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Enterprise Asset Management Version

Nine Point Interface
User’s Reference Guide
Part Two - Overview

9PT81OVR 200203
Copyright © 2002 by SSA Global Technologies, Inc.
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BPCS®, USER/VISION® and are registered trademarks, and SSA, SSA Global Technologies, Inc., SSA
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Table of Contents
Chapter One: Overview.............................................................................................1
Who Should Read This Chapter...........................................................................1
Before You Begin.................................................................................................2
Interface Concepts................................................................................................5
Interface Processes.........................................................................................5
Preliminary Setup................................................................................................11
Core BPCS...................................................................................................11
Enterprise Asset Management.....................................................................11
Processing Considerations..................................................................................16
Enterprise Asset Management.....................................................................16
BPCS Inventory and Purchasing.................................................................17

Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures.................................................................19

Who Should Read This Chapter.........................................................................19
Before You Begin...............................................................................................20
The Interface Functions Menu............................................................................23
Setting Company/Facility/Warehouse-Location X-References.................24
Setting Up the Interface Item Class Table..................................................25
Setting Up the Interface Vendor Type Table..............................................25
Setting Up the Item Type G/L Account Table............................................27
Setting Up the Transaction Effect G/L Account Table..............................27
Sending Enterprise Asset Management Issues To CEA Using BTP..........28
Change/Back Up Journal Receiver..............................................................30
Starting the Interface Prestart Job...............................................................31
End Interface Prestart Job Screen (BPM90901).........................................32
Installing the Interface.................................................................................32
Modifying Interface Tailoring.....................................................................32
Capturing Journal Entries for Diagnostic Purposes...........................................37
The Journal Workfile...................................................................................37

Appendix A - Data Areas.........................................................................................39

Appendix B - Enterprise Asset Management Issues.............................................43

Chapter One: Overview

Who Should Read This Chapter

 This chapter should be used with the Nine Point Interface V8.1.00. It is
intended for Interface clients who are using BPCS Release 8.1.00 with
Enterprise Asset Management Release 8.1.00.
Before You Begin
This introductory chapter provides information about the purpose and scope of this chapter. It
also lists equivalent terms, and acronyms used throughout this chapter.

This overview provides a functional description of the Nine Point Interface V8.1.00. It also
presents considerations and strategies essential to successful product implementation and

This overview presents the following topics:
 The nine types of data transfer you can implement through the Interface
 The relationships between Enterprise Asset Management and BPCS entities involved in data
 A listing of all entities you must set up in Enterprise Asset Management, BPCS, and the
Interface before you can begin your use of the Interface
 Enterprise Asset Management requirements related to Interface implementation
 Processing considerations related to Enterprise Asset Management operations and BPCS
inventory and purchasing transactions
 Data transfer from Enterprise Asset Management to CEA using BTP
Chapter One: Overview

Equivalent Terms
Within core BPCS and Enterprise Asset Management similar concepts are sometimes described
differently. The following table lists BPCS terms and suggests the Enterprise Asset
Management term most closely associated with that concept.

BPCS Term Enterprise Asset Management

Item Part
Location Bin
Material Commodity Type R Part
Profit Center Cost Center
Service Commodity Type G Part
Warehouse Location ID

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BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following acronyms are used throughout this document:

Acronym Spelled Out Name

ACP Accounts Payable (BPCS)
BTP Batch Transaction Processing (BPCS)
CEA Configurable Enterprise Accounting (BPCS)
CST Cost Accounting (BPCS)
EITH Interface Issue and Transaction file
ESS Enterprise Asset Management System Support
FXA Fixed Assets (BPCS)
G Part General part (Equivalent to commodity service in
GJW General Ledger Journal Workfile
HPH Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition Header file
HPO Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition Line Detail file
INV Inventory Management (BPCS)
ITH Item Transaction History file (BPCS)
MLT Multiple Currencies (BPCS)
MRO Maintenance, Repair, and Operating Supplies (Enterprise
Asset Management)
PUR Purchasing (BPCS)
R Part Record only part (Equivalent to commodity type
material in BPCS.)
MMS Enterprise Asset Management

4 9PT81OVR
Chapter One: Overview

Interface Concepts
The BPCS Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface updates purchasing and
inventory information. An AS/400 feature called journaling holds transaction data. The journal
is checked once a minute and new entries are exchanged.

Interface Processes
The following table lists and describes the nine types of updates handled through the journaling

Process Description
Item Master Transfer From the BPCS Item Master (IIM) file to Enterprise Asset
Management Part Master (EPTMST), Location Master
(LOCTN), Unit of Measure (CNUOM), and Unit of Measure
Master (DFUOM) files.
Vendor Master Transfer From the BPCS Vendor Master (AVM) file to Enterprise
Asset Management Vendor Master (EVENDR) and Address
Master (EADDRS) files.
Warehouse Inventory Transfer From the BPCS Inventory Warehouse Master (IWI) to the
Enterprise Asset Management Part Master (EPTMST) file.
Item Costing Transfer From the BPCS Cost Master (CMF) file to the Enterprise
Asset Management Part Master (EPTMST) file.
Purchase Requisition Transfer From the Enterprise Asset Management Purchase Requisitions
(EPCHRQ) file to the BPCS PO/P-Req Header (HPH), PO/P-
Req Line Detail (HPO), and Notes (ESNL01) files.
Purchase Order Data Transfer From the BPCS PO/P-Req Header File (HPH) and PO/P-Req
Line Detail (HPO) file to the Enterprise Asset Management
Material Requisition Line Item (EPRTRQ), Part/Pricing
Master (EPRCNG), Manual Order/Receipt/Pricing
Transactions (EMORPT), Part Master (EPTMST), and Part
Transaction History (PARTTL) files.
Part Issues/Returns Transfer From the Enterprise Asset Management
Allocation/Issue/Return (EMISRT) file to the BPCS Location
Inventory (ILI), Warehouse Inventory (IWI), Item Master
(IIM), Item Transaction History (ITH), and Interface Issue
and Transaction (EITH) files.
Part Adjustment Transfer From the Enterprise Asset Management Part Adjustment
History (EPADJH) file to BPCS Location Inventory (ILI),
Warehouse Inventory (IWI), Item Master (IIM), and Item
Transaction History (ITH) files.

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BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

Process Description
PO Receipt/Invoice Transfer From the BPCS Item Transaction History (ITH), PO/P-Req
Header file (HPH), and the PO/P-Req Line Detail file (HPO)
to the Enterprise Asset Management Material Requisition
Line Items (EPRTRQ), Purchase Requisitions (EPCHRQ),
Part Master (EPTMST), Manual Order/Receipt/Pricing
(EMORPT), Work Order Master Work (EWSMST20/
EWSMST30), and Part Transactions (EMISRT) files.

