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At 6 weeks the baby received Hep B, when

is the next dose?
25. After injection of BCG, mother came back
1. Occurrence of diseases like COVID-19 in after 2 weeks complaining of ulceration in
several countries and continents is termed injection site, what is your response?
2. Occurrence of unusual increase in disease in THAT IT LEAVES A SCAR
a short period of time is 26. Needs further assessment
3. Immunity provided by COVID vaccines 27. One home visit, child with lock jaw
4. Health education and immunization 28. Patient developed fever after DPT at 39.4 C,
5. Temperature of freezer of refrigerator - GIVE ANTIPYRETIC
- -15 to – 25 C 29. The effects of vitamin toxicity
6. Vaccine to discard after 6 hours - JAUNDICE, HYPERBILIRUBINEMIA
- BCG 30. Contraceptive that can be safely used by BF
7. System to maintain vaccine potency from - POP (Progesterone-only Pills)
manufacturer to recipients 31. NOT a natural family planning method
8. Pregnant mother died d/t hypothyroidism 32. The IUD provides protection that lasts
9. Direct maternal death 33. Caput succedaneum resolves
10. Leading cause of maternal mortality 34. Chlamydia is
B. Sepsis 35. Clue cells is
C. Hemorrhage - BACTERIA
D. Obstructed Labor 36. Measles is given at what age?
11. Waste management. Examples of - 9 MONTHS
biodegradable waste 37. Side effect of measles
1. Left-over foods - MILD RASHES AND FEVER
3. Fruit peelings 38. Anemia best source of iron
12. Primary gas global warming - LIVER
- CO2 39. Iron deficiency anemia food to give
13. Toilets like pit-latrines, aqua privies - KANGKONG
- LEVEL 1 / PRIMARY 40. BMI of obese
14. Stand post water supply is - 33 AND 35
- LEVEL 2 41. Malnutrition continues to be the public
15. Distance of toilet to water source is health concern in the country. The common
- AT LEAST 25 METERS AWAY nutritional deficiencies are the following
16. Used N95 mask dispose to except:
17. Hypertension and toothache B. Iron
- BAWANG C. Iodine
18. 1st level of prevention D. Vit. C
- IMMUNIZATION 42. _____ is the approach adopted to provide
19. Rehabilitation is under micronutrient supplements to 6-71 month
- TERTIARY LEVEL OF PREVENTION old preschoolers on a nationwide scale.
20. DPT interval between doses - ARAW NG SANGKAP PINOY
- 4 WEEKS 43. A tool used when rendering prenatal care as
21. A test to determine the blood cell count, a guide in identification of risk factors
including hemoglobin is - HOME BASED MOTHER RECORD
B. CBC 44. Cold chain system is the system that
22. Procedure where the heel of the newborn is maintains the potency of the vaccine. The
pricked distance of the ref/freezer from the wall
- NEWBORN SCREENING must be how many centimeters in order for
23. Child with Kwashiorkor the air to move freely?
- Weight loss, easily gets tired, loss of - 10 TO 12 FEET
appetite 45. Estimate the number of pregnant woman
who will be given Tetanus Toxoid during an
immunization outreach activity in a
barangay with a population of about 72. Plan C treatment
- 525 73. Contraindicated vaccine to pregnant
46. Sign that a child has Vit. A deficiency women
FURNITURE DURING SUNSET 74. Husband spends all money of family
47. Food for Vit. A deficiency - ECONOMICAL ABUSE
- YELLOW CAMOTE 75. Diarrhea
48. This vaccine used in EPI must be store in the - MORE THAN 3X LOOSE STOOL/DAY
freezer to preserve its potency 76. Child with anemia given?
