Starting Systems

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Starting Systems ...................................................................1

Starter Types ................................................................... 2
Electric Starting ................................................................ 3
Batteries ...................................................................... 3
Lead-Acid ................................................................ 4
Nickel-Cadmium........................................................ 4
Battery Location and Hydrogen Venting ....................... 5
Battery Disconnect Switches
(Battery Isolating Devices).......................................... 5
Battery Chargers....................................................... 5
Charging Systems ..................................................... 5
Starter Motor ............................................................... 6
Continuous Cranking Time Limit
with Electric Starter Motors ....................................... 6
Starter Motor Cooling Period Between
Cranking Periods ....................................................... 6
Starting System Wiring.................................................. 7
Battery Cable Sizing (Maximum Allowable Resistance)... 7
Connections/Proper Practices ..................................... 9
Sample Wiring Diagrams ...............................................10
Pneumatic Starting (Air) ...................................................12
Air Tank .....................................................................12
Air Storage Tank Sizing ............................................12
Air Starting Motor........................................................13
Cranking Time Required ............................................13
Air Consumption of the Starter Motor.........................14
Prelubrication Systems .............................................14
Testing ...................................................................16
Hydraulic Starting ............................................................20
Hydraulic System Considerations ...................................20
Starting Aids ...................................................................21
Jacket Water Heaters ...............................................21
Battery Heaters .......................................................21
Ether ......................................................................21
Manifold Heaters .....................................................22
Starting Smoke............................................................22
Driven Load Reduction Devices..................................22
Emergency & Fast Starting ...............................................24
This section of the Application and Installation Guide generally describes
Starting Systems for Caterpillar® engines listed on the cover of this section.
Additional engine systems, components and dynamics are addressed in other
sections of this Application and Installation Guide.
Engine-specific information and data is available from a variety of sources.
Refer to the Introduction section of this guide for additional references.
Systems and components described in this guide may not be available or
applicable for every engine.


z Standard





 Optional



- Not Available


Electric Starter           z z - z z -
Pneumatic Starter     - -     z z z z z z
Pneumatic Starter
with Prelubrication - - - - - - - - - -   z -  z
Hydraulic Starter - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - -

Starting Aids
Jacket Water
Heaters                
Battery Heaters - - - - - - - - - -  - -   -
Ether Injection              - - -
Manifold Heaters z z z z - - - - - - - - - - - -

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©2008 Caterpillar
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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

Starting Systems
An engine starting system must be able to crank the engine at sufficient
speed for fuel combustion to begin normal firing of the cylinders and keep
the engine running. Startability of an engine is affected by factors such as
ambient temperature, engine jacket water temperature, and lubricating oil
viscosity. In addition, parasitic loads, usually associated with the driven
equipment, can greatly influence the startability.
The diesel engine relies on heat of compression to ignite fuel. When the
engine is cold, longer cranking periods or higher cranking speeds are
necessary to develop adequate ignition temperatures. The drag due to the
cold lube oil imposes a great load on the cranking motor. Oil type and
temperature drastically alter viscosity; for instance, SAE 30 oil approaches
the consistency of grease below 0°C (32°F).
Gas engines are spark ignited, but are also affected by the drag due to
cold lube oil. Fuel composition varies widely from site to site. Fuels with
low energy content will lengthen the cranking time as these fuels burn
slower and cylinder firing during start-up is more erratic than when using
natural gas.

Starter Types ...................... 2 Hydraulic Starter.................20

Electric Starter .................... 3 • Considerations
• Batteries Starting Aids ......................21
• Motor • Jacket Water Heaters
• Wiring • Battery Heaters
Pneumatic Starter ...............12 • Ether Injection
• Air Tank • Manifold Heaters
• Motor Emergency & Fast Starting ..24
• Piping

©2008 Caterpillar
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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

Starter Types
There are three types of starting Hydraulic Starting Systems
systems normally used for Caterpillar Hydraulic systems use hydraulic
engines. They differ in the method oil stored in steel pressure vessels
of storing and recharging the energy under high pressure. The vessels are
required for restarting the engine. automatically recharged by a small
Electric Starting Systems engine-driven hydraulic pump with
Electrical systems use chemical an integral pressure relief valve.
energy stored in batteries. The Which One to Choose
batteries are automatically recharged The technology of all three of
by an engine-driven alternator or by these systems is well developed.
an external source. Any of the systems are easily
Air or Pneumatic Starting Systems controlled and can be configured
Pneumatic systems use to operate either manually or
compressed air in pressure tanks. automatically.
The tanks are automatically
recharged by an electric motor
or engine-driven air compressor.

