The Ethics and Norms of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

The Ethics and Norms of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Khalid Al Thinyan | Abdullah Al Shehri | Haitham Ghawji
Saudi Aramco

Abstract:- This article focuses on the ethical implications Some business leaders believe that organizations should
and moral quandaries of implementing Artificial change how they approach AI to be able to trust it in the
Intelligence (AI) technologies. It also highlights the future. This can be done through collaboration with regulators
frameworks that must be established to address them. To and policymakers.
understand these technologies comprehensively, it is
essential first to understand what AI is. II. THE ETHICS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Ethics, Norms.
AI technologies are not inherently ethical or unethical.
I. INTRODUCTION The ethical implications depend on how AI is designed,
developed, and applied. AI can positively affect society by
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human improving healthcare, enhancing public safety, and increasing
intelligence in machines programmed to perform tasks that productivity. However, it can also have negative
typically require human intervention. AI technology involves consequences, such as job losses, privacy violations, and bias.
using algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze Professor Luciano Floridi, professor of philosophy and ethics
and interpret data, learn from patterns, and make predictions of information at the University of Oxford, said compares AI
based on the data. AI systems can also make decisions based to a dark room: “Suppose you enter a dark room in an
on the data and patterns it learns. unknown building. You might panic about monsters that could
be lurking in the dark. Or you could just turn on the light to
avoid bumping into the furniture” [3].

There are several ethical concerns associated with AI.

One of the main concerns is the potential impact of AI on
employment. As AI systems become more advanced, they
may replace human workers, which could lead to mass
unemployment. Therefore, employees perceive AI as
threatening their job security rather than as a tool that can
improve their productivity. This can be combated by
addressing the risks of AI and refocusing on the people who
will use it, emphasizing the benefits and assuaging any fears.
By doing this, businesses can ensure that their employees are
comfortable and confident in using artificial intelligence,
enabling them to reap the benefits of its implementation [2].

Additionally, privacy and surveillance of information

Fig 1: How AI works [6] technology are other ethical considerations in the development
of AI. Due to technological advancements in AI, the amount
Due to the swift evolution and emergence of Artificial of data collected and stored has changed significantly. Most of
Intelligence (AI) technologies, various ethical and legal it is now digital, and more sensors collect and use data about
considerations must be addressed to ensure their safe and our activities. The data collected should be used only for the
responsible use, as they have the potential to alter our daily purpose it was collected, and individuals should have the right
lives drastically. to access and control their data.
The increase in AI dependency raised concerns about the Another critical ethical concern is the bias or lack of
control that organizations can have over their machines' fairness in some AI systems. AI systems are only as moral as
decisions. This issue is also related to the need to ensure that the data they are trained on, and if the data is biased, then the
the systems will act in a manner that is consistent with the AI system will also be limited. This can lead to discrimination
company's values. If AI becomes more powerful, greater and the preservation of existing social inequalities. Therefore,
responsibility will fall upon it [1].

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
when designing, selecting, and developing AI systems, it is
essential to ensure fair, non-bias, non-discriminatory, and
objective standards inclusive, diverse, and representative of all
or targeted segments of society. [9]

AI increases the potential for intelligent data collection

and opportunities for data analysis. Moreover, controlling who
collects which data and who has access to it is much more
complicated than in the analog world of paper and telephone
calls. With the advent of AI, businesses can collect and
analyze data more efficiently and precisely than ever, making
more informed decisions and gaining a competitive edge [4].


The ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in

surveillance extend far beyond data collection and focus
direction. They include using the information to manipulate
behavior that undermines an individual's capacity for
autonomous rational decision-making.

In addition to ethical considerations, there are also norms Fig 2: How AI Detectives are cracking open the black box of
of AI that must be considered. These norms include principles deep learning [8]
such as transparency, accountability, and fairness.
Many AI systems rely on machine learning techniques to
Transparency refers to the idea that AI systems should be simulate and extract patterns from a given dataset. Through
designed openly and understandably for those who use them. these techniques, the system can capture patterns in the data
This means that the underlying algorithms and data should be and label them in a way that benefits the decisions it makes
available for review, and the AI system's decision-making without the programmer needing to know which practices in
processes should be clear and easy to understand. the data the system has used.

Due to the complexity of AI algorithms, understanding The programs are designed to adapt to new data and
how they work is becoming more challenging. In some cases, feedback, meaning the results could be more predictable to the
AI applications have been referred to as a (Black Box) where user and programmer. The learning system's patterns are
not even engineers can explain why the machine made a altered as further information is received, allowing for
particular decision [5]. This can significantly delay their dynamic and ever-evolving output.
effectiveness and cause concern.
Fairness and justice are essential components of the
Utilizing (Black Box) algorithms makes it difficult to stakeholder theory and must be considered when businesses
determine who is accountable for any harm or ethical breach are dealing with AI. Companies must consider the far-reaching
when things go wrong. Revealing AI will be essential for implications of AI design and implementation, as AI systems
businesses and the public to understand, trust and effectively can now perform tasks that were once done by humans more
manage these machines, enabling them to make informed quickly and accurately. This workplace shift will undoubtedly
decisions and take appropriate action [7]. impact employees and customers, and businesses must be
mindful of this when making decisions.


AI raised fundamental questions about what we should

safeguard these systems, what they should be capable of, and
what potential risks they may pose in the long run. I strongly
advocate maximizing the utilization of AI. Nevertheless, end
users must understand how it works and which behaviors are
most effective in leveraging it.

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Volume 8, Issue 4, April – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Workforces and other stakeholders must be empowered
to take personal responsibility for the consequences of their
utilization of AI and be provided with the necessary support to
do so. Not only must they possess the technical skills to
construct or utilize it, but they must also comprehend the
potential ethical implications it may have.

In conclusion, the ethics and norms of AI are complex

and multi-layered issues that must be cautiously considered as
AI continues to advance. It is essential that we develop AI in a
way that is safe, fair, and beneficial for society as a whole.
Companies must strive to enhance AI communication
strategies to foster a sense of inclusion and collaboration
among people rather than leaving them feeling like passive
recipients or even victims of the technology. By doing so, they
can ensure that everyone is actively developing and utilizing


[1]. ECIAIR 2019 European Conference on the Impact of

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (Edited by: Paul
Griffiths and Mitt Nowshade Kabir) (Page: 72,74, 82 &
[2]. Robot Ethics: The Ethical and Social Implications of
Robotics (Patrick Lin, Keith Abney, George A. Bekey)
(Page: 313, 371 & 366).
[3]. Business Ethics and Artificial Intelligence (Professor
Luciano Floridi) (Page: 3).
[4]. Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right from Wrong
(By Wendell Wallach, Colin Allen) (Pages: 18 & 45).
[5]. The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI (by Markus Dirk
Dubber, Frank Pasquale) (Page: 109, 110 & 116).
[6]. Why is Machine Learning, not Artificial Intelligence?
[7]. Regulating Artificial Intelligence (by Thomas
Wischmeyer, Timo Rademacher) (Pages: 99 & 100).
[8]. AI Black Box Horror Stories-When Transparency was
Needed More Than Ever (ODSC - Open Data Science).
[9]. AI Ethics Principles ( (Page 7)

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