Agri Crops Follow Site Quarantine Procedures

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Ilocos Sur

Km 429 Manila North Road
San Juan, Ilocos Sur

Follow Site Quarantine Procedures

[email protected]


Module Name:
Follow Site Quarantine Procedures


Introduction 1
How to use this Module 2
Expected Outcome 3
Pre Assessment 3
Lesson 1: Prepare to Work in Quarantine Site 6

Definition of Technical Terms 6

Lesson information 1.0 7
Self Check 1.0 18
Activity 1.0 19
Lesson 2: Work in Quarantine Site 21
Definition of Technical Terms 21
Lesson information 2.0 22
Self Check 2.0 39
Lesson 3: Assist in Maintaining Site Quarantine 40

Definition of Technical Terms 40

Leson Information 3.0 41
Self Check-3.0 46
Activity 3.0 47
Lesson 4.0 Respond to Site Quarantine Breach 48
or Problems
Definition of Technical Terms 48
Lesson Information 4.0 49
Self Check-4.0 57
Post Assessment 58
Generalization 61
References 61
Acknowledgment 63


Welcome to the course of Agricultural Crop Production.

This Module covers the knowledge, skills, and attitude in Following Site
Quarantine Procedures in accordance to industry standard which leads
you to National Certificate Level(NC III).

You need to complete and pass the self-check of this module before
you can perform higher level of competencies. Practices in this module
will help you prepare, work in quarantine site and assist in maintaining
procedures and respond to site quarantine breach or problems. Desirable
values and attitude must also be taken into consideration.

This module consists of four (4) learning outcomes. Each learning

outcome contains learning activities for both knowledge and skills,
supported with lesson information, activities, and self-checks, gathered
from different sources. Before you perform the exercises, read the lesson
information and activity page that follows. Then answer the self-check
for confirmation that you are equipped with the knowledge necessary to
perform the skills of the particular learning outcome.

How Do You Use This Module?

To get the most from this Module, you need to do the following:

1. This Module contains several Lessons.

2. Begin by reading and understanding the Learning Outcome/s.

These would tell you what you should know and be able to do at the
end of this Module.

3. Find out what you already know by taking the Pre Assessment
then check your score. If you get 99 to 100% of the items correctly,
you may proceed to the next module. This means that you need not
go through the Lessons because you already know what it is about.
If you failed to get 99 to 100% correctly, go through the Lessons and
review especially those items which you failed to get.

4. Do the required Learning Activities. They begin with one or more

Information. The Lesson Information contains important notes or
basic information that you need to know.

After reading the Lesson Information, test yourself on how much

you learned by means of the Self-Check. Do not hesitate to go back
to the Lesson Information when you do not get all test items correctly.
This will ensure your mastery of basic information.

5. It is not enough that you acquire content or information. You

must be able to demonstrate what you learned by doing what the
Activity directs you to do. In other words, you must be able to apply
what you have learned in real life.

6. How well did you perform? Accomplish the Scoring Rubrics.

Each Lesson also provides you with references and definition of technical
terms for your guide. They can be of great help. Use them full

At the end of this Lesson, you should be able to:

LO1. Prepare to work in quarantine site;

LO2. Work in quarantine site.
LO3. Assist in maintaining site quarantine procedures.
LO4. Respond to site quarantine breach or problems

Pre Assessment

What Do You Already Know?

Let us determine how much you already know about following

site quarantine procedures. Take this test.

A. Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best answer
and write the letter only in your answer sheet.

1. The use of separate and restrict the movement of plants and

animals mor persons.
a. quarantine
b. contaminants
c. infection
d. control method

2. Refers to place where people, plants, animals and things are

isolated and treated out of a certain area to prevent the spread
of diseases or pests.
a. decontaminants
b. quarantine site
c. infestation
d. restriction

3. This refers to biotic and abiotic byproducts of farming practices
that result in contamination or degradation of the environment
and surrounding ecosystem.
a. Parasitic reaction
b. Environmental hazard.
c. Agricultural pollution
d. animal pollution
4. The process which involves the elimination of most pathogenic
microorganism or inanimate objects.
a. quarantine
b. desinfiction
c. breach
d. control
5. A substance that is where it shoudn’tbe and is at high enough
levels to have a negative effect on our health or in plants and
a. pesticides
b. herbecides
c. contaminants
d. solid waste
6. Important means of hindering the development of parasites or
destroying them properly EXCEPT:
a. mechanical
b. physical
c. manual
7. Products that are used to control parasites that attack flies,
ticks, mites and fleas;
a. pesticides
b. byllucides
c. rodenticides
d. external parasiticides
8. Proper handling and storage of plantstock medication can
best protect from ____?
a. propagation
b. growing
c. germinating
d. contamination
9. Keeping your storage areas organized can reduce the potential
for ____?
a. damage
b. contaminants
c. control
d. error

10. Refers to time weighted concentration for an 8 hour workday
and a total of 48 hours a week of exposure to contamination;
a. economic threshold level
b. threshold limit values
c. threshold level
d. none of the above

B. Match Column A with B, then write the letter of your answer on

your answer sheet.

______1. Seiri,Sorting out A. An act describing solid

waste management

______2. Reduce, reuse and B. A process of

recycle remanufacturing a
product to be sold as new
______3. Republic Act 8749 C. Clean Air Act of 1999
______4. Recycling D. Remove unnecessary
items as appropriate
______5. Seiketsu,Sanitizing E. Three R’s in quarantine
______6. Presidential F. Refers to methods by
Decree 112 which LGU,s reduced a
significant amount of
solid waste management
______7. Material Safety G. Environmental
Data Sheet cleanliness
______8. Republic Actn9275 H. Phil.clean air act of 2004
______9. Republic Act 9003 I. A document contains
information on the
hazards( health ,fire,
reactivity and
______10. Source reduction J. Philippine environmental

Lesson 1: Prepare to work in
quarantine site.

 Decontaminate personal and/or work vehicles before entering the

quarantine site.
 Report contact with potential contaminants according to enterprise
 Wash hands before handling livestock,feed plant stock or other
 Put on appropriate clothing and footwear before commencing
 Secure store street clothing away from livestock, feed or other
agricultural produce.

Definition of Technical Terms

Quarantine – a term used to separate and restrict the movement of

plants, animals or persons.
Quarantine site- refers to place where people, plants , animals and
things are isolated and treated out of a certain area to prevent the
spread of diseases or pests.
Biosecurity- a set of preventive measures designed to reduce the risk of
transmission of infectious diseases in crops and livestock, quarantined
Pathologists- – an specialist who pstudy the significant component of
the causal study of disease and a major field of modern medicine
and diagnosis.
Cultivars- is a plant or grouping of plantsselected for desirable
characteristics that can be maintained by propagation.
Inceneration - is a waste treatment process that involves the
combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials.

What Do You Need To Know?

Read Lesson Information 1.0.very well then find out how much
you can remember and how much you learned by doing Self-
Check 1.0.
Lesson Information 1.0-

Decontamination of Quarantine Site

A quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of

plants, animals or persons. Itsa 'state of enforced isolation'. Primarily,
this is an enforced isolation or restriction of free movement imposed to
prevent the spread of a contagious disease.This is oftenused in
connection to disease and illness, such as those who may possibly have
been exposed to infestation to plants or a communicable disease to
animals or persons.To ensure quarantine site free from entry and/or
possible entry of decontaminants, decontamination is necessary.


