Reviewing The Effect of The Stretch-Shortening Cycle Workouts On Shot Hit Performance
Reviewing The Effect of The Stretch-Shortening Cycle Workouts On Shot Hit Performance
Reviewing The Effect of The Stretch-Shortening Cycle Workouts On Shot Hit Performance
Reviewing the effect of the stretch-shortening
cycle workouts on shot hit performance
Demirci Deniz1AB, Konyali Mustafa2AB, Akdeniz Hakan3CD, Sekban Gülşah4DE, Aydin Mensure5DE
The Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Coaching, Kocaeli University, Turkey
The Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Kocaeli University, Turkey
The Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Sakarya University, Turkey
Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Kocaeli University, Turkey
Faculty of Sports Sciences, Department of Recreation, Kocaeli University, Turkey
Authors’ Contribution: A – Study design; B – Data collection; C – Statistical analysis; D – Manuscript Preparation;
E – Funds Collection.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the stretch-shortening workouts for male football players
between the ages of 18 and 20 on shot hit performance.
Material: A pretest-posttest trial method with the control group was used in the research. Sixteen male footballers between
the ages of 18 and 20 voluntarily participated in our survey. The footballers were divided into two groups by the
random method, and thus the experimental group (8 footballers) and control group (8 footballers) were constituted.
The pretest values of the experimental and control groups were recorded by applying the Dewitt-Dugan shot hit test
before eight weeks of training. The experimental group performed technical-tactical training with stretch-shortening
cycle workouts for 90 minutes three days a week, while the control group solely performed technical-tactical training
for 90 minutes three days a week. Both groups were tested after the eight-week training program to obtain the final
test values. Two measurements each were taken from the athletes, and the evaluation considered the best data.
SPSS 21 packaged software calculated the descriptive statistics of the data collected; these data were analyzed by
Mann Whitney-U, and Wilcoxon Signed tests. Statistically, significance degree was set at (p<0.05) level.
Results: The results of the experimental and control group were respectively found as p=0.01 and the significant difference
(p<0.05) was found in the comparisons of in-group and posttest. The statistical values obtained in intergroup
comparisons were found as p=0.75 for the first test and p=0.48 for the last test. There was no significant difference
Conclusions: In conclusion, while there is an effect of the stretch-shortening workouts on the shot hit performance of in-group
athletes before eight weeks of technical-tactical football training, there is no significant difference between the
groups. Stretch-shortening cycle workouts can be suggested as an addition to the training of the athletes before
technical-tactical football training.
Keywords: football, hit, stretch-shortening, shot.
Sixteen male footballers who play in the same team in Training Age Group: 18-20.
the amateur league voluntarily participated in this study. Control Group
The participants’ average age was 18.93±0.77 year; After undertaking 30-minute preparation workouts,
height average was 170.87±8.14 cm, bodyweight average 50 minutes of technical-tactical training at 76% intensity
was 66.55±7.16 kg, sports experience average was were performed by the attendees. The training was
2.81±0.75 years. concluded by 10 minutes of jogging-stretching workouts
This survey was carried out using the simple random after the technical-tactical training.
sampling method in the pretest-posttest trial model with a One Unit Training of Control Group.
control group [11]. Training Purpose: Technical/Tactical.
For the survey, 11/9 decision numbered, 2014/147 Training Time: 90 min.
project numbered, 13,05,2104 dated Clinical Investigation Training Age Group: 18-20.
Ethics Committee Report was taken. Explanation of Training: 5 min.
Procedure Explanation of Training and Warmup Running: 25
Pretest measurements of the Dewitt-Dugan shot minutes.
test were received from 16 male footballers before the Stretching and Cooling Down Running: 10 minutes.
training. Each of the athletes took two test values, and Basic Part of the Training: 50 minutes.
the best value was accepted. The athletes were divided 1st workout: 2:1, 2:2, 2:1 A free game was played on
into two groups (experimental and control) after the the condition that each of the players stands in his own
measurement. Experimental and control groups performed area. The game was stopped by the trainer, and it was
training programs taking 90 minutes a day, three days a checked whether the players had violated the area or not.
week, for a total of eight weeks. The experimental group The players were warned on this issue. Points to consider:
athletes performed stretch-shortening cycle workouts To create a free field and to be able to use it, support,
and technical-tactical training while the control group quality pass, intrusion, creativity.
athletes just performed the technical and tactical training. 2nd workout: After the application was well
Both groups of athletes’ posttest measurements of the understood, the workout continued as a competition by
Dewitt-Dugan shot test were recorded at the end of the considering the points and removing the signs.
eight-week training program. The data obtained were Measurement of Dewitt-Dugan Shot Test
statistically evaluated. The target seen in Figure 1 was drawn on a board.
