Xinyi Solar
Xinyi Solar
Xinyi Solar
‘20 net profit to jump >75%; likely mkt share gain surprise 16 December 2020
XYS announced its FY20 net profit will jump 75-95% YoY to HK$4.2-4.7bn due to higher
SG ASP (average selling prices) and sales volume. SG ASP was lifted 4x in 2H20 to Equity
Rmb42-45/sqm now. We retain ‘20/21 SG ASP estimates at Rmb30/28/sqm, with GPM
lifted to 46%/40% from the previous 42%/37%, with 2H SG production cost slightly < Key Changes
1H. We lift our ’20 sales volume growth estimate to +25% YoY vs the previous +15% (HK$) Previous Current
YoY. We maintain our ’21 sales volume estimate of 2.9 MT, but we reckon there is 5-9% Price Obj. 17.50 17.70
potential volume upside to our ’21 estimate. According to XYS, module producers’ 1Q21 2020E Rev (m) 11,572.7 12,362.0
order books are full. As 1Q is the traditional off-season for the SG industry, SG demand 2020E EPS 0.47 0.53
may drop slightly during spring festival but should pick up thereafter as PRC SF 2021E EPS 0.50 0.53
developers need to meet the Mar 31 subsidy collection deadline. We assume SG ASP will
trend down to Rmb26/m2 by ‘22. This compares to 2013-19 historical ASP range of Angello Chan >>
Research Analyst
Rmb25.9-35/m2 with an avg of Rmb31.6/m2 for XYS. We lift our ’20/21 EPS estimates Merrill Lynch (Hong Kong)
by 13.4%/6.3%, +17.9/-11.5% vs consensus. We lift our DCF-based PO to HK$17.7 from +852 3508 7187
[email protected]
HK$17.5 and reiterate our Buy with 17.9-16.2% ’21-22 RoIC. We estimate 2019-21 EPS
CAGR at 32%, with a current price implied PEG of 0.9. We estimate XYS may collect
Rmb100mn of ETM income through XYE, or 1.7% of EPS which we haven’t factored in.
Stock Data
14 FYP PV capacity add to far exceed 200GW; Buy XYS, FG
Price 14.26 HKD
On Dec 12, President Xi said at the Climate Ambition Summit that China will cut its CO2
Price Objective 17.70 HKD
emissions/GDP unit by > 65% vs the ‘05 level & ‘30 RE capacity to be >1,200GW. The
Date Established 16-Dec-2020
deputy director of the NEA RE department said on Dec 9 that the 14th FYP PV capacity
Investment Opinion B-1-7
add will far exceed 200GW, which will help to lower PV cost further. NEA will build
52-Week Range 3.72 HKD-15.22 HKD
multiple large-scale RE production bases in N & SW China, with >10GW capacity each.
Mrkt Val / Shares Out (mn) 14,866 USD / 8,081.9
NEA aims to develop >1GW distributed PV and grid parity PV projects under 14 FYP
Market Value (mn) 115,247 HKD
that’ll be supported by a new policy launch, including emissions /green certificate
Average Daily Value (mn) 87.21 USD
trading. CWEA expects c100GW RE addition/year will be needed to reach the carbon
Free Float 36.2%
neutral target by 2060. The PBoC governor also said on Dec 9 that finance sector SoEs
BofA Ticker / Exchange XNYIF / HKG
(state-owned enterprises) will help lower funding costs for RE sector capacity expansion.
Bloomberg / Reuters 968 HK / 0968.HK
Unauthorized redistribution of this report is prohibited. This report is intended for [email protected]
Estimates (Dec)
ROE (2020E) 24.4%
(HK$) 2018A 2019A 2020E 2021E 2022E
Net Income (Adjusted - mn) 1,863 2,416 4,297 4,441 4,701 Net Dbt to Eqty (Dec-2019A) 27.4%
EPS 0.247 0.303 0.528 0.533 0.557
EPS Change (YoY) -24.3% 22.5% 74.3% 1.1% 4.3% Key terms:
Dividend / Share 0.122 0.140 0.242 0.243 0.257
XYS: Xinyi Solar
Free Cash Flow / Share (0.100) (0.096) 0.016 (0.170) (0.178)
SG: solar glass
Valuation (Dec) UH: utilization hours
2018A 2019A 2020E 2021E 2022E GP: gross profit
P/E 57.71x 47.12x 27.03x 26.74x 25.62x GPM: gross profit margin
Dividend Yield 0.856% 0.982% 1.70% 1.70% 1.80% ETM: emissions trading market
EV / EBITDA* 38.62x 29.38x 17.73x 16.69x 15.39x RE: Renewable energy
Free Cash Flow Yield* -0.649% -0.667% 0.117% -1.25% -1.31%
CSG: China Southern Glass
* For full definitions of iQ method SM measures, see page 21.
