IPC J STD 006C 2013, Requirements
IPC J STD 006C 2013, Requirements
IPC J STD 006C 2013, Requirements
J u l y 2 01 3
Su persed es J -STD-006B
w/Am en d m en ts 1 & 2
O ctober 2 009
Requirements for
Electronic Grade
Solder Alloys
and Fluxed and
Non-Fluxed Solid
Solders for Electronic
Soldering Applications
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Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
I PC J -STD-006C
Any document involving a complex technology draws material from a vast number of sources. While the principal members
of the Solder Alloy Task Group (5-24c) of the Assembly and Joining Committee (5-20) are shown below, it is not possible
to include all of those who assisted in the evolution of this standard. To each of them, the members of the IPC extend their
Assembly and Joining Solder Alloy Technical Liaison of the
Committee Task Group IPC Board of Directors
Chair Chair
Leo P. Lambert Jennie S. Hwang Bob Neves
EPTAC Corporation H-Technologies Group Microtek Laboratories
Vice Chair Vice Chair
Renee J. Miehalkiewicz David C. Adams
Trace Laboratories - Baltimore Rockwell Collins
Solder Alloy Task Group
Constantino Gonzalez, ACME Bob Teegarden, Honeywell Richard Iodice, Raytheon Company
Training & Consulting International - Torrance Kamran Nahid, Raytheon Company
Karen Tellefsen, Alpha Jennie Hwang, H-Technologies Bill Vuono, Raytheon Company
Edward Watkins, Amtech, Inc. Group Lance Brack, Raytheon Missile
Andrew Giamis, Andrew Corporation Timothy Jensen, Indium Corporation Systems
Dennis Debord, Avaya Inc. of America Mradul Mehrotra, Raytheon Missile
Gerald Leslie Bogert, Bechtel Plant Brook Sandy-Smith, Indium Systems
Machinery, Inc. Corporation of America Robert Morris, Raytheon Missile
Thomas Carroll, Boeing Company Raiyomand Aspandiar, Intel Systems
Corporation Wesley Wolverton, Raytheon
Jay Messner, Boeing Company James Maguire, Intel Corporation
Manny Sanchez, Boeing Company Systems Company
Celine Puechagut, Inventec David Adams, Rockwell Collins
Mary Bellon, Boeing Research & Performance Chemicals
Development Caroline Ehlinger, Rockwell Collins
Alan Gickler, Johnson David Hillman, Rockwell Collins
Sam Armstrong, Canfield Manufacturing Co.
Technologies David Lober, Kyzen Corporation Derek Daily, Senju Comtek
Mark Fulcher, Continental Linda Woody, Lockheed Martin Kelvin Low, Sigma Ming Goa
Automotive Systems Missile & Fire Control Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Allan Beikmohamadi, DuPont Mo Biglari, Mat-Tech BV Renee Michalkiewicz, Trace
Anthony Lentz, FCT Assembly, Inc. Laboratories - Baltimore
Rigo Garcia, NASA Goddard Space Debora Obitz, Trace Laboratories -
Brian Toleno, Henkel Corporation Flight Center
Elizabeth Benedetto, Hewlett-Packard Baltimore
Jeannette Plante, NASA Goddard Keith Sellers, Trace Laboratories -
Company Space Flight Center
Helen Holder, Hewlett-Packard Baltimore
Mahendra Gandhi, Northrop Calette Chamness, U.S. Army
Company Grumman Aerospace Systems
Kristen Troxel, Hewlett-Packard Aviation & Missile Command
Kirk Van Dreel, Plexus Corp. John Rohlfing
Company Ursula Marquez de Tino, Plexus
Curtis Wray, Hewlett-Packard Corporation
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
Table of Contents
3.8 Workmanship ........................................................ 6
1 PRE FACE .................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope ..................................................................... 1 4 QU ALI TY ASSU R AN CE PR OVI SI O N S .................... 6
1.2 Classification ......................................................... 1 4.1 Responsibility for Inspection ................................ 6
1.2.1 Alloy Composition ................................................ 1 4.2 Responsibility for Compliance ............................. 6
1.2.2 Alloy Impurity Level ............................................ 1 4.3 Quality Assurance Program .................................. 6
1.2.3 Solder Form .......................................................... 1 4.4 Categories of Inspections ...................................... 6
1.2.4 Dimensional Characteristics ................................. 1 4.4.1 Materials Inspection .............................................. 7
1.2.5 Flux Percentage and Metal Content ..................... 2 4.4.2 Qualification Inspections ...................................... 7
1.3 Definition of Requirements .................................. 2 4.4.3 Quality Conformance Inspections ........................ 7
1.4 Order of Precedence ............................................. 2 4.5 Test Equipment and Inspection Facilities ............ 7
1.5 Conflict .................................................................. 2 4.6 Inspection Conditions ........................................... 8
1.6 Clause References ................................................. 2 4.7 Inspection Routine ................................................ 8
1.7 Appendices ............................................................ 2 4.8 Inspection Sampling .............................................. 8
1.8 Terms and Definitions ........................................... 2 4.9 Preparation of Solder Alloy for Test .................... 8
1.9 Health and Safety .................................................. 3 4.9.1 Flux Cored Solder ................................................. 8
.................................... 3 4.9.2 Wire Solder Up to Approximately 6 mm
[2.36 in] Diameter ................................................. 8
Level .................................................. 18
3.7 Labeling for Product Identification ...................... 6
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries v
IPC-J-STD-006C July 201 3
Fl u xed Sol d er I n d i vi d u al
Sol d er Powd er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Fi g u res
Fi g u res
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
1 .1 Scope This standard prescribes the nomenclature, requirements and test methods for electronic grade solder alloys;
for fluxed and non-fluxed bar, ribbon, wire, and powder solders, for electronic soldering applications; and for ‘‘special form’’
(see 1.2.3) electronic grade solders. This is a quality control standard and is not intended to relate directly to the material’s
performance in the manufacturing process. Solders for applications other than electronics should be procured using ASTM
This standard is one of a set of three joint industry standards that prescribe the requirements and test methods for soldering
materials for use in the electronics industry. The other two joint industry standards are:
J-STD-004 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes
J-STD-005 Requirements for Soldering Pastes
1 .2 Classification Soldering alloys covered by this standard shall be classified by alloy composition and impurity level,
solder form and dimensional characteristics peculiar to the solder form, flux percentage and flux classification, if applicable.
These classifications shall be used as part of the standard description of solder products. (See 6.3.)
1 .2.1 Alloy Composition The solder alloys covered by this standard include, but are not limited to, the alloys listed in
Appendix A, including pure tin and pure indium. Each alloy is identified by an alloy name, which is composed of a series
of alphanumeric characters that identify the component elements in the alloy by chemical symbol and nominal percentage
by mass.
