME to coverage we need to safeguard
promote MSMEs' expansion and ourselves .

www.oliveboard.in 72

Summit & Conferences

1. 3rd Employment Working Group Meet, • The two sides reviewed the situation
ILO, Geneva along the LAC in Western Sector of
• The Indian G20 Presidency is India-China border areas and discussed
organizing the third Employment proposals for disengagement in
Working Group (EWG) meeting from remaining areas in a frank and open
31st ' 2nd June 2023 at ILO manner.
headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. 4. Suriname to host Indian energy majors in
• It is a G20 tradition since the inception June
of the EWG, to organize an • The South American nation of
Employment Working Group at the Suriname is hosting an oil and gas
side-lines of the International Labour conference from June 19 to 23 in
Organization (ILO)'s annual hopes of attracting energy companies,
International Labour Conference at particularly from India.
Geneva. • According to some estimates, Suriname
2. AIIA and Vijnana Bharati Organizes Global is thought to have at least 3-4 billion
Indian Scientists and Technocrats Forum barrels of oil reserves which were
Meet at New Delhi discovered in recent years.
• The All India Institute of Ayurveda 5. UAE to Host World's Largest Conservation
(AIIA) and Vijnana Bharati is jointly Conference in 2025
organising a groundbreaking event, GI- • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has
YSRI Conference (Global Indian Young won the bid to host the 2025 World
Scientists Research & Innovation) and Conservation Congress (WCC) of the
it will continue till June 2nd at National International Union for Conservation
Agricultural Science Complex, N. Delhi. of Nature (IUCN).
• The primary objective of the • The WCC is the world's largest and
Conference is to introduce GIST to most important gathering of
heads of agencies, showcase ongoing conservationists, and it is expected to
collaborations and partnerships, draw more than 10,000 delegates from
identify new opportunities for over 160 countries.
collaborations, and emphasize • The 2025 WCC will be held in Abu
diversity, equity, and inclusion in Dhabi from October 10-21, 2025.The
promoting science and technology. event will be an opportunity for
3. 27th Meeting of Working Mechanism for conservationists from around the world
Consultation and Coordination on India- to come together and discuss the most
China Border Affairs held in New Delhi pressing environmental challenges
• The 27th Meeting of the Working facing our planet. The WCC is also
Mechanism for Consultation and expected to produce a number of
Coordination on India-China Border important resolutions and
Affairs (WMCC) was held in person in recommendations that will help to
New Delhi. guide future conservation efforts.

www.oliveboard.in 73

6. Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and Development Working Group (DWG)

Industry Concludes Successful Five Day meeting, held from June 6 to 9 in Delhi.
Trade Mission to India 9. PM Modi inaugurates the first-ever
• The Sharjah Chamber of Commerce National Training Conclave
and Industry has wrapped up its • Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
productive trade mission to India after inaugurated the first-ever National
a series of fruitful meetings and Training Conclave at the International
discussions with Indian business and Exhibition and Convention Centre
industrial associations in New Delhi and Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Mumbai. • The National Training Conclave is being
• Organized by the Sharjah Exports hosted by Capacity Building
Development Centre, the trade mission Commission with an objective to foster
aimed to explore potential investment collaboration among civil services
advantages and lucrative opportunities training institutes and strengthen the
to strengthen bilateral ties. training infrastructure.
7. StartUp20 engagement group meet ends, 10. Second summit of Supreme Audit
asks G20 to invest $1 trillion by 2030 Institutions of G20 countries to begin in Goa
• The StartUp20 engagement group • The second summit of the Supreme
meeting culminated recently in Goa Audit Institutions (SAIs) of the G20
with a call of action for G20 nations to countries will begin in Panaji, the
invest USD one trillion for start-up Capital of Goa.
ecosystems by 2030. • The three-day summit will see the
• In this meeting, the five actions the participation of the Supreme Audit
participants agreed to were to create Institutions (SAIs) of Australia, Brazil,
and adopt definition framework for Indonesia, South Korea, Russia, Saudi
start ups, to create a network Arabia, Trkiye, Bangladesh, Egypt,
institution to support start ups and Mauritius, Nigeria, Oman, Spain, the
start up ecosystem across G20 nations, UAE, Morocco, and Poland.
to increase and diversify access to • The CAG of India is expected to
capital, to ease market access and to highlight the crucial role the SAIs can
emphasise the inclusion of play in the audit of the Blue Economy
underrepresented communities, and to and Responsible Artificial Intelligence
create ability to scale start ups of global (AI) to ensure good governance,
interest. transparency, and accountability, and
8. Jaishankar to chair G20 development to optimise their positive impact on
ministers' meeting in Varanasi humankind.
• External Affairs minister S Jaishankar 11. G20 Development Ministers' conclave in
is to chair the G20 development Varanasi adopts India-backed action plan on
ministers' meeting, taking place from Sustainable Development Goals
11-13 June in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. • The G20 Development Ministers
• The development ministers' meeting conclave in Varanasi has adopted an
was preceded by the fourth and final ambitious seven-year action plan put
forward by India to accelerate progress

www.oliveboard.in 74

on the Sustainable Development Goals • The summit will take place on the
(SDGs) by the G20 countries. theme 'Women-Led Development-
• It also adopted another document that Transform, Thrive and Transcend'.
aimed to enhance cooperation and • During the event, stories of women
partnerships for sustainable lifestyles from across the country were shared
to complement climate mitigation. with the delegates.
• The outcome documents adopted by • Supreme Court Advocate Bansuri
the development ministers will be Swaraj reiterated India's commitment
submitted for consideration by the G20 towards women-led development and
leaders at the grouping's summit to be emphasised policies focussing on
held in New Delhi on September 9 and women's financial literacy, digital
10. literacy, healthcare and sanitation and
12. India to host IIAS Annual Conference empowering women at the grassroots
2025 at Kochi level.
• India expressed its willingness to host 14. India to participate at AIAF for first time
the 2025 IIAS (International Institute in France
of Administrative Sciences) Annual • India is participating at the Annecy
Conference at Kochi, Kerala, in International Animation Festival
February, 2025. (AIAF) for the first time this year in
• The 2025 Annual Conference of IIAS France. An Indian delegation led by the
would be attended by 30 Member Secretary, Information and
Countries, 18 National Sections and Broadcasting Apurva Chandra with
over 50 IIAS Universities/ Institutes of eminent personalities of the animation
Public Administration in Member industry have been showcasing India's
Countries. prowess in creating animation and VFX
• The theme for 2025 IIAS Annual content for global audiences at the
Conference at Kochi is proposed AIAF.
as “Next Generation Administrative • The animation and VFX market in India
Reforms - Empowering the Citizens was pegged to be valued at 109 billion
and Reaching the Last Mile”. rupees in 2021, with the VFX business
• The IIAS established in 1930, is a alone amounting to 50 billion rupees.
federation of member States, national This figure is expected to grow to 180
sections and academic research centres billion rupees by 2024.
jointly elaborating public • India's participation at Annecy,
administration solutions to the policy therefore, assumes greater importance
challenges of the day with as the country showcases its abilities in
headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. the sector to international buyers.
13. Women 20 Summit begins in 15. 25th SEACEN-FSI Conference of the
Mamallapuram Directors of Supervision of Asia Pacific
• Women 20, the official engagement Economies in Mumbai
group of G20, held its Jan Bhagidari • The Reserve Bank of India hosted this
(Citizens' Connect) event in Conference of Directors of
Mahabalipuram. Supervision.

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• SEACEN Research and Training Centre aspects and repair and rehabilitation of
and FSI curated an excellent line-up of dams.
topics that are both timely and 18. Third G20 Infrastructure Working Group
pertinent, covering key banking risks in meeting under India's G20 Presidency to
the Asia-Pacific region, lessons learnt begin in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
from recent bank failures in the US and • The three-day meeting of the
Europe, and strategies for building Infrastructure Working Group under
resilience in banks. Reserve Bank the G20 Summit in Uttarakhand will
deputy governor Mukesh Jain attended begin at Narendranagar -Rishikesh.
it. • The G20 Infrastructure Working Group
16. IREDA participates in 'Intersolar Europe will deliberate on various aspects of
2023' Exhibition in Munich infrastructure investment, including
• Indian Renewable Energy developing infrastructure as an asset
Development Agency (IREDA) class, promoting quality infrastructure
participated in the three-day investment, and mobilizing financial
"Intersolar Europe 2023" exhibition resources for infrastructure
held in Munich, Germany. investment. The key priority to be
• IREDA, a Mini Ratna (Category ' I) discussed in this meeting is "Financing
Government of India enterprise under Tomorrow's Cities: Inclusive, Resilient
the administrative control of Ministry and Sustainable", among other
of New and Renewable Energy, had set priorities.
up a pavilion at the exhibition to 19. Exhibition of currency from G-20
educate visitors about the countries to begin from June 30
organization. • India to host an exhibition on currency
17. NHPC participates in Annual Meeting of notes of G 20 countries showcasing the
International Commission on Large Dams, UNESCO world heritage sites featured
Gothenburg, Sweden on them. The exhibition would be held
• NHPC Limited, India's largest at the Indira Gandhi National Centre
hydropower development for Arts from June 30 to July 9.
organization, participated in 91st • The IGNCA is an autonomous body
Annual Meeting of International under the Culture Ministry.
Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD • A $100 note that features the
2023), held in Gothenburg, Sweden. Independence Hall of Philadelphia, a
• The NHPC delegation presented several five-pound note from the United
papers and posters on critical issues Kingdom with a part of Westminster’s
faced by hydropower developers, Abbey, and currency notes from Brazil
which were highly appreciated by the and Argentina, both featuring the
participants. Iguazo National Park that lies on the
• The topics on which NHPC presented border between the two
papers included issues pertaining to countries. These are among the many
management and safety of dams, banknotes of G-20 member countries
seepage control measures, seismic which would be showcased in a unique
exhibition focusing on the UNESCO

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world heritage sites from their the image of the Sun Temple at Konark,
respective countries. the '10, with Ellora caves, the '500,
• The exhibition “Banking on World with Red Fort and two separate notes
Heritage” would feature five Indian of '100, with Kanchanjunga mountains
currency notes – the '20, which carries and Gujarat’s “Rani Ki Vav” stepwell.

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Science & Technology

1. Successful training launch of Agni-1 • Called the Indian Languages Program,

ballistic missile the project is the brainchild of Google
• A successful training launch of a News Initiative (GNI) and will support
Medium-Range Ballistic Missile, Agni-1 local news publishers in nine
was carried out by the Strategic Forces languages, including Hindi, Kannada,
Command from APJ Abdul Kalam Tamil and Marathi. The initiative will
Island, Odisha. also support news platforms in
• The missile is a proven system, capable languages such as Telugu, Bengali,
of striking targets with a very high Malayalam, Gujarati, and English.
degree of precision. The user training 5. DCGI grants Emergency Use Authorization
launch successfully validated all to Gennova biopharma's Omicron-specific
operational and technical parameters covid booster
of the missile • The Drug Control General of India has
2. Meta introduces text-to-speech granted Emergency Use Authorization
generative AI model Voicebox to an Omicron-specific booster
• Meta has announced the 'state of the vaccine, the Department of
art' generative AI model Voicebox Biotechnology.
which converts text to speech and • The mRNA-based vaccine, GEMCOVAC-
includes features to edit audio and OM, was developed by Gennova
work across languages. The multilingual Biopharmaceuticals using the
model can also produce speech in indigenous platform technology, and
English, French, German, Spanish, supported under the Mission COVID
Polish, or Portuguese. Meta builds Suraksha. It is implemented by
technologies that help people connect Biotechnology Industry Research
and businesses grow. Assistance Council (BIRAC).
3. Remains of new species of duck-billed • GEMCOVAC-OM is a thermostable
dinosaur found in Chile vaccine, which does not require ultra-
• Remains of a species of herbivorous cold chain infrastructure used for other
dinosaur previously unknown in the approved mRNA-based vaccines,
southern hemisphere have been making it easy for deployment pan
discovered in Chile, challenging long- India.
held beliefs about the range of duck- 6. Dr Jitendra Singh launches the GEMCOVAC
billed dinosaurs. -OM, an Omicron-specific mRNA-based
• The discovery showed that Chilean Booster vaccine
Patagonia served as a refuge for very • GEMCOVAC -OM is an Omicron-
ancient species of hadrosaurs. specific mRNA-based Booster vaccine.
• 'onkoken nanoi' is the name of this new • India's first mRNA vaccine has been
dinosaur species. developed using the indigenous
4. Google Launches Languages Programme platform technology by Gennova, with
To Support Indian News Publishers funding support from Department of
Biotechnology (DBT) and

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Biotechnology Industry Research (iv) (iv) Mission COVID Suraksha,

Assistance Council (BIRAC). which was launched as part of
• GEMCOVAC® -OM is the fifth vaccine Atmanirbhar Bharat 3.0, with
developed with support from Mission the goal of bringing safe,
COVID Suraksha implemented by DBT efficacious, affordable and
and BIRAC under Atmanirbhar Bharat accessible indigenous COVID
3.0 package of Govt. of India for 19 vaccines to the citizens of
accelerated development of Indian the country at the earliest.
COVID-19 vaccines. 7. IIT-Kharagpur to develop tamper-proof
• A number of key initiatives are signalling system for railways
currently being implemented to • The Indian Institute of Technology,
promote basic and translational Kharagpur, is developing a tamper-
vaccine research, including the proof signalling system based on
(i) Indo-US Vaccine Action blockchain technology for the Indian
Programme, Railways. Embedded with enhanced
(ii) (ii) National Biopharma safety measures, the new system
Mission, would complement the existing Data
(iii) (iii) Ind-CEPI Mission, and Logger which is considered the 'Black
Box' of rolling stock.

