A Novel Program To Improve Cognitive Function in I
A Novel Program To Improve Cognitive Function in I
A Novel Program To Improve Cognitive Function in I
no cure or "vaccine" for dementia, however, there is hope to delay stimulation parameter choice (i.e., frequency, intensity, and
the onset of the disease and/or slow its progression by keeping a anatomical location) has been demonstrated in vitro and in
brain wise-healthy life style. This hope is based on the vivo experiments (Thut et al., 2017). The interest in tACS has
neuroplasticity of the brain achievable even in old age as well increased significantly in the past decade. Its potential to
as the individuals’ cognitive reserve (Stern, 2012). Constructing a influence neural oscillations in a frequency- and phase-specific
“reserve capacity” has been suggested to help seniors maintain manner offers the possibility to demonstrate causal relations
cognitive function (Baltes and Baltes, 1990). This theory was later between oscillations and behavior (Neuling et al., 2013; Bland
supported by neuroimaging studies that showed increased and Sale, 2019). Furthermore, the largely untapped therapeutic
contralateral hemispheric activity in right frontal regions for potential of tACS has inspired a number of researchers to study
both working memory (Reuter-Lorenz et al., 2000) and its applicability as a treatment option for numerous neurological
episodic memory (Cabeza et al., 2002). and psychological disorders (Kensinger et al., 2003). However,
In recent years, there have been many programs and studies there has been little investigation into the potential effects of tACS
using different types of brain exercises claiming that they can on older adults (Antonenko et al., 2016) and no investigation on
enhance the cognitive function of older adults if they are used individuals with dementia. Moreover, while much of the research
frequently and regularly (Willis et al., 2006; Garcia-Camupzano on tACS involves testing participants’ cognitive performance
et al., 2013; Park and Bischof, 2013). However, improvements during or immediately following stimulation sessions (Jaušovec
were observed mostly in the trained tasks (near-effect) with little and Jaušovec, 2014; Meiron and Lavidor, 2014; Hoy et al., 2015;
or no transfer of cognitive functional enhancement to similar but Antonenko et al., 2016), a cumulative (over a few weeks) tACS
untrained tasks (far-effect) (Karbach and Verhaeghen, 2014). program has not been explored. In addition, the majority of the
Several review papers on meta-analysis of computerized above-mentioned studies have applied tACS not only for a short
training programs also found no evidence for far-effect for any duration but also without any other cognitive learning; only one
working memory exercises on older adults (Karbach and study (Antonenko et al., 2016) applied tACS during a language
Verhaeghen, 2014; Lampit et al., 2014). Another review study learning paradigm. While, there is no study investigating the
found no conclusive evidence of the effect cognitive exercises had repeated training with tACS, from studies using transcranial
on individuals with dementia and also questioned the amount of direct current stimulation (tDCS), it is known that the
training required to receive any cognitive benefit from the stimulation alone without any cognitive learning does not lead
exercises (Christie et al., 2017). A very recent study to any long-lasting improvement (Huo et al., 2018).
(Stojanoski et al., 2018), running a spatial training task and In this pilot study, for the first time, we explore the effect of a
another similar testing task on 72 healthy participants regimen of cognitive exercises using the MindTriggers app
(between 20 and 62 years), in particular, showed evidence (available on iPad AppStore) with and without tACS (called
against either a near-effect or far-effect gain from cognitive Exr + tACS and Exr groups, respectively) on older adults with
function training. dementia. The number of participants in our study is small but
It is important to note that almost all studies on the effect of comparable with all other similar studies on the same topic. This
brain exercises on the cognitive function of adults and older is part of an on-going clinical trial (Moussavi, 2018) that repeats
adults had the participants doing the exercises on their own with the training program every 4 months on individuals with mild to
no interaction with a trainer. In contrast to the above-mentioned moderate dementia. This paper presents data and outcomes from
study (Stojanoski et al., 2018), our previous and recent studies the first round of tACS treatment program, whilst the repeated
(Garcia-Camupzano et al., 2013; Garcia-Campuizano, 2013; treatment data is being collected. We hypothesize that both
Kehler et al., 2020) and also our recent study on the effect of treatment groups’ cognitive status will improve at post-
brain exercises on older adults with memory problems intervention and that improvement will persist at least one
(unpublished) have shown significant cognitive improvement month. In addition, we hypothesize that the tACS + Exr group
in individuals with mild dementia when they received the will show more improvement than the Exr group. We
brain exercises within a regimen comprising a tutored learning investigated our hypotheses using the independent outcome
environment delivered on a daily basis; this improvement measures at post-intervention and follow-up sessions
transferred to their daily life beyond the practiced exercises compared to baseline.
