Lec 8 (Iron-Iron Carbide Diagram)
Lec 8 (Iron-Iron Carbide Diagram)
Lec 8 (Iron-Iron Carbide Diagram)
Department of MME
BUET, Dhaka
The critical temperature lines
Micro-structural development during slow
cooling of steels
Classification of steels
Effect of carbon and other alloying elements
on structure and properties of steels
1. WD Callister, Jr. Materials Science and Engineering ,An Introduction,
austenite + L L + cementite
Temperature, °C
+ ferrite austenite + cementite
ferrite cemenite
ferrite + cementite
910 lamellar or layered structure
of ferrite and cementite.
+ Ferrite The layers of alternating
723 phases in pearlite are formed
in the same way as layered
structure of eutectic is formed:
Pearlite + by redistribution C atoms
Ferrite + between ferrite and cementite
Pearlite Cementite
by atomic diffusion.
0.8 2.0
wt. % carbon
Eutectoid steels (0.8 % C)
Austenite (0.8 % C) cannot change
into ferrite (0.025 % C) until some of
its carbon atoms come out of
Therefore the first attempt of
transformation is the precipitation of
carbon atoms out of austenite to
form plates of cementite (6.67 % C).
Pearlite microstructure
containing alternate
layers of ferrite (white)
In the areas immediately adjacent and cementite (black)
to cementite, the iron is depleted
of carbon, and the atoms
rearrange themselves to form
Thus, thin layers of ferrite are
formed on each sides of cementite
plate. This process continues until
all austenite change into pearlite.
Hypoeutectoid steels (< 0.8 % C)
A3 Since ferrite can dissolve
Austenite very little carbon, the extra
+ Ferrite carbon comes out of solution
Ferrite and the remaining austenite
723 becomes richer in carbon.
The carbon content of g
gradually moves down and to
Ferrite + Pearlite + the right along A3 line.
Pearlite Cementite
At 723 C (A1 line), the
0.20 0.8 2.0 remaining g grains containing
wt. % carbon
0.8% carbon undergoes
eutectoid reaction and forms
Hypereutectoid steels (> 0.8 % C)
The Acm line is a solvus line
along which carbon solubility 1130
of austenite decreases with T.
Below Acm, the extra carbon
comes out of g along the grain
boundary as Fe3C precipitates.
Temperature, °C
910 Acm
During their growth, Fe3C Austenite
combine each other to form +
one single grain (just like Cementite
joining two soap bubbles). 723
As Fe3C precipitates, carbon
content of the remaining g
gradually moves down and to Ferrite + Pearlite +
the left along Acm line. Pearlite Cementite
The atoms are bonded less regularly along a grain boundary (e.g., bond angles are
longer), and consequently there is an interfacial or grain boundary energy similar to
the surface energy.
Grain boundaries are more chemically reactive than the grains themselves as a
consequence of this boundary energy.
why a proeutectoid phase (ferrite or cementite) forms along
austenite grain boundaries?
A lower net interfacial energy results when a proeutectoid phase forms along existing
austenite grain boundaries than when the proeutectoid phase forms within the interior
of the grains.
The total interfacial energy is lower in large or coarse-grained materials than in fine-
grained ones because there is less total boundary area in the former.
Based on carbon content
Dead soft (0.03–0.10 % C) Steel
wires, rivets, chain, sheet, strip, welded pipe
Mild (0.10–0.25 % C) Steel
rolled plate, structural shapes, gears, forgings
Medium carbon (0.26–0.60 % C) Steel
connecting rods, crane hooks, shafts, axles, gears, rotors, rails
High carbon (0.61–2.14 % C) Steel
screw drivers, saws, drills, dies, hammers, wrenches, punches, chisels
Variation in steel structures with carbon content
Dead soft steel (C0.01%) Low carbon steel (C0.1%) Medium carbon steel (C0.4%)
Ferrite grains only Mostly ferrite with a few pearlite Almost equal ferrite and pearlite
[b] Use tie line that extends only up to the Ferrite + Pearlite
phase field. Then,
WF = 100 (0.8 – 0.35) / (0.8 – 0.025) = 58.06 %
WP = 100 – 56 = 41.93 %