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1. The first edition of India, France and UAE covering the entire trajectory of the
Maritime Partnership Exercise takes off vehicle.
• The first edition of India, France and 3. Army signs pact for procurement of
UAE Maritime Partnership Exercise 'tactical LAN radio' through Innovations for
commenced in the Gulf of Oman. Defence Excellence(iDEX)
• INS Tarkash and French Ship Surcouf • The Indian Army said it has sealed a
both with integral helicopters, French deal with a Bengaluru-based M/s
Rafale aircraft and UAE Navy Maritime Astrome Tech Pvt Ltd, to procure the
Patrol Aircraft are participating in the indigenously-developed 'tactical LAN
exercise. radio'.
• The maiden exercise aims to enhance • The 'tactical LAN radio' is a state-of-
trilateral cooperation between the the-art high-bandwidth backhaul
three navies and pave way for adopting wireless radio equipment for the
measures towards addressing provisioning of reliable communication.
traditional and non-traditional threats • It is the second contract that the Army
in the maritime environment. has firmed up under iDEX. iDEX was
• The exercise will also enhance launched on 12 April 2018 during
collaboration in ensuring safety of Defence Expo India 2018.
mercantile trade and freedom of 4. Twin CBG operation: INS Vikramaditya,
navigation at high seas in the region. Vikrant lead Navy's mega ops in Arabian Sea
2. Agni Prime' ballistic missile successfully • The Navy carried out a massive Carrier
flight-tested by DRDO off Odisha coast Battle Group (CBG) operation
• New Generation Ballistic Missile 'Agni involving more than 35 aircraft in the
Prime' was successfully flight-tested Arabian Sea, one of the biggest
by Defence Research and demonstrations of its operational
Development Organisation (DRDO) capabilities in recent years.
from Dr APJ Abdul Kalam Island off the • This was a twin CBG operation
coast of Odisha. involving both of India's aircraft carriers
• During the flight test, all objectives - INS Vikramaditya & INS Vikrant,along
were successfully demonstrated. with a diverse fleet of escort
• This was the first pre-induction night ships,submarines & aircraft. A CBG is a
launch conducted by the users after naval fleet comprising an aircraft
three successful developmental trials carrier and its multiple escort vessels.
of the missile, validating the accuracy 5. INDO-MALDIVES JOINT MILITARY
and reliability of the system.Range EXERCISE 'EKUVERIN' COMMENCED AT
Instrumentation like Radar, Telemetry CHAUBATIA, UTTARAKHAND
and Electro Optical Tracking Systems • The 12th edition of joint military
were deployed at different locations, exercise 'Ex Ekuverin' between the
including two down-range ships, at the Indian Army & the Maldives National
terminal point to capture flight data Defence Force has commenced at

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Chaubatia, Uttarakhand from 11 to 24 • India's defence ministry approved the

June 2023. acquisition of 31 MQ-9B armed drones
• Ekuverin meaning 'Friends' is a from the US. The clearance for
bilateral annual exercise conducted procuring the drones made by General
alternatively in India and Maldives. The Atomics was given by a meeting of the
11th edition of the exercise was held in Defence Acquisition Council (DAC)
Maldives in December 2021. chaired by defence minister Rajnath
• A platoon strength contingent from Singh.
Indian Army and Maldives National • India is expected to buy the drones,
Defence Force will be participating in which have an endurance of more than
14 days long exercise.The exercise is 27 hours and can operate at up to
aimed at enhancing interoperability in 50,000 feet, in a deal worth a little
Counter Insurgency/ Counter Terrorism more than $3 billion.
Operations under the UN mandate and 8. MoD to hold two-day 'Chintan Shivir' to
carry out joint Humanitarian Assistance discuss challenges faced by its departments
and Disaster Relief operations. & evolve new ideas for better governance
• The focus is to share best practices, • Ministry of Defence (MoD) is organising
enhance coordination and cooperation brainstorming sessions 'Chintan Shivir'
between both the forces at tactical in New Delhi on June 19 & 20, 2023 to
level. discuss various issues & challenges
6. Indian Navy conducts 'Julley Ladakh", an faced by its departments, with the aim
outreach programme to engage with youth to come out with new ideas for better
and civil society governance & functioning.
• Indian Navy is conducting 'Julley • The Chintan Shivir will conclude with an
Ladakh", an outreach programme to open-house session for inviting ideas &
Ladakh to increase awareness about suggestions for enhancing
the service in Ladakh and to engage organisational efficiency in various
with youth and civil society there. departments. The event is being
• A five thousand kilometre Motorcycle organised in line with the
Expedition was flagged off by Vice Government’s directions to have a real
Chief of Naval Staff, Sanjay Jasjit Singh, time audit of the objectives achieved
from the National War Memorial till date and carve a way forward
• The main objective of the current towards achieving the desired goals in
initiative in the Northern Territory realistic timelines.
includes celebrating Azadi ka Amrit 9. INS 'Vagir' set to embark on operational
Mahotsav and conducting awareness visit to Colombo
drives at Schools and Colleges in the • Indian Navy's state-of-the-art
Ladakh region about the career submarine, INS 'Vagir', is all set to
opportunities Indian Navy offers embark on an operational visit to
including the Agnipath Scheme. Colombo from June 19 to June 22.
7. Defence ministry approves to acquire 31 • This visit is in commemoration of the
MQ-9B armed drones from US 9th edition of the International Day of

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Yoga and aligns with the theme of • Navratna Defence PSU Bharat
'Global Ocean Ring'. Electronics Limited (BEL) has received
• In addition, INS 'Vagir' will also open its a work order for 2 regiments of
doors to visitors and school children, Improved Akash Weapon System
allowing them a rare opportunity to (AWS) with upgrades from Bharat
explore the submarine firsthand. Dynamics Limited (BDL), another
• In conjunction with this visit, the Indian defence PSU, for a value of Rs 3,914
High Commission, in collaboration with crores.
the Swami Vivekananda Cultural • Akash is an all-weather, point/area air-
Centre, has planned a grand event on defence weapon system intended for
the occasion of International Day of defending vulnerable points/areas
Yoga at Colombo Port on June against threats emanating from low,
21.Senior defence officials and medium and high altitudes.
personnel from both the Indian and Sri • The system uses high mobility vehicles
Lankan Navies will participate in this for mobile applications.
celebration. • The improvements incorporated
10. Indian Army contingent participates in include high altitude operation,
Multinational Joint Exercise Ex Khaan Quest simultaneous engagement of multiple
2023' in Mongolia threats over 360 degrees, missiles
• Multinational Peacekeeping Joint fitted with RF Seeker and reduced foot
Exercise 'Ex Khaan Quest 2023' print.
featuring participation from military 12. Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh
contingents and observers from over inaugurates Integrated Simulator Complex
20 countries has commenced in 'Dhruv' in Kochi
Mongolia. • Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh
• The exercise is co-sponsored by inaugurated the Integrated Simulator
Mongolian Armed Forces (MAF) and Complex (ISC) 'Dhruv' at Southern
United States Army Pacific Command Naval Command.
(USARPAC). • The ISC 'Dhruv' hosts modern state-of-
• The Indian Army is represented by a the-art indigenously-built simulators
contingent from the GARHWAL RIFLES. which will significantly enhance
• The 14-day exercise is aimed at practical training in the Indian Navy.
enhancing interoperability of the • These simulators are envisaged to give
participating nations, for sharing real-time experience on navigation,
experience and to train uniformed fleet operations and Naval tactics.
personnel for the United Nations • These simulators will also be utilised
Peacekeeping Operations (UNPKO). for training of personnel from friendly
11. BEL receives orders worth Rs 5900 crore countries.
for Akash Missiles

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Books & Authors

1. Author Shantanu Gupta launches his new simultaneously with so many

graphic novel 'Ajay to Yogi Adityanath' on participants.
UP CM's 51st birthday 2. 'India's Finance Ministers' by AK
• Noted Author, Shantanu Gupta, who Bhattacharya: Steering Indian economy from
has written two bestseller titles on Yogi Independence to '77
Adityanath, launched his new graphic • From Independence to Emergency:
novel- Ajay to Yogi Adityanath, on the India's Finance Ministers 1947-1977 is
Uttar Pradesh CM's 51st birthday. the story of India's unforgettable
• The launch created an Asia Book of finance ministers who shaped India's
Records economy in the first thirty years after
• More than 5000 children launched the Independence. The book highlights the
book in more than 51 schools across significant difference that these finance
various districts of Uttar Pradesh. This ministers made to the management of
was the first time that a book was the Indian economy and to the policy
launched in multiple locations evolution of the government.

www.oliveboard.in 83


1. Nehru Memorial Museum and Library • Prime Minister Shri Modi had mooted
Society renamed as Prime Ministers' the idea of setting up of a museum
Museum and Library Society dedicated to all the Prime Ministers of
• In a special meeting of the Nehru India on Teen Murti Premises, New
Memorial Museum and Library Delhi in 2016.
Society, it was resolved to change its • The Executive Council, NMML had in its
name to Prime Ministers' Museum and 162nd meeting held on 25-11-2016
Library Society. approved the construction of the
• The Special Meeting was presided over Museum of all Prime Ministers in the
by Defence Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh Teen Murti Estate.
who is the Vice-President of the • The project was completed and the
Society. Pradhanmantri Sangrahalaya was
• Balram Nanda was the founder- opened to the public on 21st April
director of the Nehru memorial 2022.
museum and Library.

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1. Veteran Actress Sulochana Latkar passes times. She also won the Indira Gandhi
away at 94 Priyadarshini Award for Outstanding
• Sulochana Latkar, known by her screen Women in 1989.
name Sulochana, was a well-known 4. Alby D'Cruz, Kerala's first Ashoka Chakra
actress who had a vast career in both recipient, passes away at 87
Marathi and Hindi films. She was most • Alby D'Cruz, Kerala's first Ashoka
known for her performances in Marathi Chakra recipient, passed away.
films such as Sasurvas (1946), • The country honoured him with the
Vahinichya Bangdya (1953), Meeth Ashoka Chakra for his extraordinary
Bhakar, Sangte Aika (1959) and Dhakti bravery during the civil strife with the
Jau (1958) in the lead roles. Naga rebels in the 1960s. In a
• The actress was awarded the Padma ceremony held in New Delhi on April
Shri in 1999. 30, 1962, President Dr Rajendra Prasad,
• In 2009 she was also honoured with presented the Ashoka Chakra to Lance
the Maharashtra Bhushan Award by Naik Alby. Ashok Chakra is India's
the Government Of Maharashtra. highest peacetime military decoration.
2. Commander Of Indian Navy's First 5. 'Amul Girl' creator Sylvester daCunha is no
Submarine, Commodore K S Subramanian, more
Passes Away At 94 • Iconic ad man and creator of the
• Commodore KS Subramanian, a 'Utterly Butterly' Amul Girl, Sylvester
revered figure in the Indian Navy, has daCunha, passed away in Mumbai.
passed away at the age of 94. Since 1966, the irreverent Amul
• Having been commissioned on 1 moppet - a mascot created by him and
September 1951, Commodore his then art director Eustace Fernandes
Subramanian's career spanned over at advertising agency ASP (Advertising
three decades and left an indelible Sales and Promotions) - has been
mark on the Indian Navy. weighing in on topical issues with her
• One of his notable achievements was acerbic wit.
his command of the Indian Navy's first 6. Former Urdu newsreader of Akashvani
submarine, INS Kalvari, a Foxtrot-class Kausar Rizvi passes away in Dubai.
boat. • The former Urdu newsreader of
3. Award-winning Doordarshan news anchor Akashvani, Kausar Rizvi passed away in
Gitanjali Aiyar passes away Dubai today. He was 79.
• Gitanjali Aiyar, one of India's first • Kausar Rizvi was associated with the
English female news presenters on Urdu unit of the News Services Division
national broadcaster Doordarshan, of Akashvani in New Delhi for about 30
passed away. years from 1975 to 2004.
• She joined Doordarshan in 1971 and
was awarded the best anchor four

