2012 CH4-storage-MOF Maurin ChemComm
2012 CH4-storage-MOF Maurin ChemComm
2012 CH4-storage-MOF Maurin ChemComm
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Metal-organic frameworks
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Published on 15 August 2012. Downloaded by Universidad de Valladolid Biblioteca on 11/24/2022 4:57:21 PM.
CH4 storage and CO2 capture in highly porous zirconium oxide based
metal–organic frameworkswz
Qingyuan Yang,ab Vincent Guillerm,c Florence Ragon,c Andrew D. Wiersum,d
Philip L. Llewellyn,d Chongli Zhong,a Thomas Devic,c Christian Serrec and
Guillaume Maurin*b
Received 2nd July 2012, Accepted 14th August 2012
DOI: 10.1039/c2cc34714h
A series of porous Zr oxoclusters-based MOFs was computationally Through a judicious choice of these organic and inorganic moieties,
explored for their gas storage/capture performances. The highly many MOFs were designed with ultra-high porosity, including
porous UiO-67(Zr) and UiO-68(Zr) solids show exceptionally high MIL-101,5a MOF-177,5b MOF-205,3a PCN-14,5c UMCM-2,5d that
CH4 and CO2 adsorption capacities under operating conditions that have further shown high CO2 and/or CH4 uptakes.3a,5c,6 However,
make these thermal, water and mechanical resistant materials very the majority of these promising materials suffers either from a
promising for physisorption-based processes. relatively poor stability under humidity or would require a high
energy cost for regeneration that are both severe drawbacks for
The anthropogenic emission of CO2 from fossil fuel burning in practical applications.3c,d Indeed, tailoring more stable, chemically-
power plants and automobile transport is a growing environ- resistant MOF frameworks combined with high adsorption perfor-
mental and economic issue. CH4 is another strategic gas of mance is still nowadays a great challenge for the MOF community.
considerable interest. Apart from its negative greenhouse Here, we focus on an emerging class of zirconium-based
effect, this latter species, which is the main component of the MOFs derived from the UiO-66(Zr) topology. This isoreticular
natural gas, is also considered as a cleaner energy carrier than series includes the existing UiO-67(Zr),7a UiO-68(Zr)7a and
petroleum oil because of its higher hydrogen-to-carbon ratio Zr-AzoBDC7b solids where 4,4 0 -BPDC, TPDC and AzoBDC
and a resulting much lower carbon emission.1 Indeed, the ligands substitute the parent BDC organic node of UiO-66(Zr),
search for safe and high-capacity CH4 storage and CO2 respectively, that are completed by a newly synthesized
capture systems has been a long-standing challenge that has Zr-MOF involving Cl2AzoBDC as a linker (Fig. 1). The
triggered tremendous studies with the aim to improve the hydroxylated forms of these analogue materials are built up
existing related technologies. It is well established that the from the inorganic block Zr6-octahedra [Zr6O4(OH)4] bounded
physisorption-based processes involving porous solids offer an to twelve organic linkers, leading to a three dimensional periodic
efficient storage/capture alternative with the ability to release structure in which each centric octahedral cage (Fig. 1a) is
the adsorbed gases easily.2 Among this class of materials, connected to eight corner tetrahedral cages (Fig. 1b) through
porous metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have attracted triangular windows. The parent UiO-66(Zr) has been recently
substantial attention during the past decades in the field of shown to be stable up to 450 1C under air, unaltered upon water
gas adsorption/separation both experimentally3 and theoreti- adsorption8a and mechanical pressure,7a easily regenerable8a,b
cally.4 Such an intriguing family of coordination materials and selective for the CO2–CH4 mixture with a high working
corresponds to crystalline hybrid media built up from inorganic capacity.8c The four other analogues are also porous MOFs (see
metal-ion subunits connected by polytopic organic ligands. the structural features provided in Table S3 in the ESIz). The
solvothermal synthesis of the UiO-67(Zr), Zr6-AzoBDC and its
State Key Laboratory of Organic-Inorganic Composites, 3,3 0 ,4,40 -Cl2AzoBDC functionalized analogue have been carried
Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, China
Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, UMR CNRS 5253, UM2,
Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex 05, France.
E-mail: [email protected]
Institut Lavoisier, UMR CNRS 8180-Universite´ de Versailles
StQuentin-enYvelines, 45 avenue des Etats-Unis, 78035 Versailles,
Madirel UMR CNRS 7246, Universite´s Aix-Marseille - CNRS,
Centre de Saint Je´rôme, 13013 Marseille, France
w This article is part of the ChemComm ‘Metal-organic frameworks’ Fig. 1 Illustration of the Zr-MOFs crystalline structure: (a) octahedral
web themed issue.
cage, (b) tetrahedral cages. H atoms were omitted for clarity. The large
z Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Details of
experiments and molecular simulations. CCDC 889529–889533. For spheres represent the void regions inside the cages (Zr polyhedra: red for
ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see octahedral cage, green for tetrahedral cages; C, gray; O, red). The extended
DOI: 10.1039/c2cc34714h organic linkers are also presented.
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 9831–9833 9831
out and the resulting solids activated and characterized. As a
further step, their thermal, water and mechanical stabilities have
been assessed (see ESIz), revealing that this class of solids is stable
Published on 15 August 2012. Downloaded by Universidad de Valladolid Biblioteca on 11/24/2022 4:57:21 PM.
9832 Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 9831–9833 This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012
above for UiO-67(Zr). In addition, this Zr-MOF shows a support of the Beijing Nova (2008B15), ‘‘Hubert Curien Cai
storage capacity for CH4 which is much higher than other Yuanpei’’ (24038XC) programs and Natural Science Foundation
conventional adsorbents such as the activated carbon (AC) (21136001) is also greatly appreciated.
Published on 15 August 2012. Downloaded by Universidad de Valladolid Biblioteca on 11/24/2022 4:57:21 PM.
This journal is c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2012 Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 9831–9833 9833