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

Electric Starting
Electric starting is the most
convenient starting system to use.
Battery-powered electric motors
utilize low voltage direct current
and provide fast, convenient, push-
button starting with lightweight,
compact, engine-mounted
A motor contactor isolates the
control logic circuits from high
cranking currents. Storage of energy
is compact; however, charging the
system is slow and may make
starting difficult in case of Figure 2
Electric starting becomes less
Water can damage the starter
effective as the temperature drops.
motor solenoid if it enters and is
This is due to the loss of battery
retained in the unit. To prevent this,
discharge capacity and an increase
engines stored outside should be
in an engine’s resistance to cranking
provided with a flywheel cover. If
under those conditions.
possible, the starting motor should
Electric starting is the least be mounted with the solenoid in an
expensive system and is most up position. This would provide
adaptable to remote control and drainage and prevent water from
automation. Refer to Figure 1 and collecting in the solenoid.
Figure 2.
Engines that are subject to heavy
driven load during cold start-up
should be provided with a heavy-
duty starting motor. See section on
Driven Load Reduction Devices.
Note: Marine and Petroleum engines
use case-insulated 2-wire grounded
starters and alternators.

Batteries must store and discharge
sufficient power to crank the engine
long enough and fast enough to start
the engine. A good rule of thumb is
Figure 1 to select a battery package which
will provide at least four 30-second

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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

cranking periods (total of two All battery connections must be

minutes cranking) without dropping kept tight and coated with grease or
below 60% of the nominal battery other terminal protectant to prevent
voltage. An engine should not be corrosion.
cranked continuously for more than Lead-acid and nickel-cadmium
30 seconds or starter motors may batteries are typically used for
overheat. electric starting systems.
Ambient temperatures drastically Lead-Acid
affect battery performance and Lead-acid batteries are readily
charging efficiencies. Maintain 21°C available, have high output
(70°F) temperature to assure rated capability, and are relatively
output. Battery temperature should inexpensive.
not exceed 52°C (125°F). When
operating in cold climates, the use Nickel-Cadmium
of battery heaters is recommended. Nickel-cadmium batteries are
The heaters should be set to costly, but have a long shelf life
maintain battery temperature in the and require minimum maintenance.
range of 21 to 32°C (70 to 90°F) Because nickel-cadmium batteries
for maximum effectiveness. The are designed for long life, they may
significance of colder battery incorporate thick plates that
temperatures is described in Table 1 decrease high discharge capability.
and Table 2. Consult the battery supplier for
specific recommendations.

Battery Performance
Specific Gravity vs. Voltage
Specific Gravity % Charge Voltage per Cell Freezes °F (°C)
1.260 100 2.10 –70 (–94)
1.230 75 2.07 –39 (–56)
1.200 50 2.04 –16 (–27)
1.170 25 2.01 – 2 (–19)
1.110 Discharged 1.95 +17 (–8)
Table 1

