1983 8th ECSMFE
1983 8th ECSMFE
1983 8th ECSMFE
A. HOLEYMAN, Assistant Manager, Research and Geotechnics, S.A. FRANKi N.V., Liege, Assistant Professor,
Free University of Bruxelles, Belgium
J.K. MITCHELL, Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley,
CA, U.S.A.
The authors present a mathematical model that describ es the physical phenomena involved in the stabilization of soil
masses with the help of pure quicklil!le piles. The finite-difference one-dimensional fonnula'tion makes provision for
the speed of the slaking of the quicklil!le pile, the expansion of the column , the development of lateral pressures in
the soil and the subsequent consolidation of the soil i n the radial direction. Physical parameters a r e deduced from
tests published by Kuroda et al (2.). The parametric analysis conducted substantiates the importance of the horizontal
permeability of the soil being: treated, the fineness of the lime u sed and its condition of placement.
between two adjacent piles will not move ard will repre-
sent the raiius of influence of a pile. Let R2 be that
raiius am R1 the initial radius of the lime piles. The
z boundary conditions become :
- R2/r2
{:: (4)
V/Vc ~ -(1 - R2/R1)
2 2
Considering the problem of an infinitely long lime pile, Since the volume decrease of the soil ring is equal to
we shall assume a plane strain comition : Ez ~ O, thus the volume increase of the cavity, the volumetric defonna-
the volumetric deformation Ev is equal to: tion of the cavity Eve is given by the simple relation
EV • Er + E:8 (S) £ £v·v or(Rl)/Kl (15)
We shall further assume that the stresses am deforma- Thus K1 is the stiffness coefficient relating the
tions are related by the theory of elasticity, the elastic radial stress at the interface of the lime am the soil
behaviour of the material being fully described by : to the volumetric deformation of the cavity.
With this hypothesis, the equilibrium comition (3) Since the strength of the soil is limited, we mi ght
becomes a differential equation of the radial displacement expect that a plastic zone develops from the inner cylin-
U(r) or u (i ). der towards the outer boundary as the radial stress
o ( R1) increases.
-- +
0 (8)
ar 2 r ar If we assume the following simple failure criterion :
(24) and (25) 0.5 _ 0.2
0:: 1
t- Ql C3 = 2 MPa
• dµ (/)
C5 = 0.2
p· z
)JP (/) Q
(26) 4:
The value of C5 should be a constant for any type of
0.04 006 0.10 0.20
lime whereas C1 and C3 depend on the grinding and on
the compaction. C5 was chosen on .the basis of relative EXPANSIVE PRESSURE Pe
pressures developed at various values of JJp.CJ • Figure 4 : Relation between the expansive pressure
For the experiment described by Kuroda et al (6), the and the expansion strain.
pressure generated after 2 hours corresponded -to
c1 = 0.7 and c 3 = I MPa-1: whereas another type of velocity Vh of water upon a radial gra'.l.ient i 9h/ 3r ,
lime, reported in the same paper, yielded the values of being the piezometric level of the water.
c 1= 0.5 and Cr 2 MPa-l(see fig.4).It can be seen that the
agreement is _good between the values predicted according
to the theory developed herein and the measured values.
As 6orJ JJ ) is a radial stress increase due to the expan- Kh hydraulic corrluctivity in the horizontal
sion of 'the lime pile, we know the effective stress state
towards which the soil is moving, when it is fully drai- If the volume of water expelled during a time incr ane nt
ned, if the value of Ki is that corresporrling to drai- corresponds to the volume decrease of the soil elemen t it
ned conditions. is flowing in arrl out of, one obtains the equation of ra-
The pore pressure generation l:opw corresponding to the dial consolidation
radial stress increment must be known in order to analyze
the tendency of the water to flow into the lime. A general
expression for the pore pressure for our system is ~2~ + -r ah (32 )
or ar
Since Er + Ee is constant throughout the soil ring , t he
tn which A is the ratio of the pore pressure generation to equation becanes similar to that corresponding to the ver-
the deviatoric stress increment. tical consolidation resulting from ra:Hal drainage
For the consolidation test (E e = O), A = 1 whereas for
the triaxial test (Ee i- O ) , A = 1/3 according to elastic a2h l .dh 3h
theory. We assume that an expanding lime pile is an -:-7 + - - (3 3)
intermediate condition and A = 1/2 : 3r r cl r ch cl t
' -!:" -J:,,~.,j,c,o "" 4. Consolidation with pore pressure generation takes place
untilµ= 1. When this value is obtained, all the lime
has reacted and , Ug, t = 0
6µ =0
the lower limit being set by the speed at which the sla-
king can proceed, From available infonnation, it appears The final resultant expansion is given by µ p•Cl and
that the build up of the internal pressure is not instan- the radial consolidation continues thanks to vertical
drainage through the lime column.