www.oliveboard.in 85

Person in news

1. Shalini singh becomes 1st girl NCC cadet Saudi Arabia's Al Ittihad football club
to complete advance mountaineering course on a three-year deal.
in the Himalayan region • He joins his former Real Madrid
• Achieving another feat for the National teammate Cristiano Ronaldo in the
Cadet Corps, under-officer Shalini Saudi Pro League after the five-time
Singh scripted history by becoming the world player of the year moved to Al
first female NCC cadet in India to Nassr from Manchester United
complete the advanced following last year's World Cup.
mountaineering course in the 4. Nobel-winning lithium battery inventor
Himalayan region of Uttarkashi in John Goodenough dies
Uttarakhand. • John Goodenough, who shared the
• The Senior Wing NCC cadet, Shalini 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for
Singh, was enrolled in the 67 UP developing the lithium ion battery
Battalion.She began the month-long that revolutionized modern life has
mountaineering course. died at the age of 100, the University
• Before that, she had to complete her of Texas announced.
mandatory basic mountaineering • His contributions to the development
course in 2022 at Pahalgam, Jammu, of lithium ion batteries paved the way
and Kashmir, reported HT. Shalini is for smartphones and a fossil fuel free
pursuing her graduation from Bappa society.
Shri Narayan Vocational PG College. 5. World Bank President Ajay Banga Named
2. Ayushmann Khurrana Appointed As A In 2023 List Of Great Immigrants
Goodwill Ambassador For Special Olympics • Ajay Banga, the President of the
Bharat World Bank, has been named by a
• Ayushmann Khurrana, who is the prestigious philanthropic organization
National Ambassador of UNICEF, has to its annual "Great Immigrants" list of
now been appointed as the Goodwill honourees who have enriched and
Ambassador for Special Olympics strengthened America and its
Bharat. democracy through their contributions
• Special Olympics World Summer and actions.
Games, is set to take place in Berlin, • He is the only honouree from India in
Germany, between June 17 and 25. this year's list of 'Great Immigrants' by
• India is sending a 280 strong contingent the Carnegie Corporation of New York.
comprising 198 athletes and partners • What is the Great Immigrant list?Every
along with 57 coaches who will be Fourth of July, which is celebrated as
competing across 16 sports disciplines America's Independence Day, the
at the prestigious event. Carnegie Corporation of New York
3. Karim Benzema signs 3-year deal with honours a group of “remarkable"
Saudi champions Al Ittihad Americans — all naturalised citizens —
• Former Real Madrid forward Karim "who have enriched and strengthened
Benzema has signed a deal to join

www.oliveboard.in 86

our nation and our democracy through Singer and UNICEF Goodwill
their contributions and actions". Ambassador Angélique Kidjo who was
• This year's honourees include born in Benin, Polish-born Professor
Vietnamese-born Academy Award- Emeritus of Chemistry, Cornell
winning actor Ke Huy Quan, Chilian- University and Nobel Laureate Roald
born actor Pedro Pascal, Director- Hoffmann and Guido Imbens, born in
General of World Trade Organization the Netherlands and Professor of
Nigerian-born Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, US Economics, Stanford University, and
Congressman Ted Lieu who was born in Nobel Laureate.
Taiwan, Grammy Award-Winning

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1. SBI Life To Take Over Policy Liabilities, 4. CBIC slaps Rs 942 crore demand notice on
Assets Of Sahara India Life Insurance: IRDAI HDFC Life Insurance Company
• Insurance regulator said that it has • The investigative wing of the Central
identified SBI Life Insurance as Board of Indirect Tax and Customs
acquirer insurer of the life insurance (CBIC) has slapped a show cause-cum-
business of Sahara India Life Insurance demand notice on HDFC Life Insurance
Co Ltd (SILIC). Company for an amount of Rs 942.18
• SBI Life has been asked to take over the crore.
policy liabilities of around two lakh • This notice pertains to charges of
policies of SILIC, backed by the wrongly availing the input tax credit
policyholders' assets, with immediate without the underlying supply of
effect. services.
2. Go Digit Life Insurance gets Irdai nod to 5. Tata Technologies IPO gets approval from
carry life insurance business in India Sebi
• The Insurance Regulatory & • Tata Technologies Ltd, a subsidiary of
Development Authority of India has automobile major Tata Motors, has
granted certificate of registration to received approval from capital market
Go Digit Life Insurance to start regulator Securities & Exchange Board
business in India. of India (SEBI) to raise funds through an
• With this, the number of insurers initial public offering (IPO).
operating in life insurance segment has • Tata Technologies IPO is purely an
gone up to 26. offer for sale(OFS), where the
• Go Digit General Insurance, backed by company will sell up to 9.57 crore
Canadian Prem Watsa's Fairfax and equity shares representing
Kamesh Goyal, is already in the general approximately 23.60% of its paid-up
insurance business. share capital, according to the Draft
3. LIC to hold roadshows in Hong Kong, UK in Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP).
June 6. Risk based supervision pilot to start July:
• A year after the listing of Life Insurance IRDAI
Corporation (LIC) of India, the • Insurance regulator IRDAI will be
insurance behemoth will hold rolling out the first phase of pilot
international roadshows, beginning in projects associated with a Risk-Based
Hong Kong later this month. Supervision (RBS) framework from
• The non-deal roadshows of LIC are July. The move to RBS is a shift towards
scheduled between June 25 and June adopting global best practices for
29. supervision with a focus on
• These roadshows are aimed at creating proportionality and materiality and
awareness among global investors relies on holistic analysis of the
post-listing of LIC shares. It has been a activities of regulated entity from a risk
little over one year since LIC was listed perspective.
on the stock exchanges.

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• It has collaborated with Toronto Centre enhance financial stability, crisis

(TC) for the framework. A not for profit preparedness and consumer
organization, TC has been working to protection.
promote strong supervision in order to

www.oliveboard.in 89

India & World

1. India, Vietnam hold 3rd Maritime Security 3. Sri Lanka to achieve regional energy
Dialogue in New Delhi integration with grid connectivity with India
• The 3rd India-Vietnam Maritime by 2030
Security Dialogue was held in New • Sri Lanka is set to achieve regional
Delhi. energy integration with grid
• The two sides discussed ways to sustain connectivity with India by 2030.
a secure maritime environment • The plan aligns with the vision
conducive for inclusive growth. articulated by the External Affairs
• They also reviewed maritime Minister earlier this year, highlighting
cooperation initiatives and avenues of Sri Lanka's vast renewable energy
reinforcing international and regional potential and the capability of
mechanisms for comprehensive Trincomalee to become an energy hub.
maritime security. • Both countries had also agreed in
2. NHPC and VUCL, Nepal sign MoU for principle on a renewable energy
development of Phukot Karnali Hydro framework to foster further
Electric Project (480MW) in Nepal cooperation. This integration is
• NHPC Limited (A Govt. of India expected to pave the way for enhanced
Enterprise) and Vidhyut Utpadan energy security, sustainability, and
Company Limited (VUCL), Nepal signed economic development in the region.
an MoU (Memorandum of 4. UAE emerges as fourth largest investor in
Understanding) in New Delhi for India in FY23
development of Phukot Karnali Hydro • The United Arab Emirates (UAE), with
Electric Project (480MW) in Nepal. which India implemented a
• The project will use the flow from the comprehensive free trade agreement
Karnali River for power generation and in May last year, has emerged as the
the generated power will be fed into fourth largest investor in India during
integrated power system of Nepal. 2022-23, according to government
• The installed capacity of the project data. Singapore was the largest
shall be 480 MW with average annual investor in India with USD 17.2 billion
generation of about 2448 GWh.The key investment in FY23.
features of the project are a 109 metre • In the last fiscal, foreign direct
high RCC dam and an underground investment (FDI) from the UAE to India
power house where the 06 turbines of jumped over three-fold to USD 3.35
79 MW each shall be housed. billion from USD 1.03 billion in 2021-
• Additionally, to utilize minimum 22, the data of the Department for
environmental release one Surface Promotion of Industry and Internal
Power House of 6 MW capacity i.e. two Trade (DPIIT) showed.
machines of 3 MW each is also
planned. This project is conceived as a
Peaking Run-of-River (PRoR) type

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5. India, UAE target USD 100 bn non-oil trade a record 190 co-sponsorships, which is
by 2030 a testimony to faith in India's
• India and the UAE set a target to contributions and intent.
increase the non-oil trade from USD • About UNGA: The UN General
48 billion to USD 100 billion by 2030. Assembly (UNGA) is the main policy-
• The goal to achieve USD 100 billion making organ of the Organization.
non-oil trade was set in the first Comprising all Member States, it
meeting of the Joint Committee of provides a unique forum for
India-UAE Comprehensive Economic multilateral discussion of the full
Partnership Agreement (CEPA). spectrum of international issues
• The agreement was implemented on covered by the Charter of the United
May 1 last year Nations. Each of the 193 Member
6. India & ADB ink USD 130 mn loan States of the United Nations has an
agreement to promote horticulture in equal vote.The UNGA also makes key
Himachal Pradesh decisions for the UN, including:
• The Ministry of Finance stated that the • appointing the Secretary-General on
central government and the Asian the recommendation of the Security
Development Bank (ADB) have joined Council
forces in a significant endeavour to • electing the non-permanent members
enhance agricultural productivity, of the Security Council
improve irrigation accessibility, and • approving the UN budget
promote horticulture agribusinesses in 8. RITES Ltd signs contract with National
the state of Himachal Pradesh. Railways of Zimbabwe to supply diesel
• A loan agreement of USD 130 million locomotives & open wagons
was signed between the two entities. • RITES Limited has signed a contract
• The project aims to enhance the worth USD 81,175,500 with National
income and resilience to climate Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) for the
change effects for approximately supply of rolling stock (3000 HP Diesel
15,000 farming households across Electric Locomotives and High Sided
seven districts of Himachal Pradesh, Open Wagons).
namely Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kangra, • RITES Ltd, formerly known as Rail India
Mandi, Sirmour, Solan, and Una. Technical and Economic Service
7. UNGA adopts resolution introduced by Limited, is a Miniratna Schedule 'A'
India to establish memorial wall to honour Central Public Sector Undertaking
fallen peacekeepers under the Ministry of Railways.
• UN General Assembly has adopted a 9. India, Sri Lanka to accelerate
Resolution to establish a new implementation of digital education project
Memorial Wall for fallen in Galle District
Peacekeepers, piloted by India. • India and Sri Lanka look to accelerate
• India piloted the adoption of the implementation of a digital education
Resolution in the UN General Assembly project in the Galle District.
to establish a Memorial Wall for fallen • The project, supported by a grant from
Peacekeepers. The Resolution received the Government of India, aims to

www.oliveboard.in 91

enhance digital literacy among Ministry of Tourism, to produce the

students in underprivileged areas. video.
• It is one of several grant projects in the • This marks the first instance of a
education sector undertaken by the foreign government using yoga to
Indian government in Sri Lanka. promote its own country.
• India's development assistance to Sri 12. India-United States Defence Acceleration
Lanka currently amounts to Ecosystem (INDUS X) launched in
approximately USD 5 billion, with Washington DC, U.S.
nearly USD 600 million provided as • India-United States Defence
grants. Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS X) was
• Over 65 grant projects have already launched at an event in Washington
been implemented across the country's DC, USA.
25 districts, and more than 20 projects • The INDUS X event was co-organised
are in various stages of implementation by Innovations for Defence Excellence
10. India's IndiGo places record order for 500 (iDEX), Ministry of Defence, and US
A320 Family aircraft Department of Defence (DoD) and
• IndiGo, India's largest airline by hosted by US-India Business Council
market share, has placed a firm order (USIBC).
for 500 A320 Family aircraft, setting • The event also saw a first-of-its-kind
the record for the biggest single joint showcasing of innovative
purchase agreement in the history of technologies by Indian and US start-
commercial aviation. The latest ups.15 Indian start-ups and 10 US start-
agreement takes the total number of ups, from multiple domains of
Airbus aircraft on order by IndiGo to maritime, AI, autonomous systems, and
1,330, establishing its position as the space, showcased their technologies to
world's biggest A320 Family customer. Indian and US stakeholders
Dr. Venkataramani Sumantran, 13. National Research Development
Chairman and Non-Executive Corporation (NRDC) joins WIPO Green to
Independent Director of IndiGo. promote sustainable tech
• Pieter Elbers, CEO of IndiGo. • National Research Development
• Guillaume Faury, Airbus CEO. Corporation (NRDC) under the
11. Oman Creates History as First Foreign Department of Scientific and Industrial
Government to Promote Country through Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science &
Yoga Technology has joined World
• In a pioneering initiative, the Indian Intellectual Property Organisation
Embassy in the Sultanate of Oman has (WIPO) Green as a partner in its green
introduced an innovative video called technology database globally.
'Soulful Yoga, Serene Oman' on the • NRDC, headed by Chairman and
eve of the International Day of Yoga Managing Director Commodore Amit
2023. Rastogi (retd).
• The Indian Embassy partnered with • WIPO Green is the marketplace for
'Visit Oman,' a subsidiary of Oman's sustainable technology administered
by the premier body of the United