Temperature vs. Output

°F (°C) % 80°F Ampere Hours Output Rating
80 (27) 100
32 (0) 65
0 (-18) 40

Table 2

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

Battery Location and Hydrogen Battery Chargers

Venting Various chargers are available to
Battery compartments should replenish a battery’s charge.
be configured to allow easy visual Trickle chargers are designed for
inspection for terminal corrosion continuous service on unloaded
and damage. batteries and automatically step
Install batteries in well-ventilated down to milliampere current when
compartments only. Batteries emit the batteries are fully charged.
hydrogen gas during the recharging Note: Overcharging shortens battery
cycle. Hydrogen gas is highly life. Excessive water losses may
explosive and very dangerous, indicate overcharging. Conventional
even in small concentrations. lead-acid batteries require less than
Hydrogen gas is lighter than air 59.2 mL (2 oz) of make-up water
and rises harmlessly into the during each 30 hours of operation.
atmosphere unless trapped by a Float-equalize chargers are more
barrier, such as a ceiling, or within expensive than trickle chargers and
the battery compartment. Devices are used in applications demanding
which can discharge electrical maximum battery life. These
sparks or cause open flames must chargers include line and load
not be used where hydrogen gas is regulation, and current limiting
likely to collect or in the path of devices that permit continuous loads
escaping hydrogen gas. at rated output.
Battery Disconnect Switches Chargers must be capable of
(Battery Isolating Devices) limiting peak currents during
Solid-state electrical devices can cranking cycles or have a relay to
be damaged by the use of battery disconnect during cranking cycles.
disconnect switches. These Where engine-driven alternators and
switches often interrupt load bearing battery chargers are both used, the
circuits and at the instant of a circuit disconnect relay is usually controlled
disconnect, transient currents and to disconnect the battery charger
voltages can cause failure in any during engine cranking and running.
component whose transistors are Engine-driven generators or
not specifically protected. alternators can be used but have the
Note: Only use battery disconnect disadvantage of charging batteries
switches that do not cause voltage only while the engine runs. Where
transients (spikes). generator sets are subject to long
Transient suppressers are to be idle periods or many short stop-start
used where applicable. Suppressers cycles, insufficient battery capacity
absorb current surges to prevent could threaten dependability.
exposing these surges to sensitive Charging Systems
electronic systems. Normally, engine-driven alternators
are used for battery charging. When

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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

selecting an alternator, consideration Note: Marine and Petroleum engines

should be given to the current draw use case-insulated 2-wire grounded
of the electrical accessories to be starters and alternators.
used and to the conditions in which
the alternator will be operating. An Starter Motor
alternator must be chosen that has Continuous Cranking Time Limit with
adequate capacity to power the Electric Starter Motors
accessories and charge the battery. To avoid overheating of the starter
If the alternator will be operating in a motors, an engine should not be
dusty, dirty environment, a heavy- cranked continuously for more than
duty alternator should be selected. 30 seconds.
Consideration should also be given Starter Motor Cooling Period
to the speed at which the engine will Between Cranking Periods
operate most of the time. An Allow the starter motor to cool for
alternator drive ratio should be two minutes before resuming
selected so that the alternator is cranking. If Marine Society certified,
capable of charging the system over refer to applicable documents for
the entire engine speed range. cranking requirements.
Engine-driven alternators have the
disadvantage of charging batteries
only while the engine is running.
Trickle chargers are available but
require an A/C power source.
Battery chargers using AC power
sources must be capable of limiting
peak currents during the cranking
cycle or must have a relay to
disconnect the battery charger
during the cranking cycle. In
applications where an engine-driven
alternator and a battery trickle
charger are both used, the
disconnect relay must be controlled
to disconnect the trickle charger
during cranking and running periods
of the engine.

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

include high resistance points

Starting System Wiring
such as painted, bolted, or
Power carrying capability and
riveted joints.
serviceability are primary concerns
of the wiring system. • Protect the battery cables
from rubbing against sharp
For correct size and correct circuit
or abrasive surfaces.
for starting system components, see
wiring diagrams provided with the • All battery connections must
engine or the Operation and be kept tight and coated with
Maintenance manual. Sample grease or other protectant to
diagrams are shown at the end of prevent corrosion.
this section in Figure 5 and Figure 6. • The cranking batteries should
All control wiring must be protected always be securely mounted
by fuses or a manual reset circuit where it is easy to visually
breaker. The main battery cables inspect and maintain. They
need not be fused. These may or must be located away from
may not be shown on the wiring flame or spark sources and
diagrams. Fuses and circuit breakers isolated from vibration.
should have sufficient capacity and Batteries should be mounted
be readily accessible for service. level on non-conducting
Other preferred wiring practices material and protected from
are: splash and dirt. Short slack
cables should be used to
• Use a minimum number of
minimize voltage drops.
connections, especially with
battery cables. • Disconnect the battery
charger when removing or
• Use positive mechanical
connecting battery leads.
Solid-state equipment, like the
• Use permanently labeled or electronic governor or speed
color-coded wires. switches, can be harmed if
• Position the batteries near the subjected to transients.
starting motor; short cables • For 3600 applications with
can be used to minimize electric starting, use separate
voltage drop. batteries for starting and
• A ground cable from the control systems, as shown in
battery to starter is preferred Figure 5 at the end of this
for all applications. This section.
ground cable is required for Battery Cable Sizing (Maximum
all marine and many Allowable Resistance)
petroleum applications. The start circuit between battery
• If frame connections are used, and starting motor, and the control
tin the contact surface. The circuit between the battery, battery-
path of the current must not switch, and motor solenoid must be

