A Long Walk To Water b1c84 61637a6c

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Across Down
4. brothers and sisters 1. a state of utter confusion
5. never ending 2. occupied, live in
6. impure, unclean 3. the stalks of various tall perennial grasses
7. a facility, often associated with a hospital 8. serious
12. danger 9. a parasite found mostly in Africa infected
18. great suffering through standing water
19. the fruit of a tropical Asian evergreen tree 10. a muzzle loading cannon
20. sheer fright 11. extremely cold
22. extreme 13. dead bodies
24. one who opposes by force a government or 14. transported
ruling authority 15. camp, shelter for persons displaced
25. to cover from view 16. a long step in walking
27. to feel or express sorrow 17. any group of people united by ties
29. container made from dried fruit 21. a tall, aquatic plant native to the Nile Valley
30. hopelessness 23. without moisture
31. done or made using whatever is available 26. to make or become extremely thin
28. secluded

   rebels       mortars       terror       shrouded       tribe       strides       inhabited       

solemn       makeshift       papyrus       reeds       desperate       ferried       tamarind       
arid       eternal       corpses       refugee       emaciated       mourn       despair       
chaos       peril       misery       siblings       frigid       clinic       remote       
guinea worms       contaminated       gourd   

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