AÇI College CAS HandBook
AÇI College CAS HandBook
AÇI College CAS HandBook
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international
organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education
and rigorous assessment.
Balikesir Aci College aims to educate individuals who can produce critical and creative ideas,
can think analytically; are open-minded, sensitive to the environment, respectful, disciplined
and dependent on spiritual and human values; have high self-esteem, universal tolerance and
understanding; aspires lifelong learning and who use at least one foreign language at the
highest level.
What is CAS? 6
What does CAS stand for? 6
What are the aims of CAS? 7
What are the CAS learning outcomes? 7
What are the CAS stages? 8
What is the responsibility of students in CAS journey? 8
What is the responsibility of CAS Coordinator in CAS journey? 9
What is the responsibility of parents in CAS journey? 10
What is the evaluation form of students in CAS? 11
A sample of CAS portfolio 11
Some examples of CAS experiences and CAS projects 13
The template of CAS portfolio 14
References 15
“CAS is at the heart of the Diploma Programme. With this holistic approach, CAS is designed
to strengthen and extend students’ personal and interpersonal learning from PYP and MYP.”
(IB Diploma Programme CAS Guide, 2017)
As CAS Guide indicates, CAS is one of the core lessons of IB Diploma Programme. It is
based on students’ needs and discovery of students themselves. CAS also presents challenging
ways in order to develop students to be open to the communications of others, use critical and
creative thinking skills for analyzing situations, take responsibility for their actions, inquire
and search how to learn independently and with the others, respect and show empathy. It also
develops the skills for balancing students’ own aspects of life, conceptual understanding,
working independently and cooperatively with courage and determination, consideration of
strengthens and weaknesses of themselves. By doing this, those who have this core lesson
critically appreciate their self-development and values both for themselves and others.
Students strengthen their perspectives of their own culture and personal background as well as
the values of others. CAS aims to educate individuals who can produce critical and creative
ideas, be able to think analytically. CAS also aims to educate individuals who are open-
minded, sensitive to the environment, respectful, disciplined and dependent on spiritual and
human values; have high self-esteem, universal tolerance and understanding; aspires lifelong
learning and who use at least one foreign language at the highest level. It can be also seen as
journey of the students into their personality.
CAS is a requirement for students who would like to complete the Diploma Programme
successfully. It does not have a graded assessment procedure. However, it needs
accomplishment of CAS portfolio as the proof of students’ engagement with CAS.
CAS is organized around the three strands. These are creativity, activity and service. These
are defined as follows:
● Creativity: exploring and extending students’ ideas, producing new performance
according to their own talents, imaginations, interests, passions and emotional
● Activity: physical involvement contributing to a healthy lifestyle.
● Service: an unpaid and voluntary act of service which has collaborative and obsolete
engagement with the community in response to an authentic need.
As stated in the CAS Guide 2017, CAS aims to develop students who:
● enjoy and find significance in a range of CAS experiences
● purposefully reflect upon their experiences
● identify goals, develop strategies and determine further actions for personal growth
● explore new possibilities, embrace new challenges and adapt to new roles
● actively participate in planned, sustained and collaborative CAS projects
● understand they are members of local and global communities with responsibilities
towards each other and the environment
Being active, learning by doing, life-long learning are some key components of CAS. CAS
believes that when the learners engage in the activities and real life experiences, they can have
possibility to participate in reality, adapt themselves to new roles actively and have better
understanding of other people with collaboration.
As Creativity, Activity, Service Guide indicates that there are seven learning outcomes to
achieve the development of the necessary skills, attributes and understandings for the students
through meaningful and purposeful CAS experiences. These are as follows:
1. Identify their own strengths and develop areas for personal growth
2. Demonstrate that they have undertaken challenges, developing new skills in the
3. Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
4. Show commitment to and perseverance in their CAS experiences
5. Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
6. Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
7. Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
The most important implication of a focus on the qualitative outcomes is to raise a child with
both national and international understanding, having cross-cultural features, hosting
humanity in deep sides of themselves. In addition, the outcomes of learning are the behaviors
that all parents would like to feel and observe in their children's attitude towards both people
around the children and the children themselves.
These outcomes could help students understand and observe how our students hug the soul of
being a good human, which is actually what IB mission statement and Aci College mission
statement state.
