Kinetics of Dehydration of CA-montmorillonite
Kinetics of Dehydration of CA-montmorillonite
Kinetics of Dehydration of CA-montmorillonite
Abstract Isothermal thermogravimetric experiments important uses as a physical seal and chemical absorbent
have been carried out to determine the reaction kinetics in chemical and nuclear waste management. In this
of the dehydration processes in fuller's earth, a natural context it is important to understand the characteristics
Ca-montmorillonite. Dehydration in swelling clays is a and controlling reaction mechanism of high-temperature
complex reaction, and analysis of the thermogravimetric transformations in these swelling clays.
data using empirical rate equations and time-transfor- Fuller's earth is the term used to describe a Ca-
mation analysis reveals that the nature of the rate montmorillonite with signi®cant swelling capactities.
controlling mechanism is dependent upon both the The structure comprises a dioctahedral 2:1 layer, readily
temperature regime of the sample as well as the extent of taking up water and organic molecules between the
reaction. For fuller's earth, we ®nd that the dehydration aluminosilicate sheets. Substitution in the central octa-
kinetics are dominated by a nucleation and growth hedral sheet (Fe2+ and/or Mg2+ for Al3+) and the outer
mechanism at low temperatures and fractions trans- tetrahedral sheet (Al3+ for Si4+) causes a negative
formed (stage I), but above 90 °C the last stages of the charge on the outer basal oxygens. Interlayer cations
reaction are diusion controlled (stage II). The activa- balance this charge, forming hydration spheres and
tion energy for dehydration during stage I is around (together with interlayer molecular H2O) force the
35 kJ á mol)1, whereas the removal of water during crystalline layers apart. Dehydration involves the re-
stage II requires an activation energy of around moval of interlayer water up to 350 °C, followed (at
50 kJ á mol)1. These two stages of dehydration are as- higher temperatures) by dehydroxylation as water mol-
sociated with primary collapse of the interlayer (stage I) ecules are formed from hydroxyls in the octahedral
and movement of water that is hydrated to cations sheet.
within the interlayer (stage II). The hydration and dehydration reactions of mon-
tmorillonite are important in many geological processes
Key words Montmorillonite á Fuller's earth á and have been linked to phenomena as diverse as sedi-
Dehydration á Kinetics á Thermogravimetry ment overpressuring (Powers 1967; Barker 1972; Ma-
gara 1975; Plumley 1980; Bruce 1984), the migration of
petroleum (Powers 1967; Burst 1969), listric faulting
Introduction (Bruce 1984) and the well-known smectite to illite tran-
sition (Powers 1967; Perry and Hower 1972; Weaver and
The high-temperature dehydration transformations of Beck 1971; Hower et al. 1976; Freed and Peacor 1989;
fuller's earth are of great importance in ceramic tech- Pytte and Reynolds 1988; Velde and Vasseur 1992;
nology, since this and other related clays are typically Ransom and Helgeson 1995).
major components of commercial clay bodies. Temper- The temperatures and characteristics of dehydration
atures encountered during the production of ®red ce- reactions in the swelling clays provide important infor-
ramics can reach as high as 1100 °C, and the drying mation about the interlayer con®guration, since the de-
process of the clay beforehand greatly aects the phases hydration process depends on the composition of the
formed on ®ring. In addition, this natural material ®nds counterbalancing cations in the interlayer and charge on
the tetrahedral sheet. Experimental studies by Koster
van Groos and Guggenheim (1984, 1986, 1987) have
H.J. Bray á S.A.T. Redfern (&)
demonstrated that montmorillonite dehydrates in two
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, stages. The two dehydration steps were interpreted as
Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3EQ, UK dehydration of voluminous, but weakly bonded, water
from the outer hydration shell of the interlayer cation, octahedral substitution (Mg2+ and/or Fe2+ for Al3+),
followed by dehydration of water from a more strongly- is more diusely spread over the surface oxygens.
bonded inner hydration shell environment. It is well Finally, the end of dehydration is accompanied by
known that dehydration depends on interlayer cation collapse of the interlayer region, but the 2:1 tetrahe-
chemistry. For example, the radius, charge and hydra- dral:octahedral sheets remain intact. At this stage, the
tion energy of counterions can control dehydration interlayer cation is thought to either reside in the ditri-
temperatures. Dehydration may also be in¯uenced by gonal cavities of the outer tetrahedral sheet or migrate
other factors, for example the location of the layer- into the octahedral sheets (Heller-Kallai and Rozenson
charge and the clay particle size (Annabli-Bergaya et al. 1980).
