Imperial Skies PDF Edition
Imperial Skies PDF Edition
Imperial Skies PDF Edition
Table of Contents
GAME MODELS AND DECALS start defending their homeland with modified earth based lighter than
air technology and some technology of their own manufacture.
You can use models from any manufacturer with these rules
and we encourage the use of different types of plastic kit, resin,
metal and homemade miniatures. OPTIONAL RULES
The fine models designed and sold by Brigade Models in the UK There are additional optional rules including altitude, showdown’s
are perfect and are scaled correctly for the game. They offer a and target priority. The rules are written in such a way that these
range of models for each nation, so you can start a fleet quickly additional options can be added with minimal change to the core
and expand slowly. Dom’s Decals provide excellent small scale game. However as you layer on the additional options the game play
decals in 1/300th and 1/600th. Both of these decal scales time will increase, so it is recommended that you play without the
are suitable for the 1/1200th scale of airship miniatures from optional add-on rules until players are familiar with the core rules.
Brigade Models because you can use the larger scaled decals Larger battles can also be played without these additional options,
to represent large roundels for easy identification of vessels. allowing for a more rapid resolution when 50 or more airships are on
the table.
To play Imperial Skies you will need this set of rules, an opponent
The Imperial Skies is a wargame set against a fictional backdrop of and a selection of lighter than airship miniatures.
the early 20th Century, in a period spanning a decade or two before
turn of the century through to the 1920’s which is known as the A table space of a size of around 6ft by 4ft is ideal for a game of
Inter-War Era. In this alternative history World War I does not end Imperial skies. Using a blue cloth for a battle over the sea or a mix of
but instead the battles continue to rage in the skies using blimps, cloth and terrain for a battle over land. A smaller area of 4ft x 4ft is
zeppelins, airships and aircraft to increase the range and global scope ideal for smaller games. You can use models from Brigade Models or
of the war. Certain areas of the globe remain more stable than others
but warfare continues as control of trade becomes a fight for the
skies as merchant vessels also take to the sky. This is by no means
a hard and fast period for the game with the rules able to cover earlier
periods should you prefer a fictional setting in the 1800’s.
The models used to play the game are flying air vessels of different
types that include blimps, zeppelins, traditional aircraft and lighter
than airships which have the appearance of normal naval sea faring
ships, however they have been built with lighter than air technology to
enable them to sail the air rather than sea.
Sealed airships with oxygen storage are also able to make space
faring expeditions and battles rage for dominance of resources and
territory on the Moon and Mars. The Martian canals and surprising
A fighter launched from a French Les Arc Class Fighter Carrier.
light but usable atmosphere provide fresh water and mineral resources On a routine patrol over Belgium, the fighter leads a wing over
that trigger a land grab from the various battling Earth Nations. the battle weary terrain below.
any of the other ranges available and scratch building is encouraged. Each turn of the game includes a phase where both players roll for
Pit Road are another manufacturer that make an excellent range of Command Points. These are expended during the course of each turn
1/700th Aircraft and associated models that work well for the scale. and some form of token will be required to place beside each ship to
confirm that a command point has been assigned to it.
Standard imperial inches are used for all measurements, so a
tape ruler featuring inches is vital for game play. Both distance of Base sizing is not important for gun range measurement because all
movement and ranges of guns firing need to be measured during play. measurement is from the centre post of the ship. Players may select
The rules also feature a set of bespoke turning curves which are used different base types for their ships depending on preference and we
to turn flying vessels. A copy of these turning curves is included at recommend either the industry standard bases from Brigade Models
the back of the book which could be photocopied and mounted on or the advanced basing system from Corsec Engineering.
card stock. However you will be able to purchase a set of these made
of a more resilient material from all good hobby suppliers. Playtest and moral support thanks of great magnitude to: Andy
Bouffard, Duncan Gosling, Simon Moules, David Frampton, Jonathan
DICE AND TOKENS Rogers, Tony Francis, Patrick Lefèvre, Robyn Hughes and many more
of the very kind kickstarter supporters that enabled this game to be
published in 2016. Thanks to Duncan Gosling for editing, writing and
The core shooting mechanism uses D6 dice and it is recommended
supporting the history and timeline.
that players select three colours of die, one for each type of gun being
fired. Using three different colours (red, orange and yellow) will allow
Short story inserts by Rhiannon Rasmussen-Silverstein and cover
a player to roll all vessel firing gun dice in a single toss and then
plus various internal colour and black and white art work by Alex
confirm hits based on the colour of each die.
Bucur. Other graphics and design layout Peter aka "Camouslav Art".
October, 1915. A British Carrier with an escort near Bosphorus on the Black Sea. Bringing much needed support against the
German fleet present in the area and triggering an initial cat and mouse skirmish for domination of this tactically important region.
LIGHTER THAN AIR TECHNOLOGY finally in the spring of 1873 Loewe and Grandal were ready to test
Dr Kurt Loewe (23 May 1848 – 10 August 1896) their Dampfturbine Flugmaschine. It was a total failure. Their lift
German pioneer of aviation who became known as the Airship King was completely insufficient and more importantly they could not
(Luftschiff König) and Doctor Flight (Flug Doktor) maintain the pressure and the necessary power levels to allow free
and consistent movement of the mechanical wings. Grandal was
Kurt Loewe was a German inventor and creator of the Loewe heartbroken but Loewe became even more focused and driven by this
Graviton Engine (LGE) also known as the Hydrogen Resonator Engine failure.
and founding father of the Lighter-than-Air movement. Educated at
Heidelberg University the young Kurt had an extraordinary flare for For two more years the pair struggled on until the passing of his
engineering and particularly the inner workings of flight. Whilst his father forced Grandal to return to Berlin to attend to the families
burgeoning genius for the mechanical was obvious to all, his lecturers affairs and Loewe suspended work on the Dampfturbine Flugmaschine
became increasingly worried with his unnatural pursuit of flight – not until his return. This pause allowed Loewe to contemplate his
just flight like a bird but true defiance of gravity! efforts and he came to the stark realisation that the Dampfturbine
Flugmaschine design was not the flaw in his success but the material
Loewe’s unshackled mind explored all manner of strange subjects of construction. Loewe wrote to his friend Grandal imploring him
from biology and chemistry to alchemy and mythology seeking to return with all possible haste to assist in the testing of various
the answer to the unspoken question of proving Isaac Newton metals. Loewe became obsessed with metallurgy and began smelting
incontrovertibly wrong. This wandering lust for finding the answer to and forging his own parts of the revised Dampfturbine Flugmaschine.
the questions that plagued his brilliant mind was interrupted in 1870
when finally the wilful force of his jingoistic father prevailed and the This would be Loewe greatest moment and his darkest hour. Grandal
fledgling doctor signed up for military service in the Prussian army arrived unannounced in early 1878 to their impromptu workshop
against the Franco foe to the west. and not knowing of Loewe new experiments unwittingly caused a
catastrophic hydrogen explosion. Grandal was badly burned in the
Kurt found war abhorrent – even in the stunning victories of Bismarck accident and lost the use of most of the left hand side of his body and
the grotesque loss of life on both sides left the impressionable artillery had extensive visible scaring on his face and arms. This tragedy did
Captain deeply scarred. The only positive that Loewe would ever
discuss from this period was the “magnificent use of balloons” for
observation of the enemy. It was during this time that Loewe found
a like minded soul in the form of Lieutenant Hanz Grandal. Grandal
was a fellow scientist and had found himself assigned to the German
Ordnance Corps responsible for the balloon observers. He and Loewe
would form a friendship that would change the face our aeronautics
and the very landscape of the world.
After the war had ended in 1871 Loewe returned to Heidelberg with
renewed focus and with a new assistant – Hanz Grandal. The two set
to work immediately creating an ad-hoc laboratory in the basement
of Loewe’s lodgings and furnishing it with all kinds of paraphilia
misappropriated from the University stores. It took many months
to gather all the equipment and literature that Loewe needed for his
The Erzherzog Ferdinand Max Class Battleship being fuelled
masterpiece - a set of powered flapping wings using a small steam
and fitted at a rapidly built and deployed temporary battlefield
compression engine. refueling station.
There were many false starts, dead ends and near misses but
lead though to the discovery of certain properties on a sheet of nickel experiments in which Loewe strove to create consistency in the
that had been used as a base plate for his steam engine as the high design and manufacture of his wonder device – 20 years would
fluctuation in charge at specific frequencies exhibited astounding pass before the potential of the LGE would realised. Even then as the
resonating qualities that made the material much lighter than air. It century drew to a close the magnificence of the LGE was not possible
would take Loewe and Grandal ten years to perfect and quantify the for all. Small machines cost enough to bankrupt small countries; to
combination of a workshop magnet and an overloaded small steam say that they were a luxury was a significant understatement. During
engine to create the marvel that is the graviton engine. The resulting this period there was a technological push to match and develop his
hydrogen and coal fuelled ultra high pressure steam engine was a design. All across Europe and in Russia there was a race to develop
revelation. ever bigger flying contraptions and eventually different engine and
fuel types drove the graviton engines. Even as international tensions
The Loewe Graviton Engine is a small ultra-high pressure steam grew, especially between Germany , France and Russia, the race for
engine with both hydrogen and coal fuel sources. The product of the first meaningful, economically viable LGE continued without
ten years hard toil which culminated in the maiden flight 1889 of a pause or falter.
wooden rowing boat with the lower hull nickel plated. In front of an
amazed Berlin crowd in Friedrichshain park, Loewe took his graviton In 1896 tragedy stuck the Loewe/Grandal operations once again.
engine contraption for its maiden flight. He rose to 20 meters over The legend that was Kurt Loewe passed from this world to the
the boating lake before dropping in a partially controlled fall into the next. He died on the 10th August when he broke his neck during an
water. The boat sunk but the crowd were wild with excitement at the glider flight. He would never see the glory of the massive humming
sight of the flying boat. Ironclads take to the air in the beginning of the 20th century; for Kurt
the struggle for flight was over. He had created much but never lived
This landmark event would lead to further bigger, brasher, bolder to see his greatest dream bare its final fruits.
German Airships seen near Scarborough during an early sortie over British soil. Using the Corsec Engineering flight bases. Terrain
created by Tony Francis of Brigade Models.
TEMPERATURES RISING Now all major nations had access to Loewe’s research and the work
that HG Himmel Unternehmen had been undertaking for Germany, the
At the beginning of the 20th Century the world was tinder dry LGE, was no longer the advantage it was but was the means to a new
awaiting just the right spark to set it ablaze. arena of conflict – the very skies of Europe and beyond. Each nation
now leapt ahead in differing areas of lighter than airship technology
In 1904 Russia had suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of depending on which area of HG Himmel Unternehmen research and
the Japanese Empire and its LGE program was in turmoil as scientist, its guardian that reached them.
machinist and Tsarist vied for the very soul of their nation. Britain
continued to plough its considerable wealth and resources into The Imperial German Navy was the first to take to the skies with
standard oceanic craft culminating in the launch of the world’s first Grand Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz guiding the progress with Hans in the
“Dreadnought” class battleship in 1906. Germany responded in kind technical lead but it was less than six months before the might of the
and also began funding Hanz with the foundation of a new company Royal Navy had swung into action and the first smaller Sky Frigates
– HG Himmel Unternehmen in ongoing LGE research for the state. where entering the fray and less than a year before all nations had
some form of LGE Fleet ready and waiting.
On the 28th June 1914 the spark flew; Archduke Franz Ferdinand
heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife are 3 years on and 1918 becomes 1919 and there seems no end to the
assassinated in Sarajevo. The arms race and national production bloodshed that has ripped Europe apart and fractured the rest of the
turned its focus now to the killing fields of Europe; LGE was too world into rival blocs.
expensive and to experimental to play it’s part so the rush for
conventional arms went into overdrive.
1915 was the year that changed everything. Total War became a
reality with the German Zeppelin air raid on England. Cities burned in
the aftermath and with the stagnation of the Western Front all parties
realised that who controlled the skies now controlled the world.
LGE development now came into brilliant focus – all the industrial
powers of the world wanted to gain that crucial advantage over
their peers in a frenzy of espionage, research, development and
assassination. Hanz survived two attempts on his life before the end
of 1915 when he realised that America, France and Britain would see
him in the grave before he could ever complete his life’s work – he
needed time.
Hans bought that time with the one thing he had to bargain with
– his LGE research. Calling together his most trusted people from
HG Himmel Unternehmen Hanz laid out his plan to them; they were
going to flee Germany. Steffen Merten, HG Himmel Unternehmen
Chief Engineer was smuggled via Switzerland to Russia. Pauline
Holzknecht, a brilliant young Physicist, was smuggled over the Alps
to Italy and from there on to the United States of America. The final
pair Heiko Marcell Scheer and Ziska Bern, both part of the HG Himmel British AA gun. Defending Norfolk based Bacton airfield from
Unternehmen R&D group were taken through Belgium and to France incoming German Airships. More frequent attacks from airships
over the sea have resulted in various rapid response mobile
and Britain respectively.
teams being deployed up and down the coast.
HISTORY Timeline
of note. It hadn’t taken long into the war until all countries
LAUNCH involved had realized the rules of engagement were malleable.