The percentage of each element in an alloy shall be determined by any standard analytical procedure with sufficient resolu-
tion. Wet chemistry shall be used as the reference procedure. The tolerance & impurity levels of the alloy shall conform to
the current version of J-STD-006, or equivalent.
All manufacturers designed alloy additions as agreed between user and supplier (AABUS) shall be identified as a fraction
of the weight of the alloy.
1 .2.2 Alloy Impurity Level The allowable impurity level of the solder alloys covered by this standard is identified in 3.3.
See 3.3.1 for the description of Variation D alloys. The alloy variation letter D is added to the end of an alloy name and
becomes part of the alloy’s name.
1 .2.3 Solder Form The forms of solder materials covered by this set of standards include paste (cream), bar, powder, rib-
bon, wire and special electronic grade solders which do not fully comply with the requirements of standard solder alloys
and forms listed herein. Some examples of special form solders are anodes, ingots, preforms, bars with hook and eye ends,
and multiple-alloy solder powders. A single-letter identifying symbol as defined below may be used.
P – Paste (Cream)
B – Bar
D – Powder
R – Ribbon
W – Wire
S – Special
H – Sphere
1 .2.4 Dimensional Characteristics Standard bar solders are further classified by unit mass. Wire solders are further clas-
sified by wire size (outside diameter) and unit mass. Ribbon solders are further classified by thickness, width and unit mass.
Powder solders are further classified by powder particle size distribution and unit mass. See 3.4.1 to 3.4.5.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries 1
IPC-J-STD-006C July 201 3
1 .2.5 Flux Percentage and Metal Content The nominal percentage of flux by mass in solid-form solder products shall be
specified. For solder paste products, metal content shall be specified instead. ‘‘Metal content’’ refers to the percentage of
metal in solder paste by mass. See 3.4.1 to 3.4.5.
1 .3 Definition of Requirements The word shall is used in the text of this document wherever there is a requirement for
materials, preparation, or process control.
1 .4 Order of Precedence The contract always takes precedence over this standard, referenced standards and drawings.
1 .5 Conflict In the event of conflict between the requirements of this standard and the applicable assembly drawing(s)/
documentation, the applicable user approved assembly drawing(s)/documentation govern. In the event of a conflict between
the text of this standard and the applicable documents cited herein, the text of this standard takes precedence. In the event
of conflict between the requirements of this standard and an assembly drawing(s)/documentation that has not been user
approved, this standard governs.
1 .6 Clause References When a clause in this document is referenced, its subordinate clauses also apply.
1 .7 Appendices Except for Tables A-1 through A-3, appendices to this Standard are for reference unless separately and
specifically required by the applicable contracts, assembly drawing(s), documentation or purchase orders.
1 .8 Terms and Definitions Other than the following, terms and definitions applicable to this specification shall conform
to IPC-T-50. Terms marked with an asterisk (*) are direct excerpts of IPC-T-50 and are reprinted here for convenience.
* Acceptance Tests Those tests deemed necessary to determine acceptability of a product and as agreed to by both purchaser
and vendor.
* Base Metal (Solder) The underlying metal surface to be wetted by solder, also referred to as basis metal.
Corrosion The deterioration of a metal due to moisture, chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.
* Density (Material ) The mass of a substance per unit volume.
* Dewetti ng A condition that results when molten solder coats a surface and then recedes to leave irregularly shaped mounds
of solder that are separated by areas that are covered with a thin film of solder and with the basis metal not exposed.
A solder alloy that melts and solidifies at a single temperature that is the lowest temperature of solidifi-
Eu tecti c (Solder)
* Wetti ng (Sol der) The formation of a relatively uniform, smooth, unbroken, and adherent film of solder to a basis metal.
1 .9 Health and Safety The use of some materials referenced in this standard may be hazardous. To provide for person-
nel safety, follow the applicable local and federal Occupational, Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations.
The following documents form a part of this standard to the extent specified herein. Unless a specific issue is cited herein
or in the contract or purchase order, the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply.
2.1 Joint Industry Standards1
J-STD-004 Requirements for Soldering Fluxes
J-STD-005 Requirements for Soldering Pastes
J-STD-609 Lead-Free and Leaded Marking, Symbols and Labels
2.2 International Standards Organization (ISO)2
ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements
ISO 1 001 2 Part 1Quality Assurance Requirement for Measuring Equipment - Part 1: Metrological Confirmation Systems
for Measuring Equipment
ISO 9453 Soft Solder Alloys - Chemical Compositions and Forms
2.3 IPC 3
IPC-T-50 Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits
IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual4
2.2.14 Solder Powder Particle Size Distribution - Screen Method for Types 1-4 Solder Powder Particle Size Distribution - Measuring Microscope Method Solder Powder Particle Size Distribution - Optical Image Analyzer Method Determination of Maximum Solder Powder Particle Size Percentage of Flux on/in Flux-Coated and/or Flux-Cored Solder
2.4.47 Flux Residue Dryness
2.4.48 Spitting of Flux-Cored Wire Solder
2.4.49 Solder Pool Test
2.4 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)5
ASTM B-32 Standard Specification for Solder Metal
3.1 Materials Materials shall be used which permit the solder product to conform to the specified requirements. The use
of recovered or recycled materials is encouraged. Recovered or recycled materials shall conform to or exceed comparable
standards for pure (previously unalloyed) metals. To the maximum extent feasible and unless otherwise specified, solder
alloy metal, including solder powder, shall be a homogenous mixture of the component elements of the alloy, such that each
particle of the metal is the same alloy.
Additionally, marking requirements for lead-free materials and assemblies is addressed in this document by direct applica-
tion of text from IPC/JEDEC J-STD-609, Lead-Free and Leaded Marking, Symbols and Labels (see 6.5).
3.2 Alloy Composition For purposes of this standard, electronic grade solder alloys include, but are not limited to, all of
the alloys listed in Appendix A, Tables A-1, A-2 and A-3 as follows:
Table A-1 : lead-free alloys appropriate for electronic assemblies, including pure tin (Sn99.9).
Table A-2: common tin/lead alloys listed by tin percentage.
Table A-3: specialty alloys that do not contain tin and lead together, including pure indium (In99.9), and other special use
Appendix A, Table A-1 , Table A-2 and Table A-3, identifies alloy composition, and alloy temperature characteristics.
Appendix A, Table A-4, cross references solidus and liquidus temperatures to alloy names.
Appendix A, Table A-5, cross references ISO alloy numbers and designations from ISO 9453 to IPC J-STD-006 alloy names.
Only the elements listed in these tables that make up the composition of an alloy are desirable as components of that alloy.
All other elements are considered impurities for that alloy.
Except where otherwise indicated, the component elements in each alloy shall deviate from their nominal mass percentage
by not > 0.10% of the alloy mass when their nominal percentage is ≤ 1.0%; by not > 0.20% of the alloy mass when their
nominal percentage is > 1.0% to ≤ 5.0% or by not > 0.50% when their nominal percentage is > 5.0%.
