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PHILIPPINE RESERVE OFFICERS’ TRAINING CORPS GAMES OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE NO Buieing, Camp Emilio Aguinaé, Quezon City MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR No. __, S. 2023 SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTING RULES AND GUIDELINES OF THE 2023 PHILIPPINE ROTC GAMES DATE 1. RATIONALE The total development of a person requires that he/she is not only intellectually prepared but physically fit for his/her daily tasks. Sport is an essential tool in the foundation of human development and It supports the academic mission of educational institutions. (Section 19, Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution). On the other hand, the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) is @ program institutionalized under Sections 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077, series of 1991 or the "Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act” designed to provide military training to tertiary level students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness. ‘Thus, it is imperative to introduce a national competition in the ROTC program to spark further tonal, compedivensss, camaraderie, and solidarity among the ROTC units across the country. [PI IL LEGAL MANDATE ‘The 2023 Philippine ROTC Games is spearheaded by the Office of Senator Francis N. Tolentino. Hence, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), the Department of National Defense (DND) through the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and the Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) were provided with their respective budgets in the General Appropriations Act of 2023 or RA No. 11936, ‘Thus, on 23 December 2022, the said agencies entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) wherein the specific duties and responsibilities of each participating agency were outlined. 1The said MOA also provided the Game Components, Minimum Criteria of Game Participants and Mechanics, Schedule of Program implementation, Organizing Committees as well as the Funding Requirements. [PLDC] This 2023 Philippine ROTC Games fulfills the CHED's legal mandate. Article XIV, Sec. 19 of the 1987 Constitution states thal “The Stato shal promote physical education and encourage aparts programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry and that "All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors." The CHED, as the top governing agency at the tertiary level, is tasked and mandated to implement school sports development and league competitions among tertiary students. As such, CHED fangagesin collaboration and parinership with the Office of Senator Francis Tolentino, along wth other participating government agencies, the OND, and the PSC, in order to organize the 2023 Phillppine ROTC Games for the ROTC student cadets, In addition, under the CMO No. 55, series of 2006, the CHED is responsible for "Identifying, ‘support and develop potential centers of excelnce in program areas needed er the of world-class ‘and national such other functions as may be necessary for its effective operations and the continued enhancement, growth and development of higher education.” and “to include sports as its priority’. Likewise, pursuant to RA No. 9163 or the “National Service Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001”, itis the duty of the State to “promote okie canscioueness mong the you end shall develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being.” The DND, along with ‘the major services of the AFP, is tasked to oversee and implement the ROTC Program. On the other hand, one of the declared objectives af the PSC is to “encourage wide participation of all sectors, government and private, in amateur sports promotion and development” (Section 6(b), RA No. 6487). Further, in Section 7, the PSC shall have the following functions: plan, implement and oversee an integrated amateur sports promotion and development for the country, including among others...public and private schools, government corporations and entities. the local governments, the Armed Forces of the Philippines..." Fially, Section 6g) RA 6847 states that PSC ‘shal develop rules and regulations including res to delineate and define areas of responsibiles of all sectors involved in sports promotion and development respecting the individual set-up, priorities, structure and competence of the different ‘government and private institutions.” WL PROJECT DESCRIPTION ‘The 2023 Philippine ROTC Games will be one of the high-level school-based competitions at the tertiary level intended for students enrolled in the ROTC program and will be an annual national activity, guided by the minimum safety requirements and guidelines of the 2023 Philippine ROTC ‘Games Executive Organizing Committee (EOC) and the highest standards of international rules through the guidance of the. PSC, consistent with IATF health protocols. It will