The need for decontamination should be minimized to the extent possible

by contamination avoidance and early warning. Equipment can be
covered, for example, or easily decontaminated equipment can be chosen
by means of suitable design and resistant surface cover. 
Decontamination is time consuming and requires resources. Nerve
agents and substances causing injury to the skin and tissue are easily
soluble in, and penetrate many different types of material, such as paint,
plastics and rubber, all of which renders decontamination more difficult.

Quarantine Site

Quarantine site refers to place where people, plants , animals and

things are isolated and treated out of a certain area to prevent the
spread of disease or pests.

Agricultural Crop Quarantine

Steps to self-quarantine your farm site:

 Suspect or identified infestation or disease on farm or in the area

 Follow Self-Quarantine Checklist
 Close & lock farm gates to restrict any traffic coming on or going
off the farm site.
 Suspend unnecessary movement of vehicles and equipment on
 Absolutely NO VISITORS
 Deliveries likeseeds or seedlings or product pick-up/shipping
would only be by pre-arranged appointment and only if absolutely
necessary. Request “end-of–day” service
 Vehicles coming on farm are to be sanitized prior to entry and
upon exit from the farm site. A disinfection station will need to be
in place at end of laneway for this purpose.
 Keep the entry doors closed and locked on infected
 Inform neighbors,. When the disease is in nursery or farm section,
restrict staff movements where a staff member is dedicated to the
affected farm section.
 Provide representative plants for testing/sampling or autopsies of
any infestation by plant pathologists lab services.
 Inform staff and family of situation and emphasize need for
enhanced biosecurity to limit infestation or disease spread.
 Off farm activities need to be restricted or suspended until the
infestation or disease emergency is over (meetings, social events,
family visits, etc.)
 Follow strict biosecurity protocols with clothing changes and
personal hygiene when entering or leaving the farmsite
 Postpone, shipments, etc. where possible until emergency is over
 Postpone any movement of plants on the farm and any new variety
or cultivars.
 Infected plant must be handled as infected material and disposed
of properly preferably on-farm with composting, incineration or
burying if allowed by regulators.and sampling.

Examples of a quarantine site:

a. Isolation Area

It is very important that infested , contaminated or disease plants

are isolated or placed in the area where intensive management are
practiced and done. Here, treatment to this plants could assure control
and prevent the spread of infestation or diseases from its contamination.

b. Sickbay

Infested plants has its own place where intensive culture and
proper management are easily practiced, Green houses with controlled
temperature could do with this as sickbay of infested or disease plants.

Procedure in Assessing, Planning &Setting up of Quarantine Site:

1. .Determine decontamination facilities and activities required by

assessing the impact of decontamination
2. After assessing, a plan should include;
a. Decontamination site type – temporary, permanent facility (e.g.
at waste depot), commercial facility (e.g. truck wash)
b. Level of decontamination required
3. Setting – up of a quarantine area/site will follow after planning has
been done.

Preparation/Procedures of Decontamination:

The purpose of decontamination is to make an individual and/or

their equipment safe by physically removing toxic substances quickly
and easily.

Step 1: Set Up the Decontamination and Support Areas

Step 2: Conduct Decontamination Triage
Step 3: Decontaminate the infected plants.
Step 4: Segregate infested stocks for Observation or Treatment
Step 5: Release the plants to Cold Weather Considerations

Decontaminating personal/work vehicle entering the site

 Position vehicle/equipment safely and ensure stability with chock
wheels, brake applied
 Remove excessive gross material – ideally done away from
decontamination area andwhere material can be left or collected
for disposal. Use dry cleaning methods before wetwhere possible.
 Detach removable items/parts and decontaminate individually
Decontamination – external surfaces
 Start at top and work down
 Vehicles or equipment with moving parts like wheels, tracks,
tipper tray, and bucket willneed to have these moved during
decontamination to access all areas.

 Wet – Apply disinfectant/detergent and leave for appropriate
contact time,minutes. Rinse with clean water
 Other techniques like heat, fumigation for tools, equipment and
otherthings–ensureexposure requirements are met as required by
disease/pest guidelines.
Decontamination – internal
 Internal surfaces of vehicles will only require decontamination if
they have been exposed topotential contamination while on site.
 Protective covers on internal surfaces like seat covers should be
removed anddisposed/cleaned.
 Remove solid materials with a vacuum, cloth or brush
 Air filters should be removed and replaced or cleaned. Surfaces
can be wiped or sprayed with 70% alcohol or another appropriate
 If heat is an effective decontaminate, seal internal compartments
and monitor that theyhave reached the required temperature and

Decontaminating Self and Individual Equipment Using Chemical

Decontaminating Kits

Decontaminate yourself and your individual equipment using chemical

decontaminating kits. Start the steps to decontaminate your skin and
eyes within 1 minute after you found they were contaminated.
Decontaminate all exposed skin and your eyes as necessary before
chemical agent symptoms occur. Decontaminate all personal equipment
for liquid contamination after decontaminating your skin, face, and eyes.

DANGER:   Death or injury may result if you breathe toxic agents while

decontaminating your face.  If you need to breathe before you finish,
reseal your mask, clear it, check it, get your breath, and then resume the
decontaminating procedure.

Keep the decontaminating powder out of your eyes, cuts, and

wounds.  Do not handle or hold leaking packets above your head, touch
or rub your eyes with anything that has been in contact with the
decontaminating powder, or touch your lips or the inside of your mouth
with anything that has been in contactwith the decontaminating powder,

CAUTION: Immediate decontaminating techniques remove only the liquid
hazard. Certain items may still present a vapor hazard. See your
supervisor for unmasking procedures.

Potential Contaminants

Potential contaminants pertains to sources that carry or entry-

point of contamination. To
avoid possible contamination
or further damage to
enterprise, it is a must that a
worker should report
incidence of possible contact
with contaminants for an
appropriate control
measures. The following are
potential contaminants that a worker must know when doing his tasks.

a. Agricultural pollution

Agricultural pollution refers
to biotic and abiotic byprodu
cts of farming practices that
result in contamination or
degradation of the
environment and
surrounding ecosystems,
and/or cause injury to
humans and their economic
interests. The pollution may come from a variety of sources, ranging
from point source pollution (from a single discharge point) to more

diffuse, landscape-level causes, also known as non-point source

Management practices play a crucial role in the amount and impact of

these pollutants. Management techniques range from plant and animal
management and housing to the spread of pesticides and fertilizers in
global agricultural practices.

b. Contaminants from Farm Equipment

Various types of farm equipment and

machinery may come into contact with
soil, seed and/or crop debris from a
clubroot-infested field and therefore
become contaminated, e.g.

Tillage equipment (cultivators, discers, rippers,


- Fertilizer and pesticide applicators

- Seeders (air seeders, drills,
- Tractors, grain trucks, pickups,
cars and ATVs
- Swathers and combines
- Grain handling equipment
(augers, dryers)
- Forage harvesting equipment
- Miscellaneous equipment used for soil sampling, trenching,
clearing brush, etc.

c. Contaminants from pests and diseases

Pests refers to insects and vertebrates (rats, dogs, & etc.) that may
carry contaminants when not controlled. Some insect species carries
pathogens (microorganisms) that may cause contamination to the

Diseases are pathogenic fungi, virus, bacteria, viroids and other

microorganisms which are air-borne, soil-
borne and water-borne. If not controlled
immediately because of rapid infection
when contacted to plants, objects, etc. this might cause huge damage
not only to the enterprise but to human effort also.