1996). Many kinetic studies assume that the dominating
The kinetics of the smectite to illite transition have reaction processes is a single rate-controlling process
been investigated extensively in earlier studies, with the throughout all stages of the reaction. Furthermore, it is
estimated activation energy lying between 12.6 kJ á often accepted that the associated activation energy
mol)1 and 125.6 kJ á mol)1 (Eberl and Hower 1976; remains constant throughout the transition. This inves-
Robertson and Lahann 1981; Howard and Roy 1985; tigation seeks to test these assumptions, and shows how
Huang et al. 1994). There have been fewer attempts the rate-controlling process changes throughout the
to probe thoroughly the kinetics of dehydration of reaction and the temperature regime chosen. The ln
montmorillonites. Girgis et al. (1986) conducted non- `time to' method of kinetic analysis of isothermal data,
isothermal experiments on a series of naturally occurring described by Burke (1965), has been employed in order
predominantly Ca-smectites, they concluded that dehy- to test the validity of these assumptions and determine
dration follows a ®rst order reaction with values ranging any variations in the energetics of the reaction.
from 39.8 kJ á mol)1 to 52.3 kJ á mol)1. No discrimina-
tion was made between interlayer water that was
physically adsorbed and water attached in hydration Experimental procedures
shells of the exchangeable cations. Furthermore, GuÈler
and Sarier (1990) calculated a value of 14.72 kJ á mol)1, The sample selected for study was a naturally ocurring Ca-mon-
assuming that a ®rst order reaction occurs, following the tmorillonite from Redhill, UK, kindly provided by Dr. S. Drach-
man of RBB Ltd. X-ray diraction of the sample revealed it to be a
work of Murray and White (1949, 1955a, b, c, d). smectite-rich clay with an initial 001 d-spacing of approximately
However, it should be noted that Murray and White 15 AÊ. The structural formula of the <2 lm fraction was deter-
studied dehydroxylation, rather than interlayer mined as Ca0.59K0.38Na0.13(Si7.72Al0.28) (Al2.71Fe2
0:50 Mg0.57Ti0.08)
dehydration. Waclawska (1984) described a zero-stage O20(OH)4 by X-ray ¯uorescence spectroscopy.
The sample was initially ground by hand in a pestle and mortar
process with activation energies ranging from 15.1 to and dry sieved below 53 lm, to further purify the clay fraction.
26.4 kJ á mol)1, but failed to provide any details of the Preliminary mass loss and dierential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
physical nature of the dominating reaction mechanism. were carried out on a loosely packed sample placed in a platinum
More recently, computer simulations of the molecu- crucible in an atmosphere of air. A Netzsch STA 409 simultaneous
lar structure of water and the distribution of the thermal analysis instrument was used, employing alumina as a
reference. The data were obtained at a constant heating rate of
counterions in the interlayer region have extended our 10 °C/min, giving clear DSC data that can be correlated to mass
understanding of the structure of these clays (Chang loss events collected from the thermobalance (Fig. 1).
et al. 1995; Skipper et al. 1989, 1991, 1995a, b; Bridge- The <2 lm fraction was separated following a method similar
man et al. 1996; Karaborni et al. 1996). Good agreement to that of Tang and Sparks (1993): 50 g of clay was dispersed in 2 l
was found between the enthalpies of swelling clays deter-
mined from Monte Carlo and molecular dynamic sim-
ulations (De Siquieira et al. 1997) and enthalpies derived
from experimental thermodynamic data (Greene-Kelly
1955; Low, 1979; Moore and Hower 1986; Huang et al.
