Qiyas of Muzaraah Hadith With Fisheries Sector and It'S Contribution To Welfare of Fishermen
Qiyas of Muzaraah Hadith With Fisheries Sector and It'S Contribution To Welfare of Fishermen
Qiyas of Muzaraah Hadith With Fisheries Sector and It'S Contribution To Welfare of Fishermen
Ja'far Assagaf
IAIN Surakarta
Jl. Pandawa, Dusun IV, Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57168
[email protected]
This research background is the condition of Indonesian small fishermen who are
generally still below the minimum wage income line. through the qiyas (analoqy)
method, the muzara'ah hadith can be applied in the fisheries sector with the aim that
small fishermen income is better than before. the results of this study indicate that with
the distribution system as muzara'ah that is profit sharing according to the percentage,
small fishermen will be more prosperous than the wage or payment system.
Keywords: Muzara'ah Hadith, Fisheries, Welfare.
seeds come from the farmers (al-Nawawiy, (Asqalaniy, 2000), although some al-
without years) (Syarh, 2000) (Sa'diy Abu Sya>fi'iyyah distinguish it as already
Habib, 1988) (al-Zuhailiy, 1405 AH / 1985 mentioned because they judge the word
AD). mukhabarah stems derived from al-khabr
Muzara’ah as a predetermined and ie farmers (al-Nawawiy, Sahih Muslim bi
agreed sharing system of farm produce Syarh al-Nawawiy. Volume V, juz X,
between the landowners and the cultivators 2000). The southern Arabian Peninsula
have been known in the time of the region such as Yemen has practiced a
Prophet Muhammad saw, by most scholars cropping system, this is because the
equated with the mukhabarah because it southern regions are cooler but cooler in
has the context of hadith related to the summer, there are also many rivers and
processing of the soil in Khaibar. Al- water places as between Yas|rib (Medina)
Bukhariy (194-256 H) relates from the and Mecca having water spots as in
companions of Ibn 'Umar (74 H): Yemen. The Arabs of Medina (then called
حذثىا إبشاٌيم به انمىزس حذثىا أوظ به ػياض ػه ػبيذ Ansar) initially learned about the
هللا ػه وافغ أن ػبذ هللا به ػمش سضي هللا ػىٍما cultivation of Jews, then the Muhajirins
أخبشٌأن انىبي صهّ هللا ػهيً َ عهم ػامم خيبش بشطش joined the farm after they were domiciled
,yilahku -la( ما يخشج مىٍا مه ثمش أَ صسع in Medina (Ali). Khaibar the birthplace of
)5991 the hadith about muzara’ah is one of the
fertile places when Islam entered in
This hadith as the initial foundation in
Madinah, besides being famous for its
muzara’ah is also narrated by some hadith
solid fortress, the city also has farmland
priests (al-Qusyairiy, 1993) (al-Sijistaniy,
and palm garden which are scattered in it
2003) (al-Turmuz|iy, 2003) (al-Qizwi>niy
(al-Hamawiy, wihout years).
& Majah, 2004) (Al-Nasaiy also narrated
b. Ulama's Opinion about
with the same meaning of Ibn 'Umar,
2004) judged the same as
The difference in muzara’ah this
mukhabarahsting, because the latter word
section can be grouped into two. The first
is derived from the word Khaibar as the
group like Abu Hanifah (d. 150 H), Zufar
name of the city where the transaction
(d. 158 H) and al-Syafi'iy (d. 204 H) did
occurred (al-Ddin & al-As|i, 1979). It
not approve muzara’ah by dividing the
seems that this reinforces the opinion of
results of one third and the like, while the
most scholars that between muzara’ah and
second group approves the method. The
mukhabarah there is no difference
Online ISSN : 2540-8402 | Print ISSN : 2540-8399
Ja'far Assagaf, Qiyas Of Muzaraah Hadith With Fisheries Sector And It’s Cont ribution To.......