www.oliveboard.in 92

Nation in order to promote through upgraded official level

environmentally-friendly innovation interaction among defense agencies,
and the diffusion of green opening of the resident Defense Attach
technologies. It is an online platform office in Manila, and consideration of
for technology exchange. India's offer for concessional Line of
14. India gifts missile corvette INS Kirpan to Credit to buy defence equipment.
Vietnam • They will looked forward to the signing
• India will gift Vietnam an in-service of the MoU on enhanced maritime
warship as a gesture of friendship and cooperation.
expanding military ties between the • This was decided at the fifth meeting of
nations. Missile Corvette INS Kirpan - a the Joint Commission on Bilateral
Khukri class warship commissioned in Cooperation (JCBC) co-chaired by
1991 - will soon be handed over to the External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar
Vietnam People's Navy. and his Philippines counterpart Enrique
• The announcement was made during a A. Manalo.
meeting between defence minister 17. India dropped from UNSG report on
Rajnath Singh and his Vietnamese impact of armed conflict on children after 12
counterpart. years
15. India-US defence ties take a quantum • In his 2023 report on Children and
leap as nations ink twin pacts for armed Armed Conflict, the UN chief said, "In
drones, jet engines view of the measures taken by the
• The already expansive defence government to better protect children,
relationship between India and the US India has been removed from the
is set to register a quantum leap during report in 2023."
the Modi-Biden summit with the twin • In his latest report, he also called upon
pacts on the joint manufacture of GE- India to implement the remaining
F414 fighter jet engines and the sale of measures identified in consultation
armed MQ-9B Predator drones, both a with his special representative and the
first for a non-military ally of the US. United Nations.
• India’s proposed $3.5 billion acquisition • UN Secretary-General: Antonio
of the 31 drones — 15 Sea Guardians Guterres.
for Navy and eight Sky Guardians each • India was mentioned in the report of
for Army and IAF — will hugely boost the Secretary-General on Children and
its capabilities for long-range ISR armed conflict since 2010 along with
(intelligence, surveillance and other countries of Burkina Faso,
reconnaissance and strike missions Cameroon, Lake Chad basin, Nigeria,
both in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) Pakistan, and the Philippines for
as well as its land borders with China alleged recruitment and use of boys by
and Pakistan. armed groups in Jammu and Kashmir;
16. India, Philippines to upgrade defence detainment of boys by Indian security
partnership; boost maritime security forces in J&K for their alleged
• India and Philippines decided to association with armed groups, or on
expand their defence partnership national security grounds.

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18. BRICS countries likely to induct five new frontrunners include Indonesia, the
members in August summit UAE, Egypt, and Argentina.
• The BRICS nations may agree to induct • BRICS headquarter: Shanghai, China
around five new members into the • The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia,
grouping during its August leadership India, China, and South Africa –
summit, to be hosted by South Africa. currently represent over 42 per cent of
• Out of the 25 countries that are keen the global population, 30 per cent of
to join the grouping, while Saudi the world’s GDP.
Arabia's entry is almost certain, other

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1. Cyclone Biparjoy makes landfall; strong scientific management of forests and

winds, rains in Kutch, Saurashtra evolving new approaches.
• Cyclone Biparjoy made its much • The National Working Plan Code-2023
awaited landfall near Jakhau Port in was released by Shri. Chandra Prakash
Gujarat's Kutch district on 15th June Goyal, IFS, Director General of Forests
evening after churning across the and Special Secretary, Ministry of
Arabian Sea for over 10 days as multi- Environment, Forest & Climate change
agency response teams remained alert during the occasion of the ‘World Day
for relief and rescue efforts, while one to Combat Desertification and
lakh people were moved to safer Drought’ organized by the Indian
places. Landfall indicates a cyclonic Council of Forestry Research and
storm moving over land after being Education (ICFRE) in Dehradun on
over water. 17th June 2023.
• Biparjoy, the first cyclone in the 3. World Day To Combat Desertification and
Arabian Sea this year, rapidly Drought 2023
underwent rapid intensification on • World Day to Combat Desertification
June 6 and June 7, escalating from just and Drought 2023 is celebrated every
a cyclonic circulation to a very severe year on June 17 to promote public
cyclonic storm in just 48 hours, defying awareness of international efforts to
earlier predictions. combat desertification.
• It has also sustained its strength for a • Extreme weather occurrences are
longer-than-normal duration, which becoming more prominent with each
meteorologists attribute to due to an passing day. Therefore, it’s important
unusually warm Arabian Sea. to spread awareness of problems like
• The IMD data shows Biparjoy has drought and desertification.
become the cyclone with the longest • So, every year on June 17, the United
lifespan in the Arabian Sea. Nations recognises it as the World Day
• The extremely severe Cyclone Kyarr of to Combat Desertification and Drought.
2019 over the Arabian Sea had a life of The day focuses on restoring the land
9 days and 15 hours. that has been damaged, preventing
2. National Working Plan Code-2023 desertification.
released for scientific management of • The aim is to find workable methods to
forests and evolving new approaches stop further destruction of the
• The Ministry of Environment, Forest & ecosystem. This will increase income,
Climate change has released the foster economic resilience, and
'National Working Plan Code-2023' for guarantee food security for the

www.oliveboard.in 95

Apps & Portals

1. Union Minister Sarbananda Sonowal • Real time dredging progress report

launches 'SAGAR SAMRIDDHI' to bring • Daily and monthly progress
transparency & efficiency Visualisation
• Union Minister of Ports, Shipping & • Dredger performance and downtime
Waterways (MoPSW) and Ayush Shri monitoring
Sarbananda Sonowal launched 'SAGAR • Easy location track data with snapshot
SAMRIDDHI' - the online dredging of loading, unloading and idle time
monitoring system - in order to • The NTCPWC was established under
accelerate 'Waste to Wealth' initiative the Sagarmala Programme of MoPSW
of the Ministry. with the total investment of ' 77 Crores
• This system has been developed by at IIT Madras which was inaugurated
National Technology Centre for Ports, by the Minister on 24th April 2023.
Waterways and Coasts (NTCPWC) the The aim of the centre is to enable
technological arm of MoPSW. research & development for the marine
• The new technology brings in marked sector, enabling solutions towards
improvement against the old system of achieving the ultimate goal of building
Draft & Loading Monitor (DLM) a robust marine industry in the
system.Capabilities of ‘Sagar country.
Samriddhi’ include:

www.oliveboard.in 96

Acquisitions & Mergers

1. CCI approves acquisition of additional • Trainman was reportedly pegged at INR

stake in ACKO Tech by General Atlantic 80 Cr last. The startup counts names
• The Competition Commission of India such as Goodwater Capital and Ivy
(CCI) has approved the acquisition of Growth Associates among its investors.
additional stake in Acko Tech by • The move is likely a part of the strategy
General Atlantic. of the Adani Group, which launched
• The proposed combination envisages flight ticket and cab booking platform
acquisition of an additional 4.04 per Adani One last year, to shore up its
cent shareholding of Acko Technology ticketing play.. Adani Enterprises on
and Services (Acko Tech) by General Friday said that its wholly-owned
Atlantic Singapore ACK Pte. Ltd. subsidiary Adani Digital Labs Private Ltd
(GASACK). has signed an agreement to acquire
• GASACK, an investment holding railway ticketing startup Trainman.
company, is held by funds or vehicles 4. BPEA EQT And ChrysCapital to acquire
controlled by General Atlantic.Acko 90% stake in HDFC Credila
Tech is engaged in the business of • HDFC, HDFC Bank, and HDFC Credila
providing general (non-life) insurance Financial Services have announced
through its subsidiary, Acko General that they have entered into definitive
Insurance Limited (Acko GI). agreements to sell a 90 per cent stake
2. CCI approves acquisition of certain in HDFC Credila to a private equity
shareholding in Ambit Private Limited by investor consortium of BPEA EQT and
Daiwa International Holdings Inc. ChrysCapital at a pre'money valuation
• The Competition Commission of India of '10,350 crore.
(CCI) approves the acquisition of • This transaction will infuse primary
certain shareholding in Ambit Private proceeds of about '2,000 crore into the
Limited by Daiwa International company.
Holdings Inc. 5. CCI approves acquisition by HDFC Limited
• The proposed combination relates to of certain additional shareholding of HDFC
acquisition of certain shareholding ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
through a combination of primary (HDFC)
subscription of shares and secondary • The Competition Commission of India
share purchases from existing (CCI) approves the proposed
shareholders. combination involving acquisition by
3. Adani Group To Acquire Railway Ticketing Housing Development Finance
Startup Trainman Corporation Limited (HDFC Limited) of
• Adani Digital Labs, a wholly-owned certain additional shareholding of
subsidiary of Adani Enterprises, has HDFC ERGO General Insurance
signed an agreement to acquire 100% Company Limited (HDFC ERGO).
stake in railway ticketing platform • The proposed combination pertains to
Trainman. the acquisition by HDFC Limited of
certain additional shareholding of

www.oliveboard.in 97

HDFC ERGO on a spot delivery basis • The $454 million deal will be in force
(the Proposed Transaction) such that for a period of 5 years with an option
HDFC Limited (after the Proposed to renew for one additional year for a
Transaction) and the surviving maximum of three times. Salil Parekh is
amalgamated entity i.e. HDFC Bank the CEO and MD of Infosys
Limited (HDFC Bank) (after the 7. CCI approves acquisition of TCNS Clothing
effective date of the proposed by Aditya Birla Fashion
amalgamation of, inter alia, HDFC • The Competition Commission of India
Limited into HDFC Bank) will hold over (CCI) has approved the acquisition of
50% of the shareholding of HDFC ERGO TCNS Clothing Co Limited by Aditya
in compliance with Indian banking Birla Fashion and Retail Limited. The
laws. (Proposed Combination)HDFC proposed combination involves
Limited is a public limited company acquisition of 51% of the expanded
incorporated under the Companies Act, share capital of TCNS Clothing Co
1956 and its shares are listed on the Limited by Aditya Birla Fashion and
National Stock Exchange of India Retail Limited.
Limited and BSE Limited. • Aditya Birla Fashion and Retail Limited
6. Infosys signs $454-million deal with is a listed company and is part of the
Danske Bank Aditya Birla conglomerate. TCNS
• Infosys has signed a strategic Clothing is also a listed company
collaboration deal with Danske Bank, engaged in the business of
a Nordic bank, to accelerate the bank's manufacturing, distribution and sale of
digital transformation initiatives. women’s apparel, etc.

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1. G20 Agriculture Ministers Meeting adopts for the 2023-24 marketing season,
Outcome Document and Chair's Summary starting October.
focussing on food security and Nutrition for • The FRP of sugarcane, which stood at
all '210 per quintal in 2014-15 season, has
• The G20 Agriculture Ministers meeting now been increased to '315 per
has adopted Outcome Document and quintal for 2023-24 season.
Chair's Summary focusing on food • In the 2022-23 marketing year, about
security and Nutrition for all. 3,353 lakh tonne of sugarcane has been
• The three-day meeting concluded in purchased.
Hyderabad. The Outcome document 3. ICAR-SBI Signs MoU with Indian Sugar
also includes the Deccan High-Level Mills Association to Identify Climate-
Principles and International Millets and Resilient Sugarcane Varieties
Other Ancient Grains Research • The Sugarcane Breeding Institute in
Initiative. Coimbatore, in partnership with the
2. Cabinet approves increase in sugarcane Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA)
FRP to '315/quintal for 2023-24 season based in New Delhi, signed a
• The Cabinet Committee on Economic Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Affairs, chaired by Prime Minister to launch a pioneering project aimed at
Narendra Modi, approved a 10-rupee developing location-specific and
increase in fair and remunerative price climate-resilient sugarcane varieties.
(FRP) of sugarcane to '315 per quintal • President of ISMA, Aditya

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1. PhonePe launches Account Aggregator • The move is supported by the National

services Payments Corporation of India (NPCI).
• PhonePe has introduced Account • Customers who want to activate UPI
Aggregator (AA) services following the through Aadhaar should have a valid
receipt of Reserve Bank of India (RBI) phone number linked to their bank and
Non-Banking Finance Companies registered with the Unique
(NBFC) licence. Identification Authority of India
• The move aims at providing secure and (UIDAI).
easy sharing of financial data between 3. Acemoney launches all-in-one payment
customers and financial bodies. device
• Account Aggregator service will help • Leading fintech company Acemoney
customers to share their financial data has launched an all-in-one payment
such as bank statements, insurance device. It incorporates micro ATM,
policies, and others, for services like Aadhaar ATM, and POS in a single
loans, new insurance, and other device.
banking services. • The device will not only act as a POS
• Customers can request, pause or cancel device but enable merchants to offer
any ongoing financial services directly other services.
from the PhonePe app. • Customers will be able to withdraw
• PhonePe Group has partnered with cash using biometric system that
financial institutions like Yes Bank, AU facilitates card-based or Aadhaar-based
Small Finance Bank, ICICI Bank, and, financial transactions.
Axis Bank. 4. Fino Payments Bank joins Hubble to
• The micro-app for account aggregator introduce spending account
services within PhonePe will let users • Fino Payments Bank said it has
create a new AA handle. entered into a tie-up with Sequoia
2. Google Pay launches Aadhaar-based Capital-backed fintech Hubble to
authentication for UPI activation introduce India's first spending
• Google Pay has introduced UPI account.
verification via Aadhaar card. • The bank said customers can park their
• The new feature will allow customers funds, spend (on categories such as
to register for Unified Paytments food ordering, shopping, travel,
Interface (UPI) without the need of entertainment etc.) and save up to 10
debit card. per cent on all purchases made from
the account.