1994; Wu et al. 1997). These simulations also indicate
that the interlayer water structure deviates signi®cantly
from the structure of bulk liquid water, showing order-
ing akin to that of a smectic liquid crystal, but then
becoming increasingly disordered with increasing inter-
layer water and interlayer repeat. The degree of hydra-
tion and the location of charge de®ciency depends upon
the distribution of the interlayer cations within the
tetrhedral and octahedral sheets of the 2:1 layer struc-
ture. The simulations con®rm the earlier ®ndings of
Farmer and Russell (1967), that negative charge in the
tetrahedral sheet due to the substitution of Al3+ for Si4+ Fig. 1 Preliminary thermal analysis, TG and DSC experiment at
is localised on the three surface oxygens attached to 10 °C/min, for the <53 lm fraction of fuller's earth (Ca-montmo-
the Al3+ substitutant. Negative charge arising from rillonite)
of water for 24 h. The clay was then left to settle out, and the upper the ®rst 500 seconds of heating, followed by a period of
portion syphoned o to collect the fraction below 2 lm as deter- slower more constant mass loss. A room temperature
mined by Stoke's law. The clay solution was then centrifuged for
one hour at 2500 rpm, and the supernatant ¯uid was decanted o. experiment was performed to show the eect of constant
Finally, the clay fraction was freeze-dried. nitrogen gas ¯ow on water loss: a value of around 4
The kinetics of dehydration were investigated by isothermal wt.% can be attributed to humidity-dependent dehy-
mass loss experiments carried out using a Stanton Redcroft TG 761 dration due to the dry nitrogen atmosphere. The lowest
thermobalance. The atmosphere could be controlled by a constant
¯ow of dry nitrogen. The starting mass of all samples was between
temperature runs showed the smallest mass loss at the
9.9 and 10.1 mg to ensure there were no spurious eects due to the end of the hour long experiment: they retain a greater
build up of local vapour pressure. The mass loss experiments were amount of water than the samples run at higher tem-
carried out for one hour each, between room temperature and peratures. It seems that, up to a temperature of 100 °C,
150 °C. the mass of the sample at the end point of the reaction
decreases with increasing temperature. Above this tem-
Results perature the percentage mass lost at the end point of
each isothermal run was identical to within 0.2 wt.%.
Preliminary thermal analysis (TG and DSC) at 10 °C/
min indicate there are many stages of mass loss in the
temperature range of 25±1000 °C (Fig. 1). Interlayer Kinetic analysis
water loss dominates the behaviour below 350 °C. An
initial rapid mass loss (up to 150 °C) is followed by The thermal transformations for Ca-montmorillonite
slower mass loss approaching a constant value towards appear complex, re¯ected by the many endotherms re-
the end of dehydration. The reaction appears to occur in corded by DSC (Fig. 1). The dehydration rate is rapid,
two stages, revealed by two endotherms observed in the and can begin before the target temperature has been
DSC experiments. A total mass loss of over 10 wt.% can reached in the furnace (Fig. 2). It can be seen from the
be assigned to the dehydration of interlayer water. mass change versus time curves that complete dehydra-
Further mass loss, after the removal of interlayer tion was not attained in the experiments. Equilibration
water, occurs at higher temperatures (430±665 °C), the to a constant mass occurred at each temperature, even
region over which dehydroxylation becomes important. though the atmosphere was a constant dry nitrogen
Hydroxyls combine in the central octahedral sheet to purge, and this constant mass implies ®nite H2O con-
form water molecules. The reaction appears to proceed tents remain after long time intervals. This behaviour
over a wide range of temperatures and three endotherms could indicate that a local H2O vapour pressure is set up
are observed in the DSC run. These occur at 430, 520 in the sample, and that the gas purge was not eective in
and 665 °C, the two higher temperature endotherms removing the complete H2O layer (Line et al. 1995).
representing the main dehydroxylation events. A mass On the other hand, it seems more likely that the clay has
loss of 2 wt.% is observed for each of these reactions. At reached a stable water content as a function of the
very high temperatures, at around 800 °C, there appears conditions of the sample.
