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TRUE 1. Dyslexia is an example of a specific learning disability.

- false
- true

2. A man with paralysis used a wheelchair because he lost the functions of his legs but could not enter a building because there is no
ramp." From this sentence, which indicates (A)impairment, (B)disability, and (C)handicap?
a. (A)there is no ramp, (B)man with paralysis, (C)lost the function of his legs
b. (A)lost the function of his legs, (B)there is no ramp, (C)man with paralysis
c. (A)man with paralysis, (B)lost the function of his legs, (C)there is no ramp
d. (A)lost the function of his legs, (B)man with paralysis, (C)there is no ramp

A. 3. The parents of Nika could not believe that she has ASD since its not in both parents' genes, the mother was careful
during pregnancy, and Nika was not born premature or under weight. What could be the cause of Nika's ASD?
a. All of the above
b. Nika's brain may be enlarged
c. Both parents 2may have history of drug use
d. Parents are already old when Nika was conceived.

4. In teaching learners with visual problems, DO NOT:

a. Let them clap their hands to ask questions b. Give Oral Instructions
c. Explain your visual materials d. None of the above

A. 5. From your simulation activity, what was expected to happen when you clipped your nose while eating?
a. not taste the food b. not eat the food c. not swallow the food d. not chew the food

D. 6. What could be the problem of your son when he turns up the volume of the television or radio, constantly asking
you to repeat what you are saying, and gives inappropriate response to your questions?
a. behavioral problem b. language problem c. communication problem d. hearing problem

C. 7. When children may see, hear, feel, smell or taste the world in a more muted way than other people then they are
a. hypertensive b. hypoallergenic c. hyposensitive d. hypersensitive

D. 8. Which is correct from the choices below?

a. no two people are exactly the same but the delivery of services can be delivered in the same way.
b. no two people are exactly the same but the delivery of services can be optional.
c. no two people are exactly the same that's why the delivery of services should be stopped.
d. no two people are exactly the same that's why delivery of services should vary.

A. 9. This visual impairment is brought by a bacteria whose infection can cause more vision loss and blindness than any
other infection in the world.
a. Trachoma b. Corneal Opacity c. Cataract d. Glaucoma e. Retinopathy

D. 10. This is a visual impairment in which a child's eyes move side to side, or up and down involuntarily that can get
worse when he/she is upset or concentrating hard.
a. Tumor b. Infection c. Refractive d. Nystagmus

A. 11. Which is NOT true about ASD?*

a. common responses b. repetitive behavior c. sensory sensitive d. neurological condition

A 12. This allow people to understand and appreciate everything about the world around them
a. Human Senses b. Human Beings c. Human Blankets d. Human Errors
13. What category of disability does the term schizophrenia is included?*
a. Learning Disability b. Emotional Disturbance c. Multiple Disability d. Intellectual Disability

A. 14. Ingrid shows inattentiveness, never complains of being bored, and does not recognize pain. These are symptoms
of ___________.*
a. Undersensitivity b. Oversensitivity c. Sensory Craving d. Motor Challenges

C. 15. Warning signs that your child may have a visual problem DO NOT include:*
a. bumping into things often b. chronic eye redness
c. rubbing the eyes d. transfer to front seats during copying the writings on the board

C. 16. Which is not a characteristic of a child with autism?

a. engaging in repetitive activities and stereotyped movements
b. resistance to environmental change or change in daily routines
c. has an emotional disturbance
d. unusual responses to sensory experiences

A. 17. Which is not found in the 13 Disability categories?*

a. SPD b. Deafness c. ASD d. Visual Impairment

18. What is affected by the visual impairment when one starts to lean against a wall when walking, running into objects,
or hard time walking on uneven surfaces?*
a. Decision b. Mobility c. Balance d. Perception

D. 19. Identify the picture:*

a. Trachoma b. Corneal Opacity c. Glaucoma d. Cataract e. Retinopathy

C. 20. Which is not true about IDEA?*

a. Changed to Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Education Act
b. Uses person first terminology
c. Changed the term handicap to impairment
d. Originally known as Education for All Handicapped Children Act

D. 21. The following are causes for the rupture of eardrum EXCEPT:*
a. Infection b. Sudden change in pressure c. Loud blasts of noise d. Earwax

B. 22. The sensory receivers of odor and taste.

a. gustation and vision b. olfaction and gustation c. vision and tactile perception d. tactile perception and olfaction

C. 23. Elena is with down syndrome and served by the IDEA under what category?
a. Learning Disability b. Multiple Disability c. Intellectual Disability d. Emotional Disturbance
D. 24. A student is considered to be with low vision when he or she has an eye condition that cannot be fully corrected
by ______________.
a. good sleep and constant check-up b. contact lenses and good sleep
c. magnifier and glasses d. glasses and contact lenses

C. 25. Which DOES NOT indicate that a student is with oversensitivity?

a. find certain noises disturbing or frightening
b. does not like to look at things if they are a certain color or shape
c. does not like to be left alone
d. does not like to taste or smell certain things