49. Least sensitive to heat 77. Antihelminthic herbal plant
50. Maintaining DPT potency except 78. For postpartum mother for wound washing
51. Mastoiditis 79. Immunity of child to chickenpox
52. Safe home remedy for cough and colds 80. Antibody in breastmilk
53. Color of chart for ear infection 81. Herbal plant for diabetes
54. First line ttt for pneumonia 82. Local autonomy code
55. Chest indrawing 83. Traditionally accepted person to attend
- SEVERE PNEUMONIA delivery in community
56. NOT common soil transmitted helminth in - HILOTS / TBA (traditional birth attendants)
the country 84. NOT a liquid vaccine
- TAENIASIS (tapeworm) - BCG
57. Proglottids transmission 85. Blood in the stool
58. Sabin vaccine 86. Upon entry into community, what will you
- OPV ask to the Brgy. Captain
59. Gastroenteritis of children can be d/t, - SPOT MAP OF COMMUNITY
EXCEPT 87. In 1996, adopts the giving of free drugs to
60. Tourniquet test is for - DOTS
- HEMORRHAGIC FEVER 88. Patient under intensive TB ttt
61. Disease common during rainy seasons - 2 MONTHS
- EL TOR OR CHOLERA 89. Advise to family member with TB to prevent
62. Energy giving foods except transmission
63. Cholera is common during 90. First aid of dog bite
64. How many doses of DPT AND RUNNING WATER
- 3 DOSES, I.M. 91. Assessment tool in Leopold’s Maneuver
65. BCG vaccine is used against for - PALPATION
- TB 92. Koplik’s spots are seen in
66. Want to know if patient is religiously taking - RUBEOLA
TB drugs 93. A person who harbors the microorganism
- CHECK COLOR OF URINE AND BLISTER but does not manifest the signs and
PACKS symptoms of the disease is called
67. 3 drugs combined in blister pack - CARRIER
- RIFAMPICIN, ISONIAZID, ETHAMBUTOL 94. Measles is contained in a dark brown bottle
68. Collection of sputum specimen - TO MAINTAIN POTENCY
- INHALE AND EXHALE, INHALE AND HOLD 95. Sign of insufficient O2 to tissues
69. Sputum collection 96. Where to check Koplik’s spots
70. When to xray 97. Hyperemesis gravidarum
71. Skin pinch goes back very slowly, 98. Alma Ata First PHC international conference
abnormally sleepy and unable to drink of BF was held in
99. To prevent contamination and spread of 19. The supplemental food which is first
infection, the midwife should prioritize her introduced to a baby is:
home visit in which of the following cases? - cereals
A. Diarrhea Patient 20. Which of the following suppresses ovulation
B. Postpartum mother if baby is breastfed?
C. Patient with punctured wound - prolactin
D. Patient with leprosy 21. Which is a sign of maturity in the newborn?
100. Late sign of leprosy - the presence of meconium within 24 hours
- loss of hair in skin 22. Anthropometric measurements of the
newborn includes all of these except
HULING BULONG INFANT CARE - assess the neurologic condition of the NB
23. A child with dryness of the eyes develops
1. Immediately after birth, what is your first blindness. This is d/t to
action - oxygen toxicity
- Dry the baby thoroughly 24. These are signs of kwashiorkor except
2. Apgar SCORE OF 7-10 is - sunken fontanelles
- well and good baby, proceed to newborn 25. Which is not normal in the head of newborn
care at birth
3. APGAR score of 4-6 needs - tense fontanelle
- airway clearance and oxygenation 26. A test to determine the blood cell count,
4. APGAR of 0-3 including hemoglobin
- needs resuscitation - CBC
5. APGAR is performed 27. Procedure where the heel of the newborn is
- 1-5 mins after birth prick
6. Needs referral - Newborn screening
- jaundice baby at 24 hours after birth 28. Jaundice at birth may indicate
7. Sign of oxygen toxicity - infections and hemolytic
- retrolental fibroplasia 29. Infants weight doubles
8. Needs referral -5-6 months
- presence of one artery of cord 30. Baby is 4 months. How many ounces of milk
9. Normal weight of term baby can she approximately receive?
- 2500 g - 6 ounce (just add 2 to months)
10. Long baby with long nails 31. Kangaroo moth care is done
- post mature - after birth
11. Which does NOT characterize the normal 32. The stool of breastfeeding baby is sweet
respiration of the newborn smelling because breast milk is high in
- sternum moves inward with respiration which of the following acid?