SF: solar farm
>> Employed by a non-US affiliate of BofAS and is not registered/qualified as a research analyst under SCI: Sublime China Information
the FINRA rules.
XYE: Xinyi Energy
Refer to "Other Important Disclosures" for information on certain BofA Securities entities that take
responsibility for the information herein in particular jurisdictions. PV: photovoltaic
BofA Securities does and seeks to do business with issuers covered in its research reports. As SF: solar farms
a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could
FYP: Five-Year Plan
affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single
factor in making their investment decision. CWEA: China Wind Energy Association
Refer to important disclosures on page 22 to 25. Analyst Certification on page 19. Price AR: account receivables
Objective Basis/Risk on page 19. 12225779
UHV: Ultra High Power Voltage
Timestamp: 15 December 2020 03:30PM EST
iQprofile Xinyi Solar
Key Income Statement Data (Dec) 2018A 2019A 2020E 2021E 2022E Company Sector
(HK$ Millions)
Sales 7,672 9,096 12,362 14,415 17,923 Renewable Energy
Gross Profit 2,960 3,912 6,581 6,953 7,613
Sell General & Admin Expense (684) (709) (992) (1,167) (1,476) Company Description
Operating Profit 2,449 3,314 5,732 5,928 6,279
Net Interest & Other Income (246) (254) (243) (258) (284) Xinyi Solar (XYS) is the largest solar glass
Associates 43 33 46 53 66 manufacturer in the world. It has been expanding
Pretax Income 2,246 3,093 5,535 5,723 6,061
into the solar farm construction segment in China
Tax (expense) / Benefit (205) (294) (526) (544) (576)
Net Income (Adjusted) 1,863 2,416 4,297 4,441 4,701 by working with its subsidiary Xinyi Energy. By
Average Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding 7,540 7,984 8,144 8,327 8,448 further integrating upstream into silica mining and
Key Cash Flow Statement Data expanding its solar glass manufacturing capacity,
Net Income 1,863 2,416 4,297 4,441 4,701 XYS aims to maintain its profit margin leadership.If
Depreciation & Amortization 707 835 1,144 1,376 1,645 industry cost reductions continue, solar power
Change in Working Capital (358) (2,004) (1,688) (1,165) (1,988)
generation costs could reach grid-parity in more
Deferred Taxation Charge NA NA NA NA NA
locations globally and help increase solar glass
Other Adjustments, Net 98 335 (125) (1,226) (993)
Cash Flow from Operations 2,310 1,583 3,628 3,426 3,365 sales.
Capital Expenditure (3,059) (2,351) (3,493) (4,864) (4,870)
(Acquisition) / Disposal of Investments NA NA NA NA NA
Other Cash Inflow / (Outflow) 23 89 (83) 139 (133) Investment Rationale
Cash Flow from Investing (3,035) (2,262) (3,577) (4,725) (5,003)
Shares Issue / (Repurchase) 9 1,331 3,539 0 0 We rate Xinyi Solar a Buy for its fast-growing
Cost of Dividends Paid (641) (878) 0 0 0 expansion plan in solar farm development. Current
Cash Flow from Financing 174 2,127 3,489 1,066 656 feed-in tariff (FiT) and subsidy regime in China is
Free Cash Flow (748) (769) 135 (1,437) (1,505)
in favor of strong return for solar farm, where it
Net Debt 7,986 5,089 1,498 2,797 4,435
Change in Net Debt 1,403 (3,547) (3,590) 1,298 1,638 can earn fixed tariff for 20 years. Moreover, XYS
Key Balance Sheet Data can leverage its expertise in solar glass for
Property, Plant & Equipment 15,804 16,711 19,067 22,562 25,794 expansion in solar farm to ensure better quality of
Other Non-Current Assets 1,285 2,219 2,219 2,219 2,219 system and to lower degradation risk.