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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

within maximum resistance limits With cable length and fixed

shown in Table 3. resistance determined, select cable
Note: Resistance values in Table 3 size using Figure 3 and Table 4. Only
include connections and contactors, full-stranded copper wire should be
except the motor solenoid contactor. used. Arc welding cable is much
more flexible and easier to install
than full stranded copper wire cable,
Maximum Allowable Circuit Resistance but welding cable is not as durable
Magnetic Switch
Solenoid Switch Starting Motor
and will be damaged from corrosion
and Series- in a much shorter time. The ground
Circuit Circuit
Parallel Circuit
cable should also be added to the
12 Volt System circuit’s resistance calculations.
.048 Ohm .0067 Ohm .0012 Ohm
24 Volt System
.10 Ohm .030 Ohm .002 Ohm
32 Volt System
.124 Ohm .070 Ohm .002 Ohm

Table 3

Fixed resistance allowances for

contactors, relays, solenoid and
switches are 0.0002 Ohm each.
Fixed resistance allowances for
connections (series connector) are
0.00001 Ohm each.
The fixed resistance of
connections and contactors is
determined by the cable routing.
Fixed resistance (Rf) subtracted from
total resistance (Rt) equals allowable
cable resistance (Rc).
Rt - Rf = Rc.
Figure 3

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

Maximum Recommended Total Battery Cable Length

Cable Size Direct Electric Starting
12 Volt 24 – 32 Volt
Feet Meters Feet Meters
0 50 4.0 1.22 15.0 4.57
00 70 5.0 1.52 18.0 5.49
000 95 6.0 1.83 21.0 6.40
0000 120 7.5 2.29 27.0 8.24

Table 4

To meet cable length and

resistance requirements, cable size is Connections/Proper Practices
most important. To determine fixed Electrical connections are often
resistance in a parallel circuit, only a source of problems in any
the long cables of the parallel circuit application. Shipboard, drill rig and
are counted. The paralleling cables any other electrical system that is
are short enough to be insignificant exposed to salt air and water are
in the resistance calculation. In the especially susceptible because these
parallel battery connection shown in elements are highly corrosive.
Figure 4, only the 56-inch and the Electrical connections are usually
76-inch cable lengths need to be made of dissimilar metals. Corrosion
is more destructive between
dissimilar metals.
The following items are good
practices for electrical system
• When making electrical
connections between wires,
connect wires mechanically
so tugging or pulling can be
withstood without any other
treatment of the joint.
• Coat the joint and the nearest
portions of each wire with
electrical solder.
• Do not expect solder to
increase joint strength.
The solder is for corrosion
Figure 4

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• Do not use crimp-type

connectors for marine and
petroleum service — the
plastic sleeve tends to hide
the corrosion from view rather
than protecting the joint.

Sample Wiring Diagrams

DC Dual Starting System

Figure 5

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Typical Wiring Systems

Figure 6

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Pneumatic Starting (Air)

Air starting, either manual or psi) depending on the engine and
automatic, is highly reliable. Torque starter and piped to the air motor.
available from air motors accelerates Consult the Owners manual for the
the engine to twice the cranking recommended regulation pressure
speed in about half the time required for the engine model you are using.
by electric starters. A check valve between the
Pneumatic starting is generally compressor and the air receiver is
applied to large engines in work- good practice, to protect against a
boats, on land where facilities have failure of plant air that might deplete
existing plant air, or where a the air receivers’ supply.
combustible gases may be present The air compressors that supply
in the atmosphere. pneumatic starters are driven by
The air system can be quickly external power sources such as
recharged; but air storage tanks are electric motors and diesel or gasoline
prone to condensation problems and engines. A small emergency receiver
must be protected against internal (not supplied by Caterpillar) can be
corrosion and freezing. hand pumped to starting pressure
under emergency conditions. A more
Typical Pneumatic Starter common emergency backup will
include an auxiliary diesel engine-
driven air compressor package.