12. What is the chief protein that is easily - lactic acid
digestible in human breast milk 33. The following disease is passed on to the
- lactalbumin baby through the placenta except:
13. Which of the following accounts for the - gonorrhea
greatest percentage of calories in 34. Normal birth length
breastmilk? - 19-21 inches
- carbohydrate 35. Inappropriate management of engorgement
14. If the baby is born 7 lbs at birth, how much - stop BF
calories would be approximately needed 36. Child is diagnosed with tender swelling
per 24 hours for maintenance and growth? behind the ear. Appropriate action
- 300-400 calories - refer urgently
15. A condition characterized by protrusion of 37. Child classified with pneumonia. Immediate
the spinal cord d/t non-closure of vertebra action
is called - give first dose of antibiotic
- Spina bifida 38. Food to give in kwashiorkor
16. Needs referral - egg and fish
- opacity of pupils 39. Can be delayed for 6 hours
17. A baby was delivered underweight, with - Vit. K
less of subcutaneous tissue, hands and feet 40. Vit K is
wrinkled with patchy areas of - antihemorrhagic
desquamation. This baby is considered 41. Extreme calorie deficiency
- post term - marasmus
18. Which among these vital signs of the NB 42. Child has protein deficiency
increase, as the child grows older - kwashiorkor
- 4 only (BP only) 43. Needs further evaluation
- jaundice within 24 hours
44. Needs further assessment 69. Needs further assessment
- absence of blinking reflex - opacity of pupils
45. Needs referral 70. Normal assessment in newborn
- presence of purulent discharge in the eyes - abdomen moves while the newborn
46. Wrap newborn with blanket breathes
- convection 71. At 6 weeks, the baby receives Hep B, when
47. Plantar grasp disappears is the next dose
- 8-9 months - after 4 weeks
48. 11 months wants feeding self alone 72. On home visit, child with lock jaw
- increase sense of independence - refer the child
49. Appropriate cord care 73. Patient developed fever after DPT at 39.4
- keeping the cord dry and clean weeks management
50. True about colic - give antipyretic
- occurs between 4-6 months 74. The effects of vitamin toxicity
51. Management of colic - jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia
- burp during and after feeding 75. Dose of Vit K
52. Child with kwashiorkor observe - 1 mL, IM
- 1,2,4 76. After injection of BCG, moth came back
53. Weight loss after 2 weeks complaining of ulceration on
- easily get tired, loss of appetite injection site, what is your response
54. Anemia 11 months - explain that it is normal and expect that it
- munggo or vegetables. Pag wala, choose leaves a scar
chicken liver 77. Needs further assessment
55. Baby was born with long nails and dry skin - one vein, one artery
was born 78. Needs further assessment
- after 42 weeks - red moist umbilicus
56. Most rapid and significant growth period of 79. Vitamin A
life - squash and papaya
- infancy 80. Xerophthalmia
57. These are the slowest period of growth and - squash
development 81. 6 months old milestone
- toddler and school-age - sit with support
58. Rapid growth 82. 8 months milestone
- adolescence - sit securely without support
59. Lack of surfactant indicates 83. Bring feet to mouth and sucks
- hyaline membrane disease - 5 months
60. How many teeth should a normal one year 84. Hold to furniture
old baby have? - 11 months
- 4-6 85. 2-3 months
61. If the Silverman score is 2, the midwife - smiles socially
would 86. Caput succedaneum resolves in
- consider this normal, baby is in good - 1 to 3 days
condition 87. Vaccine injected at the right deltoid
62. Solid foods are not given until reflex - BCG
disappears 88. 2 vaccine antigen at birth
- extrusion - BCG and Hep B
63. Which among this activities does not 89. Shape of anterior fontanelle
develop the sense of trust in infants - diamond
- different caregivers to assess infant’s 90. Most common site of cephalhematoma
feeding needs and activities - parietal
64. Pus drainage on the ear more than 2 weeks 91. SIDS risk factor
is classified - smoking member of family
- acute ear infection 92. Measles is communicable
65. Child always says NO - days before prodromal to 4 days after
- provide choices symptoms appear
66. Child eyes is edematous with purulent 93. Fast breathing suggest
discharges - pneumonia
- refer to hospital 94. Chest indrawing and unable to feed
67. The child has a wasted appearance - severe pneumonia
- marasmus 95. Color of chart for ACUTE and chronic ear
68. Isolation of sick child to other child is a form infection
of - yellow
- preventive measure
96. Sunken eyes, drinks eagerly, thirsty, skin 22. Bandage for wound in the head
pinch goes back slowly - CRAVAT
- some dehydration 23. Not routine management of threatened
97. Plan B treatment abortion
- oresol in health facility - internal exam and cervical infection
98. Stroking inverted J in foot 24. Bandaging for UNIFORM thickness part of
- Babinski body
99. Stroking corner of mouth - spiral or simple spiral
- rooting 25. Presence of blister in food, what to do?