Trade Receivables 5,529 6,790 9,228 10,761 13,380
Cash & Equivalents 784 2,221 5,761 5,529 4,546
Other Current Assets 490 456 503 636 862
Total Assets 23,893 28,397 36,779 41,707 46,801
Long-Term Debt 4,997 4,465 4,434 5,085 5,486
Other Non-Current Liabilities 100 69 69 69 69
Stock Data
Short-Term Debt 3,773 2,845 2,825 3,240 3,495
Other Current Liabilities 2,964 2,445 3,243 3,744 4,600
Price to Book Value 5.5x
Total Liabilities 11,834 9,824 10,571 12,138 13,650
Total Equity 12,059 18,573 26,208 29,569 33,150
Total Equity & Liabilities 23,893 28,397 36,779 41,707 46,801
iQmethod SM - Bus Performance*
Return On Capital Employed 10.9% 12.9% 17.4% 15.0% 14.1%
Return On Equity 18.1% 19.6% 24.4% 19.8% 18.7%
Operating Margin 31.9% 36.4% 46.4% 41.1% 35.0%
EBITDA Margin 41.1% 45.6% 55.6% 50.7% 44.2%
iQmethod SM - Quality of Earnings*
Cash Realization Ratio 1.2x 0.7x 0.8x 0.8x 0.7x
Asset Replacement Ratio 4.4x 2.8x 3.1x 3.6x 3.0x
Tax Rate (Reported) 9.1% 9.5% 9.5% 9.5% 9.5%
Net Debt-to-Equity Ratio 66.2% 27.4% 5.7% 9.5% 13.4%
Interest Cover 9.6x 10.9x 22.4x 21.7x 20.7x
Key Metrics
* For full definitions of iQ method SM measures, see page 21.
According to XYS, module producers’ 1Q21 order books are full. As 1Q is the traditional
off-season for the SG industry, SG demand may drop slightly during the spring festival
but pick up thereafter as PRC SF developers need to meet the Mar 31 subsidy collection
We assume SG ASP will trend down to Rmb26/m2 by ‘22. This compares to the 2013-19
historical ASP range of Rmb25.9-35/m2 with an average of Rmb31.6/m2 for XYS.
We estimate XYS may collect Rmb100mn of emission trading market (ETM) income
through XYE, or 1.7% of EPS, which we haven’t factored in.
We lift our ’20/21 EPS estimates by 13.4%/6.3%, +17.9/-11.5% vs consensus. We lift our
DCF-based PO to HK$17.7 from HK$17.5 and reiterate our Buy rating with 17.9-
16.2% ’21-22 RoIC. We estimate 2019-21 EPS CAGR at 32%, with current price implied
PEG of 0.9.
We will have two conference calls with XYS management on Dec 16, 4:00 p.m. HK time
(Mandarin) & 5:10 p.m. HK time (Mandarin/English).
Table 1: Historical XYS/FLAT Glass ASP and GPM and BofA forecasts
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020E 2021E 2022E 2023E
ASP (Rmb/m2) 32.9 35.0 33.5 34.4 30.5 25.9 27.8 30.0 28.0 26.0 26.0
GP Margin (%) 28% 37% 35% 42% 31% 28% 33% 43% 37% 34% 34%
ASP (Rmb/m2) 34.4 34.4 33.9 35.3 28.4 26.9 27.8 30.0 28.0 26.0 26.0
GP Margin (%) 35% 33% 35% 43% 30% 26% 32% 45% 40% 34% 34%
Source: Company data, BofA Global Research estimates
1. Lifting the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 25%;
2. Lift its total installed capacity of wind and solar power to over 1,200GW; and
3. Increasing the forest stock volume by 6bn cubic meters from the 2005 level
The PRC government had previously said it would also reduce its coal consumption in
order to reach its goals to:
China is on track to exceed its 13th Five Year Plan (2016-2020) of solar power and wind
power capacity addition targets significantly by 123% (or 135GW) and 15% (or 35GW),
respectively. As solar and wind power generation costs continue to drop, we believe
China will likely exceed its newly set 2030 targets. Performance metrics for senior
government officials of local governments will be benchmarked to RE capacity additions
of the region under governance.
