SCCD Strategic Framework

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Supporting people who support communities



Standing Conference for Community Development
A Strategic Framework for Community Development
joins up environmental, economic, social,

provide a basis for working with people, demographic, technological, political and
not only on issues of local concern but other issues by empowering communities to
also when developing wider work on their own agendas to improve the
programmes and policies. All too often quality of life. It has clear values and
external experts seem to have more influence commitments as its starting point rather than
over change in communities and the predetermined structures and solutions.
development of policies and priorities.
This framework outlines the main
The result is a development process that is
elements for effective community
unsustainable, unfair, of little relevance to
development. It provides a tool to analyse
those directly affected and which fails to
current contexts and practice. It can be used
make the best use of available resources,
with people to develop strategic options and
experience and skills. This framework is
make strategic choices about future direction.
about a different approach. It is about
working with communities first and The framework has been produced with
recognising their interests, expertise and members of the Standing Conference for
experience as the basis for development. Community Development (SCCD).
It is this approach that will result in There have been workshops at conferences
equitable, relevant and sustainable change. organised by SCCD and by our members to
Today, many government and other produce and comment on material for the
initiatives recognise that, if they are to Framework. There has been feedback on the
succeed, the involvement of communities is draft that was circulated through SCCD
necessary. However, the starting point for News and placed on relevant web sites.
action is often the initiative and not Members of SCCD have provided case
communities themselves. This can result in studies. A small group including staff from
disjointed development with people being SCCD, the Community Development
overwhelmed by the demand to respond to Foundation, the Federation for Community
initiatives and take part in increasingly Work Training Groups and COGS worked
complex organisational arrangements. with the material from members to produce
Community development is a process which sections of the Framework.

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 1

The Standing Conference for Community Development (SCCD) is a membership organisation bringing
together those involved in community development practice, policy and research. SCCD has members in
the community, voluntary, public and private sectors. We receive financial support from the Active
Community Unit at the Home Office. For further information please contact:
Floor 4,
Furnival House,
48 Furnival Gate
Sheffield S1 4QP
0114 270 1718 email: [email protected] web:
Registered charity number: 1085702

This Framework has been endorsed by the following organisations:

Association of Local
Authorities of
Northern Ireland

We particularly wish to acknowledge the support provided by Liverpool City Council

for the Conference which initiated the work on the Framework.
Support for the publication and dissemination of the Framework
has been provided by the Community Development Foundation and Unity Trust Bank

Telephone: 0800 783 9650

Published May 2001

ISBN 1 901974 28 6

2 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Introduction ...................... 1 Learning, training and
occupational standards . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
What is community development? ..... 5 What’s in place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Values ......................... 5 Features of community
Commitments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 development learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
School and college pupils and students 15
Understanding and recognition of
Community activists and volunteers . . 16
community development and its role .. 7
Community workers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Community development managers . . 16
Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Other professionals and
Empowerment ................... 8
service managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Elected members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Democracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Working together as partners . . . . . . . 17
Outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Quality assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Resources ...................... 11
The responsibilities of organisations . . 18
Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Staffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Networking and strategic support . . . . . 20
Other resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The importance of networking . . . . . . 20
Support for networking . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Evaluation and dissemination . . . . . . . . 13
Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Organisations and publications . . . . . . . . 23

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 3

What is . . . ?
Community is the web of personal relationships,
groups, networks, traditions and patterns of behaviour
that exist amongst those who share physical
neighbourhoods, socio-economic conditions or
common understandings and interests.
Community workers undertake community
development as their main role. They work in
accordance with recognised occupational standards.
They may focus on specific issues with communities,
e.g. health, or have a generic brief.
Community activists are people who are active on
a voluntary basis in the development of their
Community groups and organisations are
located within communities of geography or interest. Community enterprise combines community-led
They are controlled by their users and are usually small action with business activities aimed at economic
and informal with no paid staff. They are often referred development and social gain. Community enterprises
to collectively as the community sector. have explicit social aims and are accountable to their
communities. They are independent but work in
Community capacity building supports
partnership with others.
individuals, groups and organisations to enable them
to play a part in the regeneration of communities. It is Social entrepreneurs are individuals who initiate
about building skills and competencies and is ideas and activities in communities but not necessarily
increasingly being used amongst policy makers and with reference to existing traditions, activities and
managers to increase their understanding of relationships.
Partnerships are structures that exist to deliver
Community involvement is about involvement in programmes. They bring together a number of formal
community activities in a variety of different ways. organisations, for example statutory authorities, private
Community involvement often starts with agendas and companies and voluntary organisations. It has been
programmes that originate outside the community. unusual for community sector groups and
organisations to be represented, although there are
Community participation is about enabling
now attempts to include community interests.
people to become active partners in the regeneration
of communities by contributing and sharing in the Stakeholders are groups and organisations with an
decisions that affect their lives. Participation should interest (stake) in what happens with a project,
enable people to have a degree of power and control programme or development.
in the processes with which they are involved.

4 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

What is community development?