agreeing group is also divided into two; 'bin Hadij (d. 73/74 H):
first, how to divide the results of one third ص َذقَةُ بهُ انفَض ِم أَخبَ َشوَا ابهُ ُػيَيىَةَ ػَه يَحيَّ َع ِم َغ
َ َح َّذثَىَا
and the like may but apply to muzara’ah قَا َل ُكىَّا أَكثَ َش- ً سضّ هللا ػى- انض َسقِ َّّ ػَه َسافِ ٍغ ُّ ََحىظَهَة
while also following musaqat according to َ ََ َكانَ أَ َح ُذوَا يُك ِشِ أَس، ًأٌَ ِم ان َم ِذيىَ ِة َحقال
فَيَقُُ ُل ٌَ ِز ِي، ًُض
al-Syafi'iyyah. And even if you use the ، فَ ُشبَّ َما أَخ َش َجت ِر ِي ََنَم تُخ ِشج ِر ِي، ك
َ َانقِط َؼةُ نِّ ٌَََ ِز ِي ن
method muzara’ah then the صهّ هللا ػهيً َعهم- ُّّ ِفَىٍََاٌُ ُم انىَّب
cultivator/farmer is paid with money (gold
(al-Bukhariy M. , 1995)
or silver) and not paid from the
distribution of the crop yields one third In addition to this hadith, there are also a
and the like, in this section,it seems that number of different editors' history from
Imam al-Syafi'iy allows to be paid with various hadith master books, all of them
money. Second, muzara’ah by dividing contain a prohibition on muzara’ah (al-
the yield of one third, one quarter or half Nasaiy, 1999) (al-Nawawiy Y. b., 2000)
between the landowner and the cultivator, (Asy‘as, 2003). This whole story is
it is permissible without merging it with contrary to the aforementioned hadith
musaqat and this is the majority opinion about the practice of muzara’ah against
like Ali (d. 40 H), Ibn Mas'ud (w 32 H), the inhabitants of Khaibar.
Ibn Musayyab (d. 94 AH), Umar bin Abd 2) There is a deception
Aziz (d. 101 H), al-Zuhri (d. 124 H), Abu Element Ulama who do not allow
Yusuf (d. 182 H), al-Syaibaniy (d. 189 H), muzara’ah see an element of deception
Malik (d. 179 H), Ibn Hanbal (d. 241 H) and harm one of the parties, especially the
and Ibn Khuzaimah (d. 311 H) from the cultivator through the method of farming.
Syafi'iy school of thought, and it seems Because a portion of the land has been
that al-Nawawiy was inclined towards this determined by the owner so that the yield
group (Qudamah & al-Maqdisiy, 1417 H/ of fertile land for him and the yield of less
1997 M). fertile land for cultivators.
Ulama who do not allow planting 3) Status of Khaibar Land
by muzara’ah have at least three reasons A general view before Islam
as follows: regarding a city or region that has been
1) Hadith about Prohibition of conquered and has been controlled by an
Doing Muzara'ah. empire, the city belongs to the empire
There is a hadith that forbids (Ali). The fall of Khaibar in the 7th year
muzara’ah, al-Bukhariy narrates from Rafi for Muslims was part of the socio-political
context at that time, the city had is being highlighted even by these
automatically become part of the territory economic actors. Although it is undeniable
of Muslims. The emergence of the that conventional economics has
discussion of the fuqaha'regarding the advantages, but in addition he also has
status of the land of Khaibar because some weaknesses. The lack of humanitarian
judge gained through war while others aspects and ethical aspects are two things
considered that the fall of Khaibar was that are widely criticized in conventional
through peace (al-Zuhailiy, al-Fiqh al- economics regarding justice and
Islamiy wa Adillatuhu. Juz V. Print II , considered as a weakness of this economic
1405 H/1985 M) (al-Nawawiy Y. b., Sahih system (Dimyati, 2007) (Kholis).
Muslim bi Syarh al-Nawawiy. Volume V, Based on the opinion of the
juz X, 2000). majority of scholars about muzara’ah skill
c. Distribution of Muzara’ah by dividing the yields of crops between
Results in the Islamic Economic landowners and cultivators is a step to
View The progress that has been achieve justice in the economy. This
achieved by mature conventional division has been exemplified in the hadith
economics has now reached an amazing in the form the half for landowners and the
level. From the aspect of innovation, other half for farmers. It can also be
methodology, mathematical models related divided into one third (1/3), one quarter
to evaluation and prediction experience (1/4) or otherwise as practiced by the early
rapid and rapid development. However, he Muslim generation (al-‘Asqalaniy &
was unable to target humanitarian aspects Hajar, 2000).
