Remonstration Data

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August 2017



Your Visa was denied.

Please take notice of the infosheet Explanations to your received Visa rejection
notification, that should help you understand the reasons for the denial of the Visa.

There is a possibility that after reading through these explanations you might not agree with
the decision of the Embassy. Maybe you will just have further questions concerning the
reasons of the denial of your Visa application and/or you want to deliver more documents and
explanations which justify the issunce of the Visa. In these cases you or an authorized
representative can remonstrate against the rejection of the Visa and ask for a review of your

The time limit for a remonstration for Schengen short term Visa is 1 month after receiving the
rejection notification.

For example:

On 10th May 2015, you receive your passport without a Visa but a rejection notification and
information of the remedies. The time limit for a remonstration starts on 11th May 2015. Your
remonstration letter has to be delivered to the Embassy latest by 10th June 2015. Otherwise
the time limit is expired and you cannot remonstrate anymore.

The remonstration and additional documents to your application should be send in a written
form in German or in English with a German translation with your signature or the signature
of your authorized representative to the following address:

German Embassy

- Visa section - OR via Fax to

P.O. Box 30180 +254-(0) 20-4262-129

00100 Nairobi
Apart from that you can give the remonstration letter to the guards at the gate of the German
Embassy, 113 Riverside Drive, or you send it as a scanned document via e-mail to the Visa
section, to [email protected].

Your remonstration should contain the following:

-Your last name, first name, birthdate, place of birth, passport number

-the date of the Visa rejection

-valid address (street, building, plot, apartment, city/village/estate, area, county, postal code,
PO Box)

-if necessary your e-mail address

-your own signature and, in case you do not remonstrate yourself, an authorization signed
by you

-detailed explanation why the rejection of the Visa is not justified in your opinion

-detailed explanation for which purpose you want to travel to Germany and because of which
reasons it is of importance to you

-additional documents which support your argumentation and where not delivered when you
applied in the first place.

Please keep in mind:

Remonstrations, which are not signed personally and/or do not contain the authorization of
the applicant, cannot be considered.

Please do not add passports to the remonstration letter.

As soon as your remonstration is received in the Embassy and had complied with all time-
limits and formal requirements your Visa application will be fully checked again. Later
delivered documents in the process of the remonstration and your explanations in the
remonstration letter will be taken into consideration. Perhaps the Visa section will contact you
to deliver more documents or to ask further questions.
In case the issuance of the desired Visa will be possible after completing the process of the
remonstration, you will be asked again for a personal appearance and interview in the German
Embassy. If this is not the case you will receive a remonstration notification – which gives
you the reasons for the rejection of the Visa and the maintenance of these reasons.

One month after issuance of this remonstration notification it is possible to file a suit in the
administrative court in Berlin.

It is NOT necessary to consult a travel agency or a commercial company for writing a

remonstration letter!

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