Unit-3 KOE-076 PDF
Unit-3 KOE-076 PDF
Unit-3 KOE-076 PDF
Module 3:
Lecture 17: Human Order (General Description)
• To run a system smoothly, it is essential to go into the details of that system or order.
• It is important to recognize all the dimensions which are essential to achieve the goals
(objectives)* of this system or order.
• It is therefore required to compile a guidebook giving guidelines and necessary details for
ready reference.
• The book would include directives or advice on how to lead one's life and how to participate in
the system.
• The constitution would describe in detail how to lead a humane life. Whether one's lifestyle
conforms to humanness and human order or not, would be brought out in the constitution.
• The Human Order or System and its underlying principles (harmony) should be clearly
explained in the constitution.
• Adherence to this at every level (beginning from one's own family to the global family) would
be an indicator of the smooth running of the system.
Dimensions of Human Order
1. Education
2. Health
3. Justice
4. Production, Service
5. Exchange, Distribution
6. Right Utilisation
7. Preservation
8. Dimensions of Service
a) Administrative Service
b) Social Service
Dimension of Education
Dimension of Health
Dimension of Health
• The achievement of this dimension can be seen in terms of the health of the human body.
• When this dimension is functioning well, people lead a life that is conducive to good health.
• The satisfaction in ‘Self’ is ensured by the dimension of education whereas the health of the
body is taken care of by the dimension of health.
Dimension of Justice
• Justice is ensured when a human being with a healthy self and healthy body can ensure
fulfillment in relationships with other human beings.
• Justice is ensuring recognition of relationships among human beings, and their fulfillment
through values leading to mutual happiness.
• When Justice is ensured, trust and fearlessness are established within interpersonal relations
and systems.
• Therefore, we talk about education and health first, then talk about justice.
▪ Justice – Overview
▪ System of Justice
Dimension of Production and Service
• Production ensures the physical facility required for the fulfillment of our physical needs.
• What we obtain as an outcome of labor on the rest of nature is known as Production.
• The following contents will be covered in the dimension:
▪ Goals of Production
▪ Criteria for Production
▪ Types of Production
▪ Production – Policy and System
▪ Production – Critical Analysis
Dimension of Exchange and Distribution
• Neither can we produce every item that we use nor can we perform every kind of service that
we need.
• We can produce only some of the items. All other items are produced by others.
• Through the exchange, all such items and services are made available to us as per our needs.
• In this dimension we will cover the following topics:
▪ The goal of Distribution and Exchange
▪ Types of Exchange
▪ Valuation and Exchange
▪ Exchange rate of the currency
▪ Ensuring Proper Exchange
Dimension of Right Utilisation
• The most important thing about the dimension of right utilization is that the need for physical
facilities cannot be identified without the right utilization because if we don’t know the right
utilization, it cannot be decided how, much physical facility is required.
• We need to make the program how to make proper utilization of physical facilities in the
dimension of right at the need for physical utilization.
• Physical facilities are produced only from natural resources and the rest of Nature.
• Right utilization is the first part of prosperity. It helps in identifying the needs, eventually helping
in taking care of the rest of Nature.
• We will study the following topics in details:
▪ Right Utilization – Critical Analysis
▪ Ill- effects of Mis-utilisation
▪ Possible solutions
Dimension of Preservation
• The purpose of the dimension of preservation is to enrich and protect natural resources to
ensure mutual fulfillment with the rest of Nature.
• Preservation leads to the fulfillment of the relationship of a human being with the rest of Nature.
We need to preserve (enrich & protect) the natural resources which we utilize for production
and exchange.
• We will study the following topics in details
▪ Purpose of the dimension of preservation
▪ Preservation of Natural Resources at Various Levels
▪ Various Problems due to ignorance of preservation
Dimension of Service
• The service part, which is known as the system service, will be elaborated in this dimension.
Performing various functions i.e. organizing a festival in the community where people come,
meet, share, and enjoy are very important even though no physical production is targeted.