100. First tooth eruption - DO NOT PRICK, just wash with soap and
- 6 weeks (lower central incisors) water only
26. Inappropriate in wound care
HULING BULONG FUNDAMENTALS - apply thick dressing
27. Presenting diameter in face presentation
1. The body temperature alternates at regular - submento bregmatic
intervals between period of fever and 28. If you recommended ambulation 6 hours
periods of normal and subnormal after delivery, you are preventing problems
temperatures associated with the patient
- INTERMITTENT FEVER - circulatory system
2. Sudden decline of fever in just an hour 29. Engagement usually occurs at what
- crisis diameter of the inlet
3. Thermoregulatory center - transverse diameter
- hypothalamus 30. Engagement is at the
4. Drug to treat fever - level of ischial spine
- antipyretic 31. Encourage the patient to void frequently
5. Conditions c/I for rectal temperature during labor primarily to
reading, except - enhance fetal descent
- patient on oxygen 32. Most common position of the fetus is LOA.
6. Is the difference between apical and radial It means that
pulse - lie is longitudinal and the fetal occiput is
- pulse deficit towards the left anterior portion of the
7. Soft breath sounds normally heard maternal pelvis
throughout most of the base of lung fields 33. Most common cause of mastitis
- vesicular - staphylococcus aureus
8. Fundus just above symphysis pubis 34. Mother bleeds and the uterus is relaxed,
- 12 weeks soft, and non-tender, you can account the
9. Purpose wearing gloves in perineal area cause to
- prevent cross contamination of - atony of the uterus
microorganism 35. Priority for the RM to assess in a mother
10. signs that suggest subinvolution receiving MgSO4?
- 2 weeks postpartum bleeding of rubra - loss of patellar reflex
11. drug that decreases anxiety 36. A woman delivered an hour ago, she had a
- tranquilizer 3rd degree tear that was sutured by the
12. 4 days jaundice baby worried mother physician. Which would be most
- reassure mother that it is NORMAL appropriate action to do?
13. Patient with anemia - apply ice pack on the perineum
- chicken liver 37. Most important observation to monitor
14. TT4 injection provides progress of labor?
- 10 years protection - cervical dilatation
15. Position for hypovolemic shock 38. Which among these constitute labor?
- Trendelenburg - regular dilatation of cervix
16. Iron-rich foods 39. An elevation of normal body temperature is
- liver termed as
17. Vitamin A deficiency give - pyrexia
- papaya with milk 40. Types of fever wherein the temperature
18. Normal adult respiration fluctuates between period of fever and
- 12 to 20 cpm periods of normal/subnormal temperature
19. Normal HR of NB - intermittent fever
- 120 to 160 bpm 41. Body is cooled by the evaporation of
20. Normal respiration perspiration
- eupnea - evaporation
21. Medical abbreviation ad lib means
- as desired
42. Patient for anal and prostate gland 61. In auscultation, there are 3 systems in the
examination should be placed in human body that produce sound except
- Knee chest, sim’s position - muscular system
43. One in which body temperature varies over 62. Which contraceptive method does not
24 hours and remains elevated provide protection against STD
- remittent fever - IUD
44. The client with fever has been observed to 63. Combined oral contraceptive prevents
experience elevated temperature for 4 days pregnancy by inhibiting the production of
followed by 1-2 days normal range of - FSH and LH
temperature. The type of fever he is 64. Oxytocin is given undiluted can cause
experiencing is - serious hypotension
- relapsing 65. The height of the fundus postpartum can be
45. These are all true in wound care, except one determined by
- cover wound tightly with thick dressing - palpation
46. Indication that needle is inside the vein 66. A prn medication for postop pain was
during IV insertion written in generic. Which of these is
- backflow of blood appropriate for above pain?
