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Change Your Life PDF Free
Change Your Life PDF Free
à Ã
î ccc
c ccc
cc is filled with
underlying deception, fraud, larceny and
treason. To understand the problem of how
modern, deceptive banking policy adversely
affects every American citizen and is,
indeed, antithetical to our great Republic,
we must begin with an examination of the
historical evolution of the privately owned
central banking system, called the Federal
Reserve System. A cursory exploration of
this system reveals that from its very
inception it, by design, undermines political
will and insures a lifetime of feudal-like,
debt-based enslavement. c
îeneath the yoke of an unending cycle of
indebtedness which renders anyone who
participates in the economy, at the
consumer level, forever beholden to banks,
the great majority of Americans spend a
lifetime of labor, often working at more than
one job, not to produce a better life for
ourselves and our loved ones, but in a
never-ending struggle to pay off debt, or
simply to pay interest (and very little
principal) on so-called loans. This "debt"
was literally created from thin air. The
lenders risk nothing, because they have, in
reality, lent nothing to the borrower.c
Fairness in an economy is defined as
receiving an equal measure of
compensation for an equal measure of
production. Our present economic system,
completely controlled by the policies of
enormous private international banking
interests, by its very nature, must preclude
this simple precept. This scheme exists in
our economy today under the direction of a
corporation known as the Federal Reserve
System, which is privately owned and not
under the control of the federal government. c
The name Federal Reserve System is, by
design, a completely false and deceptive
designation given to a private corporation,
the purpose of which is to allow the private
creation, control and ownership of our
nation's currency and assets. Ultimately,
this insures unlimited profit for private
banking interests through the irreversible
perpetuation and exponential expansion of
debt, both public and private.c
c ccî c
An example of how present lending policies
came into practice can be traced back to
goldsmiths of Medieval Europe. Rather than
carrying around large quantities of
cumbersome gold and silver to pay for
goods and services, people found it more
convenient to store or "deposit" their hard
currency with goldsmiths who would then
issue receipts which could be exchanged
"upon demand" for the gold or silver on
deposit. c
As people began to find it more convenient
to simply exchange the receipts directly,
among themselves, as payment, they
became a widely accepted form of
"currency". As this system facilitated trade
within the economy, the goldsmiths found
that people would hold and exchange the
receipts and rarely ever bring them in for
exchange for the actual asset - the gold or
silver on deposit.c
aith this realization, the goldsmiths began
to produce more receipts (currency) for the
assets than they actually had on deposit.
îy this system of counterfeiting, they found
that they could actually control the supply of
currency in circulation. îy reducing the
available supply of money in circulation
they would force the borrowers into
insolvency and foreclose on their property.
This system was implemented in cycles
which would impoverish the debtors and
enrich the goldsmiths. c
Throughout the following centuries,
attempts to reform these types of practices
have provided only temporary relief.
Through manipulation and centralization of
wealth, this practice is perpetuated in much
the same form in our present money
cî ccc
Ãn 1791, Congress passed a bill sponsored
by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton.
This bill established the largest American
corporation of its time, known as the First
îank of the United States. This corporation,
controlled almost exclusively by big money
interests, was tenured by a charter of 20
years which expired in 1811. Congress
rejected the renewal of this charter under
popular pressure of American citizens who
feared the power and influence of such a
large and powerful institution.c
cî ccc
Ãn 1816, Congress (under the influence of
big money supporters) once again
chartered a central bank, the Second îank
of the United States. Ãn 1828, however, an
ardent and avowed opponent of the central
banking concept, Andrew Jackson, was
elected President and led a popular
campaign against this form of
institutionalized economic power which
resonated with the American public. The
charter expired in 1836 and like the first,
was not renewed.c
ccî c c
uring the period spanning the years 1836
to 1865, State chartered banks and
privately developed "free banks" became
prevalent On the American economic
landscape. These banks issued their own
currency, in which only a fraction was
redeemable in gold or specie, and offered
demand deposits (checking accounts) to
facilitate trade and commerce. A rapidly
expanding system of check transactions
engendered the New York Clearing House
Association in 1853 as a vehicle for banks
to exchange checks and settle accounts.c
There was a prevailing notion (created and
propagandized by the banking elite) that
some system was necessary to stabilize
U.S. currency. The National îanking Act of
1863 provided some remedial effect on
economic stabilization, but bank failures
and financial panic (a product of deliberate
manipulation of the money supply)
produced widespread anxiety about the
future of the American economy.c
cî c cc c
This act of Congress, passed during the
Civil aar, established a system of
nationally chartered banks and required the
currency issued by them to be backed by
government securities. The act was
subsequently amended to also require the
taxation of state currencies, but not of
national bank notes. This produced the
intended effect of creating a uniform
national currency. State banks and their
respective currency, nonetheless,
continued to expand - primarily in response
to the growing popularity of expedient
demand deposits (checking accounts).c
c c
Though currency had become more stable
as a result of the National îanking Act of
1863, financial panics (orchestrated by the
banking elite)and the resulting bank-runs
continued to threaten the U.S. economy.