• We will study the following topics in detail
▪ Purpose of System Service
▪ Service with Relationships in the Family
▪ Service in relation to production and exchange
▪ Service in relation to Society
▪ Formal and Informal Structures of Services
Dimensions of System and Attainment of Human Objectives
• To enable these dimensions to function without failures, the dimension of Service at the level of
the system is required. This works at two levels:
▪ which is being ensured by the system- Administrative Service
▪ which is being provided by the society through relationship- Social Service .
• For a system to run smoothly, it is required that it is understood properly. There is need to
recognise all its dimensions, their functions and what all is required to be done at the levels of -
personal, familial, social, national and international
• Compilation of these is known as constitution. It is to be seen as Text of law & order
(underlying principles and its implementation) in the society. It has to be seen as rules and
regulations for living together, living in relationship, harmony and co-existence
• One can also recognise constitution as a compendium of ethical guidelines on how to live an
harmonious life in the society. It includes the eight dimensions of systems discussed before.
Sum Up
• To run a system runs smoothly, it is essential to go into the details of that system or Order.
• A guidebook (Constitution) containing basic principles and guidelines relating to human living and his participation in this existence, is required for the
smooth running of human systems. This includes directives or advice on how to lead one's life and how to participate in the system
• The Human Order or System and its underlying principles (harmony) are clearly explained in the constitution. Adherence to this at every level
(beginning from one's own family to the global family) is an indicator of the smooth running of the system
• Dimensions of Human Order for the fulfillment of human goal
• Education
• Health
• Justice
• Production, Service
• Exchange, Distribution
• Right Utilisation
• Preservation
• Administrative Service
• To enable these dimensions to function without failures, the dimension of Service at the level of the system is required. This works at two levels which
are ensured by the system- administrative service, being provided by the society through relationships in the form of Social Service.
• There is a need to recognize all its dimensions, their functions, and what is required to be done at the levels of - personal, familial, social, national, and
international. Compilation of these is known as the constitution. It is to be seen as the Text of law & order (underlying principles and its
implementation) in society.
Vision for Humane Society
Module 3:
Lecture 18: Education System (Content)
1. Education
2. Health
3. Justice
4. Production, Service
5. Exchange, Distribution
6. Right Utilisation
7. Preservation
8. System Service
Goal of Education
• The goal of education is to facilitate the process of developing those abilities in the individual
which are essential for ensuring human society and order.
• Basic Understanding of the Humane Society
▪ Providing the right understanding of coexistence at every level.
▪ Providing the right understanding of happiness, prosperity, and their continuity and accordingly
comprehensive human goals.
▪ Providing the right understanding of human goals at various levels (individual, family, society,
Nature/Existence) and developing competence to fulfil them.
• Developing competence to participate in the Humane Society
▪ Competence to keep the sensory motivations subservient to wisdom-based happiness.
▪ Competence to characterize one’s material as well as non-material needs appropriately.
▪ Competence to carry out mutually fulfilling relationships with other human beings and mutually
enriching interactions with the rest of Nature.
Goal of Education…
• Mental education - clarity of our goals, programs etc., knowledge of keeping activities of the
self in harmony.
• Behavioral education - education of right behavior in relationship with a human being
• Health education- self-regulation in the self, intake-daily routine etc. in the context of keeping
the body healthy. Knowledge of nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body
• Education for Right Utilisation- Understanding the role of a physical facility in nurturing and
protecting the body and for social purposes. Understanding of enrichment, protection, and right
utilization of nature.
• Education for Production- Education for production of the necessary physical facility through
work on natural resources
• Education for Participation in the system- Understanding of the human order, Learning and
practicing the processes and skills required for participation in the human system
Significance of current Subjects
• If we look at geography in the context of human goals and coexistence in Nature, it is useful in
understanding the weather, the climate, physical activities happening on the Earth, impacts of
human activities on the Earth, the interconnectedness of human beings and their environment,
coexistential production process according to local resources, etc.
• If we look at history, its main role is seen in terms of getting inspiration from the past. When
we go to assess any human endeavor, it is necessary to know its historical perspective to see
how things have developed. It is the role of history to help take inspiration from the right things
of the past and wherever there was a deficiency, improve upon it after studying it and reviewing
• Science is needed to understand the laws of Nature properly. This helps in two ways - it helps
to maintain the cycle of nature and we can learn and understand different methods of
production. Today, at the root of many useful things that man has been able to do, there are
laws of science that we have been able to understand.
