Br2e Int Readingfile02

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Reading file 2


Shifting the balance

It is estimated that shift workers make go home after a night shift they sleep
up 17% of the world’s workforce, and or relax in front of the television but
that figure is rising to accommodate 45 women are expected to do the domestic

the growing 24-hour culture. But is chores once they have got home from a
5 working shifts bad for your health? Well, long nights’ work. This means that they
if you are a woman then the answer are effectively doing two jobs and not
might well be ‘yes’. Recent research in getting enough sleep.
Denmark suggests that women who 50 Dr Del Mastro has advice for
work shifts, especially night shifts, employers who use shift workers.
10 are more likely to be forced into early ‘Employers can help their staff avoid
retirement than men. the problems caused by working nights
There has long been concern that by making night shifts more pleasant,’
shift work can be linked to a range of 55 she says. Responsible employers

health problems, including increased schedule shifts to allow sufficient breaks

15 risk of heart disease, breast cancer, and days off so that employees both
peptic ulcers, sleep disturbance, get enough sleep and can also deal
complications in pregnancy and with their personal lives. Having good
accidents. As well as the obvious 60 quality lights to simulate daylight

factors like lack of sleep and sunlight can help to keep workers feeling fresh
20 deprivation, poor diet and lack of throughout the shift. Making sure there
exercise have also been blamed for this is quality food available for their staff
ill-health. ‘Shift workers tend to snack is another measure Dr Del Mastro
rather than eat square meals,’ says 65 suggests. If the staff are eating properly

Dr Nina Del Mastro, a doctor who has they will be more alert and healthier.
25 researched the effects of shift work If the company can’t afford catering,
on health problems. ‘This means their then they should at least provide a
meals tend to be high in fat and caffeine microwave and refrigerator or a vending
and they often don’t get their daily 70 machine with healthy products. Workers

allowance of vitamins.’ A study into the would also benefit from regular exercise
30 effects of shift work on health, reported during their shift. ‘It doesn’t have to be
that 77% of extended-hours workers much,’ explains Del Mastro, ‘a quick
said they were getting no regular walk during the break will help to
exercise. The Danish study suggested 75 revive tired limbs and minds.’ Finally,

that more women than men are forced workers can also benefit from training
35 to retire early due to health problems on how best to cope with the inevitable
and 34% of those women had regularly changes to their bodies and social lives.
done shift work. However, the research If employers are worried about the
was unable to come up with a reason 80 cost of this, they should remember

40 why women should be more affected that a healthier workforce is a more

by working irregular or extended hours. productive workforce, so they will see a
One theory suggests that when men return on their investment.

© Oxford University Press 2017 Business Result Second edition Intermediate

Reading file 2
1 Work with a partner. Answer these questions.
1 Have you ever worked shifts? Did you enjoy it? Why / why not?
2 Do many people work shifts in your country? What kind of jobs do these
people do?
3 What do you think are the pros and cons of working shifts?
4 Do you think working shifts could be bad for your health? Why / why not?

2 Read the text quickly and find out if any of your ideas from questions 3
and 4 above are mentioned in the text.

3 Read the text again and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 Shift work appears to affect men’s health less than that of women.
2 Almost one fifth of workers work shifts.
3 Female shift workers generally have a poorer diet than men.
4 Women usually get to relax after working their shift.
5 Employers will benefit from helping to improve the health of their shift

4 Work with a partner and follow the instructions.

• Student A: Read the text to look for reasons why shift work is unhealthy.
Student B: Read the text to look for advice to make shift work more healthy.
• When you have both finished, tell your partner the information in your own

5 Match the words in bold in the text to definitions 1–8.

1 provide what somebody wants or needs:
2 food that makes you feel satisfied:
3 jobs that are not interesting but that you must do:
4 when something cannot be avoided or prevented from happening:
5 watching, listening, etc. for something with all your attention:
6 give the same effect as something else:
7 suffer something being taken away:
8 make somebody or something strong or healthy again:

6 Work with a partner. Try to use each word in a sentence about yourself.

7 Look back at the text and choose three words that you could use in
your day-to-day work.

8 What do you think of the advice in the text? Does your company
follow any of the advice?

© Oxford University Press 2017 Business Result Second edition Intermediate

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