We believe this will favor solar and wind power equipment suppliers, especially if
significant further cost reduction can be achieved. We point out in this report some key
cost reduction trends and new government policies that have been under preparation
and are likely to be launched under the 14th FYP that’ll help reduce RE generation cost.
2. Shifting away from energy-intensive sectors and towards service industries to drive
GDP growth;
4. Adding more clean energy production systems to substitute for fossil fuel
Table 2: PRC national power installed capacity and generation by fuel type and BofA forecasts
Installed capacity by fuel type (GW) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020E 2021E 2022E 2023E 2024E 2025E
Thermal 1,061 1,106 1,144 1,191 1,245 1,287 1,336 1,399 1,459 1,510
Hydro 332 341 352 356 365 380 390 392 394 396
Nuclear 34 36 45 49 51 60 73 76 79 85
Wind 148 164 184 210 240 271 295 320 345 370
Solar 77 130 175 205 245 291 341 395 453 515
Total 1,652 1,777 1,900 2,011 2,146 2,288 2,435 2,582 2,729 2,876
% change 9.6% 7.6% 6.9% 5.8% 6.7% 6.6% 6.4% 6.0% 5.7% 5.4%
In 2019, China's non-fossil fuel power generation capacity was 2.3 trillion kWh, which
reduced carbon emissions by more than 2 billion tons.
30% 28% 41%
25% 23%
20% 18%
15% 20%
0% 2019 2035E
2015 2019 2025E 2035E
Source: China Daily
Source: China Daily
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Market estimates of solar power capacity addition during 14th Five Year Plan
FLAT Glass: China’s solar power demand to range between 50GW - 90GW/year during
the 14th Five Year Plan.
LONGi Green: During early part of 14th Five Year Plan, China could install 50GW solar
farm (SF) capacity per year. During the later stage of the 14th Five Year Plan (2024-25),
new solar power capacity addition can reach 70-80GW/year.
Tongwei: 50-60GW of new solar power capacity addition in China in 2021 and 60-
80GW/year from 2022 onwards during the 14th Five Year Plan.
Asia Europe Clean Energy Association: Solar power capacity expected to reach
500GW by 2025 & 800GW by 2030, compared to 204GW in 2019.
Chart 5: Global solar power generation mix at 2.8% in 2019 Chart 6: China solar power generation mix at 1.6% in 2019
5.0% 1.6%
Non-renewable 2% 0%
Hydropower 3%
16% Non-renewable
Wind power
Bio-power Solar PV
73% 77.2%
Geothrmal, CSP and
ocean power
Source: Ren21, BofA Global Research Source: NBS, BofA Global Research
- -10%
Source: BofA Global Research, CEC, NBS Source: BofA Global Research
According to Bloomberg News on Dec 10, PRC solar companies have spent >Rmb92bn
since Jan 1’ 20 to secure raw materials supply to support their production capacity
expansion. Contract value for silicon material/silicon wafer/solar glass worth Rmb29.3/
25.7/10.7bn. LONGi signed contracts to procure 125k tons of silicon material with Asia
Silicon over the next 5 years, which can support 48GW of silicon wafer production.
JinKo Solar singed to purchase 93k tons of silicon material with Tongwei over the next 2
years, which can support 33.7GW module production.
Multi and mono-crystalline silicon ASP dropped week on week on Dec 11. We believe on-
going raw material price & cost reduction will be positive to module & solar glass (SG)
demand. Due to relatively long lead time to add SG production capacity, SG ASP may
remain at high level for longer. Please refer to our sector report published on Nov 4, XYS,
FG may gain share under capacity add review; our ASP estimates 11%<LT avg.