Significance of current Subjects…
• Physics: If we look at physics, it helps us in understanding the various events that take place
in Nature such as a storm, a tornado, and light with their underlying principles. The
phenomena that occur physically, are placed under physics, and the events that occur
chemically are placed under chemistry. If you see the broad difference between the two, then it
is clear from their name i.e., physics and chemistry. If we look at chemistry, this is the study of
chemicals. The methods of production of chemicals and juices are useful for our life.
• Biology: In the case of biology, we mainly study the physiology of the animal body and human
body which connects with health. It comes under Zoology, Medical Science, and related
research. The study of the entire structure of the plant in Botany is mainly related to production.
Some will be related to production, and some help to understand human body structure as
many things are common with plants.
• When we study humans, we aim at the B1 block which is the base for Philosophy and
religion. B2 block relates to Psychology. When the B1 block is merged with the B2 block, there
will be an emergence of policies in politics, economy, and religion. Every policy in an ideal
situation will be rightful according to natural laws, known as Dharma. Same natural laws form
the basis of right utilization depending on human psychology.
Significance of current Subjects…
• If we look at what we call civic science in the true sense, it will be the code of living in a
mutually fulfilling relationship. At present, the existing education on civics is not worth living
with relationships, but it can be made worthwhile after a critical review.
• Science can also be studied according to the order established in nature. When Science is to
be studied further, it is categorized as bio-order and physical order. Bio-order is subsequently
divided into Botany and Zoology.
• Physical order is studied under the categorization of Physics. Chemistry is also part of the
chemical reactions occurring in physical and bio-order. Thus, whatever we study in science, it
is also a part of the harmony in nature. We just have to be aware of it and live accordingly.
• If we look at mathematics, it shows that wherever calculations are to be done, mathematics is
necessary. Whether measuring the smallest field or measuring the biggest distance from the
satellite. Wherever calculation is done, mathematics is required.
(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)
Atom Cell
(B1 correctly)
Molecular Structure ZOOLOGY
Animal Body (B2 now)
Lump Fluid SCIENCE
Human Body HISTORY
Composition – Decomposition Development
LakxBu&fo?kVu Fodkl
Role of Infrastructure in education
• With the recognition of the right contents and traditional efforts as discussed above, there is a
need to prepare a proper infrastructure to provide education easily and effectively.
• If we look at it, there is a need for school and college buildings. Sufficient resources for
production are needed where the child can learn and can do some production along with and
under the guidance of the teachers.
• To make the education system self-sufficient, production is also required. Such a production
system would facilitate a teacher and students both so that they may fulfil their daily needs.
• In this way, the teacher and the students can be mutually fulfilling in their relationship. This will
also increase the scope for learning and understanding
Role of Infrastructure in education
• With the recognition of the right contents and traditional efforts as discussed above, there is a
need to prepare a proper infrastructure to provide education easily and effectively.
• If we look at it, there is a need for school and college buildings. Sufficient resources for
production are needed where the child can learn and can do some production along with and
under the guidance of the teachers.
• To make the education system self-sufficient, production is also required. Such a production
system would facilitate a teacher and students both so that they may fulfil their daily needs.
• In this way, the teacher and the students can be mutually fulfilling in their relationship. This will
also increase the scope for learning and understanding
Listening and learning mindset
• Education is not only about transforming information from one source to the students. It
should help students to see the reality and practice students live in a mutually fulfilling
• Therefore, students need to have a mindset of listening and learning. Sometimes, it becomes
very difficult for most of us to listen and learn. But for a better educational environment in
society, it is necessary to have the mindset of listening first and then learning.
• In the past, there was a tradition of transferring knowledge through oral methods of delivery. In
this method, a good listener could realize his full potential through attentive listening putting all
his assumptions aside.
• A good listener can easily get rid of all his biases, conflicts, and confusion. It can be sincerely
practiced since one is open to learning. It can be easily observed that when we listen without
any mental barriers, we get transformed to a large extent.
Indicators of Understanding
• It is important to evaluate students coming out from education.