to be a slight mass loss (of around 1 wt.%) and a broad The ®nal mass reached at each temperature is de-
exotherm. A constant mass loss is observed above pendent on the amount of sample and the manner of
925 °C, at which temperature a further sharper exoth- packing of the sample into the platinum crucible. As
erm is seen. the initial sample mass was kept constant between 9.9±
Isothermal mass loss experiments (20±150 °C) for the 10.1 mg, eects due to packing must be responsible for
dehydration reaction (Fig. 2) show a rapid mass loss in dierence in the ®nal mass change observed. To elimi-
nate any eects due to the random packing of the
sample, for each individual temperature the experiment
was repeated four times to ensure a reproducible and
reliable data set. It is important to note that even though
the ®nal mass change shown by the sample was some-
times anomalous, the rate of mass change as a function
of time remains unchanged for each data set. This shows
that the TG technique is a reliable method for measuring
the rate of reaction, as a function of time at a speci®c
To determine the reaction coordinate, or fraction
transformed (a), one has to know the end point of the
reaction (the state corresponding to a = 1.0). A simple
®rst-order exponential function was ®tted to the data for
times greater than 1000 s, so the data could be expressed
in terms of a. The fraction transformed was then accu-
Fig. 2 Isothermal mass change against time for fuller's earth, rately determined, as a function of time for each iso-
collected from 20 °C to 150 °C thermal experiment (Fig. 3). The lower temperature
Table 2 Values of the rate constant (k) and exponent (m) for the ®rst and second stages of dehydration of fuller's earth determined using
the Avrami method and Austin-Rickett method
T °C Avrami Austin-Rickett
k m k m
Stage I
20 0.00080(4) 0.9940(7) 0.00010(9) 1.37(2)
30 0.0033(3) 0.859(6) 0.00077(6) 1.19(1)
40 0.0069(3) 0.786(6) 0.00157(8) 1.137(8)
50 0.0068(2) 0.844(6) 0.0015(1) 1.21(1)
60 0.0112(7) 0.81(1) 0.0027(1) 1.194(8)
70 0.0120(5) 0.834(8) 0.0050(3) 1.18(7)
80 0.0104(6) 0.96(1) 0.00372(3) 1.30(4)
90 0.0085(6) 1.06(2) 0.0043(2) 1.32(8)
100 0.0056(4) 1.20(2) 0.0030(2) 1.46(1)
110 0.0042(4) 1.31(2) 0.0015(1) 1.68(2)
120 0.0027(2) 1.47(3) 0.00099(7) 1.85(3)
130 0.0035(4) 1.42(3) 0.0014(2) 1.79(3)
140 0.0026(3) 1.45(3) 0.00035(5) 2.12(4)
150 0.0025(2) 1.48(2) 0.00035(6) 2.15(5)
T °C Avrami Austin-Rickett
a k m a k m
Stage II
80 0.78 0.058(9) 0.62(3)
90 0.70 0.13(1) 0.48(2) 0.8 0.04(1) 0.87(5)
100 0.70 0.21(2) 0.41(1) 0.8 0.09(1) 0.76(2)
110 0.76 0.31(2) 0.34(1) 0.8 0.14(2) 0.71(3)
120 0.73 0.25(3) 0.42(2) 0.84 0.13(8) 0.80(9)
130 0.75 0.14(2) 0.57(3)
temperatures, and this is re¯ected in the increased value respectively. At intermediate temperatures, the latter can
of the gradient (m = 1.5). The driving force for the re- be split into two separate linear sections. The second
action is high, and no information about the second linear section occurs for a > 0.8, with an average value
stage of reaction can be extracted because the reaction of mA = 0.79 (Table 2). The break in slope in the
runs to exhaustion by a ®rst-order mechanism before Austin-Rickett plots occurs at a higher a than when
reaching the second stage seen at lower temperatures. plotted according to Eq. (4). This is because this method
Two reaction stages are recorded in the Avrami `lnln' removes the negative curvature seen in the Avrami plots,
plots. The speci®c point at which the gradient changes and better dierentiates the two linear sections. The
could be aected by the slight negative curvature ob- values of mA determined for the second stage suggest a
served in the higher temperature Avrami `lnln'plots. If diusion controlled process, con®rming the conclusions
the Avrami  lnln' plot show a slight negative curvature it from the Avrami `lnln' plots. It is very dicult to dif-
is often useful to replace (1)a) in Eq. (3) with (1)a)2 ferentiate between the dierent diusion-controlled rate
(Burke 1965), and the empirical rate equation becomes equations (Table 1). Considering the structure of mon-
equivalent to that of Austin and Rickett (1939): tmorillonite, a two dimensional diusion mechanism is
expected, corresponding to movement of water parallel
da to (001).
k mA tmAÿ1
1 ÿ a2
or, in linearised integrated form:
a Determination of the activation energy (Ea)
ln mA ln kA mA ln t
1ÿa From rate constants, k
This de®nes another exponent mA and rate constant kA,
which dier from m and k in the Avrami equation. We have determined values of rate constant, k, for the
Analysis of the data using Eq. (6) (rather than Eq. 4) Avrami equation and kA for the Austin-Rickett equation
con®rms the results of the Avrami analysis for the data for isothermal runs between 20 °C and 150 °C (Table 2).
below 80 °C (dominantly ®rst order with nucleation and An estimate of the activation energy (Ea) can obtained
growth of a reaction front controlling the initial stage of using the Arrhenius equation, k A exp
ÿEa =RT .
dehydration) and above 130 °C. At intermediate tem- As the data in the lowest temperature regime were
peratures the gradient mA increases with temperature in found to be isokinetic, those from the region from 30±
the same way as has been seen in the Avrami `lnln' plots. 80 °C have been used to determine the energetics for the
Figure 5a, b shows the Avrami and Austin-Rickett plots ®rst stage of the dehydration process (Fig. 6). In addi-
aY time (hence lines are horizontal): the sample has dehy-
tY k ÿ1
f ÿ1
9 drated fully during heating to the isothermal soak tem-
perature. Furthermore, between 100 and 130 °C the
activation energy increases with fraction transformed at
and if the function ¦)1 (a) does not change over the values of a > 0.8: this represents the second stage of the
temperature range studied the integral has a constant dehydration process, only seen at these temperatures
numeric value. Therefore tY / k ÿ1 or tY / Aÿ1 exp and fractions transformed.