6 9PT81OVR
Chapter One: Overview

Interface Data Flows

The table that follows shows the directional flow of these exchanges and identifies the decisions
that must be made before installing the Interface.

Core BPCS Enterprise Asset Management

Company/Warehouse Codes  Company/Location IDs
Each warehouse used for MRO items must be BPCS Company/Warehouse totals are transferred
assigned a unique BPCS location code to to Location IDs in Enterprise Asset Management.
correspond to a Enterprise Asset Management Management Decision: Define (1) the codes to
Location ID. cross-reference Enterprise Asset Management
Assign the appropriate profit center to the Locations, and (2) the code to use as the default.
unique location codes in INV. The location This should be done manually. The procedure is
code is tied to a warehouse. Create one blank not part of the Interface.
location tied to the warehouse that keeps MRO You must define one record that has a blank
items. This should be done manually. It is not Enterprise Asset Management location ID. It is
part of the Interface. used for the transfer of G part records from
Enterprise Asset Management to BPCS. See the
Nine Point Interface V8.1.00 Summary of
Procedures for details on setting up
company/facility/ warehouse - location cross
Vendors  Vendors
Vendors are created and maintained in the The Enterprise Asset Management Vendor Master
Vendor Master in ACP. Vendor maintenance is updated using the BPCS ACP Vendor
and monetary transactions are transferred to Maintenance program for vendors to whom you
Enterprise Asset Management. have assigned an MRO Vendor Type code.
At least one BPCS Vendor Type code must be
created to identify vendors used for MRO
purchases. All vendors used for MRO purchases
must be assigned an MRO Vendor Type code.

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Core BPCS Enterprise Asset Management

Items  Parts
MRO items are created and maintained in the The Enterprise Asset Management Part Master is
Item Master (INV) and transferred to Enterprise automatically updated with additions or changes to
Asset Management. an INV item assigned an Interface Item Class code.
At least one BPCS Item Class code must be
created to identify MRO items. All MRO items
must be assigned an MRO Item Class code and
Item Stocking Warehouse. You should create
separate item numbers for MRO items and for
manufacturing/distribution items. MRO items
do not need to be lot or container controlled.
Quantities  Quantities
Item quantity changes made in the Item Enterprise Asset Management on-hand quantity
Warehouse file in INV update on-hand and on- adjustments are updated to the INV Item
order quantities in Enterprise Asset Transaction history and the Item Master, Item
Management Part Master records. Warehouse, and Lot/Location files.
Commodities R and G Parts
BPCS Type 1 commodities or services are You can create R parts in the Enterprise Asset
equivalent to G parts in Enterprise Asset Management Part Master. G parts do not need to
Management. be created in the Part Master and can be ordered
BPCS Type 0 commodities or materials are using the Enterprise Asset Management Material
equivalent to R parts in Enterprise Asset Requisition program or the Purchase Requisition
Management. program.

Item Orders  Part Orders

MRO purchase requisitions included on a Enterprise Asset Management part purchase
purchase order automatically create pricing requisitions are updated to the following PUR files:
records in Enterprise Asset Management.
 Purchase Order Header
PO line item changes made in PUR update the
Enterprise Asset Management Manual  Purchase Requisition Line
Order/Receipt/Pricing Transaction file, and
purchase requisition and part requirement  Purchase Order Line

8 9PT81OVR
Chapter One: Overview

Core BPCS Enterprise Asset Management

Receipts/Invoices  Receipts/Invoices
Receipt and invoice transactions made in PUR Receipt and invoice transactions transferred to the
are transferred to the Enterprise Asset Manual Order/Receipt/Pricing Transaction file also
Management Manual Order/Receipt/Pricing update the purchase requisition, part requirement,
Transaction file. pricing, and work order records in Enterprise Asset
Issues/Returns  Issues/Returns
Issue and return transactions originate in Issues and returns are entered in Enterprise Asset
Enterprise Asset Management and transfer to Management Material Requisitions, Work Order
the Item Transaction History file in INV. Processing, or Manual Allocation/Issue/Return.
Quantities in the Item Master, Item Warehouse,
and Lot/Location Inventory files are updated.
Costing  Pricing
MRO item cost changes, which can originate in The costs transferred from CST or INV update the
the Cost (CST) or Item Master file (INV) are Average Price in the Part Master record and are
transferred to Enterprise Asset Management. used for all of the part’s issues and returns. Note
Management Decision: Decide whether to use that prices are not calculated in Enterprise Asset
CST or INV for this update. See the Nine Point Management.
Interface V8.1.00 Summary of Procedures for

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BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

MRO Parts Activity Flow

The following diagram represents the flow of activities for MRO parts needed in a work order.
Issuing parts is the most common process in the Interface for MRO parts required in a work

Figure 1. Flow of Activities for MRO Parts

10 9PT81OVR
Chapter One: Overview

Preliminary Setup
The following tables show what must be set up in core BPCS, Enterprise Asset Management,
and the Interface itself before you use the Interface.

You must set up the following entities in BPCS:
Server Client
Company (ACR120) Currency
Facility (SYS190) Segments
MRO Warehouse (INV110) Chart of Accounts
MRO Location (INV170) Period Table
Units of Measure (SYS105) Ledger
Currency (CLD107) Book
Vendor Type (ACP150) Journal Source
Item Class (INV160) Model
Buyers (SYS105) Event Setup
Vendors (ACP100) Subsystem Event Determination Setup
Items (INV100)
Transaction Effect Code (INV150)
Reason Code (INV140)
Chart Set Code (CLD129)
Chart Set Code (CLD135)
(Company Level)
Commodity Codes (PUR180)
Profit Center (ACR130)
Bank Branch (CSH130)
Bank Code (ACP140)

Enterprise Asset Management

You must set up the following entities in Enterprise Asset Management:
Company (ESS102C)
Units of Measure (ESS248C)
Location (ESS210C)
Currency (ESS102C)
Buyers (ESS246C)
Cost Centers (ESS235C)
G/L numbers (ESS34C)

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You must set up the following entities in the Interface:
Cross References
BPCS Company/Facility/Warehouse vs. PM Company Location
Item Class
Vendor Type
Item Type G/L Account Table*
Transaction Effect G/L Account Table*

*The Item Type G/L Account Table and the Transaction Effect G/L Account Table
accommodate changes to the BPCS server, which have transferred all accounting functions to
the CEA product. These two new features enable you to continue sending issues and returns
from Enterprise Asset Management to CEA using BTP and Enterprise Asset Management

12 9PT81OVR
Chapter One: Overview

Implementation Requirements Related to Enterprise Asset

Management Codes
The following table describes implementation requirements related to various Enterprise Asset
Management codes.