Example – Component Element with Percentage ≤ 5.0%
Nominal Percentage = 3.5%
Allowable Range = 3.3% to 3.7%
The letters ‘‘REM’’ appearing with a number for an element of an alloy (e.g., REM-10.0) denotes that the element makes
up the remainder of that alloy with its actual mass percentage calculated as a difference from 100%, the number indicates
the approximate percentage of that element in the alloy. The allowable percentage deviation as defined above is not appli-
cable to this element.
The mass percentage of each element in an alloy shall be determined by any standard analytical procedure. Wet chemistry
shall be used as the referee procedure. See 6.1 for information about the intended uses of these various alloys.
3.3 Alloy Impurities Elements not listed as components that make up the composition of an alloy are considered impuri-
ties for that alloy. An alloy variation designator shall be used to specify the allowable impurity level of a solder product
being offered, in the case of a manufacturer; or the allowable impurity level of a solder product required, in the case of a
user. The alloy variation designator will be added to the end of the alloy name and become part of the name. (See 6.3).
NOTE: Alloys for barrier-free die attachment applications have a different alloy impurity requirement (See 3.3.1). Unless
otherwise specified, the percentage by mass of impurity elements in alloys shall not exceed the values shown in Table 3-1.
The percentage by mass of impurity elements in variation D alloys shall conform to the requirements in 3.3.1.
Table 3-1 Percentage by Mass of Impurity Elements in Alloys
Ag Cd Pb Al Cu Sn As Fe Zn Au In Sb Bi Ni
Percentag e
0. 1 0 0. 002 0. 07 0. 005 0. 08 0. 25 0. 03 0. 02 0. 003 0. 05 0. 1 0 0. 20 0. 1 0 0. 01
3.3.1 Variation D Alloys Alloys designated with a ‘‘D’’ suffix are ultra-pure alloys that are intended for use in barrier-free
die attachment applications. In alloys designated with a ‘‘D’’ suffix, the combined total percentage by mass of all impurity
elements shall not exceed 0.05% and the combined total percentage by mass of each of the following sets of impurity ele-
ments shall not exceed 0.0005%:
Set 1: Be, Hg, Mg and Zn
Set 2: As, Bi, P and Sb
3.4 Solder Forms and Dimensional Characteristics This standard covers solders in the form of bars, wires, ribbons,
powders and special solders. Users should determine, from prospective sources, the standard solder form characteristics that
are available and should specify standard characteristics to the maximum extent feasible.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
3.4.1 Bar Solder The nominal cross-sectional area, the nominal length, and the nominal mass shall be as specified. Unless
otherwise specified, the actual cross-sectional area should not vary from the nominal value by more than 50%, the actual
length shall not vary from the nominal value by more than 20%, and the actual mass shall not vary from the nominal value
by more than 10%. Bars with special end configurations, such as hooks or eyes, are classified as special solders.
3.4.2 Wire Solder The wire size, nominal mass, flux type, and flux percentage shall be as specified. Unless otherwise
specified, wire solders shall have a circular cross-section, the wire size shall indicate the nominal outside diameter of the
wire, and the actual outside diameter shall not vary from the nominal diameter by more than ± 5% or ± 0.05 mm [0.0020
inches, nominal], whichever is greater.
3.4.3 Ribbon Solder The ribbon thickness and width, nominal mass, flux type, and flux percentage shall be as specified.
Unless otherwise specified, ribbon solders shall have a rectangular cross-section, and the actual thickness and width shall
not vary from their nominal values by more than ± 5% or ± 0.05 mm [0.0020 in], whichever greater.
3.4.4 Solder Powder The powder type (particle size, particle size distribution) and shape shall be as specified per J-STD-
005. Solder powders which contain more than one solder alloy (multiple-alloy powders) are classified as special solders (see
3.4.5 Spheres The sphere diameter, alloy composition and any surface coatings or surface finishes shall be specified.
3.4.6 Special Form Solder All pertinent characteristics and tolerances for special form solders shall be specified. Special
solders include all solder products that do not fully conform to another solder form classification identified herein or in
J-STD-005. Special solders include, but are not necessarily limited to, anodes, bars with hook or eye ends, chips, ingots,
multiple-alloy powders, pellets, preforms, rings and sleeves.
3.5 Fluxed Solder Characteristics This standard covers both fluxed and non-fluxed solder products. Normally bar solders
and solder powder are not fluxed. Wire, ribbon and special solders may be non-fluxed, flux-cored, flux-coated, or both flux-
cored and flux-coated. Fluxed solder products, except solder paste, shall conform to the requirements listed in 3.5 and 3.6,
herein. Solder paste products shall be specified per J-STD-005.
3.5.1 Flux Cored Solder Unless otherwise specified, the core(s) of flux-cored solders may be of any construction, provided
it is (they are) continuous, uniform in cross section, and symmetrically disposed in the solder. When appropriate, the core(s)
in the solder should be sealed at both ends by a suitable means to prevent flux from leaking out.
3.5.1 .1 Spitting When specified, the spitting characteristics of flux-cored wire and ribbon solders shall be determined in
accordance with IPC-TM-650, Test Method 2.4.48.
3.5.2 Flux Coated Solder Unless otherwise specified, the coatings on flux-coated solders shall be dry and tack-free such
that individual pieces do not stick together when the temperature and humidity are maintained at, or below, 25°C [77.0°F]
and 60% relative humidity.
3.6 Flux Characteristics Fluxes used in the manufacture of fluxed solder products shall conform to the requirements listed
in J-STD-004. Fluxes shall have been fully tested and characterized, and shall not have been altered since being tested except
for the addition of inert plasticizers. To obtain the proper sample for testing and/or to perform visual inspections, follow the
preparation procedure outlined in 4.9.
3.6.1 Flux Percentage The percentage by mass of flux in/on solders shall be as specified for fluxed solders other than sol-
der paste. Unless otherwise specified, flux content shall not vary from their nominal mass percentage by more than 0.3%.
The flux percentage of flux-coated and/or flux-cored solder shall be determined in accordance with IPC-TM-650, Test
3.6.2 Flux Classification The material of composition, activity level and halide content of fluxes shall be specified
according to IPC J-STD-004 and identified with a flux designator stated thereof.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries 5
IPC-J-STD-006C July 201 3
3.6.3 Solder Pool When specified, the solder pool characteristics of fluxed solder shall be determined in accordance with
IPC-TM-650, Test Method 2.4.49. When fluxed solder is tested in accordance with Test Method 2.4.49, the flux shall pro-
mote the spreading of molten solder over the coupon to form integrally thereon a coat of solder which shall feather out to
a thin edge, there shall be no evidence of dewetting or nonwetting, and there shall be no evidence of spattering, as indicated
by the presence of flux and/or flux residue particles outside the main pool of residue. Irregularly shaped solder pools do not
necessarily indicate dewetting or nonwetting.