(the far-effect).
In addition to, or independent of brain exercises, some
researchers have explored application of transcranial METHOD
alternating current stimulation (tACS) on cognition. tACS is a
relatively inexpensive, easy to administer and safe tool for non- Participants’ Data
invasive brain stimulation (Antal and Paulus, 2013); it utilizes the Data from 28 individuals with various degrees of dementia were
external application of oscillating electrical currents to influence adopted from the pool of data of an ongoing clinical trial studying
cortical activity. The tACS-generated oscillating electric field has the effects of cognitive exercises with or without tACS on the
been demonstrated to both modulate and entrain the ongoing aging population (Moussavi, 2018). Participants of the above
network oscillations in a frequency-specific manner (Antal and clinical trial were enrolled into tACS + Exr and Exr groups
Paulus, 2013). The feasibility of using tACS for manipulating the predominantly based on their tolerability to tACS and their
phase, rhythm and power of neural oscillations via appropriate preference; there was no randomization in group assignment.
Auditory Memory Logical Memory I & II, and Verbal Paired Associates I & II 142
Visual Memory Visual Reproduction I & II 86
Visual Working Memory Symbol Span 50
Immediate Memory Logical Memory I, Verbal Paired Associates I, and Visual Reproduction I 136
Delayed Memory Logical Memory II, Verbal Paired Associates II, and Visual Reproduction II 92
Recognition Memory Logical Memory II Recognition, Verbal Paired Associates II Recognition, Verbal Paired Associates II Word Recall, and Visual 80
Reproduction II Recognition
Participants who could not focus on exercises while receiving • Have no history of epileptic seizure or stroke.
tACS or found tACS painful, were enrolled into Exr group.
Therefore, our two groups of intervention are not matched in Since the COVID19 pandemic, we have additionally offered
size or gender in this pilot study. However, as the clinical trial this program Online but data of those participants have also been
continues, we will generate balanced groups in the future. excluded from the analysis in this paper.
All volunteers are assessed by Montreal Cognitive Assessment Data of 28 participants who met the above criteria, were
(MoCA) (Nasreddine et al., 2005). The MoCA is a 30-point test to selected for analysis in this study, out of which 3 felt the
assess cognitive function. This test takes approximately 20 min to tACS as painful and 6 felt the tACS as tolerable but
administer in this population, and screens for mild cognitive uncomfortable when doing the exercises at baseline
impairment and dementia. A score of 26 or higher is considered session; thus, 19 were enrolled in tACS + Exr and 9 in Exr
as normal cognition. This test is used only for screening. groups. Table 1 shows demographic information of the
The study was been approved by the Biomedical Research participants and their diagnosis, whose data were analyzed
Ethics Board of the University of Manitoba and all volunteers in this study.
signed a consent form prior to enrollment into any of the study
groups. Cognitive Exercises
The selection of the data for this study was based on the We used the exercises within the MindTriggers app
following criteria: (Moussavi, 2020) delivered on an iPad. The exercises in
this app were conceptually designed by the first author
• Age >60 years old based on neuroplasticity of the brain and the most
• A MOCA score of 7–25 impaired cognitive functions in individuals with dementia,
• Be diagnosed with either mild cognitive impairment (MCI) particularly Alzheimer’s. The app includes 7 different serious
or mild/moderate stage of a dementia subtype by a games with different difficulty levels. The focus of the games
physician. are on strengthening associative and spatial cognitive skills
• Except for the dementia diagnosis, have no known diagnosis that deteriorate even in normal brain aging (Boundreaus,
of major depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, mood 2010). A significant decline in these two types of memory are
disorder, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington disease, ALS, MS, symptoms of MCI, dementia and in particular Alzheimer’s.