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Type of Code Implementation Requirements and Special Considerations

Units of Measure Create Unit of Measure Codes in Enterprise Asset Management to match
those used in BPCS INV before the Interface programs transfer Item Master
information from BPCS IIM to Enterprise Asset Management Part Master.
This is a manual process and is not done by the Interface.
Costing Codes Define Cost Centers in Enterprise Asset Management to match the Profit
Centers in BPCS CEA. This is a manual process and must be done before the
Interface is activated.
Define General Ledger Codes in Enterprise Asset Management to match
those used in CEA. The Extended General Ledger Number field of a
Enterprise Asset Management general ledger number must match the General
Ledger Code in CEA. This is a manual process and must be done before the
Interface is activated.
Currency Codes If you create Purchase Orders for international vendors and use foreign
currencies, then create Currency Codes in Enterprise Asset Management that
match those used in BPCS PUR. You must create an exchange rate for each
currency code in Enterprise Asset Management. Maintain the exchange rate
using the BPCS menu, MLT. This is a manual process and must be done
before the Interface is activated.
Type of Code Implementation Requirements and Special Considerations
Vendors All vendor information is transferred from BPCS ACP to Enterprise Asset
Management. Vendors created or updated in Enterprise Asset Management
are not considered by the Interface. The following fields in the Enterprise
Asset Management Vendor Master are updated by the Interface:
 Vendor ID
 Abbreviated Name
 Address ID
 Date Created
 Currency Code
You can maintain all other fields in the Enterprise Asset Management Vendor
Master unless they have been secured through ESS. Vendor transfer is done
through the Interface. No manual entry is required.
Buyer If you want Enterprise Asset Management Buyer codes on Purchase
Requisitions, the Buyer Code in Enterprise Asset Management must be one
alpha character. If you want to use the Buyer Code from BPCS Inventory
Master (IIM) there is no need to set up Buyer Codes in Enterprise Asset
Type of Code Implementation Requirements and Special Considerations
Parts All part information is transferred from BPCS INV to Enterprise Asset
Any part created in the Enterprise Asset Management system is not
considered by the Interface. The following fields are maintained by the

14 9PT81OVR
Chapter One: Overview

Type of Code Implementation Requirements and Special Considerations

Interface and should not be maintained in Enterprise Asset Management:
 Company Number
 Store Location ID
 Part ID
 New/Used/Rebuilt/Remanufacture
 Control ID
 Part Description
 Stock Unit of Measure
 Per Unit Weight
 Stock Code
 Inventory Type code
 Cost column/Repair code
 Average price
 Quantity on hand
 Quantity on order
 Drawing number
 Date created
 Creator User ID
You can maintain all other fields in the Enterprise Asset Management Part
All parts transferred from INV are assigned an N/U/R/M code of N.
Changes to the INV Item Master are transferred to all Enterprise Asset
Management Part records, even if the part exists at multiple Enterprise Asset
Management locations.
Security You can control access to all Enterprise Asset Management programs for each
user in the Create User Profile option on menu ESSF.
Custom Programming The Enterprise Asset Management Manual/Order/Receipt/Price file
(EMORPT) contains the field MOUFLD, which is used only by the Interface.
Do not modify this field when making any programming changes to the
Enterprise Asset Management products.

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Processing Considerations
This section lists operational considerations you should keep in mind when using the Interface.

Enterprise Asset Management

Keep the following considerations in mind for Enterprise Asset Management operations:

16 9PT81OVR
Chapter One: Overview

Process Considerations
Part Changes Do not use the following programs because they create differences between
Enterprise Asset Management and INV files:
 Part Supersession & Renumber
 Manual Order/Receipt/Pricing
 Inventory History Adjustments
 Part Duplication
 Part Master Mass Change
The On Hand field is the only field you should change in Part Adjustments.
Access to the remaining fields can be controlled, by User ID, with field level
security on menu ESSF.
Purchases MRO item purchases originate as purchase requisitions in Enterprise Asset
You must enter a quantity and price when creating a purchase requisition, because
they are required PUR parameters. Do not use the following Enterprise Asset
Management features, because they create differences between Enterprise Asset
Management and PUR files:
 Purchase Order Entry
 Receiving
 Invoice Entry
 Invoice Adjustments
Record only (R) parts and general (G) items are processed as commodity code
purchases in BPCS Purchasing. Because BPCS treats G parts as commodities or
services, the order quantity for a G Part must be equal to one.
Issue/Returns Only allow the issue of non-stock parts when the on-hand quantity is equal to or
greater than the issue quantity. Answer N to question 8 in the company
purchasing profile (in the System and Company profile on menu ESSF) for each
company to ensure non-stock parts are not issued when none are on-hand.
If you want to send information to CEA using the Enterprise Asset Management
defaults, make sure to include a profit center and an expense G/L number in your
Material Requisition.
Inventory Balance All inventory valuation and pricing is done in INV and PUR. Do not use the
Enterprise Asset Management Fiscal Period Maintenance and Inventory Balance
Report features.
Work Orders A work order cannot be closed in Enterprise Asset Management if it includes an
open purchase order. The purchase order must be reconciled to an invoice in PUR
before the work order can close.
Material Requisitions
The default settings on the Material Request Completion (ESS34005) screen
within Enterprise Asset Management must coincide with your selections on the
Interface Tailoring (BPM20504) screen. You can enter these values on ESS34005

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Process Considerations

once by pressing the F18 key (Set Defaults) to preserve your selections.

BPCS Inventory and Purchasing

The following considerations affect inventory and purchasing transactions:

Process Considerations
Quantity Changes Use INV for item redesignation and physical inventory.
Use Enterprise Asset Management for transfers, MRO cycle counts, and
quantity-on-hand adjustments.
Purchases Do not manually create purchase orders in PUR for MRO items. All purchases
of MRO items should originate as purchase requisitions in Enterprise Asset
To ensure that no Enterprise Asset Management information is lost, do not use
the BPCS PO Consolidate/Release feature to consolidate multiple purchase
requisitions for the same item into one P/O line item.
Issues/Returns Do not use the INV programs to issue or return MRO items.
Transaction Effect Code Do not modify the reserved transaction effect codes in BPCS. Modifying the
reserved codes could cause unexpected results and alter the normal flow of the
Receipts/Invoices No special Transaction Effect codes for receiving or invoicing MRO purchases
are needed.
A Purchase Order for a G part that is a service commodity is automatically
received. You only need to perform a costing transaction following the
Partial receipts are not allowed for Purchase Orders with a service commodity.
It is considered fully received at time of entry.
You can cost/invoice a service commodity two ways:
 Through BPCS PO Receipts with a C transaction
 Through the Invoice Entry program in ACP
If you receive C Transactions through BPCS purchase order receipts, you will
not have an invoice number to send back to Enterprise Asset Management.
Contracts The Interface does not consider BPCS Contracts.
G/L Numbers BPCS and Enterprise Asset Management allow different length G/L numbers.
In Enterprise Asset Management the extended G/L number can be 45
characters. In BPCS, G/L numbers can be 20 characters. Therefore, you should
limit the length of G/L numbers to 20 characters.