promote the resurgence of holding sports activities and uphold the reopening of sports into the new normal.formation and character building into the lives of students who participate in multiple tournaments, competitions, and even training sessions and practices during the post-pandemic. Further, he national even recognize the vial role ofthe yout In nator uk, thus through participation in multiple tournaments/competitions, training and practice sessions, this promote and protod hel phytel, mora, spltul, islocwal and social wol-bag end patriotism and nationalism and ‘The project intends to showcase seven (7) sports that will be conducted as face-to-face National Sports Associations (NSAs) IV. PURPOSE ‘The Philippine ROTC Games (PRG) primary purpose is to provide an opportunity for ROTC cadets to participate and compete in the NSAs sporting events thereby giving them hope of possibly competing in the Olympic Games. The PRG also aims to provide the following: 1) To highlight sports development 2) To discover new talents 3) To promote the ROTC education, foster self-discipline, teamwork, and xcolenee. and to young athletes for international competitions, as well es realize a common objective of developing grassroots sports programs for the youth. Vv. OBJECTIVES The DND, CHED, and the PSC will hold a nationwide competition for public and private HEIs in all 16 regions of the country offering the ROTC Program. Through the ROTC Games, the students ‘enrolled in the ROTC Program will be equipped with the skills necessary to become Reservists. and sustain the health and total well-being of the students. Vi. SCOPE AND COVERAGE his Memorandim Greuer shal apo to all publo and private HEIs offering the ROTC Program and with: Units, participating in the athletics games during the conduct of the 2023 Philippine ROTCVI. DEFINITION OF TERMS A B. c. 9 Commission on Higher Education (CHED) - refers to the government agency created by virtue of Republic Act No. 7722 or the “Higher Education Act of 1994". Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) - refers to all CHED-registered public and private institutions of higher education. Host Local Government Unit (LGU) - refers to a local government unit (municipality, city, or provines) that will provide essential assistance, including but not limited to security and logistics, over the course of the National Tertiary Games. Host State Universities and Colleges (SUC) - refer to state universities and colleges that will assist the Commission in the facilifation of the smooth and thorough implementation of the procedures necessary for the conduct of the National Tertiary Games, Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) ~ refers to the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases, a task force oryanized by the executive of the Philippines government to respond to affairs concerning emerging infectious diseases in the country. . International Federation (IF) - refers to the international non-governmental ‘organization recognized by the International Olympic Committe (IOC) as administering one or more sports at the world level. Intemational Olympic Committee (IOC) - is the governing body of the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and of the worldwide “Olympic Movement’, composed of all entities and individuals involved in the Olympic Games. National Sports Associations (NSAs) - refers to the national governing bodies of sports, accredited by the Philippine Olympic Committee. Philippine Olymple Committee (POO) refers the National Olympic Commie of the Phil |. Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) - refers to the governmental regulatory national agency attached to the Office of the President created by Republic Act No. 6847 to serve as the sole policy-making and coordinating body of all amateur sports development programs and institutions in the Philippines. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) - is a program institutionalized under Sections 38 and 39 of Republic Act No. 7077, series of 1991 of the “Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act’ designed to provide military training to tertiary level tudonts in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize them for national defense prepa . ROTC Unit re Tofors fo the subunit ofa Reserve Command tha implements the ROTC Program. = Activated ROTC Unit - a unit organized by the Reserve Commands in agreement with the Administrators of the SUCs, LUCs, HEIs and TVIs upon the approval of the CSAFP and Secretary of the National Defense who have satisfied the necessary requirements for the implementation of the ROTC program = Affiliated ROTC Unit - a unit organized by the Reserve Commands in agreement with the Administrators of the SUCs, LUCs, HEIs and TVIs who lack the necessary requirements but are merged with the Activated ROTC unit to implement the ROTC program in their educational institution. |. Student-Athlete - refers to a student currently enrolled in any school who