A Long Walk To Water b1c84 61637a6c
A Long Walk To Water b1c84 61637a6c
A Long Walk To Water b1c84 61637a6c
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Across Down
4. brothers and sisters 1. a state of utter confusion
5. never ending 2. occupied, live in
6. impure, unclean 3. the stalks of various tall perennial grasses
7. a facility, often associated with a hospital 8. serious
12. danger 9. a parasite found mostly in Africa infected
18. great suffering through standing water
19. the fruit of a tropical Asian evergreen tree 10. a muzzle loading cannon
20. sheer fright 11. extremely cold
22. extreme 13. dead bodies
24. one who opposes by force a government or 14. transported
ruling authority 15. camp, shelter for persons displaced
25. to cover from view 16. a long step in walking
27. to feel or express sorrow 17. any group of people united by ties
29. container made from dried fruit 21. a tall, aquatic plant native to the Nile Valley
30. hopelessness 23. without moisture
31. done or made using whatever is available 26. to make or become extremely thin
28. secluded