Strength and Conditioning Training by The Danish.1
Strength and Conditioning Training by The Danish.1
Strength and Conditioning Training by The Danish.1
Kvorning, T, Hansen, MRB, and Jensen, K. Strength and eam handball is an Olympic sport which is played
conditioning training by the Danish national handball team before worldwide and is highly developed in many Euro-
an Olympic tournament. J Strength Cond Res 31(7): 1759–1765, pean countries (14). In the past decade, the Danish
2017—The physical demands imposed on national team handball men’s handball team has been ranked as one of
the world’s leading national handball teams after winning (a)
teams during the Olympics imply significant physical preparation
the European Championship in 2008 and 2012, (b) the silver
to improve performance and reduce incidence of injuries. The
medal in the World Championship in 2011, and (c) the
purpose of this case report was to describe and analyze the
Olympic gold medal in Rio 2016. The physical demands
strength and conditioning (S&C) training performed by the Danish imposed on national teams during international tournaments
national handball team before the Beijing Olympic Games. Eight (e.g., the Olympics) with several matches in a compressed
weeks of S&C was divided into 5 weeks emphasizing muscle period, and the number of substitutes reduced from 16 to 14
hypertrophy and long-interval running followed by 3 weeks empha- players, means that fewer players have to cover the physical
sizing strength, power, and short-interval running. Body mass load during matches, and the high match frequency means
increased by 1.6% (p , 0.05), whereas body fat decreased by less time for recovery between matches. Thus, the physical
1.0% (p , 0.05). No differences were seen in countermovement challenge in an Olympic tournament requires a significant
jump or jump-and-reach height (p . 0.05). Agility performance physical preparation to improve recovery capacity, reduce
was evaluated by a T-test and improved by 2.5% (p , 0.05). incidence of injuries, and compete successfully (17).
However, there is a large diversity of programs and
Changes by 6% and 22% were seen in 1 repetition maximum
models for training and preparations, and it is difficult to
(1RM) bench press and 1RM back squat, respectively. However,
pin point the optimal set-up. In this context, this case report
only the 1RM bench press increased significantly (p , 0.05).
may function as a plausible approach because we report
Running performance was tested by the Yo-Yo intermittent recov- what was actually done by the Danish men’s handball team—
ery test, level 2, and improved by 25% (p , 0.05). In conclusion, a team ranked as one of the world’s leading national hand-
during 8 weeks of S&C training before the Beijing Olympics, body ball teams—before the Olympics in Beijing 2008.
composition changed toward more muscle mass, better upper- The purpose of this case report is therefore to describe
body strength, better interval running, and agility performance, and analyze the effect of the strength and conditioning
whereas no changes were seen in jumping or lower-body muscle training performed by the Danish national handball team in
strength. This case report may be used as a handy script for an 8-week preparation period leading up to the Beijing
handball teams preparing for competition. Detailed and periodized Olympics 2008 and to evaluate this as a possible preparation
S&C training programs for 8 weeks are provided and can be used model for upcoming tournaments.
by teams ranging from moderately to highly trained.
KEY WORDS team handball, 1RM dynamic strength, aerobic,
Experimental Approach to the Problem
anaerobic, agility
The strength and conditioning programs and testing were
performed by Team Denmark, the Danish Elite Sport Institu-
tion in cooperation with the Danish Handball Federation. A
Address correspondence to Thue Kvorning, [email protected]. range of tests performed before the preparation period (pretest)
31(7)/1759–1765 evaluated the strength and conditioning level of each player. A
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research field-testing set-up was chosen to be able to operate in an elite
Ó 2017 National Strength and Conditioning Association setting with change of training sites and minimum time for
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Strength and Conditioning for Olympic Handball
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Agility performance—as defined
TABLE 1. Strength training program, emphasizing mainly muscle hypertrophy
during the first 5 weeks (A) and maximum strength and explosive muscle
by Sheppard et al. (20) as
strength during the last 3 weeks (B).*† a rapid whole-body movement
with change of speed or direc-
(A) tion— was evaluated by a T-test,
Power clean or power snatch 4 repetitions with 75% of 1RM 3 4 sets
Squat or leg press or lunge or step up 8RM 3 4 sets
9 3 9 m. Players had 2 “warm-
Bench press or dumbbell press or pull 8RM 3 4 sets up trials” before actual testing.
over The players were instructed to
Lat pull-down or bent-over row 8RM 3 4 sets start the T-test on the “Go”
One-legged standing heel raise 8RM 3 3 sets command, and simultaneously
One-legged leg curl 8RM 3 4 sets
Russian twist or wood chop 20 repetitions 3 3 sets the timer started the watch.