is a member of any ofthe schoots athltc teams or programs and who represents or has irferions ‘of representing the school in an inter-schoo! athletic program or competition. The student-athlete must be enrolled in at least a minimum full-time curricular program and 4must be in good standing to be eligible to represent the school in an inter-school athletic program or competition. N. Tertiary Coaches - refers to persons qualified and registered to coach college student-athletes. Vill. GENERAL RULES & GUIDELINES A. Rule I - Sports Rule. All sports administered by the PRG shall be based on the intemational technical rules and regulations by the Intemational Federations as adopted and practiced by the NSA which shall conduct the management of the PRG tournament. Should CHED decide to modify such rules to protect the safety and security of tertiary-level students, such CHED modifications shall prevail. Technical ‘guidelines on the conduct of the identified seven (7) sports shall be provided by the PSC separately. B. Rule Il - The 2023 Philippine ROTC Games Management and Administration. The 2023 PRG shall be composed of the following committees: Executive Organizing Committee (EOC) - The EOC shall be composed of the following members with the Office of Senator Francis N Tolentino as the honorary chairman: Department of National Defense ‘Commission on Higher Education Philippine Sports Commission ‘Armed Forces of the Philippines Philippine Olympic Committee: . . . . = National Secretariat — This Committee shall monitor the conduct and implementation of the policies and guidelines of the 2023 PRG. The members are as follows: * DND-~ the head of the National Secretariat in charge of the overall implementation and monitoring of the 2023 PRG Policies and Guidelines reports to the EOC. * CHED FOCAL- responsible for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of 2023 PRG policies and guidelines, HE! concerns, ‘and reports directly to the Chairperson of CHED for updates. Attends meetings of the National Secretariat to represent the agency for coordination, * PSC FOCAL- responsible for leading the conduct of the sports clinic and actual games and overseeing the game management officials of 2023 PRG both at the regional and national levels and reports directly to the PSC Chairman for updates. Attends meetings of the National ‘Secretariat to represent the agency for coordination. * _MEMBERS- assist and are responsible for the implementation of the 2023 PRG policies and guidelines and are composed of the following ‘members, (Each office will have one seat.) 5© DND © CHED * PSC Poc © AFP and its Major Services Games Management Committee — This Committee ensures that the 2023 PRG is successfully executed in accordance with this Memorandum. Any revision of the rules and regulations must be approved by the majority of the Games Management Committee in consultation with the NSA Consultants. ‘The members of this committee are as follows: ponsibilities. (a) Oversees and monitors the implementation of the policies and guidelines of the PRG during the actual games and sports clinic in preparation for the 2023 PRG; and, {b) CHED representative who is a member of the National Tertiary Games Consultative Council policy-making body and implementation of the developmental programs and related activities in CMO No. 8, series of 2022 ot the “Guidelines on the Tertiary Sports Development Program”. ‘Qualifications. The CHED Sports Commissioner must be an expert in the sport s/he is assigned and shall be appointed by the CHED office of the Executive Director of Sports Development and Management Programs and is currently ‘employed in an HEI. B. Tournament Directors Responsi bilities. (a) Organize and supervise assigned tournaments/sporting events of the 2023 PRG; (ensure the smooth and successful implementation and conduct of the 2023 PRG) (b) Ensure that technical officials and other manpower perform to their duties and responsibilities and that the conduct of games Is executed at par with updated international standards; and (c) Ensure safe conduct of the games in accordance with sminimum health standards and |ATF protocols.Qualifications. (a) Must be a certified technical official of the respective NSA; and (b) Extensive experience as tournament director in sport ‘competitions in the respective NSA. ©. Technical Officials Responsibilities. (a) Supervise the conduct of competition by enforcing the sport's rules and regulations and making judgments on, tule violations, performance, time, and ranking, Qualifications. (a) Must be a certified technical official of the respective NSA. D. Tournament Auxiliary Personnel Responsibilities. (a) Serve as the ground crew of the Games Management ‘Committee; (b) Assist the Tournament Director during the event to ‘ensure the smooth operation of the games; and, (c) Perform such other tasks as may be assigned to them by the Tournament Director. Qualifications, fa) Vetted and appointed by the host LGU. E, Student Volunteers