Cuadro Cap 7

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Emotions and Emotions and Reflection of
Naming Feeling
Feelings Naming

In naming client feelings, note the Emotions may be observed directly,

Emotions and feelings can be identified by drawn out through questions (“How do
attending to: following:
you feel about that?” “Do you feel
1. Emotional/feeling words used by the client ● Emotional and feeling words used angry?”), and then reflected through the
by the client following steps:
The words are used interchangeably in most 2. Implicit emotions and feelings not actually
counseling and therapy practice. Emotions are the spoken ● Implicit emotional and feelings not 1. Begin with a sentence stem such as
source of many of our thoughts and actions, most actually spoken “You feel . . .” or “Sounds like you
3. Nonverbally expressed emotions discovered
deeply based in the body. Feelings are the words we through the observation of body movement and ● Observation of nonverbally feel . . .” or “Could it be you feel . . .?”
use to cognitively describe variations and mixtures facial expressions expressed emotions and feelings Use the client’s name.
of emotion. Words like frustration, mixed up, and ● Mixed verbal and nonverbal
4. Micro nonverbal emotional expressions 2. Feeling word(s) may be added (sad,
confused represent conflicting feelings and emotions emotional cues, which often
identified by research happy, glad).
underneath. If we can identify and sort out clients’ represent conflict
feelings, we have a foundation for further action. 5. Mixed verbal and nonverbal emotional cues, 3. The context may be added through a
which may represent a variety of discrepancies. paraphrase or a repetition of key
content (“Looks like you feel happy
about the excellent rating”).
4. In many cases a present-tense
reflection is more powerful than one in
the past or future tense (“You feel
happy right now” rather than “you felt”
or “you will feel”).
5. Following identification of an
unspoken feeling, the checkout may be
most useful.

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