English I

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Name:_________________________________________Date: _____________, 2013 Grade level:___Parents signature:_____________Teacher: __________________ General Guidelines: Read and follow ALL the directions carefully. Strictly avoid erasures Write only in cursive
I.IDENTIFICATION Identify the following literary terms or literary elements of the story. Write your answers on the space provided below. (10 points) ______________ 1. Persons represented in the story ______________ 2. Events leading to the highest point of interest. ______________ 3. Part that identifies the characters and presents the situation. ______________ 4. Time and place of the story. ______________ 5. The main idea of the overall story. ______________ 6. Part in which the conflict is the most intense. ______________ 7. Summation of the action or a hint at probable development. ______________ 8. Over all plan of a story. ______________ 9. Events, following the climax in which the conflict is resolved. ______________ 10. Another name for plot. II.CAUSE AND EFFECT Identify the following events from the story The Great Flood. Write C if the event is a cause and E- if the event is an Effect. (10 points) ____1. Aponi-tolau was bored with the view from the mountain peak. ____2. Aponi-tolau called to his mother for help. ____3. Aponi-tolau was bewitched by the waves of the sea ____4. Langaan swiftly sent the North Wind to tell her son to hurry with his wife and household to the highest peak of the Cordillera mountains. ____5. The seaweed maidens laughed and danced as they enticed Aponi-tolau into their palace. ____6. Humitau had lost all her longings for the sea. ____7. Aponi-tolau was dazzled by the beauty of Humitau. ____8. Tau- Mariu ordered the waters to stop rising, and the waves to stop buffeting. He pulled back the sea to its shores and the rivers to their beds. ____9. The cries of the seaweed reached Tau-mariu in his abode. ____10. Tau-mariu swore the waves would still rise and floods would rampage, boats would be wrecked at sea, and men would drown. III.IDENTIFYING CHARACTERS Identify the characters who delivered these lines from the stories. (10points) ______________ 1. Drop your coin seven times, then, and you, Mr. Rich Man, listen to the sound of the coin. ______________ 2. Lets divide the banana plant between the two of us. ______________ 3. My banana plant is now bearing fruit and the fruit has already ripened. ______________ 4. Oh, Kabunian my god grant that I become a tree. ______________ 5. Thats the payment for all we have taken. You may keep the change. ______________ 6. Truly, Monsieur is a great artist!, this platter with your painting will be cherished in my art collection. ______________ 7. This is no 10-pound note. It is nothing but a drawing. Monsieur is a Fraud! Robber! Thief!

______________ 8. Let this pirate go. He shall not say he declared a rajahs son through fear and torture. ______________ 9. Watch over our young rajah, wherever he may be. Please do not let the faithful of Lawin weaken in serving Prince Alon. ______________ 10. Yes, I am a freeman ,Who would not know you?, you most beautiful of creatures? IV.WORD VIEW Encircle the letter of the best meaning from the italicized word in each sentence. (10points) 1.Grace and beauty incarnate was the daughter of Maginoo Mataas. a.Personified b. presented c.projected 2.A boat with a solitary occupant sat lightly on the water. a.lonely b. fearful c.single 3.He did not speak to Laarni but his eyes pleaded eloquently. a.hopefully b.fluently c.sincerely 4.Nobody dares transgress the laws and customs of the kingdom. a.question b.change c.break 5.Laarni retired in vexation to her chamber. a.fear b.hatred c.distress 6.You appear incredulous my children? a.unwilling to believe b.not wanting to accept the truth c.dissapointed at the result 7.The Chinese smiled slyly as he barred Laarnis way. a.in a strange manner b. with intention to deceive c. from ear to ear 8.The Man kept his enemies at bay with the snake he held. a.away b. cornered c.near the seashore 9.Many young men asked in vain for Laarnis hand. a. Without success b.impatiently c.with no conditions 10.The rajahs wealth and power were naught compared to the beauty of his daughter a.nothing b. something c.everything V. Following Sequence Arrange the following events in order as they appeared in the story. Write only numbers 1-10 before each number. (10points)

____1. One day, Laarni accepted Li Ho Wengs invitation to the ship. ____2. Later, Maharlika was brought before Li Ho Weng and the princess ____3. Laarni told Maharlika to thrust his spear into her fathers stairca. ____4. Once there lived a beautiful princess named Laarni. ____5. Aboard, Laarni was awed by the beauty and splendour of the good laid before her. ____6. One day two proposals came for Laarnis hand, that of Rajah Bayanis and Li Ho
Wengs ____7. The cobra that was brought out to kill Maharlika killed Li Ho Weng instead. ____8. Of Laarnis many suitors, none was favoured by his father. ____9. However, she was not allowed to leave the ship. ____10. Rajah Mataas decided to accept Rajah Bayanis proposal. VI.MULTIPLE CHOICE

Read the statements carefully and identify the literary terms being defined below. Write only the letter of your answer (10points) ____1. These are traditional stories set an imaginary world that once served to explain origin of life, religious beliefs, and forces of nature as supernatural happenings. a.myths b.folk tale c.legends d.fables ____2. These are short narratives that give human speech and inanimate animals. These stories are intended to teach moral lesson. a.myths b.folk tale c.legends d.fables ____3. This is an anonymous, timeless and placeless story circulated orally among people and handed down from generation to generation a.myths b.folk tale c.legends d.fables ____4. These are the stories that are handed down from the past and may tell about the origin happened to people or things which can be both fact or fiction. a.myths b.folk tale c.legends d.fables ____5. This is a brief story of an interesting, amusing or biographical incident. It usually features a persons distinctive traits or characteristics. a.biography b.anecdote c.autobiography d.diary ____6. This is a form of non fictional literature, the subject of which is the life of the author himself or herself, the author recounts his or her own life history. a.biography b.anecdote c.autobiography d.journal ____7. This is a form of non fictional literature that tells an account of someone's life written by another person. a.biography b.anecdote c.autobiography d.diary ____8. A person who is responsible for the thoughts and actions within a story, poem, or other literature. a.character b.narrator c.setting d.theme ____9. A common thread or repeated idea that is incorporated throughout a literary work. a. genre b.narrator c.setting d.theme ____10. One who tells a story, the speaker or the voice of an oral or written work. a.character b.narrator c.setting d.theme VII.MYTH OR LEGEND Identify the following statement if it pertains to Myth or to a Legend. Write Mfor myth and L-for legend. (10points) ______1. There are no actual events or time frame to support that the events or people were really or actually happened. ______2. Past time or historical. Usually from a specific culture. ______3. Past time and historical. Within a specific time period -- usually ancient. ______4. Facts are distorted or exaggerated. Some fiction. ______5. There is no evidence to prove it was fact. Fictional stories explaining how "the world was created" or some type of natural situation that occurred on Earth. ______6. Actual heroes or people who do admirable or heroic deeds. ______7. Gods of ancient cultures. ______8. Legends feature an actual cultural hero, but include imaginative elements. ______9. Traditional narrative that explains natural phenomena through symbolism -often involves the gods of ancient cultures. ______10. Imaginative element is used to help explain or tell the story. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

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