îanking panics in 1893, and again in 1907
produced severe economic depressions in
the United States. This gave impetus to a
growing number of Americans calling for
banking reforms. Each time, legendary
banking mogul J.P. Morgan intervened and
not only provided the illusion of economic
stability, but consolidated power for himself
and the powerful banking interests, which
paved the way for the establishment of a
private central bank known as the Federal
Knowing that the American public now
looked to banking legislation to control
fluctuation of economic resources but was
also distrustful of a banker-controlled
society, the large banking interests were
now poised to carry out one of the most
audacious deceptions ever perpetuated
against the American public - the Federal
Reserve System.c
cî c
Ãn response to the panic of 1907, the Glass-
Owen Act of 1908 was passed to provide
for the issue of emergency currency during
widespread financial crisis. The National
Monetary Commission was also established
under this act to develop a more durable
solution to the nation's problematic financial
and banking practices.c
The commission, under the direction of
Senator Nelson Aldrich proposed a banker-
controlled plan. Progressives, however, led
by ailliam Jennings îryan, strongly
opposed such a plan. They preferred a
central bank under public (governmental)
not private (banker) control. aith the
election of Democrat aoodrow ailson in
1912, the plan was effectively stalled.c
c c
aith the intention of developing a workable
central banking solution, President ailson
turned to Chairman of the House
Committee on îanking and Finance,
Representative Carter Glass, and a former
aashington and Lee University professor of
Economics, H. Parker aillis. îy December
of 1912, they had presented ailson with a
draft of their proposal .c
For a year this plan was debated, contested
and modified. The outcome was touted as a
classic example of compromise which
established a decentralized central bank
that balanced the competing interests of
private banks and populist sentiment. The
true effect was to place control of the U.S.
economy squarely in the hands of the big-
money private bankers who could now
create endless amounts of monetary
credits, backed by nothing, to be lent at will
to the United States Government, including
interest. c
On Sunday, December 23, 1913, two days
before Christmas, while most of Congress
was on vacation, President aoodrow
ailson signed the Federal Reserve Act into
law. ailson would later express profound
regret over his tragic decision, stating:c
Less than one year later Congress declared
the 16th Amendment as having been
ratified, although it wasn't, creating the
Ãnternal Revenue Service which became
the de-facto collection agency for the
Federal Reserve System. Ãts only duty was
to tax the income of citizens to make the
interest payments for the U.S. Government
loans that would soon follow.c
îy November 16, 1914 the Reserve îank
Organization Committee had selected
twelve cities throughout the U.S. as sites for
regional Reserve îanks, the existence of
which served to conceal the fact that there
was now a United States Central îank. The
Federal Reserve System began operations
just as European hostilities erupted into
aorld aar Ã. c
aith the outbreak of war, "emergency
currency", issued under the Aldrich-
Vreeland Act of 1908 allowed the U.S.
Federal Reserve îanks to lend newly
created money at will. Concurrently, the
Reserve îank's ability to discount bankers'
acceptances allowed the United States
(though officially neutral) to aid the flow of
trade goods to the European war effort. c
After three years of fighting, Germany had
nearly destroyed England. The Federal
Reserve and the banks that privately owned
it had lent billions to the English and would
stand to lose all of it if she were crushed.