Various procedures and equipment used in a nursery can decrease or

increase the chances of a disease outbreak For example in a
containerized production nursery using bark media, where does the
employee put tools used to handle it when not in use? If placed on the
ground, they may become contaminated with pathogen-infected soil. If
they are left on bark pile or in a clean bucket, they are much less
likely to become contaminated. Even these small details are

d. Environmental Contaminants

Environmental contaminants- are chemicals that are present in the

environment in which the food is grown, harvested, transported,
stored, packaged, processed, and consumed. The physical contact of
the food with its environment results in its contamination.
Possible sources of contamination include:

 Air: radionuclides, polycyclic aromatic

 Water: arsenic, mercury
 Soil: cadmium, nitrates, perchlorates
 Polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCB), dioxins,
and polybrominateddiphenyl
ethers (PBDE) are ubiquitous chemicals.
 Packaging materials: antimony, tin, lead, perfluorooctanoic
acid (PFOA), semicarbazide, benzophenone, isopropyl
thioxanthone(ITX), bisphenol A
 Processing/cooking equipment: copper, or other metal chips,
lubricants, cleaning, and sanitizing agents
 Naturallyoccurring
toxins: mycotoxins, phytohaemagglutinin, pyrrolizidine
alkaloids, grayanotoxin, mushroom toxins.

e.  Contaminants from clothing and footwear

If clothing and footwear are not changed or cleaned before passing

through the vegetable operation or leaving the beef housing areas,
cross-contamination could occur.

Clothing and footwear worn by visitors to the farm might also carry
unknown pathogens.

The chemical risk  to clothing and footwear may occur when workers

applying chemicals such as pesticides pick up residues on their
clothing and then handle ready-to-eat products. Clothing worn by
visitors to the farm might also carry unknown residues. If people
wearing these clothes, handle food, cross – contamination may occur.
This could push residue levels over the allowed limits.

Observance of Appropriate Clothing and Footwear before

Commencing to Work:

 A major purpose of Personal Protective Clothing/ Equipment is to

protect the Bio-Security of thefacility.
 A second major purpose of PPE is to protectthe whole farm plants
and animals
 And a third important reason for wearing
 PPE is, of course, to protect the wearer.

In addition to the disposable gowns, lab coats, headcovers, and other

apparel, there are a number ofother items that are routinely used in

When standard operating procedures arefollowed, and individuals

exercise reasonablecaution by maintaining good work habits,especially
hand washing, the vast majority oftransmissible health problems are
kept to aminimum.

Expert Tips for Keeping Clean thus preventing contaminants from

The easiest way to ensure that you don't track
the germs on your shoe soles into your home is
to leave your shoes at the door or carry them to
the closet. Then you should wash your hands.

Washing shoes in the washing machine on

the cold cycle, with detergent, killed the
bacteria. So for some shoes that might be
an option. You can also wipe them with a

Importance of Hand washing:

Before anything else, worker is the very first responsible of ensuring
contaminant-free working area. It is a must-do activity that before
doing an activity, washing of hand is the very first step.

How to Wash Your Hands

Keeping hands clean through

improved hand hygiene is one of the
most important steps we can take to
avoid getting sick and spreading
germs to others. Many diseases and
conditions are spread by not
washing hands with soap and clean,
running water. If clean, running
water is not accessible, as is
common in many parts of the world,
use soap and available water. If soap
and water are unavailable, use an
alcohol-based hand sanitizer that
contains at least 60% alcohol to
clean hands.

When should you wash your hands?

 Before and after doing farm activities (preparing growing media,

applying fertilizers/pesticides, watering, harvesting & etc.
 Before and after cleaning tools, equipment and facilities
 After disposing waste materials
 After storing materials such as fertilizers, chemical pesticides, etc.
 After doing personal hygiene such as use of toilets, blowing of
nose, sneezing, and coughing
 After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste

Tips for proper hand washing:

 Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold),
turn off the tap, and apply soap.
 Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Be
sure to lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers,
and under your nails.
 Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
 Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
 Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Cleaning, Maintenance, Storage, and Disposal of Personal Protective


 Cleaning and maintenance instructions

from the PPE manufacturer must be
followed for reusable PPE. Never reuse any
type of disposable (one-time use) PPE
equipment, because you can be exposed to
residues remaining on the PPE
from the previous use, or to
product moving through
damaged or deteriorated PPE
during reuse.
 Remove PPE as soon as you
complete the tasks where you
were exposed to the pesticide.
Wash disposable OR reusable
gloves with soap and water, and
then remove other PPE while
still wearing the gloves. Then
wash the gloves again with soap
and water before removing
them. Clean reusable PPE according to the PPE instructions
 Wash regular work clothes that have been exposed to pesticides as
soon as possible to ensure maximum pesticide residue removal.
Wash them separately from other laundry using detergent and hot

 Storage instructions from the PPE manufacturer

must be followed for both reusable and
disposable PPE. Most PPE must be protected
from chemicals, sunlight, extreme temperatures,
excessive humidity, and moisture, or the

specified shelf-life will be reduced. Disposable, reusable, or limited-
use PPE must be discarded if not stored properly.

 Disposal is the critical last step in handling PPE. Ensure that you
remove and discard PPE without causing
contamination to yourself, garbage collectors, or the
environment. PPE may have an expiration date, while
other PPE requires careful inspection .
Clean disposable, washable items with soap and
water prior to disposal, to remove pesticide residues.
Properly cleaned PPE can be disposed as regular
 Keep PPE in its sealed package until use, and never
store PPE with pesticides or personal clothing.

OSHA Caution Safety Sign: Quarantine Area

Choose your safety signs and safety labels

from custom or stock. No minimum
quantities are required, no set-up fees and
most importantly no additional charge for
colors or logos.

Once you find the safety sign or safety label

that delivers the information or warning
message you need to deliver your stock
within 24 hours.

If you have questions, ask

your teacher for assistance.

How much did you

Self-Check 1.0

A.Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the CORRECT

answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.

1. The use of separate and restrict the movement of plants and
animals mor persons.
a) quarantine
b) contaminants
c) infection
d) control method

2. Refers to place where people, plants, animals and things are

isolated and treated out of a certain area to prevent the spread of
diseases or pests.
a) Decontaminants
b) quarantine site
c) infestation
d) restriction
3. This refers to biotic and abiotic byproducts of farming
practices that result in contamination or degradation of the
environment and surrounding ecosystem.
a) Parasitic reaction
b) Environmental hazard.
c) Agricultural pollution
d) animal pollution

4.The process which involves the elimination of most pathogenic

microorganism or inanimate objects.
a. quarantine
b. desinfiction
c. breach
d. control

5. A substance that is where it shoudn’t be and is at high enough

levels to have a negative effect on our health or in plants and
a. pesticides
b. herbecides
c. contaminants
d. solid waste




 Decontaminating powder
 Detergent soap
 Water in pail
 Water hose
 Small pail

a. Power sprayer
b. Hand tractor
c. Water drum

a. Position the Hand tractor for decontamination.
b. Prepare the appropriate PPE ,tools and equipment.
c. Perform decontamination of hand trator

Scoring Rubrics
While performing the activity, it is important that you to assess
your performance following the criteria below:

20 15 10 5
Conduct decontamination of farm
Used appropriate tools/supplies
Used appropriate PPE

Interpretation of Scores:
16 – 20 – Excellent output
11 – 15 – Very good
6 – 10 – Fair output
5 and below – Poor output

Lesson 2: Work in Quarantine Site

 Handle chemicals for disinfectionsand/or administering

medications to plantstock according to workplace requirements.
 Store chemeicals for disinfection and/or medications of plantstock
according to workplace requirements.
 Keep separately the different mixes, soil and/or growing media
and/ or other products according to quarantine procedures
 Mark appropriate the different feed mixes, soils and/or growing
media and/or other products according to quarantine procedures
 Identify and report any cases of pests and disesases incidence to
 Identify and report any breaches of quarantine procedures to
 Identify any OSHS hazards according to enterprise policy and
OSHS legislation and code.
 Take appropriate actions to any OSHS hazards according to
enterprise policy and OSHS legislation and code.
 Dispose all waste products according to SOP.
 Record Information relating to work in quarantine site required in
the SOP.