bilities. (@) Aanat the Games Management Commitee during the event where they are assigned; and, (b) Perform such other tasks as may be assigned to them by the Tournament Director. Qualifications. (a) Must be a bona fide tertiary student in an HEI in the province or region where the event is held. F. Games Secretariat Responsibilities. {a} Coordinate with other government agencies and ‘stakeholders for the preparation of the ROTC Games; (b) Facilitate Implementation of policies and guidelines of the competition; (c) Assist in the management of actual games and other activities related to the event;(d) Monitor the conduct of the games and prepare observations, recommendations in the report. Qualifications (a) Must have extensive experience in the management of sports competitions 1 Management Working Gomrnitiee— Reeponataiies and compostion are ae et croning (CHED, PSC, Host SUC) (National Secretariat) ) Marketing & Promotions (Host LGUs and National Secretariat) Public Relations Officers (National Secretariat Private Service Providers) ) Program Cotnmittee (Opening and Closing Ceremonies) (National ‘Secretariat CHED, Host SUC, Host LGU) Medical (Host LGU and Host SUC) Logistics (3 PSC, Host SUC, Host LGU) Venue (Host LGU, CHED, SUC, PSC) Hospitality (Accommodation & Tour) (Host LGU and Host SUC) Food and Drinks during games (PSC, DND, Host SUC and Host LGU) Documentation (National Secretariat, Host SUC, Host LGU) Security, Safety, and Risk Management Committee (Host LGUs) Media/Public Affairs (PSC) ii é dee: au i é C. Rule Ill — Health Protocols ‘The 2023 PRG shall strictly comply with the provisions of CMO No. 2, s. 2022, otherwise known as “Guidelines for the Return to Collegiate Athletic Competitions (RCAC) during COVID-19". D. Rule IV — Hosting of the 2023 Philippine ROTC GAMES 1 The Host of the 2023 PRG (PRG Host) willbe identified by the National Secretariat, through the CHED, and will be selected through a transparent and competitive process and shall be approved by the ROTC Games EOC. 1 The 2023 PRG, which shall be composed of a Host LGU and Host SUG, shall be responsible for the establishment of a Local Organizing Committee for the purpose of the organization of the 2023 PRG in accordance with the provisions of this Memorandum Circular. = Immediately upon the selection of the 2023 PRG Host, the EOC shall sign a MOA PRG LGU Host and SUC Host concerning the organization, financing, and staging of the 2023 PRG as well as the contribution of the 2023 PRG Board to the success 8of the 2023 PRG. The 2023 PRG EOC shall have no financial responsibility in respect of the organization, financing and staging of the 2023 PRG other than the contribution determined in the 2023 PRG MOA unless otherwise agreed in writing. ™ The creation of any subsidiary or other affiliated corporate entity, or the entry into any partnership, joint venture, or other legal structure by the 2023 PRG Host, Host LGU, Host SUC, and/or the PRG EOC for the purpose of the performance of any of their obligations, or the exercise of any of their rights under the 2023 PRG MOA, shall be allowed, provided that the 2023 PRG EOC written approval is secured first. E. Rule V- Qualification of Competition 1, To participate in the 2023 PRG, a student-athlete must comply with the 2023 PRG. Official Rules, including any condition of participation established by the CHED, as well as the rules of their respective sporting event, 2, Regional Legs shail be held for each of the seven (7) sports. All regional qualifying jegs shall be conducted in compliance with the PRG Regional Qualifying Leg Guidelines to be set by the 2023 PRG Executive Board. a. For Individual/Team Sports, the first placers shall represent the region in the National Round of the 2023 PRG. Ifthe first placer is unable to compete, they shall be replaced by the next ranking individual or team, ‘b. For the Sport of Athletics, the first and second placers will represent the region. if any or both of them are unable to compete, they shall be replaced by the next-ranking individual or team, F. Rule Vi—Individual Eligibility Students in HEIs are qualified to participate in the 2023 PRG and its qualifying rounds, provided they are: © Filipino citizens; . Able to parcipate during the 2028 Piping ROTC Games as nominated ‘and selected by their respective HE! . Between 1810 25 your fap onthe day of he qualifying and nator rounds: . Duly-enoled n the ROT during the school year inthe HEI they represent, ‘under the following conditions: (1) Any professional athletes certified by GAB and national team imombrs cotied by PSC and/or NSA at any point in time cannot @ Cindergraduate level students must be enroled in any baccalaureate degree course or technical vocational course with least twelve (12) academic units for semestral and trimestral terms and nine (9) academic units for quarterly terms, and must have passed at least‘sixty (60%) percent of their previous academic loads including PE. Classes must be taken for credit. Audit or