Air Tank
Air tanks are required to meet
specific characteristics, such as the
specifications of the American
Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME). Compressed air storage
tanks must be equipped with a
maximum pressure valve and a
pressure gauge. Check the maximum
pressure valve and pressure gauge
often to confirm proper operation. A
drain cock must be provided in the
Figure 7 lowest part of the air receiver tank
for draining condensation.
Air is usually compressed to 758 Air Storage Tank Sizing
to 1723 kPa (110 to 250 psi) and is Many applications require sizing air
stored in storage tanks. Stored air is storage tanks to provide a specified
regulated to from 620 kPa (90 psi) number of starts without recharging.
to a maximum of 1550 kPa (225

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

This is accomplished using the Maximum air tank pressure =

following formula: 1241 kPag (180 psig)
VT = VS X T X P A Minimum air to starter pressure =
P1 - PMIN 620.5 kPag (90 psig)
Expected air line pressure drop =
Where: 207 kPag (30 psig)
VT = Air storage tank capacity Six consecutive starts. First start
(cubic feet or cubic meters) = 7 seconds the other 5 starts =
VS = Air consumption of the starter 2 seconds
motor (m3/sec or ft3/sec) — Average barometric pressure at
Air Starting Requirements are in this location = 100 kPa (14.5 psi)
the TMI for model engine used. Preconditioned engine installation.
If prelube is used its consumption (cfm x 0.02832 = m3/min)
must be added to VS also. Solution:
VS = 0.40 m3/sec (14.1 ft3/sec)
T= Total cranking time required T= 7 + (5 x 2) = 17 sec
(seconds): If six consecutive PA = 100 kPa (14.5 psi)
starts are required, use seven
seconds for first start (while PT = 1241 – 207 = 1034 kPag
engine is cold), and two (180 – 30 = 150 psig)
seconds each for remaining PMIN= 620.5 kPag (90 psig)
five starts, or a total cranking Therefore:
time of seventeen seconds.
VT= 0.4 X 17 X 100 =1.64 m3
PA = Atmospheric pressure 1034 – 620.5
(psi or kPa): Normally,
atmospheric pressure is
101 kPa (14.7 psi). VT= 14.1 X 17 X 14.5 =57.93 ft3
150 – 190
PT = Air storage tank pressure
(psi or kPa): This is the Air Starting Motor
storage tank pressure at
Cranking Time Required
the start of cranking.
The cranking time depends on
PMIN= Minimum air storage tank the engine model, engine condition,
pressure required to sustain ambient air temperature, oil
cranking at 100 rpm (psi viscosity, fuel type, and design
or kPa) — Air Starting cranking speed. Five to seven
Requirements are in TMI for seconds is typical for an engine
model used. at 26.7°C (80°F). Restarting hot
Example: engines usually requires less than
A 3516 Diesel Engine with electric two seconds. Most marine societies
prelube has the following: require a minimum of six
consecutive starts for propulsion

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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