Ea =RT . Thus tY for a certain fraction transformed can Previously, it was noted that the reaction changes
be determined from the set of isothermal experiments, above values of a > 0.8 at these temperatures, therefore
using ln tY const ÿ ln A Ea =RT . A plot of ln tY we have attempted to determine the energetics of the last
against 1/T is linear if the activation energy does not stage of dehydration. Fig. 7b shows a ln ``time to a given
change within the range of Y chosen. fraction'' plot, for 0.8 < a > 0.9, from which the acti-
The data for 20 < T < 80 °C reveal a linear de- vation energy is found to rise to a value of 47
pendence at all values of fraction transformed between 6 kJ á mol)1.
a = 0.1 and a = 0.9, giving an average activation
energy, Ea, of 34.7 0.9 kJ á mol)1 (Fig. 7a). At
T > 90 °C, the plots starts to tend towards horizontal Conclusions
at lower values of a. This is due to the fact that the
sample is reacting before reaching the isothermal soak The dehydration of Ca-montmorillonite is clearly a
temperature for that experiment, so that small fractions complex reaction, occurring rapidly under the condi-
of transformation occur at temperatures lower than the tions of this investigation. From the DSC measurements
notional set temperature as the sample heats in the ap- two endotherms are observed below 300 °C. The pres-
paratus. Only on reaching higher fractions transformed ence of two such endotherms is predominantly due to
is there some dierentiation between the times required the hydration of calcium in the interlayer, since this re-
to reach certain points in the reaction. This eect is sults in the process of interlayer water removal occurring
particularly pronounced above 130 °C where the sam- several stages (Waclawska 1984).
ples reach all given fractions transformed at an identical Thermogravimetry shows that, as the sample
equilibrates over a range of isothermal temperatures, the
end point of dehydration (shown by the total mass loss)
is a function of temperature. It is essential to recognise
this if an accurate kinetic analysis is to be carried out for
the ®rst stage of dehydration, since the data must be
normalised against the expected end point for each
temperature. When this is done, the reduced time plots
(t/t0.3) show that, at 50 °C, the dehydration reaction
follows a kinetic path that lies between the curves cal-
culated for diusion (D2) and random nucleation (F1)
controlled reactions. The Avrami plots ranging from 20
to 80 °C, reinforce this observation, indicating that the
reaction control is intermediate between nucleation and
growth process and diusion. The Austin-Rickett (1939)
method implies the dominating reaction mechanism is
®rst order in nature, but this probably re¯ects that fact
that this method over-corrects for a negative curvature
in the `lnln' plots, not observed in the original Avrami
In conclusion, the rate-limiting step for the ®rst stage
of dehydration is well described by the nucleation and
growth of a reaction front, which is slightly impeded by
the strong electric ®elds of the Ca2+. The powerful
hydrating properties of the interlayer cations are able to
slightly hinder the migration of the water molecules
from their outer hydration spheres.
It is observed that at higher temperatures (above
90 °C) the reaction is no longer isokinetic as a function
of temperature: both the m and mA values (in the Av-
rami and Austin-Rickett plots, respectively) increase
Fig. 7 a ln ``time to a given fraction'' for 0.1 < a > 0.9, b for the with temperature. This is because the sample is far from
second stage of the reaction (0.8 < a > 0.9, 100 < T < 130 °C) equilibrium at the start of the isothermal shock heating
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R & D, who provided the sample of fuller's earth, and in particular Huang WL, Bassett WA, Wu T-C (1994) Dehydration and hydra-
to Dr Simon Drachman for his interest in the project. This work tion of montmorillonite at elevated temperatures and pressures
was supported by NERC in the form of studentship GT19/95/CS/2. monitored using synchrotron radiation. Am Mineral 79: 683±691
Karaborni S, Smit B, Urah J, van Oort E (1996) The swelling of
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