no credit subjects shall not bbe considered part of the 12-unit or 9-unit requirement; (3) A certtication from the HEI registrar attesting to this fact shall be submitted to the Secretariat upon registration for partici (4) Students with incomplete grades must have passed the course and received a grade certified by the HEI registrar at least five (5) days before the regional qualifying rounds; (8) Varsity students. are allowed to compete provided they meet the above-mentioned conditions and are not part of any professional ‘sports team or national sports association. (©) Students who are curenty enced ina diferent HE! fr thee ROTC rogram should provide the required documentary requirements’ in Erder fo oin the 2023 Philippine ROTC Gamos: and, (7) Cottificate from their branch of service where they are cross-enrolled. ‘© Fully-vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to the regional qualifying round in ‘which the athlete will be competing. G. Rule Vil - Screening and Documentary Requirements ‘The EOC shall determine the deadiine for submission of documentary requirements forall athletes, teams, and HEls partispating in the 2023 PRG, which shall be no later than two (2) months prior to the Regional Leg. HEIs shall be required to submit the complete set of requirements for all of its athletes and teams. In no instance shall individual athletes or teams submit their requirements directly to the Secretariat. Failure to submit complete documentary requirements shall result in the automatic disqualification of the athlete, team, or HEI, as the case may be. The application packet! shall contain the following: Official entry form (per student-athlete, team, and HEI); Medical certificate with attached 2x2 ID most recent photo (per student- athlete); . Original PSA birth certificate (per student-athlete); ‘School registration forms (per student-athlete, for the cutrent and preceding academic term); of school ID (per student-athlete): ‘Signed Consent to Participate and Waiver of Llabilty Form (per student- late); 9. Complete team photo, including coaches and the HE! registrar ‘¢ The names of all persons appearing in the photo must be written at the ‘back of the photo in the order they appear (., Front Row, L-R, and 50 fn) and sgned by the HE! registrar; hh. Photocopy of health and the accident insurance policy covering participation in the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games (per student-athlete): and, |. Photocopy of COVID-19 vaccination card (per student-athlete). oe ao * See Annex C for the Official Forms 10H. Rule Vill - Anti-Doping Policy 1, Anti-doping rule violation - means one or more of the following: ‘* the presence of a prohibited substance or its metabolites or markers in a student-athletes bodily specimen; ‘* use or attempted use of a prohibited substance or a prohibited method; . refusing, F failing without compelling justification, to submit sample collection after notification as authorized in applicable anti-doping rules or otherwise ‘evading sample collection; * violation of applicable requirements regarding student-athlete availabilty for ‘out-of-competition testing, including fallure to provide required whereabouts information and missed tests which are declared based on reasonable rules; tampering, or attempting to tamper, with any part of doping control; possession of prohibited substances or methods; trafficking in any prohibited substance or prohibited method; and ‘administration or attempted administration of a prohibited substance or prohibited method to any student-athlete, or assisting, encouraging, aiding, ‘abetting, covering up or any ther pe of compiity involving an anti-doping rule violation or any attempted viol The EOC under the guidance of Philippine National Anti-Doping Organization (PHINADO) shall determine the manner of testing, consistent with the International Standards for Testing and Investigations. The commission of any anti-doping rule violation shall result in the immediate disqualification of the student-athlete, without prejudice to any other sanctions and/or penalties under the law of other applicable regulations. |. Rule IX~ Protests and Penalties 1. All protests at any event shall be endorsed by the Tournament Directors and {technical officials to the arbitrary council. A P5,000 protest fee for individual, dual, and team sports shall be required before the protest will be entertained. The protest should be lodged by the coachisports director within 30 minutes immediately after the game. 2 Subject of Protest. The folowing matters may be the subject ofa protest: . Student-Athlete Eligibility - A protest may be made during the solidarity meeting. Any team or individual protesting the eligibility of a student-athlete ‘must furnish proof that the student-athlete in question is ineligible. In the event of an obvious vioiation of eligibility rules, a protest may be granted, To ensure honest competition, protests of alleged eligibility violations should be made prior