18 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Who Should Read This Chapter

 This chapter should be used with the Nine Point Interface V8.1.00. It is
intended for clients who are using BPCS Release 8.1.00 with Enterprise Asset
Management Release 8.1.00.
Before You Begin
This introductory section provides information about the purpose and scope of this chapter. It
also lists frequently used equivalent terms, acronyms, and abbreviations.

Once you have successfully installed the Nine Point Interface, you can refer to this summary for
information about all of the Interface Functions menu (BPMMENU) options as well as other
runtime procedures.

This summary presents Interface Functions menu options 1, 2, 3, and 50 along with the new
options 4 and 5 in a manner similar to the Installation chapters. However, the following topics
are covered only in this chapter:
 Sending Enterprise Asset Management Issues to BPCS CEA (Option 10)
 Changing or backing up the journal receiver (Option 20)
 Starting the Interface prestart job (Option 21)
 Ending the Interface prestart job (Option 22)
 Modifying the Interface configuration parameters to suit your processing environment
(Option 51)
 Viewing the Nine Point Interface journal entries for the purpose of seeing what is currently
being processed between Enterprise Asset Management and core BPCS
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

 The Nine Point Interface is referred to as the “Interface” throughout this guide.

Equivalent Terms
Within core BPCS and Enterprise Asset Management similar concepts are sometimes described
differently. The following table lists BPCS terms and suggests the Enterprise Asset
Management term most closely associated with that concept.

BPCS Term Enterprise Asset Management

Item Part
Location Bin
Material Commodity Type R Part
Profit Center Cost Center
Service Commodity Type G Part
Warehouse Location ID

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following acronyms are used throughout this document:

Acronym Spelled Out Name

ACP Accounts Payable (BPCS)
BTP Batch Transaction Processing (BPCS)
CEA Configurable Enterprise Accounting (BPCS)
CST Cost Accounting (BPCS)
EITH Interface Issue and Transaction file
ESS Enterprise Asset Management System Support
FXA Fixed Assets (BPCS)
G Part General parts
GJW General Ledger Journal Workfile
HPH Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition Header file
HPO Purchase Order/Purchase Requisition Line Detail file
INV Inventory Management (BPCS)
ITH Item Transaction History file (BPCS)
MLT Multiple Currencies (BPCS)
MRO Maintenance, Repair, and Operating Supplies
PUR Purchasing (BPCS)
R Part Record only part
MMS Enterprise Asset Management

The Interface Functions Menu

You use the Interface Functions menu (BPMMENU) to set up Interface cross references and tables during
installation or to modify the Interface controls, if desired.

22 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

BPMMENU MENU: Interface Functions

Select one of the following:

1. Setup Company/Facility/Warehouse-Location Cross Reference
2. Setup Interface Item Class Table
3. Setup Interface Vendor Type Table
4. Setup Item Type G/L Account Table
5. Setup Transaction Effect G/L Account Table

10. Send Plant Maint. Issues to BPCS CEA

20. Change/Backup Journal Receiver

21. Start Interface Prestart Job
22. End Interface Prestart Job

50. Install Interface

51. Modify Interface Tailoring

90. Signoff

Selection --->

The subsections that follow discuss the Interface Functions menu options in the order shown on
this screen.

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Setting Company/Facility/Warehouse-Location X-
Use Interface Functions menu option 1 to define the cross references between the INV
Company/Facility/Warehouses and every Enterprise Asset Management Company/Location that is assigned to
MRO parts.

BPCS - Enterprise Asset Management Cross Reference

Summary Screen (BPM21001)
The following screen appears when you select option 1. Sample values have been added to clarify the
discussion that follows.

mm/dd/yy BPCS - Enterprise Asset Management Cross Reference BPM21001

-- Summary --

----------- BPCS ------------- -- ENTERPRISE ASSET MANAGEMENT --

AC: Dft: Company: Facility: Warehouse: Company: Location:
_ Y 11 11 U1 11 U100
_ 11 11 U2 11 _____
_ 12 12 U3 12 U200
_ 12 12 U4 12 _____

Action Command: 1-Create 4-Delete


1. Enter 1 in the AC (action command) field and then enter the company, facility, and
warehouse codes in BPCS and the corresponding company and location codes in Enterprise
Asset Management. Each entry must already be defined in the corresponding system.

 No rows can contain duplicate sets of BPCS or Enterprise Asset Management

values. Each BPCS Company/Facility/Warehouse entry must be unique. The
same applies to each Enterprise Asset Management Company/Location entry.

 To process G parts for a given company, one row must have a blank Enterprise
Asset Management Location field. Note the two sample entries containing blank
Location fields on the previous screen.

2. You must select only one record to be the default cross reference. This default cross-
reference prevents unpredictable results. Make your selection or replacement as follows:
– To select a default, type a Y in the Dft field when creating the default record.
– To delete an incorrect record, type 4 in the AC field and press Enter. Then add the
correct code.

24 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Setting Up the Interface Item Class Table

Use Interface Functions menu option 2 to define the BPCS Item Class codes that identify the
items to be transferred as parts from INV to Enterprise Asset Management.

Interface Item Class Summary Screen (BPM21501)

The following screen appears when you select option 2:

mm/dd/yy Interface Item Class BPM21501

-- Summary --
AC: Item Class:
_ __
Action Command: 1-Create 4-Delete


Type 1 in the AC field. Then enter the BPCS Item Class Codes to use for MRO parts, pressing
Enter after each entry. All codes you enter must already be defined in the INV Item Class
Master file. When finished, press F3 to return to the menu.

