Syllabus Term I X

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Term -I Syllabus (2024-2025)

First Flight:
1. From the Diary of Anne Frank
2. Glimpses of India
3. How to tell Wild Animals
4. The Ball Poem
5. Amanda
6. The Trees
Footprints Without Feet
1. The Thief’s Story
2. The Midnight Visitor
3. A Question of Trust
4. Footprints Without Feet

Writing Section:
1. Paragraph
2. Formal Letter
1. Subject Verb Agreement
2. Tenses
3. Modals
4. Determiners
5. Reported Speech
Reading Section: Two unseen passages

स्पर्श - गद्य खंड
* बड़े भाई साहब
* ततााँ रा-वामीरो कथा
* डायरी का एक पन्ना
काव्य खंड
* साखी
* मीराबाई क़े पद
* मनुष्यता
* पववत प्रद़े श में पावस
संचयन –
* हररहर काका
व्याकरण -
* पदबंध
* वाक्य भ़ेद
* ववराम विह्न
* मुहावऱे
* अनुच्छ़ेद ल़े खन
* पत्र ल़ेखन (औपिाररक)
* ई.म़ेल ल़ेखन
* सूिना ल़ेखन
* ववज्ञापन
Ch1: Real Numbers
Ch2: Polynomials
Ch 3. Pair of Linear Equations in two variables.
Ch 4. Quadratic Equations
Ch 5. Arithmetic Progression
Ch 6: Triangles
Ch 7: Coordinate Geometry
Ch 8: Trigonometry

Biology - Life Processes
Control and Coordination
How do Organisms Reproduce

Physics - Light
Human eye and Colourful World

Chemistry – Chemical Reaction and Equation

Acid Base and Salt

Social Science
Geography - Ch. 1. Resources and Development
Ch.2 Forest and Wildlife
Ch.3 Water Resources
Ch.5 Consumer Rights (Project Only)

History - Ch. 1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

Ch.2 Nationalism in India

Civics - Ch. 1 Power Sharing

Ch. 2 Federalism
Ch.3 Gender, Religion and Caste

Economics - Ch. 1 Development

Ch.2 Sectors of the Indian Economy
Ch.3 Money and Credit

Artificial Intelligence
1. Introduction to AI
2. SMART - management skill
3. AI project cycle
4. Evaluation

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