and/or any other neurological disorder. Associative memory is defined as the creation of new links
• Have a Reading/writing/comprehension fluency in English between different items which were not related previously,
• Able to be enrolled in the 4-weeks, 5 days/week program of and the later retrieval of these new associations (Buschkuehl
the clinical trial. and Jaeggi, 2010). Spatial memory includes the memory of
FIGURE 2 | WMS raw scores of all participants of the two groups at baseline, post and follow-up sessions. Vertical axis is the WMS raw scores and horizontal axis is
the participants’ number with no particular order. Note that three participants in tACS + Exr and 1 in Exr group missed the follow-up session assessment due to
TABLE 3 | Participants’ performance data, Mean ± SE window (target appears on each front/back/left/right sides of the
Measure/Groups Baseline Post Follow-up building in either left or right corners of either the second or third
floor). The building is then rotated clockwise so that the
WMS-IV Total tACS 95.2 ± 9.7 114 ± 12.3 125.2 ± 16.9 participant can see every side of the building from outside.
Non-tACS 75.3 ± 9.2 97.3 ± 13.4 101.5 ± 15.7
After a full rotation, the participant is asked to verbally say
MADRS tACS 3.7 ± 1.1 2.7 ± 1 1.5 ± 0.6
Non-tACS 3.1 ± 0.7 1.9 ± 0.6 2 ± 1.1 where the target window with the X mark is. This is called
Spatial % tACS 49.3 ± 8.1 67.9 ± 6 64.7 ± 8.1 “target localization” stage, in which a target was placed on
Non-tACS 47.8 ± 15.5 66 ± 7.4 71.4 ± 13 each left, right and back of the building twice in each corner
of the wall. This stage of the test was run 6 times to cover the 6
different options as the target. If a participant identified the target
correctly, s/he would receive 3 scores: 2 for identifying the target
includes two 30 min duration cognitive exercises. The tACS + Exr on a correct wall/side of the building and 1 for identifying the
group receive tACS simultaneously during the cognitive exercises. target on the correct corner of the wall. We do not assign a score
Each participant has a dedicated tutor throughout the period of for floor. As this test is run 6 times, the maximum correct score
the study. is 18.
Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) -
Assessments The MADRS (Montgomery and Asberg, 1979) is a ten-item
The following assessments were run at baseline, post-intervention rating scale for rating levels of depression. Each item is rated
on first day of week 5 and a month after the end of the trial on a 7-point scale from 0 to 6, where 0 indicates absence of the
(follow-up). Although the cognitive exercises of MindTriggers symptom and 6 indicates extreme presence of the symptom. The
have an analytic scoring system (Appendix A), we did not use time frame for the scale is the previous four weeks. MADRS was
those as metrics for measuring improvements for two main used to test for the presence of depression as a confounding
reasons: 1) the training sessions were tutored; thus, the scores variable.
do not reflect the true ability of the participants, and 2) the games’
scores, at best, measure the near-effect of the training program, Statistical Analysis
which includes the practice effects of doing the same task We hypothesis that the daily training with MindTriggers’
repeatedly. We are interested in investigating the far-effect of cognitive exercises will improve the cognitive abilities of
the treatment program that can be assessed only by independent study participants in both tACS + Exr and Exr groups when
but relevant assessments as described below. assessed by the outcome measures pre to post-intervention.
Primary Outcome Measure: Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS Moreover, we hypothesize the plausible positive effect of the
IV) Older Adult Battery - This assessment (Cullum and cognitive exercises will last at least a month. Thus, we should
Larrabee, 2010) has six major memory indexes: Auditory not see a significant decline at Follow-up assessment with
Memory, Visual Memory, Visual Working Memory, respect to immediate post-intervention. In addition, we
Immediate Memory, Delayed Memory, and Recognition hypothesize the group who receive tACS will be cognitively
Memory. We calculated a total WMS score, which has a
maximum score of 358, by summing all the sub-test scores,
while we calculated memory index scores by summing related
sub-test sections as shown in Table 2; note that memory indexes
have overlap in terms of the sub-tests’ scores.