 Dispose all deceased livestock,unwanted biological material or
damaged or damaged/infected plantstocks according to SOP.
 Record information relating to work in quarantine site as required
in the SOP.

Definition of Technical Terms

Occupational Safety and Health Standard (OSHS) - is an area

concerned with the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work
or employment.
Biological matter -  a biomaterial is any combination of synthetic and
natural substances (other than drugs) that can be used in the treatment
or replacement of any tissue organ or function of the body.
Tissue samples-  is any material from your body: it includes blood,
urine, sputum and solid tissue (bone, muscle etc).
Disinfestations- destruction of insects, rodents, or other animal forms
present on the person or his clothes or in his surroundings, and which
may transmit disease.
Ectoparasiticides- is an antiparasitic drug used in the treatment of
ectoparasitic infestations. These drugs are used to kill the parasites that
live on the body surface.

What Do You Need To Know?

Read Lesson Information 2.0 very well then find out how much
you can remember and how much you learned by doing Self-
Check 2.0.

Lesson Information 2.0

Work in Quarantine Site

Handle chemicals for disinfestations and / or administering
medications to plantstock according workplace requirements.

Mechanical or physical means of hindering the development of

PARASITES or destroying them are probably as important as chemical
means. It applies particularly to external parasites ( but is sometimes
used also in connection with intestinal parasites). Cleaning the yards of
all refuse, removing litter and droppings frequently, and constructing the
houses so as to prevent the harboring of ticks, lice, fleas, and mites are
examples of mechanical methods

What is an external parasiticide or an ectoparasiticide?

External parasiticides (antiparasitics) are products used to control

parasites that attack: flies, ticks, mites, fleas, etc. They are also
called ectoparasiticides because external parasites are also known
as ectoparasites. As a general rule, parasiticides for external
use (. dipping,spraying, pour-ons, spot-ons.)

A curious practice is to use two different names for exactly the client,

one for its use in agricultural products, the other one for its use in
veterinary products, e.g. diazinon (agricultural use)
= dimpylate(veterinary use); or trichlorfon (agricultural use)
= metrifonate (veterinary use)

Store Chemicals for disinfestation according to workplace


A. Choose suitable storage facilities

Proper handling and storage of plantstock medications can protect

plantstock from contamination. Using proper storage facilities not
only ensures medications remain effective – it also helps reduce
potential errors in products and treatment. The ideal location for a
storage unit is a clean, dry, frost-free area, such as a farm office or
utility room. Animal health products should also be protected from
changes in temperature, sunlight, dust, moisture, animals and

Correct storage has a substantial impact in stability and thus in shelf

life. Shelf life claims in product labels are always based on certain
assumed standard conditions, typically "store away from excessive
heat (e.g. 104 °F = 40°C)", or "store product at or below 77°F (25°C)", or
"protect from light", etc.

B. Light sensitivity

Sunlight is a source of energy (not only because it heats) that can boost
chemical reactions inside any mixture of chemicals such as many
veterinary drugs. Some active ingredients and/or chemical mixtures can
become unstable when exposed to excess sunlight. If a product label
includes the warning "protect from light" you should take it seriously, i.e.
do not store it exposed to sunlight. A few minutes or a few hours won't
harm, but keeping it for weeks exposed to sun can certainly spoil it.

Some products decompose when exposed to light. Manufacturers

package these products in light-resistant containers. Continue to
protect these products by storing them in light resistant areas.

C. Safety/Security

Always lock storage units to prevent access by children and to

prevent theft

Occupational Health and Safety Standard

Occupational Health and Safety OHS is a cross disciplinary area

concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people
engaged in work or employment. Knowing OHS is essential to minimize
the hazards and risk not only to students, trainers and other people
within the training institution but others who will be affected.

In the OSHS manual, two of the rules in Rule 1070: Occupational Health
and Environmental Control, Rules 1072 – 1073 discusses about the
“Threshold Limit Values for Airborne Contaminants” which should be
follow when working in a quarantine site. (see attachment below)

5S Housekeeping Is Fundamental

Working in a quarantine site is a critical job, this not just mean ensuring
a contaminant free area but understanding the principles of it. One of
the practices that will ensure success of an enterprise is the 5S. The
fundamentals of 5S are the following:

 5S Housekeeping is fundamental for enhancing the value for the

 5S Housekeeping is the foundation for all the organizational
which, in turn, enhance value to customers
 Systematic approach to good housekeeping
 People oriented approach: every individual can contribute to
improve his workplace
 Practice oriented approach: cleaner, better, effective and safer
 5S stands for the five good housekeeping principles


 To keep both one’s external and internal house in order, develop a

sensitivity for one’s surroundings and a concern for the
environment at large
 A systematic and rational approach to workplace organization and
methodical housekeeping with a sense of purpose


 Workplace becomes cleaner and better organized.

 Shop floor and office operations become easier and safer.
 Results are visible to everyone- insiders and outsiders. Problems
detected fast.
 Visibility gives rise to further improvements. Increased number of
 People are disciplined.
 It instills pride among people.

 Happier employees with high morale and greater employee
 Better use of floor space.
 Less work in progress and inventories. Less time in material
 Retrieval time minimized. Better flow of work. More time for
improvement activities.
 Low machine breakdown rate. Low down time. Better preventive
 Low accident rate.
 High yield of materials.
 High and consistent product quality. Low overall cost.
 Company image enhances and generates more business.

Elements of 5S

5S comprises 5 simple steps:

1. Seiri: Sorting out. Remove unnecessary items as appropriate

2. Seiton: Systematic arrangement. Prefix a place for every thing and
put every thing in place 
3. Seiso: Spic and span. Cleaning not for beautification alone but
with a sense of purpose.
4. Seiketsu: Serene atmosphere/sanitizing. Environmental
Standardization. Develop standards/evaluation criteria.
5. Shitsuke: Self discipline/training. Create awareness of all 4Ss and
train to implement.