Chart 10: Index of solar raw material price since Feb ‘20
26-Feb 26-Mar 26-Apr 26-May 26-Jun 26-Jul 26-Aug 26-Sep 26-Oct 26-Nov
According to our oil & gas team’s report: Expects lower import loss in 2H20;
fundamentals improving. PetroChina plans to focus on transition and new energy such as
hydrogen, capex discipline. The budget for PetroChina’s new energy project capex is
about Rmb2bn per annum under its 14th Five-Year Plan vs over Rmb200bn total capex
per annum.
According to China Securities News on Aug 25, Sinopec group will participate in thin solar
glass business. Sinopec will invest in Fengyang Guigu Intelligent, a company which
produces solar glass and display screen. Fengyang Guigu Intelligent is a subsidiary under
Changzhou Almaden, one of the major solar glass producers in China.
CNOOC entered offshore wind power sector since 2006 and established a subsidiary
focusing on wind, biomass, coal, solar, hydrogen business.
-Wind 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300 1,300
-Solar 700 700 700 700 700
- RE (wind+solar) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 35%
-Wind 3,121 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500
-Solar 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
- RE (wind+solar) 4,121 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 40%
-Wind 400 500 600 700 800
-Solar 600 700 800 900 1,000
- RE (wind+solar) 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 53%
-Wind 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
-Solar 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000
- RE (wind+solar) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 96%
-Wind 500 750 750 750 750
-Solar 500 750 750 750 750
- RE (wind+solar) 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 100%
-Solar 950 900 700 700 700
- RE (wind+solar) 950 900 700 700 700 100%
Source: BofA Global Research estimates
In the US solar power market, solar sector loan providers are offering high-credit
borrower 10-year loan at 0.99% interest rate. The historic low interest rate make solar
loan product an attractive investment.
Under PBoC plan, low cost loans may be extended to PRC SF/WF developers.
According to XYS & LY, this batch of Rmb5.95bn subsidy is only for local power grids
only. Subsidies for State Power Grid Corp & China Southern Power Grid will be
determined and announced later. This batch of Rmb5.95bn subsidy is for existing
projects, new projects in ’21 will not be granted subsidies.
• LY confirmed the annual national wind power capacity addition during 14th Five
Year Plan (FYP, 2021-25) may reach 50GW or more. LY is confident wind turbine
producers & grid companies have the capability to support equipment demand and
grid interconnection. It targets to add 3-5GW/year during 14th FYP.
• Construction cost for wind farms will be lower YoY in 2021 as wind turbine ASP has
dropped from RMB3,900/kW during rush installation to the current RMB3,000-
3,300/kW. Wind turbine purchase price accounts for >=50% of total construction
• LY will restart solar power project development during 14th FYP. It expects solar
farm capacity to significantly increase during the later stage of 14th FYP.
• DTR signed 36% MPS volume 10 provinces in ’20 but expect actual execute MPS
volume to be 25% in ’20. MPS mix may continue to increase, with stable MPS tariff.
• DTR has collected Rmb1.6bn subsidy by Sep ’20 & expects to collect Rmb2.3bn
subsidy in FY20. DTR’s subsidy AR was Rmb103bn by Sep ‘20
• XYS confirmed only FG and XYS will have meaningful SG capacity addition in the
next two years. Though China Southern Glass and Cai Hong also have capacity
addition plans, leading market share of SG producers will not be impacted. The
newly added capacity will likely squeeze out market share of small producers’,
whose production capacities account for 40% of total industry’s capacity.
• FG believes the PRC government may gradually relax SG capacity add restriction and
leading SG producers will more likely be allowed to be granted new capacity quota.
Even if the government strictly implements proposed capacity replacement policy,
FG reckons leading SG producers will build new production lines overseas. However,
FG reckons six PV module producers’ recent request to relax capacity expansion add
approval may have a limited impact on government-policy decision.
• FG’s two new SG production lines in Vietnam will be commissioned at the end
of ’20 & beginning of ’21. FG also plans to add 4x1,200 tons/day capacity in Anhui
in ’21 & ‘22.