such as justice and public benefit. The muzara’ah between
According to Chapra, conventional landowners can follow the requirements
economics ignores values, morals,and set out in the Sharia Economic Law
religion. economic development should Compilation (KHES) for example in
not focus on mere economic variables, articles 256-265 and also the rules in the
moral aspects, social aspects, and so on field of Agrarian which regulates the weak
must also be taken into account (Dimyati, economic class (usual farmers from the
2007). farmer class ordinary) can avoid practices
In the context of conventional that harm them in the production sharing
economics, the element of justice is very agreement (Pasaribu, 1996) (Team, 2009).
little attention. Today's adult phenomenon
not only accepted by logic but actually the qiyas method. The key to the verse
happened empirically. Second, logically with the word i‘tibar for al-Amidiy is a
worshiping with Qiyas can be accepted strong logic from the aspect of language
even though empirically does not occur and practice which confirms the continuity
(al-Raziy, Al-Mahsul fi Ilm Usul al-Fiqh. of Qiyas (al-Amidiy, 1402 H/1982 M).
Juz III & V. Notated by Taha Jabir Fayyad b) Hadith
al-‘Alwaniy. Print III, 1997). In addition to The hadiths that are often used as
the group that receives Qiyas, there are permits for using Qiyas are the narrations
also groups that reject it. Various of Abu Daud, Turmuziy and Ibn H{anbal
arguments were raised by the two groups, about the Prophet sending Muaz toYemen
but the ones chosen were groups that and allowing him to use reason when
received Qiyas as one of the sources of determining laws that are not contained in
Islamic teachings (al-Amidiy, 1402 the Qur'an and hadith (al-Sijistaniy, 2003)
H/1982 M) (al-Raziy, Al-Mahsul fi Ilm (al-Turmuz|iy, 2003) (Hanbal & Ahmad,
Usul al-Fiqh. Juz III & V. Notated by Taha without years). Although this hadith is
Jabir Fayyad al-‘Alwaniy. Print III, 1997). judged while the muhaddis is not strong,
Some arguments are put forward the history of the sending of Muaz to
by scholars who receive Qiyas as follows: Yemen is an undeniable fact (al-Bukhariy
a) QS.al-Nisa; 59 M. , 1995) (Ibn Asir II, 1979) and there
In QS: al-Nisa, 59 there is an order are other propositions in the form of
to obey Allah and His Messenger, then the several authentic traditions which all
command to return to both if the Muslims indicate the use of Qiyas even the Prophet
disagree. Al-Amidiy discusses this verse at Muhammad saw practiced it (al-Amidiy,
length which can be taken from the core of 1402 H/1982 M).
the answer, namely the command to obey Including the proof of the Prophet
is understood by carrying out the saw. using Qiyas ie thehadith the Muslim
instructions that come from both of them history of a person will get a reward when
and stay away from their prohibitions (in he puts his genitals on his wife because the
the Qur'an and hadith), while the order to woman has been lawful for him, as the
return is by taking the contents from the person will sin if his genitals are placed on
source of Islamic teachings through Qiyas. the woman who committed adultery with
End This verse affirms that people take her (al-Qusyairiy, 1993).
toi‘tibar from the problems that exist with c) Consensus (Ijma‘).
be in the form of private land or land origin and the branch do not seem to have
owned by the leader/government; fourth, a problem, except for the ulama who from
agriculture today is broader, including the beginning did not approve muzara’ah.
animal cultivation including fisheries and Indeed, there is one of the
parts other than plants; fifth, profit sharing original pillar conditions, namely the law
can be adjusted to past conditions; sixth, in contained in the pillars is agreed upon, but
addition to private and government land this cannot happen because qiy as itself is
there are also common land owned by the disputed (al-Amidiy, 1402 H/1982 M) (al-
state, especially the marine fisheries Syaukaniy, without years) as muzara’ah,
sector; seventh, profit sharing can involve so that the pillars of origin in muzara’ah
third parties other than landowners and apply to those who acknowledge existence
fishermen, namely units that are related to qiyas as a source of Islamic law.