www.oliveboard.in 100


1. NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited widen and upgrade around 265
commissions 1 MW Rooftop Solar Power kilometers of state highways,
Project at IIT Jodhpur. improving transport connectivity and
• NTPC Vidyut Vyapar Nigam Limited safety in the state of Bihar in India.
(NVVN), a wholly owned subsidiary of • The highways will be upgraded with
NTPC, has commissioned its first climate- and disaster-resilient design,
Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Project at road safety elements, and other
IIT Jodhpur, Rajasthan to meet 15% of features that will respond to the needs
IIT's electricity requirements. NVVN is of the elderly, women.
trading in gypsum and is now Chhattisgarh
diversifying into renewables, e- 1. Chhattisgarh government launches an AI-
mobility, etc. based app to track elephants and alert
• The project is set up on the roofs of 14 villagers.
buildings inside the campus of the IIT. • In a move to reduce rising man-animal
The rooftop project will generate conflicts, the Chhattisgarh government
around 14.9 Lakhs units per annum and launched an app to track the
will meet 15% of the electricity movements of elephants and alert
requirement of IIT Jodhpur. The project villagers.
will result in reduction of carbon • Chhattisgarh Elephant Tracking and
dioxide emissions of 1,060 tonnes per Alert App works on Artificial
year. Intelligence-based (AI-based) inputs
2. LIC announces relaxations for victims of received from Elephant Trackers (Hathi
Biparjoy Cyclone Mitra Dal).
• Following insurance regulator Irdai 2. World Bank Approves $300 Million to
directive, LIC announced concessions Improve Quality of School Education in
to mitigate the hardships of the Chhattisgarh
claimants of policies and also of • The World Bank's Board of Executive
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Directors approved a $300 million loan
Yojana affected by the Cyclone to help expand and improve the
Biparjoy. quality of education in government-
• LIC in a statement said it is reaching out run schools in the central Indian state
to the affected people to provide of Chhattisgarh.
assistance although the loss of lives has • The project aims to benefit about 4
been minimal. It also created a portal million students, mostly from poor and
link for the online submission of claims vulnerable communities in the state.
arising due to Biparjoy Goa
Bihar 1. Goa CM Pramod Sawant launches mascot
1. $295 Million ADB Loan to Support Road for upcoming 37th National Games
Improvement in Bihar, India • Chief Minister Pramod Sawant officially
• The Asian Development Bank (ADB) unveiled the eagerly-awaited mascot
has approved a $295 million loan to for the 37th National Games, aptly

www.oliveboard.in 101

named 'Moga,' during a ceremony held crore litres whereas the total water
at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee demand is 34,96,276 crore litres.
Stadium, Taleigao. 2. Cabinet approves Metro Connectivity
• The unveiling marked a significant from HUDA City Centre to Cyber City,
milestone in the build-up to the Gurugram with Spur to Dwarka Expressway
upcoming National Games, highlighting • The Union cabinet has approved the
the strong connection between the elevated Gurugram metro project to
Games and the rich heritage of Goa. connect Cyber City with Huda City
Gujarat Centre with spur to Dwarka
1. Gujarat, US chipmaker Micron to sign Expressway covering a total of 28.5 km
MoU on June 28 for semiconductor unit and 27 stations. The cost of the project
• The Gujarat government has signed an has been pegged at '5,452 crore and
MoU with American computer storage expected to be completed in four
chipmaker Micron Technology for a years.
semiconductor assembly and test • It will be implemented by Haryana
facility at Sanand in the Ahmedabad Mass Rapid Transport Corporation
district. Limited (HMRTC), which will be
• Micron had announced to set up a established as a 50:50 Special Purpose
semiconductor assembly and test plant Vehicle (SPV) of the Governments of
in Gujarat entailing a total investment India and Haryana after the sanction
of $2.75 billion (around Rs 22,540 order is issued.
crore). Himachal Pradesh
• Micron's plant has been approved 1. World Bank approves loan of $200 million
under the central government's to Himachal for power reforms
"Modified Assembly, Testing, Marking • The World Bank's Board of Executive
and Packaging (ATMP) Scheme". Directors have approved a loan of
• Under the scheme, the US-based firm $200 million to the Himachal Pradesh
will receive 50 per cent fiscal support government to facilitate power sector
for the total project cost from the reforms and increase the share of
Centre and incentives representing 20 renewable energy (RE) in the state's
per cent of the total cost from the electricity generation.
Gujarat government. • The state currently meets more than
Haryana 80 per cent of its energy demands from
1. Haryana CM launches biennial Integrated hydropower.
Water Resources Action Plan (2023-25) • Himachal Pradesh aims to become a
• Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal ‘Green State’ by meeting 100 per cent
Khattar launched the biennial of its energy needs through renewable
Integrated Water Resources Action and green energy by 2030.
Plan (2023-25) which aims to meet the Kerala
twin challenges of water depletion and 1. Kerala CM to inaugurate KSUM's first
waterlogging. Infinity Centre in Dubai today
• Khattar said that the total water • Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan
availability of the state is 20,93,598 will inaugurate the first Infinity Centre

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of Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) in • Sabarimala International Airport is a

Dubai, rolling out his government's proposed greenfield airport to be built
ambitious programme. in Erumeli (also known as Erumely)
• Vijayan, who is on a tour to US and near Sabarimala temple, in the
Cuba, will arrive in Dubai to take part in Kottayam district of Kerala.
the event. • The proposed airport's location is
• Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan Cheruvally Estate in Erumeli, Kottayam
will inaugurate the first Infinity Centre District, which covers around 2,570
of Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) in acres of land.
Dubai on Sunday, rolling out his • The proposed Sabarimala airport would
government's ambitious programme of have the longest runway of Kerala’s
setting up one-stop destinations across four international airports
the world to strengthen the state's (Thiruvananthapuram, Calicut, Cochin,
ecosystem for nascent companies. and Kannur).
• Chief Secretary V P Joy will chair the • The runway at the proposed
ceremony at Taj, Burj Khalifa, a KSUM Sabarimala airport will be 3,500 metres
release said, adding that the event will long, and 45 metres wide, and will have
mark the start of a series of such 7.5-metre off-shoulders on both sides.
launch pads for Kerala's startups to 3. World Bank approves $150 mn loan to
explore foreign markets by enabling support Resilient Kerala Program
non-resident Indians to help become • The World Bank's Board of Directors
entrepreneurs in association with has approved a $150 million loan to
KSUM. support the Resilient Kerala Program
2. Kerala: Sabarimala International Airport to continue strengthening the state's
Gets Green Signal From Union Environment preparedness against natural
Ministry Panel disasters, climate change impacts, and
• The Union Environment Ministry panel disease outbreaks.
has recommended the grant of • This financing complements the World
standard terms of reference (TOR) for Bank's earlier investment of $125
the Kerala government's proposal for a million.
greenfield Sabarimala international 4. Kerala to roll out State-supported
airport. insurance scheme for MSMEs
• The project's anticipated cost is Rs • In a major boost to MSME's in Kerala,
3,900 crore, which includes Rs 260 Minister for Law, Industries and Coir P
crore for land and Rs 3,400 crore for Rajeeve has announced that an
capital expenditure. insurance scheme for MSME units will
• According to officials, this will allow the be rolled out soon, with the State
Kerala State Industrial Development government bearing 50 per cent of the
Corporation (KSIDC) Limited, the premium with a monetary cap.
project proponent, to plan and design • It has also been announced that the
an environmental impact assessment government will provide '1 lakh each to
(EIA) and provide a format and 1,000 MSME ventures of more than
structure for the project.

www.oliveboard.in 103

three years of existence for scaling-up 2. Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde launches

projects. Asia's largest cluster development scheme in
• As a part of this, up to '2 crore will also Thane
be given as capital investment for • Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath
approved projects. The insurance Shinde has launched Asia's largest,
scheme and other projects in the offing ambitious and historic cluster.
will substantially help the MSME • This scheme was conceptualized for
sector. the collective redevelopment of
Madhya Pradesh unauthorized and official dangerous
1. MP Govt to launch CM Learn and Earn buildings after the collapse of the Sairaj
scheme Building in Thane which had claimed 18
• In Madhya Pradesh, Chief Minister's lives development scheme in Thane.
Learn and Earn scheme - will be • The redeveloped township plan
launched to teach employable skills to includes well-equipped health,
the youth. In the scheme, 703 work educational, sports, recreational,
areas have been identified for training. parking, mandi, and civic facilities.
• The most important aspect of this • The CIDCO will execute the project.
learn-and-earn scheme is that along Under the project, the integrated
with learning skills, the youth will also redevelopment project will be done on
be given an allowance of Rs 8,000 to the lines of townships.
10,000. 3. SJVN, Mahagenco Sign Pact To Develop
Maharashtra 5,000 MW Green Energy Projects In
1. Ahmednagar in Maharashtra to be Maharashtra
renamed as Ahilyanagar • SJVN signed an agreement with
• The Maharashtra government has Mahagenco to develop renewable
decided to rename Ahmednagar energy projects with a total capacity
district as Ahilyadevi Nagar after of 5,000 megawatts in Maharashtra.
Maratha ruler Maharani Ahilyabai • Under the pact, the companies will
Holkar. explore the feasibility of setting up
• Chief minister Eknath Shinde made the various renewable projects in
announcement during the 298th birth Maharashtra, including hydro, pumped
anniversary celebrations of the storage projects, wind, solar, hybrid
hereditary noble queen of the Maratha and green hydrogen projects.
Empire in Malwa. • Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman &
• The renaming of Ahmednagar was the Managing Director, SJVN.
latest name-changing move taken by Nagaland
the Eknath Shinde-Devendra Fadnavis 1. Reserve Bank of India opens Sub-office in
government, which had renamed Kohima, Nagaland
Maharashtra's Aurangabad and • Dr. Michael Debabrata Patra, Deputy
Osmanabad districts as Chhatrapati Governor, Reserve Bank of India (RBI)
Sambhaji Nagar and Dharashiv inaugurated the Sub-office of the RBI,
respectively in February. in Kohima, Nagaland.

www.oliveboard.in 104

• With this, the Reserve Bank has further • Medha serves railway customers
expanded its presence in the north- across the world through its subsidiary
eastern region (NER). companies in Spain, Italy, USA, Brazil
• Its presence in this region now includes and Poland.
Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, • In a move to expand its rail coach
Tripura and Nagaland. manufacturing capabilities, Medha
Tamil Nadu Servo Drives has signed a joint venture
1. Muthamizh Selvi, first Tamil Nadu woman (JV) agreement with Swiss railway
to scale Mt Everest rolling stock manufacturer Stadler Rail.
• Tamil Nadu Minister for Sports The JV will establish a new factory in
Development and Youth Welfare Telangana.
Udhayanidhi Stalin felicitated N • Stadler Rail, with its headquarters in
Muthamizh Selvi, the first woman Bussnang, Switzerland, has been a
from Tamil Nadu to scale Mount prominent player in the railway market
Everest. for over 80 years. It has a dominant
• The 34-year-old woman from Johilpatti, market share in the global railway
Virudhunagar, reached the summit of rolling stock manufacturing industry.
Mount Everest on May 23, after 56 • Medha is the largest manufacturer of
days of strenuous journey. traction motors for Railways and the
Telangana largest Indian company supplying
1. India's Largest Private Rail Coach Factory advanced signaling and safety systems.
Inaugurated In Telengana
• Medha Servo Drives Private Limited, a Uttar Pradesh
Telangana-based company that 1. Vijay Kumar appointed acting DGP of
designs and manufactures complex Uttar Pradesh, replacing R K Vishwakarma
electrical and electronic railway • Senior IPS officer Vijay Kumar will be
products, inaugurated India's largest the new acting DGP of Uttar Pradesh.
private rail coach factory in Kondakal • Vishwakarma had assumed charge as
village, Rangareddy district near officiating DGP of the state on April 1
Hyderabad. after the then-officiating DGP DS
• The facility was opened by Chief Chauhan had retired.
Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao. • Kumar, a 1988 batch officer, will
• In 2017, Telangana State Industrial continue to work as DG Vigilance and
Infrastructure Corporation (TSIIC) and CB-CID.
Medha Group signed a Memorandum 2. UP govt signs MoU with Khan Academy to
of Understanding (MoU) to establish a improve Maths skill of students
private rail coach factory. • The Uttar Pradesh government has
• The factory, spread over 100 acres, will signed a new memorandum of
develop all types of railway rolling understanding (MoU) with Khan
stock, including coaches, train sets, Academy India to enhance Maths
locomotives, Metro trains and learning skills of over 500K students in
Monorails. the 48,000 state-run schools.