• Bifacial glass modules accounted for 15% of total industry sales in ’19 and climbed
to 35% in mid of ’20. Due to shortage of SG, market share for mainstream 3.2mm
thick SG may rise in 2H20. But when supply demand is balanced, FG expects bifacial
glass penetration rate to further rise to 60% over the next 3-5 years.
• FG expects large-sized glass panel to be the trend. FG’s new lines in Anhui and some
of the lines located in Jiaxing can produce 210mm size glass panels.
LONGi Green
• LONGi has secured 4Q20/1Q21 orders. Most of the 1Q21 orders are from overseas
market, LONGi is negotiating to fill orders for domestic PRC market & expects
domestic order to increase in Dec ‘20. LONGi is confident to reach shipment target
of 58GW for silicon wafer & 20GW for modules in ’20.
• LONGi expects 160-170GW of global solar power capacity add (demand) in ’21 &
200 GW in ‘22. During early part of 14th Five Year Plan (FYP), China could install
50GW solar farm (SF) capacity per year. During the later stage of the 14th FYP
(2024-25), new SF capacity addition can reach 70-80GW/year.
• LONGi expects limited room for module price to drop further in ’21. Power output
cost may drop another 5% in ’21, helped by module efficiency improvement, e.g.,
the deployment of larger-sized panels.
• Due to rapid capacity expansion, LONGi expects oversupply for silicon wafer in ’21.
Leading producers will intensify price competition to squeeze out small players, thus
wafer ASPs may drop further in ’21.
• Module price change by Rmb0.3/W will impact project IRR by 1%. The floor price
for module is Rmb1.5/W. If SG shortage persists, module price may stay at
Rmb1.75/W. Large-sized module ASP will be cRmb1.75/W. 70% of market demand
will be satisfied by the top 5-6 producers. Some SF developers may not be
profitable if module price rises to >=Rmb1.75/W. However, state-owned SF
• LONGi believes 166mm size wafers will still be mainstream product in ’20 & in
1H21 but LONGi expects share of 188/210mm wafers may significantly increase in
2H21 & ‘22. All of LONGi’s new production lines can produce 210mm and smaller
size wafer. 182mm module produces 7.5W vs 6.15W from 166mn module.
• Tongwei expects 50-60GW of new SF capacity addition in China in 2021 & 60-
80GW/year from 2022 onwards during the 14th FYP. Under a bullish scenario, SF
capacity addition can reach 100GW/year. Tongwei expects global solar power
installation/demand at 150-160GW in ’21 helped by module price and construction
cost drop.
• Tongwei said that energy conversion ratio for PERC cells has gradually risen since
2016/17 & has reached 23% at stage status vs 23.8% for Topcon & 24.8-25% for
HIT PV cell designs. Although HIT cells have higher energy conversion ratio, power
production cost/kWh is much higher than PERC cells. Tongwei closely monitors new
PV cell technology development & has purchased equipment to produce Topcon
• Tongwei targets to lift its silicon production capacity to 80,000 tons by YE20,
120,000 tons by YE21 & 290,000 tons by YE23. Tongwei’s current solar cell
production capacity is 27.5GW. Upon completion of its Meishan & Jintang
production lines, Tongwei’s solar cell production can reach 42.5GW. By YE23,
Tongwei target solar cell production capacity to be 80-100GW.
• Tongwei & other module producers ask for more relaxed SG capacity add criteria
compared to other types of glass. Tongwei believes government will not directly cap
SG ASP as ASP is driven by market demand and supply. But if the government
cannot properly solve the SG shortage issue, SG ASP may stay high in 2021 &
negatively impact on module producer margin.
• Dramatic shift towards RE is unlikely, due to inertia prevailing in the power &
economic sector. Increase penetration of RE in the grid will cause challenges.
Utilization rates >95% & curtailment rate at 2-3% will be key indicator of how much
new addition to be installed in the future.
• Large producer to reduce price to wipe out smaller players in the future.
• SCI expects SG ASP may further increase in Dec and stay at high point till Jan ’21.
Due to spring festival holiday, inventory level may increase and SG ASP may slightly
drop in Feb ’21. SCI expects 2021 3.2mm SG ASP to rise 20% YoY to Rmb36.5/sqm
in ‘21. SCI expects 2022-2023 SG ASP to remain generally flat or fluctuate within
certain range as supply & demand reaches equilibrium.