to games rather than waiting to determine the outcome of a particular ‘contest. b. Rule Interpretation - A student-athlete, team captain, or coach can lodge a protest on an officia's rule interpretation, but must do so at the time of the incident. If a protest is going to be lodged, the student-athlete, team captain, ‘or coach must verbally inform the official/s and the Tournament Director of their protest. The officials will stop play and decide with the Tournament Director the correct ruling before resuming play. ‘¢. Judgment Decisions - ‘Sports offal judgment calls cannot be protested in the absence of evidence. "13. The protester may elevate unresolved disputes to the EOC. A P20,000 protest fee shall be required for the protest to be entertained. 4, The proton fo wil be mun to the protestant in case the ruling is decided in 6 inst shall result in the immediate disqualification of the student-athlete, without prejudice to any other sanctions and/or penalties under the law or other applicable regulations. HEIs found guilty of falsifying student documents or resorting to misrepresentation shall be sanctioned and penalized in accordance ‘with CHED regulations, without prejudice fo any other sanctions and/or penalties under the law or other applicable regulations. Games already won by teams found to have fielded ineligible student-athletes shall be forfeited in favor of the opposing team. J. Rule X - Other Violations = Teams that withdraw, walk out, or refuse to play shall forfelt the game in favor of the opponent. To impose disciplinary measures, any students, coaches, HEIs or delegation officials who demonstrate highly unsportsmanlike conduct and/or deliberately empl dity tactics o foul Inthe course of any games or evens such as but not . shouting foul/obscene language and gesture; * catcalling; © sexual innuendos; and, © others similar to the foregoing as may be determined by the EOC (ie., temporary or permanent disqualification ‘rom participation). 1 Non-attendance of registered coaches in the Solidarity Meeting will lose their right to protest the rules as discussed during the said meeting. K. Rule XI- Awards and Recognition All winners in individual, dual, and team sports shall be awarded with medals as follows: © Gold for ‘st place ® Silver for 2nd place © Bronze for 3rd place = The Most Outstanding Team Award is given to the overall champion of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games.= Allcompeting student-athletes in. the provincial and regional uallying rounds, and the National Rounds shall receive @ Certificate of Participation in the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games. The Awards Committee shall be responsible for providing medals and trophies to the winners of each event. The committee shall be composed of members from all parties in this MOA, with the following tasks: * Designing, procurement and delivery of medals and trophies (DND) = Awarding ceremony No, ‘Sports Men | Women Event 1 | Athletios 8 8 _| Individual, Team 2 | Amis 3 3 | Individual, Team i 3 | Basketball 4 ~ Team 4 | Boxing 3 3 | Individual 5 _| Esports 14 Mixed Team 6 | Kickboxing 3 3 Individual 7 | Volleyball - 12 | Team TOTAL 6 29 64 ~~ Selection and Qualifying Round 4. Regional Leg rounds will be open to all HEls Teams. HEIs may select f, Participants shall be classified under categories prescribed by the NSAs per thot respective Technical Gudatnes. 9. Allparticipants will be representing their respective provinces and HEIs under their Branch of Services. 132. National a. Winners from regional leg games will advance to the 2023 National ROTC ‘Games to represent the three major istand clusters and NCR and respective Branch of Service, b. The PSC shall be primarily in charge with the game management before and during the conduct of the games. Participation in the games is FREE OF CHARGE. No entry participation‘membership fees shall be collected. |. Transportation, meals, and other incidental expenses shall be shouldered by the participating HEIs. ©. Participants shall be classified under categories prescribed by the NSAs per their respective Technical Guidelines. ating val be Wenfed ky the DND Cwough the svsistance of CHED and ° a N. Rule XIV - Data Privacy = All collection and processing of personal information shall be conducted in accordance with the Data Privacy Act of 2012. 1 The CHED, the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games Executive Organizing Committee, Host LGU, Host SUC, and all personnel acting under the authority granted to them to pursue the objectives of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games shalll be bound to Brofack the rights of al data subjects who consent io the cossation and processing of their personal information, for the sole purpose of participation in the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games, = Any modification in the processing of personal information shall require the written consent of the data subject. = In no case shall personal information be shared for marketing or advertising burposes unless specially and unequivocally consented to in wing by the data 1X. