SSRN Id3372119
SSRN Id3372119
SSRN Id3372119
K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
productivity and working conditions due to elimination of vii) Crushed Sand viii) Coarse Aggregates ix)
compaction[8]Test results show that 15% replacement Water
of cement using raw rice husk ash produced grade 40 3.2. Mix Design
concrete[9] As perEFNARC guidelines (8.4), there is no
The maximum compressive strength for self compacting standard method of mix design, applicable for
concrete can be obtained by addition of 15% of fly ash designing SCCmixes. However Concrete
in mix as compared to addition of 25%, 35%, 45% and Technologists & ready mixed concrete
55% cement replacement by fly ash[10] To improve the Professionals have developed their own mix
concrete composites and its quality with an economical proportioning methods. In this study also, such
approach there is a need of some material to reused[11] proportioning has been implemented for
Self-Compacting Concrete with a similar water cement preparing SCC mixes. For fresh plastic stage
or cement binder ratio will usually have a slightly higher concrete, EFNARC guidelines also have been
strength compared with traditional vibrated concrete followed. As ultrafine additive was new material,
[12]The maximum Expected compressive strength, Split
its compatibility with all other ingredients was
tensile strength for self-compacting concrete can be observed by conducting first three trials by
obtained by addition of 20% of fly ash, 10% of Silica varying its percentage in concrete mix. Optimized
Fume & 10% Rice Husk Ash mix as compared to % content of additive was then finalized & same
addition of 5% & 15% of cement replacement by Rice was used for further all trials. It was finalized on
Husk Ash [13]In spite of its short history, self-compacting the basis of flow, early age as well as later age
(or – consolidating) concrete has confirmed itself as a strength of sample. Thereafter for all further
revolutionary step forward in concrete technology[14] trials, following parameters were kept constant.
SCC with 15% replacement of cement with fly ash Water to binder ratio - 0.26 Aggregate to
showed good results both in compression and split Cement ratio - 2.49 Admixture dosage -
tensile[15]Use of fly ash in production of SCC is 0.65%
nowadays highly extensive. From the experimental •Trial Mix no.1 – Four blend–OPC+PFA+
investigation it is clear that cement can be replaced with Metakaolin+ hycrete (1.14%)
15%of flyash effectively in SCC, therebyreducing the •Trial Mix no.2 – Four blend –OPC+PFA+
consumption of cement, which in turn reduces the Metakaolin+ hycrete (1.52 %)
cost[16] SCC with 15% replacement of cement with fly •Trial Mix no.3 – Four blend –OPC+PFA+
ash showed good results both incompression and split Metakaolin+ hycrete (1.82%)
tensile.[16] It was concluded that at 5% replacement On the basis of slump flow & early age & later
(powder content of 530kg/m3) of micro silica the mix age compressive strength, hycrete 1.52% of
shows good workability and compressive strength. With total cementitious material(Trial no.2) was
further increase in replacement percentage the observed best amongst three trials &therefore
compressive strength decreases gradually. It can be for further all trials same content of additive
concluded that the SCC with micro silica can be used in was used in mixes.
the construction sector[17] There is no standard method • Trial Mix no.4 -- Metakaolin without hycrete
for SCC mix design and many academic institutions, • Trial Mix no.5 -- Microsilica (Elkem) with
admixture, readymixed, precast and contracting hycrete
companies have developed their own mix proportioning • Trial Mix no.6 -- Microsilica (Local) with
methods.[18] hycrete
• Trial Mix no 7 – Microsilica(Elkem) without
Though much more research work has been done for • Trial Mix no.8 -- Microsilica(Local) without
improving the properties of SCC, it is observed that hycrete
the self- compacting Concrete is still lacking in
achieving desirable requirements such as high flow
3.3 Tests Conducted
ability, high early age strength, high deformability,
dense particle packing of aggregate & cement Slump flow tests were performed to asses flow
particles & better compatibility with modern shuttering parameter at initial stage, 30min., 60min., 90
like aluminum shuttering. This research aims at not min. & 120 min.
only improve the flow ability of self-compacting Compressive strength tests have been
concrete along with retention but also to gain early as performed for assessing compressive strength
well as later age compressive strength. This study of various mixes at the age of 3days, 7days,
surely helps to promote application of SCC in 28days & 45days.
construction practices to great extent. 3.3.1 Slump Flow Test
This is most commonly used test for assessment
III. EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMME of filling ability of self compacting concrete.
Slump flow test is used assess the horizontal
3.1. Materials free flow of self compacting concrete in the
i) Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) ---53 grade absence of obstructions.
ii) Pulverized Fly-Ash Procedure: -
iii) Metakaoline 1) Position the slum cone at the center of the
iv) Micro silica leveled flow table.
v) Ultrafine Concrete additive – Hycrete 2) Pour the concrete with a scoop from top
vi) Admixture (PCE) PolyCarboxylate Ether without tamping to fill the slump cone
completely. Strike off excess concrete.
