English Right Usage
English Right Usage
English Right Usage
-The error in “each pronoun with their antecedent” is that the pronoun “their” is plural while
“each” is singular. Therefore, the correct usage is; each pronoun with his antecedent.
2. Just between you and I, case is important.
- “Just between you and I, case is important” is that “I” should be replaced with “me.” The
correct sentence should be “Just between you and me, case is important.” This is because “me”
is the object of the preposition “between,” and object pronouns like “me” are used after
3. Verbs has to agree with their subject.
- “Verbs has to agree with their subject” is that the verb “has” is singular while “verbs” is plural.
The correct verb to use in this case is “have” which agree with the plural subject “verbs”.
4. Watch out for the irregular verbs which has crope into our language.
- “Watch out for the irregular verbs which has crope into our language” is that “has” should be
replaced with “have.” The correct sentence should be “Watch out for the irregular verbs which
have crept into our language.” This is because “irregular verbs” is plural, so the verb “have”
should also be plural. Moreover, the word “crope” is also an error, because it’s crept or creep.
5. Don’t use no double negatives.
- The error in “don’t use no double negatives” is that using two negative words like “don’t” and
“no” in the same sentence creates a double negative, which can make the sentence difficult to
understand. The correct sentence should be “Don’t use double negatives.”
6. A writer mustn’t shift your point of view.
- “A writer mustn’t shift your point of view” is that “your” should be replaced with “the.” The
correct sentence should be “A writer mustn’t shift the point of view.” This is because “the” is a
definite article that refers to a specific noun, while “your” is a possessive pronoun that indicates
7. When dangling, don’t use participles.
- “When dangling, don’t use participles” is that the sentence is incomplete and unclear. A
participle is a verb form that can be used as an adjective or noun. When a participle is used
without a clear subject or object to modify, it creates a dangling participle, which can make the
sentence confusing or misleading. The correct sentence should be rephrased to include a clear
subject or object for the participle to modify. For example, instead of saying “When dangling,
don’t use participles,” you could say “Don’t use participles that dangle,” which includes a clear
subject (“participles”) for the participle to modify.
8. Don’t write a run-on sentence you got to punctuate it.
- “Don’t write a run-on sentence you got to punctuate it” is that the two sentences should be
combined into one sentence or separated into two sentences. A run-on sentence occurs when
two or more independent clauses are joined together without proper punctuation or
conjunctions. The correct sentence should be “Don’t write a run-on sentence; you have to
punctuate it” or “Don’t write a run-on sentence. You have to punctuate it.”
9. About sentence fragments.
- “about sentence “fragments” is that the sentence is incomplete and unclear. A sentence
fragment is an incomplete sentence that lacks a subject, verb, or complete thought.
10. In letters themes sports articles and stuff like that we use commas to keep a string of items
- “In letters, themes, sports articles, and stuff like that, we use commas to keep a string of items
apart.” This sentence is grammatically correct and uses commas correctly to separate a list of
11. Don’t use commas, which aren’t necessary.
- I didn’t see any mistakes on this part, I think the only error of this, is incomplete sentence.
12. Its important to use apostrophe’s right.
- “It’s important to use apostrophe’s right” is grammatically error, the errors were those “its”
and “apostrophe’s”. It should be replaced by “it’s or it is” and “apostrophes”.
13. Don’t abrrev
I didn’t see any mistakes.
14. In my opinion I think that an author when he is writing shouldn’t get into the habit of
making use of too many unnecessary words that he does not really in order to put his message
- “In my opinion I think that an author when he is writing shouldn’t get into the habit of making
use of too many unnecessary words that he does not really in order to put his message across”
is that “he” should be replaced with “they.” This is because “he” is a gender-specific pronoun
that refers only to males, while “they” is a gender-neutral pronoun that can refer to both males
and females. The correct sentence should be “In my opinion, I think that an author when they
are writing shouldn’t get into the habit of making use of too many unnecessary words that they
do not really need in order to put their message across.”
15. Check to see if you any words out.
- The correct sentence should be “Check to see if you have any words out.” This is because
“have” is a helping verb that is used to form the present perfect tense, while “you” is a subject
pronoun that cannot be used alone as a verb.
16. In the case of a business letter, check it in terms of jargon.
- I didn’t see any error.
17. About repetition, the repetition of a word might be real effective repetition-take for
instance, Abraham Lincoln.
- I didn’t see any error.
18. As far as incomplete constructions, they are wrong.
- I didn’t see any error.
19. Last but not least, lay off cliches.
- I didn’t see any error.
20. Join clauses good, like a conjunction should.
- I didn’t see any error.