Values Commitments

Social Justice – enabling Challenging discrimination
DEVELOPMENT people to claim their human and oppressive practices
is about rights, meet their needs and within organisations,
building have greater control over the institutions and communities.
decision-making processes
active and Developing practice and
which affect their lives.
policy that protects the
Participation – facilitating environment.
communities based democratic involvement by
Encouraging networking and
on social justice people in the issues which
connections between
affect their lives based on full
and mutual respect. communities and
citizenship, autonomy, and
It is about changing organisations.
shared power, skills,
power structures to knowledge and experience. Ensuring access and choice for
all groups and individuals
remove the barriers Equality – challenging the within society.
that prevent people attitudes of individuals, and
the practices of institutions Influencing policy and
from participating programmes from the
and society, which
in the issues that discriminate against and perspective of communities.
affect their lives. marginalise people. Prioritising the issues of
Community Learning – recognising the concern to people
skills, knowledge and experiencing poverty and
workers support
expertise that people social exclusion.
individuals, groups contribute and develop by Promoting social change that
and organisations taking action to tackle social, is long-term and sustainable.
in this process on economic, political and
environmental problems. Reversing inequality and the
the basis of the imbalance of power
following values Co-operation – working relationships in society.
together to identify and
and commitments. implement action, based on Supporting community-led
mutual respect of diverse collective action.
cultures and contributions.

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 5

Understanding and Recognition of
community development and its role

OMMUNITY voluntary sectors. neighbourhood councils.
DEVELOPMENT is Organisations in all sectors can
■ Have clear processes which
undertaken with provide crucial support to
enable communities to
communities of place, community development, for
influence their policies,
identity and common interest. example by adopting this
programmes and priorities.
This includes communities framework and ensuring that it
based on faith, those with a applies in all the work of their ■ Recognise the right of
shared culture or heritage, users organisation. communities to propose
of public and other services, alternative courses of action.
A community development
those with common interests approach starts with people in ■ Value different types and
arising from their work, and communities coming together to levels of participation.
people working together to address these themes. It ■ Build local, regional and
promote the rights and supports the connections that national strategy through
responsibilities of citizenship. exist between them and the fact dialogue with people and
Community development that individuals, groups and organisations active in
takes place in a context of organisations need to learn communities.
social, demographic, from each other and co-operate
if consistent and sustainable ■ Recognise the function of
technological, economic,
change is to be achieved. community development and
environmental, political and
Community development spans allocate resources to it in
other change. These changes
the traditional boundaries of their strategies.
have global, European,
national, regional and local organisations in a way which is ■ Recognise the resources,
dimensions. Communities flexible and responsive to the information and support
initiate changes and through priorities and concerns of required by community
networking have wider communities. representatives and
influence. There are also This does not mean that organisations when working
changes which are not initiated communities can do everything in partnerships.
by communities that present or that the resources of ■ Change working practices
both threats and opportunities. statutory, private and voluntary and time scales to enable
The community development organisations are no longer participation by
process works with required to achieve change. A communities.
communities to analyse, initiate community development
and influence social change. In addition, government
approach does mean that
should take account of the
If community development is government and organisations
above factors in the
to fulfil its potential it is in the private and voluntary
development of legislation,
important that its role in sectors will:
regulations and guidance.
achieving equal opportunities, ■ Act on the basis of the values
accessibility, participation in and commitments of
democratic processes and community development.
sustainable economic, social
and environmental change is ■ Support action by
recognised. These themes are community groups and
important across government organisations, community
and within the private and businesses and

6 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Rural Regeneration in the
transport Amman and Swansea Valleys
initiative Amman Valley Enterprise acts as a catalyst to assist people to think in
People living in villages around a enterprising terms and with a community perspective. Accessible adult
market town were having education and training opportunities support personal development,
difficulties gaining access to local participation and employment resulting in social, economic and
services and employment environmental regeneration. For example Artworks involves some of the
opportunities because of poor most marginalised individuals and groups and offers an opportunity to
transport links and the expense develop skills in music, photography and video including editing and
of running a car. The field officer recording. Staff employed by the project, and a trainee, go to groups, clubs
for the local rural community and schools to provide music workshops.
council recognised the problem
from conversations and a recent
series of consultation meetings
about the regeneration of the
area. Child Protection Training
Child protection training for community activists was identified as a priority
She worked with individuals in
need during a series of public workshops. As a result a member of staff
each of the villages to assess the
assisted in establishing a Childcare Training partnership involving
travelling needs of local
community, voluntary and statutory agencies.
residents, and advised them on
how to set up a voluntary group. Potential trainers were then identified from both the community and
She helped them to draw up a statutory sectors and appropriately trained. Child protection awareness
sessions were then delivered jointly by community and statutory sector
proposal to run a flexible
trainers in accessible venues.
transport service.
Large numbers of community groups (70) and community representatives
They simultaneously
(400) were targeted and took part in this initiative. The community and
attempted to persuade the bus
statutory sectors learned from each other throughout the process and
company to reinstate the route ensured best use of their limited resources.
which would enable people to
From Policy to Practice published by Community Development and Health
get into town at least once a day, Network, Northern Ireland.
When this failed the residents
decided to form a limited
company with charitable status
to purchase their own minibus. Community Development
They attracted funding to train
and asylum seekers
and employ a local woman as a
driver, and the minibus is also Many asylum seekers form refugee community organisations to offer advice
made available for private hire. and support to others seeking asylum. Community Workers have provided
information on services available to asylum seekers translated into relevant
A car share scheme is also
languages, have assisted with the development of organisations including
being developed.
funding applications, networking with relevant agencies and with the
development of services such as English classes. Local Authority wide
meetings have been organised to take up issues affecting a number of
groups with the local statutory agencies.