n Investigation
Action Preparation
Figure 4
The five CAS stages
Creativity, Activity, Service Guide, 2017
As can be seen in the diagram, there are two parts, which are the center and the outer. The
center represents four key components of the process: investigation -which would like the
students to identify their interests, needs, skills and talents to be used-, preparation – which
enables students to determine roles and responsibilities, develop an action plan-, action-which
offers students to make decisions and solve problems working individually or with groups,
and reflection. These four key components of the process are linked. The outer indicates two
components in summarizing the CAS experience: reflection and demonstration. Reflection
stage is one of the key factors that students describe their learning journey with expressing
their feelings, emotions and generating ideas during their CAS journey. It also could occur
any time in the process and enable to new actions. Demonstration is another key opponent of
the stages, which is the way of solidification students’ understanding and responses from
others. It could be shared with CAS portfolios in ManageBac or Google Classroom in formal
As the Creativity, Activity, Service Guide 2017 states, CAS students are expected to:
● approach CAS with a proactive attitude
● develop a clear understanding of CAS expectations and the purpose of CAS
● explore personal values, attitudes and attributes with reference to the IB learner profile
and the IB mission statement
● determine personal goals
● discuss plans for CAS experiences with the CAS coordinator and/or CAS adviser
● understand and apply the CAS stages where appropriate
● take part in a variety of experiences, some of which are self-initiated, and at least one
CAS project
● become more aware of personal interests, skills and talents and observe how these
evolve throughout the CAS programme
● maintain a CAS portfolio and keep records of CAS experiences including evidence of
achievement of the seven CAS learning outcomes
● understand the reflection process and identify suitable opportunities to reflect on CAS
● demonstrate accomplishments within their CAS programme
● communicate with the CAS coordinator/adviser and/or CAS supervisor in formal and
informal meetings
● ensure a suitable balance between creativity, activity and service in their CAS
● behave appropriately and ethically in their choices and behaviors.
As Balikesir Aci College, we would like our students to remember that this CAS journey is
their life journey. The outcomes of this journey will stay with our students for a life time.
CAS Coordinator is the one who gives the support during the process of the experience.
Students may not have any idea about how they can share responsibilities. In that phase, CAS
coordinator can plot a route for how they will make it by giving them opportunities to find out
what the students qualities are. When the coordinator guides the students in that way, students
can find out the solution of what kind of duties and missions they will have during the
experience. Because CAS coordinator is the one who has knowledge about our students by
means of their interests, skills, their likings and disliking, their strengths and weaknesses.
Besides, CAS coordinator could ask convenient questions about the timelines when the
students are stuck so that they can find out the best timeline for the experience themselves.
CAS coordinator is the guide who helps her students discover their potential inside and
recognize the reality of themselves.
As the Creativity, Activity, Service Guide 2017 states, CAS Coordinator has the responsibility
to work directly with the students to:
● educate students on all aspects of the CAS programme
● educate students on the meaning and purpose of the CAS learning outcomes
● assist students with clarifying and developing the attributes of the IB learner profile
● support students in understanding ethical concerns and international-mindedness
● develop purposeful reflection skills through individual interviews, group discussions
and teaching strategies
● provide feedback on student reflections
● assist students in identifying personal and group goals
● discuss goals and achievements in regular meetings
● provide ongoing guidance and support to students
● monitor the range and balance of experiences undertaken by individuals
● advise and monitor progress towards meeting the CAS learning outcomes
● periodically review students’ CAS portfolios
● meet each student in three formal documented interviews
Parents are one of the key factors for this journey. As the partners of this journey, parents are
expected to:
● support the student by emphasizing that CAS is a fundamental part of the IB
● allow the students to develop their own independence and self-sufficiency
● contact the IB CAS Coordinator with their concerns or questions if and when
● responsible for the safety of their child during CAS experiences outside school
● be responsible for transportation to and from CAS experiences or projects if and when
Organization team will be responsible for finance, public relations, for taking pictures
during the experience, conference managing and logistics. Academic team will be
responsible for creating the agenda items, writing the study guides, handing out the
countries to the committees and so on. The organization can take 3 days including debates
with other countries representatives. In coffee breaks, they can have some fun sessions
such as just dance. At the end, they can write resolution papers for the global problems
that they have debated.
Evidence of the Learning Outcomes:
LO 1: Students will be able to see themselves as a representative of a different country as
LO 2: Students will be able to develop their skills such as writing a resolution or
brainstorming with the global issues.
LO 3: This process needs great connections with the others who are responsible for
making this organization. Students will be able to organize and think every step of this
experience in details.
LO 4: Students will be able to be active during the experience, I mean both in the
preparation process and during the experience.
LO 5: Students will be able to cooperate with each other during the process so that they
can see their missing parts and help how to do it better together.
LO 6: Students will be able to think about international and global issues so that they can
find appropriate solutions to these problems. Because they will debate about global
problems such as refugees, human rights etc.
LO 7: Students will be able to show awareness.
Connections to IB Learner Profile Attributes: balanced, inquirers, knowledgeable,
thinkers, communicators, caring, reflective, risk-takers, open-minded, principled
Students will present their CAS portfolio as a web blog as it will be easier to share documents
and photos. There will be a comment section for students’ sharing, so any friend who follows
the student can post comments, give feedback and express themselves in a way to reflect in
Google Classroom.
● Creativity, Activity, Service Teacher Support Material, International
● Programme Standards and Practices, International Baccalaureate
● Aci College IBDP Policies
● Diploma Programme Assessment Procedures, International Baccalaureate