47. An important point to make when - Mefenamic
counselling for vasectomy is that is takes __ 67. Which is the harsh-sound heard over the
ejaculation for a man to be free of sperm lungs
following the procedure - bronchial
- 20 68. A visit to barrio centro, you learned that a
48. The primary respiratory centre is lot of household members are sick of cough
- medulla oblongata and colds. You informed them that they can
49. In doing Leopold’s maneuver, the following treat this using
examination tool is used - Lagundi
- Auscultation, Palpation, Inspection 69. The initial action when providing bed bath is
50. The best position to promote maximum - close the door and windows of the
lung expansion patient’s room during the procedure
- semi fowlers 70. Position to promote gastric emptying
51. The following methods do not affect BF and - reverse Trendelenburg
are safe to use at any time after delivery 71. Sensitive and arousal
- IUD - clitoris
52. The following can be sources of nosocomial 72. An injury to a muscle that results from
infection overstretching is called
- Visitors of patient - strain
53. In the lying-in clinic, scissors are sterilized 73. Prolonged deficiency of Vit B12 leads to
using which method - pernicious anemia
- chemical 74. The following maybe given to relieve
54. In giving cleansing bed bath, circular motion nausea and vomiting except
is used in bathing the following parts - milk
- chest 75. Treatment of nausea and vomiting of
55. The following are purposes of hot sitz pregnancy
except - Vit B6
- leg edema 76. Progestin only pills are recommended for
56. Very deep slightly rapid breathing of women who are
diabetic patients is - breastfeeding
- Kussmauls 77. COVID vaccine route is
57. The following are solutions used as non- - IM
retention enema except 78. Aside from one, sick patients are
- olive and sweet oil encouraged to sleep from 7-8 hours for the
58. The rationale for anchoring the female following reasons
urethral catheter in the inner aspect of the - to improve circulation
thigh is to 79. In the standard days method, the while
- provide enough “give” so it will not be beads corresponds to the following except
pulled when the leg accidentally moves - days when the woman will be
59. Which of the following is the best position menstruating
when catheterizing male patients 80. In making an occupied bed, the following
- supine with legs extended considerations should be followed except:
60. Patient is for rollover test. The midwife - top sheet is level with the head of the
should position the patient mattress
- SIMS 81. The intervention for maintaining optimal
urinary functioning are directed at keeping
the client well hydrated to prevent renal
calculi and urinary tract infection, the
patient should drink how many cc. of
- 2000-3000mL
82. Cheyne stokes breathing is
- marked rhythmic waxing and waning of
respiration from very deep to very shallow
breathing and temporary apnea
83. Measles is given in which route
- SQ
84. Disease not caused by virus
- Hansen/Leprosy
85. Doctors order is BID, give it
- 8-8
86. Mira comes to you because she was
bumped in the eye by a classmate’s elbow.
The most appropriate action for you to do
after inspecting the eyes
- apply ice compress
87. How will you interpret the partograph if the
dilatation line does not cross the alert line
after several hours
- slow labour progression
88. You are assigned in the E.R. alone with the
following patients. Which one of the
following should receive care first
- a postpartal patient which is bleeding
89. Patient came crying to you due to epistaxis.
Your nursing intervention which is not
acceptable is a
a. pinch nose until bleeding stop
b. put ice cap on the forehead
c. tell the child to sit down with head tilted
d. encourage her to sneeze her nose to
stop bleeding
90. Other name of epistaxis is
- nose bleeding
91. Covid is transmitted by
- respiratory droplets
92. Single most important and effective to
prevent nosocomial infection
- hand hygiene
93. Mask for airborne diseases
- N95
94. Tourniquet test is for
- Dengue H. Fever
95. Pelvic rocking exercise
- backache
96. Doctor’s order is BUCCAL
- into the cheek
97. Doctor ordered drug one at specified time
- single order
98. Severe allergic reaction
- anaphylactic reaction
99. Accidentally fell in his bike rubbing his arm
in the rough road. What type of wound is
- Abrasion
100. Bitten by a stray dog. The bite marks
- punctured

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