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 7

Community development involve changing existing
processes enable people to work organisations so that their
together around common issues practices and culture embrace Community development
and aspirations. This includes the empowerment of strengthens democratic
people coming together to communities. In this process the processes, opening up political
pursue an activity for its own role of the community worker debates and procedures to
sake, developing organisations requires expertise, diplomacy disadvantaged communities.
which provide services, and courage. By helping People become more aware of
participation in partnerships communities to develop issues which affect their lives,
including management informal networks and formal and more determined to take
responsibilities, and organisations, the worker will action to address these.
involvement in broader inevitably challenge and re- This might involve acting as
movements to achieve social negotiate existing power relations, a community representative on
change. seeking to create alliances local partnerships, or taking on
which are to the advantage of leadership positions in
Community workers
disadvantaged groups. voluntary organisations. It will
employed by statutory agencies,
voluntary associations and entail dealing with tensions,
occasionally by community Learning tackling stereotypes and
groups themselves support assumptions and helping people
Informal education and mutual
community development. They to identify the things that they
learning are important aspects
work with individuals, groups have in common, as well as
of community development.
and institutions in ways which respecting their differences.
Through their involvement in
enhance learning, participation, community groups and Community workers are
and democratic decision- activities, people acquire and re- concerned with building
making. They enable discover talents, skills, consensus amongst diverse
communities to establish and knowledge and understanding partners, and empowering and
develop networks and more which enable them to take on enabling those who are
formal types of collective new roles and responsibilities. marginalised and excluded
organisation. This contributes to life-long when there are conflicts of
learning by creating interest.
Empowerment opportunities for reflection and
Community development does
evaluation of experience, Outcomes
allowing knowledge to be
not seek to impose solutions or The process of community
shared through critical dialogue
structures, or to provide development is complex and
and building confidence
services or events for people. demanding. Many of the
amongst people who have
Rather it is about working with outcomes seem intangible and
neglected or abandoned their
people to define and deal with cannot always be predicted. The
formal education at an earlier
problems, and assert their Scottish Community
age. Community development
interests in decision-making. Development Centre has
encourages people to overcome
This requires empathy and an developed the ABCD (Achieving
those fears, prejudices and
ability to engage with Better Community
attitudes which restrict their
individuals, working to develop Development) framework for
participation and limit their
and maintain appropriate forms evaluating community
of organisation. It may also

8 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

development. This framework
suggests the following as the
outcomes of community

Community empowerment
Process Outcome
Personal empowerment A learning community
Positive action A fair and just community
Community organising and volunteer support An active and organised community
Participation and involvement An influential community

Quality of life
Process Outcome
Community economic development A shared wealth
Social and service development A caring community
Community environmental action A safe and healthy community
Community arts and cultural development A creative community
Governance and development A citizens’ community

Source Achieving Better Community Development

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 9

■ Creating an informal local reference group
The Process in
– so that residents, groups and
Hull Developing our Communities organisations can network, raise issues and

ULL DOC community workers initially develop priorities for Hull DOCs work and
take time getting to know people and influence it’s decision making. This includes
their communities, meeting up with nominating people to sit on a Community
people and listening to their own stories Chest panel which awards grants to
about their hopes, aspirations and needs. Each community groups.
community has different identities and cultures
and many factors have an impact on the
quality of life and opportunities to influence
decision making.
This initial work builds trust,
confidence and a sense of value
and self worth within
“Don’t put yourself do
communities. It includes wn, they said,
outreach to marginalised Until you’ve really tried
people so that confidence and
We organised our tenan
learning increase, community ts groups
networks are strengthened and Sat on committees too
people feel more able to have a
Then we applied for fu
collective voice in decision- nding
making processes. Examples of For the things we had
this work include:
to do.
We took our tenants ou
■ Community celebrations – t on trips
bringing people together to What a difference in th
e block!
facilitate a community
Who made all this possi
event such as parties, ble?
community plays, lunches, It was, of course, Hull
poetry workshops.
Part of a poem from Ga
twick House,
■ Carrying out a supported by Hull DO
participatory appraisal – C.
involving communities in
looking at what is going
on in an area and finding
ways to collectively improve community
■ Creative training – Away days to local
colleges, universities and community
centres – helping to break down barriers.
■ Community information –developing an
interactive web-site with communities.
■ Meeting people in their locality – office
bases located in communities providing
access, facilities and resources. Workers
attend community group meetings.