taneous. If we call Vlim the constant limiting speed of
the reacting front separating slaked from quicklime in a
mass of lime in excess water, we can deduce from published
experiments (.§.,l) a consistent value of about O, 02 CALCULATIONS
A set of examples has been calculated in order to inves-
The speed of the reacted front being limited, the allow- tigate the realism of the model chosen and to evaluate the
able water at the pile interface will be expressed by : influence of the various parameters involved in the analy-
vmax = vT--=---ii · Vlim (38) This parametric stmy included four types of soil canbi-
ning the following properties
since the radius of the cylindrical front decreases as the
reaction is taking place. E = ,4 MP a ard E = 4 MPa
This means that the hydraulic boundary condition at the Kh = 10-7 m/s and Kh = 10-9 m/s
drain will be h = 0 provided the gradient does not exceed
a maximum value. If this value is exceeded with the nonnal Poisson's ratio was kept constant : v = 0.4.
drainage, then the condition on the maximum velocity is
applied. The corresponding values of the coefficient of radial
consolidation were :
Figure 5 Pore pressure distribution B RCMS B ,B., Lime Columns in Theory am Practice, Proc.
Int. Conf. of Soil Mechanics, Reunion Cormemorativa, .
- this lateral pressure build-up i nc r eases with the fre e Mexican Soil Mechanics Society, Mexico City, August /
volumetric expansion coefficient C1 but decreases with 1982, pp. 149-165. ·,
increa sing compressibility C3.C5 of the slaked lime, (1) YAMANOUCHI T., MIURA N., MATSlJBAYASHI N., ab4
This means that the density of the quick lime in situ is FUKUDA N. , Soil Improvement with Quicklime am Filt.er
very important as a higher compaction will increase C1 Fabric, J. Geot. Eng. Division, ASCE, Vol.108, No GT7,
and decrease C3, pp 953-965, 1982.
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- the time required for the complete slaking of the lime hydration of lime and methods of control. Symposium O'll .
is not dependent on the initial pore pressure, provided lime AS'!M, MAR 1939.
Kh = 10-7 m/s, For Kh = 10-9 m/s, the cor- VESIC A. (1972), Expansion of cavities in infinit:e '
responding time is larger. It is greatly reduced when mass of soil. A.S.C,E, Journal of S.M.F,E., Vol.9S:, ,
the limit speed of the reaction front is increased, es- N°SM3, MAR 1972.
pecially when the soil possesses a large permeability. (1) LAMBE T. W. & l\l!I'lMAN R, V. Soil Mechanics, J. Utley
This means that if the lime is more finely ground, the chap 12, (1969). ·•·· ,'.
time required for the total reaction will decrease, (.§.) KURODA E. , OHASHI Y. & TSUYOSHI M. (1980), Expansive '
unless the soil is very impervious, pressure of quick lime pile. Research Institut e of
Technology, Tokyu Construction Co, Ltd, Japan (1980).
- when the initial pore pressure equals 0.1 MPs, the time (].) CHIU K.H. & CHIN K.Y. (1963), The study of imprcwi,gg
required for the complete slaking, to occur does not de- Bearing capacity of Tapei Silt by using quicl<Hme
pend on Ch, unless it is smaller than 10-6 m2s- 1 • For an piles. 2nd Asian 'Regional Conference in S. M.F.!'l.
initial pore pressure equal to 0, 1 kPa, this time in- Tokyo, Vol. 1, pp 387-393, (1963).
creases when the value of the coefficient of consolida-
tion decreases. This means that an initial pore pressure
as induced by a vertical load, for example, wil 1 speed up
the process.
- when Kh 10-7 m/s, the consolidation proceeds
faster than the build-up of the pore pressure. The maxi-
mlJIL pore pressure at the radius of influence is equal to
O. 3 to O .4 the undrained pore pressure increase. When
Kh = 10-9 m/s, the consolidation is slower than
the build-up of the pore pressure, which means that for
most cases, the maximum pore pressure obtained at the
radius of influence will be equa l to the undrained pore
pressure increase. Therefore, to avoid an excessive
build-u p of pore pressure, it is necessary for the soil
to possess a sufficient horizontal permeability.