• The evaluation could be done on whether they are able to ensure a fulfilling life.
• There is a need to identify how much understanding they have in the sense of proper food
habits, lifestyle, and most importantly, regarding right utilization.
• Similarly, there is a need to check up on our pace of understanding through self-investigation
and self-evaluation, and we must do this because as we get older, no one else can do it for
Role of Tradition in Education
• Education is primarily the process of providing whatever important achievements are made by
its previous to the next generation.
• The important achievements that the previous generation has achieved, whether achieved
through tradition or through research, are to be transferred to the next generation with a view of
keeping them safe and secure.
•Whatever meaningful past generations have achieved, they can transfer to the next generation.
•Whatever remains is to be attempted in this generation.
Sum Up
• The primary goal of education is to facilitate the process of developing abilities in every
individual essential for ensuring human society and order.
• To ensure such an education there is a need to ensure mental, behavioral, health, utility,
production, participation in the system of education, and special care education.
• With the view of holistic wisdom and human goals, the significance of current subjects can be
understood. For example, Geography, is useful in understanding the weather, in
understanding the climate, what can be produced, where and so on, etc.
• There is an important role of tradition in education. The role of tradition is to pass meaningful
full learning from the past generation to future generations.
• Right understanding can be evaluated in
Vision for Humane Society
Module 3:
Lecture 18: Education System (Content)
1. Education
2. Health
3. Justice
4. Production, Service
5. Exchange, Distribution
6. Right Utilisation
7. Preservation
8. System Service
Goal of Education
• The goal of education is to facilitate the process of developing those abilities in the individual
which are essential for ensuring human society and order.
• Basic Understanding of the Humane Society
▪ Providing the right understanding of coexistence at every level.
▪ Providing the right understanding of happiness, prosperity, and their continuity and accordingly
comprehensive human goals.
▪ Providing the right understanding of human goals at various levels (individual, family, society,
Nature/Existence) and developing competence to fulfil them.
• Developing competence to participate in the Humane Society
▪ Competence to keep the sensory motivations subservient to wisdom-based happiness.
▪ Competence to characterize one’s material as well as non-material needs appropriately.
▪ Competence to carry out mutually fulfilling relationships with other human beings and mutually
enriching interactions with the rest of Nature.
Goal of Education…
• Mental education - clarity of our goals, programs etc., knowledge of keeping activities of the
self in harmony.
• Behavioral education - education of right behavior in relationship with a human being
• Health education- self-regulation in the self, intake-daily routine etc. in the context of keeping
the body healthy. Knowledge of nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body
• Education for Right Utilisation- Understanding the role of a physical facility in nurturing and
protecting the body and for social purposes. Understanding of enrichment, protection, and right
utilization of nature.
• Education for Production- Education for production of the necessary physical facility through
work on natural resources
• Education for Participation in the system- Understanding of the human order, Learning and
practicing the processes and skills required for participation in the human system
Significance of current Subjects
• If we look at geography in the context of human goals and coexistence in Nature, it is useful in
understanding the weather, the climate, physical activities happening on the Earth, impacts of
human activities on the Earth, the interconnectedness of human beings and their environment,
coexistential production process according to local resources, etc.
• If we look at history, its main role is seen in terms of getting inspiration from the past. When
we go to assess any human endeavor, it is necessary to know its historical perspective to see
how things have developed. It is the role of history to help take inspiration from the right things
of the past and wherever there was a deficiency, improve upon it after studying it and reviewing
• Science is needed to understand the laws of Nature properly. This helps in two ways - it helps
to maintain the cycle of nature and we can learn and understand different methods of
production. Today, at the root of many useful things that man has been able to do, there are
laws of science that we have been able to understand.
Significance of current Subjects…
• Physics: If we look at physics, it helps us in understanding the various events that take place
in Nature such as a storm, a tornado, and light with their underlying principles. The
phenomena that occur physically, are placed under physics, and the events that occur
chemically are placed under chemistry. If you see the broad difference between the two, then it
is clear from their name i.e., physics and chemistry. If we look at chemistry, this is the study of
chemicals. The methods of production of chemicals and juices are useful for our life.
