XTH Term 1 Syllabus (2023-2024)

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Grade X

Term I Syllabus(2023-24)

Subject Syllabus

English Unseen passage

1. Nelson Mandela
2. Two stories about flying
3. From the Diary of Anne Frank
4. Fire And Ice (poem)
5. Dust Of Snow (poem)
6. The Ball Poem (poem)
7. Amanda (poem)
8. Triumph of Surgery
9. A Thief’s Story
10. The Midnight Visitor
11. A Question of Trust
12. Footprints Without Feet
13. Mijbil The Otter
14. The Trees (poem)

Integrated Grammar

1. Letter Writing (Formal)
2. Analytical paragraph
Hindi क्षितिज-

पाठ- बालगोबिन भगत, लखनवी अंदाज, एक कहानी यह भी

कविता - तल
ु सीदास - राम लक्ष्मण परशरु ाम संवाद, उत्साह, अट नहीं रही है ।

कृतिका - माता का आँचल, साना-साना हाथ जोड़ी

व्याकरण - वाक्य के भेद, वाच्य के भेद, पद परिचय, अलंकार

लेखन - अनच्ु छे द, पत्र - औपचारिक, अनौपचारिक, स्ववत

ृ लेखन, संदेश लेखन,
विज्ञापन, औपचारिक ईमेल

अपठित गद्यांश एवं अपठित पद्यांश

Mathematics Ch-1 Real Numbers

Ch-2 Polynomials

Ch-3 Pair of linear equations in two variables

Ch-4 Quadratic equations

Ch-5 Arithmetic progressions

Ch-6 Triangles

Ch-8 Introduction to Trigonometry

Ch-9 Some Applications of Trigonometry

Ch-14 Probability
Science Ch-1 Chemical reactions and equations
Ch-2 acids, bases and salts
Ch-3 metals and non-metals
Ch-5 life processes
Ch-6 control and coordination
Ch-9 light
Ch-13 our environment
Ch-11 electricity

Social science
Ch-1 Resources and Development
Ch-2 Forest and Wildlife resources
Ch-3 Water resources
Ch-4 Agriculture
Ch-1 Development
Ch-2-Sectors of Indian Economy
Ch-3 Money and credit
Ch-4 Globalization
Pol Science-
Ch-1 Power sharing
Ch-2 Federalism
Ch-3 Gender, religion and cast
Ch-2 Nationalism in India
Ch-3 The making of global world (Topic-1 to 1.3)
Map- Geography- Ch-1,3,4
History- Ch- 2
Academic Skills
IT Ch-1 Digital Documentation Advanced
Ch-2 Electronic Spreadsheet Advanced
Ch-4 Web Applications & Security

Employability Skills
Ch-2 Self Management Skills
Ch-3 Entrepreneurship Skills
Ch-5 Green Skills

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