Steps to Implement the 5 Elements of 5S


•Classification- sort out

•Elimination- remove unnecessary items as appropriate
•Storage- frequent use/rare use items
- close location/distant location
- identification of items
•Fix responsibilities and share responsibilities
•Monitor progress

Rough Criteria for Seiri

•Not used for a year- Check and throw

•Used only once in last 6 to 12 months- Store at a distance
•Used only once in last 1 to 6 months- Store at a central place in the
work area
•Used weekly/hourly/daily- Store near work site

Seiri: Obstacles

•Seiri is not as easy to practice as it seems

•It is wasteful to throw things away
•We might possibly use them later


•Ensure rational layout of machines, equipment, cabinets

•Place frequently used items at the point of use
•Prefix a place for every thing and put every thing in place
•Use labels, color codes to identify
•Use index for files, records and drawings
•Plan storage with easy irretrievability
•Mixed up items in cabinets should be organized
•Make cabinets, shelves, racks self explanatory through identification
•Have visual controls for checking missing items


•Develop standards of cleaning

•Clean up work place, machines and tools after use
•Clean up supply line (no leakage, blockage, clogging with oil/dirt
•Assign responsibilities and schedules for cleaning
•Clean waste bins at end of shift/day
•Clean light bulbs, fans, shades, reflectors
•Pay special attention to scrap yard, gardens, godowns
•Scrap and chips from machines could fall directly in to collecting bins


•Identify 5 S areas
•Develop standards/evaluation criteria with workmen (SOP’s and
housekeeping standards)
•Establish checking procedure 5W + 1H
•Establish feedback procedure 5W + 1H
•Wear neat and clean uniform
•Wear protective clothing
•Provide adequate lighting, ventilation, exhaust
•Check electrical wiring, cables, switches
•Maintain sanitary/hygienic conditions in wash rooms, locker rooms,
canteen and kitchen
•Earmark smoking and eating areas
•Look for heavy noise, vibrations and heat in machines, analyze for root
cause and take action
•Create visual control systems
•Devise ways to expose hidden problems
•Create standards


•Create awareness of first 4 S’s

•Develop action details for maintaining standards
•Make them easily understandable
•Give specific directions
•Display correct work procedure on the floor
•Correct deviations on the spot
•Maintain punctuality
•Conduct audits
•Demonstrate sincerity in following rules
•Share success to enthuse others

Consequences of Not Practicing 5S


•The unwanted clutters up the place and the wanted is hard to find
•More time spent for searching things
•More space required
•We can’t bring in new things in the same place
•Causes mis-identification and rejected parts are moved to work station


•Things are seldom available when needed. More time spent for locating
misplaced things
•Defective and good items/similar looking items get mixed up
•Items are lost
•Prone to accidents
•Loss of production
•Excess inventory
•Pressure for more space


•Dust and dirt will affect the machine performance

•Cleaning reveals hidden problems which may get overlooked otherwise
•Dust and dirt affect performance and aesthetic quality
•Unpleasant work place

Five Levels of 5 S Housekeeping

•Housekeeping of one’s inner self

•Following the 5 S principles and reducing waste
•Extending the 5 S concept to include ergonomics
•Extending the 5 S concept to include aesthetics
•Maintaining records and educating others

Stages of 5S Housekeeping

Stage 1: Floor is full of unwanted material

Stage 2: Clutter found by the walls
Stage 3: Factory/office is clean but tools, papers, files and materials dis-
Stage 4: Storage area/offices are clean and furniture, documents,
material organized
Stage 5: Factory/office is immaculate

Principles of 3Rs:

To minimize waste as possible source of contaminants if not fully

controlled, application of 3Rs is very important in a quarantine site.


Reducing is the best way to manage waste, less usage of disposable

goods means less waste to produce. In decontaminating activity, it is
much more of advantage if materials used are durables that can be
decontaminated through washing and sterilization.


The second R is for reuse. Although in a quarantine site, it is very critical

to re-use some materials, but this can be applied in some aspectbut still
will udergo serious cleaning/decontamination process e.g
bottles/containers/polypropylene plastics for storage purposes.


The final, and probably the best known, R stands for recycling. 
Recycling is the process of remanufacturing a product to be sold as new.

Material Safety Data Sheet
A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is a document that contains
information on the potential hazards (health, fire, reactivity and
environmental) and how to work safely with the chemical product.


Clean Air act of the Philippines

The country has several environmental laws in existence,

consistent with the Constitutional principle of providing every Filipino
the right to a balanced and healthful ecology. These include laws on
forestry, land management, mining, solid waste management, clean
water, and clean air.

Republic Act 8749, or the Clean Air Act of 1999, goes

beyond “making the polluter pay.” It focuses primarily on pollution
prevention rather than on control by encouraging cooperation and self-
regulation among citizens and industries. It also enforces a system of
accountability for adverse environmental impacts to heighten compliance
to government environmental regulations

The country’s geographical location and its being an archipelago

keeps the country’s air generally “clean” as ocean winds keep pollution at
bay, but not in highly-urbanized areas where air pollution is largely
caused by vehicular and industry emissions.

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000

RA 9003 describes solid waste management as a discipline

associated with the control of generation, storage, collection, transfer and
transport, processing, and disposal of solid wastes. The manner by which
these activities are conducted shall be in accord with the best principles
of public health, economics, engineering, conservation, aesthetics, other
environmental considerations, and public attitudes. The Act provides for
a comprehensive ecological solid waste management program by creating
the necessary institutional mechanisms and incentives, appropriating
funds, declaring certain acts prohibited, and providing penalties.

Comprehensive Solid Waste Management

Waste Characterization and Segregation. The solid waste generated

within the area of jurisdiction shall be characterized for initial source
reduction and recycling element of the local waste management plan. A
separate container is required for each type of waste for on-site collection
properly marked as “compostable”, “non-recyclable”, “recyclable” or

“special waste”. Waste segregation shall primarily be conducted at the
source including household, commercial, industrial and agricultural

Source Reduction. This refers to the methods by which the LGUs can

reduce a sufficient amount of solid waste disposed within five (5) years.
LGUs are expected to divert at least 25% of all solid waste from waste
disposal facilities through re-use, recycling and composting activities.
The rate of waste diversion is set to increase every three (3) years.

Collection and Transport of Solid Waste. The geographic subdivisions

are taken into account in the coverage of the solid waste collection area
in every barangay ensuring 100% collection efficiency within 24 hours
from all sources. The plan shall define and identify specific strategies and
activities taking into account the availability and provision of properly
designed containers in selected collection points while awaiting collection
and transfer, segregation of different types of waste, hauling and transfer
of solid waste from collection points to final disposal sites, issuance and
enforcement of ordinances for effective implementation, and provision of
properly trained officers and workers. All personnel directly dealing with
collection of solid waste must be equipped with personal protective gears
for their protection.

Recycling Program.  The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), in

coordination with other concerned agencies, is directed to publish an
inventory of existing markets for recyclable materials, product standards
for recyclable and recycled materials, and a proposal to stimulate
demand for the production of recycled materials and products. Moreover,
a coding system for eco-labeling is expected from DTI. Non-
environmentally acceptable products shall be allowed within one (1) year
after public notice as alternatives available to consumers but at cost not
exceeding ten (10) percent of the disposable product. The use of non-
environmentally acceptable packaging is strictly prohibited by the Act.

LGUs are mandated to establish Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) in

each barangay or cluster of barangays designed to receive, sort, process
and store compostable and recyclable materials efficiently. The residual
wastes shall then be transferred to a long-term storage or disposal
facility or sanitary landfill. All solid waste disposal facilities or sites in the
country shall be published by the Department of Natural Environment

and Natural Resources (DENR). No open dumps nor any practice or
disposal of solid waste that constitutes open dumps for solid waste shall
be allowed. The Act further provides for conversion of existing open
dumps to controlled dumps within three (3) years.  

Composting. The Department of Agriculture (DA) shall publish an

inventory of existing markets and demands for composts that is updated
annually. These composts intended for commercial distribution should
conform to the standards set by the DA for organic fertilizers.

Local Government Solid Waste Management

To encourage and facilitate the development of local plans, NSWMC is

mandated to publish guidelines for identification of areas with common
waste management problems and appropriate units for clustering solid
waste management services. This is to reinforce provisions of the Local
Government Code for all provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays
to consolidate or coordinate efforts, services and resources to establish
common waste treatment and disposal facilities.