• Biology: In the case of biology, we mainly study the physiology of the animal body and human
body which connects with health. It comes under Zoology, Medical Science, and related
research. The study of the entire structure of the plant in Botany is mainly related to production.
Some will be related to production, and some help to understand human body structure as
many things are common with plants.
• When we study humans, we aim at the B1 block which is the base for Philosophy and
religion. B2 block relates to Psychology. When the B1 block is merged with the B2 block, there
will be an emergence of policies in politics, economy, and religion. Every policy in an ideal
situation will be rightful according to natural laws, known as Dharma. Same natural laws form
the basis of right utilization depending on human psychology.
Significance of current Subjects…
• If we look at what we call civic science in the true sense, it will be the code of living in a
mutually fulfilling relationship. At present, the existing education on civics is not worth living
with relationships, but it can be made worthwhile after a critical review.
• Science can also be studied according to the order established in nature. When Science is to
be studied further, it is categorized as bio-order and physical order. Bio-order is subsequently
divided into Botany and Zoology.
• Physical order is studied under the categorization of Physics. Chemistry is also part of the
chemical reactions occurring in physical and bio-order. Thus, whatever we study in science, it
is also a part of the harmony in nature. We just have to be aware of it and live accordingly.
• If we look at mathematics, it shows that wherever calculations are to be done, mathematics is
necessary. Whether measuring the smallest field or measuring the biggest distance from the
satellite. Wherever calculation is done, mathematics is required.
(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)
Atom Cell
(B1 correctly)
Molecular Structure ZOOLOGY
Animal Body (B2 now)
Lump Fluid SCIENCE
Human Body HISTORY
Composition – Decomposition Development
LakxBu&fo?kVu Fodkl
Role of Infrastructure in education
• With the recognition of the right contents and traditional efforts as discussed above, there is a
need to prepare a proper infrastructure to provide education easily and effectively.
• If we look at it, there is a need for school and college buildings. Sufficient resources for
production are needed where the child can learn and can do some production along with and
under the guidance of the teachers.
• To make the education system self-sufficient, production is also required. Such a production
system would facilitate a teacher and students both so that they may fulfil their daily needs.
• In this way, the teacher and the students can be mutually fulfilling in their relationship. This will
also increase the scope for learning and understanding
Role of Infrastructure in education
• With the recognition of the right contents and traditional efforts as discussed above, there is a
need to prepare a proper infrastructure to provide education easily and effectively.
• If we look at it, there is a need for school and college buildings. Sufficient resources for
production are needed where the child can learn and can do some production along with and
under the guidance of the teachers.
• To make the education system self-sufficient, production is also required. Such a production
system would facilitate a teacher and students both so that they may fulfil their daily needs.
• In this way, the teacher and the students can be mutually fulfilling in their relationship. This will
also increase the scope for learning and understanding
Listening and learning mindset
• Education is not only about transforming information from one source to the students. It
should help students to see the reality and practice students live in a mutually fulfilling
• Therefore, students need to have a mindset of listening and learning. Sometimes, it becomes
very difficult for most of us to listen and learn. But for a better educational environment in
society, it is necessary to have the mindset of listening first and then learning.
• In the past, there was a tradition of transferring knowledge through oral methods of delivery. In
this method, a good listener could realize his full potential through attentive listening putting all
his assumptions aside.
• A good listener can easily get rid of all his biases, conflicts, and confusion. It can be sincerely
practiced since one is open to learning. It can be easily observed that when we listen without
any mental barriers, we get transformed to a large extent.
Indicators of Understanding
• It is important to evaluate students coming out from education.
• The evaluation could be done on whether they are able to ensure a fulfilling life.
• There is a need to identify how much understanding they have in the sense of proper food
habits, lifestyle, and most importantly, regarding right utilization.
• Similarly, there is a need to check up on our pace of understanding through self-investigation
and self-evaluation, and we must do this because as we get older, no one else can do it for
Role of Tradition in Education
• Education is primarily the process of providing whatever important achievements are made by
its previous to the next generation.
• The important achievements that the previous generation has achieved, whether achieved
through tradition or through research, are to be transferred to the next generation with a view of
keeping them safe and secure.
