The Alchemist
Part One
Crossword Challenge
When you skim a book or read synopses, you miss the opportunity to see the beauty of the language, or
important details that may help you understand the author’s message. Just as it is vital to read test directions that
include details that may affect your answer, it is important to give the same attention to a work of literature to
get the most out of it. Test your reading skills by completing the crossword puzzle without using your book.
2 3
5 6
9 10
13 14
15 16
Across Down
3. One of the stones given to the boy 1. The merchant’s daughter had ____ hair.
5. The book
3 Onerequiring
of thethestones
to feedto
a hungry person
the boy 2. 1The place
The where the boy
merchant's met with the
daughter hadgypsy
7. Sheep are not afraid of ____. 3. The port town where boy lands in Africa
9. Where The book
5 Santiago comes requiring
from the merchant to 4. Thehair.
boy’s only possession
11. First Greek a hungrycharacter
mythological personmentioned The
6. 2The boyplace where
must learn the boy____.
to recognize met with
12. The place where the treasure
7 Sheep are not afraid is located
of ____. 8. The ____ will
the gypsy conspire to give the boy what he wants.
13. The King of Salem’s actual name 10. Clues
9 Where
14. The boy’ Santiago
s father wanted him tocomes from
be a ____. 3 The port town where boy lands in
11 First
15. Santiago offers Greek
to clean mythological character
____ for the crystal merchant. Africa
16. Author’smentioned
4 The boy's only possession
12 The place where the treasure is 6 The boy must learn to recognize
located S - 39
____. Reproducible Student Worksheet
13 The King of Salem's actual name 8 The ____ will conspire to give the
14 The boy's father wanted him to be a boy what he wants.