10 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Resources are crucial to effective Specialist funders such as the
community development. While Health Service have an Resources for
the involvement of community important role, for example by community
activists and volunteers is supporting community groups
unpaid, the process of with specific interests and
development in
community development has to supporting service user groups. Durham
be supported by funding, Durham County Council has a
There are many programmes
staffing, information and a community development strategy
providing project funds for
range of other resources. It is based on a policy commitment to
specific initiatives and pump
important that these resources four inter-related themes:
priming funds for small
are accessible and allocated on a
developments. However, the ■ Improving community
basis that is secure, equitable
distribution of these funds is not governance
and transparent.
necessarily related to social
need. The introduction of ■ Tackling social exclusion
Funding specific funds should be ■ Improving partnerships
Community development preceded by an analysis of need
■ Building community capacity.
requires several types of and consultation with potential
funding. Generic community beneficiaries. Mechanisms to The strategy explains the themes
development should be funded monitor the overall distribution and links them to an action plan.
on a long- term basis from of funds and include Priority is given to communities in
mainstream sources. Ideally communities in setting priorities greatest need. In the section on
community work posts should are also necessary. capacity building, the Local
be placed on an agency’s Better and more accessible Authority recognises the resource
establishment rather than being information and advice about problems facing community groups
funded through short term funding sources and the due to the lack of a clear
contracts. Funding of specialist availability of support are framework for communities to
posts related to social care, important if community access consistent help.
health, education, regeneration, organisations are to access
The strategy is committed to
planning, the environment, funding. Simple application
developing guidance and
culture and recreation should be procedures, quick decisions and
processes on funding and technical
co-ordinated and relate to funding in advance and not in
support for community groups.
overall community development arrears are all important. It is
strategies. not helpful when funds for small A new community development
For many community groups initiatives require match funding team has also been established
and organisations long term as this can result in a which links with the Council’s
core funding is required. Easy disproportionate amount of time political modernisation and the
access to smaller sums of money being spent on making formation of local Member Area
for specific projects is often applications and producing Panels.
useful too. The Local Authority accounts.
Staff in the team will provide
can play a key part in helping Research suggests that take the link between local
groups to access funds from up and use of funds improves communities and elected Members
other sources by providing when there is a development in their new community leadership
information and, when worker supporting groups in role.
necessary, match funds.

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 11

applying for and managing recognised, that obstacles to working on similar issues is also
resources. participation are removed and useful.
that people involved voluntarily
Staffing have opportunities for support, Other resources
training and development. This
In the recent past community could lead to opportunities to Community development
development has suffered from achieve accreditation and join requires the use of a range of
an insufficient number of posts the paid staff. other resources. These include
designed to provide general buildings, information
support to community activity- communications technology,
it is usually easier to obtain
Information media, stationery, design and
funding for specialist posts. Yet Crucial for community groups printing, insurance, recruitment
the evidence is that if general and community workers is the and equipment. Advice and
support work is not ability to access information assistance with matters such as
undertaken, then community from government and other budgeting, employment,
participation will be weak. It is organisations that is clear, accounting, law, and marketing
the combination of generic jargon free and available in may also be necessary. In many
community workers with the relevant places, formats and cases it is possible to open up
availability of specialist staff languages. It can also be and share resources that already
that produces the best results. provided by telephone and on exist. Purchasing consortia can
Experienced staff with web sites with links to other bring the benefits of discounted
knowledge of community related sites. prices to small organisations.
development are also required Recycling and supply by
The information needed is
within the management, policy community businesses can also
about particular
and programming functions of be cost effective ways of
neighbourhoods and
organisations. resourcing community
communities of interest that is
People active in communities available from the census and
on a voluntary basis make an other sources. Information
essential contribution to about policies and practice that
community development. It is have worked, and to enable
important that this is contact with other groups

The Bradford Community Statistics Project

The project makes use of new technological or areas of at least 500 addresses which they choose.
developments to present local area statistics in ways that
The statistical data, its presentation for small areas,
enable local communities to have access to accurate
and the community development support to understand
evidence from officially recognised sources.
and access the data, will all allow a rich understanding of
Apart from identifying the sites of public services the local conditions by many more people than at present.
user can select statistics for areas such as electoral wards

12 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Evaluation and Dissemination
Evaluation and dissemination from the beginning. Evaluation ■ involve all ‘stakeholders’ and
are about learning from practice is not the same as routine help to answer the questions
and sharing this with others. monitoring or performance which are significant to them.
They are fundamental to management. It focuses on the
■ be imaginative and creative,
community development broader picture i.e. the
enabling and encouraging all
because of the role they can contribution to meeting long
involved to fully participate.
play in empowering term objectives, and the reasons
communities and contributing why achievements or difficulties ■ be part of accountability to
to social change. happen. the wider community.