The only solution appeared to be pulling the
U.S. into the war. The U.S., however, would
not fight unless first attacked.c
Ãn 1915, J.P. Morgan and his banking
associates established their plan to have a
îritish liner, the "Lusitanian", with 128
American passengers onboard, laden with
munitions, cruise right through the middle of
the wartime shipping lanes in order to be
sunk by a German submarine, thus bringing
the U.S. directly into the conflagration.c
Ãt worked, and with the United States'
official declaration of war on Germany in
1917, financing our own war efforts would
produce astronomical profits for these
private institutions. Thanks to the new
income tax and ÃRS, taxpayer money would
now flow like never before into the hands of
private bankers as the government taxed
the citizens and paid the interest on the
finance of the war.c
c c"#$c
The defeat of aoodrow ailson by aarren
Harding ushered in an unprecedented
period of prosperity known as "the Roaring
20's.´ The primary engine for this economic
expansion was the Federal Reserve's
flooding of the economy with newly created
debt money, borrowed by the government
during aaÃ. Subsequently, Fractional
Reserve îanking allowed the Fed to
increase the money supply by more than
61% within three years. Money was
plentiful, and a steady increase in bank
loans, coupled with the worry-free attitude
of the American public propelled a
continued rise in the economy. Stock
market speculation was rampant and
businesses expanded and became strung-
out on easy credit.c
Concurrently, the Fed, under the direction
of îenjamin Strong, head of the New York
Fed, shifted toward a monetary policy of
open market operations. Under the guise of
stemming a potential recession in 1923, the
Fed made a large purchase of government
This purchase strengthened the "public
perception" that expanding credit and
introducing more currency into the system
would have a more stabilizing effect on the
economy than would dependence on a gold
standard. (Ãn actuality, when the Fed buys
government bonds from the public the
economy will shrink by 10 to 33 times the
purchased amount, depending upon what
the fractional reserve rate currently is.)c
At the same time, Strong further
consolidated the power of the Fed by
promoting a policy of relations with the
îank of England and other international
central banks. The Fed and its
conglomeration of huge, international
member banks had now set the stage for
the most massive rip-off of the nation's
economy to date. Here it was only 1923
and the great deception was already
growing by leaps and bounds.c
c c
Ãn August of 1929, the Fed began to tighten
the money supply continually by buying
more government bonds. At the same time,
all the aall Street giants of the era,
including John D. Rockefeller and J.P.
Morgan divested from the stock market and
put all their assets into cash and gold.c
Soon thereafter, on October 24, 1929, the
large brokerages all simultaneously called
in their 24 hour "call-loans." îrokers and
investors were now forced to sell their
stocks at any price they could get to cover
these loans. The resulting market crash on
"îlack Thursday" was the beginning of the
Great Depression.c
The Chairman of the House îanking and
Currency Committee, Representative Louis
T. Mc Fadden, accused the Fed and
international bankers of premeditating the
crash.ÿ ÿ he declared,
He went on to accuse European "statesmen
and financiers" of creating the situation to
facilitate the reacquisition of the massive
amounts of gold which Europe had lost to
the U.S. during aaÃ. Ãn a 1999 interview,
Nobel Prize winning economist and
Stanford University Professor Milton
Friedman stated:ÿ #$
ccî cccc
îecause the government of the U.S. (a
corporation) had paid its loans to the Fed
with real money exchangeable for gold, it
was now insolvent and could no longer
retire its debt. Ãt now had no choice but to
file Chapter 11. Under the Emergency
îanking Act (March 9, 1933, 48 Stat.1,
Public law 89-719) President Franklin
Roosevelt effectively dissolved the United
States Federal Government by declaring
the entity bankrupt and insolvent.c
On June 5, 1933 Congress enacted HJR
192 which made all debts, public or private,
no longer collectible in gold. Ãnstead, all
debts public or private were to be payable
in un-backed Fed-created fiat currency.
This new currency would now be legal
tender in the U.S. for all debts public and
Henceforth, our United States Constitution
would be continuously eroded due to the
fact that our nation is now owned "lock
stock and barrel," by a private consortium of
international bankers, contemptuous of any
freedoms or sovereignties intended by our
forefathers. This was all accomplished as
c cc $c
Under orders of the creditor (the Federal
Reserve System and its private owners) on
April 5, 1933, President Franklin D.
