Grade 8 Reading Journal

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Reading Journal

Grade 8 Freedom of Choice Reading


Reading Journal Instructions:

1.Choose an appropriate book guided by your English

teacher. The book must have at least 150 pages.
2.If you are already reading another book, do not
worry because it is highly recommended that you
read more than one book at a time.
3.Answer every day’s questions after you are done
reading for the day. (We recommend using a
different colour to write your answers)
4.You will not have to answer questions on the
5.There are 4 longer pieces of reflective writing due
on 26th May, 1st June,3rd June and 5th June. These
will be assessed.
6.Your teacher may also arrange short small group
interviews on Teams to discuss your reading
Day 1 / Monday 18th May, 2020
1.Find a quote about reading on the internet that
supports your views on reading and paste it below.
Include the name of the person you are quoting

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The

man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R.

2. Find an image of a cover of the book you are reading and

paste it below.
2. My first impressions of this novel are...
It is going to be a quite a personal book.
Because …
It starts off with his mom coming out to speak to him and try to
calm him down as he gathers his thoughts outside.

4. I will have to read 17 pages a day in order to finish this

novel by 04th June, 2020

Day 2 / Tuesday 19th May, 2020

1. I think this novel is going to be...

2. The character in
(name of novel) with whom I can most identify
is______________________ (name of character)

3. Get in touch with your Kearsney Senior and ask him the
following three questions about reading.
a) What book are you reading at the moment and why did
you choose this book?

b) What is the best English set book you have read at

Kearsney/high school and why?

c) How has reading helped you as a person?

Day 3 / Wednesday 20th May, 2020
1. What do you love about the novel so far:(Give 2 reasons)

2. How do you feel about reading in general and why?

3. Why is reading important? (approximately 50 words)

Day 4 / Thursday 21th May, 2020

1. Is the plot of your book turning out to be predictable or
unpredictable? Explain very briefly.

2. What do you dislike about the book so far?

Day 5 / Friday 22nd May, 2020
Reflective Writing Task 1 (20 Marks)
Due Tuesday (26/05/2020)

In two paragraphs of 150 - 200 words each, explain your

understanding of the words “plot” and “setting” by referring
to examples in the book you are currently reading. It might
be helpful to start each paragraph with a general definition.
Use the notes in your Finding Your Voice workbook to help

Day 6 / Monday 25th May, 2020

1. Would anything make the book you are reading better?
Give ONE reason for your answer.

2. A reminder of your plot and setting task due tomorrow.

Day 7 / Tuesday 26th May, 2020

1. Which character in your book is the most real
(believable)? Why? Provide 3 reasons

2. Mention TWO things in your book that you have

struggled with.
Day 8 / Wednesday 27th May, 2020
1. I am on page ______ of ______ in my book.

2. How many conflicts is the protagonist dealing with in

your book? Name them.

3. Which conflict do you think will be the most difficult

to resolve and why?

Reflective Writing Task 2 (20 Marks)

Due date: Monday (1/06/2020)
Write a sympathetic letter to a character in your book in
which you offer that character support and advice for a
problem/conflict they are experiencing in the book.
Make sure to mention the problem to show them that you
understand their experience and include a short personal
anecdote (story) that might motivate them through their
The letter must be between 200-250 words in length.

Day 9 / Thursday 28th May, 2020

1. What did you really enjoy about today’s reading?

2. What is motivating you to keep reading?

Day 10 / Friday 29th May, 2020

1. How are you feeling about this reading project so far?

I struggle with reading/love reading (choose one) because...

Day 11 / Monday 01st June , 2020 (10
Due Date: Wednesday (3/6/2020)
In term one, you wrote a descriptive essay using the SIDES
Method. (Senses/Imagery/Detail/Experience/Show Don’t
In the book you are currently reading, find an example of
good descriptive writing and explain how the writer has
used elements of the SIDES Method to achieve an
effective description(s).

To challenge you further, also try to comment on the

writer’s use of different sentence types in their descriptive
writing to influence the details of what they are describing.
(Your teacher will provide some help with this.)
Day 12 / Tuesday 02st June, 2020
1. Give one reason why you would/would not recommend
your book to a friend.

Day 13 / Wednesday 03rd June , 2020

Reflective Writing Task 4 (20 Marks) Due date:
Friday (5/6/2020)
Choose a character(one) from your book that is most like
ONE or TWO of the following famous people:
★ Adolf Hitler
★ Memnon of Ethiopia (Greek Mythology)
★ Katherine Johnson (Mathematician)
★ Trevor Noah
★ Anne Frank

In a paragraph of 200 - 250 words, explain why you have

chosen to compare your chosen character with the
particular famous person. Refer to your book to support
your reasoning.
Example: John Hernandez, the captain of the Townsville
High soccer team, in my book is similar to Nelson Mandela
because both of them are courageous, generous and
intelligent. Nelson Mandela was sentenced to 27 years in
prison for fighting against the apartheid government which
oppressed black people in South African. This was indeed an
act of courage because he faced immense danger but did
not give up his cause. John Hernandez also shows courage
when…etc etc (specific example from your book)

Day 14 / Thursday 04th June, 2020

Insert photograph of you reading in an interesting place or with an interesting person
or during an interesting activity. (Be safe, do not do anything dangerous).

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