The document provides costing sheets for three food items: gado-gado, lasagna panggang, and chocolate mousse cake. It lists the raw materials, quantities, prices, and total costs to produce two portions of each item. The food cost per portion and percentage of each item is also provided, along with the proposed selling price per portion.
The document provides costing sheets for three food items: gado-gado, lasagna panggang, and chocolate mousse cake. It lists the raw materials, quantities, prices, and total costs to produce two portions of each item. The food cost per portion and percentage of each item is also provided, along with the proposed selling price per portion.
The document provides costing sheets for three food items: gado-gado, lasagna panggang, and chocolate mousse cake. It lists the raw materials, quantities, prices, and total costs to produce two portions of each item. The food cost per portion and percentage of each item is also provided, along with the proposed selling price per portion.
The document provides costing sheets for three food items: gado-gado, lasagna panggang, and chocolate mousse cake. It lists the raw materials, quantities, prices, and total costs to produce two portions of each item. The food cost per portion and percentage of each item is also provided, along with the proposed selling price per portion.
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Nama Makanan Gado-gado Tgl. Pembuatan : June, 21th 2023
Produksi/jml. Porsi 2 porsi Total Biaya Bahan :Rp. 74.600 Ukuran Porsi : Biaya per porsi Rp. 37.300 % Food cost : 30 % Harga per porsi Rp. 124.333 Quantity Unit Items Quantity Price Cost 100 2 buah Tahu Putih 1 Kg 13000 1,300 100 2 lembar Tempe 1 Kg 20000 2,000 200 2 buah Kentang 1 kg 17000 3,400 500 500 gram Toge panjang 1 Kg 20000 10,000 200 200 gram Wortel 1 Kg 15000 3,000 500 500 gram Buncis 1 Kg 18000 9,000 50 50 gram Kol Putih 1 Kg 15000 750 100 100 gram kacang Tanah 1 Kg 29000 2,900 100 100 gram Cabai Merah 1 kg 25000 2,500 250 250 gram Bawang Putih 1 kg 33000 8,250 500 500 gram Kencur 1 kg 19000 9,500 250 250 gram Gula merah 1 kg 16000 4,000 500 500 gram Garam 1 kg 15000 7,500 100 100 gram Asam jawa 1 kg 25000 2,500 250 250 gram Santan 1 liter 32,000 8,000 TOTAL FOOD COST 74,600 FOOD COST PER PORTION 37,300 FOOD COST PERCENTAGE 30% SELLING PRICE PER PORTION 124,333 =(100/1000) x Rp 13000 =(100/1000) x Rp 20000 =(200/1000) x Rp 17000 =(500/1000) x Rp 20000 =(200/1000) x Rp 15000 =(100/1000) x Rp 18000 =(50/1000) x Rp 15000 =(100/1000) x Rp 29000 =(100/1000) x Rp 25000 =(250/1000) x Rp 33000 =(500/1000) x Rp 19000 =(250/1000) x Rp 16000 =(500/1000) x Rp 15000 =(100/1000) x Rp 25000 =(250/1000) x Rp 32.000 COSTING SHEET Nama Makanan Lasagna panggang Tgl. Pembuatan : June, 21th 2023 Produksi/jml. Porsi 2 porsi Total Biaya Baiaya : Rp. 293. 515 Ukuran Porsi : Biaya per porsi : Rp. 146.758 % Food cost : 30 % Harga per porsi : Rp. 498.192 Quantity Unit Items Quantity Price 450 gram Pasta Lasagna La Fonte 1 Kg 70000 31,500 1 kg Daging Sapi Giling 1 Kg 99000 99,000 150 gram Bawang Bombay, cincang k 1 Kg 25000 3,750 500 gram Saus Bolognese instan 1 Kg 25000 12,500 137 gram Keju cheddar, parut halus 1 Kg 95000 13,015 1 kg Margarin atau Butter 1 Kg 28000 28,000 50 gram garam 1 Kg 15000 750 50 gram Lada 1 Kg 60000 3,000 1 kg Oregano 1 Kg 80000 80,000 1 kg Saus Tomat 1 Kg 18000 18,000 500 ml Air 1 liter 8000 4,000 TOTAL FOOD COST 293,515 FOOD COST PER PORTION 146,758 FOOD COST PERCENTAGE 30% SELLING PRICE PER PORTION 489,192 : June, 21th 2023 a : Rp. 293. 515 : Rp. 146.758 : Rp. 498.192
=(450/1000) Rp. 70000
=(1000/1000) x Rp 99000 =(150/1000) x Rp 25000 =(500/1000) x Rp 25000 =(137/1000) x Rp 95000 =(1000/1000) x Rp 28000 =(50/1000) x Rp 15000 =(50/1000) x Rp 60000 =(1000/1000) x Rp 80000 =(1000/1000) x Rp 18000 =(500/1000) x Rp 8000 COSTING SHEET Nama Makanan Chocolate mousse cake Tgl. Pembuatan : June, 21th 2023 Produksi/jml. Porsi 2 porsi Total Biaya Bahan : Rp. 34.650 Ukuran Porsi : Biaya per porsi : Rp. 17.325 % Food cost : 30 % Harga per porsi : Rp. 57.750 Quantity Unit Items Quantity Price Cost 180 gram Keping Oreo 1 kg 10000 1,800 250 gram Dark Chocolate 1 kg 72000 18,000 150 gram Margarin 1 kg 20000 3,000 100 gram Whipped Cream 1 kg 86000 8,600 250 gram Gula Putih 1 kg 13000 3,250 TOTAL FOOD COST 34,650 FOOD COST PER PORTION 17,325 FOOD COST PERCENTAGE 30% SELLING PRICE PER PORTION 57,750 =(180/1000) x Rp 10000 =(250/1000) x Rp 72000 =(150/1000) x Rp 20000 =(100/1000) x Rp 86000 =(250/1000) x Rp 13000