The officers would pretend the gentlemanly way was to each
The bugle sounded, announcing the arrival of Captain maneuver into place, but nothing was gained or lost that way.
Frampton, at least officially. Adele Giese squinted, trying to When territory was at stake, the claws came out.
pick out which of the uniformed men on the deck of the airship
was the captain. She was far below the deck of the airship, Down at the dock, the mayor produced a bottle of champagne
far below even the huge pylons the airship was tethered to, to smash across the hull, and confetti shredded from rolls of
standing down on the dock, among the crush of people who had ticker-tape rained down onto the crowd from surrounding airport
turned out to Croydon Airport in order to see the launch of the buildings. A waste of paper, as far as Adele was concerned. No
Benbow-class battleship. one, not officer nor civilian, ever thought of the street-sweeper.
Of her assignments, it was far from the most important that she There was a great scraping as the steel tether pulled across the
had ever been on. Germany already knew that the airship was concrete tether. The battleship’s graviton engines roared aloud,
going to be launched, and on a very base level she suspected a sound like thunder rolling closer yet never arriving, and it rose
that it was all a ruse, and somewhere else in secret some slowly, slowly into the air. Even after decades, it was hard to
Dreadnought was being launched, a secret from all but the very believe that a craft the size of a building could take flight.
top level of British commanders. But all in all, it wasn’t too bad
a summer day to be out anyway; not too cloudy, and only a Adele watched the ticker-tape stream down into the street as the
slight spitting of rain down from the sky. battleship pulled away, up and into the clouds above, above the
rain and off to war. The crowd erupted into a deafening roar of
The British Navy band was playing a fanfare as the captain patriotism around her, and she wondered what difference this all
strode forward. His speech was the usual bravado, nothing would make.
Game underway with various American Airships over a Mediterranean coastal region. Models are a combination of Brigade models
and custom modified builds made and painted by Jonathan Rogers.
18th January - Bismarck completes efforts to unify Prussia and 1914
the German kingdoms into a single nation and has King Wilhelm I 28th June - Archduke Franz Ferdinand heir to the throne of the
proclaimed Kaiser. Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife are assassinated in Sarajevo.
12th March – Inspired by the huge observation balloons deployed as 28th July - Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary declares war
artillery spotters on the front with the French Kurt Loewe experiments on Serbia.
in light than air result in an early balloon launch of his own but end in
disaster with the death of 10 men as the balloon material terminally 31st July - As an ally of Serbia, Russia announces full mobilization
fails during its ascent. of her armed forces.
10th May - France forced to sign humiliating treaty with Germany
that ends the 1870-71 Franco-Prussian War. August – Paul Behncke, Deputy Chief of the German Naval Staff,
proposes plans to begin strategic bombing of the British Mainland
1st August - Germany mobilizes her armed forces and declares war
1889 on Russia.
18th May - In front of a massive Berlin crowd in Friedrichshain Park,
Kurt Loewe took his graviton engine contraption for a flight down
through the park and to the surprise of the crowd he rose to
20 meters over the boating pond before dropping in a partially
controlled fall into the water. The boat sunk but the crowd were wild
with excitement at the sight of powered flight. The age of airborne
discovery was entered.
Nicolas is crowned Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, a position he did not
want. Germany and Russia do not renew a friendship treaty and begin
their adversary relationship.
British airships including the Audacious class Battlecruiser
supported by the smaller Exeter class Cruiser mounted on
1901 Corsec Engineering bases. Using roundel water slide decals
Great Britain’s Queen Victoria, whose bloodline runs through most from Dom's Decals.
of the ruling houses of Europe, dies.
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HISTORY Timeline
Paul von Hindenburg achieves its greatest victory of the war on the
3rd August - Germany declares war on France. Eastern front against Russia at the Battle of Tennenberg.
4th August - Germany declares war on neutral Belgium and invades 2nd September – Zeppelin night raid on Antwerp
in a right flanking move designed to defeat France quickly. As a result
of this invasion, Britain declares war on Germany. 2nd September Japanese forces landed on China’s Shandong
province and surrounded the German settlement at Tsingtao
6th August - Austria-Hungary declares war on Russia. (Qingdao).
6th August - German Army Zeppelin Z VI bombed the Belgian city 5th – 10th September - First Battle of the Marne halts German
of Liège. invasion in France.
22nd August -”The Battle of the Frontiers” - 27,000 French soldiers 15th September - First trenches of the Western front are dug.
die on this single day in an offensive thrust to the east of Paris,
towards the German borders. 21st December - A Friedrichshafen FF.29 drops two bombs into the
sea near the Admiralty Pier in Dover.
23rd August- Imperial Japan declares war on Imperial Germany.
25th December - Unofficial Christmas Truce declared by soldiers in
25th August – Zeppelin night raid on Antwerp the trenches along the Western Front.
Brigade Models German Schleswig-Holstein class Dirigible Battleship. Using a shorter Corsec Engineering base with a large hex
base to reduce the chance of this large resin model toppling over during movement.
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25th April - Allies begin nine-month battle for the Turkish peninsula
of Gallipoli. A pair of German Brandenburg class Dirigible Destroyers,
airbrushed in a style similar to WWI fighter aircraft with a
May - Japan invades the Mariana, Caroline, and Marshall Islands distinctive white tail.
with virtually no resistance. The United States increases the fleets
deployment in Hawaii in a direct response.
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down by ground mounted ack-ack but the spring raids have been This caused utter consternation within the upper echelons of the
so devastating, both in material and morale the Sanktandreas base British Higher Command despite the relatively small size of the forces
capacity is expanded. engaged.
1st April – German High Command expands the scope of Total War 7th November - Woodrow Wilson re-elected President of the United
to unleash the new LGE powered airships on the rear areas of the States with campaign slogan: “He kept us out of the war”
Western Front. Supply and logistics difficulties now place tremendous
strain on the front lines. British and French High Command respond 18th November - Albert Gerald Stern, the head of the British Tank
by commissioning the Le Ciel programme to increase the calibre and Supply Department, writes to the War Office ordering the expansion
density of the anti-aircraft mesures along the western front. of the “Flying Elephant” project.
9th April - Canadians take Vimy Ridge but at a terrible cost. Field 7th December - David Lloyd George becomes Prime Minister of
Marshal Haig cancels other offenses to restructure and reorganise Britain.
based on the chaos in his rear areas.
12th December – The German High Command approve, at the
31st May – 1st June - The Battle of Jutland, the only major naval instigation of the Kaiser, a plan was made to bomb St Petersburg in
engagement of the war is fought with no clear winner. The German December 1916. Two Navy zeppelins were transferred to Wainoden
Admiralty now turns its focus to LGE powered craft as it sees that on the Courland Peninsula. A preliminary attempt to bomb Reval on
there is stalemate on the open seas. 28 December was another stunning success
16th June - first British LGE powered airships take to the skies over 31st December - Rasputin, the self-avowed holy man and confidant
the English Channel from their new operational base at Gatwick in to the Tsarina, is killed in a German air raid on the Russian capital.
Sussex and Biggin Hill in Kent. The Battle of the Channel begins.
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HISTORY TIMELINE 2nd June - the German War Ministry orders the development of a
new superheavy tank intended to be used in break-through situations.
1917 CONTINUED Design work was began by Joseph Vollmer, a reserve captain and
engineer working for the Verkehrstechnische Prüfungskommission.
16th April - President Wilson asks Congress for a declaration of war
with Imperial Mexico.
4th June – Argentina agrees to sell surplus wheat to Germany. This
was a popular move with the pro-Central Power population and was a
16th – 29th April - French launch disastrous offensive at Chemin
solution to the problem of mounting surpluses in Argentina.
des Dames, advancing only 500 yards at the cost of 250,000 plus
10th June - Admiral Sir Percy Scott dispatched to Washington to
assist with the US air defences on the 1848 Front.
April – June - Over half a million French soldiers mutiny, or “go on
strike” and refuse to continue the failed offensive.
15th June – Argentina declares war on Brazil and signs the
“Understanding of Borders” agreement with Chile essentially
29th April – France launches its first LGE powered craft from their
expressing their intention to carve up much of South America
bases in Marseilles, Caen and Lyon.
amongst themselves.
3rd May – President Wilson issues a National State of Emergency
17th June – 21st June – Battle of Los Angeles. Flota Aérea Imperial
and rallies all the National Guard Regiments in defence of the
is dispatched to bombard Los Angeles in preparation for a massive
Colorado River also known as the 1848 Front. Wilson informs the
Mexican offensive. Commanded by Konteradmiral Karl-Hanz Ludwig
Allies that there will be no engagement by American forces in Europe.
initial operations are a success but are suspended when SMS
Sigismund and SMS Lipany are both crippled by British 3” QRF guns
6th May – Chile signs a mutual understanding agreement with
rushed to the front from Canada.
Japan and declares war on the United States in support of the forces
of Venustiano Carranza. Almirante Cochrane is dispatched to the
28th June – German War Ministry approved the draft designs for the
west coast of the United States and is seen in the vicinity of Santa
new super-heavy tank and ordered ten prototypes, five to be built by
Carolina Island.
18th May - The United States passes the Selective Service Act
empowering the Federal Government to draft men for the armed
25th May - German U-boats sink two Argentine ships and the reaction
was mass anti-German demonstrations in Buenos Aires. Argentina’s
President Hipolyto Irigoyen demands reparation from German Foreign The German Emden class Light Cruiser. Painted by me and one
Minister Alfred Zimmerman who realises that support for Germany in of my favorite airships in the line of Brigade models miniatures.
the Americas was on a knife edge, so he offered to apologise and to A sleek and fast cruiser that packs a punch at medium range. I
have the Argentine flag saluted. painted some blue lines on the hull to add detail to the model.
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the Riebe ball-bearing factory in Berlin and five by Wegmann & Co. of 9th December - British capture Jerusalem from the Turks and her
Kassel. The vehicle the Großkampfwagen or “K-Wagen” is estimated Arab allies.
to weigh in at 165 tonnes armed with four 77 mm fortress guns and
seven MG08 machine guns and a crew of 27. The Kaiser is elated and
asks research and development to be pushed even further.
2nd January - Air Ministry formed in Great Britain.
3rd February – Battle of the Blue Nile. British LGE craft operating
31st July – 10th November - Third Battle of Ypres, known as
out of Indian bases clash with Ottoman LGE’s in Sudan. A largely
Passchendaele, results in minor gains, but still no breakthrough in
meaningless skirmish between far ranging frigates it does signal
the Western front at the cost of 700,000 casualties for both sides.
the move of conflict away from the horrors of central European
battlefields of the last four years to new more exotic climes.
13th August – Russia launches first LGE powered airships from
their bases in Smolensk, Samara and Reval and begin offensive air
3rd March – 17th April – the Battle for the Temple Mont. A series of
operations almost exclusively against Austro-Hungarian targets.
horrific air combat for control of the skies above Jerusalem results
in the virtual destruction of the Kaiserlichen Arabischen Luftflotte.
29th August – 1st October Battle of Lviv. A huge series of operation
Admiral Kai Erschwistatz resigns as commander.
by Russian LGE craft causes the majority Polish population of Lviv
to independently sue for peace with Russia further destabilising the
21th March – Germany launch the first of five major offensives to
Austro-Hungarian Empire. Galicia is shaken and the Kaiser enforces
win the war before American troops appear in the trenches. All of
marshal law against the wishes of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor.
Belgium and the northern port of Calais fall before the offence is
halted. Imperial German LGE powered airships bombard Paris forcing
26th October – Brazil declares war on the Central Powers – Britain
the French Government to abandon the capital, the Military Governor
and France share LGE research with Brazilian counterparts.
of Paris, General Joseph Gallieni organises the move to Bordeaux. The
majority of the northern and eastern provinces of France becomes
7th November - Bolshevik socialists, led by Lenin, tries to overthrow
military districts with the civilian population moved to the south and
Kerensky’s government and is ruthlessly crushed. In response to the
west of the country.
rebellion Grand Duke Michael is confirmed as the next Tsar with the
16th February – Dover is shelled by German submarine group.
Provisional Government as the seat of the elected government.
12th April – Field Marshal Haig issues Order of the Day to the British
17th November – Brazilian Scout cruiser Rio Grande do Sul destroys
Army in France on the serious situation (“Backs to the Wall” order).
Flota Aérea Imperial vessel SMS Otto the Great in the Gulf of Mexico.
Mexico declares war on Brazil.
22nd April - Baron von Richthofen, “the Red Baron” is downed in
a dogfight but escapes capture and returns to friendly lines on the
3rd December - The Russian Provisional Government, represented
2nd May. He is promoted to Fregattenkapitän, against the Germany
by Alexander Kerensky, ceases offensive land operations against the
military tradition where a son cannot outrank his father and is posted
Central Powers as the appetite for the slaughter on the Eastern Front
to Sanktandreas in command of the LGE forces based there removing
evaporates amongst the common solider. A huge operation begins
him from harm’s way.
to create the most formidable field fortifications along a line running
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1918 CONTINUED taken out of service for months. The operation is costly however,
the allies lose the HMS Claymore, HMS Caltrop and Le Clovis. Rear
6th May – von Richthofen masterminds the first LGE night action, Admiral Harrington “Pip” Billing is knighted for his command of this
Operation Vollmond, bombarding Kiev and destroying the Russian joint operation.
