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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.



Subject Code:3130704 Date:05/03/2021
Subject Name:Digital Fundamentals
Time:10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM Total Marks:56
1. Attempt any FOUR questions out of EIGHT questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Realize AND, OR and NOT gate using NAND gates only. 03
(b) State and prove De-Morgan’s theorems using truth-tables. 04
(c) Do as directed: 07
(a) (1111.11)2 = ( ? )8 = ( ? )10
(b) 23 – 48 using 2’s complement method
(c) (396)10 = ( ? )BCD = ( ? ) EX-3
(d) (11111)2 = ( ? )Gray
Q.2 (a) Define following: Figure of merit, Noise margin, and Power dissipation. 03
(b) Construct Hamming code for BCD 0110. Use even parity. 04
(c) Given a logic function: Z = ABC + BC’D + A’BC. 07
(i) Make a truth table.
(ii) Simplify using K-map.
(iii)Realize simplified function using NAND gates only.

Q.3 (a) Draw the logic diagram of 1-digit BCD adder. 03

(b) Minimize following Boolean function using K-map: 04
Y(A,B,C,D) = Σ m(0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14)
(c) Write a brief note on race around condition and its solution. Draw & explain 07
the logic diagram of master-slave JK flip-flop.

Q.4 (a) Draw truth table of 2-bit digital comparator. 03

(b) Minimize following Boolean function using K-map: 04
F(A,B,C,D) = Σ m(1, 3, 7, 11, 15) + d(0, 2, 5)
(c) Design a 4-bit synchronous down counter using T flip-flops. 07

Q.5 (a) Design D FF using SR FF. Write truth table of D FF. 03

(b) Draw & explain in brief the logic diagram of 4-bit bidirectional shift register. 04
(c) List out various commonly used D/A converters. Draw & explain any one D/A 07

Q.6 (a) List out and explain any one application of the register. 03
(b) Design a 4-bit ripple up counter using JK flip-flops. 04
(c) List out various commonly used A/D converters. Draw & explain any one A/D 07
Q.7 (a) Draw internal organization of a 16 x 4 memory chip. 03
(b) Write a brief note on quantization and encoding. 04
(c) Write a detailed note on various types of memories. 07

Q.8 (a) List out various characteristics of a D/A converter. Discuss any one. 03
(b) Obtain 2048 x 8 memory using 256 x 8 memory chips. 04
(c) Draw and explain in detail the block diagram of CPLD. 07


Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________


Subject Code:3130704 Date:18-07-2022
Subject Name:Digital Fundamentals
Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed.
Q.1 (a) List out various logic families. Also list characteristics of digital IC. 03
(b) What is signal? Explain different types of signal. 04
(c) Implement the following Boolean function using MUX 07
a) F(A,B,C) = ∑(1,3,6)
b) F(A,B,C) = π(2,3,5)

Q.2 (a) Perform the binary subtraction using 2’s complement 03

(0111)2 - (1101)2
(b) Convert the decimal Number 250.5 to base 4 and base 8. 04
(c) Design a Combinational circuit that convert 8- 4 -2 -1 code to BCD 07
(c) Explain various logic gates. 07

Q.3 (a) Compare Half adder and Full adder. 03

(b) Explain NAND gate as a Universal Gate. 04
(c) Implement 2-bit Magnitude comparator. 07
Q.3 (a) Simplify Boolean function using K-MAP 03
F(A, B, C, D)=ABC’D’ + ABC’D + ABCD’ + AB’CD’
(b) Explain 4 bit Binary Parallel Adder. 04
(c) Explain Minterm and Maxterm. 07

Q.4 (a) Give the difference between sequential circuit and combinational 03
(b) Explain Look-ahead Carry generator. 04
(c) Explain JK Flip-Flop. 07
Q.4 (a) Explain NAND SR Latch. 03
(b) Explain clock triggering mechanism. 04
(c) What is race around condition (racing)? How to solve it? 07

Q.5 (a) Classify different types of digital to analog converters. 03

(b) Compare static RAM and dynamic RAM. 04
(c) List out different types of ROM. Also explain ROM. 07
Q.5 (a) Discuss the application of shift registers. 03
(b) Explain working of counter. 04
(c) Describe operation of D/A converter with binary-weighted resisters. 07


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