SCCD Strategic Framework
SCCD Strategic Framework
SCCD Strategic Framework
Standing Conference for Community Development
A Strategic Framework for Community Development
joins up environmental, economic, social,
provide a basis for working with people, demographic, technological, political and
not only on issues of local concern but other issues by empowering communities to
also when developing wider work on their own agendas to improve the
programmes and policies. All too often quality of life. It has clear values and
external experts seem to have more influence commitments as its starting point rather than
over change in communities and the predetermined structures and solutions.
development of policies and priorities.
This framework outlines the main
The result is a development process that is
elements for effective community
unsustainable, unfair, of little relevance to
development. It provides a tool to analyse
those directly affected and which fails to
current contexts and practice. It can be used
make the best use of available resources,
with people to develop strategic options and
experience and skills. This framework is
make strategic choices about future direction.
about a different approach. It is about
working with communities first and The framework has been produced with
recognising their interests, expertise and members of the Standing Conference for
experience as the basis for development. Community Development (SCCD).
It is this approach that will result in There have been workshops at conferences
equitable, relevant and sustainable change. organised by SCCD and by our members to
Today, many government and other produce and comment on material for the
initiatives recognise that, if they are to Framework. There has been feedback on the
succeed, the involvement of communities is draft that was circulated through SCCD
necessary. However, the starting point for News and placed on relevant web sites.
action is often the initiative and not Members of SCCD have provided case
communities themselves. This can result in studies. A small group including staff from
disjointed development with people being SCCD, the Community Development
overwhelmed by the demand to respond to Foundation, the Federation for Community
initiatives and take part in increasingly Work Training Groups and COGS worked
complex organisational arrangements. with the material from members to produce
Community development is a process which sections of the Framework.
Association of Local
Authorities of
Northern Ireland
Quality assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Resources ...................... 11
The responsibilities of organisations . . 18
Funding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Staffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Networking and strategic support . . . . . 20
Other resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The importance of networking . . . . . . 20
Support for networking . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Evaluation and dissemination . . . . . . . . 13
Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Dissemination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Organisations and publications . . . . . . . . 23
Values Commitments
Social Justice – enabling Challenging discrimination
DEVELOPMENT people to claim their human and oppressive practices
is about rights, meet their needs and within organisations,
building have greater control over the institutions and communities.
decision-making processes
active and Developing practice and
which affect their lives.
policy that protects the
Participation – facilitating environment.
communities based democratic involvement by
Encouraging networking and
on social justice people in the issues which
connections between
affect their lives based on full
and mutual respect. communities and
citizenship, autonomy, and
It is about changing organisations.
shared power, skills,
power structures to knowledge and experience. Ensuring access and choice for
all groups and individuals
remove the barriers Equality – challenging the within society.
that prevent people attitudes of individuals, and
the practices of institutions Influencing policy and
from participating programmes from the
and society, which
in the issues that discriminate against and perspective of communities.
affect their lives. marginalise people. Prioritising the issues of
Community Learning – recognising the concern to people
skills, knowledge and experiencing poverty and
workers support
expertise that people social exclusion.
individuals, groups contribute and develop by Promoting social change that
and organisations taking action to tackle social, is long-term and sustainable.
in this process on economic, political and
environmental problems. Reversing inequality and the
the basis of the imbalance of power
following values Co-operation – working relationships in society.
together to identify and
and commitments. implement action, based on Supporting community-led
mutual respect of diverse collective action.
cultures and contributions.
OMMUNITY voluntary sectors. neighbourhood councils.
DEVELOPMENT is Organisations in all sectors can
■ Have clear processes which
undertaken with provide crucial support to
enable communities to
communities of place, community development, for
influence their policies,
identity and common interest. example by adopting this
programmes and priorities.
This includes communities framework and ensuring that it
based on faith, those with a applies in all the work of their ■ Recognise the right of
shared culture or heritage, users organisation. communities to propose
of public and other services, alternative courses of action.