Training Program of the Experimental and Control The attendees shot the ball five times from 27 meters
Groups away from the board. The scores that hit the target were
Two different training programs for 90 minutes were recorded. The scores that hit the line were counted into
performed by athletes on non-successive days. the higher scored area. The values obtained were set as the
Experimental Group scores. The missed shots were not included in the survey.
The athletes performed 27-30 minutes stretch- Statistical analysis
shortening cycle workouts between 80%-85% intensity SPSS 21 packaged software analyzed the data. The
interval (information on the content of the training for five Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test measured the in-group, and
minutes, warm up running for 15 minutes, stretching for the Dewitt-Dugan shot hit test was performed pretest,
10 minutes, totaling 24 units of training). and posttest. Between-groups, pretest, and posttest values
One Unit Training of Experimental Group were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney U test and a p<0.05
Training Purpose: Stretch-shortening cycle workouts. significance level was sought.
Training Time: 90min.
other hand, the average age of the control group athletes
was 19±0.75 years, height average was 172.87±8,49
cm, bodyweight average was 68.12±7.17 kg, sports age
average was 2.87±0.80 years.
As is seen in Table 2, a significant difference smaller
than p<0.05 was found when the Dewitt-Dugan shot tests
of the control group athletes were compared. A significant
difference smaller than p<0.05 was also found when the
Dewitt-Dugan shot hit tests of the experimental group of
athletes were compared.
As is seen in Table 3, there is no significant difference,
the p values of all the tests are p>0.05
This paper researches the effect of stretch-shortening
Figure 1. Dewitt-Dugan Board Measurements [12] cycle workouts performed by amateur male footballers
between 18 and 20 years of age on shot hit performance.
Results Orhan et al. [13] conducted a survey called ‘the effect of
As is in Table 1, the average age of the experimental rope and weight rope workouts on basketball skills.’ In
group athletes was 18.87±0.83 years, height average was their investigation, the experimental groups performed
168.87±7.80 cm, bodyweight average was 64.97±7.26 rope and weighted rope workouts; while the control group
kg, sports age average was 2.75±0.70 years. On the performed only the technical training. At the end of the
Table 3. Comparisons of Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test data of the control and experimental group
Table 4. Comparison of the test values of Experimental and Control group athletes via Mann Whitney U Test
study, a significant difference (p<0.01) was confirmed in conclusion with the ball being moveable in hit tests
pointed shot number values of the experimental groups performed by the tennis players. Quite the reverse in our
before and after the training. On the other hand, there was research, the footballers hit a dead ball. The number of
no significant difference (p>0.05) in pointed shot number human subjects was 40 in the surveys of Ölçücü [16] and
values between experimental and control groups. In the Canikli [17]. We had only 16 participants. These different
research done, no statistically significant difference is participant numbers produced the different results.
confirmed when the last measurements of the Dewitt- In Fletcher and Hartwell’s [18] survey called ‘The
Dugan shot test are compared after the training performed effect of 8 weeks combined weight and plyometric
by the athletes of the experimental and control groups training program on the striking velocity and hit distance
(p=0,489). for the golfers’. The experimental group performed
Özbek [14] conducted research to review the effect of weight and plyometric training in addition to the normal
preparation period and upper extremity force workouts on golf workouts. The control group carried out classical
the shot hit of male basketball players between the ages of golf training. It was found at the end of the study that
15 and 17. He determined a significant difference (p<0.01) the weight and plyometric training program had a positive
in shot hit values of quick power training performed with effect on the performance for hitting the golf ball to the
jumping and sprint workouts. Also, in this survey, the final pit (p<0.05). The p-value was found as 0.48 in pretest
value is accepted as p=0.01, and the significant difference and posttest measurements between groups. There was
is also confirmed in the pretest and posttest measurements no significant difference (p>0.05). Fletcher and Hartwell
of control group athletes in the Dewitt-Dugan shot test conducted plyometric workouts in addition to the golf
(p<0.05). These two surveys verify each other regarding training. However, the plyometric ones were performed
the effect of the training performed because both athlete before the technical-tactical ones. There are also studies
groups applied the training program which can develop similar to that of Fletcher and Hartwell. These studies
quick power and affect the shot hit performance. made us think that the plyometric training may be effective
Kurban’s [15] research, ‘Reviewing the effect of on the hit performance. However, the exercise alignments
football training on the technical progress of boys between being different may be the reason for the different results.