improving the welfare of fishermen. The The conditions for the branch unit,
first three perspectives are related to the namely the fisheries sector can be declared
past when the hadith is spoken and the as having fulfilled the qualifications as a
other four are related to the present. branch of origin, namely muzara’ah
For the seventh perspective, the because the fisheries sector is practiced
sharing of results involving third parties because in order to obtain general welfare
such as cooperative units and so on/ serves as muzara’ah, the law is the same as
to regulate so that the distribution of muzara’ah ie may for the majority of
results is truly fair and at the same time a scholars, there is no text about the profit
place for savings and loans for fishermen, sharing in this sector and the law is not
not just a place for mandatory deposits that first from the law of muzara’ah (al-
some fishermen may find burdensome. Amidiy, 1402 H/1982 M) (al-Syaukaniy,
2) Implementation of Qiyas against without years).
Muzara’ah Hadith in the Fisheries Sector The search for Qiyas
After discussing the views of al- implementation of muzara’ah traditions
Muti‘iy above, it appears that the fisheries has a relationship between the two, so
sector can be divested muzara’ah, but it some problems that have been stated will
has not yet been obtained to equate be traced so that ‘illat between the two can
muzara’ah as the origin and fisheries be obtained so that it becomes increasingly
sector as a branch. In the other clear. Of the seven reasons for detecting
qualifications of the harmony Qiyas, the ‘illat, it seems that there are four factors
that can be used to implement Qiyas something that had happened was the habit
against muzara’ah traditions in the of managing land by local Jews giving
fisheries sector as follows: birth to the Prophet's decision regarding
First, the actions of the Prophet muzara’ah which was reinforced by
Muhammad saw. Hadith about muzara’ah Muslim history that the Jews requested
clearly exists because the Prophet that they manage the land of Khaibar (al-
practiced it and then followed the majority Qusyairiy, 1993).
of Muslims. The practice of muzara’ah Second, the text is clear from the
after it was discovered that the Khaibar hadith that uses the letter ta‘lil. In some
farm that could manage it was local Jews, words the traditions of muzara’ah in
therefore the Holy Prophet handed over Khaibar there is the word بشطشafter the
the management to them. This maslakfind words of Rasul sawwas with the residents
the Prophet's decision to transact with of Khaibar. If the انباءletter in the hadith
Khaibar Jews because they were more narrated by al-Bukhariy is sababiyyah
aware of the management of Khaibar's (cause) then it is included in the letter ta‘lil
land as well as the form of mu’amalah so this fact found that because the Khaibar
instead of being good with them for the Jews worked then they got half of the
common good. results of muzara’ah. This explanation is
What the Holy Prophet did imply reinforced with another al-Bukhariy
that it was due to the experience that had history:
been going on about the management of حذثىا مُعّ به إعماػيم حذثىا جُيشيً ػه وافغ ػه
Khaibar's land. This is maslakis mentioned َ ًػبذ هللا سضي هللا ػىً قال أػطّ انىبي صهّ هللا ػهي
by al-Syaukaniythat the actions of the عهم خيبش انيٍُد أن يؼمهٌُا َيضسػٌُا َنٍم شطش ما
Prophet after something happened, يخشج مىٍا
whether it came from the Prophet himself
(al-Bukhariy M. b., 1995)
or other than that, al-Syaukaniysaid that
someone's actions were known by the Although this narration and the previous
Prophet and there was a decision included narration are riwayah bi al-ma‘na, but the
in this maslak (al-Syaukaniy, without Khaibar incident is a fact including the
years)without elaborating in more detail management of Khaibar's land, the two
about the actions of the people or the facts narrations can be used to find ‘illat.
that occurred in general that encouraged Third,munasabah is something
the Prophet to do something. In Khaibar, that is compatible and acceptable to human
reason because it relates to anything that between agriculture and fisheries are
brings benefit and away from harmful studied in their respective fields, in fact,
things. The practice of muzara’ahis fisheries are recognized as part of
included in this maslakas needed (hajjiy) agriculture and not vice versa. Here the
as the fisheries sector is a general human problem can be developed further through
need. Category hajjiy is what is needed but the habits of a society or ‘urfwhat happens.