Roosevelt issued Presidential order 6102,
which required the people to deliver all
their gold coins, gold bullion, and gold
certificates to their local Federal Reserve
îank on or before April 28, 1933.c
Any violators would be fined up to $10,000,
imprisoned up to ten years, or both for
knowingly violating this order. This gold was
then offered by the Fed owners to any
foreign, non-U.S. citizen, at $35.00 per
ounce. Over the entire previous 100 years,
gold had remained at a stable value,
increasing only from $18.93 per ounce to
$20.69 per ounce. c
Since then, every U.S. citizen (by virtue of
their birth certificate) has become an asset
of the government, pledged at a specific
dollar amount to pay this debt through
future taxation. Thus, every American
citizen is in debt from birth (via future
taxation), and is, for all practical purposes,
property of the creditors, the privately
owned Federal Reserve System.c
! c
Presently, the United States Government
(which again, is completely owned and
controlled by the international bankers)
continues to forfeit its sovereignty by
entering into international monetary and
trade agreements which abolish almost all
forms of trade tariffs that previously
protected not only the value of American
commercial productivity and workforce
labor, but which were also a substantial
source of revenue for the government.c
The loss of this revenue, as well as the
expanding deficits created by recent
massive reduction in taxation for large
corporations and the very wealthiest
citizens, insures continued borrowing by the
government. This self-perpetuating cycle of
borrowing is made possible only by the
ability of the government to guarantee
repayment (of only the interest, never the
principal) through future taxation on the
earnings of every American citizen. c
Due to our banking history of deception,
fraud and counterfeiting, which only
benefits the purported elite bankers and
their underlings, the borrowed principal
itself is being used to make the payments
on our debt at interest. Thus, it is
mathematically impossible to pay off.c
ae are, therefore, obligated to continue this
cycle of borrowing indefinitely, causing
complete money slavery for life. The
amount owed will expand endlessly until
our monthly payments exceed our income,
we are bankrupt, and all we have acquired
in this lifetime is pillaged from us or until the
privately owned Federal Reserve System is
ended and all debts are terminated.c
î c cccc
cc%cc& will help
you understand what makes it possible for
us to obtain an Administrative Judgment
against the bankers. Over the past several
years of research we have done nothing but
research money- how it works, who has it,
how they got it and where it comes from but
more importantly, Ê
This factor alone is by far one of the most
important financial aspects will learn in
this lifetime.
The current gross national debt is
ridiculous. Everybody wants out of debt, but
there is only $3.8 Trillion ($753 îillion in
02/06) in currency in the whole U.S.
economy, so something doesn't add up,
right? Let¶s get to the bottom of it.
Currently the Federal Government spends
more than they can tax us each year,
entirely because they¶re paying all of this
revenue towards interest on previous years¶
loans. So, what they do is have the
Treasury print U.S. îonds in exchange for
loans from the privately owned Federal
Reserve System.
The private Federal Reserve owners don¶t
have a trillion dollars to lend the
Government, nor do they need it. All they
do is create it, via a bookkeeping entry, and
write a check to the U.S. Government as
the loan in exchange for the U.S. îonds.
The U.S. Government banks at the Federal
Reserve so cashing this check is very easy.
The Government now spends this newly
created money into the economy by paying
the Court, Postal and Military employees,
etc. These consumers then deposit their
paychecks in a commercial bank, îank of
America, for example. The commercial
banks deposit their customers¶ check
(newly deposited money) at their local
Federal Reserve îank and the Reserve
îank allows the commercial bank to issue
up to 33 times more new electronic money,
some of which is used to cover the
customers¶ initial deposit. This is called
"Fractional Reserve îanking.´
cî c
ahen you sign a loan or credit card
application and send it in, (say you are
approved for $10,000.00) the commercial
bank stamps the back of the application, as
if it were a check, with the words: ¶Pay
$10,000.00 to the order of...;¶ which
changes your application into a promissory
They then deposit the promissory note at
the local Federal Reserve îank as new
money. This new money represents a 3%
fraction of what the commercial bank may
now create and do with whatever they want.
So, $330,000.00 minus the original
$10,000.00 is now added to the
commercial bank¶s coffers. They then open
a demand deposit transaction account in
your name, (the same as a checking
account), deposit $10,000.00 of their newly
acquired funds into this account and then
issue you a debit or (in this case) a credit
card or paper check. Remember - it¶s all
just bookkeeping entries, because our
money is backed by nothing.
