Faith, Science,-WPS Office

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Faith, Science, and Religion

Vernon L. Smith

Science has outgrown the "modern mistake" of discounting invisible



Faith in invisible realities once considered the exclusive province of religion, has pervaded
physics since Newton, has created a counterintuitive new reality since Einstein, and was at the
core of how Adam Smith viewed both hmnan sociality in The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759;
hereafter TMS) and national economies in The Wealth of Nations ( 1776; hereafter WN).

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. My elaboration
will be dispersed throughout the essay: briefly, for now, the idea is that, in science, theory
provides the substance of hope; evidence is always indirect and in this sense is not seen.

Some autobiographical background. My early exposure to religion was powerfully conditioned

by the prevailing materialist-agnostic interpretation represented by the ascension of science at
the time. The fact that, as a lefty, she heartily approved of Clarence Darrow's 1925 "Monkey
Trial" defense of Scopes for teaching evolution in Tennessee did not mean that she would
intervene in my decision in order to impose her views.

My mother was not a believer, but neither was she threatened by believers; in retrospect I often
think that this was her most precious gift to me. Ultimately, I came to understand that people
comfortable in their own search for meaning live well with those whose search leads to different


Returning to my thought trail, the basic materialist faith was that physical science would
determine the ultimate reductionist elements from which matter was built, and in that discovery
humankind would come to understand our universe at a depth that would subvert and replace
any need for appealing to some spiritual or mystical entity to comprehend human existence.

This materialist conception of the universe started to unravel with two of Einstein's four
famous 1905 papers: one on the special theory of relativity (actually entitled "On the
Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies"), the other on the photoelectric effect. One of the
implications of the first was he equivalence of matter and energy (the equation was actually
derived in another of Einstein's 1905 papers), leading to a revolutionary understanding of
classical physics as well as to practical nuclear engineering; it also led to his 1916 general
theory of relativity, which reinterpreted our concept of gravity, space, and time, later forming the
cosmological basis for an expanding universe in which time started with the Big Bang of
creation and also accounting for the black holes of collapsed stars, where (local) time ends.

Einstein's second 1905 paper established that energy came in discrete packets that were
governed by uncertainty; this paper, cited when he won the Nobel Prize in 1921, jump-started the
field of quantum mechanics. As Einstein put it in 1905, "[W]hen a light ray is spreading from a
point, the energy is not distributed continuously over ever-increasing spaces, but consists of a
finite number of energy quanta that are localized in space, move without dividing, and can be
absorbed or generated only as a whole." The new breakthrough quantum physics would later be
discovered to imply an ethereal reality of "spooky action at a distance" that troubled Einstein, as
it collided with his far more intuitive modifications of classical physics.

The most prominent implication was that our space-time universe had a single region of origin.
Originally, the idea had been proposed by Lemaitre in the year of my birth (1927), but in 1949 the
astronomer Fred Hoyle dubbed it appropriately "the Big Bang," a label that stuck. For perhaps
thirty years after Hubble's observations, scientists were resistant to the idea that all matter and
energy in the universe must have once emanated from a particular historical region in space-
time; mathematicians called it a "singularity, ".

The ancient question of human existence, "Why is there something rather than nothing?" could
be avoided if this something that we observe everywhere was thought to have always been in
direct contradiction to Genesis and to Hebrews (11.3). But the new question for science, implicit
in the Big Bang theory, "Why was there nothing that became something?" seemed to deepen the
state of our ignorance and mystery. This is because the mystery of origins is beyond any
conceivable science and the whole apparatus of hypothesis testing. Creation - that is, the
beginning - could be located in history and, backward in time, the limiting state of equations that
have again and again proved to have enormous experimental and astrophysical predictive
power when they were used to locate events in our observable world of space-time, energy, and

At its best, these developments, and those in quantum physics, can only be described as
embarrassing for classical materialism. That the materialist rhetoric is little changed tells you
how deep its belief system penetrated. Also beyond science is a personal experience shared all
humans, the sense of awe and mystery of existence.

So, even if quantum theory is "incomplete'' and due to be improved upon, scientists now harbor
the faith that quantum-spooky interconnectedness will be retained. "Reality," when penetrated
by new, deeper instrumental probes, is never what it seems, and no one was a greater champion
of this principle than Einstein.

The point I want to emphasize is that science is about physical and biological mechanisms;
about discovering how things work; about engineering; about theories that describe and can
predict observations that we experience entirely through instruments. It is the instruments of
science that supply us with the indirect "evidence of things not seen." They can be likened to
Plato's Allegory of the Cave, in which reality can be experienced only as shadows on a cave wall
- what casts the shadows is always beyond our direct experience, though not beyond faith, the
imagination that we call "theory." An experimental physicist says that the measures the "spin" of
an electron - a mathematical concept - where as the engineering reality is that he records
certain anomalies on a screen and has used the theory to calculate their implication and help
him locate it, calling it a measurement.

In science we observe nothing directly, only indirectly through instruments that record the
secondary effect implied by conceptual models of objects - particles, waves, energy - whose
postulated existence in the theories that fulfill our hopes is not violated by our indirect

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