Evaluation should have the ■ challenge discriminatory and

Evaluation values and commitments of oppressive policies and
community development at its practice and seek to
Community development has
heart. It should be a overcome inequality and
measurable outputs (for
participative process in which disadvantage.
example an information service,
a playscheme, a community measures and indicators are ■ highlight and celebrate
plan) and outcomes (for relevant to, and produced with successes and achievements
example an information service the communities concerned. It as well as exploring
may empower people to claim should be an empowering weaknesses and difficulties.
their rights, a playscheme can experience with all those
involved having their say in ■ have sufficient resources
enable children to meet new
setting the criteria and allocated (including time and
friends, a community plan can
analysing the findings. money) to be effective.
result in more public resources
being allocated to the priorities Applying the values of ■ have planned processes for
of excluded groups). These community development to disseminating what has been
goals need to be planned for evaluation helps ensure that it is: learnt both within
and evaluated. There should be communities and more
■ integral to community widely.
an understanding of all the
resources available and
contributing, the processes and ■ empowering Dissemination
activities and the anticipated
■ part of a learning and Dissemination is about sharing
achievements and outcomes.
participative process learning from experience more
Evaluation helps to assess widely. It is an opportunity to
■ relevant to and understood
the effectiveness of community record and celebrate what has
by the communities
development projects, been achieved as well as
programmes and policies, and highlighting issues that might be
why they are or are not Evaluation should: approached in a different way
successful. It should be a ■ be a continuous process in future. No two communities,
continuous process so that which is a tool to assist or situations, are the same so
experience effectively informs planning and development examples of work disseminated
future planning and rather than just reviewing cannot simply be replicated
development. It is not the impact of a particular elsewhere. The dissemination of
something to be left until the initiative or strategy ‘after community development
end but should be undertaken the event’. experience can, however, be a

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 13

valuable source of ideas, attractive and accessible to a ■ material being made available
insights and issues that need to wide range of potential to all the different audiences
be taken into account by others users. (communities, statutory
involved in similar work. authorities etc) with a
■ contributions from all those
potential interest.
Effective dissemination who have been involved in
requires: the work.
■ time and resources. ■ acknowledgement of the role
played by all stakeholders in
■ production of material in a
achieving change.
variety of forms that are

Monitoring and package of materials including Communities; (2) Development of

guidance on process and a Community Organisation; (3)
evaluation in framework of indicators and Building Organisational Strength and
Glasgow measures to evaluate inputs, Capacity; and (4) Effecting Change.
A working group was set up to processes, outputs and outcomes in Examples are given of the type of
devise a monitoring and evaluation terms of changes in community information to gather in relation to
process for community work that organisations and in the wider each stage.
could be applied across Glasgow. community.
The package meets the requirements
Making use of material such as The framework is set out in a grid of Best Value and the Departments
Achieving Better Community format with each page representing accountability procedures while at
Development produced by the a broad stage in the development of the same time building on existing
Scottish Community Development a piece of work: (1) Engaging with good practice in community work.
Centre the group produced a

Community Multi-Media The complete archive can be searched using the

underlying relational database, and copied for
Archive (COMMA) distribution – both to those people and groups who
The Children’s Society is pioneering the use of this multi- have contributed materials, and to decision-makers.
media archive in its work on participation and social
In Partington (Trafford, Manchester) COMMA is being
inclusion across more than 25 projects in England and
used to document the views of different sections of the
community on the regeneration process (“How was it for
The software is produced by the Storyville co- you?”). The approach is particularly effective in providing
operative and allows users to create a wide range of a genuine opportunity for children and young people to
digital material and catalogue them in a database. The log their views and aspirations and for community and
simplest way to explain the approach is to imagine a voluntary groups to ensure that the “official” record of
traditional card-index system, but instead of merely regeneration is not written solely by the big agencies.
names, dates, telephone numbers and so on –sound,
video, complete documents and still images are stored
together with the traditional text and data categories.
This enables young people, community groups,
individual residents, agency workers etc to enter their
own material into the community’s archive – providing
both a record and a commentary on issues within that
community. No one person or agency’s perspective is
dominated by another.

14 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Learning, training and occupational standards
People are the main resource for national vocational
community development. The qualifications and higher
Features of community
learning that takes place when education leading to development learning
people come together to share qualifications. A variety of Effective community
experience, perspectives, approaches are used including development learning is based
knowledge and skills is crucial accreditation of learning from on community development
to the process of change previous experience, accessible values and commitments. A key
through community and flexible training courses, feature is the value placed on
development. mentoring and exchanges. people’s experience as the
In parallel to this strategic To support these learning starting point for reflection and
framework the Federation of opportunities community work analysis. Community
Community Work Training has had occupational standards development learning aims to
Groups have developed a for a number of years. These create accessible learning
strategic framework for have been used as the basis for opportunities, often within
community development the content and endorsement of people’s communities. An
learning in England. courses. The standards are important consideration is how
Discussions about similar work relevant for community existing resources in schools,
are being held in Northern activists, volunteers, colleges and universities can be
Ireland, Scotland and Wales. professional community work used more flexibly and adapted
They aim to improve the staff, staff in other professions for use as part of community
content and quality of training who are contributing to the development learning. The
and learning opportunities and community development provision of appropriate
increase community process, managers and learning support, and
development knowledge, councillors. recognition of previous learning
understanding and skills of all through accreditation are
There is a National Training important. Evaluation of
stakeholders. This framework
Organisation (PAULO) covering learning opportunities with
should be used in conjunction
community work and the allied participants is essential if
with the frameworks for
professions of community community development
community development
education, community based learning is to be effective.
adult education and youth
work. Endorsement of training
What’s in place courses has been piloted.
School pupils and
There are many examples of
college students
A major concern is that
effective community learning opportunities at local Many schools and colleges
development learning. These level can be ad hoc, of limited involve pupils and students in
include taster courses for people relevance and not related to the activities in their
who want to understand the values of community neighbourhood. They often
basics of community development. Infrastructure have a variety of other links
development, introduction to support for community with communities. It is
community work skills courses development learning could also important that this work is
accredited through the Open be better co-ordinated and based on community
College Network, short courses, resourced. development values and
training the tutor courses, commitments and that pupils
and students are introduced to

