Debate W7

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ESP Debate

Student’s full name: Đàm Thiên Hương Class:…1Q-22…… Date: 18/5/2023


Topic 7: Is artificial intelligence dangerous to human life?

Paraphrase 1

Paraphrase 2


Paraphrase 1

Paraphrase 2





Argumentation: AFFIRMATIVE
Argument 1A While AI may eliminate some jobs, it can also
Increase the rate of unemployment create new job opportunities in fields such as
data science, machine learning engineering,
and AI ethics. These jobs require specialized
Explanation AI systems are capable of performing tasks that skills that are in high demand and can offer
were previously performed by humans. While this competitive salaries, and that also will lead to
can lead to increased efficiency and productivity, it new industries are created. AI has the potential
could also lead to job displacement and economic to create entirely new industries and markets,
disruption, which could have negative impacts on such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and
human life. personalized medicine. These industries will
Evidence For example, the automation of manufacturing require new skills and expertise, creating new
jobs has led to job losses in many countries, which job opportunities. AI may have some impact on
can have a severe impact on the livelihoods of employment rates, it is not a foregone
workers and their families, this put them in a conclusion that it will lead to widespread
poverty circumstances. unemployment. By investing in education and

ESP Debate

training programs, promoting innovation and

entrepreneurship, and ensuring that AI is used
in a responsible and ethical manner, we can
harness the potential of AI to create new
opportunities and improve the quality of life for
Argument 2A Security risks While AI does pose some security risks, it also
has the potential to greatly improve security and
prevent security breaches. By investing in the
Explanation development of responsible and ethical AI
AI systems can be vulnerable to cyber attacks, systems, promoting regulatory oversight, and
and if they are hacked, they could be used to ensuring that appropriate safeguards are in
cause harm to humans or other systems. place, we can harness the potential of AI to
improve security and protect against potential
security risks.
For example, AI can be used to monitor
networks for potential cyber threats, detect
Evidence For example,the developing of Deepfakes fraudulent activity in financial transactions, and
technology has been a main threat to human analyze social media for signs of criminal
society. It put pressure on journalists to filters real activity or potential threats to public safety. AI
from fake news, and raise cyber security issues for can also be used to improve physical security,
people and organizations when hacker steal the such as by monitoring surveillance cameras for
personal informations of internet users to deceive potential security breaches or by detecting
their family or friends for moneys and property. potential threats in airport security lines.
Moreover, Many deepfakes focus on celebrities,
politicians, and corporate leaders because the
internet is packed with source photos and videos
of them from which to build the large image
stockpiles required to train an AI deepfake system,
it enables celebrity and revenge porn, that is,
involuntary pornography using images of
celebrities and non-celebrities, which are shared
on social networks without their consent. Thus,
celebrities such as Scarlett Johansson have been
featured on deepfaked adult movies, in which their
faces have been superimposed over porn stars'
Argument 3A



ESP Debate

Argumentation: NEGATIVE
Argument 1B AI is a tool, not an independent entity Bias: One of the most significant limitations of
AI is that it can perpetuate and even amplify
Explanation Artificial intelligence is a tool created and bias present in the data it is trained on.
controlled by humans. It is not an independent For example, if an AI system is trained on data
entity with its own motives or desires. While it is that reflects existing social biases, such as
true that AI can be programmed to learn and make racial or gender bias, it may learn and
decisions on its own, it does so within the perpetuate those biases in its decision-making
framework and limits set by its human creators. processes. This can lead to discriminatory
Therefore, it is ultimately humans who determine outcomes in areas such as hiring, lending, and
how AI is used, and whether it is used for good or criminal justice. For instance, Amazon had to
for harm. scrap an AI recruiting tool because it
Evidence For example, consider the use of AI in discriminated against women.
autonomous weapons. While some argue that the Limited creativity: While AI can be used to
development of killer robots is dangerous, the generate novel ideas and solutions, it is still
danger lies not in the AI itself, but in how it is used. limited by the parameters of its programming
Autonomous weapons can be programmed to and training data. This means that AI may not
identify and attack targets without human be able to generate truly creative or innovative
intervention, but it is humans who decide which solutions. For example, an AI-powered
targets to attack and when to use these weapons. algorithm may be able to generate new recipes
If used irresponsibly or maliciously, autonomous based on existing ingredients and flavor
weapons could cause harm, but this is not a fault profiles, but it may not be able to create truly
of the AI itself. original dishes that break new ground.
Dependence on data: AI systems require large
amounts of data to train and operate effectively.
This can be a drawback in areas where data is
scarce or difficult to obtain, such as in some
healthcare applications.
For example, an AI system designed to predict
patient outcomes may struggle if it does not
have access to comprehensive, high-quality
medical data.
Argument 2B AI can be designed to prioritize human safety While it is certainly possible to design AI
systems that prioritize human safety in certain
Explanation AI can be programmed to prioritize human safety contexts, there are many challenges and
and well-being because it is designed to follow a limitations to consider, and it may not be
set of rules and guidelines that are established by feasible to fully address all potential safety
its creators. These rules and guidelines can risks.
include ethical principles, such as the principle of - Uncertainty and unpredictability:
beneficence, which requires that AI systems be Another argument is that even if an AI
designed to promote the well-being of humans. system is designed to prioritize human
safety, there may be situations where
Evidence For example, autonomous vehicles can be the system's behavior is unpredictable
designed to prioritize passenger safety. These or uncertain, leading to unintended
vehicles can be programmed to make decisions consequences. For example, an AI
that minimize the risk of accidents and injuries, system designed to prevent car
such as slowing down or stopping to avoid a accidents may prioritize safety by
collision. Medical AI systems can also be designed slowing down or stopping the car in
to prioritize patient health. For example, AI can be certain situations, but this could also
used to analyze medical images and help doctors lead to unexpected traffic congestion or
identify tumors or other abnormalities. This can delays.

ESP Debate

help doctors make more accurate diagnoses and - Unforeseen circumstances: there may
develop more effective treatment plans. be unforeseen circumstances or
scenarios that the AI system is not
equipped to handle, leading to potential
safety risks. For example, an AI system
designed to detect and prevent
cyberattacks may not be able to adapt
to new and evolving forms of attacks,
leaving critical systems vulnerable.
Argument 3B AI can improve human life Limited scope of benefits: One possible
argument is that while AI may offer some
Explanation Artificial intelligence can improve human life in benefits in certain areas, these benefits are
numerous ways because it has the ability to limited in scope and do not justify the potential
process and analyze vast amounts of data quickly risks and costs associated with AI development
and accurately, and to make decisions based on and deployment. For example, while AI may
that data. This can help humans make better improve efficiency in certain industries, it may
decisions, solve complex problems, and automate also lead to job displacement and social
tasks that are time-consuming or difficult for inequality.
humans to do on their own. Ethical concerns: Another argument is that the
development and deployment of AI raises a
Evidence For ex, AI can be used to help doctors diagnose range of ethical concerns, such as issues
diseases more accurately and efficiently. AI related to privacy, bias, and accountability.
systems can analyze vast amounts of medical These concerns may outweigh any potential
data and help doctors make more informed benefits that AI could provide.
decisions about treatment options. This can Negative impacts: A third argument is that AI
improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare has the potential to cause harm and negative
costs. AI can also improve transportation systems impacts, such as by exacerbating existing
and reduce accidents. Autonomous vehicles, for social problems or creating new ones. For
example, can reduce the number of accidents example, AI-powered surveillance systems may
caused by human error, such as distracted driving infringe on civil liberties, while AI-powered
or driving under the influence. This could save weapons could increase the risk of conflict and
thousands of lives each year. violence.


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