Unit V
Unit V
Unit V
• A shirt has the utility that it protects the body. This is its utility
value. Designing the shirt so that it can be easily put on is the
artistic value.
What is ethical human conduct? Explain in terms of values,
policies and character with appropriate examples.
2. Policy (Niti):
• The decision (plan, program, implementation,
results, evaluation) about the enrichment,
protection and right utilization of the resources
(self, body and wealth - mana, tana and dhana).
• Have three parts:
• A) Economic Value (Artha Niti): enrichment of
self, body and wealth
• B) Political Value (Rajya Niti): protection of self,
body and wealth
• C) Policy for Universal Human Order (Dharma
Niti): Right utilization of self, body and wealth
What is ethical human conduct? Explain in terms of values,
policies and character with appropriate examples.
3. Character (Charitra):
• The definiteness of my desire, thought and
selection gives definiteness to my living.
• A) Sva Nari, Sva Purush: Chastity in conjugal
• B) Sva Dhana: Rightful production, acquisition
and utilization of wealth
• C) Dayapurna Vyavahar and Dayapurna Karya:
Kindness in behaviour (people friendly) and
work (eco friendly).