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 15

community development as part communities, to make links because this is a key part of
of the curriculum. between communities and work Community strategies, Best
on public policy and Value, social inclusion, health
Community activists and programme development. improvement and regeneration
Generic community workers policies – underlines the
volunteers require education and training importance of having effective
For many people who left opportunities and qualifications community development
school with no formal that recognise this role and are managers. Learning and
qualifications, involvement in comparable with those available development opportunities are
community development and to similar professions. therefore crucial for this group
community based learning and of staff.
training can offer appropriate Community development
first learning opportunities. The
managers Other professionals and
increase in self esteem and self
confidence, the reduction in Community development
service managers
social isolation from being part requires the support and Many agencies are seeking ways
of a group, and the involvement of knowledgeable of improving how they relate
development of new skills and experienced managers. to, and work with,
empowers many people to go There are two reasons for this: communities: economic
on to more formal education, development, planning,
■ The inherent tensions faced
training, jobs and to make housing, leisure services and
by workers between the
positive life changes. health are examples. The
issues and priorities of the
Involvement in community majority of staff and managers
communities they are
development can be a in these sectors have limited
working with and the
significant aspect of life long experience and understanding
demands of their employing
learning, with people taking on of community development, yet
new roles in organising, leading the potential of these staff to
and representing communities. ■ The need for policy, strategy contribute more substantively
and organisational both to the strengthening of
development to enable
Community workers community empowerment
communities and to providing
services in more appropriate
Generic community work is an and support grassroots ways is considerable.
occupation that requires community development.
knowledge, experience and This requires dissemination
The policy of government of existing examples of good
skills. It is based on ethical
and the demand for local practice. Professional training
principles and values. Its role is
authorities and other and in-service courses should be
to build individual confidence
organisations to increase adapted to include community
and organisational capacity in
community involvement – development. Reading and

Empowering Communities Programme in the North East

This is a regional programme of learning and training 2. Training the trainers courses and the establishment
opportunities based on the National Occupational of a register of trainers in the region.
Standards for Community Work. It has several linked
3. Training and support for assessors in the region.
4. Mentoring support for community workers, including
1. An outreach and development project enabling the
training for mentors.
effective participation of people active in
communities on a voluntary basis.

16 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

other material could be community groups and work together are increasingly
produced in order to introduce community workers have with important. For partnership
and develop these staff and politicians. An introduction to working to be effective it should
managers understanding and community development values be backed up with
skill in applying the values and and processes and the relevant opportunities for partners to
processes of community policies of the Local Authority build up their knowledge, skills
development. should be included in training and understanding together.
courses for councillors.
Elected members
It is important that politicians
Working together
have a better understanding of as partners
community development. This Partnerships where community
can be achieved through the representatives, elected
contact and dialogue that members, managers and staff

The Community partnership skills development programme

Working together: Learning together is a community ■ Build clarity about why things are being done and
participation skills development programme funded by what they are designed to achieve, so making
the Scottish Executive. It is designed to encourage a shift partnerships more accountable to each other.
in culture in public sector bodies towards working with, ■ Improving communication between communities and
listening to and empowering communities. The aim is to agencies.
support all partners –community representatives, elected
members, managers and staff who are involved in
community partnerships.
People learn together in order to:
■ Improve the effectiveness of working in partnership.
■ Achieve a shared vision of what needs to happen,
why it should happen and who should be involved.

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 17

Quality Assurance
To be effective, community ■ Recruit staff and volunteers and are transparent. It is
development requires fairly and give attention to important to share experience
competent organisations where their training and long-term of reviews and develop tools for
there is an understanding of, development. good practice.
and commitment to community
■ Be committed to promoting
development. Reviewing the
the health and safety of
community development
volunteers and employees,
function in organisations should
giving consideration to the
be as important as a financial
specific risks inherent in
audit and reviews of other
community development
■ Have in place recording
systems, which ensure
The responsibilities of accountability.
■ Have clear and well-
Organisations, whether in the publicised processes that
public, private, voluntary or enable stakeholders to
community sectors, which provide feedback. This
adopt community development includes processes to
as an approach have monitor progress and to
responsibilities to the public, raise and consider any
their staff and other complaints or concerns of
stakeholders. These include the stakeholders.
responsibility to:
■ Dedicate time and resources
■ Have clear policies in place to evaluation and commit
for community development. themselves to share
■ Recognise that community experience with others.
development is a long-term
process which requires a Reviews
long-term commitment.
The community development
■ Provide information to the function in Local Authorities is
public and staff about the now subject to review as part of
organisation’s commitment Local Authorities’ responsibility
to community development to ensure best value. It is good
and what this means. practice to periodically review
■ Undertake community community development
development, and allocate undertaken by organisations in
resources, in ways that other sectors too.
promote equity within and The values of community
between communities. development mean that it is
■ Be transparent about the important that reviews actively
deployment of staff, finance involve all stakeholders, tackle
and other resources. inequality and discrimination