LGE Gross-Jägersdorf in the process.
14th December – War weary sailors aboard the LGE HMS Starlight
18th May – First full scale allied bombing targeting the German city mutiny’s whilst in safe harbor in Kingston Jamaica. Renamed the Free
of Cologne. Spirit the new Captain Byron T Longfellow is last seen heading for
Costa Rica. The moral of the British LGE Squadrons plummets and
7th August – Kaiserschlacht offensives end. Both sides are exhausted operational activities are temporarily suspended.
and the Von Ludendorff and von Hinderberg unleash their new wonder
weapon en masse; the LGE. The Kaiserlichen Himmelschlacht was
the largest ever armada of LGE craft ever assembled and it smashed 1919
the French and British counter offensives at the Second Battle of the 12th January – following the success of the LGE programmes in both
Marne and Amiens. Both the Central Powers and the forces of the Imperial Germany and Great Britain there is a view, called Gepanzerten
Allies Triple Entente can now longer muster the man power to form Kraft in Germany and Land Power in Britain, where to combat the
large scale offences and both sides look to the LGE powered forces to fatigue of the Western Front and the power of the LGE craft armored
take the fight to the respective enemies. vehicles of tremendous size and power need to be developed to break
the stalemate. A conference is held in Versailles where the combined
26th August – The United States brings its own LGE craft online Allied High Command discuss the need to expand and accelerate the
based at Fort Benning and Fort Knox. so called Tank developments.
2nd September – Argentina invades the Brazilian province of Mato 14th January – Dr Évrard Clair is appointed as Director of Operations
Grosso do Sol. of the Renault Tank Development Programme.
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A game underway with a small German fleet making an explorative strike against some British land targets. Using a flat layout
allows play to move from the Sea to targets over a landmass without any issues of models toppling over.
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An average sized game will have between 15 and 25 elements in Both players simultaneously assign
each players fleet and after players have learnt the core rules they Assign
3 remaining command points to elements
should be able to speed through a game of this size within 1-2 hours. within 30” of their flagship.
This size of game should play out in around 6-9 turns and the suggest
maximum points for two player games is around 300-400 points per Highest Initiative score activates first
4 Activation
side and a single flagship. The airship stat cards include a points
value which can be totalled by players before starting. Larger games Remove any spare Command Points and
5 Clean Up
with many big battleships will take longer as players grind down the GOTO step 1
hull points on the big airships. There are some included options for
different activation methods for much larger games detailed in the The first activity that the assigned command points can be used
movement section of the rules. for is gambling points on initiative which will usually become more
important to a player later into a game.
There are five steps in the turn sequence and a key rule is that when
activating an airship all movement and shooting is completed for that
airship before passing activation back to the other player. STEP 2: INITIATIVE ROLL
Damage received and the effects of it on an airship are applied Both players roll a D6 with the highest result being able to elect to
immediately when incoming fire hits, which makes planning tactical activate first this turn or allow their opponent to activate an airship
screening of vital or damaged ships important during the assign first (re-roll ties). Players can gamble their command points on the
command phase and gambling to win initiative key if you want to be initiative roll by applying some or all of their command points as a
able to take the first airship activation before the opponent. +1 per point to their initiative roll result. In this way, if it is vital that a
player takes the first activation in a turn, they may wish to add more
command points to the roll to ensure they win initiative. When re-
STEP 1: COMMAND ROLL rolling a tied result add any command points used in the first roll
again. Spent command points are removed from play for the rest of
The D6+1 command roll is the first phase of each round. Each player this turn.
rolls for command points before they roll for initiative because it is
possible to influence the initiative roll by using command points. STEP 3: ASSIGN COMMAND
The command points allow a player to take various tactical actions After initiative is determined each player simultaneously assigns
that boost the performance of their fleet, increasing speed, improving any remaining command points to airships under their command.
shooting, screening vital airships, group activation and a mix of other The maximum assignable points per element is 3 and any remaining
important advantages. Give each play a set of tokens or a die to points are discarded. All points must be assigned to elements and
represent the number of command points they now have to use for can’t be used later in the turn if they have not been assigned to an
this turn. element on the table. Place a die or a token beside each airship that
has had command points assigned to it.
1 8
STEP 4: ACTIVATION Shooting is completed with a D6 roll per gun. 6 is always a hit and
results in 1 hull damage point inflicted on the target. At closer ranges
main guns will usually inflict more damage because a lower number
Activation is where the action happens. Each player in order of
is required for each hull damage point.
initiative selects a single airship, aircraft wing or other vessel,
completes the movement and then the shooting for the airship before
Any damage an active airship inflicts on a target airship is applied
then passing play back to the opponent for them to activate a single
immediately, so if a target airship is destroyed that has yet to activate,
element. Command points can be used to trigger group movement,
it won’t be able to return fire and take an action this turn.
where the movement and shooting is completing by up to three
airships in a players fleet before passing activation back to their
1 9
MOVEMENT When moving a class A hull airship it can use all of the higher
classification rulers. When moving a D class airship it could either
Unless docked or on the ground an airship must always move at use the D class ruler or the E class rules but can not use a ruler of a
least 2” forward when it activates. An airship can only be activated smaller classification than its own hull size.
for movement once during a single turn and can select what speed it
can move from 2" to the maximum for its movement as listed in the Multi direction moves can be made using the turn ruler up to the
profile card for that class of airship. maximum movement for the vessel being moved. For example a
class C vessel with a maximum move of 6” could move first in a port
Friendly and enemy vessels don’t block line of sight and can be (left) direction for 3” and then flip the ruler to complete a 3” move in
moved through and over freely. When you activate an airship that is a starboard direction (right). This movement does not have to be an
passing over another enemy or friendly vessel, it must have enough equal distance in each direction, so a Class B ship might decide to use
room to move the model fully past the blocking vessel. Should it not the larger Class E turn ruler for a 5” starboard move before then using
have enough room to move past place it back before the blocking a Class B turn ruler for a 2” port turn. You can also always mix direct
vessel or simply choose a different direction for movement. Players forward movement with a turn.
using the optional altitude rules may wish to elect that ships can be in Where movement would take a vessel beyond the length of the ruler,
exactly the same position if they are at different elevations. However for example a 6” turn move using a class B ruler which only has 3” of
it is easier to keep models separate from each other to avoid the risk movement marked on it, simply use the ruler again to complete the
of topple during play. next set of movement.
Some players prefer larger hex or square custom bases which can Movement is not pre-planned so you can always change your mind
sometimes become difficult to place when vessels get close to each and elect to complete a different movement direction when you
other. Where there are difficulties in vessel placement due to an activate an individual vessel. However, like chess, players should
awkward base size, players should agree to be flexible when moving consider movement finished and fixed after a ship has been moved
to reflect the potential for a ship to be placed where it can fit rather fully and they have let go of the model in its new location. This rule
than where it should have ended up after a legal move. need not be followed strictly if both players are in a sporting mood.
2 0
Small fighter aircraft can move in any direction without a ruler and
they can only fire in their forward arc after completing movement.
All fixed wing aircraft have to move a minimum distance of 3” when The sad end to active service for a Lussin patrol airship.
activated and they can be freely placed to face any direction after Brought down with the loss of all crew near Kobarid during a
movement. Bombers are classified as a larger hull, so must use a stormy engagement at the Battle of Caporetto 1917.
classification of turn ruler like an airship.
2 1
MOVEMENT Airships and Aircraft
Remove the docked airship from play and keep a record that it is still
GROUND TAKE OFF AND LANDING in play. Whilst docked the airship can no longer be fired on. On the
next game turn, the docked airship can re-launch with 4 repaired hull
It takes one turn for fighter aircraft and class A and B vessels/ boxes and a full payload of any ordnance that had been spent before
bombers to take-off and reach low altitude. It takes one turn to it docked e.g. Torpedoes.
land Aircraft and class A and B vessels / Bombers on ground based
airstrips. It takes two turns to land Class C,D and E vessels and Airships can not fire guns on the turn they dock with a tender and
two turns to launch them. Mark models taking time to land or take can not fire out from the tender whilst docked as they are out of the
off with a counter or marker to show the remaining turns to wait. game until they re-launch. An airship can not land and launch in the
When initiating a landing or take off the aircraft or airship can not same game turn.
fire guns. Note that damaged aircraft and vehicles on the ground
can be repaired if they have landed within 2” of an air strip, hangar, Launching from the tender is a single move action and the launched
aerodrome or airport. airship is placed within 4” of the centre flight stand post of the tender
they are launching from. On its activation it can fire after launching
but not move until the following turn.
LANDING ON A CARRIER A tender can launch or tender up to two C class or below airships per
turn. The launching airships are launched on their activation, so they
When an aircraft wing is beside a carrier and within 4” inches they can either launch before the tender completes its movement or wait
can land automatically at the end of their movement (even if they until after the tender completes its activation and can then launch,
have moved and fired this turn). This landing can be made on an getting a free ride before launch.
airship that has already activated this turn. Remove the aircraft wing
from play. Whilst landed they can not be directly fired on and at the
start of the next turn they can take off from the carrier with a full COMMAND POINTS AND MOVES
quota of aircraft strength (typically 6 aircraft). Unless the carrier has
a fast launch contraption a single wing can not combine a land and When activating an airship a player can spend a command point
take off during a turn. previously assigned to it for an additional boost to speed using a
stoke the fire command action. This additional movement is a +3”
A carrier can launch or land up to two fighter wings each turn. This to base speed and is not times x1.5 if the airship is making a double
can be mixed, so one wing can launch and one wing land. Taking off move. This additional movement can be made after shooting and can
from a carrier is a single move action and the aircraft wing is placed not be made by fighter wings.
within 4” of the centre flight post of the carrier they are taking off
from. Fighters can't activate as an element on the turn they launch,
they will be able to take their first full activation on the turn that PHYSICAL MOVEMENT OF MODELS
follows their take off.
When activating an airship a player first moves it. This movement is
The launching fighter wings are launched on the carriers activation, based on either a direct straight-line movement, or a curved movement
so they can either launch at the start of its movement or at the end of based on the ruler size that matches the hull of the activating airship.
its movement. A fighter wing can not land and take off in the same
game turn and can’t move after taking off. The turn rule is placed directly at the front of the hex or square base
of the moving airship. Then move the airship the desired number
of inches along the length of the curved rule, making sure to also
DOCKING WITH A TENDER change the direction of the base to match the line on the ruler.
Destroyer (C Class hull) and airships below this size can dock with An airship does not need to move the complete length of the ruler
a destroyer tender airship which will provide support, repair and as long as it moves the minimum movement for its class. After the
rearmament of torpedoes. movement is made the turn ruler can be used again to increase the
turn made if the airship has enough movement left to continue. Turn
C class or below hulled airships can pull alongside a tender and if rulers can also be reversed to allow for left (port) or right (starboard)
they end their move within 4” of a tender they can automatically dock. in a single movement.
2 2
Whatever the flight base type you are using, the turn ruler At the end of a turn ruler movement the flight base front
should be placed at the front edge before completing the edge should be placed forward at the desired movement in
turn move. Use the ruler with the correct size class to match inches and in parallel with the turn ruler distance marker.
the hull of the airship moving. The airship does not have to move the full ruler distance.
each step is a
one inch move when using the turn ruler,
place the front edge base
starting a turn (hexagon or square base)
with base flush to against the starting edge of
the ruler the ruler.
2 3
MOVES Screening Diagram
Note that airships can move left and right along a ruler in a single If the active player moves a fighter wing onto the base position
turn, so you may wish to write L1", F3", R4" T-E for one airship's of a friendly or enemy fighter wings base, the non-active opponent
movement. This is a left turn of 1", forward 3", a right turn of 4" all can then place the displaced fighter wing within two inches of the
made on the E class turn ruler for an airship that has a speed of 8" active moving model. They can pick any position around the moving
A class d, e or f airship or
dirigible can be screened by other
friendly airships at the same
altitude and within 4" of its
Legal centre post.
only airships that are still
in play and in the correct arc
2 4
FICTION The Drop off
airship to place the displaced friendly or enemy fighter wing as long he had become a pilot, enlisted in the Navy. He relished the
as it does not clash with another models base and is as close to two madness. Nothing else made him feel alive. Fight or flight, was
inches from fighter flight post to the active disrupting airship. that the phrase?
The first minute had been frightening the first few times, the … well, it was his job to pick them out of the air. And he would
plane building speed towards the abrupt cliff of the edge of the not fail.
carrier, instincts telling him to do anything but his duty— and
never mind the potential for a dogfight, that was just adrenaline
— but diving off of a cliff, that was madness. But that was why
Various German lighter-than-airships off approach a coastal region before dropping bombs. Terrain items from Brigade.
2 5
GAMEPLAY Quick Guide to a game
Command points are exhausted
after use, remove them from
play once used.
P1's Karlsrühe targeted the big
French Cruiser and P2 was able
to screen damage, transferring 4
damage per screening airship.