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ‘A. Commission on Higher Ecication Monitor and oversee the implementation of the issued Implementing Rules and Guidelines (IRG) of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games; = Identify and recommend qualified 2023 Philippine ROTC Games Host SUCs; ™ Supervise and oversee the Host SUCs in the conduct of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies: = Recommend and inspect facilites and venues for the conduct of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games; ‘Address complaints forwarded by the CHED Regional Offices; Inspect and monitor HE! premises where the competitions are being held to ensure the safety of all participants; ™ Appoint the CHED Sports Commissioners for the ground monitoring and overseeing during the conduct of actual games of 2023 Philippine ROTC Games; . Cont orientation among the athletic Sports Directors and commandant for per information dissemination on the policies and guidelines of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games; and, 14= Assist in the recruitment of student-athletes and the promotion and participation of HEls in the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games. B. CHED Regional Offices Identify the members of the management working committee in the regional level; Assist in identifying the HOST SUC and LGU for the Sports Clinic and Regional Games; = Assist in the monitoring of the implementation of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games; 1 Assistin the conduct of onsite inspection of the facilities and venues for the conduct, of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games qualifying rounds and national rounds, if le: applicable; = Oversee the Host SUCs in the conduct of the Opening and Closing Ceremonies; Assist in handling concerns submitted by the HEIs; and, Assist the Central Office in the regional orientation for Athletic Director and ‘Campus Commandant in charge and ROTC student-athlete recruits. . Higher Education ettutions sha Submit the documentary requrements for partipaton In the 2023 Filipino yTC Games; ' Gearint with the CHED throughout the duration of the 2023 Philippine ROTC. mes; = Transportation, meals, and other incidental expenses shall be shouldered by the participating HEIs; ™ Assign a focal person to attend all coordination meetings; and, Adhere to all the rules and reguiations of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games set forth by CHED, consistent with this Implementing Rules and Guidelines. D. Host LGU shall: Be primarily responsible for organizing, staging, and financing the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games particularly the opening and closing parade, venues, and facilities needed for the seven (7) sports; 1 Coordi ar periner wih neighboring LGUs fr adctonl venues, necessary: = Provide security, fire protection, and medical emergency support at all 2023 Philippine ROTC Games events held within its jurisdiction; a Protect the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games logo, and the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games brand; Obtain formal guarantees from national and local government authorities that they wl peovide te necessary cooperation forthe safety ofa 2029 Prine ROTC . ‘only at 2003 Pifppine ROTC Gamos rues and regu lations, a well as national and local laws conceming security and public safety in all sports venues, including ‘compliance with minimum health standards and IATF protocols; = May enter into a contract with concessionaires or sponsors to generate funds to support and promote the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games; a Provide billeting facilities for the 2023 PRG delegations: and, = Coordinate with the host SUC who shall perform the following: * Be primarily responsible for coordination between and among the participating HEIs; © Assist the Secretariat in resolving protests regarding student-athlete celigiblity, except when the student-athlete represents the Host SUC; 15Organize and host the Solidarity Meeting; ® Organize the opening and closing coremonies th clove coordination with CHED Central Office and the National Secretariat; ‘© Identify and make available additional venues for the 2023 Philippine ROTC ‘Games as may be necessary; ‘* Identify and make available billeting for the student-athletes of the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games as may be necessary; ‘© Support the CHED, ROTC Organizing Committee, and the Host LGU in promoting the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games to students; and, '* Provide auxiliary support personnel during the opening ‘and closing ceremony as well as during the conduct of games as needed. E. Philippine Sports Commission shall; = Provide technical assistance, guidance, and technical expertise