engines. Refer to the applicable and Maintenance Manual. Figure 8

marine society rules for current shows a 3516 oil-field engine with
requirements for propulsion and an optional air starter and air
other applications on marine vessels. prelubrication system. The system
Note: Gas engines are generally a schematics in Figure 9, Figure 10
little harder to start. Even during hot and Figure 11 show the included
starts, 10 second start attempts are prelubrication system on 3600
sometimes needed. See Operation engines. The prelubrication system is
and Maintenance manual for starting designed to provide lubricating oil to
recommendations. critical components before cranking
and starting the engine.
Note: Some gas engine applications
require purge cycles to vent Caterpillar furnishes an air
unburned fuel before the next start cranking/air prelubricating system.
attempt. Refer to local code or This consists of an air-driven
industry recommended practice. prelubrication pump that draws oil
from the engine sump and forces it
Air Consumption of the Starter into the engine. This pump is driven
Motor by an air motor, through sequence
The starter motor air consumption valving runs, until a predetermined
depends on the same variables as engine oil pressure shuts it off and
mentioned in cranking time. The turns on the air cranking motor.
air pressure regulator setting also The additional air consumed by the
affects consumption. Normal prelube pump must be added to the
pressure regulator setting is 759 kPa starter motor air consumption to
(110 psi). A higher pressure can be properly size the air receiver and air
used, up to a maximum of 1550 kPa storage tank needed.
(225 psi), to improve starting under
Oil-field engine applications that
adverse conditions. Specific
use the 2301A Electric Governor
requirements for air starter
do not require prelubrication pumps
consumption on various engine
because a properly wired 2301A
models are available from the TMI.
Governor maintains engine speed at
This data assumes a bare engine
(no parasitic load) at 10°C (50°F). low idle speed until adequate oil
pressure is in the lube system. When
Operation the engine starts and accelerates to
The supply of compressed air to low idle, it will stay at that speed
the starting motor must be shut off until an electric switch is closed by
as soon as the engine starts. This engine oil pressure. The engine will
will prevent wasting starting air then accelerate to rated speed.
pressure and prevent damage to
Any solenoids used in the starting
starter motor by over-speeding.
system must be DC to ensure
Prelubrication Systems starting during an AC power outage.
3600 Engines require prelubrication
for all other models check Operation

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

Piping starters may also freeze in some

Air starter air supply piping should low ambient conditions, but are less
be short, direct and at least equal in susceptible to motor freeze than
size to the motor intake opening. vane-type air starters.
Black iron pipe of seamless steel Dynamic losses range from 207
ASTM-A106 grade is preferred to to 414 kPa (30 to 60 psi) depending
prevent vibration induced fatigue on the engine model and supply line
from the starter to the piping. The pressure. A minimum 759 kPa
piping requires flexible connections (110 psi) supply pressure is
at the starter. In some larger recommended for proper operation
engines, a flexible hose is included of the starting motors.
from Caterpillar. Deposits of oil and Starter/prelube supply and exhaust
water will accumulate in the air piping practice is critical when
receiver and at low spots in the installing the engine. If restricted
piping. The accumulation of oil and in excess the starter motor
water must be removed daily to performance will be negatively
prevent damage to the starting impacted. Proper pipe diameter,
motors. Manual or automatic traps length and directional changes such
should be installed at the lowest as elbows, tees and the like, all
parts of the piping and all piping must be accounted for in the piping
should slope toward these traps. design. As with any site piping,
If the engine operates at ambient industry standards and regulations
air temperature below 0°C (32°F), for each application come into play
and operates in a high humidity and will define the appropriate piping
environment, an air dryer is needed material and safeguards necessary
to prevent condensed water from for the application. Combustible gas
freezing in piping. When the same exhausting from starter motors must
air is used for other purposes, e.g., be piped away to designated area or
engine controls, the air dryer is to the atmosphere especially in gas
essential. A small quantity of alcohol service applications.
in the starter air tank also prevents Hazardous locations will require
freezing if a dryer is not used. At CSA rating and regulations for
temperatures below –18°C (0°F) starter/prelube attachment solenoid
consult the supplier. valves for control switching.
During starting, an air pressure Blocking valves that positively
drop is associated with each air disconnect the main air/gas supply
supply component. These when the starting/prelube cycles are
components include the lubricator, completed may be necessary in
strainer, relay valves and others. come applications.
Note: Vane-type air starters may
also freeze during high humidity
Purge the compressed air lines of
and low temperatures. Applications
debris and loose weld material prior
equipped with turbine-type air

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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

to initial startup. Dirty supply lines Testing

can damage starters and cause Hydrostatically test the
malfunctions of the relay valve. A compressed air lines to at least 1.5
damaged valve can open or keep times the system working pressure,
open the main air supply lines and or to the requirements of the
cause pinion and flywheel ring gear applicable regulatory agency.
teeth damage (pinion spinning while