2 6
GAMEPLAY Alternating Activation
2 7
SHOOTING Airships and Aircraft
BASICS OF SHOOTING or modifying existing miniature models and don’t wish to ultra detail
the model not every turret needs to be built on.
Shooting is performed after an airship activates and moves. It is
typically the last action a player makes with an airship before passing Imperial Skies is a fictional game and not historically accurate, so
activation back to their opponent and allowing them to activate one you will find ships listed in the default profiles that have main guns
of their own ships. that are perhaps larger than you might expect for a ship of that class
in a historical setting or their might be more guns than expected. The
To shoot, a player first selects a target and then checks range to number of gun dice rolled is a reflection of the damage output for
determine how many guns can fire at the specific distance. Typically the ship class and not an indication that it has specifically got that
more dice are rolled when closer to the target because you are able number of guns on deck.
to bring the medium and small class guns to bear at shorter ranges.
Players that want a form of historical accuracy, where they are re-
Main and medium guns do more damage at closer ranges which creating a sea ship naval battle in a fantasy aerial setting, may wish
is reflected in damage being inflicted on a lower target number to to more accurately represent specific numbers of guns and size
achieve a damage point. For example main guns at short range (up to classifications of guns on deck. For the purposes of design and build
10”) inflict a single damage point on a die result of 4, 5 or 6. The most you can use the following generic historical classifications for bore
significant damage is inflicted at close range making it important size and build your own design of airship with numbers of guns that
tactically for a larger class airship to make the most of screening to more closely match a specific historical setting.
gain the best possible position for a broadside when it they get in
Medium Up to 20” 5,6 6 - 1 Per hit Small Guns Machine gun up to 4” bore (quick firing)
2 8
one gun per size class they were fitted with at the start of the game.
Note that gun shooting combines the targeting and damage in one For example an airship with 4 big bore main guns and hull damage
dice roll. There is no second roll for damage for normal gun fire and which indicates a -4 to all gun classes will still be able to fire at least
only torpedoes, rockets and bombs require a targeting then a damage one main gun, despite the minus.
Although an airship normally has to move at least 2" a turn, when
EFFECT OF DAMAGE crippled with a minus that takes them to 1" move or less with damage
they can still limp forward at 1" but can not gain altitude.
Damage is immediate and takes effect as soon as the damage has
been recorded against the airship hull.
Every point of damage will fill in one hull box on the target airship. Crossing T of Target Ship +2
When you fill in a box with a minus figure, it represents the minus
to speed and to each type of gun on deck. For example when a -2 Forward or Rear Arc of firing ship Half
damage block is filled in the airship will fire with 2 less main guns, Minus per threshold on damage track -1
medium guns and small guns. They will also suffer a move of -2" less
total speed. Target in cloud or smoke -2
2 9
SHOOTING Airships and Aircraft
LINE OF SIGHT (LOS) vessel type is in the front or rear arc of fire, the number of dice that are
fired at the target are halved (rounded down) before rolling.
Friendly and enemy vessels do not block line of sight for a firing
Crossing the T is possible at medium range only, allowing a firing
airship. Players should agree on any terrain that does block LOS
airship firing out of its side arc and which has its centre post in a 2"
before play commences. For example a pacific volcanic island or
wide line that extends along the length of the target airship, to add an
martian mega-volcano could be considered as intervening terrain that
additional +2 dice of the largest size it is firing to its roll.
does block line of sight at low and battle (cruising) altitude. Clouds or
flying islands can also block LOS if players agree to use them.
If shooting passes through an intervening object from the post of
the attacker to the post of the target airship it will block line of sight. Airships, Blimps and Zeppelins can only use small guns when firing
at aircraft. They can be targeted as the second target if an airship is
Players should try to be sporting and may wish to allow an incoming splitting fire between two targets but only with small guns (yellow
volley of fire if it feels appropriate that the cover would not be enough guns on the profile cards).
to obscure a large ship if more than just the prow is visible.
Airships can also get react to incoming aircraft fire if they have not
CLOUD COVER already fired small guns this turn. After incoming damage from
a wing of fighters is recorded the defending airship can fire back
with all small guns, causing damage on a roll of 6 (as per small gun
Clouds can provide cover and if a firing airship is within 2” of the
rules). This reaction fire is immediate and happens directly after
edge of an agreed area of cloud it will gain the benefit of reducing
incoming aircraft damage is recorded on the airship and can only be
incoming damage dice by -2 of the largest bore gun size being rolled
made if the airship survives the incoming attack and has yet to fire
against it. If it is within 2” of the cloud edge it can fire out of the cloud
its small guns this turn. Only the target, being fired on by a wing of
without penalty. This makes cloud cover ideal for blimps, dirigibles
aircraft can react fire against them.
and zeppelins because they are able to maintain a static position
in the cloud on activation. Measure from the edge of the cloud to
the post of the cloud hidden airship to determine if it is within the 2” COMMAND POINTS AND SHOOTING
margin where it can fire out without penalty.
After rolling shooting damage a player can spend a remaining
Moving further than 2” into a cloud will block line of sight for both command point assigned to the shooting airship to take an "out pipes"
the airship in the cloud and airships firing into it for standard gun fire command action which allows them to re roll two dice that missed.
and torpedoes. If they roll a 6 on either of the re rolled dice they can still re roll for
further damage as with any normal damage that hits on a roll of 6.
3 0
A cutaway look at the SMS DRESDEN, Emdem class light cruiser. The components of the lighter than air engine are exposed,
showing the ultra-compressed steam tank which is used to create high frequencies that are conducted into the base copper
underside hull of the airship.
3 1
SHOOTING Airships and Aircraft
Fixed wing aircraft which are not lighter than air are fitted with
smaller weaponry which can only damage airships of class A, B and
C, other aircraft and all classifications of blimps and zeppelins. The
exception to this rule are aircraft carriers and destroyer tenders
(destroyer depot ship) of any hull size class where the attacking
aircraft can strafe the deck inflicting enough damage to visible crew
and other more fragile exposed equipment.
3 2
TURRET British Fleet Benbow
A detailed look at the interior of the Benbow class battleship. Heavy armored plates on the underside of the vessel combine to
provide shielding from incoming fire and are an integral part of the lighter than air lift of the Hydrogen Resonator Engine (HRE).
3 3
SHOOTING Airships and Aircraft
The machine-gun fire ripped open her wing and sent the fighter
into a sputtering spiral. Sachiko struggled to right the plane,
point the nose up, ignoring the pain that lanced through her leg,
but when she looked over her shoulder, down to the spinning sea,
all she saw was smoke. The engine had been punctured. She was
losing fuel, and she was losing altitude.
Below her the American cruiser was bearing its guns around
again to loose another broadside at the Japanese fleet. The
fighters were scattering around it, driven to the winds by the
onslaught of machine-gun fire, the Curtiss fighters and the
Kettering Bugs. Sitting in the cockpit, buffeted by the wind, she
had always felt alone, but never so alone as now while her craft The work of an aeroengineer is hard. In the belly of an
bucked and yawed against her command. In the chaos of battle airship the heat, heavy manual work and constant fear of
there was herself, there was the smoke and there was the ocean. attack can take its toll on the body and mind. Airsailors on
There was no hope for a landing. In many ways an ocean crash the Russian Archangelsk Cruiser pose for the camera.
was crueler than the land.
3 4
TURRET Shooting Arcs
3 5
A set of Brigade model fighter aircraft, based on Imperial Skies three prong wing bases and mounted on Corsec Engineering
magnetic movement stands. An Italian Sea Plane fighter has been used to represent a wing leader.
Each salvo might be a cluster dropping through the bay door, however
DROPPING BOMBS just a maximum of two bomb targeting and damage rolls can be
Bombs are dropped through hatch doors on the underside of made from one element in a single activation. You can fire one or two
Airships, or simply released by hand over the side of the deck. Other salvos and in both cases cross off the amount fired by making a mark
types roll off deployable ramps or clamps along the side of airships. to reduce the remaining bombs on the elements stat card.
Bombs are stowed in limited numbers and are reduced after each
salvo is fired. Expert observers increase the chance of hitting with a bomb and
floating mines can be launched without a targeting roll. Note down if
Like torpedoes bombs require a targeting roll before you roll for a vessel is carrying floating mines or bombs at the start of play.
damage. You must be within 4” of the target on the ground (measured Floating mines are an interdiction type weapon and will automatically
from the bottom of the element's post) and at a higher altitude than do 1D6 of damage to any enemy or friendly airship that passes within
the target. Roll first for targeting and up to two salvo’s (racks) of a 4” diameter circle centered on the mine. The airship which deploys
bombs can be released at once. Each single bomb listed against the
airships profile is considered to be a salvo or rack. So an airship with BOMBS DAMAGE ROLL
2 bombs on its profile has four racks worth of bombs it can release.
The airship may wish to hold back bombs for a secondary strategic
target, however releasing 2 at once will provide the highest chance for Bomb 5,6 1D6
a proper carpet of damage impacting on the target.
Air Burst 5,6 1D6 (2D6 vs Infantry)
Only a maximum salvo of 2 bombs can be fired in one activation. Floating Mine Auto Launch 1D6
3 6
DAMAGE Floating Mines
a floating mine can place the mine up to 4” away behind the airship Each deployed mine is representing up to 6 individual mines each
(measuring from the flight post). An airship can only deploy 1 per turn. with a cable which can drag the mine in against an airship passing by.
In rule terms this group is still just one chance at rolling 1D6 damage
The firing airship is not hit by the deployed mine because they set a against an airship passing into a 4” diameter circle centred on the
mechanical timer which arms the mine after they move away, however mine. This damage roll is re-rolled on a 6. A roll of 5 will damage 5
any other friendly or enemy airships that moves into a 4” diameter hull points on the target airship.
circle, centered on the mine will suffer the D6 damage immediately
even directly after the deploying airship activates. Optionally you can roll a single deviation roll with a D6” and a
direction dice at the start of each turn (command phase). Move all
Normal bombs should be used against tanks, land ships and other floating mines the number of inches rolled and in the direction of the
hard military or industrial targets, however Airburst can be selected direction arrow dice. Note that any floating mines deployed this turn
against infantry or civilian buildings which will do 1D6 x2 damage to can’t harm the airship that deployed them.
softer infantry targets in the open and civilian residences.
Floating mines cause damage at all altitudes except they don't have
For normal play the floating mines should be marked on the any impact on ground based targets.
battlefield with a token and left in place, providing a dangerous area
to navigate for both forces. They are dropped over side with either a
long cable to a heavy float and anchor on the sea or with an anchor
style hook which is dropped to the ground.
3 7
COMMAND overivew
COMMAND POINTS points available for all those actions. Players don’t have to declare
what a command point is being used for until it is spent, so an unused
command point that a player may have assigned thinking that they
Each turn players start by making a single D6 command roll
would use it for screening could instead be used for repair when they
and adding a +1 for their flagship. This important roll determines
activate the airship.
the number of command points that can be used to benefit various
activities in the battle. It is an additional abstract method of
representing the efforts of the command structure and communication GAMBLING ON INITIATIVE
between airships to push for the best tactical actions during battle.
Once used for an action, a command point is considered spent and The first item that the pool of command points can be used for is to
is removed from play until the next round when command points are increase the chance that a player will win initiative. Every point spent
rolled again. Any command points left on airships at the end of a turn of command will add a +1 to their initiative roll. Later during game
are lost. play winning initiative can be vital because getting to fire on a nearly
destroyed target before it
Once rolled the players use a set of their own markers, die or
tokens to represent this turn's pool of command points and place
the command points by their airships. They spend these points when
the airship uses them, usually on its activation with the exception of
Stoking the fire allows an airship to add an additional +3” to their
the screening command action which can be spent when a nearby
movement for this activation. This additional movement is not x1.5
friendly airship is damaged. Both players assign command points to
if the airship is making a double move action. For example, an airship
airships at the same time, holding any points back for the boosting
with a base speed of 6” that is sacrificing its shoot action to complete
of their initiative roll. All command points must be assigned before
a double move will first multiply its base movement by 1.5 (rounded
airship activation starts.
down) resulting in a total move of 9” and then apply the additional +3”
for the stoke the fire command point. An airship does not have to be
Fighter aircraft can not have command points assigned to them and
making a double move to use stoke the fire, so it can simply be added
an airship that is destroyed while it has remaining command points is
to the airships base move taking a 6” speed airship up to 9”.
removed from play along with the unspent command points.