18 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Quality assurance in Brighton There is also a supportive team culture and regular
review of progress.
and Hove
The teams are currently developing service level
Local Authorities in Brighton and Hove have supported
agreements with local communities, including agreement
community development for the past 30 years and for the
about how progress is monitored.
last six years there have been teams of workers. The
teams are part of the Social Services Department and
work to Local Authority policies on equal opportunities
and complaints. Managers have access to Local Authority
training in management and supervision skills and
information about the work is publicised in the Local
Authority newsletter.

Quality work is ensured through regular monthly

supervision of staff which is prepared for and recorded.
This links with a work programme that has clear targets.

Social Audit of the Arts Factory up to assess how well the values were put into practice.
The different teams within the Arts Factory came together
The Arts Factory, in the Rhondda valley in South Wales, in workshops to discuss the values and complete a
started as a work scheme for people with learning questionnaire based on the indicators.
disabilities and expanded taking on broader regeneration
objectives. It runs arts and pottery businesses which win Undertaking this exercise in groups meant that
commissions from across South Wales, as well as a individuals who had difficulties with reading and writing
garden centre and other local community businesses, could be paired with members of their team and
managed work space, and youth facilities. therefore fully participate.

The Arts Factory embarked on its first Social Audit

using the New Economics Foundation workbook as a
guide. Against each of the core values of the organisation
(e.g. “ground-up action”, “ordinary people”, “positive
attitudes”) specific organisational objectives and
strategies were defined, and a series of indicators drawn

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 19

Networking and Strategic Support
Effective community establishing and maintaining Networks can draw together
development requires both organisational links and a range of voices into a
opportunities for community personal relationships. collective whole, thus adding
activists and volunteers, Connections which span agency, weight to individual
community workers, and geography and identity, are perspectives. Clear links with
managers to share ideas and especially useful because they strategic decision-making across
experiences and take joint bring new perspectives and sectors are important to achieve
action on issues of common challenges. These are also the maximum influence.
concern. Some of this links, which can be most
networking will be face to face
and it is important that time
difficult to sustain, and their
development may need
Support for networking
and resources are allocated to particular attention Community workers facilitate
enable this to happen. accompanied by practical networking by putting people in
Increasingly the internet is used measures to counter prejudices touch with one another, by
as a tool to enable more and institutional discrimination. creating opportunities for
frequent contact and people to meet, and by
Networking opportunities
networking over longer providing safe spaces for
are important locally, within
distances. interaction and learning. They
regions, countries, and on a UK,
may assist links between
European and international
different organisations, or
The importance of basis. Networks related to
provide support to membership
networking specialist aspects of community
organisations, cross sector
development such as health and
Networking is important partnerships and coalitions.
the environment are of
because it provides access to increasing significance. This aspect of community
information, support, resources Networks concerned with development needs greater
and influence. It enables co- urban or rural issues and the recognition through funding to
operation between perspectives of people membership and support
practitioners, researchers and experiencing discrimination, for agencies, along with careful
policy makers in different example due to race, gender, evaluation of how this supports
sectors through the disability, age or sexuality also the development of
development of trust and have an important role in communities based on social
understanding. This co- effective community justice and mutual respect.
operation depends on development.

Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Organisations

and Ethnic Minority Foundation
The Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Organisations The Ethnic Minority Foundation aims to generate £100m
aims to empower the minority ethnic voluntary sector by over a ten year period to support minority ethnic
providing infrastructure support and developing a voluntary and community sector organisations. This will
professional cadre through its new MBA programme. be achieved by mobilising a movement of 100,000
Each person taking part agrees to transfer his or her minority ethnic professionals who will donate resources
knowledge to a further 40 minority ethnic organisations. of both time and money to strengthen the minority ethnic
The project also supports organisations in achieving voluntary and community sector.
quality standards.

20 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Wakefield and District particular forms of community support and with
varying skills. Regular mailings also offer other groups
Community Network the opportunity to advertise events, training and job
The Network started in 1992 when a few Community vacancies.
Workers identified that there was a lack of There are two specific support groups for Community
communication about and support for community Development Workers and Managers. These groups
development work in Wakefield. provide peer support and information workshops. They
The Network currently has 255 members from various also inform policy makers and funding applicants about
groups and organisations. It offers: the positive outcomes that can be achieved following
genuine community consultation and participation.
■ Quarterly forums which enable members to
communicate and share information and knowledge. The Network is supported by statutory training and
New members are welcomed and exercises health funds. It also relies on “in kind” support. There is a
undertaken to consider how to enable communities Steering Group of members to manage and co-ordinate
to attain greater understanding of community the network. Most members take part through sharing
development processes and how they work. information and peer support. It is a democratic network
■ A bi-monthly newsletter exchanging information. with regular reports to members who identify needs and
decide on direction.
■ A data-base of members, enabling people to find
people working in particular geographic areas, on