10-13 ages’ shows the positive effect of the football training Eler’s [19] study, ‘The effect of the strength training
on the shot hit performance (p<0.05). Kurban asked the particular to handball on some of the performance
participants to undertake some technical workouts like parameters of young handball players,’ was undertaken
inside cut, shot, dribble, and jink. Then, a significant with 16-year-old male handball players. The experimental
difference in the shot hit performance was observed. In group carried out 72 strength and technical training
this same study, the control group of athletes performed sessions over 12 weeks. The control group solely
similar training and a significant difference (p<0.05) was performed the technical training. They determined
found when the pretest and posttest measurements of the statistically significant decrements in technical skills like
Dewitt-Dugan shot test of the athletes were compared a shot hit by jumping, and dribbling for 30 meters in the
(p=0,01). It may be thought that the technical training experimental group (p<0.05). The reasons for the different
affects the shot hit values positively. conclusions are as follows: our research took eight weeks,
Ölçücü [16] researched the effect of plyometric the number of stretch-shortening cycles and technical
training on the strengthening of arms and legs, service, workouts was 24, and thus there was less training over a
forehand, backhand, striking velocity, and the percentage shorter term.
of hits for male tennis players whose age average Ürer [20] examined the effect of plyometric exercises
was 22.10±1.33. In this study, the experimental group on the upper and lower extremities on vertical jump
performed the plyometric workout in addition to classical performance, and upper block hit ratio for male handball
tennis training; the control group only completed the players in the 15-17 age group. It was determined that
classical tennis training. At the end of the research, the plyometric training has no effect on top block shot
plyometric training positively affected the backhand, performance (p>0.05). Ürer’s survey took six weeks.
cross and service hit of the athletes. The athletes performed plyometric exercises before the
Canikli [17] actualized a study to analyze the effect of technical workouts two days a week, besides the normal
plyometric training on backhand and forehand, striking handball exercises applied five times a week. The greater
velocity and hit percentages of male university students training frequency may have negatively affected the
who play tennis. While the experimental group performed conclusion.
plyometric training in addition to the classical tennis As a consequence, we observed that the stretch-
training, the control group solely carried out the classical shortening cycle workouts performed before eight weeks
tennis training. It was determined at the end of the study technical-tactical training positively affected the shot hit
that the plyometric training affected the backhand, cross performance of the athletes. Moreover, it can be suggested
and service hit of the athletes positively (p<0.05). The that this kind of exercise should be performed by elite
p-value was found as 0.48 in the posttest measurements athletes, different age groups and a bigger sample. As
between groups, and no significant difference (p>0.05) an extra, the hit ratios of the athletes during the Dewitt-
was found at the same time. We can link this different Dugan shot test can be specified and evaluated as well.
Conclusions It may be suggested that the examination the effect
As a result, it was found that stretch-shortening of Stretch-Shortening Cycle Workouts on the shot hit
cycle training before 8-week technical-tactical soccer performance in elite athletes.
training session in athletes significantly improved shot When the Dewitt-Dugan board smash test is being
hit performance when compared to athletes who had performed, it may be advisable the determination of the
technical-tactical training session there was no significant percentage of hit points and evaluation in athletes.
difference. The effects of the same work on female soccer players
It may be advisable to conduct studies with different might be examined.
age groups and with more subjects.
Conflict of interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.
Konyali M.;; [email protected]; The Institute of Health Sciences, Faculty of Sports
Sciences, Kocaeli University; Umuttepe Kampüsü, TR-41380, İzmit, Kocaeli, Turkey.