USING COMMAND all of class sizes up to B. All of the airships in the group, move and
shoot as one single activation. The airships in a group move need only
one command point to be assigned to a airship in the group which
An airship can have up to 3 command points assigned to it during
is considered the lead for the move. The other airships in the group
the command phase. You can not use each command action more
need to maintain the 4" distance for the full move made, so should
than once in a turn. For example you can only repair once, stoke the
keep a similar speed, turn and distance. When the airship that has
fire once and out pipes once. The timing is up to the player and they
been assigned the command point is activated it can coordinate the
could complete the actions at any point during the activation of the
movement and firing of two other ships which must both be within
airship. The out pipes action can only be made when the airship is
4” of it.
shooting, however it could then stoke the fire for an additional 3”
movement after shooting and then repair if it had the full 3 command
3 8
COMMAND charts
To determine if airships are within the 4” range for a group move, assigned command point to spend at the moment it is used for damage
measure the distance from the central flight post of the activating transfer. The defending airship does not need to transfer damage
airship that is initiating a group move. when it is hit, the player can decide if they want to transfer damage
after the incoming damage has been rolled. Up to a maximum of four
Complete the movement for all of the airships being moved, keeping damage Per screening ship can be transferred from the screened
them close to maintain a distance at the end of the move of up to the ship. Transferred damage can never exceed the remaining damage
4" limit from the airship that triggered the group move. Then complete boxes on the target screening ship, so if a screening ship has on 2 hull
the shooting for all of the airships in the group. They can shoot at a box’s left you can only transfer a maximum of 2 damage points to it.
single or mix of legal targets in range and should declare where each
airship is firing before rolling. Class C airships can also move as a Only ships of class D and E can be screened. Each screening ship
group, requiring 2 command points on the initiating lead airship to be can only have a single set of damage transferred to it in one turn
able to act as a group. for example if a class D ship is screening a class E airship and one
damage point is transferred it will use up the capability of screening
Airships which have already activated during this turn can't be for that term and the command point is spent. Once the damage
dragged into a second move in a group activation. All the airships is transferred and assigned remove the command token from the
in the group move must still have an activation to take on this turn. screening ship, it can no longer provide screening this turn.
Airships joining the group can trigger command point actions for
points they have assigned to themselves but not for another group Design Note: The screening command action is an abstract way of
move because this command action can not be chained. representing the use of smaller ships to provide a screen to a larger
one. The rules don’t restrict the line of sight for intervening airships,
If you elect to group move, assigning a second command point for however the rule assumes they are taking a share of incoming fire as
another command action to the airship initiating the group move will an alternate to the primary target.
apply the command affect to the rest of the group. For example using
The screening airships only need to be close to the screened ship
the "Out Pipes" command will work for all airships in the group.
to allow damage transfer and are not literally diving in front of
incoming fire, instead the rule is a general method of re-assigning and
SCREENING transferring damage based on the screening efforts of the escorts.
3 9
COMMAND points
After rolling damage a player can spend a command point assigned
to the airship to take an out pipes action which allows them to re-roll
When either of the two airships engaged in the honour showdown
two dice that missed. These two die are rolled for the largest gun
have damage assigned which will take them to a point where they
type firing even if they only have one of the largest classification of
have 6 or less hull points remaining the showdown is immediately
gun remaining to fire. As per normal damage rolls, if either of these
over. The airship with the least remaining hull points has lost face and
additional damage rolls result in a 6 they can still re-roll for further
whilst smoking it is forced to sail off the board at the nearest table
damage. Out pipes is naval slang, calling for sailors to put out what
edge. At the started of the next turn the victorious player can add an
they are smoking and concentrate harder on the job at hand.
additional +2 to their command role as airship crew celebrate their
success. Whilst exiting the table the loosing airship can no longer fire
OPTIONAL HONOUR SHOWDOWN on enemy airships and is effectively out of the game.
If agreed by players at the outset of the game, a command point that The victorious player can continue to use their airship for normal
has been assigned to a D or E class airship can be used to engage in operations after the showdown ends.
an honourable showdown of force between two ships. A legal target
must have at least 8 undamaged hull points remaining, however the If a salvo accidently destroys an airship as part of an honour
challenging airship can have as little as one hull box left. The target showdown it is considered bad luck, however the winning airship is
may have already activated this turn although challenging an already
still declared the victor. A player can voluntarily leave a showdown at
activated target is considered churlish by most Captains.
any point, however they will automatically lose the showdown and the
airship in the showdown has to exit the table with no further shooting,
When activated the challenging airship spends the command point
assigned to it and declares a target of the same class or higher within counting this honour showdown as a defeat.
20”. The challenged target airship must either agree to the honour
showdown or decline. If they decline they will automatically lose A dastardly captain can break the honour showdown by having
one remaining command point from a ship of their choice. If they other airships and aircraft fire on the enemy airship whilst it is still
don’t have a command point left on the battlefield they will only locked in the showdown or by continuing to fire until the opponents
have to loose face as a result of the challenge. The player declaring airship is fully destroyed and not just crippled. This kind of negative
the honour showdown always looses the command point spent on play is discouraged and the offending player should probably take a
initiating the showdown regardless of the response from the target brief constitutional walk for some fresh air. They also can’t make a
airship. D6+1 command point roll on their next turn due to the loss of face
from breaking the honourable showdown rules. They are effectively
without decent command on their next turn.
4 0
OPTIONAL TARGET PRIORITY airships or D class. If no targets are presented within all range bands
that match this priority they can then fire on any class of airship still
within range. If at any point they have a target of a correct size in
Before the game starts players can agree to bolt on an optional rule
Main gun range (30”) however closer targets are visible in medium
for target priority which dictates a process for the selection of targets
or small gun range, they can still only fire on the appropriate class of
when firing airships. This typically results in larger ships holding fire
airship and will ignore the smaller closer ships even though they have
when they are confronted by “smaller fry” in favour of leveling guns on
guns that could be brought to bear.
bigger targets which is the sporting thing to do.
When combined with the screening rules, target priority will continue OPTION 2: STRICT TARGET PRIORITY
to see damage inflicted on smaller class airships, however they are
less likely to be blown from the sky by a single salvo from a larger A second option for a more stringent control of priority can be used
battleship. It may result in a slower game because the larger airships by players that want rigid target priority. Optionally players can force
will have to close more slowly with each other before serious damage firing airships to only be able to fire on targets of their class, bigger
can start to be inflicted. and one size smaller. If none of these types are in range they simply
will not fire, even if a smaller class enemy airship presents itself.
TARGET PRIORITY The exception to both versions of the target priority rule are aircraft
targets. All airships will be able to defend themselves with small guns
against enemy aircraft inside the 10” range of their small bore, quick
Target priority results in airships only being able to fire on targets of
fire guns.
their hull classification, one size smaller or any bigger hulls than their
class. For example an E class battleship will only target other E class
Boost your initiative roll by declaring a number of command points to add to the before initiative is
Initiative Gamble Up to 7
Stoke the Fire Add a +3” move to an airship before or after it fires guns. 1
Activate up to 3 airships of up to class B and as a single group. Complete movement and firing for all 1 for up to
Group Activation airships in the group. Airships must be within 4” of lead initiating airship. Measure post to post to class B
determine if they are in group move range. 2 for Class C
Repair 1D3 repair roll removing hull damage if an airship has a spare repair box left to use. 1
Re-roll up to 2 gun shooting dice that fail to hit when firing. Can be used once for main, medium or
Out Pipes 1
small bore guns. Can not be used for Torpedoes or Rockets.
An airship can offering screening support if it is within 4” of a target larger class airship. Transfer up
Screening 1
4 damage to the screening airship per volley of incoming fire.
Honour Showdown Initiates a showdown between two rival airships. (Optional Rule) 1
The activated ship can use the turn ruler one better than its class normally permits. An E class ship
Hard Over can turn with the D class ruler, a D class ship could turn with the C class ruler and so forth. Note a 1
ship can not use a turn ruler lower than class A.
The active airship can’t fire any weapons if it takes a brace for impact command action. It can force
Brace for Impact an opponent to re-roll up to 4 incoming dice that targets it during this turn. Although the maximum 1
dice re-rolled is 4 for the turn it can elect to spread the 4 re-rolls against multiple incoming damage.
4 1
VOLCANO each player 400 points of airships which will be under their command.
When it is their turn to activate they can then activate, move and fire
all the airships under their command.
We thought the smoke of the volcano would cover our approach,
but we were wrong. Our whole wing of the USA fleet had been
running at night, no lights, the whole way from the West Coast LARGE GAME INITIATIVE PHASE
to Hawaii across the Pacific to get the drop on the enemy. Lucky
the whole Ring of Fire was ablaze this year, right? But no. I was Players should roll a single D6 per side and the winning team selects
woken up by the full alert klaxon at maybe 3 in the morning, one command for their team to activate first. Once fully moved, the
well off my shift and well into a winning round of poker— that’s
activation is passed to an opponents command, alternating until all
how I could tell it was a dream. I barely had time to pull on my
commands have been moved.
pants before running to my station.
Turns out there was a couple of destroyers to our aft side, and To speed this up further, players could divide up the table to allow
they’d seen us in the smoke. Don’t ask me how, I thought we players that are very far apart to activate and move a command at
painted the bottom of all these damn airships grey, should have the same time as an opponents command. This will require some
blended right in. I don’t even know if it was a scouting force or trust that moves are made honestly and without unsporting tactical
some kind of sortie, like they knew we were coming, but I pray reactions.
to God it wasn’t the latter or we’ll be in for a helluva bad time.
If you haven’t smelled the lower decks of an airship in combat, LARGE GAME MOVEMENT PHASE
don’t. Between hauling the torpedoes, and the whole time the
cruiser smelled like sulphur or worse, a grease fire in the rankest Roll initiative for each side to determine order as per the standard
kitchen. I thought I was going to pass out. It’s kinda funny, rules, then each player moves all the airships under one command.
aiming at an enemy you can’t see, thousands of miles up in the All movement is completed in a single movement phase, alternating
air. Scariest hour of my life, and we haven’t even made it over between player commands starting with a player on the side that has
Oceania yet. Anyway, we lived, thanks to this new Maryland- won initiative. Command points for movement boosts “stoke the fire”
class plating. and repair are used during this phase, or could be held back for the
shooting phase if they don't want to boost movement. Any airship
The Japanese weren’t so lucky. Watching the airship break up at making a double move (1.5x base movement) should mark that
night, I heard it’s strange and beautiful mechanical wail and the airship with a counter to be sure they forfeit the shooting phase for
massive explosion as the graviton engines beating high-pressure that particular airship.
heart faltered and failed. Frankly I don’t mind having missed it
seeing it fall. Once all command points are assigned, followed by all movement
across the full board is complete, players can then start the shooting
Hope this letter makes it to you safe. Hope I make it back to. phase.
4 2
LARGE GAMES Points values
LARGE GAME COMMAND POINTS Altitude rules should be ignored in very large games because it
will add to the record keeping and slow down the action. However
players that have the time and space for a large game could agree
A typical standard game would be fine with around 300-400 to use all the standard rules, including altitude and individual airship
points of airships per player. For games of up to 1000 points it is movement and firing if they want to have a very dynamic game that
recommended that you have a flagship and two capital airships which lasts many hours.
are operating in groups. The Flagship will receive its normal 1D6+1
command points and the two capital airships, each with their own It is recommended that players try the standard rules and build up
group of 300-400pts of airships will receive a 1D6 command points experience of play because using items like agreed dice colours that
each. match each airships gun types can speed up a game enough to make
it possible to play a large battle.
The standard rule of command points being assignable to airships
within 30" of the assigning flagship or capital airship still applies,
so you can't assign those points to airships out of range of the
commanding vessel for the command group.
4 3
MOVEMENT launch Fighters
4 4
ALTITUDE optional Rules
GAINING ALTITUDE of visibility to the target airships more fragile vital superstructure.
At the end of this dangerous downward dive one attack can be made When an activated aircraft wing enters a dogfight with another wing
at a single target which is at a lower altitude than the firing ships they normally gain a +1D6 to their shooting roll. By dropping a level
starting altitude. This is made against a ship within 10” of its front the bonus is increased by an additional +2D6 up to a +3D6. Aircraft
or broadside arcs. It swings all guns into play against the decks of only receive just +2D6 against airship targets.
one target vessel and It will end up at low altitude at the end of this
manoeuvre. After finishing this movement and completing shooting
roll 2d6 and on a double one the vessel fails to level out at low altitude
and crashes into the ground or sea with the loss of all crew.
4 5
ALTITUDE Optional Rules
MONITOR AIRSHIPS that are at the same altitude as the airship they are screening.
4 6
ALTITUDE Height Tables
If you are playing a game with sea level naval (wet) targets the same
penalties apply for bringing weapons to bear on lower altitude targets.
However Torpedoes can be classed as multifunction, allowing them to
be quickly fitted for Naval “drop to the sea” use by removing the fixed
mechanically programmed wings attached to them, replacing them
with a rear rudder, and will therefore allow airships to fire at naval
targets at sea level from low altitude with Torpedoes. These drop
from the hull of the airship and have had their wings removed to allow
them to drop in the sea and target below the water line of naval ships.
Torpedoes can only be used in this way from low altitude, with the
airship skimming the sea's surface before releasing torpedoes that Fighters can drop one or two altitude levels when making a
drop into the sea. If you are not using optional altitude rules you can death from above attack and gain +2D6 dice. However they
assume that the airships in play and maneuvering to a low enough can still only fire on airships of up to class C. Although built
level to drop a torpedo into the sea when targeting a sea level ship. with just 3 fighters, these are both a wing of strength 6.
Aircraft typically have 6 in their small bore guns and 6 hull boxes. this
represents the 6 aircraft in a wing each contributing one dice to guns. when
taking incoming small bore fire, any damage reduces the damage output of the
wing by one point for each damage taken. the german aircraft wing above has
taken 2 damage so it will only be firing with 4 dice instead of 6. only other
aircraft, small bore fire or flak can target aircraft.
