Controle Do Fogo
Controle Do Fogo
Controle Do Fogo
Edited by Donald K. Grayson, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, and approved February 24, 2012 (received for review October 25, 2011)
The ability to control fire was a crucial turning point in human identified as having been burned based on thermoluminescence
evolution, but the question when hominins first developed this properties (8, 9). Comparable analyses have been made on sites in
ability still remains. Here we show that micromorphological and the Middle Awash (10). At Swartkrans (South Africa), burned
Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (mFTIR) analyses of bones were identified from member 3, dated to ca. 1.0 to 1.5 Ma,
intact sediments at the site of Wonderwerk Cave, Northern Cape based on histological characteristics and chemical identification of
province, South Africa, provide unambiguous evidence—in the char (11–13). However, at Swartkrans, the burned bones appear to
be in secondary context in the fill of a gully (11). Some of the most
form of burned bone and ashed plant remains—that burning took
place in the cave during the early Acheulean occupation, approx- intensive research on early use of fire has focused on the site of
imately 1.0 Ma. To the best of our knowledge, this is the earliest Gesher Benot Ya’akov in the Jordan Valley (Israel), dated to
secure evidence for burning in an archaeological context. between 0.7 and 0.8 Ma, where pot-lid fractures, characteristic
rounded concave scars produced by heat-induced removal of
planoconvex flakes, have been used to identify burned micro-
micromorphology | cooking hypothesis | Homo erectus debitage (14). Thermoluminescence analysis supports the identi-
fication of burned microdebitage, and its spatial distribution,
he ability to control fire was a crucial turning point in human
T evolution, but there is no consensus as to when hominins first
developed this ability. According to Richard Wrangham’s “cook-
together with the presence of charred wood, seeds, and grains led
to the identification of “phantom hearths” (5, 15, 16). Neverthe-
less, the evidence and acceptance for controlled use of fire at any
ing hypothesis,” Homo erectus was adapted to a diet of cooked of the Acheulean sites noted earlier remains controversial. The
food and therefore was capable of controlling fire (1). Recent controversies stem from the fact that these are open-air sites and it
phylogenetic studies on nonhuman and human primates based is not possible to completely exclude the action of wildfires (3).
on associated trends in body mass, feeding time, and molar size Moreover, in none of the Acheulean contexts reviewed earlier has
support the hypothesis of the adoption of a cooked diet at least research included microstratigraphic analysis of the deposits that
as early as the first appearance of H. erectus approximately 1.9 encase the burned objects. There is no evidence of, nor were
Ma (2). However, to date, the evidence for controlled use of fire attempts made to look for, calcareous wood ash (i.e., ashed plant
in association with H. erectus is scant and inconclusive, as tissues and oxalate pseudomorphs) as reported in Qesem Cave (4).
pointed out in a recent review of the archaeological record by Interestingly, at Zhoukoudian in China, microstratigraphic
Roebroeks and Villa (3). Unequivocal evidence for the habitual analysis demonstrated that features as old as 0.6 Ma originally
use of fire in early hominin sites, such as that reported for Qesem considered evidence of in situ combustion (e.g., layer 10) or wood
Cave (4), is so far found in sites dated after 0.4 Ma, thus associ- ash residues (e.g., layer 4) are actually the result of water-de-
ating the earliest control of fire primarily with early Homo sapiens posited organic-rich sediment and colluvial reworking of loess,
and Neanderthals (3).
respectively (17). Although Fourier transform infrared spectros-
Through the application of micromorphological analysis and
copy (FTIR) analysis supports the presence of burned bones as-
Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (mFTIR) of intact
sociated with burned flint at Zhoukoudian (18), these remains are
sediments and examination of associated archaeological finds—
not directly associated with in situ anthropogenic combustion
fauna, lithics, and macrobotanical remains—we provide un-
features. Thus, any reasonable statement about their unambiguous
ambiguous evidence in the form of burned bone and ashed plant
remains that burning events took place in Wonderwerk Cave association to hominin behavior remains inconclusive (17, 18).
The use of high-resolution microscopic analysis of intact sedi-
during the early Acheulean occupation, approximately 1.0 Ma.
ments has been used extensively in the Middle Stone Age of Africa
To date, to the best of our knowledge, this is the earliest secure
evidence for burning in an archaeological context. and the Middle Paleolithic of the Middle East and Europe (cited in
burned. At Gadeb 8e, magnetic properties of cobbles of welded See Author Summary on page 7593 (volume 109, number 20).
tuff indicate that they were also burned (7), and at Koobi Fora FxJj This article contains supporting information online at
20—dated to 1.5 Ma—similarly discolored sediment patches were 1073/pnas.1117620109/-/DCSupplemental.