The system transfers to each item that is assigned one of these BPCS Item Class codes to
Enterprise Asset Management and creates it as a part. As a result, the Item Maintenance file in
BPCS INV is partially duplicated to the Part Master file in Enterprise Asset Management. In
addition, the Interface performs the following transfers:
 Purchase requisitions from Enterprise Asset Management to the BPCS Purchasing (PUR)
product for access through the BPCS Requisition Maintenance program (PUR600C).
 Issue transactions and part adjustments from Enterprise Asset Management to the BPCS
Inventory Management (INV) product
 BPCS purchase orders and receipt or invoice transactions from PUR to Enterprise Asset

Setting Up the Interface Vendor Type Table

Use Interface Functions menu option 3 to define the BPCS Vendor Type codes to identify the
vendors that are transferred to Enterprise Asset Management.

Interface Vendor Types Summary Screen (BPM22001)

The following screen appears when you select option 3:

9pt81ovr 25
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

mm/dd/yy Interface Vendor Types BPM22001

-- Summary --

AC: Company: Vendor Type:

_ __ ____
Action Command: 1-Create 4-Delete

Type 1 in the AC field, a valid BPCS Company ID, and the Vendor Type codes to use for MRO
vendors parts, pressing Enter after each entry. All codes you enter must already be defined in
the BPCS Vendor Type Master file in ACP. When finished, press F3 to return to the menu.

Thereafter, each BPCS vendor created in the Vendor Master program (ACP100) and assigned
one of these Vendor Type codes is updated to the Enterprise Asset Management Vendor Master
file. If the vendor is changed in ACP100, it is also changed in Enterprise Asset Management.

Setting Up the Item Type G/L Account Table

Use Interface Functions menu option 4 to define the Item Type G/L Accounts.

Item Type G/L Account Table Summary Screen (BPM22501)

The following screen appears when you select option 4:

mm/dd/yy Item Type G/L Account Table BPM22501

 Summary 

AC: Item Type G/L Account

26 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

_ __ ____________________

Action Commands: 1Create 2Change 4Delete


Type 1 in the AC field, a valid BPCS Item Type in the Item Type field, and the corresponding
G/L account in the G/L Account field. Press Enter after completing all fields for each entry.
When you are finished, press F3 to return to the Interface Functions menu.

 All Item Types you enter must already exist in BPCS.

You define the Item Type G/L Account Table and the Transaction Effect G/L Account Table
(see page 27) during Interface installation. The Interface uses these two features when you send
issues and returns from Enterprise Asset Management to CEA using BTP and Enterprise Asset
Management defaults.

Setting Up the Transaction Effect G/L Account Table

Use Interface Functions menu option 5 to define the Transaction Effect G/L Accounts:

Transaction Effect G/L Account Table Summary Screen

The following screen appears when you select option 5:

mm/dd/yy Transaction Effect G/L Account Table BPM23001

 Summary 
AC: Trn Eff G/L Account Post

9pt81ovr 27
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

_ __ ____________________ _ (Y/N)

Action Commands: 1Create 2Change 4Delete


Type 1 in the AC field. Then enter a valid BPCS Transaction Effect in the Trn Eff field, and the
corresponding G/L account in the G/L Account field. Finally, specify Y or N in the G/L Post
field to indicate your choice as follows:
 Y if you wish to process issues and returns through BPCS
 N if you want to send issues and returns using option 10 from the Interface Functions menu
Press Enter after completing all fields for each entry. When finished, press F3 to return to the

 All Transaction Effect codes you enter must already exist in BPCS.

You define the Transaction Effect G/L Account Table and the Item Type G/L Account Table
(see page 26) during Interface installation. The Interface uses these two features when you send
issues and returns from Enterprise Asset Management to CEA using BTP and Enterprise Asset
Management defaults.

Sending Enterprise Asset Management Issues To CEA

Using BTP
Use Interface Functions menu option 10, if you choose to send Enterprise Asset Management
issues and returns to Configurable Enterprise Accounting (CEA).

Enterprise Asset Management Issue Transactions Send to

BPCS CEA Selection Screen (BPM920D-01)
The following screen appears when you select option 10:

mm/dd/yy Plant Maint. Issue Transactions Send to BPCS CEA BPM920D-01

-- Selection --

28 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Type desired selection criteria, press Enter.

Post Transactions: _ (1-Yes, 0-No)

Warehouse to Post: __ (Blank assumes all)


To enable sending of transactions, type 1 for Yes in the first field. Type a Warehouse ID in the
second field when you want to limit posting of transactions to one warehouse. If you leave the
second field blank, all transactions for all MRO warehouses are sent.

Completing this screen does not result in a direct transfer of transactions to CEA. It merely
allows the Interface to make transaction records available for transfer by the BPCS Batch
Transaction Process (BTP). See “Files Used in the Transfer of Issue/Return Transactions” on
page 29 for a brief explanation of transfer processing.

Be aware of the following considerations:
 You can send issues and returns to CEA with the BPCS defaults (using the appropriate
BPCS procedures) or with the Enterprise Asset Management costing defaults (using the
sending option on the Interface menu).
 To post issues and returns using the Interface, make sure that
1. N is specified as the value for the G/L Post field on the Transaction Effect G/L Account
Table for Enterprise Asset Management issues (see page 27).
2. Y is specified as the value in response to the Interface Tailoring query Send Enterprise
Asset Management part issue transaction to BPCS CEA? (See Screen BPM20504 on
page 35.)
 The Enterprise Asset Management Cost Center is equivalent to the BPCS Profit Center. If
no Enterprise Asset Management Cost Center is defined, the system uses the BPCS Location
Profit Center (Inventory Management product).
 The General Ledger information from Enterprise Asset Management is the Extended
General Ledger number for the Expense General Ledger code for the transaction.

Files Used in the Transfer of Issue/Return Transactions

Issue and return transactions are transferred from Enterprise Asset Management to BPCS CEA
through a process that involves both the Interface and the BPCS Batch Transaction Process
(BTP). The whole Interface/BPCS BTP process occurs as follows:

9pt81ovr 29
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

1. Anytime issue and returns transactions occur in Enterprise Asset Management, the Interface
writes records to the BPCS Item Transaction History (ITH) file and the Interface Issue and
Transaction (EITH) file using transaction and reason codes. (See Screen BPM25005 on page
37 for information about these codes.)
2. When you enter option 10 on the Interface Functions menu, the Interface writes the issue
and returns transactions stored in the Interface EITH file to the GJW file. When the transfer
to the GJW file is complete, the records are deleted from the EITH file based on job name
and job number, but remain recorded in the ITH file.

 BTP requires blank transaction effect and reason codes. When the Interface
creates General Journal Workfile (GJW) records, the transaction effect code and
the reason code are combined into one code called a reason code. In order to
meet BTP requirements, the Interface writes GJW records without a reason code.

3. BTP takes records from the GJW file and transfers them to the GBH and GBL files. The
BTP program that creates GBH and GBL records is CLD720D.

