JA, SOFAR and DGrid

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GlobHor DiffHor GlobInc GlobEff PR Monthly TotRad No.

of Days
KWh/m2 KWh/m2 KWh/m2 KWh/m2 ratio KWh/m2/month Day
January 101.3 32.87 129.8 121.7 0.785 120.832 31
February 115.8 39.73 138.6 130.5 0.778 138.831 28
March 174.0 50.4 195.5 184.8 0.760 205.573 31
April 197.2 66.77 207.2 196.0 0.744 236.13 30
May 233.4 63.8 232.4 219.4 0.728 274.511 31
June 245.9 51.85 238 224.6 0.717 284.202 30
July 251.4 53.23 246.1 232.3 0.710 290.63 31
August 231.3 47.32 237.5 224.8 0.717 266.854 31
September 189.4 47.66 208.2 197.0 0.727 221.42 30
October 153.1 41.96 180.9 170.6 0.743 180.103 31
November 112.8 29.68 143.1 134.6 0.765 132.292 30
December 97.2 27.41 128.8 120.6 0.781 114.595 31
Year 2102.8 552.68 2286.1 2156.9 0.746 2465.973 365

Daily Daily Production Daily Loss factor due to System daily

Daily TotRad Night Energy Daytime Energy
Production/panel /KWp amp production
KWh/m2/day KWh/m2/day/panel KWh/KWp KWh/day KWh Kwh Kwh
January 3.898 2.16 3.954 5.406 48.85 30.999 5.552
February 4.958 2.747 5.029 6.795 61.597 30.999 18.299
March 6.631 3.674 6.726 8.987 80.367 30.999 37.069
April 7.871 4.361 7.984 10.611 93.222 30.999 49.924
May 8.855 4.907 8.983 11.9 102.413 30.999 59.115
June 9.473 5.249 9.609 12.71 107.721 30.999 64.423
July 9.375 5.195 9.51 12.581 105.446 30.999 62.148
August 8.608 4.77 8.732 11.576 97.864 30.999 54.566
September 7.381 4.09 7.487 9.968 85.176 30.999 41.878
October 5.81 3.219 5.893 7.911 68.625 30.999 25.327
November 4.41 2.444 4.474 6.077 53.75 30.999 10.452
December 3.697 2.049 3.751 5.142 46.066 30.999 2.768
Year 6.747 3.739 6.844 9.139 79.258 30.999 35.96
 SLD of the system:
Some notes about the system:

 1 inverter will be connected to 2 batteries (that means 20.48 KWh. In general the inverter can be connected to
more batteries and it can be connected to the other resources of energy with the PV as diesel generator, wind
turbine, utility grid…

 At the highest night load which is 10 KW, the batteries can supply energy to the load for about 3 hours when the
batteries are full charged.

 The numbers aren’t 100% accurate.

 The water tanks places on the roof need to be shifted 4.25 meters to the north.
 3D drawing of the PV panels:
 Electrical Distribution of the PV panels:

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