Aircraft Stats
4 7
BOARDING Optional Rules
To complete a boarding action an attacking vessel must end its
movement within 3” of the target vessel measured from flight stem
to flight stem of the target. The boarding action replaces the active
airships shooting this turn (it can not fire) and boarding is played out
over two quick rounds to determine if the target ship is overrun or the
attackers repelled.
Round 1
The attacking player adds his crew total to a 1D6 roll and so does
the defending player.
Fighters can be repaired if they land at an aerodrome or
back onto the deck of a carrier. A wing is 6 fighters and each
Both roll and if the result is a draw continue to round 2. If one
fighter has 1 damage point. When they take damage their
players result is higher than their opponent by at least 1 they will kill damage output is reduced by 1 dice per fighter.
or capture 1 crew. If the score total of the winning airship is an even
result, they add another +1 to their D6 roll on round 2. If it is an odd
number the loosing player now has a -1 penalty to subtract from their
roll on round 2. If you double your opponents total roll+crew they
immediately loose 3 crew in a bloody battle of small arms and hand
to hand bayonet action.
If either player has zero crew they can’t continue to capture the
target ship.
Round 2
Roll both attacking and defending dice again adding the revised
crew numbers from round 1 and apply any modifiers the the roll.
Follow all outcomes from the result of rolling as per Round 1. At the
end of round 2 if both players still have remaining crew it is the vessel
with the highest crew remaining who wins the boarding action. A broadside from the side arc of an airship offers the best
opportunity to inflict the maximum potential damage when
If the attacker has won and has the highest crew numbers remaining firing guns. Gun dice are halved for fore and rear arc firing.
Before halving apply any target modifiers and round down
they have won the boarding action. If the defender has more crew
the result.
remaining they have repelled the boarding action and the two ships
are torn apart. Push the attacking ship away from the side of the
defending vessel by and a further 2”. If the attacker has won they must have at least 1 crew spare to
remain on each ship so they can activate both ships as their own on
After these boarding rounds the airships are no longer engaged and the following round, or they can also choose to scupper the defending
can activate and move normally on the following round. airship immediately removing it from play. When counting the crew
remaining, any defenders left able are considered to be available as
part of the attackers newly conscripted crew.
4 8
Movement Element is moved using correctly sized turn ruler Long lance 4,5,6 5,6 1D6 + 3
Rocket 4,5,6 6 3
Shooting Element completes shooting at targets in range
Maximum of 2 Torpedoes or Rockets (Salvo’s) launched per
Alternate between players activating one element and finishing all activation from one airship. Spar is one use only per game.
movement and gun fire before passing activation back to opponent.
Damage and affects of damage are applied immediately.
RANGE DAMAGE Bomb 5,6 4,5,6 1D6+2
Air Burst 5,6 4,5,6 1D6 (x2 infantry)
Long Up to 30” 6 - - 1 Per hit
Floating Mine Auto Launch - 1D6
Medium Up to 20” 5,6 6 - 1 Per hit
Max of 2 Bomb (Salvo’s) fired per activation from one airship.
Short Up to 10” 4,5,6 5,6 6 1 Per hit
Each gun dice hit is 1 damage to the target hull. Torpedoes, rockets and GUN DICE MODIFIERS
bombs roll a separate damage dice per hit. TYPE DICE NUMBERS
4 9
Each vessel classification dictates the turn ruler used by the player The carrier deck modification has been factored in as standard on
moving the models during gameplay and also the build of the ship. the pre-built faction fleet statistic cards and should be taken for any
Ship build includes the number of hull damage box’s, standard number buids that want to launch fighters.
of guns available and the amount of advanced apparatus that can be
fitted to the vessel. The larger an airship the more hull boxes it has
to soak up damage and would normally be fitted with a higher level of
guns unless it is a merchant ship or carrier.
The Imperial Skies has a light points system which is designed as TURN RULER CLASSIFICATION
a guide to building airships and aircraft for scenario play. It is not
designed to make a perfectly balanced match and instead scenario CLASS TURN RULER
play is encouraged where one fleet may be at a disadvantage to its Used by Small torpedo or patrol airships and blimps.
enemy. Creating scenarios with half crippled ships, merchant convoy Also the standard for small fighters that fly in wings of 2
attacks, light aerial skirmishes or full on fleet battles can create some A
to 6 aircraft. Fighters are the smallest class of model in
thrilling situations without perfectly balanced points. the rules and can be launched from airstrips or carriers.
In the airship design section you will be able to select a hull and B Used by Destroyers, Frigates and Bomber Aircraft.
ship class which provides a requisite statistic profile for gameplay.
Additional points are then applied depending on the weapons on Used by larger Cruiser sized vessels that are not as agile
the vessel. This allows players to customise ships, so that a Class as a Destroyer.
E Battleship could be very different to your opponents depending on
the build. For quick setup and play you can use some of the preset Heavy Cruisers and Battleships use the D class turning
statistic cards that are included for photo copying and use during
play. Most powerfully gun-armed and most heavily armored
E class of warships, typically a Dreadnought class that
have a gradual turning curve.
5 0
This will add the carrier ability to a cruiser or heavier class of airship you are building. Adding
Carrier Deck the 60 additional points to the cost of a cruiser or heavier class of airship will add 4 wings
Modification of fighters. Add 80 points for heavy fighters. The additional 60 points includes x4 wings of
fighters in the cost and you can not fit main big bore guns on a carrier.
Due to the small fragile nature of aircraft fighters you should apply this minus when creating a
Minus for Fighters -20
wing of four. Note that you are buying a wing of x6 fighters for the single points cost.
Due to the small fragile nature of aircraft fighters you should apply this minus when creating a
Minus for Bombers -15
wing of four. Note that you are buying a wing of x3 bombers for the single points cost.
There is zero cost for adding the tender ability to a cruiser or larger airships However the
Tender deck and airship is then limited to a maximum of 4 main big bore guns.
cranes Pay the cost of up to 2 destroyer or smaller class airships that can start the game tendered /
tethered to the airship.
5 1
The following tables detail the statistics for vessels in the game and
GAMING REALISM also provide a guide to the range for each class that can be used for
When studying pre-dreadnought, WWI, WWII and modern vessels. For example a Dreadnought is recommended to have a hull
ships I discovered that some of the largest modern carriers range of 35-40 damage box's but this is not prescriptive and players
were some of the fastest ships at sea, with top nautical speeds could break the design specifications if they want to.
which were faster than smaller vessels like destroyers. This
appears to be a modern situation where nuclear power and Some players may want to model a 1:1 ratio between guns on
clever engineering results in the largest ships also being deck and those of ships in a particular historical period or the guns
some of the fastest. Imperial Skies is designed around a more modelled on their miniatures. Although it is possible to build vessels
traditional older period of ship where big means slow , with the in this way it is not designed as a 1:1 ratio and is instead a general
smaller ships and aircraft having the fastest movement. This guide to represent the damage output of the vessel. For example a
design consideration results in the bigger vessels taking longer British and German Battleship may on paper have the same number
to cross the gaming table balancing their longer range damage of main guns, however you may wish to give your British Battleship
output versus the faster smaller faster vessels on the table. one more main gun point to represent better shells, ability at gunnery
etc. This is because the gun statistic represents a combination of
quality, number and size of guns in a single statistic.
Hull is a measure of both the capacity to take incoming damage, the general size and mass of vessel and its armor factor.
When designing a vessel you could build a Cruiser with Dreadnought class armor by giving it a hull point to match a
Dreadnought, whilst in game terms still giving it a crew, guns and speed to match a Cruiser. Every hull point a vessel has
is another box to fill in when it takes incoming damage. When all hull box's are filled the vessel is destroyed.
Bigger vessels use a more gradual turning ruler to represent their slow graceful maneuvers compared to smaller vessels
Turning Ruler
that use a tight turning ruler to make more agile aerial maneuvers.
Speed A number in inches to represent the maximum movement across the table for the vessel.
Also written as big bore guns capable of long range fire and high damage. Considered to have unlimited ammo for the
Main Guns battle. Note the gun statistics are not designed as a 1:1 ratio, so rather than specifically describing the exact number of
guns on deck they are simply a factor of damage output being a combination of targeting skill and weapons technology.
Medium Bore Medium bore guns for medium range and damage. Considered to have unlimited ammo for the battle.
Small bore, rapid fire and machine guns. Ideal for anti-aircraft or close range firing. Considered to have unlimited ammo
Small Bore
for the battle.
Each single point of Torpedoes is a salvo fired. Each salvo (1) torpedo fired reduces the remaining salvo's left on the
vessel by 1. Can be re-armed by a tender. Limited to a maximum of 4 for standard builds.
Each single point of Bombs is a salvo dropped. Each salvo (1) of bombs dropped reduces the remaining salvo's left on the
vessel by 1. Can be re-armed by a tender or carrier. Limited to a maximum of 4 for standard builds.
Represented by a number from 1 to 10. Each single point of crew is a factor of the size of crew and a loose estimate ratio
of 1 to 100 in real world terms for the complement on board. For example a Dreadnought may have a full complement of
over 1000 hands which in game terms is a crew factor of 10. For Aircraft builds the crew factor is closer to a 1 to 1 ratio,
resulting in a bomber with 8 in the crew statistic having an actual crew of 8 assorted pilots, engineers and gunners.
Repair Repair box's are exhausted when used as a command point action. Each class of airship has a fixed number of repair box's
5 2
GUIDE Unit Statistic ranges
5 3
BUILDER OVERVIEW Bombs are useful for taking out ground targets and if selected, you
can swap them out for floating mines at the same cost in points.
When building a new airship design there are several factors to
Equally the airburst variety for anti-infantry use are also the same
consider, with the primary one being fair play in the design. Loading
cost. Bombs are exhausted when used, so you are paying for a one
a small airship to the max with multiple big bore guns of a Battleship
use salvo that can be dropped on ground targets.
class would not create a fair game. They would however be an
interesting glass cannon to take down with a well placed torpedo!
Try to vary a design based on the general statistics presented in TORPEDOES
the guidance table. However the guides can be broken, for example
some of the German blimp miniatures from Brigade Models have a Torpedoes come in two classes. The first class is a traditional
fixed wing and would naturally not be as slow as a traditional blimp, winged programmed just before launch by a complex clockwork
affording them greater speed which is reflected in their statistic mechanism and heavy torpedoes which are of a similar construction
cards provided in the rules. For unusual scratch builds, radical gun but longer, similar to the Japanese long lance variety of torpedo. All
platforms and other strange martian designs, have fun to breaking torpedoes are stowed with wings folded back along their sleek shells
the normal specification. and a mechanism causes the wings to deploy as they are propelled
from their launch tubes. Small ultra-fast propellers push the torpedo
in combination with a mechanical pre-programmed guided glide with
HULL SIZE small rudders.
The first selection in the airship builder is hull size which dictates
the turn ruler class used. Check the guide to statistics table to CARRIERS
confirm an appropriate turn ruler for the vessel you are building. Note
that blimps and normal airship's use a different size of ruler because Carriers can take 8 fighters wings or 6 heavy fighters wings or 6
blimps have a tighter turning curve. An example from the table is that torpedo fighters. Light carriers can transport 6 fighter wings or 4
blimps of hull size 11 to 22 would use a B class ruler and Airships of heavy fighter wings. Pay points for fighters in addition to the carrier.
5 4
POINTS Builder
Points Builder
5 5
STAT CARDS statistics
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the British nation.
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:85 C Hull Damage
5 6
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:155 D Hull Damage
p:40 A Hull Damage
p:120 D Hull Damage
p:75 B Hull Damage
5 7
STAT CARDS statistics
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the British nation.
p:40 A Hull Damage
p:130 D Hull Damage
4 Wings of Fighters
p:165 E Hull Damage
p:80 B Hull Damage
5 8
5 9
STAT CARDS Statistics
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the USA.
Spar Torpedo
p:35 A Hull Damage
p:55 A Hull Damage
p:75 C Hull Damage
p:100 D Hull Damage
Spar Torpedo
p:130 D Hull Damage
p:30 A Hull Damage
6 0
p:135 D Hull Damage
p:60 B Hull Damage
p:115 D Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:145 D Hull Damage
6 1
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the USA.