www.oliveboard.in 105

• Khan Academy India is a not-for-profit • With this launch, the coverage of CGHS
organisation incorporated in India to cities has expanded from 25 cities in
provide free, world-class education for 2014 to 80 in 2023.
millions of learners in India. It was • CGHS is a health insurance scheme
founded in 2006. launched by the Indian government in
3. Stamp duty relief for women-led MSMEs; 1954.
UP to facilitate loans of Rs 20k cr • The central government health
• To promote small businesses and start- insurance scheme was introduced in
ups, especially helmed by women 1954 for current as well as former
entrepreneurs, the Uttar Pradesh employees of the central government.
government has announced a slew of The Indian government has especially
incentives, which include a waiver of designed the scheme for the
stamp duty. betterment of beneficiaries and to
• The business ventures set up by provide them medical
women in the comparatively backward advantages.CGHS provides health care
regions of Purvanchal and Bundelkhand through following systems of Medicine
would get a 100 per cent stamp duty • Allopathic
waiver, whereas the subsidy would be • Homoeopathic
75 per cent in other pockets. Such units • Indian system of medicine
would also be exempt from mandatory o Ayurveda
inspections for three years from o Unani
inception, to allow these businesses to o Siddha and
establish and proliferate without o Yoga
worrying about procedural Jammu and Kashmir
complexities. 1. Jitendra Singh inaugurates 'Lavender
• The state government is gearing up to Festival' in J&K's Bhaderwah
facilitate bank loans totalling Rs. 20,000 • Union Minister Jitendra Singh on June 4
crore to the micro, small, and medium inaugurated the two-day "Lavender
Enterprises (MSMEs) on easy terms. Festival" in Jammu and Kashmir's
The state government has launched a Bhaderwah Valley and said the Union
slew of schemes to promote the MSME Territory has emerged as the lavender
sector and make them globally capital of India and a prominent agri-
competitive,” UP MSME and khadi startup destination.
minister Rakesh Sachan said. • The festival has been organised by the
Chandigarh CSIR-IIIM and is part of the institution's
1. Mansukh Mandaviya inaugurates 2 CGHS 'One Week One Lab Campaign'.It
centres in Panchkula, Chandigarh showcases the remarkable progress
• Union minister of health and family made in lavender cultivation and its
welfare Mansukh Mandaviya impact on the local community
inaugurated two Central Government
Health Scheme (CGHS) Wellness
Centres at Sector 29-C, Chandigarh,
and Sector 16, Panchkula.

www.oliveboard.in 106

www.oliveboard.in 107

Important CA

1. World Milk Day | 1st of June Regulated Entities' was constituted in

• World Milk Day is celebrated annually May 2022 and was helmed by BP
on June 1. This day was established by Kanungo, a former deputy governor of
the Food and Agriculture Organization the RBI.
(FAO) of the United Nations and has • A Reserve Bank of India committee for
been celebrated since 2001. the review of customer service
• According to worldmilkday.org, the standards at Indian lenders has
theme of World Milk Day 2023 is submitted its report.
"Showcasing how dairy is reducing its • The committee was made up of a total
environmental footprint, while also of six members and its primary
providing nutritious foods and mandate was to evaluate and review
livelihoods.". the quality of the customer service,
Possible Question: The World Milk identify best practices, and suggest
Day is celebrated annually on June 1. measures for making improvements.
This day was established by The committee observed that Indian
the_________. regulations and standards on customer
protection are largely aligned with
2. World Environment Day | 5th of June international best practices.
• World Environment Day is celebrated • Major recommendations
every year on June 5 to create made by the committee
awareness and encourage efforts to include:
protect the environment. • RBI may consider making the
• This year the theme pertains to charter of customer rights
'solutions to plastic pollution' with enforceable after reviewing
celebrations being hosted by Cte and updating it.
D'Ivoire - or the Ivory Coast in west • Customer service regulation
Africa. This year also marks the 50th should be consolidated under
anniversary of World Environment Day. the principle of 'same activity,
• Led by the United Nations Environment same regulation'.
Programme, it was first established by • Regulated entities should keep
the UN in 1972 during the Stockholm a database of KYC documents
Conference on the Human of all customers, linked by a
Environment. unique customer identifier to
Possible Question: World eliminate need for repeated
Environment is observed every year KYC at the same entity.
on June5th, the theme for 2023 is • RBI should assess the quality of
customer service through
3. RBI Committee Reviewing Customer periodic and thematic studies
Service At Lenders Submits Report at regulated entities.
• The 'Committee for Review of
Customer Service Standards in RBI

www.oliveboard.in 108

• Sale of third-party products by 4. Centre aims at covering refractories in PLI

a regulated entity's sales team 2.0 to support 300 MT steel capacity target
should be subject to audit. by 2030
• There is a need to standardise • The Centre is looking to include
ATM interfaces and ensure refractories in the upcoming
minimum functionalities at all Production Linked Incentive Scheme
ATMs. 2.0 for steel as it aims at doubling the
• Customer-facing employees country's production capacity for the
should get mandatory training metal to 300 million tonne by 2030.
in soft skills to reduce • Refractories are a critical input for steel
misbehaviour. production, and India depends on the
• RBI may consider stipulating a import of the raw material.
time limit for the regulated • Refractories are materials used by the
entities to return property steel industry to line the internal
documents to borrower from furnaces for iron and steel making.
the date of closure of the loan. While the cost of refractory amounts to
• Regulated entities may provide only 2-3 per cent of steel production, it
alerts to customers during is an essential component without
teachable moments, such as which not a single tonne of steel can be
warning against sharing of produced. Currently, India heavily
credentials. depands on China for steel imports.
• RBI should lay down a Possible Question: The Government
definition of what constitutes a of India has recently planned to
complaint against a regulated include refractories in the the
entity. upcoming Production Linked
• RBI may develop and publish a Incentive Scheme 2.0 to support 300
"customer service and MT steel capacity target by
protection index" for regulated ________.
RBI may examine whether Deposit 5. G20 International Conference on "Cyber
Insurance and Credit Guarantee Security Exercise for Banking Sector" held at
Corporation cover may be extended Mumbai
to bank prepaid instruments and • An International Conference on "Cyber
non-bank PPIs later. Security Exercise for Banking Sector"
under India's G20 Presidency was
Possible Question: The 'BP Kanungo jointly conducted by the Reserve Bank
Committee', constituted by the of India (RBI) and the Indian Computer
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 2022 is Emergency Response Team (CERT-In),
related to _____. Ministry of Electronics and Information
Technology (MeitY), Government of
India (GOI) in Mumbai.
Possible Question: An International
Conference on "Cyber Security

www.oliveboard.in 109

Exercise for Banking Sector" under • On the basis of an assessment of the

India's G20 Presidency was jointly current and evolving macroeconomic
conducted by _____________ and situation, the Monetary Policy
___________. Committee (MPC).
• Kept the policy repo rate under the
6. Indian Navy's Varunastra Torpedo Hits liquidity adjustment facility (LAF)
Underwater Target With Precision unchanged at 6.50 per cent.
• Indigenously designed and developed • The standing deposit facility (SDF) rate
heavy weight torpedo (HWT) remains unchanged at 6.25 per cent.
Varunastra was successfully test-fired • The next meeting of the MPC is
with a live warhead against an scheduled during August 8-10, 2023.
undersea target, by the Indian Navy. Marginal standing facility (MSF) rate
• Varunastra was designed and and the Bank Rate have been kept at
developed by Vizag-based Naval 6.75 per cent.
Science and Technological Laboratory • Policy Repo Rate: 6.50%
(NSTL) under the Defence Research • Standing Deposit Facility Rate: 6.25%
and Development Organisation and is • Marginal Standing Facility Rate: 6.75%
manufactured by Bharat Dynamics • Bank Rate: 6.75%
Limited. • Fixed Reverse Repo Rate: 3.35%
• Varunastra is a ship-launched anti- • CRR: 4.50%
submarine torpedo having low drift • SLR: 18.00%
navigational systems, acoustic homing, Possible Question: On the basis of an
advanced acoustic counter measure assessment of the current and
features, autonomous guidance evolving macroeconomic situation,
algorithms, insensitive munitions the Monetary Policy Committee
warhead and a GPS-based recovery aid (MPC) on June 2023 kept the policy
for practice torpedo, according to the repo rate under the liquidity
Defence Ministry. adjustment facility (LAF) unchanged
Possible Question: Which of the at _______
following statements is/are correct
about "Varunastra"? 8. RBI releases the results of Forward
I)It is an indigenously build anti- Looking Surveys
submarine torpedo. • The Reserve Bank of India released on
II)It can be launched from a ship. its website the results of the following
III)It is enabled with the Global Surveys:
Positioning System. • Consumer Confidence Survey (CCS) '
Select the correct answer using the May 2023
codes given below. • Inflation Expectations Survey of
Households (IESH) ' May 2023
7. Monetary Policy Statement, 2023-24 • Survey of Professional Forecasters on
Resolution of the Monetary Policy Macroeconomic Indicators'
Committee (MPC) June 6-8, 2023 Round1 82nd.

www.oliveboard.in 110

Possible Question: Which of the • He eclipsed Rafael Nadal as the oldest

following survey reports are published Roland Garros champion at the age of
by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)? 36 years and 20 days and became the
first man to win all four Grand Slam
I)Consumer Confidence Survey events at least three times.
• With his win, the three-time Roland
II) Inflation Expectations Survey of Garros titlist Djokovic also reclaimed
Households the No. 1 spot in the Pepperstone ATP
Rankings from Carlos Alcaraz.
III) Survey of Professional Forecasters • Most Grand Slam Men's Singles Titles
on Macroeconomic Indicators (All-Time)
• Novak Djokovic- 23
Select the correct answer using the
• Rafael Nadal- 22
codes given below.
• Roger Federer- 20
Possible Question: Novak Djokovic
9. Australia Crowned ICC World Test
forged a new frontier in men's tennis
Champions With A 209-Run Win Over India
at Roland Garros, where the Serbian
• Australia are World Test Champions
great defeated Casper Ruud 7-6(1), 6-
after completing a 209-run win over
3, 7-5 to claim a record 23rd major
India in the WTC Final at The Oval.
title. Casper Ruud is from which
• With this Australia became the first
team to bag all world titles 'the ODI
World Cup, T20 World Cup & the
11. Ireland's Harry Tector, Thailand's
World Test Championship.
Thipatcha Putthawong Clinch ICC Player of
• Australia, The champions of the ICC
the Month Awards for May 2023
World Test Championship 2023 Final
• While Tector became the first Irish
will receive an impressive prize of $1.6
player to win the ICC Men's Player of
the Month award, Thipatcha's win
• Nathan Lyon ended this Test
means it is the second consecutive
Championship campaign as the world's
time Thailand won the Women's
highest wicket-taker.
Player of the Month award after
Possible Question: Australia are
skipper Naruemol Chaiwai's win in
World Test Champions after
completing a _________ run win over
• The left-arm spinner Thipatcha took 11
India in the WTC Final at The Oval.
wickets in four T20Is at the Southeast
Asian (SEA) Games in Phnom Penh,
10. Novak Djokovic Wins Roland Garros For
Historic 23rd Major Title
Possible Question: Who among the
• Novak Djokovic forged a new frontier
following cricketers has received the
in men's tennis at Roland Garros,
ICC (International Cricket Council)
where the Serbian great defeated
Player of the Month Awards for May
Casper Ruud 7-6(1), 6-3, 7-5 to claim a
record 23rd major title.