Incentive Scheme

An incentive scheme, pursuant to Omnibus Investment Code, is provided

by the Act to encourage participation of individuals, private organizations
and entities, including non-government organizations,in developing
outstanding and innovative projects, technologies, processes and
techniques or activities in re-use, recycling and reduction. This includes
10-year tax and duty exemption on imported capital equipment, vehicles,
legacies, gifts and donations used for collection of solid waste and tax
credit equivalent to 50% of the national internal revenue taxes and
custom duties. Non-fiscal incentives are granted to businesses and
industries engaged in recycling of waste in the form of simplified
procedures for importation of equipment, spare parts, new materials and
supplies, and for the export of processed products.

Other forms of incentives include extension of financial services to

individuals, enterprises or private entities engaged in solid waste

management and grant entitlement to outstanding LGUs. Those LGUs
who host common waste management facilities can likewise receive

Penal Provisions

Chapter 6 provides a comprehensive list of prohibited acts including: (1)

littering, throwing, dumping of waste matters in public places; (2)
undertaking activities in violation of sanitation operation; (3) open
burning of solid waste; (4) causing non-segregated waste; (5) squatting in
open dumps and landfills; (6) open dumping, burying of biodegradable
materials in flood-prone areas; (7) unauthorized removal of recyclable
material; (8) mixing of source-separated recyclable material with other
solid waste; (9) establishment or operation of open-dumps; (10)
manufacturing, distributing, using, and importing consumer products
that are non-environmentally-friendly materials; (11)  importing toxic
wastes misrepresented as “recyclable” or “with recyclable content”; (12)
transporting and dumping in bulk in areas other than facility centers;
(13) site preparation, construction, expansion or operation of waste
management facilities without an Environmental Compliance Certificate
and not conforming with the land use plan of LGUs; (14) construction of
establishment within 200 meters from dump sites or sanitary landfills;
and (15) operation of waste disposal facility on any aquifer, groundwater
reservoir or watershed area.  

A. Presidential Decree PD 112. (The Philippine Environment

Code )
It was took effect in 1997 which provides a basis for an
integrated waste management regulation starting from waste
source to methods of disposal.

Recent laws and its implementing rules and regulations on

environment and waste management include:
 Environmental Impact Assessment ( Presidential
Decree 1586) Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System PEIS. The law requires that all
agencies whether government or private corporations
must prepare an environmental impact statement for
every proposed project and undertaking which
significantly affect the quality of the environment.

 RA 9275: Philippine Clean Air Act of 2004
The law that provides comprehensive water pollution
control policy. Specifically, this legislative intends to
apply water quality management in all water bodies in
order to implement abatement and control of pollution
from land-based sources.
 RA 6969: Philippine Toxic Substances and Hazardous
and Nuclear Waste Act- It mandates the regulation,
restriction, or prohibition of the importation,
manufacture, processing, sale , distribution, use, and
disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that
present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health and
the environment.
 RA 9729 Climate Change Act is based on declared
policy of the State to systematically integrate the
concept of climate change in various phases of policy
formulation, development plans, poverty reduction
strategies and other development tools and
techniques by all agencies and instrumentalities of the

How much did you learn?

Self-Check 2.0

A. Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best

answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.

1. Important means of hindering the development of parasites or

destroying them properly EXCEPT:
a. mechanical
b. physical
c. manual
2. Products that are used to control parasites that attack flies,
ticks, mites and fleas;

a. pesticides
b. byllucides
c. rodenticides
d. external parasiticides
3. Proper handling and storage of plantstock medication can
best protect from ____?
a. propagation
b. growing
c. germinating
d. contamination
4. Keeping your storage areas organized can reduce the potential
for ____?
a. damage
b. contaminants
c. control
d. error
5 .Refers to time weighted concentration for an 8 hour workday
and a total of 48 hours a week of exposure to contamination;
a. economic threshold level
b. threshold limit values
c. threshold level
d. none of the above

Lesson 3: Assist in Maintaining Site Quarantine


 Inform all visitors of the quarantine procedures.

 Provide all visitors with appropriate clothing and footwear, if
requested by SOP.
 Note and report any breaches of quarantine procedures by visitors
to supervisor.
 Keep gates and doors locked where required by SOP and
supervisor instructions.
 Maintain installed security fencing according to supervisors
 Check deliveries to site to ensure that established proper
procedures for vehicle decontamination, unloading and receipt
and holding and storage of stock and/or supplies are followed.

Definition of Technical Terms

Perimeter fence- is a structure that circles the perimeter of an area or

place to prevent access of entry for people, animals and any means of

Decontamination-is the process of removing or neutralizing

contaminants that have accumulated on personnel and equipment.

External parasiticides- are products that are used to control parasites

that attack flies, ticks, mites and fleas;

What Do You Need To Know?

Read Lesson Information 3.0 very well then find out how
much you can remember and how much you learned by
doing Self-Check 3.0.

Lesson Information 3.0


Quarantine policy and procedures

The Bureau of Plant Industry of the Department of Agriculture follows

the diagram found below whenever they issue permits domestically. It is
important that this procedure be observed and folowed religiously to
avoid the entry, establishment, and spread of plant pests and noxious

Whenever an item is found to be prohibited, misdeclared or
infected/infested no permit is issued. The applicant is given an
opporrtunity to remove the plant parts found to be infected. But if the
plant is showing symptoms of virus infection no permit is issued.

Report procedures for alleged breaches of site quarantine

Whenever there are breaches of site quarantine the following are to be


1. The specific problem and its location is identified and reported to

2. Problems are secured according to enterprise procedures.
3. Quarantine site and location of breach is cleaned and disinfected as
required according to the specific nature of the problem and enterprise
4. Livestock, plant stock suspected of being exposed to contaminants are
isolated and monitored for evidence of contamination according to
enterprise procedures.
5. All contaminated stock/materials are treated and/or disposed of
according to enterprise procedures.
6. Information about the breach or problem is recorded according to
enterprise procedures.

Lock gates and doors

Just like in our homes gates and doors of our quarantine facilities
should always be closed at all times. Entry should be limited authorized

Maintain security fencing

A perimeter fence is a structure that circles the perimeter of an area to

prevent access. These fences are frequently made out of single vertical
metal bars connected at the top and bottom with a horizontal bar. They
often have spikes or Barbed wire on the top to prevent climbing.

In agriculture, fences are used to keep animals in or out of an area. They

can be made from a wide variety of materials, depending on terrain,
location and animals to be confined. Most agricultural fencing averages
about 4 feet (1.2 m) high, and in some places, the height and
construction of fences designed to hold livestock is mandated by law.

Fence maintenance can be frustrating if you are not sure how to clean a
fence. Here are steps on how you can clean your fence.

Materials Needed:
Water hose
Soft scrub brush
Bucket of soapy water OPTIONAL

Level of Difficulty:
1 - Cleaning metal fences such as chain link, steel and aluminum is very
easy and does not require much time/effort to complete.

Recommended Time Frame for Cleaning a Metal Fences:

For maximum results, we recommend that you clean your metal fences
once a year or as needed.

If you want to give your children a chore to do around the house, now is
the time. Cleaning a chain link, steel or aluminum fence is very easy and
can be performed by almost anyone. Most of the time you can clean your
metal fence by simply spraying it off with a water hose. However, if you
come across some tough stains or areas that need a little scrubbing, the
following advice should do the trick.

First, you will want to prepare a bucket of soapy water. To do this,
simply fill a bucket with warm water and mix with any cleaning solution
that will not increase chances of rust development. You will then want to
take your soft bristle scrub brush and dip it in the soapy water. After the
brush is wet, simply scrub the areas of the fence that need cleaning and
rinse by spraying off with a water hose... It's that easy.