Bomber Squadron of 3
p:115 D Hull Damage
p:25 B Hull Damage
4 Wings of Fighters
p:165 E Hull Damage
p:125 D Hull Damage
6 2
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for Germany
p:150 D Hull Damage
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:120 D Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:90 C Hull Damage
6 3
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the German Empire.
p:145 D Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:55 A Hull Damage
p:105 B Hull Damage
p:145 D Hull Damage
p:80 B Hull Damage
6 4
p:40 A Hull Damage
p:115 D Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
Per Fighter group of 6
p:30 F Hull Damage
Kaiser Kaiser
German Dreadnought
16 5”
40 E 6
10” 20”
8 H0
6 8
10” 20”
30” B
0 R
p:170 E Hull Damage
6 5
STAT CARDS Germany and France
p:130 D Hull Damage
p:110 D Hull Damage
p:85 C Hull Damage
p:65 B Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:115 D Hull Damage
6 6
4 Wings of Fighters
p:140 D Hull Damage
p:85 B Hull Damage
p:120 D Hull Damage
p:80 B Hull Damage
p:85 C Hull Damage
p:40 A Hull Damage
6 7
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the French nation.
p:70 B Hull Damage
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:140 D Hull Damage
p:35 A Hull Damage
6 8
p:70 B Hull Damage
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:80 C Hull Damage
p:160 E Hull Damage
6 9
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the Russian nation.
p:75 C Hull Damage
p:75 B Hull Damage
p:35 A Hull Damage
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:85 C Hull Damage
p:145 D Hull Damage
7 0
p:80 C Hull Damage
p:40 A Hull Damage
p:75 B Hull Damage
p:140 D Hull Damage
7 1
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the Japanese nation.
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:145 D Hull Damage
4 Wings of Fighters
E Hull Damage
p:115 D Hull Damage
p:80 C Hull Damage
p:75 B Hull Damage
7 2
7 3
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the Japanese nation.
p:140 D Hull Damage
p:120 D Hull Damage
7 4
STAT CARDS Austria Hungary
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for Austria-Hungary.
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:60 A Hull Damage
Prinz Eugen Prinz Eugen Erzherzog Ferdinand Max Erzherzog Ferdinand Max
Austro-Hungary Light Cruiser Austro-Hungary Battleship
0 0
6” 7”
16 C 4 6 4 H0
28 D 8 8 12 H0
10” 20” 10” 20”
30” 30”
4 6 8 8
10” 20” 10” 20”
4 0
30” B
0 H0
30” B
6” 7”
p:80 C Hull Damage
p:140 D Hull Damage
p:40 A Hull Damage
p:140 D Hull Damage
7 5
STAT CARDS statistics
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the Austria-Hungarian nation.
p:70 B Hull Damage
p:100 C Hull Damage
7 6
p:110 C Hull Damage
7 7
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for the Brazilian nation.
p:110 D Hull Damage
p:120 D Hull Damage
p:75 C Hull Damage
p:35 A Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:120 D Hull Damage
7 8
p:125 D Hull Damage
p:85 B Hull Damage
p:115 D Hull Damage
p:65 B Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
7 9
STAT CARDS statistics
The Brigade Models range of Airships and Aeroplanes for other smaller nations.
p:75 B Hull Damage
p:135 D Hull Damage
p:120 D Hull Damage
p:95 C Hull Damage
Light Torpedo
p:80 Hull Damage
p:60 A Hull Damage
8 0
p:55 A Hull Damage
p:85 C Hull Damage
p:110 D Hull Damage
p:90 C Hull Damage
8 1
p:125 D Hull Damage
p:125 D Hull Damage
p:85 C Hull Damage
p:80 B Hull Damage
8 2
p:95 C Hull Damage
p:75 B Hull Damage
p:60 A Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
8 3
p:35 A Hull Damage
p:130 D Hull Damage
p:95 C Hull Damage
p:50 A Hull Damage
8 4
STAT CARDS Scandinavia
4 Wings of Fighters
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:165 E Hull Damage
p:140 D Hull Damage
p:130 D Hull Damage
p:115 D Hull Damage
p:70 B Hull Damage
8 5
STAT CARDS statistics
p:45 A Hull Damage
p:40 A Hull Damage
Spar Torpedo
p:35 A Hull Damage
p:55 A Hull Damage
Majestic class Passenger Liner Majestic class Passenger Granville Merchant Vessel Granville Merchant Vessel
Merchant Large Merchant Medium
0 0
0 7” 0 6”
16 C 4
10” 20”
0 H0
12 B 2
10” 20”
0 H0
30” 30”
4 0 2 0
10” 20” 10” 20”
0 0
0 0
30” B
30” B
7” 6”
p:60 C Hull Damage
p:45 B Hull Damage
8 6
STAT CARDS Merchants
Honfleur Small Merchant Honfleur Small Merchant Amazone class Patrol Airship Amazone class Patrol
Merchant Junk Merchant Junk
2 2
0 4” 0 4”
4 A 2
10” 20”
0 H0
4 A 1
10” 20”
0 H0
30” 30”
2 0 1 0
10” 20” 10” 20”
0 2
0 0
30” B
30” B
4” 4”
p:25 A Hull Damage
p:25 A Hull Damage
Pearless class Bulk Merchant Pearless class Bulk Kaiserin Elisabeth Liner Kaiserin Elisabeth Liner
Merchant Large Merchant Large
0 0
0 7” 0 6”
15 C 2
10” 20”
0 H0
10 C 2
10” 20”
0 H0
30” 30”
2 0 2 0
10” 20” 10” 20”
0 0
0 0
30” B
30” B
7” 6”
p:55 C Hull Damage
p:40 C Hull Damage
Orama class Bulk Freighter Orama class Bulk Freighter Shillito class Freighter Shillito class Freighter
Merchant Medium Merchant Medium
0 0
0 5” 0 5”
18 B 2
10” 20”
0 H0
10 B 2
10” 20”
0 H0
30” 30”
2 0 2 0
10” 20” 10” 20”
0 0
0 0
30” B
30” B
5” 5”
p:55 B Hull Damage
p:35 B Hull Damage
8 7
STAT CARDS statistics
Rochefort class Heavy Rochefort class Heavy Stirling Castle class Liner Stirling Castle class Liner
Merchant Medium Merchant Medium
0 0
0 5” 0 6”
18 B 2
10” 20”
0 H0
12 B 2
10” 20”
0 H0
30” 30”
2 0 2 0
10” 20” 10” 20”
0 0
0 0
30” B
30” B
5” 6”
p:55 B Hull Damage
p:45 B Hull Damage
8 8
STAT CARDS Generic ground targets
Anti Airship Tower Anti Airship Tower Anti Aircraft Tower Anti Aircraft Tower
Land or Sea structure Land or Sea structure
0 0
1 0” 0 0”
6 2
10” 20”
4 H0
6 6
10” 20”
0 H0
30” 30”
2 4 6 0
10” 20” 10” 20”
1 0
0 0
30” B
30” B
0” 0”
Sea Fort Small Sea Fort Small Sea Fort Large Sea Fort Large
Land or Sea structure Land or Sea structure
0” 4 0”
9 3 4 2 H0 12 3
10” 20”
7 H0
10” 20”
3 4 3 7
10” 20” 10” 20”
2 0
30” B 0 H0
30” B
T 0 R R
0” 0”
8 9
STAT CARDS statistics
Manor House Manor House Anti Airship Truck Anti Airship Truck
Land or Sea structure Land or Sea structure
0 0
0 0” 0 3”
4 0
10” 20”
0 H0
3 0
10” 20”
2 H0
30” 30”
0 0 0 2
10” 20” 10” 20”
0 0
1 0
30” B
30” B
0” 3”
9 0
9 1
having a good
cutting matt is a
good place to start
when preparing
my army painter
paints are in a
rack made by sphere
products in the uk
and it keeps the
bottles tidy for
easy selection. it
is a laser cut flat-
pack rack you make
Workstation Area Ready yourself.
PAINTING GUIDES and roundels used with those of naval ships of the period. Don't be
afraid of deviating from what was the excepted norm for the period,
this is not a historical game. Combing naval or airforce colours on the
This section of the book is a range of guides, musings, ideas and
airships can create some interesting schemes.
a tutorial on painting the airships you can use in the Imperial Skies
rules. This is not a cannon set of colour schemes to use with the
The painting detailed uses Army Painter acrylic paints which I have
factions, so please feel free to select colours that are suitable for your
been impressed with because they have a great consistency, strong
own setting. I did some research on pre 1918 naval ships for each
colour pigment and I can run them through my airbrush which I use
of the early imperial fleets and those colours are mostly represented
for a lot of painting. In addition to the paints, their acrylic quickshade
range provides a great shade (ink or wash) which is especially good
Many ships of that time started to look very similar in colour because
for decks and adding shading around the edges of small details.
of the move to a more neutral grey for warships. However there are
Using one brand of acrylic colour will hopefully make it easier for
some notable examples for the period including dazzle camouflage
painters and modelers to match the schemes I use.
that using striking black, blues and other bright colours in contrast
with white on the hulls of ships which are good inspiration.
On small models I normally use brighter colours. This is because
as a model gets smaller, the details gets harder to see and a brighter
I consider this fantasy sci-fi setting to be a blended history where
set of colours makes the small model stand out. However there are
the navy and fledgling air forces for most nations came together to
examples of where I use black with a dark decking (Russia) and other
form their airship fleets. With this combination I think it is fair to look
darker grey's which can still work well, especially where you have a
to both the colorful fighter and bombers of WWI and blend the styles
full fleet of airships using the same scheme.
9 2
9 3
it is worth taking
the time to trim,
straighten and clean
them up. i use the
scalpel to cut them
off the tab and then
file along there
edges with a metal
nail file to clean
the flash.
Taking care not to lose any small parts I will wash them quickly
and dry them on a paper kitchen towel, making sure they have time
to totally dry before gluing components together with super glue.
Washing them also removes any release powder or material from
the model making them ready for primer. If you have a couple of
hours spare you can use a jar of clear vinegar to soak the metal parts,
stripping them of any grease and making them super clean. I tend
to just go with the soapy warm wash because I don't see a lot of
Gorilla Gel glue is tough with an
difference in the result of doing a complete bare metal vinegar bath,
impact resistant mix, so is both
although using white vinegar does no harm and can give you a great easy to use and provides a rock
base to prime and airbrush. hard solid bond for small parts.
9 4
The masts on the airships tend to be very fine and to help them glue
and stay in place on the model I use a 1mm hand powered pin vice. I
will drill 3mm or 4mm deep into the hull and trim down the edges of The cleaned up mast has
the mast so that it can slot in easily to the hole. Then a small drop of been glued into this German
super glue is dabbed into the hole before slotting in the mast. Take Airship's hull. The larger hole
care to let the mast properly dry and set in place before starting the makes it a snug fit.
primer phase.
9 5
ADDITIONAL DETAIL the opposite page the small gun part has been added back toward the
bridge to avoid it getting knocked off when picked up.
If you have the time and interest in increasing the detail and
customising your airships, you could make use of various aftermarket FLAGS AND PENNANTS
kits which are made for super detailing of traditional historical navy
ships. Since the setting is a fantasy sci-fi one you can also stretch You can wait until you finish painting your models to add paper
scale a bit with the objective being to emphasise and show parts like flags to the masts which are provided by Brigade Models with newly
deck carried emergency life-boats, different weapons, spot lights and purchased airships. However you can use thin brass sheet and then
torpedo tubes. In reality at 3mm scale they would be much smaller either hand paint on a flag or use decal "water-slide transfer" flags
deck details, they do however enhance a miniature despite the or roundels on them. It is hard finding tiny flags for ships from the
difference in scale. imperial warship age, but you can track down roundels for aircraft
from the WWI period which work well when used on the tail fin's or
Normally these parts would be glued to a plastic hull, using plastic hulls. For example the German Iron cross is readily available as a
cement, however to glue them to the metal miniatures I use Gorilla decal and ideal for placing on the airships.
super glue gel with an ultra small drop (dot) of glue being transferred
with a wooden cocktail stick. Decant a small blob of glue onto a sheet Scoring the brass
of paper before transferring it to the model with the cocktail stick. using a scalpel.
When adding detail parts, try adding them to a location that is out of
harms way when you pick up the model. On the Japanese model on
9 6
The flags are made from brass sheet and I use a size of 3mm tall by
7mm long. I score them using a ruler and a scalpel to make lines in 0.5
or 0.7mm brass sheet. You don't have to cut all the way through the The 1mm lip / edge
brass sheet, it is thin enough that after a quick bend along the score is glued to the mast.
line you can snap them off into the flag sized rectangles.
After snapping off the flag sections I use an etched brass bending
tool from RP TOOLZ, although any kind of sharp edged clamp could
be used. The rectangle is pushed 1mm into the clamp so that I can
make a clean fold that is going to be glued to the side of the mast with
superglue. The 1mm folded edge ensures a permanent glued edge.
Wiggling the flag with flat nose pliers will create a wind blown look.
if you decide to
super detail your
miniatures with
additional kit parts,
try using the smaller
of the 1/700 scale
parts, for example
this lifeboat is the
smallest on the
sprue and about the
right size to sit
on the hull of an
9 7
BASING AND TRANSPORT to remove the topper section. For transportation you can take them
apart and easily pack airships in a flat case.