Your asset, the original promissory note,
not only funds your own supposed loan, but
allows them to pocket up to 33 times the
amount for doing nothing but fancy, yet
fraudulent, bookkeeping entries. So, Ô
, and they get to
permanently keep your asset, the
promissory note, along with the additional
Don¶t forget that when you spend your new
deposit/loan, it ends up in someone else¶s
account and their bank gets to multiply it by
up to 33, yet again. This is how fractional
reserve banking works. This is the cause of
The first thing to shed light on when you
borrow from a bank is that no one with a
bank account is sent a letter telling them
that the money in their account is
temporarily unavailable, because it has
been lent to you. None of the original
accounts in the bank have been touched or
affected. Nobody else's spending power
has been reduced.
Next, we have Title 12 of the United States
Code, §1831n which requires all banks
across the country to abide by Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles. According
to GAAP, 2003 Edition, page 41 under the
section Cash and Cash Equivalents, it
CONSÃDERED AS CASH´. This includes
promissory notes, same as Federal
Reserve Notes.
The Federal Reserve has also been very
clear in their circulars that banks do not
really lend money. Probably the most oft-
quoted reference regarding money creation
is the Federal Reserve publication, Modern
Money Mechanics. On page 6 it says in
rather clear language, -
The Federal Reserve tells us in no
uncertain terms in the next sentence: -
The Federal Reserve publication {
+!,- asserts: -+!
{- !.-!-
! !
Money should be backed by real gold or
silver, not created out of and backed by
nothing. Ãn this way it cannot be easily
counterfeited. Our Forefathers fought to
protect us from this exact same evil, and
outlined it in the U.S. Constitution - Article
1, Section 10, Clause 1: No state shall
enter any Treaty, Alliance or Confederation;
grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; &c
'c%cîcc 'c%c
cccc( c cc
Ãf you feel that no one should be able to
counterfeit money and lend it to us, and if
you also feel that whoever funded the loan
() should be repaid the money plus
damages, and realize that it is
unconstitutional for private banks to control
the money creation is these united States,
then Ê Ê
Ô .
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îanks bombard consumers with over 6
billion mail solicitations each year.
Notwithstanding newspaper, radio,
television, magazine, sporting event
advertising and numerous other forms of
marketing, the average working class,
credit-worthy, American is exposed to over
85 loan solicitations per year.
These banking ads represent, in one way or
another, that the bank will lend you money
in exchange for repayment, plus interest.
This absurd idea is completely contrary to
what, in reality, transpires and what is
actually intended. Ãn actual fact, banks do
not lend you any of their own or their
depositors money. Ãt was your signature on
the promissory note that created the
False advertising is an act of deliberately
misleading a potential client about a
product, service or a company by
misrepresenting information or data in
advertising or other promotional materials.
False advertising is a type of fraud and is
often, a crime.
To substantiate this premise, we will begin
by examining the funding process of credit
cards and loans. ahen you sign and remit
a loan or credit card application, (say you
are approved for $10,000.00) the
commercial bank stamps the back of the
application, as if it were a check, with the
words: "Pay $10,000.00 to the order of..."
which alters your application, transforming it
into a promissory note.
Altering a signed document, after the fact
with the intention of changing the
document's value, constitutes forgery and
fraud. Forgery is the process of making or
adapting objects or documents with the
intent to deceive. Fraud is any crime or civil
wrong perpetuated for personal gain that
utilizes the practice of deception as its
principal method.
Ãn criminal law, fraud is the crime or offense
of deliberately deceiving another, to
damage them - usually, to obtain property
or services without compensation. This
practice may also be referred to as "theft by
deception," "larceny by trick," "larceny by
fraud and deception" or something similar
no matter how you look at it.
Having altered the original document, the
(now) promissory note is deposited at the
local Federal Reserve îank as new money.
(the publication governing corporate
accounting practices) states: "Anything
accepted by the bank as a deposit is
considered as cash." This new money
represents a three to ten percent fraction of
what the commercial bank may now create
and do with as they please.
So, $100,000.00 to $330,000.00 minus the
original $10,000.00 is now added to the
commercial bank's coffers. aith this
scheme they are taking your asset,
depositing it, multiplying it and exchanging
it for an alleged loan back to you. This may
constitute deliberate theft by deception. Ãn
reality, of course, no loan exists.
c c
At this point in the process, they have now
transferred and deposited your note (asset)
to the Federal Reserve îank. This note will
permanently reside and be concealed
there. Since they've pilfered your
promissory note, they owe it back to you. Ãt
is you, therefore, who is actually the
creditor. This deceptive acquisition and
concealment of such a potentially valuable
asset amounts to fraudulent conveyance.