3.6.4 Flux Residue Dryness When specified, the dryness characteristics of the reflowed residue of fluxed solders shall be
determined in accordance with IPC-TM-650, Test Method 2.4.47. When a fluxed solder is tested in accordance with Test
Method 2.4.47, the flux residue of no clean solder product and, when specified, solder product with other fluxes, shall be
tack free.
3.7 Labeling for Product Identification Unless otherwise specified, solder bars shall be marked with the alloy name and
the manufacturer’s name or commonly accepted symbol. Unless otherwise specified, spools, packages, and containers of
wire, ribbon, and powder solders, and written documentation accompanying bar and special solders shall be marked with
the following information:
a. The manufacturer’s name and address.
b. The number of this standard.
c. The solder product description, and the manufacturer’s designation of the solder product. (See 6.3)
d. The net mass of the solder (and nominal unit mass of bar solder).
e. The batch number(s).
f. The date(s) of manufacture.
g. Expected useful life of solder product, if applicable.
h. All applicable health and safety markings.
i. Any other information that may be pertinent to the particular solder form.
j. Any other markings or labeling specified in the contract or purchase order.
3.8 Workmanship
a. General Solder products shall be made uniform in quality and free from defects in accordance with this standard.
b. Solder Paste Products Solder paste products shall be in accordance with J-STD-005.
4.1 Responsibility for Inspection The qualification and quality conformance inspection requirements of J-STD-006 apply
unless otherwise specified by the user. The solder product manufacturer is responsible for the execution of qualification and
quality conformance inspections. The manufacturer may use his own or any other facility for these inspections, unless the
facility is disapproved by the user.
It is the responsibility of the vendor to ascertain that all solder products or supplies delivered to the user or submitted for
user acceptance conform to the requirements of the contract or purchase order and Section 3, herein. The absence of any
inspection requirements shall not relieve the vendor of this responsibility.
4.2 Responsibility for Compliance Materials covered by this specification shall meet all requirements of Section 3. The
inspections, excluding the performance inspections, defined in this specification shall become a part of the contractor’s over-
all inspection system or quality program. The vendor has responsibility of ensuring that all products or supplies submitted
to the user for acceptance comply with all requirements of the purchase order contract.
4.3 Quality Assurance Program When required by the user, a quality assurance program for material furnished under this
specification shall be established and maintained in accordance with ISO 9001, or as otherwise agreed upon between user
and manufacturer, and shall be monitored by the qualifying activity.
4.4 Categories of Inspections The inspections specified herein are classified as follows:
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
4.4.1 Materials Inspection Materials inspection shall consist of certifications, supported by verifying data that the mate-
rials used in manufacturing solder products are in accordance with the applicable referenced specifications and standards
prior to use. Certifications and verifying data applicable to qualification test samples should be made a part of the qualifi-
cation test report.
4.4.2 Qualification Inspections Qualification inspections consist of examinations and tests of materials, processes, and
products needed to ascertain that a manufacturing facility has the necessary facilities and expertise to make acceptable sol-
der products. In determining the acceptability of a manufacturing facility as a source for solder products, users should utilize
the documented results of product inspections previously performed by the manufacturing facility to the maximum extent
possible in lieu of requiring new qualification inspections. Solder product samples, which have been produced using the
materials equipment, processes, and procedures used in production shall be subjected to the qualification inspections speci-
fied. The standard qualification inspections for solder products covered by this standard are listed in Table 4-1 . Unless oth-
erwise specified, the qualification inspections shall be conducted using the procedures specified herein.
Table 4-1 Requirements and Inspection Routine
Requirement Quality Conformance
Paragraph Inspections Inspection Method Qualification Inspection Inspection
3. 1 M ateri al Al l Sol der Produ cts Al l Sol der Produ cts
Standard Analytical
3. 2 All oy Composition Al l Sol der Produ cts Al l Sol der Produ cts
Procedu res
Standard Analytical
3. 3 All oy I m pu rities Al l Sol der Produ cts Al l Sol der Produ cts
Procedu res
I PC-TM -650
3. 4. 4 Powder Size Sol der Powder Sol der Powder
2. 2. 1 4. 3
I PC-TM -650
Powder Parti cle Si ze 2. 2. 1 4
3. 4. 4 Sol der Powder Sol der Powder
Distri bu ti on 2. 2. 1 4. 1
2. 2. 1 4. 2
Vi su al Lig h t Beam
3. 4. 4 Powder Sh ape Scatter M icroscopi c Sol der Powder Sol der Powder
I m ag ing
3. 5. 1 Solder Core Visu al Flu x Cored Sol der Flu x Cored Sol der
I PC-TM -650
3. 5. 1 . 1 Spi tting Flu x Cored Sol der
2. 4. 48
3. 5. 2 Flu x Coati ng Visu al Flu x Coated Sol der Flu x Coated Sol der
I PC-TM -650
3. 6. 1 . Fl u x Percentag e Fl u xed Solder Fl u xed Solder
2. 3. 34. 1
I PC-TM -650
3. 6. 3 Sol der pool Fl u xed Solder
2. 4. 49
I PC-TM -650
3. 6. 4 Fl ux Resi du e Dryness Fl u xed Solder
2. 4. 47
4.4.3 Quality Conformance Inspections The material manufacturer shall perform those inspections necessary to insure
that the process is in control and to insure that the product is within specification limit.
4.5 Test Equipment and Inspection Facilities Measuring equipment and inspection facilities, of sufficient accuracy, qual-
ity, and quantity to permit performance of the required inspection(s), shall be established and maintained or designated by
the supplier. Establishment and maintenance of a calibration system to control the accuracy of the measuring and test equip-
ment shall be in accordance with ISO 1 001 2 Part 1 .
4.6 Inspection Conditions Unless otherwise specified herein, all inspections shall be performed in accordance with the
test conditions specified in Section 3 and in test methods listed herein.
4.7 Inspection Routine Groups of inspections and tests listed in Table 4-1 shall be performed to verify the ability of a
solder product to meet the qualification and/or quality conformance requirements of this standard. Inspections or tests shall
be performed in accordance with pertinent methods specified for the form of solder product.
4.8 Inspection Sampling Statistical sampling and inspection shall be in accordance with an approved quality assurance
program. (See 4.3.)
4.9 Preparation of Solder Alloy for Test
4.9.1 Flux Cored Solder Cut five pieces of flux cored wire or ribbon solder (each approximately 5 cm [1.97 in] long) at
approximately 60 cm [23.6 in] intervals from each spool, in accordance with the following methods. Using magnification as
needed, visually examine both ends of each 5 cm [1.97 in] piece for dimensional uniformity and for core continuity, homo-
geneity, and condition.