I use Omni stand flight bases from Corsec Engineering who are a
They appear to be an expensive investment for playing a single
US company. They sell a range of flight stems and hex bases that
game, however because you can remove the airships from the bases,
are suitable for the rules. The benefit of the bases is a combination
it is very easy to switch to use them for another game. I am a fan of
of the extra height, stability and flexibility to remove the airship from
Full Thrust by GZG and I used the same bases for star combat games
the base.
and have also used them to mount a 1/100th WWI biplane for a 15mm
scale game. So you can use a single set of bases in different games
The bases are sold in three parts, a mount "top" (which can be glued
and the clear acrylic bases are unobtrusive on the table and mine
to the airship) a stem and an acrylic base. All are available in different
have lasted me several years and show no signs of wear. So they have
sizes and lengths so you can get a good mix for your fleet. I often
been a good multi-genre game accessory.
use different height stems, with larger airships on lower stems (2"),
simply to show a dynamic fleet style rather than every airship being
at exactly the same height. If you were very dedicated and had the FIXING TO BASES
funds, you could purchase flight rods in different lengths to represent
height in the game or use the telescopic stems I glue the omni small mount to the underside of the airship. On very
small airship I glue a small magnet to the underside. When preparing
They really are well engineered, with a lot of thought going into the the hull for either the mount from Corsec or a magnet I score lines and
small connectors that allow you to screw the rods into the base and rough the surface to give the glue something to grab when setting.
9 8
You can see the score marks on the underside of the hull in the photo
to the right. The mount on the airship underside screws onto the
stem top to secure it and can be removed for transport.
in this example i am
painting airships from
different factions,
so i will be changing
the paint colours
for each airship to
match the specific
i recommend painting
These Airships are all mounted groups of models
on Corsec Engineering omni from one nation,
small mounts, which raises which helps with
them up from the surface. minimising the amount
of paint changes
and keeps them all
Cleaning up model edges uniform.
9 9
I prime most miniatures I paint in a neutral grey colour. This results
in models taking lighter paints more easily, reducing the number
of coats you would normally have to layer on if you prime in black.
There are benefits to priming in black, especially if you have armored
knights or similar that heave chain or metal armor, it makes sense to
start with black and build up metallic colours on the black base. You
can also leave the black primer in the creases and corners of a model
to aid in defining shade, so I don't advocate always using grey.
However for Imperial Skies models I use grey and the Army Painter
make a useful "Uniform Grey" can of primer that drys to a solid smooth
finish and it also matches the paint pot version of grey they offer.
The benefit of priming is creating a solid base which the paint from
an airbrush will really stick to for the next stage of painting. With Army Painter Colour Primer
Uniform Grey is used to prime
airships it can also have the added benefit of being a colour often
all the airships. I typicallly use
used on the superstructure of a ship, so at this small scale you can grey on small models.
1 0 0
get away with some of the grey being left on certain areas of the
airship as a neutral structure colour, without it looking like you have
not finished the job.
If you are interested in adding details and extra modelling of your
own deck features, it is certainly worth investing in an etched-brass
bending tool like the RP Toolz range. There are a range of other
etched brass details including very tiny hand/guard rails, rigging and
other fine details which are available for models of 1/700th and up
which could be added with the help of the bending clamp.
The Brigade Models miniatures for Imperial Skies are 1/1200th scale
although their ground infantry are '2mm' which is more like 1/900th.
The easiest way to remember the scale is 1mm = 4 feet, so if you're RP Toolz brass detail parts
bending tool. Great for making
working with plasticard for modelling, a 10 thou (mil) thickness = 1
the small flags for Imperial
foot. Since this is a science fantasy setting, you can get away with Skies and many other uses.
much larger chunky modelling, so if you have a good idea don't worry
about scale accuracy and give it a go.
1 0 1
You don't have to match the national colours exactly. These are a
guide to different shades of decking, from a dark mahogany through
to a very pale wood. You could use a dark deck combined with a light
hull for a stronger contrast or complete a full fleet in dark colours like
I did on the Russian airship featured in this guide. I feel the easiest to
paint is the Mid Tone deck using Monster Brown as a base.
1 0 2
PAINTING GUIDES national colours
Some of the Brigade Model Airships have very narrow hulls, which SUPER
is both a design feature and a casting limitation, with thicker hulls STRUCTURE
being more expensive and sometimes trickier to cast. There are some
Matt Black,
notable exceptions in the French and British lines and these take a German Mid Tone Uniform Grey
Skeleton Bone
dual tone hull very neatly along the deeper hull side.
Dragon Red,
Russia Dark Matt Black
For the purposes of this painting guide I have given most of the Matt Black
airships a dual tone hull, to demonstrate how it can add to the model
Dragon Red, Goblin Green,
and to show the masking technique used to airbrush the side hull. Japan Mid Tone
Goblin Green Uniform Grey
1 0 3
PLANNING PAINT SCHEMES Once I have the base colour selected, I start with the lightest colour
and spray or paint on the main colour of the hull. This is the first full
coat of paint on the side of the hull and only after it is applied to I start
I did my paint research through google historical search results on
to mask off using the tape before then spraying the second colour on
19th and 20th century naval and airforce colours (mostly postcards
showing the colours) and my copy of Conways all the worlds fighting the hull.
ships for both pre WWI and the Imperial fleets used during WWI. I
also own a large range of the Osprey WWI fighter aircraft books which After that first coat of base colour on the hull, I roll out a length
contain excellent full colour plates of the various colorful fighter of masking tape on my cutting matt and using a ruler, score some
aircraft of the period. I use ideas for colour schemes from both the cuts through it in thin long sections. These lengths of masking tape,
air forces and naval ships of the period and there are some fantastic usually about 20mm in length, are used to mask along or across the
dazzle and bright schemes which would look inspiring on a miniature. edge of the airship.
Pick your paints at this stage from a simple pallet and you can repeat I will mask up to six airships at once and then base spray them. If
the use of the same colours across your fleet. You may want to pick you mask in larger batches you risk having the tape start to peel off
a much brighter colour if you are painting fighters, like a red scheme in the heat which can be tricky when you have to keep pushing it back
for German aircraft. Note that whilst completing any masking, either onto the model before airbrushing or painting. I don't leave masking
airbrushing or painting, that the main principal to follow is to put a tape on a model for more than 24 hours because it can peel off with
base paint coat down using the lightest tone of paint first, before paint, however you could leave it on for longer if you had multiple
masking and applying the next darker shade on a two tone scheme. stages to do. Be careful to remove it with tweezers and pull slowly to
try and avoid pealing any paint away with the masking tape. Touch up
any areas that have pealed with the same colour paint using a brush.
1 0 4
Apply the thin strips of masking Use a ruler to guide cutting the
tape to the sides of the hull. The masking tape into long strips
hull is the easiest place to mask, suitable for masking the small
although guns can be tricky. hull.
1 0 5
1 0 6
Stage1: Airbrush the base colour on the hull. Stage2: Mask over the base colour on this Japanese airship.
Spray from the side to catch the hull. Try 2 or 3 In this case the thin strips of masking tape are layered all
light coats, waiting 30 seconds between coats. around the bottom of the hull on all sides.
Whilst airbrushing I
mount the miniature
on a stand for ease of
Test paint flow on a piece of tissue paper first movement.
Stage3: After the masking tape has been removed the red
line is visible. It is a subtle result but on bigger hulls it can
be an impressive detail. The French and British airships
have great deep hulls for two a tone paint scheme.
Water Spray bottle for cleaning. Life Color Thinners and Pipette Cocktail Stick for mixing
1 0 7
DECKS modelling brush pro in size 0 or size 1 for applying ink and for all the
next stages of detail work.
A clean tidy and well painted deck is important because the airships
Dry brushing is completed using the base deck colour applied again
have a lot of flat deck space which catches the eye at first glance.
over the dry ink, or try a slightly lighter dry-brush colour for a sun
Sailors also take a lot of pride in scrubbing down and cleaning the
bleached and weather worn deck.
decks. To get a nice clean finish I paint two or three very thin coats of
paint (thinned with water) onto the deck and let each layer dry. The
first coat will look very washed out and uneven but coming back and
layering the next coat will start to sharpen the result and look very
clean without the paint looking thick or blobby.
Once dry you can apply the correct colour quickshade ink. I mostly
put the quickshade in on neatly with no thinning, however you may
wish to thin it slightly with water on the very light decks. When
painting on the wash, complete the full deck at once and push the wet
ink around to finish the full area in one pass.
If you let a partly painted deck dry, you could get a tide mark in the Drybrushing: I use the Armypainter angled small
ink which is difficult to cover up, so it is advisable to complete a full dry brush and rub it across tissue paper to make
contiguous deck area with one heavily loaded brush. I use a Tamiya it nearly totally dry before running it over the
decks. Larger brushes are easier for drybrushing.
1 0 8
Stage2: The Army Painter QuickShade ink is Stage3: After the ink is dry a light drybrush is
applied to the deck. Take care to apply the ink in applied to the decks using the base coat for the
one single coat, which will avoid tide marks. deck lightly drybrushed over the ink layer.
I come back at a later stage and use Armypainter More Quickshade soft or strong tone ink along the edges
soft tone ink on the corners and along the edge of the deck will add a nice pop to the superstructure. Let
of the deck or superstructure at a later stage. it dry between layers to build up a deeper shade.
1 0 9
SUPERSTRUCTURE HIGHLIGHTS In most cases I leave the Uniform Grey as the base for the
superstructure which was sprayed on using the Army Painter primer
spray at the first stage of preparation. Using the primer as the base
I keep the highlighting simple on the superstructure, with the aim
for the superstructure can speed up the painting process. Matt white
being a clean edged result, rather than heavy shading.
is added to Ash Grey to get a final light edge highlight which is painted
by dragging a small size 1 or 0 brush along the roof and copula edges
The stages of shading include painting onto the base Uniform Grey
to define them. Don't highlight every edge, 3 sides of a roof or gun
using Ash Grey, sometimes with a drop of white in it to increase the
section is enough to give a good result.
lightness and placing broad strokes, often at a diagonal across the
top of surfaces like the gun copulas and roof. The three main colours This German fixed wing airship has had no
used are Uniform Grey (base), Ash Grey (highlight) and Matt White. highlights, just a wash on the wings after the
However the Wolf Grey adds a nice blue tinge to the shade and I airbrushing. Diamond shape masking tape was
used it on the Austro-Hungarian airship to give the superstructure a used on the nose during airbrushing.
different colour to the uniform grey used on most of the others.
1 1 0
Using a wet palette to keep the paint moist on the tracing Using Ash Grey to highlight the Uniform Grey primer
paper which makes it easy to blend and mix and is ideal spray, I add broad flat shaded sections to copulas and
for painting fine detail sections in different shades. roof. A fine highlight edge line is added last.
I keep the model on a Corsec Engineering base This square demonstrates the gradual lighter
while painting, using the magnetic topper. This window toward the bottom of the pane of glass.
improves handling while painting. Note the white dot on the top right edge.
Part3: The Electric blue small line (not much On this British Battleship I have used a much lighter
more than a dot) is added to the bottom of the blue and spent less time shading the windows. It is fiddly
glass. A white dot is added to the top right. time consuming work, so a quick single blue is an option.
1 1 1
after painting
the decks and the
superstructure, i add
some decals to the
airships which will
instantly improve the
overall look of the
DECALS AND RIGGING You need 0.5mm drill bits to drill a hole with a pin vice in the deck to
insert the piano wire and a clamp like the brass bending tool from RP
I mix up my decals and will go as far as using WWII period flags and
Toolz to bend and prepare the piano wire into small right angles that
details, even if they are not period specific for WWI and interwar. The
can hold the fishing line. It can be tricky to tie knots in the line and
Bandai Gundam decals can also be interesting because they often
you will need to clip off excess line before using a drop of super glue
have an aviation theme which is suitable for the fictional setting. I
to seal the ends.
add decals after I complete most of the paint work on the airship and
As with most of my added details I try locating rigging where it wont
after the decals are dry and in place I will use a small thinned amount
be knocked or touched when you pickup the airship.
of the Army Painter Anti-Shine matt varnish which is painted over just
the decal areas to fix them on properly and to blend them in slightly.
For rigging I use nylon fishing line attached to small hooks which I
create using standard piano wire cut short and bent into a right angle
Rigging detail can look great
to provide somewhere to tie off the rigging. After the glue has dried although time consuming. I used
and I run a brush over the rigging with white paint to help define it. REFLO 0.07mm nylon fishing line.
1 1 2
A couple of small decal flags have been placed on the The Japanese rising sun flag is a decal on this airship.
front deck for detail and an air force roundel has been
used on both tail areas.
1 1 3
British Engadine class Dirigible Heavy Cruiser Flak tower created using items from the Brigade models
range. Some small tufts used as bushes.
1 1 4
Pit-Road, Skywave and Trumpeter models that are all good kits for details and interesting aircarft.
1 1 5
Russian Petrapavlovsk Central Battery Cruiser German Schleswig-Holstein class Dirigible Battleship
USA Great White fleet Baton Rouge class Cruiser Austro Hungarian Prinz Eugen Class Destroyer
1 1 6
Hasegawa make great tools and this TRITOOL tweezer is ideal Hasegawa decal scissors are perfect for cutting a fine edge
for lifting masking tape from a model or transferring decals. around water slide decals before soaking.
Tamiya flat nose bending pliers which I use to bend the brass for Box reference for my favourite ever paint
flags and other fine detail bending requirements. brush the Tamiya Modelling Brush Pro.
1 1 7
m Wargame rules for lighter and heavier than airships, dirigibles, zeppelins
and aircraft. Set in a period from the late 19th Century through to 1920.
Published by Rottenlead
Written by Robin Fitton. June 2016