•Whatever meaningful past generations have achieved, they can transfer to the next generation.
•Whatever remains is to be attempted in this generation.
Sum Up
• The primary goal of education is to facilitate the process of developing abilities in every
individual essential for ensuring human society and order.
• To ensure such an education there is a need to ensure mental, behavioral, health, utility,
production, participation in the system of education, and special care education.
• With the view of holistic wisdom and human goals, the significance of current subjects can be
understood. For example, Geography, is useful in understanding the weather, in
understanding the climate, what can be produced, where and so on, etc.
• There is an important role of tradition in education. The role of tradition is to pass meaningful
full learning from the past generation to future generations.
• Right understanding can be evaluated in
Vision for Humane Society
Module 3:
Lecture 20: Self-Study and Practice
Process of Self-verification
1 Verify 2 Experiential Validation
on the basis Live according to it
your 2a 2b
Acceptance Behaviour with Work with
Human Beings Rest of Nature
Process of Self-verification
1 Verify 2 Experiential Validation
on the basis Live according to it
your 2a 2b
Acceptance Behaviour with Work with
Human Beings Rest of Nature
1. Be aware and observe your imagination at this moment, i.e. the desire, thought, and expectation. No reaction!
2. Is the feeling that you have at this moment naturally acceptable to you?
3. Are you in harmony, happy with the feeling you have at this moment?
4. Who decided the feeling you have at this moment? Did you decide it or did someone else/situation outside decide it? .
5. On what basis did you decide the feeling you have at this moment? Did you decide it on the basis of understanding or on
the basis of an assumption?
6. (a) Which feelings are naturally acceptable to you? Feelings of relationship or opposition, harmony or disharmony, co-
existence or struggle? (b) we explore within to understand the relationship, harmony, and coexistence in its
completeness, in the context of whole nature and existence.
7. (a) Ensure that the feeling that you have at this moment is in line with the feeling of relationship, Harmony and Co-
existence and not otherwise. On this basis, I will be in a state of harmony and happiness at this moment.
(b) when I am able to understand relationship, harmony and co-existence in its completeness, then I will be able to
decide my feeling, thought accordingly in a natural manner, and I will always be comfortable within, I will be in a
state of harmony and happiness in continuity.
Exercise 2: Observing the body and the interaction between the self and the body
Sum up
• Observing the body and interaction between the self and the body
Vision for Humane Society
Module 3:
Lecture 21: Education Policies – at various levels
(Family, Society, System)
• However, if we are going to ensure education for all, some policies and rules must be made.
Education at Family Level- First 5 years
• The education which is up to 5 -6 years, is required to be done only at the level of the family.
The child's education up to the first five years is possible at the level of the family.
• If we observe children closely, it can be found that children learn a lot in their first five years.
We must generally focus on things that are necessary to help them learn and understand
during this age. The following are proposed that can be done at the family level:
▪ We can help them learn and understand the practices related to intake and daily routine,
practices related to the style of living, and practices related to expression in behavior.
▪ In further detail, he must learn; how to live and behave with his parents, with his brother
and sisters, and with friends.
▪ Parents must pay little attention to developing the collaborative mindset of a child. His
attention should be brought towards the cooperation that he gets from family, regarding
whether he is cooperative with others or not.
Education at Family Level- First 5 years…
▪ Parents must pay little attention to developing the collaborative mindset of a child. His
attention should be brought towards the cooperation that he gets from family, regarding
whether he is cooperative with others or not.
▪ We can appreciate the child even if (s)he contributes little to the family.
▪ The feeling of sharing and cooperation can be developed in a child through stories,
examples, and the right behavior.
▪ If a family has business or production in the family itself, then the child learns the skills at
home (no extra need for skill education in that area, later).
▪ We can help a child to pay attention to feelings rather than to physical facilities only. For
example, a mother cooks food with the feeling of care. We can tell the child that the food is
cooked with the feeling of care.
▪ Enough opportunities for the child to participate in housework can be created.
▪ There should be enough time to sit together and talk to each other where we can share our
feelings. In this way, a child can also learn to share his/her views in the family.