Change/Back Up Journal Receiver

The journaling function of the AS/400 captures data to be transferred and stores the Interface
file changes in a journal receiver. If allowed to grow unchanged, the journal receiver has an
adverse effect on AS/400 performance.
Use Interface Functions menu option 20 to prevent a degradation in performance due to the size
of the journal receiver. You can perform the following tasks:
 End the prestart job.
 Save the current receiver to tape.
 Clear deleted records from the output file created by the journal.
 Delete the current receiver.
 Create a new receiver.
 Restart the prestart job.

 You can only run option 20 when there is no activity in any BPCS product.
Transactions entered while this job is running are not transferred. If you select this
option when there are active transactions in the receiver, an error message appears and
you cannot proceed.

30 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Change/Save Journal Receiver Screen (BPM90801)

When you select Interface Functions menu option 20, a message appears stating that the prestart
job is ending, then the following screen appears.

mm/dd/yy BPCS-Plant Maint. Interface BPM90801

-- Change/Save Journal Receiver --

Device name of the tape drive being used: __________

Should the media be initialized: _ (Y/N)

If so, at what density: ___________

If save is to be run in batch, What job queue to use: __________

F3=Exit F18=Interactive

1. Enter the device name of the tape drive used to save the current receiver.
2. If you want to initialize the tape, type Y (Yes) in the second field and the density for the
tape in the third field.
3. If you want the job to run in batch, enter the name of the AS/400 job queue to use. If you
want to run the job interactively, leave the job queue field blank and press F18.
When the program finishes running, the prestart job is restarted and transactions can be
transferred between the two systems again.

Starting the Interface Prestart Job

Use this option with caution!

Background Information
The Interface prestart job runs constantly when the Interface subsystem is active. This
subsystem should be defined to start automatically after each Initial Program Load (IPL). The
prestart job is started when the subsystem is started. It is ended and restarted automatically by
the Change/Back Up Journal Receiver menu option.
If your organization performs a system backup without an IPL, this option must be one of the
steps followed after every backup. Other than that, use this option only if the prestart job is
ended under unusual circumstances (for example, to install a BPCS release).

9pt81ovr 31
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

To start the Interface Prestart Job, select Interface Functions menu option 21 and press Enter.
Your CRT will be inhibited until the program finishes running.
Ending the Interface Prestart Job
Use Interface Functions menu option 22 only if you must terminate the prestart job under
unusual circumstances (for example, to install a new BPCS release).
You can run this option only when no one is signed on to BPCS. Transactions entered after the
prestart job is ended are not transferred. The system that should receive the transactions is not
updated and the two systems will be out of balance until the prestart job is up again.
If you select this option when unprocessed transactions are in the journal receiver, an error
message appears and you cannot proceed.

End Interface Prestart Job Screen (BPM90901)

The following screen appears when you select option 22:

mm/dd/yy BPCS-Plant Maint. Interface BPM90901

-- End Interface Prestart Job --

How do you want the interface prestart job ended:

Immediate: _
Controlled: _

If controlled, number of seconds to delay before ending: ____


To use this program, select whether you want a controlled end or an immediate end of the
prestart job. A controlled end delays the end of the job for the number of seconds (up to 999)
you enter. An immediate end will end the prestart job immediately.

Installing the Interface

Use Interface Functions menu option 50 to complete the installation process.

 You should use option 50 only once during initial interface installation.

See the Nine Point Interface V8.1.00 Installation Guide for detailed procedural information
about this option.

Modifying Interface Tailoring

Use Interface Functions menu option 51 to modify the Interface controls, if necessary.

32 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Library Definition Screen (BPM20502)

The first of four screens used to define Interface properties appears when you select option 50.

mm/dd/yy BPCS - PLANT Maint. Interface Installation BPM20502

-- Library Definition --
Interface program library: M810N810O

BPCS File Library: BPCSF

Plant Maint. File Library: MMS810F

Subsystem for Interface Prestart Job: BPCS

Interface Journal Name: BPMJRN


The fields on this screen are set up during initial installation. You cannot change the displayed

Press Enter to advance to Library List Definitions:

9pt81ovr 33
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

Library List Definitions Screen (BPM20503)

The Library List Definitions screen is the second of four screens used to modify Interface

mm/dd/yy BPCS - Plant Maint. Interface Tailoring BPM20503

-- Library List Definitions --

Enter the BPCS library list followed by the Plant Maint. library list:

1. BPCSUSR 11. __________

2. BPCSPTF 12. __________
3. BPCSF 13. __________
4. BPCSO 14. __________
5. MMS810E 15. __________
6. MMS810F 16. __________
7. MMS810O 17. __________
8. __________ 18. __________
9. __________ 19. __________
10. __________ 20. __________


Define the library lists used by the all products. The system defaults are as follows:

BPCSUSR MMS810E (current cumulative PTF release)


Type the correct library names if you changed them for any reason.

Press Enter to advance to the Interface Tailoring screen.

34 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Interface Tailoring Screen (BPM20504)

The Interface Tailoring screen is the third of four screens you use to modify Interface tailoring.

mm/dd/yy BPCS - PLANT Maint. Interface Tailoring BPM20504

Update Enterprise Asset Management part average price from BPCS Cost File?:
Y (Y/N)
Use Cost Set: 01

Update Plant Maint. part average price from BPCS Item Master?: N (Y/N)

Send Plant Maint. part issue transactions to BPCS CEA?: Y (Y/N)

When to transfer Plant Maint. purchase requisitions to BPCS?:

At creation: N (Y/N)
Status 09: Y (Y/N)

Which buyer code to assign to transferred purchase requisitions?:

BPCS Item Master (IIM): Y (Y/N)
Plant Maint. Purchase Requisition: N (Y/N)

Do you want system balancing to occur during the installation?: N (Y/N)


Define Interface defaults and specify whether to balance both systems during this installation.
The following table lists the appropriate responses for each screen query.

9pt81ovr 35
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

Query How to Respond

Update Enterprise Asset Enter Y to update the Enterprise Asset Management Average Price
Management part average price from from the BPCS Cost File in CST. If you enter Y, the Use Cost Set
BPCS Cost File? field is required. If N, you must update the average price from the
BPCS Item Master in INV (type Y in the third field on this screen).
Use Cost Set: If updating the Enterprise Asset Management Average Price from
CST, enter a valid Cost Set code to define the item cost calculation
Update Enterprise Asset Enter Y if you want to update the Enterprise Asset Management
Management part average price from Average Price from the BPCS Item Master file in INV.
BPCS Item Master?