4.9.2 Wire Solder Up to Approximately 6 mm [2.36 in] Diameter Hold the wire solder under tension with the point
desired for the separation over a flame. The solder will ‘‘snap’’ apart at the point of contact with the flame providing clean
breaks which will expose the flux core shapes as well as the flux continuity.
NOTE: This method of solder separation should be tried on small diameter wire solders to see if it will work satisfactorily
before using the method in 4.9.3.
4.9.3 Ribbon Solder and Other Wire Solder Using an appropriate method, such as a razor blade or cross-sectioning pro-
cedure, cut the solder making special efforts to minimize the distortion in the solder by the cutting force.
4.1 0 Failure If an inspection lot is rejected, the supplier may rework it to correct the defects, or screen out the defective
units and resubmit for re-inspection. Resubmitted lots shall be inspected using tightened inspection. Such lots shall be sepa-
rate from new lots, and shall be clearly identified as re-inspected lots.
4.1 1 Inspection Reporting Appendix B illustrates an example of report formats that are suitable and recommended for
recording the results of alloy and of solid form solder inspections. Where applicable, definitive results should be entered on
the report forms. Where definitive results are not required or appropriate, successful completion of inspections should be
indicated by check marks on the report forms.
5.1 Preservation, Packing, and Packaging Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the preservation,
packing, packaging, and exterior marking of soldering products shall be equivalent to, or better than, the supplier’s standard
commercial practice.
This section contains information of a general or explanatory nature that may be helpful, but is not mandatory.
6.1 Selection On the selection of various alloys and fluxes for use in electronic soldering, users should consult with
applications specialists at various solder manufacturing companies for detailed alloy and flux selection and application
6.1 .1 Alloys A broad range of alloys are available to accommodate variations in electronic soldering, in both lead-
containing and lead-free compositions. Tin-lead solder alloys, particularly eutectic and near-eutectic alloys, have been used
to make solder connections in hardware assemblies and for many general purpose applications, such as lead tinning and
multiple-pass hardware assembly.
6.1 .1 .1 Antimony-Containing Alloys A slight amount of antimony (approximately 0.2 to 0.5%) was previously added to
tin-based electronic solder alloys to prevent a condition called tin pest, where ultra-pure tin undergoes an allotropic trans-
formation at very low temperatures from its metallic crystalline form to a non-metallic powdery form. Recent test results
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
indicate that tin pest is not a problem when the tin is added with a small dosage of other metallic element (s), and there-
fore the addition of antimony in tin-lead solder alloys becomes an unnecessary added cost. Thus the minimum requirement
for antimony in tin-based alloys has been deleted. Although antimony is not a problem in most solder alloys, the rapid for-
mation of antimony-silver intermetallics requires a reduced level of antimony in alloys containing silver to prevent from
negating the beneficial effects of silver.
6.1 .1 .2 Bismuth-Containing and Bismuth-Based Alloys Bismuth is used in bismuth-based alloys to achieve ultra-low
soldering temperatures. Bismuth is also used in bismuth-containing alloys in a small dosage to enhance mechanical proper-
ties of both tin-lead and lead-free compositions.
6.1 .1 .3 Cadmium-Containing Alloys Cadmium alloys are useful for electromagnetic shielding. Because of possible carci-
nogenic effects of cadmium, appropriate measures for personal safety should be used when soldering with alloys contain-
ing cadmium.
6.1 .1 .4 Copper-Containing Alloys Copper is added to tin-lead alloys to reduce tip degradation on soldering irons used in
hand soldering operations. Copper is also designed into lead-free alloys, such as the designed compositions of SnCu,
SnAgCu, SnAgBiCu, SnAgCuIn, SnAgCuSb, and other alloys.
6.1 .1 .5 Gold Alloys Ultra-high purity gold alloys are used in barrier-free, die-attachment applications. Standard gold alloys
are advantageous in high-reliability hybrid assembly and are used in assemblies which operate at microwave frequencies.
6.1 .1 .6 Indium-Containing and Indium-Based Alloys Indium is used in lead-containing and lead-free alloys. Indium-
based soldering alloys provide some advantages when soldering to gold coatings specially at the soldering temperature
below 120°C [248°F] and perform better than standard tin-lead solders in soldering assemblies, which will operate at micro-
wave frequencies. When a high temperature, humidity, and/or salt spray operating environment is expected, then hermetic
seal or conformal coating may be recommended for the assembly using indium-based alloys, particularly indium-lead com-
positions. Indium-based alloys or alloys that contain a high percentage indium may result in excessive intermetallic on cop-
per surfaces. Indium is also used in lead-free indium-containing alloys (indium in a small percentage) to enhance mechani-
cal properties, such as the designed compositions of SnAgBiIn, SnAgCuIn, SnAgBiCuIn, and other alloys.
6.1 .1 .7 Lead-Free Alloys Several alloys have been identified as replacements for tin-lead solders. These solders are gen-
erally Sn-based (less than 0.01% lead) with a liquidus temperature higher or lower than the eutectic Sn-Pb alloy.
6.1 .1 .8 Silver-Containing Alloys Silver is used in lead-containing alloys and lead-free alloys. Silver is also alloyed with
tin and lead to change the temperature characteristics and to make higher strength solder. Silver-tin, silver-lead, and tin-lead-
silver alloys are frequently used to solder parts, which have a silver plating to prevent the leaching of the silver during the
soldering process. Silver is also designed into lead-free alloys, such as the designed compositions of SnAgCu, SnAgBiCu,
SnAgCuIn, SnAgCuSb, SnAgBiCuIn, and other alloys.
6.1 .1 .9 Tin-Silver-Copper Alloys with or without Antimony Although they have melting ranges higher than more com-
mon eutectic tin-lead alloys, these alloys are considered as ‘‘lead free’’ replacement alloys. They also have other properties
similar to tin-silver alloys. Tin-silver-copper alloys without antimony are commonly referred to as SAC alloys typically
melting in the range of 217°C - 229°C.
6.1 .1 .1 0 Doped Alloys While the intent of this document is to provide as much information and guidance as possible for
alloys currently used in the electronics industry it is not all encompassing. There are a number of alloys currently available
in the market that contain one or more additives (dopants) that are not fully disclosed. Without these elements disclosed these
alloys are not included in the Alloy Tables. In addition, alloys that are covered by patents are not included in these tables.
For the content and physical properties of these alloys the user should contact the vendor of those specific alloys.
6.2 Standard Solder Product Packages Buyers should contact potential sources and determine the standard packaging
sizes, materials, etc., that are available and should specify standard items to the maximum extent feasible. Where nonstan-
dard items are necessary, buyers should consult with potential sources to determine the most economical configurations
which will satisfy the needs of the buyer.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries 9
IPC-J-STD-006C July 201 3
6.2.1 Wire and Ribbon Solders Wire solders are generally available in wire sizes (outside diameters) of 0.25 mm [0.00984
in] to 4.75 mm [0.187 in]. Ribbon solders are generally available in thicknesses from 76 µm [0.00299 in] to 2.5 mm [0.0984
in] and in widths up to 50 mm [1.97 in]. Wire and ribbon solders are generally furnished on spools or cards in 0.25, 0.5, 1,
2, 5, and 10 kilogram unit masses. Larger ‘‘bulk packaging’’ is available from most manufacturers.