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 21

This framework is about ■ has clear processes for

working with communities and evaluation and dissemination E LOOK
from their experience developing
■ links community FORWARD to
policies, programmes and
development with strategies receiving
priorities based on clear values
for learning
and commitments. This requires feedback
a strategic approach which: ■ ensures that organisations
across sectors have policies
about how this
■ recognises and analyses the framework has been
and practices which support
changing context
quality community used and how it could
■ is about working with development
be developed and
communities in ways which
■ encourages involvement in changed for future
are empowering, educating
existing networks and
and enabling
creation of new networks to use.
■ ensures that resources are support the strategy.
accessible and allocated
fairly within and between

22 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

Useful organisations and publications

Organisations FCWTG (Federation of

Community Work Training
ACRE (Action for Communities Groups) 4th Floor, Furnival Barr A and Hashagan S (2000)
in Rural England) House, 48 Furnival Gate, ABCD Handbook – A
Dean House, Somerford Sheffield S1 4QP Framework for Evaluating
Court, Somerford Road, Tel: 0114 273 9391 Community Development,
Cirencester GL7 1TW Community Development
Forum for Community Work
Tel: 01285 653 477 Foundation.
BASSAC (British Association of (N. Ireland) 3rd Floor, Beazley M and Loftman, P (2001)
Settlements and Social Action Philip House, Race and Regeneration –
Centres) 1st Floor, Winchester 123/137 York Street, Black and Minority Ethnic
House, 11 Cranmer Road, Belfast BT15 1AB Experience of the Single
London SW9 6EJ Tel: 02890 232587 Regeneration Budget, Local
Tel: 0207 735 1075 Government Information Unit.
SCDC (Scottish Centre for
Community Development Cymru, Community Development) Black Training and Enterprise
Amman Valley Enterprise, Suite 329 Baltic Chambers, Group (1995) Invisible
43 Heol Cae Gurwen, 50 Wellington Street, Partners – the Impact of the
GwaunCae Gurwen Glasgow G2 6HJ SRB on Black Communities.
Ammanford SA1 1HG Tel: 0141 248 1924
Care Sector Consortium (1995)
Tel 01269 822733
SCDN (Scottish Community Community Work
Community Development and Development Network), Occupational Standards, Local
Health Network (N. Ireland) , 82-84 Windmillhill Street, Government Management
Ballybot House, 22 Motherwell ML1 1TA Board.
Cornmarket, Newry, County
SCCD (Standing Conference for Federation of Community Work
Down. BT35 8BG
Community Development) 4th Training Groups (2001)
Tel: 028302 64606
Floor, Furnival House, Making Changes – A Strategic
Community Matters, 48 Furnival Gate, Framework for Community
8/9 Upper Street Sheffield S1 4QP Development Learning in
London N1 0PQ Tel: 0114 270 1718 England.
Tel: 0207 226 0189 Email: [email protected]
Francis D, Henderson P with
CDF (Community Development Ubuntu, 4th Floor, Furnival James Derounian (2000)
Foundation) House, 48 Furnival Gate, Community Development and
60 Highbury Grove, Sheffield S1 4QP Rural Issues, Community
London N5 2AG Tel: 0114 273 9391 Development Foundation.
Tel: 0207 226 5375
WCVA (Wales Council for Forrest R and Kearns A (1999)
Council of Ethnic Minority Voluntary Action) Joined Up Places? Social
Voluntary Organisations, Llys Ifor, Crescent Road, Cohesion and Neighbourhood
Boardman House, Caerfilli CF8 1XL Regeneration, Joseph
64 Broadway, Stratford, Tel: 01222 855100 Rowntree Foundation.
London E15 1WG
Harris V (ed) (1994) Community
Tel: 0208 432 0308
Work Skills Manual, The
Association of Community

SCCD A Strategic Framework for Community Development 23

Henderson P and Thomas D Popple H (1995) Analysing Taylor M (1995) Unleashing the
(1987) Skills in Community Work:its theory Potential: Bringing Residents
Neighbourhood Work, and practice, Open University to the Centre of Regeneration,
Routledge. Press. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Henderson P and Summers S Skinner S (1997) Building Wilson M and Wilde P (1999)
(2001) Developing Healthier Community Strengths: A Active Partners: Benchmarks
Communities – A Community Resource Book for for Community Participation
Development Approach to Community Capacity in Regeneration, Yorkshire
Improving Health and Well- Building, Community Forward.
being, Health Development Development Foundation.
Smithies J and Webster G (1998)
Hope A and Timmell S (1995) Community Involvement In
Training for Transformation: Health, Ashgate Publishing.
A Handbook for Community
Taylor M (1998) Signposts to
Workers, Mambo Press.
Community Development,
Jacob S and Popple H (eds) Community Development
(1994) Community Work in Foundation.
the 1990s, Spokesman.

24 A Strategic Framework for Community Development SCCD

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