• For raw glass sheet, GPM was 12.6% in 10M20; GPM rose to 43.7% in Oct ’20 &
further to 50% likely in Nov. Due to leading producers’ cost & scale production
advantage, SCI expects leading SG producers’ GPM to remain > 10ppt higher than
industry average, which currently is up to 60% with current ASP level.
• Bifacial glass penetration rate estimated to be c20% in ’20 and may further
increase by 5ppt each year
• SCI expects the request from 6 PV module producers to ask PRC government to
relax SG production capacity cap approval to have no or little impact on PRC
government decision due to emissions concerns associated with glass production
capacity increase. SCI believes SG producers can purchase production capacity
quota from multiple small floating glass producers, consolidate and construct large,
efficient SG production lines.
• Large-sized SG is becoming the new SG product to fit larger size PV modules which
are more energy efficient. Due to improved energy conversion efficiency, SCI
expects penetration for large-sized SG panels will rise. All recently commissioned
large scale SG production lines are configured to produce large-sized SG products.
1. Five UHV Direct Current (DC) lines (including Shaanbei-Wuhan DC UHV, Qinghai-
Henan DC UHV, Yazhong-Jiangxi DC UHV, Baihetan to Jiangsu, Baihetan to Zhejiang);
There are 4 lines in West Inner Mongolia (IM), which are all being put into operation, still
under testing. LY is unsure when full utilization will be reached. Upon reaching full
utilization, LY reckons it will help lower wind power curtailment rate by around 1.5%.
The NEA has planned another 9 UHV lines to help to transmit the power from Northwest
of China, including Qinghai- Henan, Shanbei-Hubei, Yazhong- Jiangxi, Baihetan- Jiangsu,
Baihetan- Zhejiang, Nanping-Hubei, Nanping-Changsha.
DTR believes the curtailment ratio could be further lowered in three north areas. Wind
power curtailment issue has improved a lot since UHV lines were put into operation.
There are 5 UHN lines from IM to southern China have not been connected, partly due to
some sub-lines did not connected with the major lines.
Chart 11: XYS historical PB chart Chart 12: XYS historical PE chart
8.0 50.0
6.0 40.0
5.0 30.0
3.0 20.0
1.0 10.0
Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20
Jan-15 Jan-16 Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-19 Jan-20
PB Avg PB =3 PE Avg PE = 15.8
Source: BofA Global Research; Bloomberg Source: BofA Global Research; Bloomberg
HK Utilities
CKI 1038 HK 7.9% 7.8% 6.5% 6.7% 6.8% 10.6 13.3 12.9 12.7 9.4 12.2 11.7 11.4 6.3% 6.4% 6.5% -10.2%
CLP Holdings 2 HK 10.6% 4.4% 10.1% 10.7% 11.3% 16.4 9.7 9.2 8.8 39.4 15.6 14.6 14.0 4.2% 4.4% 4.5% 64.0%
PRC Nuclear
China General Nuclear 1816 HK 5.9% 6.6% 6.7% 6.5% 7.3% 10.2 9.7 9.6 8.7 7.4 7.4 7.3 6.2 5.5% 5.7% 4.6% -2.0%