Secondary Outcome Measure: Egocentric Spatial
Orientation - This is a virtual reality (VR), focused on route
finding and mapping in a cubic 3-story building with no
landmark or cue; this test developed and evaluated in our lab
for detection of spatial cognitive impairment (Byagowi et al.,
2014; Ranjbar-Pooya et al., 2017). This test has two stages of
assessment: 1) target localization from outside of the building,
and 2) target finding inside the building. Most of those with MCI
or dementia are not able to perform the target finding part as they
find it very challenging. In this study, we only used the scores of
the localization stage of the test using a laptop screen (not in an
immersive mode).
In brief, the VR building in this test is a cubic symmetric FIGURE 3 | The average of primary outcome measure (WMS-IV)
landmark-less environment, with 4 rooms (with windows to (mean ± SE) among participants of the two groups of tACS + Exr (n 19) and
outside) on each side of the building, 2 rooms/windows on Exr (n 9) at baseline, post-intervention and follow-up. Both groups showed
each of the second and third floors in left and right corners of significant improvement at post-intervention respect to baseline; this
improvement was still significant for tACS + Exr group but not for Exr group;
the wall (Figure 1). One of the windows in each trial of the eight
see Table 4 for statistical analysis details.
trials is pseudo randomly marked with a big X mark as the target
FIGURE 4 | The average changes (mean ± SE) of the WMS-IV raw scores among participants of the two groups of tACS + Exr (n 19) and Exr (n 9) at post-
intervention and follow-up respect to baseline. The changes between the two groups at follow-up session is evident but it was not statistically significant (p 0.086); see
Table 4 for details on statistical analysis details.
significantly better than the Exr group at follow-up assessment showed negligible (only 1 or 2 scores of WMS-IV) decline in their
session. scores. Figure 2 shows the WMS raw scores of all participants of
Both groups’ data were checked for normality. If the outcome the two groups at three assessment sessions. It is important to
measures passed the normality, we used repeated measure note that individuals with dementia decline gradually; thus, any
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) and its post- program to help to avoid decline can be considered an
hoc analysis and to investigate the above three hypotheses. If improvement. The rate of decline, however, is neither linear
data did not pass the normality test, we used the equivalent non- nor the same among different dementia type. Therefore, it
parametric tests, the Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks test. In all statistical would be challenging to give an expected decline rate for our
tests, p 0.05 was considered as significant. study participants as their cognitive impairment levels and causes
varied widely.
None of the participants were suffering from depression at
RESULTS baseline and their depression scores remained approximately
level throughout the sessions with small improvements at
Three participants in tACS group and one in non-tACS group did post-intervention. Table 3 shows the average and standard
not have follow-up assessment scores due to the COVID19 error of the WMS-IV total score, MADRS and Spatial scores
pandemic but all had the post-intervention assessment. at baseline, post-intervention and follow-up sessions.
All participants of both groups except 3 in the tACS + Exr and Repeated measure of MANOVA showed a significant
1 in the Exr groups, did improve in overall cognitive scores improvement from baseline to post-intervention in both tACS
significantly when assessed by WMS-IV. Those 4 participants, + Exr and Exr groups (Figure 3), confirming the first hypothesis.
TABLE 4 | Summary of the statistical tests in WMS scores. Adjusted p-values are bolded, and the p-value with *, ** and *** indicates significance at p < 0.05, p < 0.01 and
p < 0.001, respectively. The bold values imply statistical significance.