3516 Oil-Field Engine with Optional Air Starter and Air Prelubrication

Figure 8

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Typical Air Starting System

Figure 9

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Air Starting Motor with Electric Prelube Pump and Electric Controls

Figure 10

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Air Starting Motor with Air Driven Prelube Pump and Electric Controls

Figure 11

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Hydraulic Starting
Hydraulic starting provides high • Hydraulic starting is most
cranking speeds fast starts, and is often used where the use of
relatively compact. Recharging time, electrical connections could
using the small engine-driven pose a safety hazard.
recharging pump, is fast. • Hydraulic starting systems are
Hydraulic systems can be not available from Caterpillar
recharged using a special hand for most models. They are
pump, but process is very laborious. available for 3508 and 3512
The high pressure of the system engines. Contact your local
requires special pipes and fittings Caterpillar dealer for the
and extremely tight connections. nearest available supplier of
other models.
Oil lost through leakage can easily
be replaced, but because of high • If hydraulic accumulators are
pressures in the accumulators, used, they must be very
usually 20,700 kPa (3000 psi) when carefully protected from
fully charged, recharging the perforation or breakage.
accumulator(s) requires special Hydraulic accumulators
equipment. contain large amounts of
stored mechanical energy.
Hydraulic System
• Repair to the system usually
requires special tools.

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

Starting Aids
Diesel engines require the heat of temperatures. The heaters should be
compressed air in the cylinder to set to maintain battery temperature
ignite the fuel. Below certain in the range of 32 to 52°C (90 to
temperatures, the cranking system 125°F) for maximum effectiveness.
will not crank the engine fast
enough or long enough to ignite the
Ether is a volatile and highly
fuel. One or more commonly used combustible agent. Small quantities
starting aids, such as jacket water
of ether fumes added to the engine’s
heaters and/or ether may be required
intake air during cranking reduce
to start the engine. In addition, compression temperature required
engines with prelube requirements
for engine starting. This method can
may require oil heaters. Refer to be used for starting of an engine at
Operation and Maintenance manual
practically any ambient temperature.
for the engine model selected for
Ether starting aids are available on
cold weather procedures.
the smaller Caterpillar engines.
Jacket Water Heaters CAUTION: When other than fully
Jacket water heaters are electrical sealed ether systems are used,
heaters that maintain the jacket ensure adequate ventilation for
water at a temperature high enough venting fumes to the atmosphere to
to allow easy starting of the engine. prevent accidental explosion and
More heaters of higher ratings may danger to operating personnel.
be required in areas of extremely
The high-pressure metallic capsule-
cold temperature.
type is recommended for mobile
Jacket water heaters are used on applications. When placed in an
both manual and automatic starting injection device and pierced, ether
systems, but are essential for passes into the intake manifold. This
automatic starting below 21°C has proven to be the best system
(70°F). Heaters precondition engines since few special precautions are
for quick starting and minimize the required for handling, shipping, or
high wear of rough combustion, by storage.
maintaining jacket water
Ether must be used only as
temperature during shutdown
directed by the manufacturer of the
starting aid device. The ether system
Heaters thermostatically control must be such that a maximum of
jacket water temperature near 30°C 3.0 cc (0.18 cu in) of ether will be
(90°F) to promote fast starts. Higher released each time the button is
temperatures accelerate aging of pushed. Caterpillar ether systems
gaskets and rubber material. are designed to release 2.25 cc
Battery Heaters (0.14 cu in) of ether each time the
Battery heaters are usually system is activated. Excessive
recommended in cold ambient injection of ether can damage an

©2008 Caterpillar
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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