Check/inspect deliveries for vehicle decontamination

Decontamination is the process of removing or neutralizing contaminants

that have accumulated on personnel and equipment. It is empirical
therefore that this process be performed whenever a vehicle is used to
transport crops whish are believed to be infected or infested with

Some equipment used for Vehicle Decontamination are found below.

 Storage tanks of appropriate treatment systems for temporary

storage and/or treatment of contaminated wash and rinse
 Drains or pumps for collection of contaminated wash and rinse
 Long-handled brushes for general exterior cleaning.
 Wash solutions selected to remove and reduce the hazards
associated with the contamination.
 Rinse solutions selected to remove contaminants and
contaminated wash solutions.
 Pressurized sprayers for washing and rinsing, particularly hard-to-
reach areas.
 Curtains, enclosures, or spray booths to contain splashes from
pressurized sprays.
 Long handled brushes, rods, and shovels for dislodging
contaminants and contaminated soil caught in tires and the
undersides of vehicles and equipment.
 Containers to hold contaminants and contaminated soil removed
from tires and the undersides of vehicles and equipment.
 Wash and rinse buckets for use in the decontamination of operator
areas inside vehicles and equipment.
 Brooms and brushes for cleaning operator areas inside vehicles
and equipment.
 Containers for storage and disposal of contaminated wash and
rinse solutions, damaged or heavily contaminated parts, and
equipment to be discarded.

How much did you learn?

Self-Check 3.0

Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best answer
and write the letter only in your answer sheet.

1. A permit being issued by Department of Agriculture through

BPI to avoid the entry and spread of plant pest and diseases;
b. Domestic plant quarantine permit
c. Inspection permit
d. Certification permit
e. Plant permit
2.Responsible for the visual observation and inspection for plant
a. Plant supervisor
b. Quarantine officer
c. Plant quarantine officer
d. All of the above
3. all contaminated stock/materials are treated and/or disposed
of according to_______ procedures?.
a. Quality
b. Enterprise
c. Standard
d. Standard operating
4. an structure that circles the perimeter of an area to prevent
entry or access;
a. fence
b. post
c. perimeter fence
d. concrete post
5. kind of sprayer used for washing nd rinsing. Particularly hard
to reach areas;
a. heavy duty
b. pressurized
c. manual
d. knapsack



(Cleaning Metal Fences)

Materials needed:

 Water hose
 Soft scrub brush
 Bucket of soapy water OPTIONAL

After learning about how to maintain site quarantine, Students

will go around the nursery fence area , and do the cleaning of concrete
post, steel or aluminum fence and performed individually.

First,prepare a bucket of soapy water.

Second, fill a bucket with warm water and mix with any cleaning
solution to prevent rust development.

Third, take your soft bristle scrub brush and dip it in the soapy

Fourth, After the brush is wet, simply scrub the areas of the fence
that need cleaning and rinse by spraying off with a water hose.

20 15 10 5
Well organized
Updated/appropriate materials

Lesson 4: Respond to Site Quarantine
Breach or Problems.

 Identify and report the specific problem and its location to

 Disinfect quarantine site and location of breach as required
according to the specific nature of the problem and SOP.
 Isolate livestock, plant stock suspected of being exposed to
contaminants according to SOP.
 Monitor livestock, plant stock suspected of being exposed to
contaminants for evidence of contamination according to
 Record information about the breach or problem according
to SOP.

Definition of Technical Terms

Disinfectionis the process, which involves the elimination of most

pathogenic microorganisms (excluding bacterial spores) on inanimate

Quarantine-  is used to separate and restrict the movement of persons;

it is a 'state of enforced isolation

Contaminants- is a substance that is where it shouldn't be and is at

high enough levels to have a negative effect on our health or on the
health of animals or plants. A contaminant is any potentially undesirable
substance (physical, chemical or biological).

Breach -an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code

of conduct.

Incineration  -is a waste treatment process that involves the combustion

of organic substances contained in waste materials.p

What Do You Need To Know?

Read Lesson Information 4.0 very well then find out how much you can
remember and how much you learned by doing Self-Check 4.0

Lesson Information 4.0


Consequences of breaching site quarantine procedures

Respond to site quarantine breach or problem

1. The specific problem in its location is identified and reported to

2. Problems are secured according to enterprise procedures.
3. Quarantine site and location of breach is cleaned and disinfected as
required according to the specific nature of the problem and
enterprise procedures.
4. Livestock, plant stock suspected of being exposed to contaminants are
isolated and monitored for evidenceof contamination according to
enterprise procedures
5. All contaminated stock/materials are treated and/disposed of
according to enterprise procedures.
6. Information about the breach or problem is recorded
according to enterprise procedures.

Disinfection and decontamination guidelines

Destruction of Infected Plants

The destruction of all infected plants and thedestruction of all
susceptible host species within a defined distance of infected plants. Is a
must. Onceauthority is granted to destroy infected plants then the
following guidelines are followed:

1.Prior to destruction, infected plants and plants suspected of

harbouring hostswillrequire treatment. This may include all symptomless
hosts within a buffer zonearound infected plants.

2. Where possible, all infected plants shall be destroyed by the most

3. All susceptible hosts within the buffer zone of an infected plant will be
destroyed, withsymptomless plants being destroyed before the infected
plants are handled.

4. When it becomes necessary to remove infected plants rather than

destroying themwhere they are growing or are located, the infected plants
should be cut intomanageable-sized pieces, placed in plastic bags or
plastic lined containers, andtransported to an approved site for burial or

5. Plants will beprohibited to be grown on the burial site for a certain

period following burial.

6.Following the disposal of infected plants, bags and/or bin liners,

containers and all equipment and vehicles that has or may have come in
contact with the infected plants shall be decontaminated.

7.Any remnants of plants left in the ground will be treated to prevent


Control measures procedure for infected sites

Plant disease management practices rely on anticipating occurrence of

disease and attacking vulnerable points in the disease cycle to include
weak links in the infection chain.

Four general disease principles as control measures;

1, Exclusion
2. Eradication
3. Protection
4. Immunization/Resistance


This principle is defined as

any measure that prevents

the introduction of a disease-causing agent (pathogen) into a region,
farm, or planting.

This principle aims at
eliminating a pathogen
after it is introduced into
an area but before it has
become well established
or widely spread. It can be
applied to individual
plants, seed lots, fields or
regions but generally is
not effective over large
geographic areas.

Elimination of potato cull piles

Soil fumigation has been a

widely used eradication strategy.
This technology involves
introducing gas-forming
chemicals such as carbon
disulfide, methyl bromide, or
chloropicrin into soil to kill target


Crop rotation is a frequently used

strategy to reduce the quantity of a
pathogen, usually soil-borne
organisms, in a cropping area. 

Burning is an effective means of

eradicating pathogens and is often
required by law to dispose of
diseased or infected trees


This principle depends on

establishing a barrier between the
pathogen and the host plant or the
susceptible part of the host plant. It is
usually thought of as a chemical
barrier, using fungicide, bactericide or
nematicide, but it can also be a
physical, spatial, or temporal barrier. 

Bananas are covered with


Protection often involves some

cultural practice that modifies the
environment, such as tillage,
drainage, irrigation, or altering soil
pH. It may also involve changing

date or depth of seeding, plant spacing, pruning and thinning, or other
practices that allow plants to escape infection or reduce severity of

Raising planting beds to assure good soil water drainage is an example

of cultural management of plant diseases such as root and stem rots.
Raising planting beds


Use of disease-resistant plants is the ideal method to manage plant

diseases, if plants of satisfactory quality and adapted to the growing
region with adequate levels of durable resistance are available.