Statistic p-value
As can be seen, both groups kept their improved state at the As one may claim the improvements might be due to
follow-up session, but interestingly the tACS + Exr group showed decreased depression among participants, we also investigated
continued improvement confirming the second and third the MADRS scores among the two groups. The Mixed ANOVA
hypotheses. Figure 4 shows the changes (improvements) from on MADRS scores did not reveal any significant interaction
baseline to post and follow-up sessions for each group, in which a between the groups and time. Similarly, the change in the
significant difference between the two groups is evident at follow- MADRS scores between the two groups did not differ
up although it was not statistically significant. Details of statistical significantly; see Table 5 for details.
analysis are as follow. The same analyses were applied for the secondary outcome
We analysed the outcome measures data using multivariate measure, the spatial assessment scores. As Figure 5 shows,
analysis of repeated measures ANOVA with “Time” as within- participants of both groups showed similar improvements on
subjects factor with 3 levels (baseline, post-intervention and average after the intervention. However, both groups’
follow-up) and “Group” as a Between-Subjects factors. Table 4 improvements at post-intervention and follow-up sessions
shows the significant effects and interactions. As for the primary were also the same. The Mixed ANOVA did not reveal a
outcome measure (WMS-IV), mixed ANOVA revealed a significant interaction between group and time (F (2, 38)
significant main effect of time (F (1.43, 30.05) 13.997, p 0.249, p 0.781; effect size 0.004) and the main effect of the
0.0002; effect size 0.039). Thus, we performed post-hoc group (F (1, 19) 0.107, p 0.747; the effect size is 0.004), but
analysis with Bonferroni correction to investigate which revealed a significant main effect of time (F (2, 38) 3.948, p
group showed significant change in their WMS score at 0.028; effect size 0.059). Similar to the analyses of WMS scores,
which time of the assessment (i.e., baseline, post-intervention a post-hoc analysis was designed with Bonferroni correction to
and follow-up). The post-hoc analysis revealed that both groups investigate which group showed significant change in their
showed significant improvements from baseline to post- spatial score at which time of assessment (i.e., baseline, post-
intervention. At the follow-up assessment, the tACS + Exr intervention and follow-up). Despite the significant main effect
group showed better retention of their improved status and on time, none of the pairwise comparisons revealed a significant
even improved further at the follow-up session (a month after change in either of the groups. Aside from the scores, the
the end of intervention). changes in the scores between the assessments were
To investigate the last hypothesis, the changes in the WMS investigated. Similar to the analysis of WMS scores, the
scores between the groups were compared using Welch two tailed difference between the two groups were compared in terms
t-test. The tACS + Exr group showed greater improvement than of the changes in the spatial scores; however, unlike the primary
the Exr Group as expected although not statistically significant outcome measure, no significant changes in spatial scores were
(p 0.08). See Table 4 for details. found; see Table 6 for details.
TABLE 6 | Summary of the statistical tests in spatial scores. Adjusted p-values are bolded, and the p-value with * means significance at p < 0.05. The bold values imply
statistical significance.
Statistic p-value
FIGURE 5 | The average of secondary outcome measure (Spatial Orientation scores) (mean ± SE) among the two groups of tACS + Exr (n 19) and Exr (n 9) at
baseline, post-intervention and follow-up.
the amount of time that a participant practiced the spatial exercising body and muscles, which normally results in better
memory was only 1/7 of the total time spent on cognitive outcomes.