A community development
those with common interests approach starts with people in ■ Value different types and
arising from their work, and communities coming together to levels of participation.
people working together to address these themes. It ■ Build local, regional and
promote the rights and supports the connections that national strategy through
responsibilities of citizenship. exist between them and the fact dialogue with people and
Community development that individuals, groups and organisations active in
takes place in a context of organisations need to learn communities.
social, demographic, from each other and co-operate
if consistent and sustainable ■ Recognise the function of
technological, economic,
change is to be achieved. community development and
environmental, political and
Community development spans allocate resources to it in
other change. These changes
the traditional boundaries of their strategies.
have global, European,
national, regional and local organisations in a way which is ■ Recognise the resources,
dimensions. Communities flexible and responsive to the information and support
initiate changes and through priorities and concerns of required by community
networking have wider communities. representatives and
influence. There are also This does not mean that organisations when working
changes which are not initiated communities can do everything in partnerships.
by communities that present or that the resources of ■ Change working practices
both threats and opportunities. statutory, private and voluntary and time scales to enable
The community development organisations are no longer participation by
process works with required to achieve change. A communities.
communities to analyse, initiate community development
and influence social change. In addition, government
approach does mean that
should take account of the
If community development is government and organisations
above factors in the
to fulfil its potential it is in the private and voluntary
development of legislation,
important that its role in sectors will:
regulations and guidance.
achieving equal opportunities, ■ Act on the basis of the values
accessibility, participation in and commitments of
democratic processes and community development.
sustainable economic, social
and environmental change is ■ Support action by
recognised. These themes are community groups and
important across government organisations, community
and within the private and businesses and
Community empowerment
Process Outcome
Personal empowerment A learning community
Positive action A fair and just community
Community organising and volunteer support An active and organised community
Participation and involvement An influential community
Quality of life
Process Outcome
Community economic development A shared wealth
Social and service development A caring community
Community environmental action A safe and healthy community
Community arts and cultural development A creative community
Governance and development A citizens’ community
ULL DOC community workers initially develop priorities for Hull DOCs work and
take time getting to know people and influence it’s decision making. This includes
their communities, meeting up with nominating people to sit on a Community
people and listening to their own stories Chest panel which awards grants to
about their hopes, aspirations and needs. Each community groups.
community has different identities and cultures
and many factors have an impact on the
quality of life and opportunities to influence
decision making.
This initial work builds trust,
confidence and a sense of value
and self worth within
“Don’t put yourself do
communities. It includes wn, they said,
outreach to marginalised Until you’ve really tried
people so that confidence and
We organised our tenan
learning increase, community ts groups
networks are strengthened and Sat on committees too
people feel more able to have a
Then we applied for fu
collective voice in decision- nding
making processes. Examples of For the things we had
this work include:
to do.
We took our tenants ou
■ Community celebrations – t on trips
bringing people together to What a difference in th
e block!
facilitate a community
Who made all this possi
event such as parties, ble?
community plays, lunches, It was, of course, Hull
poetry workshops.
Part of a poem from Ga
twick House,
■ Carrying out a supported by Hull DO
participatory appraisal – C.
involving communities in
looking at what is going
on in an area and finding
ways to collectively improve community
■ Creative training – Away days to local
colleges, universities and community
centres – helping to break down barriers.
■ Community information –developing an
interactive web-site with communities.
■ Meeting people in their locality – office
bases located in communities providing
access, facilities and resources. Workers
attend community group meetings.
Social Audit of the Arts Factory up to assess how well the values were put into practice.
The different teams within the Arts Factory came together
The Arts Factory, in the Rhondda valley in South Wales, in workshops to discuss the values and complete a
started as a work scheme for people with learning questionnaire based on the indicators.
disabilities and expanded taking on broader regeneration
objectives. It runs arts and pottery businesses which win Undertaking this exercise in groups meant that
commissions from across South Wales, as well as a individuals who had difficulties with reading and writing
garden centre and other local community businesses, could be paired with members of their team and
managed work space, and youth facilities. therefore fully participate.
working with communities and evaluation and dissemination E LOOK
from their experience developing
■ links community FORWARD to
policies, programmes and
development with strategies receiving
priorities based on clear values
for learning
and commitments. This requires feedback
a strategic approach which: ■ ensures that organisations
across sectors have policies
about how this
■ recognises and analyses the framework has been
and practices which support
changing context
quality community used and how it could
■ is about working with development
be developed and
communities in ways which
■ encourages involvement in changed for future
are empowering, educating
existing networks and
and enabling
creation of new networks to use.
■ ensures that resources are support the strategy.
accessible and allocated
fairly within and between