Isolating and Monitoring suspected plant stock exposed in


There is a need to isolate contaminated plant stock for treatment and

eradication. The following considerations are to be taken:

Nursery & garden product management 

1. Growing media, propagating material and other production


Pests and contamination can be easily brought onto your property

with production nursery inputs (including growing media, plant
containers and fertilizer) and plant material.

Be aware that you cannot visually assess the true health of your
propagation material, as viruses, viroids, phytoplasmas and other pests
may not display symptoms. Ensure propagation material is ‘clean’
( tested with no pest detections) and where possible, use only certified
production nursery inputs.

2. Potting and propagating facilities

Good hygiene practices undertaken during potting and propagation

will minimise the chance of pest spread. The facilities and areas where

these practices are undertaken should be separated from production

Benches and tools used for propagation should be regularly

washed and disinfected, preferably between each batch of media or plant
material. Potting containers should be clean and disinfected before use.

3. Greenhouse facilities

Greenhouse, glasshouse and shade house facilities are commonly

used in the production of seedlings and cuttings. The use of these
facilities presents specific biosecurity threats, particularly due to the
ideal breeding environment for many pests, close plantings, physical
contact between plants and workers, and the green waste generated.
If you have greenhouse or glasshouse facilities, the following measures
should be implemented:

4. Water management

The management of water quality, including pest infestation levels,

is important for the maintenance of healthy plants. If water sources
become contaminated they can spread pests throughout production

To minimize the risk:

• Regularly test water storages and monitor surrounding vegetation for

the presence of pests.

• Keep areas around water storages free of plant waste and other
potential sources of infestation.

• Production nursery area run-off should not enter irrigation sources

without prior catchment and treatment.

Production nursery waste

Maintaining good production nursery hygiene can minimize cross-

contamination and breeding environments for pests. This should be
achieved in combination with an effective pest monitoring/management
program. A ‘spray diary’ record should accompany each consignment of
plant material.

Identify hazardous substances in plant

You must ensure that hazardous substances contained in a piping
system, process vessel or plant that forms part of a manufacturing
process are identified to anyone who may be exposed to them. You can
do this by using a colour-coded sign sytem that follows the Philippine
Standard for Identification of Contents of Pipes, Conduits and Duct.

Obtain and provide information on hazardous substances

Employers are required to:

 Keep a register of all hazardous substances supplied to your workplace

 Obtain a current Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for each hazardous
 Keep the MSDS accessible to employees
 Not alter the information on an MSDS
 Ensure that containers in which hazardous substances are supplied are
 Identify containers of waste.
Control risk

You must eliminate any risks associated with hazardous substances in

your workplace.

If it's not reasonably practicable to eliminate the risk, you must reduce
the risk, as far as reasonably practicable, by:

 using a less hazardous substance or a safer form of the substance, or

 isolating employees from exposure, or
 using engineering controls.
You must review (and, where necessary, revise) your risk controls if
things change and there is likely to be an increase in the risk to health

Occupational health, safety and welfare

Any work in the rural or related industries may be dangerous in some
way. Itis important to know about your workplace’s occupational health
and safetyprocedures.
As an employee you have a responsibility to:
Follow your organization’s occupational health and safety
 Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for machinery and
 Respond to a situation where anyone is at risk of injury,

providingthat, in doing so, you do not put yourself at risk
 Report any incidents or situations that might, or do, cause
you or otherpeople injury.

How much did you learn?

Self-Check 4.0

A. Complete the paragraph

Four diseases principle used as control measures in quarantine site?

You will have to consider 1.______________________,2. __________________
3. ______________________ 4.______________________

B. True or False. Write letter T if the statement is correct and

letter F if statement is wrong.

1. Specific problem in its location is identified

and reported to supervisor
2. Ensure that containers in which hazardous substances are
sometimes labelled.
3. Good hygiene practices undertaken during potting and propagation
will maximize the chance of pest spread.
4. Breaching is an act of breaking or failing to observe a law,
agreement, or code of conduct.
5. It is the sole responsibility of a worker to eliminate hazard and
risk in his quarantine area.

Post Assessment

How much have you Learned?

A. Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the best
answer and write the letter only in your answer sheet.

1. The use of separate and restrict the movement of plants and

animals mor persons.
a. quarantine
b. contaminants
c. infection
d. control method

2. Refers to place where people, plants, animals and things are

isolated and treated out of a certain area to prevent the spread of
diseases or pests.
a. decontaminants
b. quarantine site
c. infestation
3. This refers to biotic and abiotic byproducts of farming
practices that result in contamination or degradation of the
environment and surrounding ecosystem.
a.Parasitic reaction
b.Environmental hazard.
c. Agricultural pollution
d. animal pollution

4. The process which involves the elimination of most pathogenic

microorganism or inanimate objects.
a. quarantine
b. desinfiction
c. breach
d. control
5. A substance that is where it shoudn’t be and is at high enough
levels to have a negative effect on our health or in plants and
a. pesticides
b. herbecides
c. contaminants
d. solid waste
6. Important means of hindering the development of parasites or
destroying them properly EXCEPT:
a. mechanical
b. physical
c. manual

7. Products that are used to control parasites that attack flies,
ticks, mites and fleas;
a. pesticides
b. byllucides
c. rodenticides
d. external parasiticides
8. Proper handling and storage of plantstock medication can
best protect from ____?
a. propagation
b. growing
c. germinating
d. contamination
9. Keeping your storage areas organized can reduce the potential
for ____?
a. damage
b. contaminants
c. control
d. error
10. Refers to time weighted concentration for an 8 hour workday
and a total of 48 hours a week of exposure to contamination;
a. economic threshold level
b. threshold limit values
c. threshold level
d. none of the above

B. Match Column A with B, then write the letter of your answer on

your answer sheet.

11. Seiri,Sorting out K. An act describing solid

waste management

12. Reduce, reuse and L. A process of

recycle remanufacturing a
product to be sold as new
13 Republic Act 8749 M. Clean Air Act of 1999
14. Recycling N. Remove unnecessary
items as appropriate
15. Seiketsu,Sanitizing O. Three R’s in quarantine
16. Presidential P. Refers to methods by
Decree 112 which LGU,s reduced a
significant amount of
solid waste management
17. Material Safety Q. Environmental
Data Sheet cleanliness

18. Republic Actn9275 R. Phil.clean air act of 2004
19. Republic Act 9003 S. A document contains
information on the
hazards( health ,fire,
reactivity and
20. Source reduction T. Philippine environmental

Refer to the Answer Key. What is your score?

Congratulations! You did a great job! Rest and

relax a while then move on to the next module.
Good luck!


This module gave opportunity to the students to develop

their skills in Following Site Quarantine Procedures
(Lesson 20) according to standard operating procedures,
techniques and knowledge of Agricultural Crop

This prepares them to move on to the next important skills

for development… the Elective.


 Agricultural Arts for Secondary

 Agricultural Arts (T.H.E., SEDP, NSEC series) by Ramon G.

 Farm Mechanics Textbook by Phipps, McColly, Scranton, &
Cook p.393 – 689
 Growing Vegetables by Tony Biggs p.6 – 7
 Trainer’s Methodology
 Maintain Training Facilities
 National TVET Trainer’s Academy
 (For 5S Housekeeping at homes, refer: (Housekeeping at
 (Read the article tiltled Be Tidy and Get Back Your Lost One
Third of Life at


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