exercises. It is possible that with more practice on that game,
the results would become significant. Study Limitations
Aside from the more positive effect of tACS at follow-up, the In this study, we did not have a matched size control group to
results of this study is congruent with the outcomes of our measure the practice effect of the assessments. The main reason
previous studies (Garcia-Camupzano et al., 2013; Garcia- was the inability to recruit people in our target population willing
Campuizano, 2013) showing significant improvement in to be only assessed and not receive the training. However, we had
elderly with memory problems after going through tutored 20 one MCI and one early-stage Alzheimer’s who were enrolled into
sessions of brain exercises. It should be noted that all of our the study but could not attend the daily sessions of the training
assessments have been independent of but relevant to the trained due to living out of town; though, they did come in for the
tasks; in fact, we measured the far-effect of our training protocol. assessments. Those two participants’ data show no practice effect
As mentioned in the Introduction, a recent study of the assessment; in fact, they showed a small decline in their
(Stojanoski et al., 2018) claims there is no general gain (no scores at the subsequent assessments at 4 weeks and 8 weeks after
near or far-effect) of practicing brain exercises repeatedly in baseline. In addition, in our previous study (Garcia-Camupzano
healthy individuals. Our studies’ results and in particular this et al., 2013), we had tested the practice effect of WMS-III in an
study’s outcomes argues against that claim. It is worth age-and-gender-matched group using, which was found
comparing the similarities and differences of this study and negligible among older adults who had some memory issues
that in (Stojanoski et al., 2018) although the participants of that but were still considered to be cognitively healthy. Thus, in an
study were healthy individuals (age 20–62) and our MCI/dementia population of this study, the positive
participants were older adults (age 56–83) with dementia. improvements observed most likely was not due to any
Given that if a program is effective for individuals with practice effect of the outcome measures.
dementia it is also expected to be effective for healthy We also acknowledge the limited sample size of this study,
individuals. As there are no other similar studies to compare similar to all previous studies in this subject area that use cognitive
with our study, we compared the cognitive training programs exercises and/or tACS. Recruitment of dementia patients for such
in our study with that in (Stojanoski et al., 2018). For such study with a demanding protocol is challenging. Nevertheless, we
comparison, we only compared the outcomes of EXR group of hope in the near future we increase our sample size.
this study as the other study did not apply tACS. Aside from the limited sample size (similar to all other similar
The protocol of the study in (Stojanoski et al., 2018) was previous studies), another limitation of this study is that we did not
1 month, 5 days/week (20 sessions) training although they have a sham (placebo) group for tACS. Also, the participants’
accepted if a participant attended only 16 sessions of training. enrollment was not randomized between the two groups of the
Similarly, they tested the participants pre- and post-interventions study. The main reason for lack of placebo group was that this
by independent assessment (but similar in concept) to investigate study was funded by donations. For that reason, we felt morally
the far-effect of the training. However, aside the obvious differences responsible to give the participants the real treatment given the limited
such as age group (young adults vs. older adults in our study) and funds. We hope in the future, with a major funding, we can recruit
number of participants, there are several key differences between enough participants to have a large randomized double-blind study.
our study and that in ( Stojanoski et al., 2018) as follows.
The study in (Stojanoski et al., 2018)used only one game (we
had seven different games) called “Token Search” which involves CONCLUSION
working and spatial memory. This game, although proven to be
effective as for a measure of spatial and working memory, can This paper, for the first time, presents the outcomes of our pilot study
become a boring game if played every day for a period of one on repeated sessions of cognitive exercises with and without tACS in a
month. Thus, it is not surprising that out of the 76 individuals regimen incorporating a tutored learning of older adults with various
recruited for the study in (Stojanoski et al., 2018) and who were levels of dementia. The most important outcomes of this study are
paid upon completing the study, only 47 of them completed the twofold: 1) The tutored repeated practice of the MindTriggers app
study. In addition, the participants of the study in ( Stojanoski exercises does significantly improve the cognitive functions of older
et al., 2018) were all young people with very little motivation adults with dementia and that improvement lasts for at least one
other than being paid to participate in the study. On the other month after the end of the intervention, and 2) The application of
hand, among our participants, who were older adults with various tACS improves the positive effects of cognitive exercises with the
degrees of dementia, there were a great desire to improve. positive effect lasting a longer period of time; in other words we
Most importantly, the participants in (Stojanoski et al., 2018) speculate that it may lead to long-term potentiation.
did the test by themselves as they were young healthy adults,
while our participants all had a tutor/instructor sitting with
them during the session and instructing them to choose a game DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
and for how long, and help when necessary. This is a key factor
behind the significant improvement of our participants post- The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
treatment. It is in a way similar to hiring a personal trainer for made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
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training on cognitive function. Neuropsychologia 117, 541–550. doi:10.1016/j. academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not
neuropsychologia.2018.07.013 comply with these terms.