6.2.2 Bar Solders Bar solders are generally long and slender and are usually used to replenish solder baths. The nominal
unit masses for Sn63Pb37 and similar solder alloys are 1, 2, 5, and 10 kilograms. Significant differences in the unit mass
of bar solders can be expected due to density differences in various solder alloys (high lead, low lead, etc.) and differences
in forming processes (vertical molding, flat molding, extruding, etc.). However, the actual mass of a bar of a particular alloy
and unit mass should not vary more than 10% from the mass of another bar of the same alloy and the same unit mass.
6.2.3 Solder Powder Solder powders are generally made to order and can be packaged in a variety of packages and unit
masses. Solder powder shall be smooth and bright and free of adhering small particles to the maximum extent possible
(Note: Solder powders made with certain alloys are not ‘bright’ by nature, but they should not appear unusually dark).
6.2.4 Solder Spheres Solder spheres are generally made to order and can be packaged in a variety of packages and unit
6.3 Standard Description of Solid Solder Products The description of a solid solder product should identify all appro-
priate characteristics, such as: alloy composition and impurity level, solder form, flux classification, flux percentage, prod-
uct dimensions, and product unit size. Complete description of special solid solder products usually requires a tabular or
narrative format because the number of possible variations in characteristics cannot be easily coded into a concise descrip-
tion format.
6.4 Qualitative Test for the Presence of Lead A product, Lead-Check™ has been identified as a spot test to determine
the presence of lead in a soldered connection. This test can differentiate tin-lead eutectic or tin-lead-silver alloys from a
lead-free alloy. It is not intended as a quantitative test.
6.5 Labeling for Lead-Free and Leaded Marking, Symbols and Labels In response to changes in the electronic assembly
industry, more assemblies are being assembled with lead-free materials. J-STD-609, Lead-Free and Leaded Marking, Sym-
bols and Labels addresses this issue.
In addition to the J-STD-609 requirements, solder material manufacturers have designated lead-free products by using a
number of labeling/formatting options. Examples include triangular shaped bars for bar solder, green plastic containers for
solder paste products as well as other labeling practices including the use of the lead-free symbol that is recommended in
the J-STD-609 document (see Figure 6-1). Because specific designations are not called out by this standard, solder manu-
facturers should mark lead-free products so as to differentiate them from lead-containing solder products.
J-STD-609 states that the Figure 6-1 symbol is utilized as a replacement for the phrase: ‘‘Pb-free’’. It means that the homo-
geneous product shall contain a maximum concentration of Pb (lead) of 0.1%, by weight. In turn, this conforms to EU RoHS
requirements. Specific applications may require the maximum concentration of Pb (lead) to be < 0.1%, by weight.
NOTE: This document, J-STD-006, requires that a virgin solder alloy designated as being Pb-free shall contain a maximum
concentration of lead to be 0.07%, by weight.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3
Appendix A
Solder Alloys
Table A-1 Composition, and Temperature Characteristics of Lead-free Solder Alloys 1 ,5
°Celsius °Fahrenheit
Former Other
Alloy Name Name2 Sn % Ag % Bi % Cu% In % Sb % Elements SOL LIQ SOL LIQ
SnI n52. 0 48. 0 - - - 52. 0 - - - 1 1 8 (e) - 244. 4 (e)
SnAg 3. 0Bi0. 5Cu 0. 5I n8. 0 88. 0 3. 0 0. 5 0. 5 8. 0 - - 1 97 202 387 396
1 . Th e Soli dus (SOL) an d Li qu idu s (LI Q) tem peratu re valu es are provi ded for i nform ati on on l y an d are n ot in ten ded to be a requ irem ent i n th e form u lation of
th e al loys. I n th e ‘‘LI Q’’ col u m ns, an ‘‘e’’ i ndi cates eu tecti c al l oys, an ‘‘m p’’ i ndi cates the tabul ated sol idu s tem peratu re represen ts th e m el ti n g poi nt for the
elem ents, and ‘‘n e’’ i n dicates a near eutectic al loy. Al th ou g h efforts h ave been m ade to docum en t the correct sol i du s an d l i qu i du s tem peratures for each
all oy, u sers of thi s stan dard are advised to verify th ese tem perature valu es before u se.
2. Th e presence of a form er al loy nam e i n di cates th at th e cu rren t all oy i s substan ti all y th e sam e as th e i ndi cated QQ-S-571 E al l oy. Federal Stan dard QQ-S-571
is a can cel l ed speci ficati on u sed by th e in du stry prior to th e rel ease of J -STD-006.
3. Sn 99. 9 i s i n clu ded i n thi s standard for u se i n repl en i shi n g tin in wave sol deri n g bath s an d i s N OT sui tabl e for u se as a stan d-al one sol der becau se of
poten ti al perform ance and reli abi l ity problem s.
4. Sn Sb5 h as a n om in al an ti m on y (Sb) m ass percentag e of 5. 0% an d an al l owable antim on y percen tage rang e of 4. 0% to 6. 0%.
5. Th i s tabl e is n ot m ean t to be all -i ncl u sive. I t i s recog ni zed th at th ere m ay be oth er al l oys avail abl e.
6. Valu es qu oted for sol idu s tem peratures are obtai n ed u n der equi l ibri um cooli n g con di ti on s. U n der n on -equ il i bri u m (real ) condi ti on s n on-eu tecti c al loys m ay
sh ow soli dus tem peratu res l ower th an those quoted here. ’’
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
Table A-2 Composition and Temperature Characteristics of Common Tin-Lead Alloys 1 ,2
July 201 3
°Celsius °Fahrenheit
Former Elements
Alloy Name Name3 Sn % Pb % Ag % Bi % In % Sb % % SOL LIQ SOL LIQ
Sn1 Pb97. 5Ag 1 . 5 Ag 1 . 5 1 .0 REM -97. 5 1 .5 309 e 588. 2 e
Sn43Pb43Bi1 4 43. 0 REM -43. 0 1 4. 0 1 44 1 63 291 . 2 325. 4
Former Elements
Alloy Name Name3 Sn % Pb % Ag % Bi % In % Sb % % SOL LIQ SOL LIQ
Sn50Pb48. 5Cu 1 . 5 50. 0 REM -48. 5 Cu : 1 . 5 1 83 21 5 361 . 4 41 9. 0
1 . Th e letters ‘‘REM ’’ appeari n g wi th a n u m ber for an el em en t of an al l oy (e. g . , REM -1 0. 0) den otes th at th e el em en t m akes u p th e rem ain der of th at al l oy wi th its actual percentage calcu l ated as a di fferen ce from
1 00%, the n um ber in dicates the approxim ate percen tag e of th at el em en t i n th e al l oy.