Thermal IPPs
Huaneng Power 902 HK 2.8% 2.9% 4.2% 3.6% 3.5% 9.7 8.2 8.3 7.9 56.6 7.3 10.0 11.0 5.2% 9.7% 5.1% 131.7%
Huadian Power 1071 HK 3.3% 4.6% 4.4% 3.6% 3.6% 7.8 7.4 7.7 7.4 6.4 5.3 7.7 7.6 8.3% 9.5% 6.5% -11.3%
China Resources Power 836 HK 6.2% 6.4% 6.2% 6.8% 6.7% 6.3 5.9 5.3 5.2 6.1 5.4 4.6 4.5 6.6% 7.5% 8.8% 15.1%
China Power International 2380 HK 3.6% 4.0% 4.2% 4.8% 4.9% 10.2 9.3 8.6 8.1 10.5 8.2 6.9 6.2 10.0% 6.1% 7.2% 20.5%
Wind farms
Longyuan 916 HK 6.3% 6.3% 6.2% 6.6% 6.3% 8.1 7.4 7.1 6.9 11.4 11.2 9.4 9.2 2.0% 2.1% 2.7% 13.5%
Datang Renewables 1798 HK 5.2% 4.9% 4.8% 5.2% 5.3% 9.9 8.6 7.9 7.5 9.8 7.4 5.9 5.1 3.0% 3.5% 4.5% 32.5%
Water/waste treatment
China EverBright International 257 HK 12.3% 11.4% 11.0% 10.8% 11.6% 8.9 7.7 6.6 5.9 5.1 4.4 3.7 3.3 6.2% 7.3% 8.6% 18.3%
Beijing Enterprises Water 371 HK 9.4% 8.9% 8.3% 8.5% 9.4% 11.7 12.2 11.4 10.7 6.2 6.9 5.8 5.3 6.1% 5.5% 6.5% 3.5%
Guangdong Investment 270 HK 10.8% 11.8% 12.6% 16.0% 18.0% 11.6 8.3 9.2 8.0 17.2 17.3 14.6 12.9 4.4% 4.6% 5.0% 8.6%
SIIC Environment SIIC SP 5.5% 5.6% 5.9% 6.3% 6.7% 10.3 9.5 8.7 7.6 4.1 3.6 3.1 2.7 5.8% 6.1% 7.2% 11.7%
Gas distributors
ENN Energy 2688 HK 17.4% 17.4% 17.0% 13.9% 11.9% 13.5 11.6 11.9 12.3 18.6 16.6 17.7 19.1 1.8% 2.1% 2.3% -0.2%
China Gas 384 HK 14.9% 16.1% 16.2% 13.1% 9.2% 16.2 12.9 12.9 15.9 17.6 16.3 17.0 23.5 1.6% 1.9% 1.9% 1.7%
China Resources Gas 1193 HK 20.9% 22.3% 18.3% 15.5% 12.1% 9.3 9.6 9.5 10.6 16.0 18.2 18.9 22.7 2.4% 2.3% 2.3% -8.0%
Beijing Enterprises Holding 392 HK 7.9% 8.1% 6.3% 5.5% 4.7% 6.2 6.5 6.6 6.8 4.0 4.3 4.5 5.0 4.5% 4.4% 4.4% -4.9%
Xinyi Solar 968 HK 11.6% 13.7% 18.1% 16.9% 16.2% 29.2 20.0 17.4 15.3 46.7 31.5 28.2 25.4 1.1% 1.6% 1.7% 28.7%
Flat Glass 6865 HK 10.1% 13.6% 19.2% 18.9% 19.3% 6.9 4.2 3.3 2.8 46.8 31.9 25.4 126.0 0.2% 0.3% 0.3% 47.4%
Overseas nuclear
EDF Energy EDF FP 2.1% 2.1% 1.2% 1.8% 2.0% 7.1 7.8 6.9 6.8 9.7 15.8 12.3 12.2 1.3% 2.8% 3.8% -11.0%
Exelon Corporation EXC US 3.5% 3.4% 3.2% 3.0% 3.2% 15.2 15.7 15.3 14.8 13.0 14.0 14.8 14.1 3.4% 3.6% 3.8% -6.4%
KEPCO KPS 051600 KS 0.0% -0.4% 1.5% 1.6% n.a. 14.5 9.1 8.8 NM NM 9.9 9.2 19.3% 0.0% 2.8% 3.3% NM
Source: Company data, BofA Global Research estimates
Note: Data on A-listed companies are consensus estimates
Downside risks to our PO are (1) solar glass price decline, (2) raw material, energy cost
increase, (3) unfavorable trade policy, (4) industry oversupply risk (5) new project
development delay risk (6) competition and technology risk (7) unsuccessful share
placement approved on Oct 28
Downside risk to our PO are (1) Solar glass prices decline risk (2) Raw material price
increase risk (3) Trade policy risk -China vs the US, the EU (4) Industry oversupply risk (5)
Construction delay risk (6) Competition and technology risk
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