▪ A practice of labor should be inculcated in the child.
Education at Society Level- Formal (School, College, University)
• After getting the basic education at the family level, the child can learn through a
formal process of teaching at the school, college, and university levels.
• During the various stages of life, the child also learns from media, television, drama,
books, festivals, functions, etc. Therefore, there is a need to introduce humane
education at all these levels.
• It is understood that the contents of humane education will be different at each level.
At higher levels like college and university research work, publications, and
designing related to humane education should be promoted.
• Case studies of traditional practices with a holistic worldview can be introduced to
higher levels.
Education at the level of System
Priority in Education Policy
Vision for Humane Society
Module 3:
Lecture 22: Health
• In the last four chapters (18-21), we discussed the dimension of education in detail,
including the goal of education, the process of education, self-study, and practices,
along with policies and systems.
• Now, we will discuss the second dimension of human order (refer to section 17.2), i.e.
• In this chapter, we are going to give a brief view of the health of the body.
Human Being as co-existence of Self and Body
Consciousness (Self) INFORMATION Material (Body)
Self-regulation Health
Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for 1. Body acts according to I
Nurturing, Protection and Right Utilization of 2. Parts of the body are in
the Body harmony (in order)
Human Being as co-existence of Self and Body
• The Self and the Body are in Harmony when there is a feeling of Self-regulation in the Self and
Health in the Body
▪ Self-regulation = Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for Nurturing, Protection and Right
Utilization of the Body
▪ Health = The body acts according to Self and parts of the body are in harmony (in order)
Feeling of Self-regulation in I → Program for it → Health in the Body
The body is a self-organized unit (a harmony) with definite functions. All the cells in the body
work together to form tissues and organs and to maintain harmony with each other to participate
in the larger order (in the form of the body).
Self (I) has the responsibility to ensure the continuity of this harmony (at least not disturb it).
If the Self (I) has a feeling of responsibility toward the body, it does what is required for fulfilling
that responsibility.
Feeling of Self-regulation in I → Program for it → Health in the Body
• Self (I) has to do two things to fulfill the feeling of responsibility toward the body
▪ Ensure enough physical facility to fulfill the requirement of Nurturing, Protection, and Right Utilization of
the Body
▪ Ensure a lifestyle that takes care of this Nurturing, Protection, and Right Utilization of the Body
Self-organisation of the Body
• Body has the ability to regenerate most of its cells and organs continuously.
• Cells – Groups of Cells – Organised into organs and tissues – Organ systems – working
together to maintain harmony with each other.
• Each Organ system participates in the larger order (complete body) for the larger good of the
body as a whole.
Indicators of Good Health in Self and Body
Indicators of Good Health in Self and Body
• The first indicator of the body's health is that it can act according to the instructions of the Self’
• The second indicator of a healthy body is that different parts of the body are in harmony with each
other, they are in order.
• The human body comprises several organ systems (skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive,
excretory, circulatory, nervous, endocrine, exocrine, lymphatic, and reproductive systems). In a
healthy body, all these are in harmony. When we place some food in the mouth, saliva with ptyalin
is released.
• It mixes with the food as we chew and helps to convert the starch in the food into glucose. Almost
half the digestion process is completed before the food goes down the throat! Like that, every
system is doing something and it is finely balanced with all the other systems.
Sum Up
• Physical Facility is required, in a limited quantity, for Nurturing, Protection & Right Utilization of
the Body
• The Self and the Body are in Harmony when there is a feeling of Self-regulation in the Self and
Health in the body
▪ Self-regulation = Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for Nurturing, Protection and Right
Utilization of the Body
▪ Health = The body acts according to Self and parts of the body are in harmony (in order)
Sum Up … continued
Vision for Humane Society
Module 3:
Lecture 23: Program for Ensuring Health
Feeling of Self-regulation in I → Program for it → Health in the Body
•Self (I) has responsibility to ensure the continuity of this harmony (at least not disturb it).
•The Self has a feeling of responsibility toward the body, the self does what is required for
fulfilling that responsibility.
To maintain health:
▪ Fibre rich food that is nutritious, digestible, tasty and digested waste is excretable.
