Republic Act No 10175-Chap 1
Republic Act No 10175-Chap 1
Republic Act No 10175-Chap 1
10175 ]
SECTION 1. Title. — This Act shall be known as the “Cybercrime Prevention Act of
SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. — The State recognizes the vital role of information and
communications industries such as content production, telecommunications,
broadcasting electronic commerce, and data processing, in the nation’s overall social
and economic development. The State also recognizes the importance of providing an
environment conducive to the development, acceleration, and rational application and
exploitation of information and communications technology (ICT) to attain free, easy,
and intelligible access to exchange and/or delivery of information; and the need to
protect and safeguard the integrity of computer, computer and communications
systems, networks, and databases, and the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of
information and data stored therein, from all forms of misuse, abuse, and illegal access
by making punishable under the law such conduct or conducts. In this light, the State
shall adopt sufficient powers to effectively prevent and combat such offenses by
facilitating their detection, investigation, and prosecution at both the domestic and
international levels, and by providing arrangements for fast and reliable international
SEC. 3. Definition of Terms. — For purposes of this Act, the following terms are hereby
defined as follows:
(a) Access refers to the instruction, communication with, storing data in, retrieving data
from, or otherwise making use of any resources of a computer system or
communication network.
(1) Any public or private entity that provides to users of its service the ability to
communicate by means of a computer system; and
(2) Any other entity that processes or stores computer data on behalf of such
communication service or users of such service.
(1) The type of communication service used, the technical provisions taken thereto and
the period of service;
(2) The subscriber’s identity, postal or geographic address, telephone and other access
numbers, any assigned network address, billing and payment information, available on
the basis of the service agreement or arrangement; and
(3) Any other available information on the site of the installation of communication
equipment, available on the basis of the service agreement or arrangement.
(p) Traffic data or non-content data refers to any computer data other than the content
of the communication including, but not limited to, the communication’s origin,
destination, route, time, date, size, duration, or type of underlying service.