 Activation of this option requires that a specific BPCS

System Generation program (SYS800) parameter setting
be in effect. Ensure that Cost Accounting CST under item
number 2 (Installed Product Format) is set to zero ( 0 ).

Send Enterprise Asset Management This field determines the costing defaults that are used when
part issue transactions to BPCS Enterprise Asset Management issue and return transactions post to
 If Y, you will post Enterprise Asset Management issues and
returns to CEA using BTP (menu option 10) using the
Enterprise Asset Management costing defaults.
 If N, issues and returns post to CEA with the appropriate
BPCS procedures, using the default BPCS costing
When to transfer Enterprise Asset To transfer Enterprise Asset Management purchase requisitions to
Management purchase requisitions to PUR as soon as they are created in Enterprise Asset Management,
BPCS? type Y in the At Creation field.
To transfer Enterprise Asset Management purchase requisitions to
PUR when they are assigned status code 09 (released) in
Enterprise Asset Management, enter Y in the Status 09 field.
Which buyer code to assign to To use ACP Buyer codes on purchase requisitions, type Y in the
transferred purchase requisitions? BPCS Item Master (IIM) field.
To use Enterprise Asset Management Buyer codes, enter Y in the
Enterprise Asset Management Purchase Requisition field.
Query How to Respond
Do you want system balancing to Enter N if no MRO information exists in INV or Enterprise Asset
occur during installation? Management. In that case the vendors, items, and purchase
requisitions are transferred when the records are created or
changed after the interface is active.
Enter Y if MRO data exists in Enterprise Asset Management or
INV. The system performs the following balancing after you

36 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Query How to Respond

complete this series of screens:
All BPCS vendors with an Interface Vendor Type code are created
in the Enterprise Asset Management Vendor Master. Existing
Enterprise Asset Management vendors with an Interface Vendor
ID are updated with the information from ACP.
All BPCS INV items with an Interface Item Class code are created
in the Enterprise Asset Management Part Master. The Part Master
record for existing Enterprise Asset Management parts with an
Interface Item Class code are updated with the information from
All existing Enterprise Asset Management purchase requisitions
are created as BPCS requisitions in the following PUR files:
 Purchase Order Header
 Purchase Order/Requisition Line

Press Enter to advance to the next screen.

Interface Tailoring Screen (BPM25005)

This is the fourth of four screens used to modify Interface tailoring.

mm/dd/yy BPCS - ENTERPRISE ASSET MANAGEMENT Interface Installation

-- Interface Tailoring --
Enterprise Asset Management part issue transactions passed to BPCS...
Transaction Effect Code: TI
Transaction Reason Code: TI
Enterprise Asset Management CYCLE COUNT part adjustments passed to BPCS...
Transaction Effect Code: TC
Transaction Reason Code: TC
Enterprise Asset Management TRANSFER part adjustments passed to BPCS...
Transaction Effect Code: TT
Transaction Reason Code: TT  
Enterprise Asset Management OTHER part adjustments passed to BPCS...
Transaction Effect Code: TO
Transaction Reason Code: TO


Define the Transaction effect and reason codes for transactions transferred from Enterprise
Asset Management to INV. Transaction Effect codes determine what information is updated by
a transaction. Reason codes describe the action that created the transaction.

If Send Enterprise Asset Management part issue transaction to BPCS CEA? from the screen
on page 35 is
 Y, posting to CEA is done with menu option 10 using the Enterprise Asset Management
costing defaults.

9pt81ovr 37
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

 N, then you can use any Transaction Effect Code and Enterprise Asset Management issue
transactions do not post to CEA.
Press the Enter key to continue the installation. When the installation is complete, the system
redisplays the Interface Functions Menu. Press the F3 key to exit the Interface Functions Menu.

Capturing Journal Entries for Diagnostic

The Interface journal is called BPMJRN. During processing, you can view the journal entries to see what is
currently being processed between Enterprise Asset Management and core BPCS.

The Journal Workfile

The journal creates a work file called BPMOUTF as soon as the journal transactions are processed. However,
it is difficult to access BPMOUTF, because the system clears it quickly. Use the print screen function to
capture the journal entries for transactions, if desired.

Enter the command DSPJRN(BPMJRN) to view the journal entries.

38 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Appendix A - Data Areas

The Interface uses the data areas listed and described in this appendix. All data areas are
shipped blank from SSA.

9pt81ovr 39
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

BPMLBL This data area is for the Interface environment library list. Data is defined
on the Interface installation screen BPM20503. Twenty-four entries are
available for the library list definition.
BPM10DTA This data area holds the current journal sequence number
(Pos. 1 - 10).
BPM10RCV This data area holds the journal receiver name (Pos. 1 -10).
BPMDTA This data area holds the Interface controls.
INTTRL This data area holds the Interface tailoring defaults. Data is defined on
Interface tailoring screens BPM20502, BPM20504, and BPM20505.
Following are brief definitions of each value:
Position Description
Pos. 1 - 10 Interface Program Library (BPM20502).
Pos. 11 - 20 BPCS File Library (BPM20502).
Pos. 21 - 30 Enterprise Asset Management File Library
Pos. 31 - 50 Blank.
Pos. 51 - 51 Update Enterprise Asset Management Part Average
Price from BPCS Cost File? If Y a Cost Set (positions
80-81) is required. If N the next value (position 51)
must be Y (BPM20504).
Pos. 52 - 52 Update Enterprise Asset Management Part Average
Price from BPCS Item Master? If Y the previous value
(position 51) must be N and the Cost Set (positions 80-
81) blank (BPM20504).
Pos. 53 - 54 Enterprise Asset Management OTHER part adjustments
passed to BPCS - Transaction Effect Code determines
what information is updated by this transaction
Pos. 55 - 56 Enterprise Asset Management part issue transactions
passed to BPCS - Transaction Effect Code determines
what information is updated by this transaction
Position Description
Pos. 57 - 58 Enterprise Asset Management OTHER part adjustments
passed to BPCS - Transaction Reason Code describes
the action that creates the transaction (BPM20505).
Pos. 59 - 68 Subsystem for Interface Pre-Start Job (BPM20502).
Pos. 69 - 70 Enterprise Asset Management part issue transaction
passed to BPCS - Transaction Reason Code describes
the action that creates the transaction (BPM20505).
Pos. 71 - 72 Enterprise Asset Management CYCLE COUNT part
adjustments passed to BPCS - Transaction Effect Code
determines what information is updated by this
transaction (BPM20505).