Ãn legal jargon, the term "fraudulent
conveyance" refers to the illegal transfer of
property to another party in order to defer,
hinder or defraud creditors. Ãn order to be
found guilty of fraudulent conveyance, it
must be proven that the intention of
transferring the property was to put it out of
reach of a known creditor - in this case,
Once they have perpetrated this fraudulent
conveyance, the creditor then establishes a
demand deposit transaction account
(checking account) in your name.
$10,000.00 of these newly created/acquired
funds are then deposited into this account.
A debit card, or in this case, a credit card or
paper check is then issued against these
funds. Remember - it's all just bookkeeping
entries, because this money is backed by
Money laundering is the practice of
engaging in financial transactions in order
to conceal the identity, source and/or
destination of money. Previously, the term
"money laundering" was applied only to
financial transactions related to otherwise
criminal activity.
Today, its definition is often expanded by
government regulators (such as the United
States Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency) to encompass any financial
transactions which generate an asset or a
value as the result of an illegal act, which
may involve actions such as tax evasion or
false accounting.
As a result, the illegal activity of money
laundering is now recognized as routinely
practiced by individuals, small or large
businesses, corrupt officials, and members
of organized crime (such as drug dealers,
criminal organizations and possibly, the
banking cartel).
Since receipt of your first "statement" from
each of your creditors, they have
perpetuated the notion of your
indebtedness to them. These assertions did
not disclose a remaining balance owed to
you, as would your checking account. Mail
fraud refers to any scheme which attempts
to unlawfully obtain money or valuables in
which the postal system is used at any
point in the commission of a criminal
ahen they claim you owe a delinquent
payment, you are typically contacted via
telephone, by their representative,
requesting a payment. Ãn some cases this
constitutes wire fraud, which is the Federal
crime of utilizing interstate wire
communications to facilitate a fraudulent
Throughout the process of receiving
monthly payment demands, you may have
been threatened with late fees, increased
interest rates, garnishment, derogatory
information being applied to your credit
reports, telephone harassment and the
threat of being "wrongfully" sued.
Extortion is a criminal offense which occurs
when a person obtains money, behavior, or
other goods and/or services from another
by wrongfully threatening or inflicting harm
to this person, their reputation, or property.
Refraining from doing harm to someone in
exchange for cooperation or compensation
is extortion, sometimes euphemistically
referred to as "protection". This is a
common practice of organized crime
îlackmail is one kind of extortion -
specifically, extortion by threatening to
impugn another's reputation (in this case)
by publishing derogatory information about
them, true or false, on credit reports. Even if
it is not criminal to disseminate the
information, demanding money or other
consideration under threat of injury
constitutes blackmail. îanks and debt
collectors do this all the time.
cc c
The bank never explained to you what you
have now learned. They did not divulge that
they were not loaning anything. You were
not informed that you were exchanging a
promissory note (which has a real cash
value) that was appropriated to fund the
implicit loan.
You were led to assume that they were
loaning you their own, or other people's
money, which we have established as false.
They blatantly concealed this fact. Ãf you
were misinformed, according to contract
law, the agreement is null and void due to
"non-disclosure." Do you better understand
now why your banker is always smiling
when he sees you?
Contract law states that when an
agreement is made between two parties,
each must be given full disclosure of what
is transpiring. An agreement is not valid if
either party conceals pertinent information.
aere you given full disclosure of what was
transpiring every time you took out a loan or
filled out an application for a credit card?
ae hope that this painstakingly, well-
researched material has been educational.
Ãf you weren't already, we hope you have
become highly motivated to take the
remedial action that is now available to you,
your friends and your loved ones. Start your
Administrative Remedy education program
immediately by finding out if you qualify. îy
turning your Debts to Cash you and your
family for generations to come will be able
to enjoy Financial Freedom.
To see if you qualify will only take a few
moments out of your day, so .c$c
cc .ccc%cand
the offer of converting your Debts to Cash
for Financial Freedom for you and your
family. Ãn addition, on the website an
excellent education on privacy and asset
protection is provided in helping to assist
you with keeping the CASH you receive
from your DEîTS through our
Administrative Remedy Process.
Our website is
where you can find a wealth of information
as well as sign up for a free newsletter. To
see if you qualify for an Administrative
Remedy, please contact me at:c
Contact your FCUSA Consultant or Referrer
for details on acquiring your refund on bank