not in something urgent (daruriy) such as Fisheries may in the emergence of
rent, musaqat and so on (al-Syaukaniy, muzara’ahhadith not been discussed and
without years) including muzara’ah. not categorized as part of agriculture, but
However, this connects muzara’ah with now adults are actually fisheries born from
the fisheries sector because both are agriculture because of the following; (b)
included in the category hajjiy; things that similar properties (syibh) between
are needed by everyone but not urgent. cropping and fisheries meet at breeding.
Fourth, the maslakthat can Agriculture breeds plants and plants while
implement Qiyasmuzara’ah hadith with fisheries breed aquatic animals; fish and its
the fisheries sector through syibh is to types. The similarity of both lies in the
establish 'illat with similarities. This term nature of breeding; (c) different land
has become a common thing for Qiyas, between water (at sea and on land) with
connecting the branches of the branch in land but having similarities in the payment
harmony because there are similar or system to workers; fishermen or farmers.
similar ones, even though in the case of For section (c) some of the scholars
combining the aforementioned scholars, who do not approve muzara’ah have been
we disagree, but this maslakincluding explained to allow farmers to earn wages
those that must be considered to find paid, even though the fee is not from the
similarities (al-Syaukaniy, without years) transaction muzara’ah, but the landowner
(al-Amidiy, 1402 H/1982 M) between pays the money to the farmer, so the
branches and origin. transaction is ijarah. But this happens
The implementation maslaksyibhin because one of the causes is because there
the muzara’ahhadith as the origin and are similarities in the branches of the
fisheries sector as a branch can be seen branch in this case fisheries with two
from: (a) between muzara’ah and the original pillars, muzara’ah and ijarah (al-
fisheries sector included in the agricultural Amidiy, 1402 H/1982 M) (al-Raziy, Al-
sector. Although in the present time Mahsul fi Ilm Usul al-Fiqh. Juz III & V.
Notated by Taha Jabir Fayyad al- not reflect decent income even if
‘Alwaniy. Print III, 1997) (Biek, 1988). compared to the national minimum wage
4. Fishermen's Welfare and the (UMR) in 2012 the average income of
Distribution of Muzara’ah Indonesian fishermen is still under UMR.
Model Results Implications The Central Statistics Agency in
a. Indonesian Fishermen's Welfare September 2017 released data on the
The great potential in Indonesia's number of poor fishermen contributing
marine waters that has been mentioned has 20% of the total poor population in the
not been enough to make fishermen more country or around 5.2 million people. The
prosperous. In general, the development of World Bank places the total income of
national capture fisheries conditions can be fishermen in Indonesia who are below the
illustrated by the status of the development poverty line of 520,000 every month
of fishermen, fishing fleets, and fishing (https://m.detik.com/news/kolom/d-
gear. Information regarding the trend of 3979437/akses-keuangan-bagi-kaum-
the number of fishermen in the last decade nelayan , 2018). The same reports from
(2003-2012 period) decreased the number 2015-2018 about the number of poor
of fishermen catching fish in the sea. fishermen, although Indonesia's fishery
Meanwhile, the number of fishermen potential is so large
caught in relatively public waters tends to (https://m.liputan6.com/bisnis/read/322488
fluctuate somewhat. However, overall the 6/stok-ikan-melimpah-sudahkah-nelayan-
number of fishermen tends to decline in dan-industri-menikmatinya , 2018).
the last decade (Kementerian President Jokowi once mentioned
PPN/Bappenas Direktorat kelautan dan that Indonesia's future is at sea, so the
Perikanan. Kajian Strategi Pengelolaan potential of the sea must be utilized for the
Perikanan Berkelanjutan.2014. welfare of the people. But the not-so-high
https://www.bappenas.go.id/files/7614/440 profit can make people think of becoming
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erkelanjutan.pdf, 2018). Prasetyono, the factors that make people
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numbers can be caused by several factors, a solution. One of the important points
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than unskilled workers, because the government plays a role in creating a
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