Three of these are illustrated in the thin-section scans shown in
Fig. 2. (A) Photograph of the east section in excavation 1 with boundaries between archaeological strata 12 and 9. Numbered boxes indicate location of
intact block sampled for microstratigraphic analysis. (Scale bar: 10 cm) (B) Representative micrograph of low-energy, water-bedded silt, sand, and 0.5-cm-thick
gravel (lag) from stratum 12. (Scale bar: 1 mm.) (C) Micrograph of microfacies from white layer close to top of stratum 12 composed of diagenetically altered
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dolostone and flowstone, with nodules of montgomeryite (arrows). (D) Micrograph of reddish-brown, wind-blown silty clay aggregates that comprise several
lithological units starting from the top of stratum 12. (Scale bar: 1 mm.) (E) Representative micrograph of wind-blown, fine sand mixed with millimeter-sized
bone fragments from tan lithological units in strata 11, 10, and 9. (Scale bar: 1 mm.)
understanding of the chronological position of the early Acheu- formed on several bone fragments from this square shows that
lean within the ESA in Southern Africa (28). some of the discolored bone fragments (namely black, gray, and
white fragments) display FTIR absorption characteristics of bone
Macroscopic Evidence of Fire in Stratum 10 at Wonderwerk Cave. In mineral heated to more than 400 °C (Fig. 5), thus supporting the
a recent publication, based on his field observations during ex- microstratigraphic observation (Fig. 4 and Fig. S5).
cavation, Beaumont (23) reported macroscopic evidence for None of the bones analyzed shows IR patterns characteristic of
burning in the excavation 1 ESA assemblage. Our investigation complete calcination, namely the complete removal of the carbo-
is based on the study of faunal, lithic, and macrobotanical nates within the bone carbonate-hydoxylapatite. Thus, none of the
assemblages from Beaumont’s excavation in stratum 10, in con- specimens analyzed reached temperatures of, or greater than, 700 °C.
cert with the analysis of their sedimentary contexts. Sediment adhering to some of the gray bone fragments exhibit FTIR
A sample of stratum 10 fauna (total number of identified spectral characteristics of clay minerals heated between 400 °C
specimens, 675; includes 80 teeth and/or tooth fragments and and 700 °C (Fig. S6), again supporting the hypothesis of in situ
595 complete bones and/or bone splinters) was studied in detail burning of sediment during the Acheulean in this area of the cave.
for macroscopic traces of burning, namely surface darkening and Banded ironstone is the main raw material for artifacts found in
calcination. Much of the fauna from this stratum shows discol- the Acheulean of excavation 1. Banded ironstone is also found in
oration typical of burning as a result of charring and calcination the assemblage as decimeter-size unworked slabs. These could
(Fig. 5). Color changes, interpreted as the result of exposure to have entered the cave only as manuports, as the cave is situated in
fire, were identified on 43.7% (total number of identified dolostone and there were no site formation processes that could
specimens, 295) of the bones and teeth in this sample (Table S2). have transported these slabs into the cave (Fig. 2 and Fig. S5). In
Traces of burning were found on faunal samples from excavation stratum 10, banded ironstone artifacts and manuports show char-
spits (arbitrary 5- or 10-cm-deep levels within a stratum) across acteristic pot-lid fractures (Fig. S7A); of 633 spits (arbitrary units of
the entire excavation area and in all depths within stratum 10. 1 × 1 square yards and 5 cm depth) excavated in stratum 10, 61
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In square R28, which directly abuts the location with ashed produced unworked ironstone with pot-lid fractures. The distri-
plant material and burned bones on a surface, the frequency of bution of the spits that produced ironstone with pot-lid fractures
burned bone reached 80% of the sample. FTIR analysis per- covers the entire excavation area and all depths within stratum 10.
ignition episodes. Finally, the possibility of the material being
combusted as a result of heat transfer from combustion events
Several pot-lid flakes (some refittable to the original slabs; Fig. S8) occurring in an overlying Holocene layer is highly unlikely be-
were found, indicating that fracturing of the ironstone occurred cause of the interposition of overlying Acheulean deposits.
inside the cave. The sizes of pot-lid fractures vary from approxi- Thus, our data, although they do not show evidence of con-
mately 1 mm to larger than 4 mm, and are consistent with features structed combustion features, as listed by Roebroek and Villa as
produced by us in experimental heating of ironstone at temper- a criterion of controlled burning (3), demonstrate a very close as-
Fig. 5. Selection of bone fragments recovered close to wood ash identified in thin section (excavation 1, stratum 10, square R28, elevation from top of stratum
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10 of 15–20 cm) and their representative FTIR spectra. Gray and black bones (samples A, C, and D) show the presence of IR absorptions at 630 cm−1 and 1,090 cm−1
characteristic of bone mineral heated to more than 400 °C (32). Yellow (B) and white bone (E) fragments show IR spectral pattern characteristic of unheated
bone or heated below 400 °C. The circular and irregular opaque nodules are composed of Fe and Mn oxides and a result of diagenetic impregnation.
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