www.oliveboard.in 111

12. RBI Not Planning To Regulate Social

Media Influencers 13. Centre reduces 5% basic import duty on
• According to Governor Shaktikanta edible oils to ensure affordable prices for
Das, the Reserve Bank of India is not consumers
planning to issue any separate norms • The Government has reduced the
to regulate social media influencers basic import duty on edible oils to
pedalling their personal views on the ensure their availability to consumers
financial markets since sector at affordable prices.
watchdog SEBI is already on it. • The basic import duty on refined
• Social media influencers peddle soyabean oil and refined sunflower oil
personal views or those of those paying was reduced from 17.5 percent to 12.5
them on financial markets or stocks. percent.
• Since January 2022, SEBI has been • This came into effect on 16th April
saying it would come out with 2023 and will remain in force till the
regulations to tame the so-called 31st of March next year.
financial influencers; it has not yet • The import duties were last revised in
issued anything but has been acting October 2021 when they were brought
selectively on such manipulators. down to 17.5 per cent from 32.5 per
• Abusive market practices are cent.
prohibited under the provisions of the Possible Question: The Government
Sebi Act of 1993 and the SEBI has reduced the basic import duty on
(prohibition of fraudulent and unfair edible oils to ensure their availability
trade practises relating to the securities to consumers at affordable prices.
market) regulations of 2003. The basic import duty on refined
• Section 12 A of the SEBI Act prohibits soyabean oil and refined sunflower
any action of commission or omission oil was reduced from _______to
relating to securities or issues via any _________.
scheme or device amounting to
deceptive practises, fraudulent trade 14. NITI Aayog, UN sign the GoI-UN
practises, unfair trade practises, or Sustainable Development Cooperation
manipulative trade practises Framework
(collectively referred to as abusive • The Sustainable Development
market practises). Cooperation Framework 2023-2027
Possible Question: Which section of between the Government of India and
the SEBI Act prohibits any action of the United Nations was signed today
commission or omission relating to by NITI Aayog and the UN office.
securities or issues via any scheme or • According to the release, the GoI-
device amounting to deceptive UNSDCF 2023-2027 is built on four
practises, fraudulent trade practises, strategic pillars derived from the 2030
unfair trade practises, or Agenda ' People, Prosperity, Planet and
manipulative trade practises Participation.
(collectively referred to as abusive • The formulation of the GoI-UNSDCF
market practises). 2023-2027 was led by NITI Aayog, on

www.oliveboard.in 112

behalf of the Government of India, with governor of the Reserve Bank of India
robust participation of line Ministries, for the next three years.
State Governments, and Union • Janakiraman will succeed MK Jain who
Territories. retires on June 21, 2023.
• GoI-UNSDCF 2023-2027 represents the • The three other deputy governors of
UN development system’s collective the bank are, M Rajeshwar Rao,
offer to the Government of India, in Michael Debabrata Patra and T Rabi
line with the national vision for Sankar.
development, for the achievement of Possible Question: Who among the
the Sustainable Development Goals, following has recently been
promoting gender equality, youth appointed as the deputy governor of
empowerment and human rights. the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)?
Possible Question: The Sustainable
Development Cooperation 17. 9th International Day of Yoga | 21 June,
Framework of _________ to 2023
________ between the Government • Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and
of India and the United Nations was spiritual practice that originated in
signed today by NITI Aayog and the India. The word 'yoga' derives from
UN office. Sanskrit and means to join or to unite,
symbolizing the union of body and
15. Bhavani Devi becomes first Indian fencer consciousness.
to win medal in Asian Championships • Recognizing its universal appeal, on 11
• Olympian C.A. Bhavani Devi created December 2014, the United Nations
history by securing India's first-ever proclaimed 21 June as the
medal ' a bronze ' at the Asian fencing International Day of Yoga. The theme
championships in Wuxi, China for International Yoga Day 2023 is
• Bhavani lost to Uzbekistan's Zaynab 'Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam,'.
Dayibekova in a hard-fought semifinal • The draft resolution establishing the
14-15 of the women's sabre event, but International Day of Yoga was
ensured India its maiden medal in the proposed by India and endorsed by a
event. record 175 member states.
Possible Question: Who among the • The proposal was first introduced by
following becomes the first Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his
fencer to win a bronze medal in Asian address during the opening of the 69th
Fencing Championship 2023? session of the General Assembly.
Possible Question: The theme for
16. SBI MD Swaminathan Janakiraman International Yoga Day 2023 is
appointed as Reserve Bank of India deputy ___________.
• Swaminathan Janakiraman, Managing 18. India climbs eight places to 127 in global
Director of State Bank of India (SBI), gender index, says WEF report
has been appointed as the deputy • India has ranked at 127 out of 146
countries in terms of gender parity --

www.oliveboard.in 113

an improvement of eight places from including Bolivia (50.4 per cent), India
last year -- according to the World (44.4 per cent) and France (42.3 per
Economic Forum's annual Gender Gap cent) -- have achieved women's
Report, 2023. representation of over 40 per cent in
• The World Economic Forum (WEF) local governance.
ranked India at 135 out of 146 • The Global Gender Gap Report, now in
countries in the Global Gender Gap its 17th edition, benchmarks the
Index in the report's 2022 edition. evolution of gender-based gaps in four
• The report found that the overall areas: economic participation and
gender gap has closed by 0.3 % point opportunity; educational attainment;
from last year. health and survival; and political
• While India excels in enrollment across empowerment. It is the longest-
all education levels, economic standing index which tracks progress
participation and opportunity fall short on closing these gaps since its
at only 36.7% parity. Although wage inception in 2006. It also explores the
and income parity have improved, the impact of recent global shocks on the
representation of women in senior and gender gap crisis in the labour market.
technical roles has slightly declined. In Possible Question: Which of the
terms of political empowerment, India following statements is/are correct
has made strides with a parity rate of about the "Global Gender Gap Report
25.3%. Women now hold 15.1% of 2023"?
parliamentary seats, reflecting a I)It is published by the World
positive trend in gender inclusivity. Economic Forum.
• Health and survival indicators show II)India ranked 127th in terms of
notable improvement, with India's sex gender parity.
ratio at birth reaching 92.7%, a 1.9% III)As per the report, the
increase from the previous year. This representation of women in senior
progress contributes to a 95% parity in and technical roles has slightly
health and survival, marking positive declined.
strides after a decade of slow Select the correct answer using the
advancement. codes given below:
• The index ranked India's
neighbours Pakistan at 142, 19. "National Statistics Day" celebrated on
Bangladesh at 59, China at 107, Nepal 29th June, 2023
at 116, Sri Lanka at 115 and Bhutan at • In recognition of the notable
103. contributions made by (late) Professor
• Iceland is the most gender-equal Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis in the
country in the world for the 14th field of statistics and economic
consecutive year and the only one to planning, the Government of India has
have closed more than 90 per cent of been celebrating his birth Anniversary,
its gender gap, according to the report. on 29th June, as 'Statistics Day', every
• Out of the 117 countries with available year since 2007.
data since 2017, 18 countries --

www.oliveboard.in 114

• Prof. Rajeeva Laxman Karandikar, Possible Question: The National

Chairman, National Statistical Statistics Day is celebrated every year
Commission. Dr. G. P. Samanta, Chief on 29th June in recognition of the
Statistician of India & Secretary, MoSPI. notable contributions made by
• The theme of Statistics Day, 2023 _________ in the field of statics and
is “Alignment of State Indicator economic planning.
Framework with National Indicator
Framework for Monitoring Sustainable
Development Goals”.

www.oliveboard.in 115


Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) 4.50%
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) 18.00%


Repo Rate 6.50%
Reverse Repo Rate 3.35%
Marginal Standing Facility Rate (MSF) 6.75%
Bank Rate 6.75%

Ashwani Kumar Managing Director and CEO of UCO Bank
Ajay Yadav Managing Director at Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited
Celeste Saulo Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
P Upadhyay Director General of Naval Armament (DGONA)
Mrutyunjay Mohapatra Vice-presidents of the World Meteorological Organisation
Dr Abdulla Al Mandous President of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Air Marshal Rajesh Kumar Air Officer-in-Charge Administration (AOA)
Janardan Prasad Director General of the Geological Survey of India (GSI)
Dennis Francis President of the United Nations General Assembly
Prathapa Reddy Chairman of Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank
Sanjay Swarup Chairman & Managing Director (CMD) of Container Corporation
of India (CONCOR)
Pieter Elbers Chief Executive Officer of IndiGo
Nitin Agarwal Director General of the Border Security Force (BSF)
Amit Agrawal CEO Unique Identification Authority of India
Subodh Kumar Singh Director General of The National Testing Agency
Amitava Mukherjee Chairman & Managing Director of NMDC
N. S. Vishwanathan Non-Executive (Part-time) Chairman of Axis Bank
P Vasudevan Managing Director and CEO of Equitas Small Finance Bank
Ravi Sinha Chief of Research and Analysis Wing
Sumit Seth India's next ambassador to Panama
Hasmukh Adhia Chairman of GIFT City Ltd
Petteri Orpo Prime Minister of Finland
Eddie Wu Chief Executive Officer of Alibaba
Michael Miebach Board of directors of the U.S.-India Strategic and Partnership
Forum (USISPF)

www.oliveboard.in 116

Nutan Roongta Director of the USA East Coast Chapter

Nusrat Jahan Choudhury First Muslim woman to serve as a Federal judge
Rajat Verma MD and Head of DBS Institutional Banking for India
Kyriakos Mitsotakis Prime Minister of Greece
Aarti Holla-Maini Director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs
Abhaya Prasad Hota Part time chairman of the Federal Bank
Swaminathan Janakiraman Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India

1st World Milk Day Showcasing how dairy is reducing its environmental
June footprint, while also providing nutritious foods and
3rd World Clubfoot Day
5th World Environment Day Solutions to plastic pollution
7th World Food Safety Day Food standards save lives
8th World Ocean Day The Planet Ocean's Changing Tide.
12th World Day against Child
June Labour
13th International Albinism Inclusion is strength
June Awareness Day
14th World Blood Donar Day Give blood, give plasma, share life
15th Global Wind Day
15th Shanghai Cooperation
June Organisation (SCO) Day
16th International Day of Family Digital remittances towards financial inclusion and
June Remittances cost reduction
18th Word Sustainable
June Gastronomy Day
19th National Reading Day
20th World Refugee Day
21st International Day of Yoga Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam

www.oliveboard.in 117

21st World Music Day

23rd Olympic Day
24th International Day for Breaking Barriers, Shaping the Future: Women in
June Women in Diplomacy Diplomacy for Sustainable Development
25th Day of the Seafarer
26th International Day against People first: Stop stigma and discrimination
June Drug Abuse and Illicit
26th International Day in Support
June of Victims and Torture
27th Micro-, Small, and Medium-
June Sized Enterprises Day
28th National Insurance
June Awareness Day
29th National Statistics Day Alignment of State Indicator Framework with
June National Indicator Framework for Monitoring
Sustainable Development Goals

Esow Alben Cycling
Manjeet Wrestling
Manisha Wrestling
Reetika Wrestling
Sarita Mor Wrestling
Abhinav Shaw Shooting
Gautami Bhanot Shooting
Rezoana Mallick Heena Running
Bharatpreet Singh Running
Amlan Borgohain Sprinter
Sapna Kumari Sprinter
Siddharth Choudhary Shot Put
Dhanush Srikanth Shooting
Harmehar Lally Shooting
Sanjana Sood Shooting
Iga Swiatek Tennis
Naomi Osaka Tennis
Rodrigo Hernndez Cascante Football
Saurav Ghosal Squash

www.oliveboard.in 118

Abhay Singh Squash

Tanvi Khanna Squash
Joshna Chinappa Squash
PV Sindhu Badminton
HS Prannoy Badminton
Ankush Wrestling
Anjali Devi Running
Satwiksairaj Rankireddy Badminton
Chirag Shetty Badminton
Lallianzuala Chhangte Football
Sunil Chhetri Football
Cristiano Ronaldo Football
Unai Simn Football
Tajinderpal Singh Toor s Shot put
Sutirtha Mukherjee Table Tennis
Ayhika Mukherjee Table Tennis
Novak Djokovic Tennis
Casper Ruud Tennis
Nathan Lyon Cricket
Harry Tector Cricket
Thipatcha Putthawong Cricket
Bhavani Devi Fencing

City Investments to Innovate, Infrastructure Development
Integrate and Sustain 2.0 (CITIIS
Mission on Advanced and High- Facilitate indigenous research, development and
Impact Research (MAHIR) demonstration of the latest and emerging technologies in
the power sector
Exploration of Coal and Lignite Exploration of Lignite
PM-PRANAM Incentivise states to promote alternative fertilizers
Chief Minister's Learn and Earn Teach employable skills to the youth of Madhya Pradesh
Central Government Health Health Insurance Scheme
Scheme (CGHS)

www.oliveboard.in 119


NTPC Green Energy Ltd (NGEL) and Uttar Develop renewable energy parks in Uttar
Pradesh Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited Pradesh
Tata group and Gujarat government Build lithium-ion cell factory
Air India SATS and Uttar Pradesh Government evelop a multi-modal cargo hub (MMCH) at
the upcoming Noida International Airport at
NHPC Limited and Department of Energy, Development of Pumped Storage schemes
Government of Maharashtra and other Renewable Energy Source projects
National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited Build India's first 7 km long undersea rail
(NHSRCL) and Afcons Infrastructure Limited tunnel
Indian Council of Agricultural Research Empower Farmers
(ICAR) and Amazon Kisan
SIDBI and NITI Aayog Launched mission EVOLVE (Electric Vehicle
Operations and Lending for Vibrant
Global Alliance for Mass Entrepreneurship Launched NBFC Growth Acceleration
(GAME) and Small Industries Development Program (NGAP)
Bank of India (SIDBI)
Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA) and Synergise the professional capabilities of
Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) IICA and RRU
Tata Steel and SMS Group Cut carbon emission and achieve net zero
carbon emission by 2045
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) Open co-branded HP-Petromin Express
and Automin Car Services vehicle service centres
Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Co-production of indigenous Water Jets
(GRSE) and Kongsberg Maritime (KM) (WJs)
Air India with Airbus and Boeing Purchase agreements to buy 470 aircraft
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) and HFCL Indigenously develop and deploy emerging
Limited technologies and technical solutions to
address the requirements of defence,
telecom and railway sectors.
United Nations Development Programme Collaborative partnership for empowering
(UNDP) and the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- women
National Urban Livelihoods Mission (DAY-
Ministry of Defence and M/s Adecco India Generate Employment for Ex- Servicemen
Private Limited
Indian Overseas Bank (IOB) and Tamil Nadu Foster the growth of Self Help Groups
State Rural Livelihood Mission (TNSRLM)

www.oliveboard.in 120

Larsen & Toubro (L&T) and DRDO Realisation of two Air Independent
Propulsion (AIP) System Modules for Kalvari
Class of Submarines of the Indian Navy
GE Aerospace and Hindustan Aeronautics Produce fighter jet engines for Indian Air
Limited (HAL) Force's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA)-Mk-II
Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Ltd Export of nano liquid urea to the US
(IFFCO) and Kapoor Enterprises Inc
KABIL and Argentina Secure Lithium Blocks
Tata AIA and WhatsApp Instant premium payment facility through
WhatsApp and UPI-enabled payment
L&T Technology and BSNL 5G network deployment
Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Specialized education, research, training and
Rashtriya Raksha University (RRU) innovation ecosystem for the Central Armed
Police Forces (CAPFs)
Government of India and United Nations Enhance cooperation and identify areas of
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) mutual interest in Tourism
Indian Railways and United States Agency for Develop Green Technology in Railways
International Development/India
Government of India and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation
Framework 2023-2027

