Intro To Creativity

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Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Introduction to creativity & Innovation Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40

Learning Objectives
To make students aware of their own creative potential and the various ways that each one can
contribute to innovation in an organization context
2 To learn tools and techniques for creativity and Innovation
3 To appreciate the importance and impact of innovation in todays business context
4 To understand the process of innovation
5 To understand the various issues related to managing innovation in an organization context

Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses

Content Activity Learning outcomes
 Students realize that every one is
inherently creative – and they need to
What is creativity and
Lecture/ small in- nurture this creativity
1 innovation - importance and
class exercises  Students understand the difference and
relationship between such terms as
creativity, invention , innovation etc
Students are exposed to various tools and
approaches to stimulating creativity and
innovation. Some of these could include –
2, 3 Workshop style
Tools for Creativity Viewing from Multiple (stakeholder
&4 activities
perspective), Lateral Thinking, 6 Thinking
Hats, Brainstorming, Use of Analogies and
metaphor, Problem reframing etc
Students are now familiar with the various
concepts and vocabulary related to
Basic concepts of
innovation – such as incremental innovation,
5 Innovation,Types of Lecture
4Ps of innovation, Disruptive innovation ,
Innovation in products, processes,
experiences, business model etc
Students begin to appreciate how
innovations have taken place over the past
several decades – the historical perspective
Historical perspective on
sensitizes them to the various drivers and
6 innovation in products, Lecture
factors which led to or deterred these
processes, business etc
innovation. These could include but not
limited to laws, government initiatives in
terms of policy and R&D spends, technology

Semester : I - Elective
Title of the Subject / course : Introduction to creativity & Innovation Management
Course Code :
Credits : 4 Duration in Hrs : 40

Learning Objectives
To make students aware of their own creative potential and the various ways that each one can
contribute to innovation in an organization context
2 To learn tools and techniques for creativity and Innovation
3 To appreciate the importance and impact of innovation in todays business context
4 To understand the process of innovation
5 To understand the various issues related to managing innovation in an organization context

Prerequisites if any
Connections with
Subjects in the current or
Future courses

Content Activity Learning outcomes
 Students realize that every one is
inherently creative – and they need to
What is creativity and
Lecture/ small in- nurture this creativity
1 innovation - importance and
class exercises  Students understand the difference and
relationship between such terms as
creativity, invention , innovation etc
Students are exposed to various tools and
approaches to stimulating creativity and
innovation. Some of these could include –
2, 3 Workshop style
Tools for Creativity Viewing from Multiple (stakeholder
&4 activities
perspective), Lateral Thinking, 6 Thinking
Hats, Brainstorming, Use of Analogies and
metaphor, Problem reframing etc
Students are now familiar with the various
concepts and vocabulary related to
Basic concepts of
innovation – such as incremental innovation,
5 Innovation,Types of Lecture
4Ps of innovation, Disruptive innovation ,
Innovation in products, processes,
experiences, business model etc
Students begin to appreciate how
innovations have taken place over the past
several decades – the historical perspective
Historical perspective on
sensitizes them to the various drivers and
6 innovation in products, Lecture
factors which led to or deterred these
processes, business etc
innovation. These could include but not
limited to laws, government initiatives in
terms of policy and R&D spends, technology

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