Lower back exercises 4 sets On the Go command, the play-
Abdominal exercises 4 sets ers sprint forward, sideways,
Rotator cuff exercises 3 sets and backwards in a “T” pattern.
(B) The players should always face
Power clean or power snatch 2–3 repetitions, 4 repetitions with 90% of front and not cross their feet
1RM 3 4 sets when moving sideways. The
Explosive step up or jump squat 5 repetitions with 30% of 1RM 3 3 sets timer stopped the watch when
Squat or leg press or lunge 4–6RM 3 4 sets (perform 3 maximum the player terminated the test
CMJ between sets)
Bench press or dumbbell press or 4–6RM 3 4 sets by touching the finishing pole.
pull over The players were allowed 2 mi-
Lat pull-down or bent-over row 8RM 3 4 sets nutes of rest between trials. The
One-legged leg curl 8RM 3 4 sets test score was the best time of 2
Medicine ball twist (10–15 kg) 20 repetitions 3 3 sets trials, to the nearest 0.1 second.
Lower back exercises 4 sets
Abdominal exercises 4 sets For details, see Ref. 1.
Rotator cuff exercises 3 sets Maximum Dynamic
*RM = repetition maximum; CMJ = countermovement jump. Strength Test
†Rest between exercises was 1–2 minutes for upper-body exercises and 2–3 minutes for Maximal dynamic strength of
lower-body exercises.
the upper and lower extremity
was assessed using 1RMBP and
1RMBS, respectively. The tests
were performed with free
hands on the hips and to land on the contact mat in weights, and the 1RM testing protocol closely adhered to
a position similar to that of take-off. The depth of the CMJ the recommendations of the National Strength and Condi-
was self-selected and should represent each player’s opti- tioning Association (1). The 1RM was determined within 3
mal depth for maximal jump height. The players were attempts for all players. The highest load lifted was used as
allowed for 30 seconds of rest between each attempt, 3 the test score.
in total and the highest jump measured being used for
Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test: Level 2
further analysis.
The YYIR2 test is previously described by Bangsbo et al. (2).
In short, the protocol involved repeated 2 3 20-m runs back
Jump-and-Reach Test and forth between the starting, turning, and finishing line at
The JR test was determined by a Vertec device (SwiftPer- a progressively increasing speed controlled by audio beeps
formance, Wacol, Australia), with a 3-step run up. Before with 10 seconds of recovery between each run. The test was
starting the JR test, players standing reach height was considered failed if the players became unable to reach the
measured (the point marked by the fingertips, with the finishing line on time twice or felt unable to finish another
arm fully extended upward and heels on the ground). Then, shuttle at the dictated speed. The total distance covered
the players performed a 3-step run up toward the Vertec, during the test was used for further analysis.
followed by a single-legged jump with arm swing. To
calculate vertical jump height, the difference between Strength and Conditioning Program
standing height reached by the fingertips on the Vertec Strength training was periodized, so the first 5 weeks
and the highest jump and reach was measured. Players had 3 emphasized muscle hypertrophy, whereas the last 3 weeks
attempts, with 1-minute rest in between, and the test score emphasized the development of maximum muscle strength
was the highest jump of the 3 attempts (1). and explosive muscle strength. Strength training was
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Strength and Conditioning for Olympic Handball
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Strength and Conditioning for Olympic Handball
Our overall practical philosophy, behind the testing and Team handball players must train for muscle mass,
strength and conditioning program, was to secure a physical strength, power and agility performance, and aerobic and
base for playing handball and to underpin the individual anaerobic power and capacity, and at the same time, thus,
player’s technical and tactical characteristics, rather than concurrent training is essential for high-level performance.
