Topic 2 - Particles and Radiation-2

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3/27/22, 9:03 AM Course Content (c) Open Study College

Many isotopes are very unstable, and they can’t stay together as they are. Every now and again an
atom of the isotope will spit out a piece of itself. This is called radiation and the isotopes are called
radioactive. The radiation can be of two different forms – a piece of matter or a high frequency wave.

Nature of ionising radiation

The radiation that we will look at in this course is of three types. They are named after the first three
letters of the Greek alphabet.

Radiation Nature

Alpha This is the largest piece of radiation and is a chunk of

matter consisting of two protons
and two neutrons.
This is exactly the same constituents as a helium nucleus.

Beta This is an electron that is emitted from the nucleus as a

result of a neutron turning into
a proton and an electron.
The electron or beta particle is shot out of the nucleus
leaving the proton behind.

Gamma This type of radiation is a very high energy electromagnetic

wave. It is the only one of
the three types we look at in this
course that has no mass.

Each radiation has a symbol that we use as a kind of shorthand:

Radiation Symbol

Alpha α

Beta β

Gamma γ

These are the first three letters of the Greek alphabet.

These radiations are known as ionising radiations. When they interact with matter they can often
make the atoms of the matter into charged particles. This process of making other particles charged
is known as ionisation. A charged atom is called an ion. Ions can be either positively or negatively

A radioactive decay of a particular atom cannot be predicted. It is a completely random event.

Properties of ionising radiation

Ionising power, penetration and range in air

Radiation Ionising power 1/2
3/27/22, 9:03 AM Course Content (c) Open Study College

Alpha This is the most ionising of the radiations as it interacts with matter very easily.
It is as
much as 20 times more ionising than the others.

Beta Much less ionising than alpha.

Gamma Very weakly ionising.

Radiation Penetration through matter

Alpha Is stopped by just a few centimetres of air.

Beta Is stopped by a thin sheet of aluminium.

Gamma Can only be stopped by several centimetres of led or

several metres of concrete.

Radiation Range in air

Alpha Can only penetrate a few centimetres of air.

Beta Can penetrate a few metres of air.

Gamma Can penetrate long distances through the air.

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