40 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Pos. 73 - 74 Enterprise Asset Management TRANSFER part

adjustments passed to BPCS - Transaction Effect Code
determines what information is updated by this
transaction (BPM20505).
Pos. 75 - 76 Enterprise Asset Management CYCLE COUNT part
adjustments passed to BPCS - Transaction Reason Code
describes the action that creates the transaction
Pos. 77 - 78 Enterprise Asset Management TRANSFER part
adjustments passed to BPCS - Transaction Reason Code
describes the action that creates the transaction
Position Description
Pos. 79 - 79 Send Enterprise Asset Management part issue
transactions to BPCS CEA? (BPM20504). This
determines the costing defaults used when Enterprise
Asset Management issue and return transfers are sent to
CEA. If Y, Enterprise Asset Management issues and
returns send to CEA with interface menu option 10,
using the Enterprise Asset Management costing
defaults. This creates a GJW record in BPCS using the
following defaults:
Record 1: The default Profit Center is the cost center on
the work order. If the issue is not for a work order, the
default is the cost center from the equipment master. If
no equipment cost center exists, the default is the BPCS
location profit center. The default G/L number is the
extended expense G/L number on the Enterprise Asset
Management issue transaction. If no expense G/L exists
on the Enterprise Asset Management issue, the default
is the BPCS transaction effect G/L number.
Record 2: The default Profit Center is the BPCS
location profit center. The default G/L number is found
in the Interface Item Type Table.
Pos. 80 - 81 Use Cost Set__ is required if Update Enterprise Asset
Management Part Average Price From BPCS Cost
File? (position 51) is Y (BPM20504).
Pos. 82 - 82 Do you want system balancing to occur during
installation? (BPM20504). Enter N if no MRO
information exists in INV or Enterprise Asset
Management. This means the vendors, items, and
requisitions are transferred when the records are created
or changed after the Interface is activated.
Enter Y if MRO data exists in INV or Enterprise Asset
Management. The system performs the following
balancing after you complete the series of screens.
Position Description

9pt81ovr 41
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

All vendors with an Interface Vendor Type code are

created in the Enterprise Asset Management Vendor
Master. Existing Enterprise Asset Management Vendors
with an Interface Vendor Type code are updated from
 All inventory items with an Interface Item Class
code are created in the Enterprise Asset
Management Part Master. Existing Enterprise Asset
Management part master records with an Interface
Item Class code are updated from INV.
 All existing Enterprise Asset Management Purchase
Requisitions are created as requisitions in the HPH
and HPO files in PUR.
Pos. 83 - 83 When to transfer Enterprise Asset Management
Purchase Requisitions to BPCS? (BPM20504). The two
fields cannot have the same value; you must enter a Y/N
 At Creation (when the P-Req is created), or
 At Status 09 (when the P-Req is released).
Pos. 84 - 84 What Buyer Code to assign to transferred Purchase
Requisitions, BPCS Item Master (BPM20504).
Pos. 85 - 85 What Buyer Code to assign to transferred Purchase
Requisitions, Enterprise Asset Management Purchase
Requisitions (BPM20504).
Pos. 86 - 95 Interface Journal Name (BPM20502).

42 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Appendix B - Enterprise Asset

Management Issues

Enterprise Asset Management Issues and

Returns Sent to CEA Using BTP
The following diagram shows the flow of sending issues and returns from Enterprise Asset
Management to CEA using Batch Transaction Processing.

Send Issues/ Process GJW

Returns Records


Yes Maintain
Any Changes?





9pt81ovr 43
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

Perform the following steps to transfer data from Enterprise Asset Management to CEA using
BTP where server refers to BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management AS/400 and client refers to

1. On the server side, do the following:

a. Generate GJW records using Interface menu, option 10.
Before GJW records are generated, issue and return records are transmitted to the ITH
and EITH files as indicated by preset system parameters. The system then sets the
flag status in the TSTAT field of the ITH file to Y.
At transfer time, you select option 10 (Send Plant Maint. Issues to BPCS CEA) from the
BPMMENU panel (see page 41). The issue and return records are then transferred
from the EITH file to the GJW file. When the transfer to the GJW file is complete,
the records are deleted from the EITH file based on job name and job number, but
remain recorded in the ITH file.
b. Define the Chart Set code for the Interface using program CLD129D.

The Chart Set code is used to define how the Profit Center and the Chart of
Accounts are divided.
c. Tie your Enterprise Asset Management company to the Chart Set code created in
the previous step using program CLD135D1.
2. On the client side, do the following:
a. Currency
b. Define period tables
c. Define segments: company, profit center, account. Assign values.
d. Define chart of accounts.
e. Define ledger tied to the chart of accounts defined previously.
f. Define book for the current year.
g. Define Journal source.
h. Define model. Subsystem origin = Batch Transaction. (See Table 1, which
follows this procedure.)
i. Define event. Allow journals in error. (See Table 2, which follows this
j. Define subsystem event determination. Subsystem origin = Batch Transaction.
3. Run CLD720 from the server side in order to process GJW. GJW records are converted
into GBH and GBL records. These files are created as an intermediate step before
creating transactions in CEA. GJW records are deleted after GBH and GBL records are
successfully created.
4. If maintenance is needed in any GBH or GBL records, go to CLD500 (server side).
5. When you are ready to post data to CEA, use CLD501 (server side). If the posting
or processing of transactions is successful, the records in GBH and GBL are assigned to
PROCESSED status. Otherwise, they will remain UNPROCESSED. GBH and GBL
records with a PROCESSED status cannot be changed.
6. To see the data transferred, go to Events Processing on the client side.

44 9PT81OVR
Chapter Two: Summary of Procedures

Line Segment Debit Macro Credit Macro
10 1. Company =BLUS01 BLDRAT
2. Profit Center, =BLUS02
(1st Segment)
3. Profit Center, =BLUS03
(2nd Segment)
4. Profit Center =BLUS04
(3rd Segment)
5. Account =BLUS05
(1st Segment)
6. Account =BLUS06
(2nd Segment)
7. Account =BLUS07
(3rd Segment)

20 1. Company =BLUS01 BLCRAT

2. Profit Center, =BLUS02
(1st Segment)
3. Profit Center, =BLUS03
(2nd Segment)
4. Profit Center =BLUS04
(3rd Segment)
5. Account =BLUS05
(1st Segment)
6. Account =BLUS06
(2nd Segment)
7. Account =BLUS07
(3rd Segment)

Table 1. Model Definition

9pt81ovr 45
BPCS/Enterprise Asset Management Nine Point Interface V8.1.00

Event Event Sequence
11IN System assigned code: 10 Ledger Book PM
Company = 11 Model PMBOOK
Journal source code = IN PMMODEL
Event Origin Subsystem
Subsystem Origin Batch Transactions

Table 2. Event Definition

46 9PT81OVR

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