seeking a position-specific prototype (i.e., wing, back, pivot, However, concurrent training is known to influence the
and goalkeeper), in terms of physical performance (9). In magnitude of strength gains, also known as the “interference
addition, we had to take the relatively short training period phenomenon” (7). The interference phenomenon dictates
of 8 weeks into consideration, and the fact that these that it is important to get the balance right between these
position-specific physical performance features, can for some different aspects of training (7). To minimize the interference
players, be difficult to achieve because of various limiting training of aerobic and anaerobic power and capacity, this
factors (i.e., technical/tactical training priorities versus phys- modality was separated as much as possible from strength,
ical priorities, injury history, genetic set-up etc.). speed, and agility training, and if combined in the same
Concerning planning of the strength and conditioning session, players were alternating the sequence. It may be
training modalities, all aerobic and anaerobic training was speculated that some interference have occurred, as indi-
performed as interval training, which is coincident with the cated by the lack of improvements in jumping performance,
important features for the success in handball. Both high- because it is acknowledged that aerobic training may ham-
volume and high-intensity intervals seem to be important for per the players’ ability to adapt to the strength and plyomet-
the athlete performing in high-intensity sports (12). This ric/SSC training (8). However, concurrent training within
training method is also known as the polarized approach the same day is a necessary compromise when all training
(11,12). In addition, there seems to be a sound support for modalities, including technical and tactical training, have to
the benefits of using high-intensity interval training in fit in a week plan.
already-trained athletes (11,12). With this understanding In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that an 8-week
in mind, the aerobic and anaerobic training was performed strength and conditioning period before an Olympic tour-
with the focus on aerobic capacity and power during the first nament was sufficient to induce positive changes in body
5 weeks by emphasizing volume and intensity at the same composition and physical performance of elite handball
time, by executing the training as intervals with long rest players. Thus, the training applied during the preparation
periods in between running intervals. During the last 3 period changed body composition toward more muscle
weeks, focus was put on anaerobic capacity and power by mass and less body fat. Running performance increased both
emphasizing higher intensity and therefore reducing volume. in relation to short intense movements in the T-test and in
The strength and agility training was planned on inspiration longer anaerobic and aerobic running in the YYIR2 test,
from the “mixed approach” described by Newton & Kraemer whereas the team in general was not able to increase their
(19). Ultimately, the main goal of strength and agility training jumping abilities or strength of the lower body. Overall, we
for handball is to increase muscle mass, strength, power, and demonstrated that we are able to optimize the physical
agility performance. In short, the mixed approach comprises performance level of already well-trained national team
different training modalities, which are all known to improve handball players in 8 weeks, for the more demanding
explosive muscle performance. The modalities are defined as competition schedule at the Olympics. Accordingly, we
slow-velocity strength training (i.e., 3RM squat etc.), high- expect the players to tolerate more physical load during
velocity strength training (i.e., jump squat performed with matches and to recover faster, during an intense Olympic
30% of 1RM), rate of force development training (i.e., power tournament but also for the World championships and
clean, heavy strength training performed with maximal effort), European championships. It seems prudent to conclude that
SSC training, and intramuscular coordination training (i.e., the described procedure could function as a preparation
jumps, sprints, throws, agility etc.). model for upcoming tournaments.
Thus, the program included exercises such as deadlift,
bench press, and back squat and explosive types of strength PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS
training exercises such as the power snatch, power clean, This case report can be used as a handy script for handball
loaded jumps, and SSC exercises. The reason for performing teams preparing for competition. Detailed and periodized
these exercises is that they involve multiple joints (especially strength and conditioning training programs for 8 weeks are
hip and knee joints) and activate large muscle volumes, and provided and can be used by teams ranging from moderately
they are performed from a standing position (19). Most of these to highly trained. By focusing on partly supervised and
exercises teach the players to apply force and power with periodized strength and conditioning training, as described
selected muscle groups in the proper sequence and therefore with gradually more intensity in both endurance and
enable these to explode in a ballistic type of movement, and strength training, an increase in performance can be
additional important benefits from these exercises consist of expected. In addition, relevant tests and related reference
teaching the player to move fast from eccentric contractions values are provided for individual adjustments to be done
to concentric contractions (i.e., reactive strength). according to the needs and capacity analysis.
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