B. 26. When the learner has difficulty of hearing, then he or she has a problem with _______.
a. visual b. auditory c. olfactory d. touch

A. 27. Which is NOT considered under the umbrella of the term Physical Disability?
a. Language Impairment b. Orthopedic Impairment
c. Traumatic Brain Injury d. Other Health Impairment

C. 28. Mark has an SPD which is characterized with dramatic responses to touch. This is due to his:
a. Sensory Craving b. Undersensitivity c. Oversensitivity d. Motor Challenges

B. 29. Mommy D got used to her son, Elijah, doing multiple times the following in the morning: he gets his bag from the
cabinet, brings out all its content and after which he returns the content inside the bag, put the bag back in the cabinet
and sits. This is Elijah's behavior that is________________.
a. limited b. repetitive c. unusual d. difficult

E. 30. This visual impairment can happen when the optic nerve is damaged resulting to blurry eyesight as the nerve
a. Corneal Opacity b. Cataract c. Trachoma d. Retinopathy e. Glaucoma

A. 31. The main reason why individuals will have cataracts is because of ________.
a. diabetes b. high cholesterol c. Covid 19 d. heart condition

A. 32. Other terms for deaf-blind

a. multisensory and dual sensory impairment b. dual sensory impairment and sensory disability
c. sensory needs and multisensory d. sensory disability and sensory needs

A. 33. Which of the following teaching strategies NOT applicable to students who are deaf or with hearing loss during
the teaching-learning process?
a. Yell during discussion b. Use overhead projector c. Don't talk to the interpreter d. Give handouts

D. 34. When learners see, hear, feel, smell or taste the world in a more extreme manner than other people then they
a. hyposensitive b. hypoallergenic c. hypertensive d. hypersensitive
E. 35. Identify the picture:

a. Cataract b. Retinopathy c. Trachoma d. Corneal Opacity e. Glaucoma

C. 36. When the tissue of the eye's lens changes due to aging, trauma and/or diabetes, ______ occurs wherein one's
vision may be foggy as proteins and fibers in the lens start to breakdown.
a. Trachoma b. Corneal Opacity c. Cataract d. Glaucoma e. Retinopathy

NO 37. Lydia is diagnosed as deaf-blind and her parents insisted that she be served by IDEA either under the deafness,
hearing impairment, or visual impairment and blindness. Is this possible
- yes - no

B. 38. It is defined to encompass a wide range of medical conditions.

a. SPD b. ASD c. HI d. VI

FALSE 39. Rey at age 20 shows the characteristics of autism. Can he still be diagnosed as with authism after age 3 could
no longer be diagnosed as having autism.
- false - true

C. 40. A deaf-blind person tends to be more keen with their sense of:
a. taste b. hearing c. touch d. sight

B. 41. Deaf-blindness is not included in what disability category?*

a. Intellectual Disability b. Multiple Disability c. Emotional Disturbance d. Learning Disability

D. 42. Which of the senses are mostly responsible for the information we gather?
a. taste and touch b. touch and sight c. smell and taste d. sight and hearing

C. 43. Identify the picture:

a. Glaucoma b. Trachoma c. Corneal Opacity d. Retinopathy e. Cataract

A. 44. Identify the picture:

a. Trachoma b. Corneal Opacity c. Glaucoma d. Retinopathy e. Cataract

A. 45. Stuttering is an example of ___________.

a. Language Impairment b. Other Health Impairment c. Orthopedic Impairment d. Traumatic Brain Injury

A. 46. Identify the picture:

a. Retinopathy b. Corneal Opacity c. Cataract d. Glaucoma e. Trachoma

C. 47. Tactile perception pertains to which of the human senses?

a. sight b. smell c. touch d. hearing

C. 48. Which is NOT an early sign of visual problems?

a. Avoiding reading b. Blinking repeatedly c. Rubbing eyes d. Squinting at objects

A. 49. Which teaching strategy will not be effective to children with ASD?
a. Practice element of surprise b. Avoid teaching overload c. Teach social skills d. Use visuals

A. 50. Eve's deafness is profound while her visual problem is mild. What category of disability will serve her condition?
a. deaf-blindness b. hearing impairment c. visual impairment d. deafness

D. 51. Ella is deaf-blind because of this genetic condition that affects her hearing, vision, and balance.
a. Fetal alcohol b. German measles c. Cerebral Palsy d. Usher

A. 52. All symptoms of ASD were manifested by Maria's 3 year old son EXCEPT:
a. Delayed reaction b. Delayed movement c. Delayed language d. Delayed learning

B. 53. Mark has an SPD which is characterized with dramatic responses to touch. This is due to his:
a. Undersensitivity b. Oversensitivity c. Sensory Craving d. Motor Challenges

B. 54. It was not a surprise to hear that Mr. Clark is gradually losing his vision and hearing. He was born in the 1940's.
What has caused his deaf-blindness?
a. rubella b. aging c. usher d. loud noise

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