▪ Awareness of other intake through our senses, especially while eating. e.g. being aware of how much
to eat, choice of food etc. (rather than watching TV, arguing with others while eating ….)
▪ Daily exposure to fresh air and sunlight and so on.
Daily Routine – in Harmony with Nature (Circadian Rhythm)
▪ Sweeping and dusting your room / house / hostel
▪ Cycling to your college and back…
▪ Kitchen gardening
▪ Producing things of our daily use which may include grain,
milk, biscuits etc.
Exercise, Postures, Breathing
Home remedies
▪ Insulin
▪ Dialysis
Sum Up
The Self and the Body are in Harmony when there is a feeling of Self-regulation in the Self and Health
in the Body
▪ Self-regulation = Feeling of responsibility toward the body – for Nurturing, Protection and Right
Utilization of the Body
▪ Health = The body acts according to Self and parts of the body are in harmony (in order)
Vision for Humane Society
Module 3:
Lecture 24: Health (Policies and Systems)
• In the previous chapters, we talked about the health and programs for self-regulation and health.
• If the self is in harmony, it interacts with the body with the feeling of self-regulation.
• It becomes natural for the self to nurture, protect, and rightly utilize the body with the feeling of self-
• The body can be said to be healthy if all body parts are in harmony and act according to the
instruction of the self. Now, we shall talk about health policies and systems.
Need for a health system and policies
• Everyone must have a healthy body (with a healthy mind) to participate in a harmonious society.
• Thus, it becomes essential to have a health system and policies which can facilitate a healthy
lifestyle, environment, education related to health, opportunities for labor for everyone, awareness
about medicinal plants and herbs, etc.
Health according to:
▪ WHO 1948
A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease
or infirmity
Block Level Health System (BLHS)
• BLHS would be responsible for ensuring the health of each family member at the block level. Such a system
would ensure:
• A holistic worldview in the education system.
• Health education in academic institutions. Such education would include:
▪ Understanding of a human being as a coexistence of the self and body.
▪ Feeling of self-regulation for nurturing, protection, and right utilization of the body.
▪ Clarity of real needs.
▪ The appropriate ways to fulfill the needs.
▪ Understanding of the local environment.
▪ Awareness of home medicines.
▪ Awareness of a healthy lifestyle.
▪ Awareness of local resources to produce things.
▪ Importance of labor.
▪ Promote labor, exercise and pranayam to keep the Body and breathing in balance.
▪ It would help to proliferate at all levels:
▪ Good lifestyle practices, intake, routine and labor, as well as home
▪ Remedies for minor ailments.
Block Level Health System (BLHS)…
• Awareness of a healthy lifestyle, local resources, and appropriate interaction with the rest of Nature.
District Level Health System (DLHS)
Appraisal of the Current Status
• Over the last 100 years, there have been significant improvements in terms of longer life-spans, in
dealing with communicable diseases and trauma, but ensuring health remains a question mark.
• Lifestyle-related disorders like obesity and alcoholism are increasing, and so are mental disorders, like
depression. With an ever-busy lifestyle looking for instant results, there is an inclination towards medication
and treatment rather than a comprehensive health program. When we look at these issues with the
background of what has been discussed so far, these are not the problem, but rather, these are some of
the symptoms.
• The problem is in the wrong assumptions, one of which is that human being is the Body. With this
assumption, as we explored in chapter 5, happiness is sought through pleasant sensation through the
Appraisal of the Current Status….
• Over eating and consumption of “junk food” etc. has become common. The Body is harmed due to
excessive consumption or overindulgence for favorable sensation.
• Since continuity of happiness cannot be ensured in this manner, people tend to take escape routes,
including alcohol and drugs which further aggravate their ill-health. Further, the assumption that we will get
happiness from sensation through the consumption of physical facilities has led to high demand for it.
• The production and sale of the physical facility have become primarily for profit, so much so that the food
produced has large quantities of harmful chemicals, primarily from the fertilizers, insecticides, etc. used in
the process of farming. Adulteration of food has also become common.
Sum up
In essence, we need the following societal systems to support, protect and enrich family and
social efforts:
• Such a system can be visualized at the block, district, state, and nation levels.