AN ACT Declaring THE Province OF Rizal A Tourism Development Area AND Appropriating Funds Therefor

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Republic of the Philippines

Quezon City

Second Regular Session


Introduced by Representative Roberto V. Puno



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress


1 SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as the' “Rizal Tourism

2 Development Act”.

3 Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the policy of the State to

4 promote a tourism industry that is ecologically sustainable, responsible, participative,

5 culturally sensitive, economically viable, and equitable for local conununities. To this end,

6 , the State shall endeavor to provide the proper mechanisms and infrastructure for sustainable

7 tourism development. It shall promote and develop certain areas and sites identified as tourist

8 destinations or attractions, or those that possess the potential for tourism, in order to drive and

9 propel inclusive growth throughout the country.

10 Sec. 3. Province of Rizal as Tourism Development Area. - The Province of Rizal is

11 hereby declared a tourism development area. As such, its development shall be prioritized by

12 the Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Department of Public Works and Highways
1 (DPWH), subject to the rules and regulations governing the development of tourism

2 development areas.

3 Sec. 4. Tourism Development Plan. - The DOT, in coordination with the Tourism

4 Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) and other concerned agencies of the
5 government, shall prepare a tourism development plan for die Province of Rizal, providing
6 for the development, maintenance, improvement and restoration of tourist sites, where
7 appropriate, in conformity with set forth standards, including the construction of hotels,

8 resorts, restaurants, recreational facilities and other appropriate facilities and infrastructure:

9 Provided, That said development plan shall ensure the preservation of the ecological balance

10 and natural beauty of the areas concerned/ The DOT shall incorporate the tourism

11 development plan to the overall National Tourism Development Plan pursuant to Republic

12 Act No. 9593, otherwise known as “The Tourism Act of 2009”.

13 The concerned local government unit, in coordination with the DOT, TIEZA,

14 Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and other concerned agencies of

15 the Government, shall delineate well defined geographic areas within the tourism

16 development area and coordinate the integrated development of these areas for the optimum

17 use of its natural assets, attractions and existing facilities.

18 The tourism development plan shall be jointly implemented by the local government

19 units concerned and the Provincial Tourism Council of Rizal.

20 The DPWH, in coordination with the DOT, shall implement the construction of roads

21 and other infrastructure necessary in the development of the Province of Rizal upon the

22 promulgation of this Act and incorporate the same in its infrastructure program.
23 Sec. 5. Rizal Tourism Cotmcil. -

24 (a) There is hereby organized the Rizal Tourism Council, hereinafter referred to as the

25 Council, which shall be the primary policy-making, planning and coordinating body in the
1 development of tourism in the Province of Rizal and administmtion of ecotourism sites

•iiii therein.
3 ' The Council shall be composed of:
4 ' \ (1) Hie Provincial Governor of Rizal, as Chairperson;

Slllll (2) The Mayors of all the municipalities and cities of the Province of Rizal, who .

piSjiS shall elect from among themselves the Council's Vice Chairperson;
gill , (3) A member of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Rizal, duly derignated by

fSlffi such, body; and

liiii ' ; (4) Two (2) representatives from the private sector, norrunated by the private
lo­ sector tourism industry organizations in the Province of Rizal and appointed
ll' ‘ by‘the Chairperson of the Council, who shall serve for a period of two (2)
12 years.
IlglJl The Council may create such committees and provide for the functions arid the
14 memberships thereof to assist it in the proper and effective performance of its functions.

liillil (b) In order to proyide assistance and support to the Council in the performance of its

Blitt functioris, the following shall serve as advisors; . ; ,

Siii (1) The Chief Operating Officer ofthe TEEZA;

S®S| (2) The Regional Director of the DOT for Region IVA; .

19 (3) The Regional Director of the DENR for Region IVA;

, 20 ,: * - (4) The Regional Director of tte DPWH for Region IVA; and
ilili (5) The Regional Director of the National Economic and Development Authority

llHii 1 w (NEDA) for Region IVA.

Sf8S The Council may caU on other goverriment agencies and offices to provide advice and
- 24 assistance on matters relating to the performance of its functions and the development of

SliSi tourism in the Province ofRizal.

1 (c) The Council shall ensure that constituencies, sectors and groups, whose interests
2 may be affected by the tourism development in the Province of Rizal, are given sufficient
3 opportunities to be heard. The Council shall pursue consultations with relevant sectors and
4 constituencies, conduct research, and engage the services and assistance of experts and other
5 resource persons, as may be needed in the performance of its functions.
6 (d) The Provincial Government of Rizal shall provide the Secretariat for the Council
7 including the necessary expenses for the performance of its official functions and activities.
8 (e) The functions of the Council shall be harmonized with the functions and
9 responsibilities of the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB), the protected area

10 superintendents and the regional ecotourism committee to avoid any overlap or conflict.

11 Sec. 6. Rizal Tourism Development Fund. - There is hereby established a trust fund,

12 to be known as the Rizal Tourism Development Trust Fund, for purposes of financing

13 projects that shall enhance tourism in the Province of Rizal. Funds shall be derived from fees

14 collected from visitors/tourists, other resources from the Province, proceeds from the

15 registration and lease of multiple-use areas, including tourism concessions, fees, proceeds and

16 contributions from industries and facilities directly benefiting the Province.

The fund may be augmented by grants and donations, endowments from various

18 sources, domestic or foreign entities and individuals, for purposes related to their functions;

19 Provided., That disbursements therefrom shall be in accordance with existing accounting and

20 auditing rules and regulations; Provided, further, that the fund shall not be used to cover

21 personnel services expenditures.

22 The Trust Fund shall be administered by a Trust Fund Administrator under the

23 Provincial Tourism Office of the Province of Rizal.

24 Sec. 7. Appropriations. - The Secretary of the DOT and the Secretary of DPWH shall

25 include in their respective Department’s program the implementation of this Act, the funding
. 1 of which shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act and from internally

2. generated funds of the DOT.

ilB Sec. 8. ImplemerUing Rules and Regulations. - Within sixty (60) days from the

4 effectivity of this Act, the DOT, in coordination with the local government units of the

5 Province of Rizal, shall likewise promulgate the necessary rules and regulations for the

6 proper implementation of this Act.

7 Sec. 9. Separability Clause. - If any provision or part of this Act is declared invalid

8 or unconstitutional, the remaining parts or provisions not affected thereby shall remain in full

9 force and effect. ,

10 Sec.'10. Repealing Clause. - All laws, presidential decrees, executive orders, rules

11 and regulations and other issuances or parts thereof, which are inconsistent with the

12 provisions of this Act shall be deemed repealed or modified accordingly.

13 Sec. 11. Effectivity. - This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication

14 in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.

15 Approved,

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