2. Th e Sol i du s (SOL) an d Li qu i du s (LI Q) tem peratu re val ues are provi ded for i n form ation on ly an d are n ot i n ten ded to be a requ irem ent i n the form u lati on of th e al loys. I n th e ‘‘LI Q’’ col um n s, an ‘‘e’’ i n di cates eu tecti c
all oys. Althou gh efforts have been m ade to docu m en t th e correct soli dus an d l i qu i dus tem peratures for each al loy, u sers of th is standard are advi sed to veri fy these tem peratu re val u es before use.
3. Th e presen ce of a form er al l oy n am e in dicates that th e cu rren t all oy i s substan ti all y th e sam e as the i n di cated QQ-S-571 E al l oy. Federal Stan dard QQ-S-571 i s a can cell ed speci fication u sed by th e i ndu stry prior to
the release of J -STD-006.
4. These al l oys h ave a n om in al an ti m on y (Sb) m ass percen tag e of 0. 4% an d an al l owabl e antim on y percentage rang e of 0. 2% to 0. 5%.
*An asteri sk (*) foll owi n g a form er al l oy n am e i n di cates th at th e form er al loy was requi red to h ave 0. 20 to 0. 50% an ti m on y (Sb) as a com pon ent el em en t u n der QQ-S-571 E.
5. Val u es qu oted for soli du s tem peratu res are obtai n ed u nder equ i li briu m cool i ng condi ti ons. U n der n on-equ il ibri u m (real) con dition s non -eu tecti c al l oys m ay sh ow soli dus tem peratu res l ower th an th ose quoted h ere. ’’
July 201 3
°Celsius °Fahrenheit
Former Other Elements
Alloy Name Name3 Sn % Pb % Ag % In % Au % % SOL LIQ SOL LIQ
Ag 2. 5Pb97. 5 Ag 2. 5 REM -97. 5 2. 5 304 e 579. 2 e
I n99. 9 99. 9 1 56 mp 31 2. 8 mp
1 . Th e letters ‘‘REM ’’ appeari n g wi th a n u m ber for an el em en t of an al l oy (e. g . , REM -1 0. 0) den otes th at th e el em en t m akes u p th e rem ain der of th at al l oy wi th its actual percentage calcu l ated as a di fferen ce from
1 00%, the n um ber in dicates the approxim ate percen tag e of th at el em en t i n th e al l oy.
2. Th e Sol i du s (SOL) an d Li qu i du s (LI Q) tem peratu re val ues are provi ded for i n form ation on ly an d are n ot i n ten ded to be a requ irem ent i n the form u lati on of th e al loys. I n th e ‘‘LI Q’’ col um n s, an ‘‘e’’ i n di cates eu tecti c
all oys an d an ‘‘m p’’ i ndi cates th e tabu lated sol idu s temperatu re represents the m el ti n g poi n t for th e el emen ts. Althou gh efforts have been m ade to docum en t th e correct sol idu s an d l iqu idu s tem peratu res for each
all oy, u sers of th is stan dard are advi sed to verify th ese tem perature valu es before u se.
3. Th e presen ce of a form er al l oy n am e in dicates that th e cu rren t all oy i s substan ti all y th e sam e as the i n di cated QQ-S-571 E al l oy. Federal Stan dard QQ-S-571 i s a can cell ed speci fication u sed by th e i ndu stry prior to
the release of J -STD-006.
4. Val u es qu oted for soli du s tem peratu res are obtai n ed u nder equ i li briu m cool i ng condi ti ons. U n der n on-equ il ibri u m (real) con dition s non -eu tecti c al l oys m ay sh ow soli dus tem peratu res l ower th an th ose quoted h ere. ’’
Table A-4 Cross-Reference from Solidus and Liquidus Temperatures to Alloy Names by Temperature1
Sol °C Liq °C Sol °F Liq °F Alloy Name
96 e 204. 8 e Sn1 6Pb32Bi52
1 00 e 21 2. 0 e Sn34Pb20Bi46
11 8 e 244. 4 e I n52Sn48
1 38 e 280. 4 e Sn42Bi58
1 45 e 293. 0 e Sn50Pb32Cd1 8
1 56 mp 31 2. 8 mp I n99. 9
1 79 e 354. 2 e Sn62Pb36Ag 2
1 83 21 3 361 . 4 41 5. 4 Sn90Pb1 0
1 83 e 361 . 4 e Sn63Pb37Sb0. 4
1 83 e 361 . 4 e Sn63Pb37
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
1 . Th e sol i du s (SOL) an d li qui dus (LI Q) tem perature valu es are provi ded for i nform ation on l y and are not in ten ded to be a requ irem en t i n th e form u l ation of the
al l oys. I n th e li qui dus col u m ns, an ‘‘e’’ in dicates eu tecti c al loys, an ‘‘m p’’ i n dicates the tabu l ated sol idu s tem perature represen ts th e m el ti n g poi n t for th e
el em en ts (I n 99. 9 an d Sn99. 9) and a ‘‘n e’’ i n di cates a near eutectic al loy. Al th oug h efforts h ave been m ade to docu m en t th e correct sol i du s an d l i qu i du s
tem peratu res for each al loy, users of th is stan dard are advi sed to verify th ese temperatu re val u es before u se. Valu es quoted for sol idu s tem peratu res are
obtai n ed u nder equ il i bri u m cool in g con di ti on s. U n der n on -equi l ibri um (real ) condi ti ons n on-eu tecti c al l oys m ay sh ow soli dus tem peratu res l ower th an those
qu oted here.