engine. Ether should not be released Operators can do several things to

into a running engine. improve the situation:
Lighter fuels, such as kerosene, • Use jacket water heaters
can ease the unaided cranking to raise the engine water
requirements slightly by lowering the temperature to 32 to 49°C
compression temperature required (90 to 120°F) prior to
for starting. These lighter fuels also starting.
slightly reduce horsepower delivered • Keep warm-up idle speeds
at any given fuel rack setting. (rpm) low.
Excessive parasitic loads should be • Warm the air to the air
disconnected during engine cranking. cleaners and intake manifold.
CAUTION: Under no circumstances • Diesel engines that are
should ether be used on any 3600 designed to have high output
model engines or any engine that power, yet still be relatively
has an air inlet heater. Warning lightweight, generally have
labels may be necessary if remote low compression ratios; i.e.,
air intakes are used and the engine in the range of 12.5 to 16:1.
has an inlet heater. Labeling when This design factor makes
remote air inlets are used is the them prone to misfire and run
responsibility of the customer or rough until the engine reaches
end user. normal operating jacket water
Manifold Heaters temperatures of 80 to 93°C
Heat added to the intake manifold (175 to 200°F).
of an engine during cranking will Driven Load Reduction Devices
significantly improve startability and Effect of driven equipment loads
reduce any white start-up smoke. during cold weather engine starting
Manifold heaters are used on small must be considered. Hydraulic
engines available from Caterpillar. pumps, air compressors, and other
Caterpillar does not offer manifold mechanically driven devices typically
heaters on larger marine engines. demand more horsepower when
Starting Smoke they are extremely cold at start-up.
The effect of this horsepower
High performance engines are
demand may be overcome by
prone to have some white start-up
providing a means of declutching
smoke. The white smoke is
driven loads until the engine has
composed of unburned fuel.
been started and warmed up for a
Caterpillar engines have been
few minutes. This is not always
designed to minimize this problem.
easy or practical, so other means
Electronically controlled engines
of relieving the load at cold start-up
have a cold mode strategy built into
may be required if the engine-load
the software to reduce start-up
combination cannot be started with

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

sufficient ease using the engine

starting aids described earlier.
Some engine driven air
compressors provide for shutoff of
the air compressor air inlet during
cold starting. This greatly decreases
drag on the engine and improves
cold startability. This approach can
only be used when the air
compressor manufacturer provides
this system and fully approves of its
use. Air compressor damage could

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Starting Systems Application and Installation Guide

Emergency & Fast Starting

Some emergency and standby • Fully charged batteries.
power applications require the • Heated batteries, if ambient
ability for fast starting. Certain temperatures are below 0°C.
engine configurations are capable
of starting and reaching high idle • Depending on engine model,
in ten seconds. air starters may increase or
decrease cranking speeds and
The following list offers thus affect the overall start
recommendations to achieve faster time. Please consult your
starting. Caterpillar dealer for starter
Note: If a project has a start time recommendations for your
requirement, it is highly package.
recommended that a Start Time • Use backup battery charger.
Analysis (STA) is completed for the
overall system. The STA provides a • Optional air starter.
systems analysis on the basis of • Air pressure adequate to
detailed input relating to the site crank engine above 110 rpm.
conditions, intended electrical • Air tank and line volume large
system components and the overall enough to crank engine above
design of the critical power path. engine starting RPM.
Please consult the ASC for additional
• Set purge cycle time to zero
detail and pricing.
for EMCPII engines.
Note: The parameters listed below
• Continuous engine oil
will improve starting but cannot
prelubrication must be
guarantee starting in a certain
installed and operating, if
number of seconds. Contact your
available on engine model.
Caterpillar dealer if a specific fast
start time is required for your • Fuel pressure must be up to
application. the engine shutoff valve.
• Maintain jacket water • The engine fuel shutoff must
temperature at 60°C (155°F). be installed as close the
engine regulator as possible.
• Combustion air requirement of
21C minimum. • The fuel shutoff valve must
be energized at the same time
• Use dual jacket water heaters,
as the starters.
if not circulating type or
redundant. • High-pressure gas systems
will reach high idle faster than
• Starter must be able to crank
low-pressure gas systems.
engine above 110 rpm for ten
seconds. • Low-pressure systems are
more stable at high idle.
• Use dual heavy duty electric

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Application and Installation Guide Starting Systems

• Spark plugs and transformers voltage generators in

must be properly maintained conjunction with engine driven
and operational. fans may increase start times
• Oversized and high voltage such that a 10 second start
generators increase the will not be achievable. If using
rotational inertia of the an oversized or high voltage
package and will slow start generator, consider using a
times. remote radiator with electric
driven fans.
• Engine driven radiator fans
will slow package start times.
Using oversized or high

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