Cutting Through Biden's Illusions' - American Thinker

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Cutting Through Biden’s ‘Illusions’

By Edward R. Zuckerbrod

Shokin is talkin,’ and that could spell even more bad news for Joe Biden’s stubborn insistence, in the
face of mounting evidence to the contrary, that he had nothing to do with his son’s slimy “business”

Though the former Ukrainian Chief Prosecutor cannot independently confirm what the FBI’s trusted
confidential source alleges --- that Viktor Shokin’s Biden-arranged departure was the result of
Burisma bribes --- the stench surrounding the whole affair is becoming too oppressive for even some
liberals to ignore. Expect to see more damaging details filter out very shortly.

So under the circumstances the only logical thing for Democrats to do is pile on another batch of
indictments to the already lengthy list of criminal charges facing Donald Trump, as viciously partisan
Fulton County Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis has just seen fit to do.

But try as they might to divert attention away from the Bidens by going more forcefully after Trump, a
giant boulder of trouble is gaining speed on its downhill roll despite the best Democrat efforts to halt
its progress.

So why not try to first flatten Trump before the big rock overtakes Joe?

The explanations Biden’s apologists offer for the breathtaking corruption he and his family have
clearly engaged in seem a lot like desperate pitches on behalf of an unsellable movie script; changing
fiction offered in an attempt to address each freshly sprouting revelation of their surprisingly brazen
bribery and political protection operation. But despite laboring to appear unruffled, even
contemptuous of investigators’ discoveries, each newly-filled piece of the payoff puzzle puts in sharper
focus Joe’s betrayal of the multiple oaths of office he’s taken over the course of his long public career.

Now his loyalists have seized upon something former Biden partner Devon Archer regurgitated to a
House committee in his recent closed-door appearance. Archer quite damagingly admitted that Joe
had indeed spoken to Hunter’s associates numerous times, and further revealed that Shokin’s
activities were seen as a threat to Burisma. His mentioning of the Biden “brand” did no great help to
their cause either. But likely in an attempt to balance the scales and soften the effect of his testimony,
he volunteered a carefully worded construct designed to camouflage the immense wrongdoing the
public’s lying eyes plainly have before them: The Illusion of Access.
In this narrative, the drug-dependent Hunter conveniently serves as the sole central character. Always
in need of money to fuel his various habits, and craving familial approbation despite his degenerate
ways, he is the prime mover in this last ditch attempt to keep Joe out of the soup.

As the story goes, to serve his ends, Hunter placed his blissfully unknowing dad on the phone with, or
made casual restaurant introductions to, the unsavory characters who were his business partners.
This deceptive tactic allowed him to pretend to be plugged-in, influential, a guy who could get things
done; at the same time appeasing the foreign benefactors who considered buying politicians as just
another routine business expense, but impatiently demanded tangible results for the money they
forked over.

The cornered Archer, walking a tightrope, subtly implied it was all a contrivance from which Hunter’s
serving V.P. father was kept safely ignorant and carefully insulated. And so you have it: The Illusion of
Access --- even sounds like a film title --- nevertheless to its advocates a user friendly concept even the
rubes and simpletons the Democrats take us to be can easily understand.

But once again, as with other, more homegrown products of the Biden brain trust such as transitory
inflation or the more current, undefinable Bidenomics, any informed observer can spot it as
unadulterated baloney. Or to employ the term our more sophisticated betters prefer: disinformation.

Future students of psychology or even amateur sleuths examining the puzzling human penchant for
self-demolition will study the actions of the Bidens closely, for they are textbook examples of people
who secretly desire to be exposed. Whether we’re talking about abandoned laptops containing
pornographic, drug-fueled images and incriminating e-mails, or overlooked diaries bearing salacious
family secrets, or perhaps the ultimate manifestation of this variant of exhibitionism: a video-taped
boast before a prestigious gathering about successfully demanding a foreign official’s firing --- the
wish to be ultimately found screams out.

Biden’s compulsive bragging provides the specific quid while Congress works through the complicated
financial quo. When they unravel that LLC knot, it will show that the current “leader of the free world”
was the receiver of bribes --- very large ones to be sure --- but still acts of corruption as abject as any
small town building or health inspector’s pocketed envelope of cash.

And that’s really how one sums up “Scranton” Joe Biden: an illusory product created by artifice and
the exigencies of Democrat politics; elevated to a position far beyond his abilities or strength of
character. Instead of the return to integrity and, above all, decency we were promised if we chose him
over the reviled Trump, he has brought degradation, even gangsterism, to nearly everything he’s

It will soon be recognized as a great misfortune that at a time when China and Ukraine are at the
center of world affairs, requiring people of good will everywhere to grapple with how best to parry
Chinese threats of aggression against a free Taiwan while at the same time rejecting Russia’s brutal,
unwanted violation of Ukraine, honest debate is skewed, indeed polluted by the corrupt takings of this
First Family for Sale.

Despite all the “Russian Collusion” Democrat-driven sewage we were forced to wade through during
the Trump years, the real pros with regard to interference in American political processes were the
Ukrainians; the Russians were bumbling amateurs. Ukrainians didn’t bother with stupid Twitter
“bots” or phony Facebook identities in clumsy, obvious attempts to sway public opinion. They went
straight to the top and their method was cash on the barrelhead.

But people familiar with European history, even those of us skeptical of President Zelensky’s
international canonization, genuinely offended by Ukrainian political interference, know it to be
immutably true that a stable Ukraine --- and more importantly a secure, unthreatened Poland to its
west--- will be the key to future peace on the continent. That will not be possible if Putin’s aggression
is allowed to stand. Poland, in Putin’s eyes, is just another runaway province of the 21st century tsar’s
reassembling empire.

Let’s hope this searing ordeal the Ukrainians are suffering through will somehow work to purge them
of some of the more underhanded habits they’ve acquired through decades under the Soviet thumb.
By now it may have occurred to the factions that purchased the Bidens’ assistance that the
presidential ascension of the man they hired as a champion of their interests probably served as the
green light for Putin to commence re-absorbing Ukraine back into the Motherland.

China too has lavished generous sums upon the Bidens, but their infiltration of his incompetent White
House is probably one of their lower yielding inroads into American leadership and decision-making.
Their tentacles are firmly wrapped around many key facets of the “free market” system they hold in
barely disguised contempt. Areas such as banking, the academy, agriculture and medical technology
are serving up to them almost everything they need in their push to replace the U.S. as the dominant
world power.

The Bidens are a very minor holding in their vast American portfolio.

Can anyone blame the Bidens and their supporters for believing they can continue to put over this
“illusion” of Joe’s good faith? In 2020, with the help of a corrupt DoJ, FBI, and even a member of
Trump’s own cabinet, they hoodwinked millions into believing the fiction of quiet competence and
transparent government that never quite appeared. While many still argue over whether Joe Biden
received 81 million legitimate votes, it’s now indisputable that the electorate went to the polls severely
misinformed about the nature of the eventual “winner.”

How many Americans have the moral courage to confront the fact that in their distaste for Donald
Trump, they allowed themselves to be fooled, lied to, and horribly misled?

Casting aside that particular illusion may very well determine if the damage the Bidens have wrought
is reversible.

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

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