Your Electric Bill
Your Electric Bill
Your Electric Bill
Residential 35,846
Actual Consumption Bill Computation Summary
Your rate this month 400 kWh Remaining Balance from previous bill 0.00
� 10.57 per kWh (see other bills due for payment under What Remains Unpaid;
See formula in Addtl Bill Information does not include bills under review and installment)
Charges for this billing period 4,229.83
Please see the back page of your bill for more details about your Generation 2,782.88
meter reading and consumption. Transmission 334.20
System Loss 244.20
Distribution (Meralco) 267.66
Subsidies 30.00
Your monthly consumption 28.1ºC Government Taxes
Universal Charges
Ave. temp this month 0.6 FiT-All (Renewable) 39.32
kWh deg lower than prev.
kWh 246 349 407 418 449 460 382 372 400 - - -
294 286 269 222 303 310 365 313 259 343 339 246
Payment Instruction
jcbZ:uXjcbZ Please pay at any Meralco Business Center or through any Customer Account No. (CAN) Please Pay
ZlXZsrXZlXZ accredited payment partner before the due date.
1492302231 � 4,229.83
Payment made after 26 Sep 2022 will be reflected
QR code contains on your next bill.
your CAN. BIR Permit No.: 0305-116-00036-BA/AR dtd: March 21, 2005
Bill Reference No.: 22096504063 Local Application No.: 737948641 Billing Period: 27 Aug 2022 to 26 Sep 2022 Print Seq. 249449 Page 2 of 2
Meter Number
Reading Multi Registered Additional Bill Information
Voltage Level Class : Secondary
100AA082202 35846 36246 1 400 kWh
Previous Service ID Number (SIN) : 782619501
Rate Components Base Price Amount
Your rate this month (price per kWh) is computed as Total Energy Amount
Generation 65.79% 2,782.88 divided by the Actual Consumption (in kWh)
Note: The average temperature for the month represents the reading from
Generation Charge (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh 6.9393 2,775.72 the PAG-ASA weather station in Quezon City, Metro Manila.
Power Act Reduction 0.00
ACRM Recovery (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh 0.0213 8.52
ICERA Refund (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh -0.0034 -1.36
Transmission 7.90% 334.20
Transmission Charge(PhP/kWh) 400 kWh 0.8355 334.20
System Loss 5.77% 244.20
System Loss Charge (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh 0.6105 244.20
Distribution (Meralco) 6.33% 267.66
Distribution Charge (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh 1.5837 633.48
Fixed Metering Charge (PhP/mo) 1.00 mo 5.0000 5.00
Metering Charge per kWh 400 kWh 0.3350 134.00
Fixed Supply Charge (PhP/mo) 1.00 mo 16.3800 16.38
Supply Charge per kWh 400 kWh 0.4979 199.16
Dist True-Up 1 (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh -0.2761 -110.44
Dist True-Up 2 (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh -0.1923 -76.92
Dist True-Up 3 (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh -0.4669 -186.76
Dist True-Up 4 (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh -0.8656 -346.24
Subsidies 0.71% 30.00
Lifeline Rate Subsidy (PhP/kWh 400 kWh 0.0749 29.96
Senior Citizen Subsidy 400 kWh 0.0001 0.04
Government Taxes 10.46% 442.45
Current RPT (PhP/kWh) 400 kWh 0.0068 2.72
Local Franchise Tax 3661.66 0.5000% 18.31
Generation Charge 2775.72 11.4400% 317.54
Power Act Reduction 0.00
ACRM Recovery 8.52 7.8000% 0.66
ICERA Refund -1.36 17.3300% -0.24
Transmission Charge 334.20 11.1800% 37.36
System Loss Charge 244.20 11.4100% 27.86
Distribution Charge 267.66 12.0000% 32.12
Subsidies and Others 51.03 12.0000% 6.12
Learn about Meralco’s authorized payment partners, energy savings, and safety. Visit our jcbZM7HWha9IPjcbZ
ZlXZbJLcHrxdPZlXZ All disputes which cannot be settled by the distribution utility to the satisfaction of the customer can be
website or any of our social media channels. ccbSSRuySTvxuaaaP
elevated to the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC). To contact the ERC, you may get in touch with ERC’s
ffjSPySe;1pVwABI0 Consumer Affairs Service (CAS) through:
ucSZnXQFYT4k6uMi0 [email protected] 8687-5577 / 8689-5389
(Office hours, Mon-Fri except holidays)