Sulochana Latkar Actor
Commodore KS Subramanian Defence
Gitanjali Aiyar News Presenter
Alby D'Cruz Kerala's first Ashoka Chakra recipient
Kausar Rizvi News Presenter


Ajay to Yogi Adityanath Shantanu Gupta
From Independence to Emergency: India's Finance Ministers 1947-1977 AK Bhattacharya

1st India, France and UAE Maritime India, France and UAE
Partnership Exercise
Carrier Battle Group(CBG) operation Indian Navy
12th Ekuverin India and Maldives
Julley Ladakh Indian Navy

www.oliveboard.in 121

Ex Khaan Quest 2023 Multinational participation co-sponsored by

Mongolia and USA


India and Vietnam 3rd Maritime Security Dialogue
India and Nepal NHPC, India and VUCL, Nepal MoU for Karnali HEP
India and Sri Lanka Energy integration with Grid Connectivity with India by 2030
India and UAE UAE is India’s 4th largest investor in FY23
India and Singapore Largest investor in India in FY23
India and UAE Target to increase non-oil trade to 100 bn USD by 2030
India and Sri Lanka Digital Education in Galle District
India and Zimbabwe RITES Ltd MoU with National Railways of Zimbabwe
India and Oman Yoga
India and US India-United States Defence Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS X)
India and Vietnam Gifts INS Kirpan to Vietnam
India and US Defence pacts on armed drones and jet engines
India and Philippines Defence partnership


ACKO Tech General Atlantic
Ambit Private Ltd Daiwa International Holdings
Trainman Adani Group
HDFC Credila BPEA EQT and ChrysCapital

Divya Dutta FIFI Award 2022 - Special Oil & Gas Industry
Commendation in Young
'When Climate Change Turns Violent’ WHO special prize in Health
documentary ‘Health for All’ category
Shaktikanta Das Governor of the Year Banking
5 buildings from Telangana International Green Apple Environment
Awards for Beautiful
Madhya Pradesh won in Best state, National Water Awards
Ganjam in Odisha in Best district
Gita Press, Gorakhpur Gandhi Peace Prize 2021
Arundhati Roy for her essay ‘Azadi’ 2023 European Essay prize Literature
for lifetime achievement

www.oliveboard.in 122

Ramachandra Guha’s Rebels Against Raj Elizabeth Longford Prize for Literature
Historical Biography 2023
30 nurses Florence Nightingale Nursing serivce
Awards for 2022 and 2023
22 Bal Sahitya Puraskar and 20 Yuva Sahitya Akademi
Puraskar for 2023 (Please find the
winners list in the images after the
NTPC Team Marksmen’s Most
Preferred Workplace of
Salman Rushdie German Peace Prize 2023 Literature

Narendra Modi Order of the Nile Egypt’s Highest

Droupadi Murmu Grand Order of the Chain Suriname’s
of Yellow Star highest civilian

www.oliveboard.in 123


G20 conference on Cyber Security Exercise for Banking Sector Mumbai
G20 3rd Employment Working Group Geneva
Global Indian Scientists and Technocrats Forum Meet New Delhi
27th Working Mechanism for Consultation and New Delhi
Coordination on India-China Border Affairs meet
Oil and Gas Conference Suriname
2025 World Conservation Conference UAE
StartUp20 Engagement Group Meeting Goa
G20 Development Ministers’ Conclave Varanasi
2025 IIAS Annual Conference Kochi
Women 20 Summit Mamallapuram

www.oliveboard.in 124

Annecy International Animation Festival (AIAF) France

25th SEACEN-FSI Conference Mumbai
Intersolar Europe 2023 Munich
International Commission on Large Dams annual meeting Gothenburg,
3rd G20 Infrastructure Working Group meeting Rishikesh,
Banking on World Heritage exhibition New Delhi

Committee for Review of Customer Service Standards in RBI RBI BP Kanungo
Regulated Entities


Gender Gap World 127/146 Iceland
Report 2023 Economic
Forum (WEF)
All-India House RBI
Prize Index
Best Indian Brands Interbrand TCS, Reliance and Infosys - Top 3
NIRF Ranking 2023 Ministry of IIT Madras
Global Economic World Bank India growth - 6.3 for FY24
UPI transactions in NPCI 9.41 billion transactions(941
May 2023 crores)
Most valuable Football Manchester City
football club of Benchmark
Europe Report
Report on 'Health WHO
impact of Jal
Jeevan Mission
Digital MyGovIndia India topped with 89.5 million
transactions for data transactions
2023 Cost of Living Mercer Mumbai - 147, Hong Kong,
Survey New Delhi - 169, Singapore and
Chennai - 184, Zurich - top 3
www.oliveboard.in 125

Bengaluru - 189.
The Global 2000 Forbes Reliance Industries- 45, JPMorgan Chase,
list for 2023 SBI - 77, Saudi Aramco
HDFC - 128, and ICBC (China) -
ICICI - 163, Top 3
NTPC - 433rd
Global Slavery Walk Free India prevalence rate - 8 North Korea
Index 2023 (prevalence rate is estimated prevalence -
people in modern slavery per 104.6
1000 population)
Attractive Randstad Tata Power
Employer Brand Employer Company,
Brand Research Amazon and Tata
2023 Steel - top 3
Most valuable Hurun India Top 3 - Reliance, TCS and HDFC
private company
in India
Global Liveability Economist New Delhi and Mumbai at 141, Top 2 - Vienna
Index 2023 Intelligence Chennai - 144 and Copenhagen
Asia’s highest IPK India
source of International
travellers in 2022
The Global Startup Startup Bengaluru - 20th Silicon Valley
Ecosystems Report Genome topped, New York
2023 City and London
were tied at No 2
GDP growth S&P Global India’s at 6% for FY24
World University QS IIT Bombay - 149 India is 7th
Rankings 2024 globally and 3rd
in Asia
Energy Transition WEF 67th Sweden,
Index Denmark,
Norway, Finland
and Switzerland -
Top 5
Men’s Football FIFA 100th Argentina, France
Rankings and Brazil - Top 3
Children and UNSG India dropped from the report
Armed Conflict after 12 years.
www.oliveboard.in 126


RBI in News SEBI in news IRDAI in news SIDBI in news
RBI allows Tata Technologies IPO Go Digit Life Sidbi ties up with the
remittances under gets approval from Sebi Insurance gets Niti Aayog to finance
LRS for paying fees Irdai nod to carry 50,000 EVs for
to foreign life insurance MSMEs
institutions in IFSCs business in India
RBI releases the SEBI comes out with GAME and SIDBI
Financial Stability framework for launch 'NBFC Growth
Report, June 2023 execution-only Accelerator Program'
platforms for investing to ease funding woes
in direct MF schemes of MSMEs
Reserve Bank of SEBI slashes IPO listing
India opens Sub- time to 3 days
office in Kohima,
RBI Committee
Reviewing Customer
Service At Lenders
Submits Report
RBI releases the
results of Forward
Looking Surveys
RBI Not Planning To
Regulate Social
Media Influencers




Andhra Amaravati Y. S. Jagan Mohan Justice (Retd.) S. Abdul
Pradesh Reddy Nazeer
Arunachal Itanagar Pema Khandu Lt. General Kaiwalya
Pradesh Trivikram Parnaik
Assam Dispur HimantaBiswaSarma Gulab Chand Kataria
Bihar Patna Nitish Kumar Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar
Chhattisgah Raipur Bhupesh Baghel Biswa Bhusan Harichandan
Goa Panaji Pramod Sawant P.S. Sreedharan Pillai
Gujarat Gandhi Nagar Bhupendra Patel Acharya Dev Vrat
Haryana Chandigarh Manohar Lal Khattar BandaruDattatraya
Himachal Shimla Sukhwinder Singh Shiv Pratap Shukla
Pradesh Sukhu

www.oliveboard.in 127

Jharkhand Ranchi Hemant Soren CP Radhakrishnan

Karnataka Bengaluru Siddaramaiah Thaawarchand Gehlot
Kerala Thiruvananthapuram Pinarayi Vijayan Arif Mohammed Khan
Madhya Bhopal Shivraj Singh MangubhaiChhaganbhai Patel
Pradesh Chauhan
Maharashtra Mumbai Eknath Shinde Ramesh Bais
Manipur Imphal N Biren Singh Sushri Anusuiya Uikye
Meghalaya Shillong Conrad Kongkal Phagu Chauhan
Mizoram Aizawl Pu Zoramthanga Dr Kambhampati Haribabu
Nagaland Kohima Neiphiu Rio La. Ganesan
Odisha Bhubaneshwar Naveen Patnaik Ganeshi Lal
Punjab Chandigarh Bhagwant Mann Banwarilal Purohit
Rajasthan Jaipur Ashok Gehlot Kalraj Mishra
Sikkim Gangtok PS Golay Lakshman Prasad Acharya
Tamil Nadu Chennai M. K. Stalin R. N. Ravi
Telangana Hyderabad K. Chandrasekhar Rao TamilisaiSoundararajan
Tripura Agartala Dr. Manik Saha SatyadeoNarain Arya
UttarPradesh Lucknow Yogi Aditya Nath Anandiben Patel
Uttarakhand Dehradun Pushkar Singh Dhami Lt. Gen. Gurmit Singh
West Bengal Kolkata Mamata Banerjee C V Ananda Bose



Andaman and Nicobar Island (UT) Admiral D K Joshi (Lieutenant Governor)
Chandigarh (UT) Banwarilal Purohit (Administrator)
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman Praful Patel (Administrator)
and Diu (UT)
Delhi (NCT) Vinai Kumar Saxena (Lieutenant Governor)
Jammu and Kashmir (UT) Manoj Sinha (Lieutenant Governor)
Lakshadweep (UT) Praful Patel (Administrator)
Puducherry (UT) Dr.Tamilisai Soundararajan (Addl.
Charge) (Lieutenant Governor)
Ladakh (UT) Brig. (Dr.) BD Mishra (Retd.) (Lieutenant Governor)


Narendra Modi Ministry of personnel, public grievances and pensions
Department of Atomic Energy
Department of Space
Rajnath Singh Ministry of Defence
Amit Shah Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Cooperation
Nitin Gadkari Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
Nirmala Sitharaman Ministry of Finance

www.oliveboard.in 128

Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Piyush Goyal Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Ministry of Textiles
Ministry of Consumer affairs, food and public distribution
Narendra Singh Tomar Ministry of agriculture and Farmers welfare
Dr Subrahmanyam Ministry of External Affairs
Arjun Munda Ministry of Tribal Affairs
Smriti Zubin Irani Ministry of Women and child Development
Ministry of Minority Affairs
Dharmendra Pradhan Ministry of Education
Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
Pralhad Joshi Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs
Ministry of coal
Ministry of Mines
Narayan Tatu Rane Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
SarbanandaSonowal Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and
Homoeopathy (AYUSH)
Dr. Virendra Kumar Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Giriraj Singh Ministry of Rural Development
Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Jyotiraditya M. Scindia Ministry of Civil Aviation
Ministry of Steel
Ashwini Vaishnaw Ministry of Railways
Ministry of Communications
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Pashu Pati Kumar Paras Ministry of Food Processing Industries
Gajendra Singh Ministry of Jal Shakti
Kiren Rijiju Ministry of Earth Sciences
Raj Kumar Singh Ministry of Power
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
Hardeep Singh Puri Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Mansukh L. Mandaviya Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Bhupender Yadav Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change
Ministry of Labour and Employment
Mahendra Nath Pandey Ministry of Heavy Industries
ParshottamRupala Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
G. Kishan Reddy Ministry of Culture
Ministry of Tourism
Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region
Anurag Singh Thakur Ministry of Information and Broadcasting
Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports
Arjun Meghwal Ministry of Law and Justice
www.oliveboard.in 129
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