In line with the ‘amateur sports regulations and rules of games; = Provide technical officials, resource experts, and personnel during the actual conduct of the games; = Coordinate with NSA for the game rules of the identified seven (7) sports; Provide the National Secretariat with @ focal person and member represer ‘who shall attend and participate in all meetings related to the 2023 Philippine ROTC Games; Provide technical guidelines for the conduct of the identified seven (7) sports; In charge of the overall running and monitoring of the actual sports competition of 7 Identified sports from the regional to national level and; . tn charge of all nacasaary logit that wil be ineured curing the actual conduct games. F. Department of National Defense shall: Perform the following trough and with te AFP: a, Through the AFP’s reserve units and in coordination with HEIs and their respective sports directors, conduct the selection of ROTC athletes as participants; Coordinate with PSC as to the conduct of games and management; Assist CHED and PSC in identifying games venues in coordination with the Leu; 4. Provide hotel accommodation and transportation to the 2023 Philippine ROTC. Games VIPs and senior officials; .. Provide the Medals of the winners that includes designing and procurement; Provide complimentary transportation and security for all delegations who will attend any of the events; 9. Provide a focal person’ to the national secretariat to disseminate/cascade information; and h. Provide auniliary support personnels and marshals during the conduct of ‘opening ceremony, games and awarding ceremony as needed. os REPEALING CLAUSE. Al other issuances inconsistent with the provisions of ‘this Memorandum Circular are hereby amended, modified, or repealed accordingly. SEPARABLLITY. In the event that any provision or part of this Memorandum Circular is declared invalid or unconstitutional, those provisions not affected by such declaration shall remain valid and subsisting. 18xt EFFECTIVITY. These guidelines shall take effect immediately after its publication in the Official Gazette cr in any National Newspaper of general circulation, with three (3) certified copies to ve filed with the Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) of the UP Law Center \ \ DEPARTMENT OF J NATIONAL DEFENSE an | UTM az ee \ (066-232884 dan HON. FRANCIS N TOLENTINO ‘SENIOR USEC CARLITO G GALVEZ, JR ‘HONORARY CHAIRMAN’ SENATOR PRG CHAIRPERSON /OIG, OND = DR. PROSRERO E DE VERA me & PRGHARD E BACHMANN: CHED CHAIRPERSON PSC CHAIRPERSON GEN. ANDRES C CENTINO PA IEF OF STAFF, AFP POC REPRESENTATIVE Wwab ements) eos eae) SS tora Or] Samay Jo ouyjauy, f ‘SonWAnoly Jo @UIjOULL —\y XOULY “y S3XSNNV TIX6L Src Poca See er] an ourjounys AyUOW fA 3 . 3 = MO}, }B10Uen A YeUD MoLJ—B XeUUY “gC. Annex C — Documentary Requirements: Form 1~ 2033 PHELIPPINE ROTC GAMES, Registration FormES PUELIPTINE ROTC GAMES: CRITIC ATIF ENROLMENT “Fo Whont Ie May Concer: “Tina treaty tht inabeniiie lent of a School Year “Thin centifiathanixtouued upon the roqusst ofthe of thew cove mento fe whrtaeve tga umpose tay sere in bet, er School Repisnar bes tea2023 PITLAT PINE. OTE GAMES Tener car a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE eae ‘fo Whom it May Concem: Toit to cently thot have pencralhy exorined. age __sew, oom on. and have Sound thot iventhe k steptcetly Bt to participate in the ROTC Gomes of ne fine of the eocenination.WentPARENTAL CONSENT We Bete win od ay is cs he Paine af oat Lance ibe ROTC Game, Cfney comida dhe tenets uit mg sow kanghtr wilder Hm isc tists ae sctiity praniled hat dur cory and peccvtion sil be obscene the oni al sy a ‘ay sewiauziser and shat CHRD armptoyces and pervennel may oot oe held eespensile foe any ‘atom incisios at may pen yond hr coma, [SES IEE Nenad byomer cortncate orginalTABLE OF CONTENTS IL LEGAL MANDATE IM PROJECT DESCRIPTION IV. PURPOSE V. OBJECTIVES Vi SCOPE AND COVERAGE ‘Vil. DEFINITION OF TERMS Vill. GENERAL RULES AND GUIDELINES RULE! - SPORTS RULE RULE II - THE 2023 PHILIPPINE ROTC GAMES & ADMINISTRATION RULE III - HEALTH PROTOCOLS: RULE IV - HOSTING OF THE 2023 PHILIPPINE ROTC GAMES RULE V - QUALIFICATIONS OF COMPETITIONS, RULE VI - INDIVIDUAL ELIGIBILITY. RULE VII - SCREENING AND DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS RULE Vill - ANTI DOPING POLICY RULE IX - PROTESTS AND PENALTIES RULE X - OTHER VIOLATIONS: RULE XI - AWARDS AND RECOGNITION RULE Xil - PARTICIPATING SPORTS RULE Xill - SELECTION AND QUALIFYING ROUND RULE XIV - DATA PRIVACY ZEDAS -TONMGOMP IX. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES. COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION CHED REGIONAL OFFICES. HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS HOST LGU HOST SUC PHILIPPINE SPORTS COMMISSION G. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE ™moop> xX. ANNEXES ANNEX A - Timeline of Activities ANNEX B - Flow Chart ANNEX C - Documentary Requirements
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