Etec 406 Asn

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First Term Examination, Apr-2021

Programme: B.Tech. ECE (8th) Maximum Marks: 30

Paper code: ETEC-406 Duration: 01:00 Hr

Subject: Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Note: Attempt any two questions.

Q.1 (a) What do you understand by network security requirements?

(b) What are the main objectives of transport layer protocol?

(c) Differentiate between cellular and ad hoc Networks.

(d)) What do you mean by contention based protocol?
(e) What is the need of routing protocols in ad hoc networks? [3*5]

Q.2 (a) What are the characteristics and features of ad Hoc Networks?
List the application of ad Hoc Networks. [7.5]

(b) What are the design goals for a MAC protocol for ad hoc wireless network?
How do you classify MAC protocols? [7.5]

Q.3 (a) Discuss the issues and challenges in secure routing of ad hoc wireless networks. [7.5]
(b) What are the differences between table driven, reactive and hybrid routing protocols.
Also give examples of each. [7.5]

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