Table A-5 Cross-Reference from ISO 9453 Alloy Numbers and Designations to J-STD-006 Alloy Names1
Lead Containing Alloys Lead-Free Alloys
J-STD-006 Alloy J-STD-006 Alloy
ISO No. ISO Alloy Designation Designation ISO No. ISO Alloy Designation Designation
1 01 S-Sn63Pb37 Sn63Pb37 201 S-Sn95Sb5 Sn95Sb5
S-Sn99Cu 1
1 03 S-Sn60Pb40 Sn60Pb40 401 Sn99. 3Cu 0. 7
(Sn99, 3Cu 0, 7)
S-Sn98Cu 1 Ag 1
111 S-Pb50Sn50 Sn50Pb50 501 Sn1 Pb97. 5Ag 1 . 5
(Sn99Cu 0, 7Ag 0, 3)
S-Sn96Ag 4
11 7 S-Pb80Sn20 Sn20Pb80 701 Sn96. 3Ag 3. 7
(Sn96, 3Ag 3, 7)
S-Sn96Ag 4
1 22 S-Pb90Sn1 0 Sn1 0Pb90 703 Sn96. 5Ag 3. 5
(Sn96, 5Ag 3, 5)
S-Sn96Ag 3Cu 1
1 23 S-Pb95Sn5 Sn5Pb95 71 1 Sn96. 5Ag 3. 0Cu 0. 5
(Sn96, 5Ag 3Cu 0, 5)
S-Sn95Ag 4Cu 1
1 24 S-Pb98Sn2 Sn2Pb98 71 2 Sn95. 5Ag 3. 8Cu 0. 7
(Sn95, 8Ag 3, 5Cu 0, 7)
S-Sn95Ag 4Cu 1
1 31 S-Sn63Pb37Sb Sn63Pb37Sb0. 4 71 3 Sn95. 5Ag 3. 8Cu 0. 7
(Sn95, 5Ag 3, 8Cu 0, 7)
S-Sn95Ag 4Cu 1
1 32 S-Sn60Pb40Sb Sn60Pb40Sb0. 4 71 4 Sn95. 5Ag 4. 0Cu 0. 5
(Sn95, 5Ag 4Cu 0, 5)
1 36 S-Pb74Sn25Sb1 Sn25Pb74Sb1
1 37 SPb78Sn20Sb2 Sn20Pb79Sb1
1 42 S-Pb49Sn48Bi3 NA
1 51 S-Sn50Pb32Cd1 8 Sn50Pb32Cd1 8
1 61 SSn60Pb39Cu 1 NA
1 71 SSn62Pb36Ag 2 Sn62Pb36Ag 2
1 81 S-Pb98Ag 2 Ag 2. 5Pb97. 5
1 82 S-Pb95Ag 5 Ag 5. 5Pb94. 5
1 . Th i s cross-reference i s presented to i ndi cate th e cl oset correl ation between the I SO 9453 l i st of all oys an d th e possibl e al loy selection from J -STD-006. Th e
pri m ary di fferen ce i s i n the al l owabl e i m puri ty l evel of an ti m on y in th e all oys. Th ese di fferen ces are n oted. N /A in dicates th at th ere is n o direct correlati on
avai labl e i n J -STD-006.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
Required Percentages
As a Component As an Impurity Percentage in
Element Element Element Sample Results Remarks
[ ] Pass
Ag 0. 1 0 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Al 0. 005 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
As 0. 03 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Au 0. 05 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Bi 0. 1 0 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Cd 0. 002 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Cu 0. 08 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Fe 0. 02 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
In 0. 1 0 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Ni 0. 01 M ax
[ ] Fai l
1 [ ] Pass
Pb 0. 07 M ax
[ ] Fai l
2 [ ] Pass
Sb 0. 20 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Sn 0. 25 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Zn 0. 003 M ax
[ ] Fai l
3 [ ] Pass
Be + H g + M g + Zn 0. 005 M ax
[ ] Fail
3 [ ] Pass
As + Bi + P + Sb 0. 005 M ax
[ ] Fail
3 [ ] Pass
Total of al l i mpu ri ti es 0. 05 M ax
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Oth er Elem ent: –
[ ] Fai l
Date: Date:
1 . Wh en Lead (Pb) i s an i m pu ri ty i n the all oy bei ng tested, sel ect th e appropri ate Pb percen tag e requ irem ent accordin g to th e al l oy vari ation desi g nator.
2. Wh en An ti m on y (Sb) is an im pu rity in th e al l oy bein g tested, select th e appropriate Sb percen tage requi rem en t accordi n g to th e al loy variati on desi g nator.
3. For u se wi th Variati on D Al l oys on ly (see 3. 3. 1 ) .
[ ] Pass
All oy Com position Analytical 3. 2
[ ] Fail
Procedu res
[ ] Pass
All oy I m pu rities Analytical 3. 3
[ ] Fail
Procedu res
Standard 3. 4. 1
[ ] Pass
Di mensi ons M easurement 3. 4. 2
[ ] Fail
Procedu res 3. 4. 3
[ ] Pass
Solder Core Visu al 3. 5. 1
[ ] Fail
[ ] Pass
Flu x Coati ng Vi su al 3. 5. 2
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Fl u x Classi ficati on J -STD-004 3. 6. 2
[ ] Fai l
[ ] Pass
Packag i ng and Labeli ng Vi su al 3. 7
[ ] Fai l
Date: Date:
Note 1 . An exam ple of i nspecti on report form at for sol der paste cou l d be fou nd i n J -STD-005 an d for sol deri n g fl u x i n J -STD-004.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
July 201 3 IPC-J-STD-006C
Wi dth:
[ ] Ri bbon Sol der
Th i ckn ess:
[ ] Speci al Form
[ ] Pass
All oy Com position Analytical 3. 2
[ ] Fail
Procedu res
[ ] Pass
All oy I m pu rities Analytical 3. 3
[ ] Fail
Procedu res
Standard 3. 4. 1
[ ] Pass
Di mensi ons M easu rement 3. 4. 2
[ ] Fail
Procedu res 3. 4. 3
[ ] Pass
Packag ing and Label ing Visu al 3. 7
[ ] Fail
Date: Date:
Note 1 . An exam pl e of in specti on report form at for n on -fl uxed sol der powder i s provi ded in Appendi x B-4.
[ ] Pass
All oy Com position Analytical 3. 2
[ ] Fail
Procedu res
[ ] Pass
All oy I m pu rities Analytical 3. 3
[ ] Fail
Procedu res
I PC-TM -650
Powder Particl e Size [ ] Pass
2. 2. 1 4, 2. 2. 1 4. 1 3. 4. 4. 1
Di stribu tion [ ] Fai l
or 2. 2. 1 4. 2
Vi su al Lig h t
Beam Scatter [ ] Pass
Powder Sh ape 3. 4. 4. 2
M i croscopic [ ] Fai l
I mag i ng
[ ] Pass
Packag i ng and Labeli ng Vi su al 3. 7
[ ] Fai l
Date: Date:
Note 1 . An exam ple of i nspecti on report form at for sol der paste cou l d be fou nd i n J -STD-005.
Copyright IPC-Association Connecting Electronics Industries
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Primary facility: Government agency, academic institution, nonprofit organization
o One year $1,050.00 o One year $275.00
o Two years $1,890.00 (SAVE 1 0%) o Two years $495.00 (SAVE 1 0%)
Additional facility: Membership for a facility of an organization that Consulting firm (employing less than 6 individuals)
already has a different location with a primary facility membership o One year $625.00
o One year $850.00 o Two years $1,125.00 (SAVE 1 0%)
o Two years $1,530.00 (SAVE 1 0%)
Company with an annual revenue of less than $5,000,000
o One year $625.00
o Two years $1,125.00 (SAVE 1 0%)
from the industry regarding usage of will be collected and dispersed to the IPC
the subject standard. appropriate committee(s). 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 309S
Bannockburn, IL 6001 5-1 249
Fax 847 61 5.71 05
E-mail: answers@ ipc.org
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