Electronic copy available at:
2nd International Conference on Advances in Science & Technology (ICAST-2019)
K. J. Somaiya Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, University of Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3) Lift the cone vertically without any jerks and allow • The specimen should be removed from the
the concrete to flow freely. water 30 minutes prior to the testing.
4) Note the time required for the concrete to cover 50 • The specimen should be in dry condition
cm. diameter spread circle.T50 is the time required before conducting the testing.
for the concrete to cover 50 cm. diam.spread circle • The Cube weight should not be less than 8.1
from the time the slump cone is lifted. Kgs
5) Measure the diameters of spread circle from two
perpendicular directions, after concrete stops flowing.
Average of two diameters is initial slumpflow of
6) Measure the diameters of spread circle at
60min.90min.&120min. The permissible range of
values for slump flow are 600 to 750mm. & T50 time is
2 to 5 seconds Testing
• Now place the concrete cubes into the testing
machine. (centrally)
• The cubes should be placed correctly on the
machine plate (check the circle marks on the
machine). Carefully align the specimen with
the spherically seated plate.
Table.1 Workability/flow values & Compressive strength values of Trial no.1, 2 & 3
Trial No Flow (mm) Compressive Strength (Mpa)
Target Target
Initial 60 min 90 min 120 min
68.25 78.25
3 Days 7 Days 28 Days 35 Days 45 Days
27.23 44.83 61.42 67.98 69.98
1 700 620 590 470 39.90 65.68 89.99 99.60 102.53
34.80 57.29 78.49 86.88 89.43
590 590
600 500 470
550 440
300 200
200 100
100 0
Trial 4 Trial 2
0 3 Days
Trial 1 Trial 2 Trail 3 Retention in mins 7 Days
28 Days
Initial Time
45 Days
60 Mins
90 Mins Poly. (3 Days)
Retention in min 120 Mins
Poly. (Initial Time) Fig.5 Flow of Metakaoline without & with Hycrete
Cube Results M-60:SCC - Four Blend: Workability Results M-60:SCC - Four Blend:
(M-70 - 45days) (M-70 - 45days)
Compresive Strength (MPa)
680 680
90.00 700 650
80.78 600600 600 610 600
78.50 590
80.00 600 550 550 550
68.20 69.37 500 500
70.00 490
500 470
440 450
60.00 53.17
47.88 400
50.00 42.40 300 300
300 250
30.00 200
20.00 100
10.00 0
Trial 4 Trial 2 Trial 7 Trial 5 Trial 8 Trial 6
Initial Time
Trial 4 Trial 2 3 Days
Retention in min 60 Mins
7 Days 90 Mins
Age of Concrete 28 Days 120 Mins
(3,7,28 & 45 Days) 45 Days
Poly. (3 Days)
Fig.9 Comparison in Flow of Metakaoline, Metakaolinewith
Fig.6 Comp. Strength of Metakaoline without & with Hycrete hycrete,Microsilica(Elkem),Microsilica(Elkem) with
hycrete,Microsilica (local)Microsilica (local)with hycrete
100 0.00
Trial 4 Trial 2 Trial 7 Trial 5 Trial 8 Trial 6
3 Days
0 Age of Concrete 7 Days
Trial 7 Trial 5 Trial 8 Trial 6 (3,7,28 & 45 Days) 28 Days
45 Days
Initial Time
Retention in min 60 mins
Fig.10 Comparison in Comp.strength of Metakaoline,
90 Mins
120 Mins Metakaoline with hycrete,Microsilica(Elkem),Microsilica
Fig.7 Flow of Micro silica(Elkem & local) without/with Hycrete (Elkem)with hycrete,Microsilica(local)Microsilica(local)with
30.00 200
20.00 100
10.00 0
Trial 2 Trial 5 Trial 6
0.00 Initial Time
Trial 7 Trial 5 Trial 8 Trial 6 Retention in min 60 Mins
90 Mins
3 Days
120 Mins
Age of Concrete 7 Days
(3,7,28 & 45 Days) 28 Days
Fig.11 Comparison in flow of Metakaoline with hycrete,
45 Days
Microsilica (Elkem) with hycrete, Microsilica (local)with
Fig.8 Comp.Strength of Micro silica(Elkem &local)without/with
Cube Results M-60:SCC - Four Blend: (M-70 - 45days) inherent property of Microsilica as strength
80.78 enhancer.
80.00 76.21
Compresive Strength (MPa)
69.37 68.50 7) Hycrete was found desirably good at early age
70.00 63.36
exceptionally good.
0.00 9) Optimum dose of Hycrete in combination with
Trial 2 Trial 5 Trial 6
Age of Concrete
3 Days Metakaoline & Microsilica proved better in flow
7 Days
(3,7,28 & 45 Days) 28 Days
45 Days
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