Hegel believed that the real is rational, meaning reality has an internal logic and order. For Hegel, truth is arrived at dialectically rather than through direct perception. He used "Absolute" not to refer to a supreme being but as the state of collective consciousness achieved when humanity becomes freed from alienation through rational understanding. The real progresses dialectically towards self-realization as consciousness overcomes historical illusions through critique as an immanent examination process.
Hegel believed that the real is rational, meaning reality has an internal logic and order. For Hegel, truth is arrived at dialectically rather than through direct perception. He used "Absolute" not to refer to a supreme being but as the state of collective consciousness achieved when humanity becomes freed from alienation through rational understanding. The real progresses dialectically towards self-realization as consciousness overcomes historical illusions through critique as an immanent examination process.
Hegel believed that the real is rational, meaning reality has an internal logic and order. For Hegel, truth is arrived at dialectically rather than through direct perception. He used "Absolute" not to refer to a supreme being but as the state of collective consciousness achieved when humanity becomes freed from alienation through rational understanding. The real progresses dialectically towards self-realization as consciousness overcomes historical illusions through critique as an immanent examination process.
Hegel believed that the real is rational, meaning reality has an internal logic and order. For Hegel, truth is arrived at dialectically rather than through direct perception. He used "Absolute" not to refer to a supreme being but as the state of collective consciousness achieved when humanity becomes freed from alienation through rational understanding. The real progresses dialectically towards self-realization as consciousness overcomes historical illusions through critique as an immanent examination process.
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The real is rational In Hegel’s era, the term Science had a more universal
definition. The Science refers as an umbrella term to the
The real is concrete; something we can perceive. way we understand and perceive in nature. Hegel does not use the word Spirit or Geist and o Humanities = Geisteswissenschaften; phenomenology like the Husserl’s phenomenology. o Natural Science = Naturwissenschaft; o Husserl means the emergence, or showing, of o Science = Wissenschaft essence Science is used in a more universal o Heidegger means disclosure of being sense. o Hegel means of a dialectical process of self- Absolute causes a lot of confusion and disclosure; the disclosure of the Spirit (Geist) misunderstanding. Once heard, it is misunderstood as o Geist has something to do with humanity. something exact, ultimate causes of things, or a The real, for Hegel, is everything and it exists. The real principle of a Supreme Being. In the most literal sense, seems to have an internal logic, or fundamental order, is Absolute is perceived as something hovering. Absolute, necessary but how does it appear to us? Does it appear for Hegel, is not a hovering entity, nor an entity. as real or cloudy? o The Spirit can arrive at the Absolute. It is not a o If we are to perceive it first, hindi agad yung place, but an achievement. And it is achieved knowledge mismo pumapasok but rather a thru the phenomenology of Spirit. The Spirit is fraction of it. In lieu of reason, there is a process also not an entity, but rather the self- before achieving to it. consciousness of humanity The correspondence theory of truth or theory of (Geisteswissenschaften). adequation expresses the very natural idea that truth is o Thus, the Absolute being talked by Hegel is the a content-to-world or word-to-world relation: what we state of mind of the people; an absolute say, or think, is true or false in virtue of the way the collective consciousness of humanity. world turns out to be. o Hegel = process of overcoming alienation o This is the traditional idea of truth (alienation – freedom); Marx does not think that For Hegel, truth is more dialectical than direct. There we began in alienation but on freedom. Freedom are ways for us to arrive from truth apart from using our is oppressed by societal structures; by eyes or perception. He is not referring to simple capitalism. Marx = freedom – alienation – apprehension but more complex, implied in his quote: freedom “The rational is real, and the real is rational.” In short, we can only understand reality if we have come to the point that we can finally be freed from our own alienation. Pilosopiya lang ang makakaintindi na ang proseso ang rasyonal. The real has an internal logic The real is able to dialectically elevate itself towards self-realization or self-understanding (Absolute Knowledge) The Dialectical Process The notion of “critique” The Phenomenology of the Spirit reveals seminal elements that inform Critical Theory What is Critique for Hegel? o Takes the form of immanent/internal examination of consciousness, as opposed to transcendental examination o Process of critique is “negative” o Emancipation from historical illusions
(Media, Communication and Society, 6) Christian Fuchs - Digital Democracy and The Digital Public Sphere - Media, Communication and Society, Volume Six-Routledge (2022)